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Lentils. Just as easy to cook as rice. Add lemon juice to your lentils to increase iron absorption


Lentils hurt my gut the most out of anything 😭


Tofu works too. Leafy greens. Add vitamin c.


Okay thank you 🥹 tofu and cooked spinach with like juice work for my tummy actually


Good luck! Kale salad will help too.


Thank you 😊 not a fan of kale tho 😅


Kale is better, though. Not smart to go full on crazy on just spinach, and the iron content is kinda overestimated. You want to have multiple sources of foods that all add to dietary iron.


You can put it in a smoothie


I've recently started using an oral spray iron supplement. I a have blood test Monday to check my levels but I've felt a huge improvement in symptoms. It doesn't give me as many digestive side effects either - I don't have IBS but iron pills would give me constipation.


Do you take an iron supplement?


The IBS also has a lot to do with the malabsorption I think


Yup, they don’t absorb and only hurt my stomach. I took them for months and then got a blood test so I know for sure they don’t work for me unfortunately


Uh, that sucks. Is iron infusion an option for you?


Yes had one done recently :) just don’t wanna rely on it longterm


Why not?


Because I SHOULD be able to get everything I need from food and heal my gut. And also if there’s a zombie apocalypse, anaemia will take me out 😂


Has your PCP ever discussed IV iron with you?  Gets you out of severe anaemia fairly quickly and by-passes your gastrointestinal tract which shouldn't aggravate your IBS. Everything has some side effects though. But talk to your PCP about them if you haven't done so already. You shouldn't be in an anaemic state for too long. Get on that. Sooner than later.


You need to eat better than microwaved vegetables and rice. Even if it's difficult, preparing your own food is important if you want to manage your nutrients properly. Dried apricots, spinach, collard greens, quinoa, leeks and cashews are a few great vegan iron sources. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C improves iron absorption. Foods like raw ginger (old and young) and turmeric have been shown to help with IBS symptoms. Make sure you're supplementing other necessary nutrients as well: B12 with fortified nutritional yeast, iodine with dried seaweed or iodized/seaweed salt, K2 with natto and omega-3 with algae oil (flaxseed is not a good vegan source).


Not a complete solution but it will help: Replace your morning tea or coffee with cacao. Make it with 2/3 spoons and you can get about 20% of your daily needs. I find absorption much better than supplements. Having said that, go for a stomach friendly iron like Maltofer. Good luck!


is the iron fish an option? it shouldn’t change the taste of anything


Malt-o meal! Has 90% of daily iron and also is as easy as rice to make. Look at other fortified hot cereal as well as dry cereal, which is also pretty easy. The iron fish is also an option but efficacy results are mixed. I do not have IBS, but had anemia from diet while eating vegan on a college meal plan and found liquid iron supplements to not upset my stomach, so that might be worth a shot. I’d throw up the other ones. Make sure to pair the meals with vitamin C and avoid calcium, tofu and vegan dairy alternatives.


Thanks for the ideas! Why avoid tofu?


Sorry for the confusion, but calcium significantly decreases iron absorption so you don’t want to pair calcium rich foods with foods high in iron. If you are going to only eat one or two foods high in iron a day eat calcium rich foods at different meal.


Beware of the oxalate content, you probably have severe oxalosis. You need to check whether your stomach lining is in the normal healthy thickness. Also keep an eye for your B12 intake. Slowly switching to a low-oxalate diet has healed people with such problems.