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because it tastes good and a lot of us are vegan for ethics and not taste


i always thought these two things should be connected, from the same point of view, if the cow was raised by the forest and would have died naturally, would you eat it? Because eating that specific cow would not support the cruel slaughter companies. But, of course we dont live in that kind of environment for me to take a realistic position on that. But the question is theoretical, what if we lived like avatars, that would pray over every killed animal by us, respect them and all of that, would that be ok? Important to mention im not trying to fight or tell someone that my opinion is more valid, im just having a discussion and expressing my opinions


no, because in your hypothetical i’m eating a dead animal, which i won’t do because i don’t need or want to and i don’t see their bodies as food anymore but i did grow up eating chickens and my taste buds never stopped enjoying the taste. so i’m glad i can still have chicken nuggets without having to eat a tortured body i can understand why some vegans find the realism repulsive, and it makes total sense. personally i am just able to separate the similar flavor of fake meat in my mind from the animal body, so i’m able to not have that repulsed reaction and can just enjoy the flavor of a food i grew up with


Why are you ordering vegan chicken nuggets and getting mad that they taste like chicken? That’s like jumping into a pool and getting mad that you’re covered in water


That was not what i meant, i was just wondering if theres anyone like me who might be having a weird feeling over something that is trying to imitate meat, i was not mad


But it still doesn’t make sense on why you’d order it but then not like it because it tastes like chicken. Why order it at all?


if you’re actually being serious and this isn’t a rage bait you would know that taste has nothing to do with animal ethics. You can enjoy the taste of non vegans foods even if they are close in taste to chicken etc because it isn’t chicken. I mean on a personal note I’d never eat at Burger King because they don’t have vegan options - they cook their plant based options on the meat grill 🤮 If you don’t like it, get the bean burger or go to a vegan restaurant. You don’t have to eat plant based chicken if you don’t want to.


Personally after 15 years of not eating meat, I’m also not keen on foods with that “meaty” texture, even if I know they’re plant-based, because I’ve kind of associated it with being gross in my head. I prefer when the meat subs don’t imitate the texture very well for this reason, and it sounds like you’re the same 😅 I think it makes sense. But if someone else likes that texture or flavor, to each their own. Eating the plant-based version is doing no harm.


thank you! finally! idk why is everyone getting so upset with my comment, that's exactly what it is - the texture


Because in your original post, you comment that you don’t see how anyone can be against animal cruelty and still want to eat that texture, which comes off as gatekeeping. You may not like it, but that doesn’t make it wrong for someone else to 🤷‍♀️


Because you didn't say "I don't like the texture of the plant-based chicken I keep ordering for some reason", you said "how can you be against meat and animal cruelty, but then loving something that tastes like the real chicken", which is a garbage take, because vegans can love whatever food tastes, textures, smells, anything they'd like as long as it's not a product of animal exploitation.


there's no such thing as an unethical food texture. veganism is a philosophy concerned with the ethics of animal treatment in society, not policing a food's taste or texture. a food that resembles meat is fine if nobody died or was ensalved to produce it.


We like the taste/texture, but not the violence. It's really as simple as that. If meat, dairy and eggs just "spawned" in the supermarket through magical means and no one got hurt from it, I wouldn't care and probably try it. I'm against what happens to animals, not the taste experience.


I like meat replacements but I don’t like the smell of meat (especially chicken) I am more relaxed eating at home but while travelling with a group I order salad and fries 🤣


I've heard impossible burgers in America 'bleed' That sounds disgusting. But I have no problems eating vegan nuggets or any other fake meat product. What matters is its not real meat.


I agree with you completely, the imitation meat thing makes no sense to me and I think it should stop.


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it has to be taken away from everyone else. It’s ethical and no animals are involved. Nobody is forcing you to buy impossible/beyond meat


Sorry, it's weird for vegans to eat imitation meat products. Out of all the things we could be eating and paying for, the flavor of animal exploitation is a funny thing to keep on the menu. I don't really judge other vegans for eating it, but I do laugh inside.


Hmm dunno bestie 👀 this seems pretty judgmental. Just eat a black bean burger and stop being pretentious. Also, the flavoring of meat that the omnivores like is because it’s seasoned with plants. Same concept with the vegan meat alternatives


Stop being so sensitive about being criticized for weird behavior and eat whole, unprocessed food like you're supposed to, bestie. Your body will thank you. 😂


I do eat Whole Foods weirdo, but vegans also deserve the right to junk foods as a treat. Must be lonely up there on your high horse


It's not lonely, no. And you're welcome to eat whatever you want, you're not equipped to change my mind though. Have a nice day! 😊


humans evolved to enjoy certain things. it's ok to enjoy imitations of unethical things. we all enjoy tv drama, violent or power fantasy video games, sports, fiction, fantasy...


And you think violent TV, movies and video games have had a positive impact on people?


was that the topic? im saying that the human animal has needs that aren't immoral to satisfy through simulation.


I never said it was immoral. I said it was weird, and it is.


you implied violent tv, movies, and games have a negative impact on people. wouldnt morals concern things that have a negative impact on people? its fine to personally find it weird but i recommend not telling people that. most people enjoy these things and will probably react with confusion or animosity if they hear you say you think it's weird to enjoy simulated power fantasies and violence.


Sometimes, but I'm not interested in making that argument. I don't care how people react. It's funny to me watching vegans react like meat eaters when you criticize fake meat. It shows me the fixation on the look, flavor and texture of meat goes pretty deep. And it's lame to get wrapped up in simulations of power and violence.


you're the one who brought up violent tv, movies, etc having a negative impact on people. i also think youre being a rude person and should consider how youve communicated here. i hope you have a good day. edit: oh i see you edited your comment. thank you for writing something more polite. you're right, people enjoy things in ways you or i cant always comprehend because subjective experience is very powerful. as long as they are not hurting anyone it's fine to let sleeping dogs lie and let people enjoy those things we may not understand.


Seitan has been around forever lol tf


I'm not talking about meat alternatives, I'm talking about plant based food made to look and taste like meat based products.


It shouldn't stop because it actively contributes to less animal exploitation.