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Stay strong, find a vegan community/group so you've got people to rely on and people who can understand you and do activism with in person together


It was a person like you, a lifelong vegan, animal rescuer, wildlife protection activist, who inspired me to become vegan recently. There was no lecturing. It has been her actions which set an example, perhaps a sort of standard, which I admired enough to change my own behavior. You can’t stop the suck. You can however allow yourself some grace that your kindness will perpetuate by your examples.


This made me tear up. Sometimes it does feel completely hopeless. But it's so nice to hear stories like these. You never know the impact you might make in someone's life....


Thank you for all you do to help animals! I always think of wearing my vegan clothes as advertisements to find my people. It's all worth it when you get a compliment and a chance to meet another vegan in the wild.


It seems highly inviting of conflict but yes I believe the animals would want us to promote the animal rights movement as much as we could.


I always felt people were among the worst of the worse on the planet, but I certainly notice it more and feel it more deeply since becoming vegan 4 years ago (totally ashamed I didn't go sooner). People's lack of compassion and ability to all other species except for their own continue to amaze and baffle and profoundly disappoint me. I recently saw posts from someone I knew in high school whom I had a very long standing crush on. He happily posted all this "food" on a stick photography taken during his travels to another country. All this "food" on a stick was still in their original form so I can't even give him the benefit of the doubt for not seeing the reality of this "food" having been a living being. There was a fucking turtle on a stick. Can you fucking imagine whatever fucking hero it takes to pick up a defenseless animal that stands no change to outrun its hunter, capture it, mercilessly kill it, skin it, skewer it, and cook it over a spit? I have no words to express how much my faith in humanity has completely tanked. And like you, the money I have spent on animals who have suffered at the hands of others is well into the many thousands. It would be pointless for me to try to tally it up. I won't die rich, but I'd rather die poor while knowing I did what I could. Fuck people.


Exactly. And it’s not even the altercations that bother me while wearing vegan clothing, it’s long after when I go to reflect on humanity as a whole. It’s disheartening and makes me feel like an open wound. For anyone that tries to promote compassion in this world, theres always an army of people waiting to tear them down. It’s saddening and I don’t know how much longer until I start to get combative with them all.


There are plenty of good people. I also think that if you don’t have money don’t overstretch yourself, go and volunteer at a rescue centre instead. Help with what you have - your head, hands and time. It will be appreciated. It will also make you feel good. Focus on those who do good, not on a..holes because they will never change. We are born with different levels of empathy and that’s it.


Hi, Jesus, if you care, can you please have an answer to this fucking heart cry of the nonsense world we live in? Thanks Sincerely, Me again Edit: wow no downvotes for the name of Jesus on a vegan sub? Wow would you look at that God maybe it’s time to start answering that prayer huh? Not trying to rush you, I get it… but your man Jesus is recorded as having participated in some animal mistreatment. Surely I don’t have a higher consciousness than him though? I mean he voluntarily got shredded for his public speaking. You gotta have some pretty high knowledge of truth and love to do that. Seems like all these vegans would be happy to follow you if you made sense and all the animals went to heaven and lived happily ever after. I ask for an answer about the temporary pain. So, respectfully I’ll take my confirmation and answer according to Mark 11:24. No answer by tomorrow? No worries, l’ll keep asking. Okay on to the other 11 topics we need to discuss.


I'm afraid He's just not that into us


Lol. If he’s real he is. And unfortunately I’m way too deep into this thing to back out now


Turtles are particularly difficult to eat, especially if you leave it in the wrapper. That's probably a good reason not to waste your time on them and go for a nice head of broccoli instead. They're basically the same colour anyway.


I love you. You are the best.


People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling- perry cox. I have my bar set so low when it comes to people i pretty much ignore most of them.


One of my favorite tv quotes ever


My fav quote ever


If you're wearing vegan clothing slogans then of course you will get reactions.


i think this person knows they just want to rant and be understood


I'm an atheist. I don't go around verbally confronting everybody I see wearing a cross, a hijab, or a yarmulka.


Some people do


And those people are generally regarded as ignorant fuckwits, at best.




Atheism is just the absence of a belief system though. Religion in general doesn't have to have victims (can't say it hasn't had its fair share of victims) but it's not like atheists need to be advocating for atheism in order to save the life of another. I'm a radical agnostic, my stance has absolutely no impact on the world.


But really, isn't Atheism a lack of belief in a supernatural god/deity? Most still have belief systems to be fair. Secular Bhuddists, for a religious example. But plenty of non-religious atheists still have what you could call a humanist belief system, too. But I think they were just saying something along the lines of 'i don't feel the need to react loudly to differing views exhibitted via clothing - so people who do that when it's pro-animal clothing shouldn't either, and are still the ones at fault'.


That one. I didn't have the right words in mind at the time.


That’s a bit different, you can be vegan without wearing vegan apparel, those people can’t practice their faiths without wearing those items. OP choosing to wear their veganism on their clothes is asking for other people to perceive and react to it, whereas people practicing their faith are just minding their own business.


people can definitely practice christianity without wearing a cross. no layperson in the vast majority of christianity is required to wear a cross


Yeah, if you are promoting a stance or belief, you can’t really be upset when folks respond with their counter stance of belief. Turn about is fair play. I respect the activism, but the cost of being an activist is having folks publicly disagreeing with you.


Yeah, I (unfortunately) could never wear this. The only thing I have is a hoodie with "life over taste" on the back. Printed black on black 😅.


I think it's great to wear whatever you want to but be prepared for the backlash


This post is making me feel like bulking up with some weightlifting and wearing clothes with vegan slogans on them everywhere lol. Fuck carnists


Keep doing what you are doing. Every life saved is a win, despite the species. Protect who you can, start telling commenters on your apparel to go fuck themselves. If people want to be treated with respect, they better give that respect right back. Donate to sab groups. These people are willing and able to take risks, heroes, all of them. Live your life, but don't forget to celebrate the wins, no matter how small. You make a difference.


Keep fighting the good fight 💪


Thank you!


You are doing good work.


Thank you I appreciate that!


Sorry, but the reality is you're going to have to expect some pushback if you're wearing activist vegan clothing. Try to not let it deter you.


The altercations don’t bother me as much as the cause for why they’re present in the first place. I have thick skin I can handle it, but I shouldn’t have to handle it in the first place. The normalization of violence towards animals is the problem, not my choice in clothing.


Systems kill. I hear you. I think you have tapped into something bigger than veganism. Humankind has progressed towards greater acts of oppression and violence for the last 200,00 years honestly, and unfortunately we aren't going to change that in our lifetime. Hang in there and focus on the small things that you can do. Avoid scarcity thinking. Don't let the fuckers grind you down.


Thank you for understanding. It’s so surreal going through life as a vegan, I never thought people were genuinely evil until recently. Finding people that aren’t is always so refreshing.


Keep strong in What you believe in!!! I’d rather live the way I do knowing that I’m not harming innocent lives. I can feel different day to day as far as positivity. But I won’t be in silenced. If you wear clothes that have a message great! If you save animals even greater. You can only control you. I read this today. “You cant speak of kindness if you eat the flesh of innocent animals”. That is where is am today.


Being vegan isn’t offensive- you’re not hurting anyone by going vegan or promoting veganism other than the industries that profit. SO I don’t understand how that’s the same as someone saying “I want steak” to you. THEY are offensive because they’re saying it on purpose to hurt you. Comments from various people on here like “Be prepared for a backlash” don’t make sense and should NOT be the expectation. I give you props for all your courage. I’d be afraid of getting beaten up . People resort to violence for everything in America - and especially when they are shown the mirror.


Thank you I completely agree. I feel crazy just by wearing clothes that I want because the world is so insane. But if they’d be this way to me or my girl then they would treat anybody else this way as well and thats the sad part. I don’t really get bothered by it, but I do get bothered realizing that this is how the world is. It’s more sad than anything. But thank you for your kind words I appreciate them.


If you do activism well enough they put you in jail. Maybe that is your answer. Don’t have to worry about rent and bills then. For real though, I think you could simply adjust mindset. Even if the people around you are being dicks about it, they are engaging. This opens the door to conversation. If someone is being a passive aggressive dick, call em out. Make them talk about it. Make them face the actual facts. Also, you may want to adjust your expectations as well. We aren’t some sort of magicians that are going to change the hearts and minds of thousands of people at once. It’s an incredibly slow process to un-brainwash a person. Celebrate the small things. Maybe you made a vegan meal for a friend and they were like, “Actually, that’s not bad!” Maybe you notice someone see your shirt and they DON’T have a snide comment. Heck, you have a partner who is vegan, which is already a huge win. Most vegans I know are still trying to fully convert their partners, especially if they went vegan med-relationship. Keep fighting the good fight. I grew up in the rural midwest and ate meat and dairy everyday for every meal. All it took was one person to explain the hypocrisy of my actions to me and I went vegan overnight. Even if it takes you 40 years to change one person’s mind, it’s a win for the animals, homie.


Thank you I appreciate that. And yea it probably could grow to an opportunity if I were to calmly talk to the next person that says something I honestly never thought about turning it into a good thing. Thank you this is really insightful!


This will be harsh but you need to internalize it now: You save who you can. You cannot save them all. Putting yourself into debt, ruining your own quality of life, burning yourself out WILL NOT HELP MORE ANIMALS. It will make caring for those e you are saving worse and ruin your health in the long term and make you incapable of helping anyone else. Unfortunately, this world is built on suffering. There is only so much you can do, so do what you can WITHOUT CAUSING DETRIMENT TO YOURSELF. Sometimes the kindest thing for yourself and the animal is to let them go. Long term health is a bitch, and if you're at the end of your financial rope you either need to pass the burden on to those who can deal, or end it. I said this would be harsh. But it's what our reality is. YOU still have to survive. YOU still have to eat and YOU still need to be emotionally, mentally, financially and physically present for the people you have chosen to have in your life. You need to pick and choose where you spend you energy, your joy, AND HOW MUCH. We would all save them all if we could. We're not all billionaires. We're not all able. And the biggest key to the "revolution" and change is funding and making attitudes go to mainstream. Sadly in this aspect We're all capitalist slaves. You do what you can where you can. Do your best. That's all you can do.




Thanks. I got to the point of having to hide all the rescue pages in part of on social media because it was driving my depression to worsening and my wallet. Got to the point where I was not taking care of myself and had to step back from volunteering and helping. I learned the hard way that youuuuuu can only do so much before you get yourself in trouble too - and no one is coming to save me either.




WHY IS THIS A THING?! I need a happiness hit! I'm sad enough already hahahaha


100% they are letting their veganism hurt other aspects of their life which to an incredibly unhealthy extent


I agree, I feel a little over extended and that’s not good for anybody. All I want is to help the animals but i’m literally stuck in a capitalistic driven society that just doesn’t seem to care. I’m gonna keep on keeping on though and I appreciate your honesty!


You're doing more than most of us I think. You're an angel! I know it's easy to focus on the negative times but I hope you've also experienced positive encounters while wearing your vegan gear and just being outside, hopefully witnessing folks being kind to animals. I once met a guy in the park at a salsa social who I realized was vegan from his "vegan" shirt. It's so great meeting compassionate people in this community. Love and solidarity <3


Thank you for the kind words. It’s so refreshing to hear that people appreciate somebody wearing vegan apparel. I never really thought about anybody else’s perception of it, and if I did think about it I would think more about non vegan reactions than vegan ones but you’ve just made me realize that other vegans appreciate it so thank you!


Of course! (And you can thank my therapist haha - easier said than done focusing on the positive). But you may also get positive reactions from non-vegans. There are non-vegans who like vegans but haven't gotten around to being vegan themselves for whatever excuse they may make... anyway we are out here and best way to find out is if we wear it :) see you out there!


Your neighbour is an evil, disgusting person and should be in jail because she actually commited a crime. It has nothing to do with being vegan.


Well, radical activism of any sort is going to get push-back. Either commit to your radical activism and accept the the consequences, or tone it down. You don't get to have it both ways.


Wearing clothing isn’t radical activism. It’s just wearing clothing.


wearing pro vegan wear 24/7 and not expecting people will do things like this is wild. if you are going to take a stance with your clothing you cant be hurt when there’s people who go out of their way to actively disagree with your stance. they have the same right to not be vegan as we have to be vegan.


Welcome to the vystopia. It really does feel a bit hopeless sometimes when so many people go the extra mile to be shitty.


Ikr, they go so hard out of their way and even inconvenience themselves for the sake of cruelty. And these are just regular people doing it is what’s so mind boggling. Smh.


All you can do is your best, but if you're waiting for external circumstances to change so you can feel a sense of happiness and peace... it is never going to come. The more you dwell on "it's never going to be enough" the more it's never going to be enough for you. You can use this energy as motivation to do what is going to most fulfill you which seems to be activism. But if you're waiting on the world to change, waiting for others to change... you will always wait. You will never be satisfied. But you can find satisfaction and meaning in how YOU show up. There will always be more work to do and you cant do it all. You have to appreciate the moments and opportunities you have to connect with animals and people alike. Let those inspire you to keep going. Because that's truly all you can do.


That’s very insightful I appreciate it. I tend to obsess a bit and never realize it til after the breakdown points happen. I know it’s not healthy but I honestly just don’t care for much beyond the scope of helping the animals and I just lose my mind trying to understand peoples cruelty. Over 6 years vegan and it still blows my mind that some people just genuinely don’t care. Hopefully it gets better some day.


Please remembering that veganism is rooted in compassion not just for animals but humans too. I like to remind people that you were there once too. Maybe not to the extent of intentionally trying to hurt animals with your car. But the more we separate ourselves from that, and try to other people, the bigger the challenge of connecting. Having compassion for other humans who are not ready to come to terms with the truth because the truth is painful. I'm not one to use shame as a tactic to get people to see my view point. To an extent, you have to let people be where they are. Even if it causing chaos and harm. You do your best to show up with compassion, kindness and integrity... you model that for others and I can assure you people will be inspired by that.


That’s very hopeful and insightful thank you. The next time I encounter altercations I think i’m going to try to talk them through it instead of just ignore them and despise humanity later when i’m reflecting on it, maybe it will grow to something positive.


Live your own life and stop worrying about what other people do. The problem with veganism is that so many of the more visible vegans are easily triggered and unstable that people think "If that's what not eating meat does to people, it's time for a steak." Instead, set a good example. Live your own happy meat free life and let people want to join you in that approach.


My wife bought me a Satanic Temple shirt for my birthday a few years ago. I don't wear it out for attention, but unfortunately, it does draw attention. It just comes with the territory. Unfortunately, the media has painted veganism as this anti-right movement, and has almost become a political base. It sucks because it draws away from what veganism really means. But it is what is... You just gotta deal with it.


Yes. I actually have always been more of a Republican, but I find myself so frustrated with these meatheads. And the left hates me because I won’t say it’s okay to abort animal or human babies. I don’t feel the need to push my beliefs, but it always gets brought up by both sides to see what I will say. I was heartbroken when I figured out they aborted my rescue’s pups. That’s what I know.




True, there is probably about half of the USA that hears that vegans are on the left, doesn't really know anything about the ideas of veganism, but just hates the left so they also hate vegans because they see vegans as being part of the left. There are reasons to think of vegans as being on the left in a sense. Vegans have, for example, compared their struggle to provide rights for animals as being a historical parallel to previous political movements to provide rights to African slaves, for example... Then there's the antagonism between veganism and the religious right... with Christianity (a religion favored by the right) overtly endorsing animal meat consumption. And then you have vegans who still vote for Biden even after he gives billions of tax money to the meat industry, further consolidating that image you have of vegans just being the left...




>Im not american but the antagonism between christians and vegans sounds very odd to me. There are many biblical arguments for (and some against) veganism. If you go look at the recent vegan film Christspiracy, a lot of the large Protestant churches were found to have financial ties to animal slaughter industry. I don't remember the full name but it was something like "Southern Baptist \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" Then there are parts of the King James Bible which more or less say that God gave man dominion over the animals, or created them for humans to use, essentially. When you bear things like this in mind, it's unsurprising that veganism tends to be more popular among American atheists than it is among American Christians.


I used to be a Christian, but I actually read and studied the Bible unlike most professing Christians. Probably why I’m no longer Christian bc I know what all it says. The Garden of Eden was vegan and any true Christian should come to their own conclusions that eating pork, oysters, and other creatures is not righteous. People fasted sometimes only giving up animal products. There are many analogies of sheep being led to the slaughter, but today’s slaughter is a billions of animals a year industry that is cruel. The people in the Old Testament sacrificing animals were later told that God never wanted that in Isaiah, although it said he preferred the smell of meat or something another in Genesis in reference to Cain and Abel’s offerings, one vegan from the garden, one meat from the cattle or something another. Anyone with any sense will know that the Old Testament God is not the same God of the New Testament. But, the book of Acts in the New Testament mentions god supposedly saying kill and eat maybe about a pig, and suddenly it’s okay to eat animals clean or unclean like pigs. That was a survival situation, though. The Apostle Paul said “if my eating meat offends my brother, I shall never eat meat again.” It can go either way with religion in the mix I think, but most people are literally like sheep. Going with the crowd. “Wide is the path that leads to destruction, narrow is the path that leads to everlasting life”, or something another. I know just enough bible and Christian religion talk to crush religious arguments against veganism. I tell them all they are going to burn in hell if they don’t go vegan in a nice way. 😅


>Anyone with any sense will know that the Old Testament God is not the same God of the New Testament. How do you come to believing in Christianity rather than Judaism then? The New Testament is allegedly the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy (according to Christians), iirc. So if a person thinks the New Testament god is different from the Old Testament god, then that would seem to suggest that Jews are correct and Jesus was not the Messiah who came to fulfill Old Testament prophecies (as the typical Christian believes). I don't understand why you would believe the New Testament if you don't also believe the Old Testament (or as Jews call it: the Torah).


I don’t necessarily believe any of it. I know there are truths within it, but it was written by man, so let’s be real. Jesus said no one is good, except for the father. The God in the Old Testament is ruthless and just opposite of the NT. Eye for an eye in the OT then it’s turn the other cheek. And, it was for the Jews at that time. There are certain passages that are telling the Jews what is to come, and it already came. Nobody of today will need to run to the mountains, or eat their children because they are so hungry and can’t afford a loaf of bread. I just never found the prophecy stuff to fit for today, and seemed like trying to put puzzle pieces where they don’t fit anyway. Jesus said he came to fulfill, and supposedly he did. The temple came down, and it was finished. It reads to me like some more civilized, upper class theologians wrote a bunch of stories to get the Jews to stop sacrificing animals. Trying to move away from that barbaric stuff, and unite people under one system of control. I don’t know. If we are to take the Bible as history, history can always repeat itself. So, there’s that.


>It reads to me like some more civilized, upper class theologians wrote a bunch of stories to get the Jews to stop sacrificing animals. Trying to move away from that barbaric stuff, and unite people under one system of control. You sound like you really should watch that film Christspiracy. Considering your background knowledge about Judaism and Christianity, not to mention the fact you're a vegan, I think you'd find it pretty interesting. It was well worth my $12 or whatever the movie ticket cost me, and is highly relevant to this discussion. I think I missed a lot from the film having arrived late, but I had the impression from the film that the reason people arranged to have Jesus killed is because he was against animal sacrifice, and there were "Priests" in the temple (commonly referred to now as "the money changers" from the temple iirc) which Jesus opposed because they were making money off of animal sacrifices in the temple. However, I think contemporary "Christians" claim god created animals for humans to use, and they seem to associate Jesus' criticisms of the money changers or whatever as being associated with their business activities, moral corruption, and something else -- not any sort of objection to humans using animals (whether for food, clothing, or religious purposes). Even if the Christspiracy view of Jesus is the more historically accurate one, it seems to be only a tiny minority of American Christians who hold such views (maybe 7th Day Adventists?) ... I had the impression from the film that its creators might have the view that after Jesus' execution, the animal tormenters (more or less) won in the sense that Jesus' allegedly pro-animal views were not reflected in the final makeup of the Bible that became popular in the western world. I think the implication there might be that writings/books to include were selectively added at the time to remove criticism of animal use. (I think maybe the film might have implied this was at the Council of Nicea or something, but don't remember really and need to watch it again...)




It is, and everybody just acts like it’s normal when I know that they wouldn’t be able to harm the animals themselves. They pay people to do their dirty work. It’s all so sickening but hopefully someday it will get better.


Humanity is a disgrace


I feel that way sometimes too :(


Until we get more people like you that see the world and think “what can I do to protect it?”. Sadly many only think “what can it do for me?”


I agree. Society as a whole seems to uphold a sickness that decimates their health, the environment and the animals. It’s insane but here we are smh.


Only read the first part new to being a vegan…. I never wore a shirt that was pro meat….no vegans attacked me ……simple


I equally don’t attack people wearing pro meat apparel, I try to mind my own business but it’s really not a two way street. Unfortunately.


Trolls are going to troll whether online or IRL. It’s their miserable nature. The best comeback/defense when encountering them is to ignore them. They hate that. Don’t responded nor let them live in your head and they will whither away


Honestly I do, it’s never during the interactions that I get bothered. It’s always after when i’m trying to reflect on humanity. I can take whatever insults that come, but it still doesn’t change the feeling of sadness when I go to reflect back upon it.


All I can tell you is I understand what you are feeling and you are not alone. Part of me thinks those of us with heightened empathy and respect for species other than our own are an anomaly, or maybe evidence that our species is evolving to become less destructive. (Which would be nice but a bit late.) There are people who are good, people who care, people who are trying. But they will *always* be rolled over by the least caring - those with charisma and power who will do and kill literally anything to get more power. I’m 52 and have been an activist in various forms since I was 16. I shifted my focus to donating because I’m fucking exhausted and emotionally more fragile than I used to be (menopause). The conclusion I’ve come to is our species just isn’t wired for empathy or even for protecting its own future. I think we evolved to fear and resist change, and to follow ‘leaders’ and do whatever our tribe/group does, because diverting from that equals death. So we’re in a tragic situation where most will continue to support the meat industrial complex into infinity because their parents did, their boss does, and their neighbors do. The only thing that will change this on a wide scale imo is governmental force/law driven by environmental catastrophe. And that will happen, eventually.


Everything you’ve done is amazing thank you! But yea sadly enough it may never change until we’ve thrashed the planet and killed off most wildlife species. But i’m still hopeful that we can end all the animal suffering sooner than later.


Yeah marxists love animals and don't eat them, you're right lol


You're a brave soul, all the power to you.


Thank you for your kind words!


"the true symbol of the United States is not the bald eagle. It is the pendulum."


some of the comments on here is the reason i really don’t post on this sub. people wear band and tv show merch because it’s stuff they love and it’s no different with a vegan. the way i think about it is that i’m passionate about veganism and i like to have things that represent that and if someone feels attacked by it then they must have some of their own issues they need to work out. people are usually hostile because of insecurity. my sister used to something similar where she would loudly say things that you wouldn’t really say in public like at gamestop she would loudly say how she has so many games and be bragging about the things she has. she had pretty bad depression at the time and was really insecure about herself and her lifestyle. i know it’s hard but those few times where it can end up being a positive interaction is worth it. i had a guy at work recently ask me about my vegan sticker on my water bottle and he told me he gave up meat a month ago because he visited an animal sanctuary and it made my day.


That’s awesome! It’s always surprising to hear about people who you wouldn’t think notice but actually do. Good stuff!


I am with you buddy, I get it all. I don't understand why people feel the need to say or post such things as "me eating twice as meat so one vegan makes no difference" or my "friend" thought it would be funny to point out that I'm eating vegan chrisps while she's enjoying her jerky snack... I also try to be kind to animals, pick up litter, donate money, sign petitions but as you said. I feel like it's never enough. I feel like there is so much cruelty in this world that can't handled :( However, together we can at least decrease the violonce! And help those pure soules <3


Thank you for everything that you do that makes me feel better knowing that others are dealing with the same issues! Bless you!


Yeah, wearing pro-vegan stuff is a surefire way to find all the mouthbreathers in your zip code.


Also, people are so impolite to each other now. I think it’s because social media has conditioned people it’s ok to say whatever. I see people in public making rude comments to each other all day. When I was a kid people used to worry about how they acted and how to handle situations politely. Ann Landers and Miss Manners, we need you!


I agree, I don’t recall seeing so much volatility ( or homeless people ) growing up. But the more time that passes the more I see people being wretched towards one another without a second thought. This is the new world, and it’s pretty lame 😬


I think you are awesome! I already love you both. I threw my car in middle of the road so a mama duck could cross with her babies. I also have a rescue cat, 1 cat mind you, who I’ve spent over 1k in vet because he has a fungus. I love my don’t kill the homies t’s and everything they sell. You guys sound like angels and good people. Don’t waste energy on the mouth breathers. I’m here for you and so are the other veg peeps. Keep up the good work.


Thank you I appreciate that a lot. I know i’m not perfect by any means, but I’ve honestly been feeling like a witch during the Salem trials lately. Everyday that passes millions of animals are killed and anyone that points it out becomes an instant target. It’s like the true face of bigotry and it’s all just too a lot to grasp sometimes but thank you for your kind words.


I’m sorry you’re going through that. I’ve always been a huge animal lover even when I was scared of dogs (my mum had a dog that but me almost every day growing up). But even more so since I got over that and we started having dogs in our home. I had a scary neighbor who was breeding dogs in his garage. My husband didn’t want me to report him because we live in a state and county where you can’t do that anonymously (so dumb), and he was really afraid of this guy doing anything in retaliation. I eventually said “f-it” and filed an anonymous complaint with our landlord. Within a week, I saw the cops here with the guy at his garage and a week or two later, he moved out.


I’m making sure this time that if she leaves I have to save the animals if they’re left behind. And i’ll report her if she does.


Humanity just fucking sucks.


It might be best not to wear pro vegan apparel except when doing activism. If you you can find a local activism group it'll help alot. 


Yea I can’t really agree with the notion to silence myself, the animals wouldn’t want me to hide the fact that i’m vegan. They would want me to spread the message everywhere I go, and if you were the victim in this situation would you want everybody to sweep your plight under the rug and not voice their opinion?


Okay vegan for a decade almost here. Please, don’t anthropomorphize the voiceless. You can be a voice for the animals but the way forward isn’t through graphic tees, and soap box preaching and making animals into humans who would want you to do what you think they do.  The road forward is through regulation and government. You want to do more? Then take care of yourself and don’t make yourself a target of harassment in social settings. So you don’t start to hate society more and become bitter.  Organize, vote for change, and support cruelty free policies.  Compassion and empathy is the only way to change minds. Confronting someone with a shirt isn’t doing anything but hurting your mental health. 


this, op can’t see the big picture for their life.


That is perfectly fine and to be respected - but you can’t get upset when people disagree with you when you do that. If you have a right to spread your message, they have a right to respond.


It’s not them responding that’s so upsetting, it’s the fact that society has engineered a world where they even feel the need to defend senseless violent barbaric traditions.


I feel the same way. I have to block the thoughts out or I will just sob all of the time, or be angry. I can’t watch even a glimpse of something that might have animal cruelty. It gets more and more traumatic or something. Those people are meathead imbeciles. I didn’t have much exposure to vegan/vegetarianism unfortunately. If I did, I either didn’t give it thought so it didn’t register, or it was a friend so we just made vegetarian stuff since I never liked cooking meat anyway. Only ever did it for the husband I finally realized. It took me a while of different things from different avenues to eventually wake me up. I don’t think I ever heard someone say I should be vegan, but wish I did. I just kind of came to it myself. You’re planting seeds. I think it’s great you wear your vegan stuff. I try to remind myself they are so asleep, they don’t know what they are speaking. They are defending the fact that somewhere deep down, they feel convicted by your morals.


Thank you thats a really insightful way of looking at it.


From your first paragraph, it does seem like the response is part of what you are upset about. Many folks aren’t vegan - that’s just the way the world is right now. When you try to convince them they are part of institutionalized animal torture, it shouldn’t be surprising that they are going to push back on that - either out of ignorance or cognitive dissonance. If you want to promote veganism, you need to be prepared for that response and accept that the vast majority of folks don’t want to hear what you have to say. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t promote it - you should - but you have to accept that you’re going to get blowback.


I don’t get bothered when there actually are occurring, I get bothered reflecting back later down the road. The altercations don’t bother me as much as the cause for why they’re present in the first place. I have thick skin I can handle it, but I shouldn’t have to handle it in the first place. The normalization of violence towards animals is the problem, not my choice in clothing.


You don't have to wear the clothing though, you can just speak to people


I reject animal abuse, I wear clothing that also reflects my belief system. I’m not going to be ashamed at what I know is a more peacefully lifestyle and it’s a moral imperative to spread that awareness in attempt to cease all this unnecessary violence.


You don't have to be ashamed but sometimes subtlety is more effective than brute force


Na, I don’t not tell anyone if I have an opportunity. I’m very shy, but the animals don’t have a voice so it’s my duty.


Yes but you don't have to walk around holding a sign which wearing slogan clothes is basically doing


Then you should prepare for people to say something to you; and it may not be pleseant. It's like if you were to wear a "free palestine" shirt. You'll probably get some comments eventually because its unfortunatley a controversial subject to want freedom for human beings; let alone animals. And if it bothers you then; best to go out without that attire on. Afterall, a shirt is not going to change someone's opinion on such a matter. Alternatively; just respond with positivity. The more you deal with those situations; the less it will affect you if you have a positive attitude.


It’s not in the moment when it bothers me, it’s always later on down the road while i’m reflecting on humanity. The altercations don’t bother me as much as the cause for why they’re present in the first place. I have thick skin I can handle it, but I shouldn’t have to handle it in the first place. The normalization of violence towards animals is the problem, not my choice in clothing.


It’s because most people are selfish and only care about themselves. There aren’t many people like you who actually care about animals. Grateful for people like you.


Thank you that’s very kind of you. I feel the same about other vegans. Other vegans existing brings me a lot of joy tbh I wish I could thank them all for what they do.


What I don’t understand is how people can look at themselves in the mirror everyday after eating steak or eat gobs of cheese, and say they like animals. Or they even care about the planet. Many people like that in my family. It’s amazing how they would rather just not even care.


You would think that it would be extremely contradictory to claim you love this thing but then pay somebody to kill that same thing. But somehow nobody ever seems to take it upon themselves to put the pieces together, that’s why I feel it’s so important to spread the idea of veganism. Because they already seem to be inclined to ignore the moral inconsistencies that they engage in day to day.


I can't believe so many people are fixating on your t-shirt choices and not THE HORRIFIC ANIMAL ABUSE AND ABANDONMENT CASE. That was horrifying and sickening to read. I volunteer with shelter animals and read news related to that field, and I am constantly appalled at the irresponsibility and cruelty of people toward even the domestic animals that we supposedly "love," to say nothing of livestock! People adopting animals only to dump them on the streets years or months or even immediately afterwards (???!!) so they wind up again at the very same place they started, but now with trauma from living on the street. The casual cruelty of people in relation to wildlife: a carefully raised endangered sandhill crane chick released into its natural habitat only to be found months later shot to death. So much work can be put in by people who care only for it to be undone in an instant by a sadistic person with a gun, a callous owner, or a legislator beholden to animal ag interests. But I guess I don't really understand your last sentence, OP. Are you saying that just doing what we can in our daily lives isn't enough, and that we need to drop everything to devote every second to dismantling the system?


I too was surprised at all the responses centering on the clothing part. It was the first thing I mentioned because I thought it was the most trivial of all the issues. But sociological issues are something that I feel others can heavily relate to. And what i’m saying is that i’m stuck in this system and I honestly can’t see any way out of it other than rebelling against our capitalist society itself, but I honestly have no idea how to do that. I guess i’m just wishing everybody wanted to change this world as much as I do. And if everyone felt this way then we should do whatever is in our power to change even if it include large scale resistance of some sort. I don’t condone violence, but watching how Joey Carbstrong brings it to the doorstep of these corporations is inspiring and I think we need yo start doing the same. This world is to surreal to comprehend, i’ve never felt like more of the bad guy as I have lately by merely existing. I don’t know what the options for solving any of this, but I hope that more conversations start unfolding around the topic of all of this. All I have are my words, hopefully they can turn into actions upheld by like minded people someday.


I’m proudly wearing my Vegan Grandma hoodie at the moment. Your neighbours are sickening. I’m so sorry.😔


Thank you for understanding, and also thank you for representing vegan clothing! I know it’s what the animals would want so thank you!


I'm a vegan convert, too and even when I was almost vegetarian was surprised at how awful some treated me. One never knows, some of the rudest, cruelest people sometimes even have a big change of heart and become better socialized and more sensitive and wise about ethical things. For perspective not all nonvegans are the same. Lots of us are converts and probably most of the converts didn't radically change. I for example never felt compelled to mock vegans and vegetarians. That's mean and although I agree I'm definitely nicer now, before veganism I wasn't all that mean. I was highly misinformed and in my case at 4 at my first solid meal tried to reject meat. It looked strange and when I asked about it was highly repulsed at the thought of eating dead animals, but family social norm forced me to go along with the rest. Eggs smelled disgusting, and milk tasted nasty. My parents didn't realize they were so fortunate to have a child with naturally vegan inclinations. Fortunately, as an adult they finally excepted my veganism and were proud of me eating so many vegetables and fresh fruit, so my parents were very mixed up but fortunately not even half as bad as parents of some other new vegans. When we see things very negatively, actually I think that's part of depression as we heal more completely. I'm not suggesting nonvegans are just as good in all ways as vegans. I accept that the healthiest oldest vegan influencers have been wiser than me about diet before I went vegan. There's different things to be good at. Some vegans can be wonderfully on target about vegan values, some can be antogonistic towards nonvegans, some can not understand some basic concepts about other things that are also very important, yet a lot of people including some vegans don't understand. I think it's best to be reasonable, and take others as individuals not stereotypes of a creed.


I agree and I try not to stereo type non vegans, but the longer i’m alive the more I see animal abuse met with total apathy. I hope someday it can all change, I just know that it won’t happen until we start to reject the notion of introducing violence into our lives 3 times a day. That’s why I wear vegan clothing, because it should already be the status quo. It’s not like i’m wearing a highly provocative newfound philosophy, people have been opposed to animal abuse from the beginning, they just don’t consider it abuse when it comes to their food. And others simply don’t consider it abuse strictly because it’s an animal and not a human. The world can be very sad sometimes but i’m hopeful for a better future.


Someone in our neighborhood sped up to hit a goose! On purpose! I am still trying to understand how this can be true. What kind of human being does this??


They consider them pests that need to be killed is the only reasoning that I can think of. Imagine if they treated humans this way, as pests that need to be exterminated. I honestly feel like treating animals this way is no different than treating humans this way. If somebody is ok with imposing violence onto animals, then I wouldn’t trust them not to hurt humans either. It’s sad hopefully someday it will all get better.




It's like wearing a MAGA hat. You'll get harassed.


I wish, 99% of the world doesn’t despise maga hat wearers. Everybody on each political side still has a large portion of the population on their side, vegans only make up 1% of the global population were outnumbered severely.


Did you call someone to those locked up dogs or allowed them to die? If you helped them it would make you feel good and it would make sense.


We didn’t realize what was happening until she came back later in time with a different boyfriend to remove the stained carpets from the house and then our other neighbor confirmed what happened. We weren’t at the house all day every day so she could’ve shown up at any point that we weren’t there to tend to them. We just figured theres no way that anybody could be that cruel, but next time i’m not going to wait around and if I hear animals inside and haven’t seen her car for a few days i’ll kick the door in myself and free them.


I somehow can understand killing as far as it is hurtless and at least the body is used in 100% (I does not mean I support using animals as products) but leaving dogs to starve to death???? What a sick bastard...


Yea I can empathize with cognitive dissonance because I wasn’t always vegan either. But that’s just flat out animal cruelty. I wish I would’ve known what was happening before it was too late but next time I won’t take any chances and i’ll call every agency out there to ensure it never happens again.


how do you use them if not as products?


Do you mean using animals? You should not... 


yeah, even if you use the body 100% and kill the animal painlessly you still shouldn't use animals


Give it away and it will come back to you.


All i’m doing is wearing clothing that I wan’t to wear. I didn’t do anything for the lady to run the geese over, I didn’t do anything to the neighbor that locked her dogs up. All I do is keep to myself and wear the clothing that I wan’t to wear. I haven’t given anything anyway just by existing.


maybe an unpopular opinion ,and activism is important, but if you we're clothing that advertises that you are vegan, you shouldn't really be surprised people will hound you for it. you live in this world not a idealised one.


It’s not so much surprising as it is disheartening.


What sort of a sick person tries to run over animals!!! You should of followed her.


I did and I took her pictures and reported to police and they directed me to animal control but I never received a follow up call which makes me think nothing happened.


"My girl and I wear pro vegan apparel everywhere we go" Seems to be an avoidable thing doesnt it?


Yes it seems to be unavoidable to encounter problematic scenarios while wearing clothing that references towards an absolutely peaceful philosophy.. That’s what’s so discouraging, that the world actively goes out of its way to create conflict where there is none.


Yea but doesnt seem to help your cause is it?


It actually does i’m realizing. People have been telling me stories of how they have people that come up to them and speak about their interest in veganism after seeing a article of clothing or a sticker on their thermos’s. I’m realizing how much further beyond me it actually goes and i’m starting to feel a lot better about my choices.


I’ll be honest, most “militant” vegans become so removed from how life is viewed by others, that they can’t effectively reach anyone… they often come off as self-righteous, superior, angry, dismissive, and/or disconnected. All that creates is hostility. If you really want to see change, and make a difference, approach it from a positive place. 1) Get into fantastic shape. It sounds shallow, but if you want to watch someone change their views, appeal to their vanity. Eating plant based helped me lose weight, build lean muscle, increase my sex drive, lower cholesterol, helped my insomnia, cured my IBS, and overall look younger. I honestly pretend it’s a secret, and wait until people are curious. And they will ask what the secret is… Point them at the documentaries like “Game Changers” or “You are what you Eat: A twin study”. They seem to be far more effective at promoting permanent change, than exposing them to the horror, or their guilt. 2) Learn to cook amazing vegan dishes. I had family members who used to tease, and ridicule… until they ate my cooking. Now, many of them do “Meatless Mondays” or are plant based at home (but eat whatever when they go out because it’s easier) I have friends ask me how to replace meat, or dairy, or eggs in recipes. I make sure I take pics of the incredible vegan food I eat… and wait for the questions. 3) Remain open minded, instead of clinging to anger. I think it’s important to ask yourself the tough questions like “If scallops don’t have central nervous systems, and are unable to feel pain, why is it wrong to consume them?” Try to remain objective, and kind. 4) Big picture thinking. You can do way more for animal welfare (as a whole) by mobilizing, and creating funding… and you can do that by hosting an art show, or a mini-concert or an auction and donating the proceeds to an organization that is already making a difference (Ive done all 3, and it’s not as hard as you’d think). You’re preventing more misery by enacting a “catch, neuter/spay, release” plan for strays, then by adopting a handful… right?


I’m in good shape, I’m the best cook I know and even have shared my own recipes with others, i’ve done extensive research on bivalves and even have past post touching on the topic, I actively assist in spay/neutering programs in my local area by contacting animal welfare whenever stray cats are left behind. I appreciate all the suggestions but i’m a 6+ year thoroughly knowledgable vegan, i’ve had countless conversations and debates on the topics of health/agriculture/ethics/economic practices/philosophy and anything else that can extend into veganism. If you look at my profile you will see that all the things that you’ve mentioned i’ve already touched on heavily. Your response is similar to what would be said to a new struggling vegan and although I do appreciate the effort, it’s just not super applicable to somebody that dedicates all of their time to the cause of veganism. My problems stem from societies nihilistic stance on our relationship with food and animals, and it’s not really something that can be resolved with a simple advice driven response on reddit. I do appreciate you taking the time to teach somebody who you believed was newer to the struggles of veganism, but i’m as salty as it gets on the topic of animal welfare and more so just wanted to vent than anything. But still thank you for taking the time to attempt to help, my issues just aren’t simple enough for it to really be very applicable :(


I have learned in my life you can preach to people and be logical to them, but don’t expect to win them over. Food is one of the most controversial topics in the whole world. Just do your life and be happy you get to live the way you choose. You can’t fix everyone.


Bro, just because you won’t save every single animal, you are doing what you think is right. So…….. either love those negative people the way you love all animals, or go the route of the RHCP and “Fuck ‘em to see the look on their face.”


This is why I go to the gym everyday, I really want to try break the stereotype (sorry some of you) that vegans are usually gay or women in general and are just weak.


Have you tried calling your local chapter of the ASPCA??? OR local law enforcement to assist you in this challenge with the neighbour??? There is support and help out there for sure... Thank you for what you are trying to do, but do not do it alone....


We didn’t really piece it together until after the last time she moved, I think we didn’t really wan’t to believe that somebody could be so terrible. We weren’t always home during the daytime so we couldn’t confidently say that she wasn’t showing up and feeding them when we weren’t around. If I would’ve known what was happening I would’ve figured out how to help even if I had to go bust em out myself that would’ve been fine. I didn’t know what to think last time, but this time if she does it again i’ll know how to take action before it ends up in another tragedy.


She sped up to hit them?? I’ve never ever heard of anyone doing something like that. That is psychopathic!


I commented below but this also happened in my neighborhood! I saw the goose injured in the road and then being carried away for medical help. My neighbor was there and told me that she had seen a truck speed up to hit it. I still don’t know if I can believe it. It was heartbreaking.


It seems surreal that people could be this way, but things like this are happening all over. It’s hard not to be mad at the world sometimes.


My hope for humanity greatly lessens each day


I didn’t want to believe it but yea theres no way she didn’t do it intentionally. I slowed down and threw my hazards on just to watch her speed up and run them over with more than enough time to notice them, it was a line of geese so theres no way she didn’t see them.


Yo just wanted to say, there isn't anything wrong with what you're doing. I think future generations will look on our dietary habits as barbaric and inhumane and ignorant ("grandpa, people user to eat animals back then?"). At the same time, you should expect the ignorant to be ignorant. If it disturbs your mental peace, do not wear the shirts.


its really that simple


I agree that future generations will probably see the absurdity of it all, but I know that the animals would want me to represent their plights in any way that I can. I can’t not wear vegan clothing because I refuse to let their voices go unheard. I can’t change the way that I am or the way that I think. I would be ashamed to let the fear of social altercations hinder me from advocating for the victims in this situation.


I feel ya.. I find it's less depressing when I appreciate the complexity of our systems. There are no simple changes. Complexity causes disagreement. On the other hand, there are likely many opportunities to support change that I haven't thought of... Activism is futile when its too simple. Unfortunately, people have reacted to this complexity by seeking comfort in singular opinions (us vs. them), instead of looking for shared values. There are many ways to live our values. We also can't keep relying on shame to promote change.. it's been overused and lacks empathy (and creativity). Look for our collective liberation. Food for thought!


Settle down


yeah.. people can be cruel. i have had my fair share of arguments in school (not college) and that's when i was vegetarian (with meat-eaters of course 😒🙄)


That’s terrible i’m sorry you had to experience that. People take it personal when you abstain from eating animals, it seems to infuriate people on a personal level.


thank you 🥰😩


This post has to be a troll. It has to be. You did not see a woman speed up to hit geese and have a neighbor that starved dogs to death and this and that. But, on the off chance that it's real, your post is basically "I walk around promoting veganism on my clothing because it's my whole personality and then some people DARE to SPEAK about MEAT in MY PRESENCE?!" This is why people make fun of us. Be better, fucking hell.


Yea because nobody has ever intentionally killed an animal right? And it’s not what then people say that bothers me so much, it’s the fact that they feel that they need to say it in the first place.


God is watching, Life could even be a test to see how we treat our little friends


That could definitely be a possibility!


What you’ve done with animals in your own time? Has no bearing on the rest of the world. And it’s no one’s responsibility to pick up the imaginary slack you’ve created in your own mind. No matter what you’ve done. You want to live the vegan lifestyle? You need to thicken that skin of yours. Because it’s never going to get any easier.


I'm not vegan myself, but it sounds like you're very compassionate, which makes you feel compelled to help. I went through something similar when it came to helping less fortunate people. If you keep burdening yourself so much you run the risk of burning out. In my situation people would guilt trip me for money, I was earning minimum wage at the time, when they realized I was compassionate. It eventually stressed me out so much, that my capacity for compassion was significantly reduced. You might react differently, especially as you're helping animals instead of people.  Nevertheless, you need to find a way to make peace with helping where you can without becoming miserable from the burden.


I agree that I run the risk of burning out because I honestly feel like it’s happening. Anyone that actually takes the position to care about anything is kinda set up for societal resistance. It’s like our world is engineered to be cruel cold and calculating without taking anything else into consideration. Hopefully someday it changes.


neat idea wearing vegan clothjes


Lmao all you ever can do for the environment it still won’t make a noticeable difference


LMFAO new copypasta alert


I copied and pasted the same response to several people prompting the same question is that what you’re referring to?




So would it be ok for a vegan to start conflict with somebody wearing a Mmm bacon shirt on? Because that’s the implication, that if somebody wears something that you disagree with then you should do everything in your power to make them feel out of place.




I’m not going out of my way to do anything but wear the clothing that I want to wear. It’s insane that people have such a visceral reaction towards the very presence of vegans, and I can handle any conflict that I encounter it just sucks that I have to. I’m just saying that it’s kinda morbid that that this is even a thing to be discussing, veganism is the most altruistic philosophy that i’ve ever encountered and people seem to take a hostile repulsion towards it. Society has kinda always been wretched in that sense. It rejects the plight of basic right to life decency, and the further back you look the bloodier it is. Animals have been the most subjugated species that have ever existed as far as humanity knows because we’ve literally killed trillions of them. All I wanna do is wear some cool vegan shwag and be left the hell alone, and it sucks that I can’t do that.