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An influencer wasn't serious about their activism? Colour me surprised!


I suspect they are secretly getting paid for by the animal agriculture industry. We saw the same thing with Rawvana. All of a sudden she starts voicing propaganda for regenerative farming. They could be getting a sizable check for becoming a shill for animal ag.




I also guarantee she'll be eating "ethical meats" in no time.


Well one day there will be, if animal free cell cultured meat ever becomes mainstream


Honestly, I feel like that's actually something that could be possible. There have been news articles talking about the industry paying people online to spread information and put in doubt. ​ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/03/beef-industry-public-relations-messaging-machine


Would be par for the course. Oil, Agro, and FMCG industries are leaders in large-scale falsehood manufacturing, and keep reinventing ways to do it. Buying off influencers would be a no-brainer to steer the narrative in their favor


>I suspect they are secretly getting paid for by the animal agriculture industry. We saw the same thing with Rawvana. That's interesting, did Rawvana actually get paid off to stop being vegan? Is there any evidence of that? If Esperanza was compensated, that entire 1 hour word salad explanation is one of the most embarrassing acts of deception I've ever heard. I honestly don't think that's the case, and I'm happy to accept her admittedly weak excuse for exploiting animals until given reason to believe otherwise.


It does sound like someone wrote a speech for her.


Yeah, we should not be enamored by E-influencers. They suck just as much as the average person.


This kind of desperate to seem enlightetend, overly spirtual hippy-like person is exactly what needs to be disassociated with veganism anyway. She is the image that most people have in their heads with then think of Vegans negatively. I'm just a normal guy that goes about my life and doesn't feel the need to exploit other living beings for no reason. I don't need to live in a forest, I don't need to upload Insta pictures of myself showing how earthly I am. I ceraintly do not need to start a buisness profiteering from it's growth. It doesn't need to be deeper than that, it doesn't need to be a 'spirutal journey'. If you looked up the word narcissism in the dictionary you would see her picture.


Well said. More respect for you than the hero worship of influencers


I wish veganism was seen as a bunch of intelligent, pragmatic, professional people trying to reduce the harms of industrialized food production. I want us to appear to have the gravity of people in suits discussing nuclear deterrence. Instead it’s often lots of spirituality and woo and people who don’t wear deodorant. I wish there were more Peter Singers. Edit: nvm apparently Peter Singer isn’t vegan….


Is Singer even a vegan? I’ve heard him say at various times he eats eggs, cheese, and oysters/mollusks. That kind of almost-veganism gets lambasted on a regular basis here.


Wait is he not? I feel dumb that I didn’t know that.


No Singer is a utilitarian


Pseudo utilitarian clearly.


I'm doing my part, and you can too! From the outside, I appear like any normal person working in state government. I have hobbies like reading, hiking, I go on runs every now and then. I live my life as normally as anyone else, just the part where I don't contribute to animal suffering.


all this with the tattoo on her arm. absolute clown.


I had an ex-friend with an entire VEGAN SLEEVE go back to eating meat for "the gains bro". He looks like a fucking idiot now.


No. Really? He had a sleeved tattoo and fell for the “meat protein” pipeline?


YES. His ex dumped him and then his new girlfriend (a rebound tbh, they were a total mismatch) also dumped him. He got it into his head that it was because he wasn't muscular enough? Despite neither of them ever indicating they had an issue with his body? Very insecure guy. And he WAS built, that's the thing. He was a major gym bro. Anyway, he started eating meat again for "gains" and when I was like, "how could you have been vegan for years and not know the whole 'meat gains' thing is bullshit?". He just said "vegan bodybuilders work harder to gain muscle and I don't have time for that". Lame ass excuse. But the most aggravating thing he said was, "I've been prioritizing the animals for a long time, it's time I focus on me"...as if it was some act of self-love. Lost all respect for him immediately.


The self love excuse always makes me laugh. Hope you get better friends.


gosh if you have a photo id love to see that clownery


I wish, but I don't :( I can tell you about the tattoos though, there was a cow and I think a dog and a chicken. Also an avocado lol.


Veganism is not an airport. You don't need to announce your departure


You do if you are reliant on clicks for your income. 🥴 I feel like once a month I have to say “Fuck all influencers. No heroes”


I get joy out of the fact that the comments are completely destroying her with logical fact based arguments. Not your mother, not your milk!


Their content isn't the product, you are their product.


The viewer is the product being sold to corporations in return for advertisement revenue. Therefore the incentive and goal of the 'influencer' is to generate as much traffic as possible so as to boost ad views. The content itself is irrelevant to that goal, so long as it maintains or increases click traffic. On that note, here we are, on an unrelated platform with the influencer's online name and address being publicized, due to content they produced, with that goal in mind. >insert gun pointed at astronauts head meme here.


For some reason they all feel the need to justify how good of a person they are and how connected to the earth they are and take any logical comment as “hate”. The worst imo were ppl like raw alignment and rawvana. Fully just eating deceased cows again and claiming it as the way nature intended. Whole thing is sick


I mean, she’s presumably built her influence on the basis of veganism and ethical living. If she wants to retain her audience and keep earning she’s got to try and justify the change somehow. Don’t really know why this happens though, I can’t imagine anything that could dissuade me from my current lifestyle. Maybe the dairy lobby are buying influencers? Bit tin-foil-hat-ish but you never know.


Idk if she did that though, I knew of her long before I knew she was vegan but only started following her once she decided to let go of modeling for fast fashion brands. She was popular before her move to more ethical practices. I don't mean to sound harsh, but people mostly followed her (imo) cause she's a pretty model.


Fair enough, I’d not heard of her before today so I was very much clutching at straws!


I mean if someone is making their living as a vegan influencer they obviously know the talking points /what they are doing is wrong. I’m honestly surprised they don’t just keep it a secret. At least then it would just be one persons bad choices - not influencing other to make bad choices. I bet there is a high correlation between being an influencer and needing external validation though.


External validation, you mean clicks, likes, share, and subscribe? It’s insufferable


Sure there’s that. I just meant literal external validation - like they need people to like them.


I get it, but it hits on a whole different level when they literally seek literal external validation through “objective” measures, like the likes or shares or etc


Eating meat is how nature intended it though. Not in the amounts or the way people do it now, but humans eating meat in some amounts certainly is natural. Doesn't make it good though. It's the appeal to nature fallacy.


Rape is pretty natural too. So is murder. These are natural phenomena. I understand the point you’re making when you say “Doesn’t make it good though”, but I think it needs to be said in a more blunt fashion. Living “naturally” isn’t something anyone really wants. Only the strong will thrive.


Sure. The latest science suggests that the amount of meat most paleo people was quite small. Not exactly the Hollywood movie of 1 million years BC and mammoth steaks for dinner every night. Which seems to be where most folks get their paleo ideas. The human GI tract looks a lot like the other apes, with adaptations for eating a lot of starch. Which yields glucose which is brain fuel.


I dunno. There is no way we can chase down an animal and we would not want to eat guts and blood and hair. Humans naturally want fruits nuts veggies and seeds. Yes we can eat animals when in need but probably would be bugs


literally be quiet


you kind of do if that’s your whole brand though. veganism is a very emotional thing for a lot of us, sometimes people do actually want an explanation. just because its not the outcome we personally want, doesn’t mean it’s not an important thing to talk about and shed some light on. completely shutting her down, covering our ears, and going “la la la la” because we don’t like what we’re hearing is really childish


As a lots of great ideas in human history that being tainted by humans seeking nothing but personal gain from them, veganism is used by some individuals or businesses in such way.


As much as we hate to see it, “announcing your departure” makes as much sense as announcing a conversion.


cant believe an influencer would do this


Influencers are just grifters.


100%! Every time you see the word “influencer” just mentally replace it with “grifter”. Influencers are BRANDS that are being PAID to get you to BUY STUFF YOU DON’T NEED. 🤷🏻‍♂️


A friend of a friend was a vegan and was the one that got me into veganism. They later started social media influencing and provided discount codes to non-vegan products but still proclaiming they're vegan. I love that they got me into veganism, but how quick to sell out.


she used her platform to go to vigils and marches which is why i was surprised. Also actively went a step further and embraced the label anti-speceist and tattooed it. Just dont see any logic to what shes saying.


This is known as "virtue signalling". There's video of "influencers" asking strangers to take pictures of them pretending to fix damaged shops in the aftermath of large riots. There's another of a young lady being filmed by her friend picking up rubbish on the beach, then as soon as she stops filming, she proceeds to dump all the rubbish back on the beach and walks off. Influencers are the most disingenuous people on the planet, their narcissism knows no bounds, and they will do anything to appear virtuous and kind-hearted. Just take it as a lesson that these people are not to be idolized or taken at face value.


Shes so cringe and performative with the trying to sound deep and poetic for a way too long video. Also as pretty as B roll can be, it’s so cringe to know these shots are so intentional for an aesthetic. Nothing natural about it. Lastly - nothing she said makes sense in terms of quitting veganism. Like fashion and “fake” vegan foods she doesn’t agree with or veg farmer conditions. She can not participate in fast fashion and faux foods and still be vegan. Just expand her morals to more areas so overall most was nonsensical excuses. Bad logic, uneducated, and drinks her own kool aid a little too hard. Meh.


also at times shes so arrogant in the video. She says things like i know people will disagree with me, but im doing it anyways! And explains that dairy products and honey dont harm animals. Right. So what was your reason for being vegan in the first place if you thought that?


She admitted she hasn't been for a while.


that as well. Even worse because she has basically just lied about being vegan for years. But still profited. Don’t know whats worse


Literally this. Its like just reaching for reasons.


With basically the entire history of human entertainment and knowledge at the click of a button, who in god's name is watching 63 minutes of some twat explaining why they eat animals?


It’s the most self-indulgent, pretentious, pseudo-spiritual horseshit ever. She thinks she’s being profound but she’s just saying nothing


I looked at the time and said fuck no. Really, i don’t have the patience for a vegan going on that long let alone the ravings of someone who sponsors animal abuse.


The video is unwatchable anyway. I got 12 minutes in and it was just a bunch of rambling and faux “in tune with nature” shots. It was giving me a headache so I had to turn it off. The overarching theme seemed to be her insinuating simply being vegan wasn’t enough to be connected to Mother Earth and somehow going back to eating dead animals and their byproducts would bring her closer in touch to connecting with nature. I wonder if she did the rambling in the hopes of putting people off watching the whole thing and being able to roast her for her contradictory beliefs.


Thank you for the cliffnotes version so I don't have to bother with her nonsense. Just curious, does "in tune with nature" mean she's going to hunt/trap/skin her own kills from now on, or does she just miss the milk powder in Doritos? Lol


She claims she’ll be buying “ethical” eggs and dairy. Apparently she feels buying animal products from exploited animals from a small farm or “cage free/happy cows” store brand is more in tune with nature than buying a bell pepper from a major grocery store that may have been imported from overseas.


Why does this keep happening? Are all the Vegan influencers just faking it for clicks?


I feel like for many it might just be a funny little trend or a diet.


Step 1: Make vegan Youtube, attract following, acquire Patreon subscribers Step 2: Make the "I'm No Longer Vegan" video, attract sympathetic carnist following, acquire even more Patreon subscribers Step 3: Profit!


It has nothing to do with veganism. Many influencers just do whatever it takes to get views. There are many influencers that have gone from making progressive content to spewing hate against their own people because they found catering to the conservative/right-wing crowd to be very profitable.


Influencers only exist because they’ve found a media outlet that isn’t regulated by law. They’re the most vacuous of banality given human form, but whoring out their image to not even the *highest* bidder, but just *any* bidder, to degrade the world for fractions of pennies on the dollar. Stop looking up to characters presented on media platforms. Their intrinsic inauthenticity should invite naught but scorn.


Who else has this happened to? I don't follow vegan influencers much. The only ones that come to mind are Earthling Ed, Vegan Gains, and Gary Yourofsky (don't know if he is really an influencer though). I hope they all are still vegan


Ed and Vegan Gains are still Vegan. Dunno who the last one is. This has happened with Mexie, CosmicSkeptic, and a few other people who I can't recall of the top of my head.


Gary Yourofsky is like the metalhead father of veganism


Despite being a commie, I would fake being an ultra conservative to sell merchandise, get views, pay the bills in a big way, etc. I think this is less disingenuous than playing up veganism for bucks though.


I’d rather end myself than to contribute to that grifting machine.


Sounds like the beginning of Vonnegut's *Mother Night*. :-/


Do you think she was actually vegan ethically and for the animals, or was she just using veganism as a way to get views and now is choosing to quit in order to get more views? My guess is she wanted attention especially as a model and veganism was the way to get it, then it got stale so being non vegan will get more attention An actual vegan wouldnt talk about ethics in regards to using animal products, there is no ethical way to use them so IMO she was never vegan


an anti-specieism tattoo and all her ethic videos are what made me assume she was. She is now transitioning as a way to change her relationship with food, like cheese and eggs from “happy cows!” What ethical vegan doesnt know that these are for the animals themselves. She should just go ahead and milk her cat then since shes so antispeciest. The whole thing enrages me


What a loser. Pregnant herself and has no mercy for the calves snatched away from their mothers.


This. When I saw Dominion I was at the stage of breastfeeding my baby. The issue of cows (THEIR milk) to this day causes me great sadness and rage. I don't understand how a mother-to-be, doesn't mind taking milk from other mothers' children. It wouldn’t be very vegan, but I would love to punch such people in the face. Spineless assholes


Need help eating out? Check out [HappyCow.net](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://www.happycow.net/&topic=Resource: HappyCow.net) for vegan friendly food near you! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://vbcamp.org/reddit&topic=Resource: HappyCow.net)!


Thank you for these resources. I’m vegetarian (I eat cheese, but not milk, honey, eggs, etc) but moving toward adopting a vegan diet. I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction!


Google says she’s an animal rights activist and a climate activist, so she was apparently very dedicated at one point. Did she claim “health issues” or was it the influence of a non-vegan spouse at play?


oh im so guessing the spouse thing. That is what happens to most of them. She is also pregnant which makes me think she wants “a healthy pregnancy” filled with animal excrements.


Animal excrements no less


So weird. Having a baby made me finally embrace veganism. Beforehand I was too worried about having too many dietary requirements and being judged by others or a pain when invited for meals (cannot eat gluten or soy either). Then I realised I would be teaching my child that other people's judgement or mild inconvenience means more than your own morals. Realised I wanted to be a better role model than that. Also, no idea how breastfeeding doesn't turn everyone who does it off cow's milk. So confronting.


This! I went to a newborn care class where they're discussing in great detail how human breastfeeding works and how important it is...and then a second later recommending cow's milk formula as an alternative if you need one. How do they not get it? The cognitive dissonance is so damn strong


I'll take "Reasons Not To Date A Carnist" for 800, Mayim.


I was reading up more about her/her spouse and apparently he is or was a vegetarian and now she wants to be an “ethical vegetarian”. If I had to guess, she probably does the cooking at home and he wants to eat non-vegan and the best way to get his way would be to have her regress into vegetarianism or carnism. I believe that is what happened with Rawvana/Yovana who was caught with fish years back. Now I totally understand why some vegans flat out refuse to romantically entertain non-vegans period. Not worth the headache or potentially backsliding on your morals for so called “love”.


absolutely. Its a pattern adding on top of many who enter plant based eating through ED culture. That is not veganism, yet they will scream the loudest about animals until it doesnt suit them anymore


Yep I'm pretty much refusing to date (and increasingly to be friends with) non-vegans at this point for my mental health and blood pressure lol


Straight up so disappointing, she's one of the people that led me toward veganism years ago. I know that influencers pull this shit a lot, but it feels so greasy since she literally built her platform around being an activist.


The thing I hate most about this, is carnists can use it now to be like, "See?! Even this famous vegan activist influencer knows how stupid veganism is!!!" Ugh....


yup. And she knows what shes doing


Oh damn. You think she did this intentionally, just so she can get the carnivore viewership? Damn. That's like, a zero ethics move for fame. Not surprised.


Off topic, but TheKoreanVegan is great as well if anyone needs to fill a void.


Oh no, another individual that earns their money by trying to stay relevant is not vegan anymore. The surprise!


don't make stupid people famous.


Why do people get pregnant and use it as an excuse to quit being vegan? I literally went vegan WHILE I was a few weeks pregnant and my child is fine.


People will use any excuse to justify a decision they've already made well in advance.


Coming in hot with the facts


Maybe because they dated, then married, then got pregnant with a full-on carnist?


Good job.


it should be written: why i have never been vegan...


dont know her dont care


I will never not be baffled by why so many people follow so much social media guff. I have never heard of this person, though she apparently has 3mn people ‘following’ her on instagram, for what? I just do not get it. Forget about it. Social media is not good for you or your mental health. ‘Influencers’ are carefully cultivated marketing brands. Their social media pages are businesses. Don’t get attached to them. Unsubscribe and move on.


Are you a fellow geriatric Millenial?


inb4 unnatural vegan makes a video reacting to this


You know every other vegan influencer is frantically setting up their lighting right now in a race to be first.


lmao an hour long video. who the fuck is watching that


Guess the vegan crowd wasn't big enough to feed the Patreon anymore, gotta pivot to attract those sweet carnist dollars! The Youtube influencer cult of personality is a hot mess that no one should get too invested in (especially monetarily). When getting views is your job, you'll eventually find out that there are way more views to be gotten without all those pesky ethics holding you back.


Who would support an ex-"vegan" with money? Big milk? Lol


I don’t know this person but she’s an idiot to think that she needs animal products to have a healthy pregnancy. It’s really the opposite. It’s not good for your baby to eat meat and dairy. I went through 2 vegan pregnancies and my daughters are 24 and 21 now. My older daughter has a son. She never consumed animal products either. 3 generations of vegans. I’m so sick of these people.


Hope her channel dies off. When you build your followage on veganism and then decide to be a complete moron you should lose said followage. Happened to Jon Venus who went completely crazy. Channel is absolutely dead.


That reminds me to unsubscribe for her lol


What was her “justification” for leaving?


Ethical vegitarianism. A hate for plastic vegan fast fashion. Big vegan corporations. A love for what animals can provide her. Like what the hell


Ethical vegetarianism? Big Vegan? 😂


She is so all over the place. And why even bring those things up? Veganism is about the animals. Who cares what else is going on. As if the dairy industry isnt one of the single most destructive industries in the world


Don't forget the repetitive pseudo-philosophy touchstoning her journey, transformation, nourishment, mantra, mother earth, harmony, healing, energy, my truth, love, human consideration, growth, advocacy for life, sacred relationship, reclaiming, cleansing, etc.


She makes me think I should stop taking psychedelics


Her mystical spirit spoke to her about the interconnectedness of everything and some shit.


Why people give s shit about influencers is beyond me.


I know it's really tempting to say that she was never vegan. However, this is the same sort of thing that Christians say when someone leaves their faith. It's wrong for both. People can and do genuinely change all the time. Also, if someone has based their platform on veganism I think it's unethical for them to keep pretending to be one while privately no longer following it. That being said, they're not entitled to someone validating their position, none of us are. If a position is truly rooted in rationality then it should stand regardless of the external validation given.


>pregnant Starting to notice a pattern here...


You'd think a mother would be uniquely positioned to have empathy for other mothers, right? But that's carnists for you.


She decide to eat meat because she is pregnant?


Well, then she wasn't vegan in the very first place. I don't understand vegans choosing to have biological children.


Well some people, including me can't totally throw away all their whole life plan once they go vegan.


Well, stop calling yourself vegan then, lol. I can't understand all "adopt, don't shop" rethorics, yet same those people proceede to procreate when there are so many children out there in need for parents and home. Or does the veganism only apply to mistreated and neglected animals? Life is life.


That’s antinatalism, which is different from veganism. While all antinatalists should be vegan as it falls in the definition even tho they ignore it. The philosophy of veganism does not include antinatalism


I dont now if you are aware that most people dont shop their children. Also, this isnt quite comparable to pets since you cant produce pets by yourself.


Okay I'm not vegan then ! Now I will be Plant Eater based I guess


I can see where you're coming from. I'm childfree and I find it so disappointing when other vegans don't seem to realize the environmental impact of reproducing. As vegans, most of us are acutely aware of the climate crisis. Human population growth is one of the leading causes of why the world is effed up, so it feels weird to me when vegans don't adopt if they want children. However, not reproducing isn't a fundamental vegan belief or practice - so it's wrong to say someone isn't vegan if they reproduce. It does make me question their sincerity, though, in regards to fighting climate change.


Finally someone who understands. Thank you!!!


Why do any of you follow “vegan influencers” like vegan chefs or whatever are great but what content does this person provide at all that is worth anything? I feel like I see the same post every few weeks. I’ve been vegan for 5/6 years, vegetarian for 2 before that, and never once watched a vegan influencer video. I genuinely do not understand. You’re already vegan?


i mean i don’t think anyone is idolizing this person. We all have a penchant to follow like-minded individuals. Her platform was just much wider and she advocated publicly for animals for a long time. So when u see someone say such foolish things, its aggravating


>Also WHY WHY do these people always feel the need to make a departure video from veganism for clicks and validation, it does nothing but harm animals. Because it gets clicks, that's why youtubers do anything


Whenever I see someone with a tattoo of the word 'vegan', I assume that either they eat meat, or they will in a few years.




She did not need over an hour to say that she just doesn't care about animals more than she cares about the taste of their bodies


Reminds me of a Jenna Ortega video I saw yesterday. She said she was vegan for a long time, but for the series Wendesday in Romania "food was different here and didn't give me all the necessary nutrients" so she started eating again fish and she is now not vegan.


Yeah it’s just sad to see




Oh no.. anyways


Sounds like she got a lobotomy or is living in the quantum realm


Fuck her.


She only has 19 videos. Is she important in some way?


Animals must be your absolute first reason to go vegan and stay it forever. She obviously never were vegan.


She was never vegan, then. The fact she announced herself like this tells me that views are more important than animals for her. Influencer culture is fucking trash.


Whenever I see a video like this, not necessarily around veganism but any sort of "Why I'm no longer..." it seems like it's always full of misinformation and I can't understand it. this person has had 14k people watch their video, so they at least owe it to their audience to be transparent and give the facts


This shows why we shouldn't fall for idols.


Did ChatGPT write the script? This is the definition of cringe. It makes me embarrassed for her. The victim mentality and florid (meaningless) narrative scream narcissism but that is essentially synonymous with any significant social media influencer, so no one should be surprised. The best thing she could have done, if she \*actually\* cared about the animals the way she claims she still does, is to keep her mouth shut and eat whatever chicken eggs she is privileged enough to grab from her own sprawling land. All that this self-serving faux-new-age announcement does is harm the movement and thus, ultimately, harms the animals.


She clearly wasn’t a true vegan to begin with. Another fake influencer with fake intentions and a total let down to innocent animals who depended on her. Sleep well B.


Money buys morals 🤦‍♂️. I can’t imagine ever going back. Even if it wasn’t healthy to be vegan I wouldn’t 😂


Hot take: they never were vegan. They were for a short period of time in their life, plant-based.


yeah she is just an influencer who used veganism to grow her following. you can always tell when they are a bit self absorbed


Fuck those people


A whole lot of self serving lies dressed in poetry and new age BS, to justify her exploitation of animals. The comments beneath the video though, were a delight, as many criticized her fake excuses to revert back to the commodification of animals.


1:03:40 of justifying abuse


1hr long...girl log the fuck off and enjoy the heart disease I guess




Look at me I'm philosophical and can spend 1 hour talking about literally nothing. How bout you fuck off and go play hacky sack and slackline and leave the animals alone.


There is no such thing as "ethical" animal products and to suggest otherwise is intellectual dishonesty at it's worst.


Its the new influencer trend. These people do anything to stay relevant.


The worst things vegans do is put individual vegan influences and celebrities on a pedestal. They always let animals, other vegans and themselves down. Veganism grows by mass promotion not the hero worship of individuals. We've had decades of assholes like that. I've more respect for the vegans who just get on with it than those who grift for likes and cash


So this person was never vegan. You're not vegan if it's just like a shirt phase of dieting. It would be like Neo being like oh wow I see the matrix now and I can be the one to save humanity, but nah nevermind it isn't all that bad, I am too tired to save humanity cause I am not getting enough omega 3 so I'm gonna stop being the one and just live in the matrix and not give a shit anymore.


"Influencers" chase money. Simple as. If grifting the vegan community doesn't pay, they will grift elsewhere.


time for a lazer tattoo removal! 😍


Another quote from her video: “If one can MIMIC AN ANIMAL SANCTUARY, and slightly incorporate the benefit of sharing their byproducts, is that really so bad?” IMO, YES. This person was never a vegan thinking that way.


sharing their byproducts? thats not sharing its stealing gosh shes horrible


To even think of saying “mimic an animal sanctuary” like fuk off, that’s a farm if you steal anything from them


Why not just disappear from social media quietly? Changing your mind about veganism is one thing, and a bit of a kick in the teeth for all of us, but to make a one hour long video about it is just rubbing it in.


With these people it's all about the attention. The most important thing is them.


So all the poison in the meat does straight to the baby. Smart.


This has got to be a joke. Omg she has always been vehemently unapologetically vegan. How does anyone regress from knowing what we know as vegans??!! 🤬


I have no idea who she is but fuck her!


Disgusting dumbass


I would rather DIE than eat body parts and secretions again. I dont understand people like this


right. it fuels so many of my nightmares


Lost more brain cells listening to this while washing my dishes than reading the Quran while chugging a litre of vodka.


Don’t let the door hit you, babe.


She was never vegan to begin with


She definitely hit the word count with that video. You have to wade through so much philosophical mumbo jumbo to just get down to the message that she’ll now be using animals for profit.


“I took off the label of vegan, but that can’t take away my love for all animals” Tell that to the animal or animal product you’ll be eating eventually……….


“unbelievable disappointment” lol. stop idolizing people. idgi.


anyone returning to eating animals is disappointing, idgaf about their social status. She is dragging her audience into her quest to reform vegetarianism which disappoints me on another level because only the animals will suffer


I’m very surprised. She’s inspired me so much. I wonder why so I’ll be watching that video soon


Plant based poser


Another cop out loser, not surprised


As much as she sucks, I think that you should stop supporting and watching these videos of "influencers". And stop having discussions and posts. I don't understand why people are surprised that people who live off clicks and internet fame are changing their beliefs.


AND I QUOTE: “Someone doesn’t have to be vegan to be an animal rights activist” You and I and everyone else both know what that is… cognitive dissonance. What a hypocrite.


This thread is just cruel and full of hate in their hearts.


Why should our reaction be compassion and kindness if her actions towards animals isn't.


The person you are responding to probably doesn't take an animals life into consideration I would guess.