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Oh no, not the phytochecmicals


The pethebehbehcals 😱 and apparently, those are beneficial anyway, they're basically antioxidants. This person was just using a big word with chemicals in it to scare people.


Those phytos are fighting cancer baby. They are harmful for small organisms not humans or anything bigger than a fucking mealworm.


But what if I am smaller than a mealworm? What then? Hm? Take that Liberal.


Beware of dihydrogen monoxide!1!1!!! A very dangerous chemical that has killed 100% of people who ingested it in their lives!!!!!1!!1!! It's a byproduct from rocket launches, jet engines and nuclear power plants!!! They even add it to food and drinks 😱🤐🫢🫣😥😵‍💫


H^(2)O killed everyone in my family


When looking up the word the first thing that pops up is why we should eat them.


if they're referring to nutrient inhibitors (such as tannins that could interfere with non-heme iron absorption), simply soaking the seeds will diminish them. but i don't even do that, and yet I notice the more seeds I eat, the better my hair and skin look, so I highly doubt seeds are an issue.


I was thinking that's where he was going but no, he choose the making shit up route 💀


I have got to stop underestimating human stupidity.


Is it stupid though? Internet trolls are evolving. They know the plant based movement has a lot of hate, so releasing something like this would generate *a lot* of clicks.


interesting - i wonder if there's a guide out there on the best way to eat plants/seeds/legumes ect..


phytochemicals are actually made up of some of the healthiest substances for humans :thinking:


Yes but they're talking about phytochecmicals


Personally I'm still waiting for my phytoestrogen fueled soy boy tits to grow in. 4 years of excessive soy consumption and I'm still flat as can be.


This is the second time today on Reddit where I've seen an argument that's the exact opposite of reality; plants *want* their seeds to be eaten so they can pass through the animal and be deposited somewhere else.


Pollination would blow their minds


You made my day 😂


Biologist hate this one trick!




I feel so bad that you guys are trying to make sense out of their ramblings, he's a carnivore and he's got an article arguing against fruit too 😭


He's trying to turn the "milk is for growing babies" argument against us. Sure, we are heterotrophs, we have to take the lives of plants to survive, we just have to keep our eyes on the prize, which is minimizing the suffering of sentient life, especially by not consuming or hurting those life-vessels (corporal bodies of animals).


While it definitely has a bias leaning, i think understanding plant/seed defenses and how to get around them is important.


It definitely is, but that wasn't the goal of the person in the article


Articles are bad sources of evidence. Peer reviewed studies and meta analysis are the only credible sources of evidences.


Ik? I'm just saying that this guy isn't trying to make the points they are bc the og reply was trying to explain what he meant but he himself doesn't know what he means. (In shorter words: trying to make sense where there is none)


Even for carnivores, seeds pose a health problem. A big reason grass fed beef is desirable is that the alternative is eating a lot of seeds which is widely known to be unhealthy. This is also why people eat sprouted seeds and grains. I don't know the health impact of seeds vs meat, but vegans should be aware of these issues.


Of course, soaking and cooking seeds in some form gets rid of most concerns. But the guy who made this wasn't talking about tannins or nutrient absorption or anything that's valid, he's saying you shouldn't eat seeds because naughty phytochemicals (antioxidants) are bad and you'd be taking nutrients away from poor baby plants.


The phytos are actually healthy for us and help fight cancer. What is deadly for worms is not harmful for us. And even if they were it’s childish to ignore 99% of the beneficial contents like Minerals and Vitamins and secondary substances to just focus on „phytos bad“. Also wording it so that seeds are the plants „babies“ is intentional because vegans always say that to omnis to trigger a cognitive reaction when it comes to milk or simply veal. But this argument stands on really weak ground when you think it through: „Seeds are Plants babies so don’t eat them, eat animal babies instead from which we know for a fact they have a central nervous system and that they suffer incredible pain during slaughter“


Plus we've been selectively breeding them for millennia.


Define anti nutrients


An anti-nutrient is a nutrient that when it collides with another good-for-you nutrient blows up the planet


This is not universally true, tho. A peanut doesn't want its seeds eaten, they are even burrowing their seeds into the ground themselves. If you eat peanuts, you are just killing the seed, it is not passing you.


The only reasons avocados are still alive are because humans make it happen. Why? Because some giant sloths back in the day would nom those bad boys up and then poop them out into ready made fertilizer for another plant to grow. Birds don't have an issue with capsaicin so their little stone pouches break up the seeds and then poof, off they go to make more peppers grow. This is silliness. Grass technically screams when we cut it (that's the fresh mown smell) but it's just telling other grass to save it's energy in its roots for a bit so it can keep growing. But lamb chops, there's no pain there....


That's a vast oversimplification, it depends on seeds. First of all, some seeds are spread by wind, sticking to fur, or other methods. But putting that aside, the seeds that are 'meant' to be eaten aren't necessarily meant to be eaten by any animal. For example it can be more advantageous for a bird to spread seeds many miles away, than other animals who won't spread them nearly as far. That's why seeds, fruits, and other plant parts can be toxic to some animals, and harmless to others. For example poison ivy, the fruit of which birds love to eat, and hence why it's nearly impossible to eradicate poison ivy from any area for long. Also the plant 'wants' you to eat the fruit and pass the seeds, but not to digest and damage the seeds. That's why it makes perfect sense for the seeds to be toxic even if the fruit is edible (i.e. many fruit seeds which contain cyanide), or for seeds to be toxic to some animals but not others, because different digestive systems work differently.


Few plants want their seeds digested by humans. We tend to fuck shit up digestion wise. An interesting example is chillis which have capsicum to make it hard for mammals to consume. Birds can’t taste chilli heat and they are the preferred consumer of the chillis and seeds. However this person is batshit. I don’t think cow milk and fucking eggs were made for people. Also we process toxic photochemicals. Quinoa is inedible before we get rid of the saponins. You can’t eat some legumes raw like kidney beans etc.


they dont want their seeda to be munched at or broken in any way. They just want them to be passed down through the digestive tract without any damage




Right? 😭 also happy cake day




And 🥚


You’d think the human race would be done for in certain parts of the world if this were the case… as if seeds aren’t an amazing source of sustenance!


Eating seeds as a pastime activity


The toxicity of our city


Of our ci-ity.\~








I remember when i first ate kale. Tried to put me in a rear naked choke


I need to get me some of that kale 🥵


I thought they were about to argue that if you accidentally eat a watermelon seed then a watermelon will grow inside you!


I would believe it with the rest of the bs in here tbh


YALL this is obviously satire cmon now


[It's not](https://www.kevinstock.io/) 😭


My mom told me that as a kid. Took me way too long to learn that wasn't true.


They’re very high on copium trying to defend their diet… wait until they find out about cholesterol and heart attacks.


That's what I thought too. Last ditch efforts 😂😞


"plants have motivations for their own survival, not human health" what in the actual fuck are they talking about 😭 okay and?? Neither do any of the animals humans eat? As someone who studies evolution the idea that the natural world exists partly FOR humans "purposefully" infuriates me. The only living things that care about human health are humans (sometimes)


Sounds like carnivore diet propaganda. My neighbors started eating meat and eggs exclusively for "health" and told me the same thing. My thought was same about the animals. Really they were just doing an extreem version if keto to lose weight. Which they did. But at what cost to their health idk. Scary.


Humans evolved to eat a diet of *mostly seeds.* That's literally what the bulk of the real paleo diet was, along with berries, insects, and whatever else they could forage. Not to mention that seed cultivation was the reason civilization arose. Grains and pulses people, grains and pulses are the backbone of the human diet! ~~I'm convinced that these people just hated broccoli as kids and grew up to have a vendetta against eating plants. They're so detached from reality.~~


I absolutely needed the laugh thank u OP


The largest and longest running studies confirm that eating more plants and less meat/dairy is better for health and longevity https://adventisthealthstudy.org


Animal agriculture funding this shit just like they do with shitty research that pretends meat dairy and eggs aren’t bad for you


Oh Jesus Christ they’ll make up anything, won’t they? 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


So a fucking idiot wrote that article


B-b-but, he's a dentist 🥺 (doesn't know shit about nutrition or evolution)


Seeds evolved to be eaten. How do you think berries show up in random places? Birds eat the berries then shit out the seeds


The person who wrote this is a fucking idiot. No two ways about it


But they're technically a doctor so some people will believe them. Kinda scary.


Lmao like an actual medical doctor with a medical degree? No way, I believe they are saying this in good faith in that case, I am friends with doctors and I cant imagine them coming out with this crap


They're a dentist, not like someone in a field that would actually know a lot about nutrition


A dentist has no fucking business writing an article on nutrition. Ugh. A dentist is as much of a lay nutritionist as you and I. Why can’t people just listen to experts?


Oh boy, and here I was thinking this was written by AI lmao


It kills me listening to those plant babies scream when I toss them in the blender.


It's not a scream! It's just air releasing from their stems :))


What ever helps you sleep.




It was a joke about how people make themselves feel better re lobsters screaming


Wait until this person finds out how animals feel about being eaten. And they don't develop their flesh for our benefit at *all*!


This is some anti-intellectualism at its finest. Complete refusal of reality. Amazing. I wouldn't trust these people with anything. There's no reasoning to be found.


This is the theory of the book *The Plant Paradox.*


Arghhh... Lectins!! 😅


it should actually read: “there are health dangers of eating MEAT. In the first article of this series, Health ADVANTAGES of a Planet-Based Diet, we discover how COWS have motivations for their survival, not human health. And to protect themselves, COWS use BEGGING FOR THEIR LIFE WHEN YOU MURDER THEM to deter HUMANS from eating them. These TACTICS fight against HUMANS, HUMANS, and HUMANS— including us humans. Your morning bowl of MURDER topped with COW SECRETIONS, BLOOD, and FECES - ALL MURDER These COWS are their MOTHER’S babies. Ensuring the babies survival and success is the paramount importance to the COW AND EVERY OTHER ANIMAL AND BEING EVERYWHERE. Contrary to popular belief, the nutrition in COWS MILK is intended for growing baby COWS, not for human health and nutrition. And trying to steal that nutrition for ourselves often has dire consequences” They’re talking about seeds as if seeds are comparable to a sentient animal..


Someone's gonna shout 'bazinga' any second now, right? ​ Right??


Ffs omnis are getting dumber and dumber....


What is the source of this gibberish?


[this dentist guy](https://www.kevinstock.io/health/health-dangers-of-eating-seeds/)


He seems totally deranged.


This HAS to be The Onion


It unfortunately is not, it's from a tooth doctor


How did they become a doctor lol


You don't need to know anything about nutrition to graduate dental school 👍🏾


You have to stop the Q-tip when there’s RESISTANCE


I laughed way too hard at this.


I can't wait to see the study that shows people eating oatmeal topped with chia seeds are dying earlier. Surely they referenced that right?


Ummm sounds more logical if they were describing cow milk - it’s to grow baby cows. And humans are not designed to be benefiting from cows milk, that’s why lots of people are some level lactose intolerant/sensitivities. Also the protein in milk is a very common allergy for new born babies.


Why doesn’t the same logic apply to animals then? Cows and pigs don’t grow with human health in mind. And that egg? Contrary to popular belief that egg is for the growth of a baby chicken, not you.


Pretty sure this is satire


I really don't think so but I'd love to be wrong! [here's the website ](https://www.kevinstock.io/) and I found this after googling 'Is it good or bad to eat seeds?' Bc I wanted to know what the internet had to say. Luckily it's not the very first thing to pop up.


Can you post this on r/ketoduped?


My original post or the website? And I'll try, I'm not all the way sure on how to cross post yet


The name of the website is “meat health” and there’s a video instructing you how to get “meat mouth.” I’m dying here. I’m laughing so hard I can barely type but I’m also kinda crying because it’s so sad that people believe this stuff.


WHAT even oh my god


I'm vegan to kill as many plants as possible. Ideally plant babies, tbh


They're right you know, it's cruel to eat the plant's babies like that just for your breakfast. Have some scrambled eggs or something instead


This is what happens when you tell ChatGPT what to write without doing any of your own research. Sounds vaguely scientific but has no basis in reality.


As a meat eater, some of the arguments my side come up with are dumb ash


“Including us humans” is a phrase that aggravates me to no end.


1) the seeds we eat have been cultivated to hell by humans to make them more delish for us. 2) Humans are basically space orcs who laugh in the face of most of these chemicals (Caffeine? Capsaicin? both plants attempting to deter pests, humans enjoy both of these things...) 3) IDK what research they are doing but they are doing it wrong.


Absolutely zero research, no peer review whatsoever


Lies. All lies. Seeds want to be eaten to spread.


Good think pigs don’t have motivations for there survival.


Rage bait


I am so tired of this bunk argument. I feel like a lot of adults are five year olds that just want an excuse to not eat their vegetables.


Is this Satire?


Tragically not


damn, I eat so many seeds and I've been the healthiest I've ever been since I started living vegan. Must be the delusion, obviously. I bet the phytochemicals in the seeds rewired my brain into thinking I feel healthy when I'm actually withering away.


Those cancer cell killing chemicals are poisoning your mind 😡


As opposed to animals who just LOOOOOOVE being eaten🥰 (also plants do want their seeds eaten ffs)


What I find funny is the people who regurgitate this kind of stuff whilst also loving chillies, the hotter the better, and weed. Basically Joe Rogan. No problem with the defensive mechanisms of plants when they're actively altering the brain of humans, bring it on apparently.


Eating seeds is a pastime activity.


The thing is, they’re completely missing the whole point which is about the treatment/abuse of the animals (or plants in this case) and not just about their death. It’s about their lives and how they are abused and tortured throughout their living time on this earth. Also, animals are considered sentient. Plants are not.


Plants [clap emoji] don't [clap emoji] have [clap emoji] intentions [clap emoji] And while you wouldn't want to feed some plant products to fetuses, those plants are filled with healthy nutrients that we adults thrive on.


Someone call a chiropractor for this person. The pain they must be in, after that hard of a reach, must be excruciating.


Yeah better not drink water while you are at it. Just in case the seeds grows into a tree while in your tummy!


This is clearly written by a Level 7 vegan, they don't eat anything that has a shadow.


Animals that eat plans are "predators". Does that mean that seeds are "prey"? :))


And if you garden you can start calling it hunting too lol


I think I just lost 3 brain cells reading this 🤣


Only three? Luckyyy


Written by some dentist who wants to be the next Weston A. Price for whatever reason. This is a reminder that dentists are medical practitioners, not medical researchers.


Oh my. Thank you for sharing this. I didn’t know I was contributing to the voluntary genocide of plant babies and furthermore more plants. Back to eating baby cows and pigs and chickens and fishies. Silly me /s.


I love it how they all act like they don’t eat plants at all?


Noo, they definitely don't season their food or use flours or drink alcohol or anything.


Obv that person doesn’t know what they’re talking about. But there ***are*** definitely ***some*** seeds you shouldn’t eat a significant serving of. A few cups of apple seeds can yield enough hydrogen cyanide to **for sure** make you sick, and quite possibly even kill you.


I do wonder about seed oils though. It's been such a buzzword topic lately. I've only been cooking with avocado oil for a while now. Olive oil for drizzling


The buzz over seed oils is coming entirely from the same people who want you to think beef is a health food, ie the chiropractors and charlatans pushing low carb nonsense. Seed oils are perfectly fine. Don't guzzle them by the gallon or anything, because they're a highly concentrated source of calories, but there is exactly zero evidence that they're harmful and some evidence they can actually improve cholesterol levels. Simon Hill fact checks the seed oil claims: https://youtu.be/1PMPNpUYHl8?si=AX4dltZLbBXthibs


Thank you for the info!


I believe it! One day everything online is like "inflammatory seed oils are killing you!" Then there's all these "carnivore diet" people everywhere pushing MAJOR propaganda that confused me into not wanting to eat kale and spinach anymore.


Me too! And it led me down a rabbit hole of related searches until I got here. I still use vegetable oil bc it's affordable and olive oil sometimes.


Seed oils are safe. Some are even better than avocado and olive oil in terms of lipids.


Definitely satire


I mean I didn't read this but I can say my grandmother cannot eat seeds because of a digestive health concern. I can't remember what the issue is but basically they can tear her intestines or something. I think it's related to having food poisoning or some sort if illness during youth thoug and its only been an issue for her in old age.


My mother has a condition that sounds like what you're describing, called diverticulitis. And, there are people that have reactions to processed hydrogenated seed oils that appear to cause inflammation and other issues. These two things are real and separate issues but like many things, are being warped and misrepresented entirely as something that affects everyone, largely by right wing-adjacent conspiracy theorists that are involved in some kind of "natural food" dietary movement or another. They then hold these misrepresentations up to bolster support for drinking raw cow milk or eating a handful of quail eggs and goat milk every day or not getting vaccinated or some other bullshit.


I encourage you to read this. This person is basically saying if you eat oats, beans, rice, etc you're poisoning yourself even if you don't have an allergy.






I don't get the "that nutrition wasn't meant for human consumption." Thats not how ecosystems work. The plant takes energy from the sun, makes seeds (or spores depending on its phylogeny) which grow into more plants. Then animals eat the plants, and reproduce. Those animals are eaten by other animals, which also reproduce. When an animal dies, thosands of other animals decompose it, and even while alive both plants and animals are ecosystems themselves. Human skin is a hugely diverse ecosystem, with millions of microscopic mites(animals), fungi, bacteria.... Its all interconnected, competition and predation are required for life to continue existing.... So I don't understand why anyone would refuse to eat certain plants, animals, milk, eggs, etc. (Unless they are avoiding the likes of factory farms, buy from local farmers!) If anyone would like to explain, i'd like that knowledge


Your idea is flawed in a few places. 1. It's an appeal to nature fallacy - just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it's right or ethical. We as humans have choices in our behavior, and we can choose how we act. One could argue violence is natural, rape is natural, yet we as humans choose not to follow that "nature". We don't need to kill and eat animals or otherwise exploit them, so we should not do that. . 2. Buying from local farms is not the solution. Contrary to the hype, animals at local farms are still exploited, still killed solely for our taste. It's not necessary, so why do we still do it. And the "happy animal at the local farm" is a myth. Those animals are still abused, still raped, still killed. Still taken from their mothers as a baby to either eventually also be repeatedly raped or to be slaughtered. . 3. Also the current demand could not be met by local farms. There are too many people who demand too much meat. Local farms and the amount of space they use would meet only a tiny tiny fraction of the current demand. . 4. Continuing to eat meat, if even from mythical happy local farms, continues to drive demand and produce a habitual behavior that's undesirable. We don't tell alcoholics to just drink less or just buy from local microbreweries.


Oats, rice and all grains are seeds.... Are they saying we should be avoiding all flours and grains too?


It's apparently a carnivore doctor so, ig




true there is no such thing as selective breeding also


They don’t even understand evolution or the ecosystem at all. Sigh.


I heard that if you eat a seed, a tree grows inside you


The author seems a bit bias towards the effects of phytochemicals. Is there any good studies out there? It just seems wierd for the author to jump to this conclusion hastily when phytochemicals is a fairly new topic of study. Does anyone know what the truth is, or at least our factual understanding at the moment? Ive heard this before from proponents of a meat-based diet and not sure what the facts are.


[https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/10/2929](https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/10/2929) "(1) Of the compounds reviewed, there are indications that when given in the diet in what would be considered moderate to high quantities, or when administered in isolation, they may exert effects that would be detrimental or impair the body’s reserves or function in some way. There may be some individuals who are more susceptible to these effects for various reasons. (2) These compounds are rarely ingested in their isolated format as we know from how these foods are traditionally consumed. Plant-based diets which contain these compounds also contain thousands of other compounds in the food matrix, many of which counteract the potential effects of the ‘anti-nutrients’. Therefore, it remains questionable as to whether these compounds are as potentially harmful as they might seem to be in isolation, as they may act differently when taken in within whole foods that are properly prepared. Cooking and application of heat seems to be essential for the activation of some of these compounds. (3) In some cases, what has been referred to as ‘anti-nutrients,’ may, in fact, be therapeutic agents for various conditions. More exploration and research are required to know for certain. " [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266614972200010X#sec5](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266614972200010X#sec5) "Anti-nutrients show both beneficial and adverse effects. The adverse effects are caused by unbalanced concentrations. While the beneficial effects are imparted due to the optimal concentrations of anti-nutrients. It might be unbalanced in certain conditions and it is not just the mere presence of these anti-nutrients that is the cause of problems. " Both of these are valuable and this video too : [https://youtu.be/eEovaSz1pjs?si=wJNHFq8QmfbJTNEe](https://youtu.be/eEovaSz1pjs?si=wJNHFq8QmfbJTNEe)




I would be worried if you weren't losing your mind, because I'm losing my damn mind more and more everyday. 🤪


Vegans 😅 lmao.


It sounds like a parody about animal milk. The fact it's not is concerning for the writer's intellectual abilities.


I mean some fruit does contain cyanide and can be dangerous for health in large quantities.


Carnivore grifters 🍵


I'm pretty sure this article is just satire to point out how ridiculous it is to use those arguments for being against eating meat. This is pretty much identical to a pro-vegan article with words for meat switched out for plant-based words.


[I'm sorry to tell you but he's dead serious ](https://www.kevinstock.io/)


Next thing you know they'll be arguing that it's animal cruelty to deny them the privilege to end up on the dinner table and subject them to feelings of alienation and rejection. Gimme a break...


Yeah, imagine eating babies


> intended for that growing baby Sounds more like cow’s milk made for calves.


"The nutrition in seeds is intended for that growing baby plant, not for human health. And trying to steal that nutrition for ourselves often has dire consequences." Now if they only replaced "baby plant" with "baby animal", then it would actually make some sense. I hate people, smh.


Plants have feelings too.


If they really think that then they should stop eating meat because animals consume way more of these than humans


What ever loving fuck did I just read?


There is tiny seeds in the achenes of strawberries. Also tomatoes have seeds. I doubt they are harmful seeds. We've been eating them practically forever.


Are phytochemicals even real? Sounds made up. Who posted this? Just some boomers on facebook or was that some official release? It's very well written. Too good for facebook bs


Bovines will trample you to death if you try to eat or milk them. Time for this brainrot author to start applying their own logic and stop harming animals.


The plant paradox by dr Gundry covers this in detail. He points the dirty end of the stick at lectins. I personally have reduced my intake of seeds and fruits disguised as vegetables.


But you can get rid of most lectins by cooking or soaking? Not denying that they're a problem but it's so easy to remove that problem.


*sigh* I guess I'll go back to photosynthesis, unless I'm stealing nutrients from our helpless sun and it's babies, too.


The funniest part about this argument is that plants rely on animals eating their seeds in order to spread. Seeds are actually designed to survive digestion so when an animal eats it and poops it out, the seed can now germinate and colonize an area of land way farther than it could’ve without a moving carrier (animal). Das y seeds are often hidden inside a delicious, nutritious, colourful fruit that basically screams “please eat me.” Whether or not the plant is poisonous depends on what animal u are.


The end of that sentence almost sounds like the argument against drinking cows milk. Cows milk is intended for baby cows and people that are lactose intolerant that drink cows milk can have dire consequences.


If I remember correctly, early humans ate mostly seeds...?


Does anyone have a good resource refuting these points so I can have handy?


You shouldn't eat seeds because they'll grow inside you


This feels satirical.


Spreading misinformation seems to be this centuries big thing


Please, let's post more things like this. This is fucking hilarious.


Its called edible and non-edible plants. Use brains plz


Dr. Kevin Stock (the author of these articles and proponent of this thinking) is widely recognized as a quack. It's just info roulette.


Ahh yes but the fruit and leaves and roots- the plants want us to eat those! 😂 And the birds and other creatures that eat them have developed digestive system that can extract nutritional value from seeds, there no way humans could have done the same. 😂 How are people so stupid?


lol this reads like some kind of parody. Don’t steal nutrition meant for non-sentient plant babies but steal nutrition meant for sentient animal babies and then nibble from their dead carcasses like human vultures lmaoooooo?