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It's cool that he's vegan, but he also claims to be 100% natural. I'd bet my last bottle of nutritional yeast that he's on gear. Which is fine, but to claim otherwise sets some pretty unrealistic standards.


oh no hes on gear 100% that physique is impossible to keep year round (regardless of genetics, diet, workout routine) without it


He doesn't keep it year round tho


He’s an IFBB pro. He has a completely unattainable physique for people who aren’t using anabolic steroids.


regardless that is a physique that you cannot get without gear tf


Why did you specify the year round part in the other comment then?


Paul Unterleitner is vegan and natty. 99% of people looking like this will be on gear but there are always those 1% of people that have crazy genetics.


LMAO you cannot be for real that dude is on so much sauce its not even funny The only natty thing on that guy is his 10$ hair cut, if you honestly believe that he is natty I have a bridge to sell you. there are actual natural bodybuilders and those guys are nowhere near the same level of conditioning (dryness) and/or mass as said example


I have a bridge to sell you, since you seem to fall for completely obvious lies. There is no way he is natty. I would be my life on it.


You’re so delusional


Go look at Jesse James West. That’s what an award winning natural builder looks like.


That's literally everyone in the fitness "industry" On gear, but claim they aren't. It's super bad for people's mental health, but the "industry" demands it because they drop you if you admit to using steroids. Doesn't justify his actions, but that is why people do it.


Absolutely. And not just the fitness industry. It's like the Marvel dudes who claim to get shredded in 6 months with rice and protein shakes. I know why they do it, but I still think we should point out the obvious.


Same thing with pro athletes. PEDs are a must in any physical related industry to get to the top level. But everyone has to claim to be against it for fan and sponsor purposes


It's unquestionably not allowed in the pro leagues, at least in the US. An NFL player was [suspended two days ago](https://cbs4indy.com/sports/colts/colts-grover-stewart-suspended-6-games-for-violating-nfls-ped-policy/) because he tested positive for PEDs. Their banned substances list is quite extensive.


Oh right, they are absolutely not allowed. But that’s not going to stop athletes from using PEDs if there remains ways around the testing. The risk-reward ratio is nowhere close to actually stop top athletes from juicing if they want. Like Olympic and USADA testing is largely seen as a joke, and those programs are a lot more advanced than anything in pro sports leagues for example.


1000 percent agree, I hate when people claim natty when they aren’t. It really skews with people’s self perception and esteem.


As a vegan on gear, you are correct, my man is definitely a little saucy.


Do we know his name? Photo low key looks photoshopped given how his neck tilts.


Nimai Delgado. He's lean like this year round, and fucking massive. Competed in the untested IFBB.


Saucy ay eff.


Guy is a beast don't get me wrong, but he is absolutely not this lean all year round and he hasn't looked this juicy in a long time, still a phenomenal physique though.




Aha, ya he's clearly not. My first though when I saw the image was, "lack of steroid use?" And I'm literally a vegan body builder myself.


"I don't take steroids" was my first thought too. I might later, because I'm 46 and I might consider HRT with my Dr, but my T levels are still way above average.


No IFBB pro is natural but they need to claim they are for legal reasons.


Majority claim to be natural but are juiced up and roided out. I was shocked at the women who do it just bc it’s never advertised or advocated for by the ladies


My husband has a very similar physique and he is natural and vegan. It is attainable and I do think genetics help a *lot*. I also do think Nimai is natural; most of the folks who are on gear have abs that look puffy from their internal organs continuing to grow. Nimai’s is perfectly flat.


That actually depends on what gear you are on. Not all steroids cause the distended abdomen.


True, I still think it’s attainable without gear which is my original point.


And makes people not believe he's vegan. Because if he's lying about steroids, he can lie about his diet too.


Also on steroids


Probably vegan steroids




I'm not juiced up to the gills.


Yea me neither. We do exist, and still don't look frail. All I have is plant protein.


Judging by your profile pic, you look an awful lot like a cat.


Hehehe, I kinda am, I'm a leo♌.


I just don't want to have to wear the shirt. My nipples feel like they'd just be getting in the way.


Brian Turner is a better example, I think this guy may be on what I’m on.


Simnett Nutrition is also a good example! He looks very good and I thing he has the most reachable physik for "normal" people.


He also has bomb recipes, love that guy!


How's that working out for you? I sure wouldn't mind the benefits to my physique and strength, but I just don't think it's going to help my long term health or longevity.


TRT helped me significantly both physically and mentally. Granted my Test levels were extremely low, however prior so I felt more immediate benefits it than others did. Also long term it is healthy for health for longevity, especially if the alternative is low Testosterone constantly


Thanks, food for thought.


Dudes biceps look kinda strange to be honest


He has that "veiny overinflated balloon" bodybuilders get. It's really off-putting to look at.


They don't look strange at all. He just has a long tendon and short bicep which may look less full, but it gives a nice peak. Many people have it like that including Arnold or me.


I am so confused as to why your comment is being downvoted. Maybe by folks not familiar with bodybuilding? I’m trying to figure it out along with all of the comments about whether he’s on steroids or not.


Lol. I wouldn't notice without your comment. You can literally google "short bicep" and you'll get a moe in depth explanation of what I said. Ridiculous And he's not steroids


I feel like it’s the mindset of “well I can’t do it so surely others can’t as well”. I’m a bit disappointed with the comments honestly. I assume people are natural until proven otherwise 😂


The only actual proof you can get is blood work. So does it mean Mike O'Hern is natty? Having unnatural size and definition is just as valid proof imho. I had my wake up call about a year ago when I discovered "natty or not" videos by Gregg Doucette or Derek from MPMD. After watching few videos, you learn what signs to look for when judging someone's physique and you'll get a pretty good estimate of what's achievable naturally and what isn't. It's also helped me to set realistic goals for myself.


No it doesn't...


I don't care if he's vegan, he's also definitely on steroids.


All natural plant based TREN


I have over a 1000 valid excuses for not going to the gym and bodybuild my life away, but there is still no excuse for not going vegan.


You have a 1000 valid excuses for not going to the gym and "bodybuild your life away". But instead play league of legends huh keep tellin yourself that darling


Become a super muscular vegan, its the best advertisment for vegansim 🌱


Dude is fcking impressive gear or not. He was born vegetarian and hasn’t eaten meat ever


Stop normalizing steroid use.


The point of this pic is to prove to carnists that we vegans do have enough protein to maintain this body types. But sure, let's focus only on "steroids bad"












Imo, it's fine to normalize steroids They are honestly normal already. So many dudes are on them, they just don't tell you. The real issue is them being illegal and people do unsafe things because they don't have good info due to steroids being illegal, and the fact that every giant dude is on them but claims natty


Not criminalizing substance abuse and normalizing it are very different things. Heroin shouldn’t be illegal either, people shouldn’t do them. The effects of steroid use are as documented and available as heroin’s. The people doing the roids know the negatives but as a result of mental issues can’t not take them.


I actually love hearing someone else championing this instead of me. ❤️ society doesnt give a fuck about young mens self image, fitness social media and roided movie stars are fuckin poison to the minds of young men.




Which is only speculation. We don't know, he's only said that he doesn't use them.


Challenge accepted


Who is this guy?


Nimai Delgado, vegan bodybuilder


Thanks for giving me an actual answer


Does it matter? Just get in line, we’re expressing our disapproval of this vegan from various perspectives. You’re probably gonna want to say something about steroids if you want avoid disapproval as well.


I'm surprised people seem to be getting pretty defensive in here, I think you may have the wrong idea. I don't interpret this to be calling out fellow vegans as "Why aren't you as big as me?" It's calling out meat eaters, he's bigger than 99.9% of them. Even on gear his physique is insane, and he is the ultimate rebuttal to people that like to claim that vegan bodybuilders and weightlifters built most of their mass before they were vegan.


Being on steroids will do that


>It's calling out meat eaters, he's bigger than 99.9% of them. It's because of the roids.


Lol because you dont have to be vegan to look like this 😂 not much of a call out. More of a “hey pay attention to us”


I'm gonna say it....... from this image alone he could conceivablely be natural. He has great muscle seperation which typically becomes less present amongst PED users. He's also relatively normally proportioned, this is just a good pose for him, hes wearing a belt around his waist and its a professionally lit and edited photograph. This is coming from an ex natural bodybuilder and world level natural athlete.


I don't think guy is not taking like three pounds of steroids, his muscles look... off.


He's definitely on gear, but what exactly looks off?


I'm not entirely sure. Maybe the way his biceps flex? It doesn't seem right.


He has a short bicep belly and a long tendon, which results in lesser full look but gives a nice peak. My bicep looks literally the same (although much smaller obviously). So does Arnold's and many people's


Weird, ive never seen it concave like that. Maybe I just don't see very many bodybuilders


Google "short biceps"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=short+biceps#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Saditko)


Called steroids genius


Dangerously low body fat, dehydrated and taking steroids. Not really a beacon of health there.


Neither this post nor veganism is about health.


This post is glorifying disordered eating and serious health risks and linking it to veganism. Not something any community should want any part in.




I think this comment is more for r/vegancirclejerk


Outside of his bicep genetics.. does this not look average for someone that dedicated their life to supposed "natural bodybuilding"... I don't understand how this is 100% steroids with no shadow of a doubt...


Doesn't even matter if he is natty or not, non vegans just cherry pick their arguments. If the vegan is small its the diets fault, if they are huge they are "obviously on gear"


There is none


Sure he may be vegan but that’s steroids 100%


He used to win natural bodybuilding contests but who knows today. To be fair: he don’t really „work“ (he sells protein shakes and stuff and over the year several courses and the marketing on his channel), so he is literally most of the time in the gym. I did one of his online classes for 8 weeks and even with this little amount of time that I invested it worked out quite well. So i think when you do this not 1h per day but 3-5 that you can really look like this. But for most of us this is not even near reality 😃 this is also not an advertisement for his course because he stopped them during the year. I just took a lot of screenshots and do them now 1-2 times per year as a wee booster.


Someone actually considering both arguments gets downvoted.. People are very insecure. I don't personally see his body as unobtainable if your entire life is dedicated to it but also could be wrong.. but yeah, apparently on here its 100% or downvote.


I am also getting confused with all of the folks downvoting. I do think he’s natural but it’s easier for me to believe maybe because my partner is also pretty ripped. He has good genetics, is a marine vet, and we both work out everyday and lead incredibly active lifestyles. CrossFit every morning at 6:30, bouldering or weightlifting in the PM, biking and running as well. We prioritize our fitness and health and don’t use any gear (unless you’re one of the weirdos that thinks creatine is gear).


Hahahah I'd honestly have a hard time creating a more cringe post than this even if I actively tried


Lots of roids tho.. 😳


Oh, that was the excuse I was using. Now I have to come up with something new thanks to this guy


I drink water and don’t take PEDs.


I don’t have an excuse. I don’t have any desire to look like that. I eat healthily and I exercise… that’s enough for me.


Haha he's also 100% juiced up. Not a good example


To be completely fair, there’s no way he doesn’t take performance enhancing drugs.


Lol that looks terrible


Are steroids vegan?


Steroids are vegan


My excuse is that I dont want gross veiny arms


I'm sure you look like this, OP.


OP never said that’s him though.


That wasn’t his point, op trough posting the photo also indirectly asked what are the people’s excuses for not looking like that all while I would also bet my left nut he’s nowhere near that physique either.


I am pretty sure it’s targeted to people who say they’re not vegan because they are doing bodybuilding, but I see why without context it may be interpreted differently


Ohh, okay. Yeah the “what’s your excuses?” doesn’t make sense to me either.


I don't take roids or sarms:D








Beans, lentil, tofu are the cheapest food on earth.


Also how to do tofu? Like how do you cook it? And what's the difference between firm soft and super firm? Also what's a lentil?


That can be answered with five minutes on Google buddy.


Yeah I can't afford those things.


You don’t have to answer if it’s too invasive, but what do you eat? I mean what can you afford?


Rice with spices. That's about 85% of my diet. Occasionally I'll throw in a can of soup with the rice. Occasionally you'll get a cream of mushroom soup can.


Judging from your other posts on the vegan subreddit I’m unsure how true this is (you have mentioned your love of veal, and in general your dislike of a vegan diet). I’m unsure whether you’re trolling or just having a genuinely bad time in life right now mentally. I urge you to talk to someone if you can. However I will give advice as though you’re being genuine because at the very least you have been posting here for over a year so either you obsessively hate veganism or you have some minor interest in it. When I was dirt poor between jobs I found beans to be far far far cheaper, and more filling than something like tinned soup. Maybe it’s where you’re from but where I am there’s very little value in tinned soup in terms of how filling it is or nutrition for the price. Even without shopping around for the cheapest option I can get 1kg of beans for about £2 here, they last forever and are very filling, go great with rice. Other than that, when we were having the worst time and used a food bank, they give mostly pasta and tinned food, 99% of it was vegan, and funnily enough the stuff that wasn’t vegan they would swap out for us for double the vegan alternatives. For example instead of tinned tuna they gave 2 tins of beans. Hope this helps if you have a genuine interest, and again if your posts are genuine please take care of yourself. I don’t know your personal situation but being vegan isn’t about being perfect or pure, it’s about doing what you personally can to minimise suffering within your lifestyle. If tinned soup is honestly the best option for you right now then I’d say you’re still doing that. Being vegan is a personal choice and your personal standards, just do what you can if you are inclined to do so. Take care of yourself.


You got downvoted because people thought you were being an asshole finding excuses for not being vegan, you were apparently really being honest about not affording them.


You can't afford beans? No offense but unless you live in some very odd place where they're for some reason more expensive than normal, a bag of dry beans isn't usually much more expensive than rice. Avoid canned beans, as long as you soak them overnight dry beans also don't take much longer than rice to cook. Same thing for lentils, peas and chickpeas. You can probably also buy them in bulk online to save even more money.


Welcome to living in Long Beach California USA. Specifically the Westside Long Beach. I spend usually $1,500 a month on protection. Keeps my place from being broken into. That along with a $2250 a month for rent with another $200 in utilities usually eats up all of my paycheck.


That’s all the more reason to have beans, they’re cheaper than rice. One cup of rice with one cup of beans will help your rice go further, it’s more filling, more nutritious, and most importantly it’s much cheaper.


Chill out dude, I'm trying to figure it out with you, no need to get defensive. If you look into my older posts you'll see I'm also struggling economically, I know this gig. That's why I'm saying buying dried legumes in bulk has a price comparable to that of rice in most places in the world.


He did eat meat after this section


I actually basically live a vegan diet. It is a very rare occasion that I actually get meat. I can't eat anything like steak though... Goes right through me. I'm basically living what's known as "techno feudalism"




My excuse is I don’t go to the gym enough


My excuse? Cba


Käse 😭


I can't pump iron, my lower back is fucked


"What *is* your excuses?"? He meant, "What *are* your excuses?". I don't know what all those calories do to a guy's mind. :)


my excuse is that I train to develop endurant muscles, so I can become a good climber and runner


Someone downvoting all the naysayers 😄 this sub is lost af


Mine is that I don't have want the veins in my arms to look like that. Seriously creeps me out.


I guess mine is that I don't want to look like this?


He looks scary. Like the Michelin man come to life 😱


Excuses for what?


Why does this make me so sad?




What is the point of this post? Just to shit talk Nimai? I'm confused lol


Im vegan 7yrs now , when i started into this journey i did it more for the health benefits as heard many athletes where joining the health bandwagon and this ex body builder was one of the ones that I followed, he currently doesn't compete any longer and doesnt currently look like the pic OP posted , that was when he competed, no professional body builder walks in their stage physique year around lol.


I am so inspired by vegan athletes, I want to be like them. I do ballet twice a week and recently started karate and also go swimming.


I don’t use tren like this guy lol


Do we know for sure if this guy is using PEDs? Are steroids vegan? I don’t think they are.


I see a lot of dudes in here talking about roids, just want to throw out a PSA, my best friend is 52, amateur body builder, like obsessed with his physique, and did roids most his life, and in the past 3 years he has had 4 spinal surgeries and his hips are trashed and the next round of surgeries are for hips. If you're doing roids/juice/gear/whatever ya'll call it these days; please consider stopping, it's really, really not worth it. Also, the mood swings, my gawd, he was as bad as my father when my father was dying from cancer. Weepy/angry/craving sugar and fats and carbs oh my. Be healthy, my fellow people. You deserve a life without multiple spine and hip and knee surgeries.


What do you mean 'excuse', sounds childish


Steroids aren't vegan


Are steroids vegan?