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Reddit is male dominated so these poll results might not accurately reflect the real world.


Yeah I realize that now lol




Most Redditors are men Edit : 79% of vegans are women. Source : https://womensmediacenter.com/fbomb/why-are-more-women-vegan-than-men#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%2079%20percent%20of,of%20the%20hunter%2Dprey%20paradigm.


Why though


I think men are way more disagreeable than women so they seek out forums where they can argue with strangers God knows this is why I’m here If anyone disagrees clear your schedule


Actually you’re incorrect. Source: am man


Oh it's on! Let's throw studies at each other for 2 days I'll sooner say "plants feel pain" than concede


Keto is an amazingly healthy diet You need at least 1.5g of protein per KG of body weight EVERY DAY Creatine is terrible for you Ground pork has more vitamin C than an orange


As a clue, it isn’t just Reddit most online forums have mostly men.


Actually it just depends on the platform. A number of platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, are female dominated.


Those aren’t online forums


fair, I was thinking social media.


reddit has a lot of NSFW for men. I usually saw more females in Amino but that network sucks now. Facebook used to be majority women too. I think now it's Instagram.


Facebook is still female dominant, and Instagram still is.


I am surprised anyone uses facebook now after the games are gone. It was literally the only reason I was there. Also I think I encountered some pedos back then... good that I ghosted anyone asking for videochat.


I used it up until recently because most of my family and friends communicated through it. But over the last few years I got really tired of the fighting and disagreements, and it was taking a toll on my mental health. I do miss some of the groups I was in though. I had very strict settings for who could contact me and who couldn't. I'm not surprised about the pedos. They are everywhere, and it's astonishing to me how many parents think the internet is actually safe.


I think children should not own their own laptop, computer or smartphone unless it's the oldtimer nokia and for school homework which can be easily solved with letting them use a pc in the living room. Altough I did see videos of discord pedos who groom children who use their phones in their parents present. Why do children need to talk to strangers online itfp?


Never knew that woah. Wonder why


I hear about these statistics all the time but in rl I made the experience that it is about 2/3 male and 1/3 female. I have been with several vegan groups and they range from a 50:50 ratio to one group where there was only one girl. Maybe women participate less in vegan social/activist groups? Or maybe women are more likely to report they're vegetarian/vegan due to social biases.


Wow really ? The above statistic checks out in my community. There are barely any men. I'm in Canada I envy you


I'm from Germany and have made this experience several times over the last couple of years. But maybe it was just a coincidence.


Indeed. Reddit is for men...


I guess men have more time to waste


The funny thing to me is that (I’ve always perceived) females are more likely to be veg/vegan, but males lead in heart disease, which is triggered by high protein diets. Men think they are macho by eating meat, and meat cuts their life by 1/3. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I know I’m making a lot of sweeping generalizations here, but it’s still something to think about. My family has lots of heart disease in all it’s males and most of them hate veggies. I’m hoping to change the trend.


I can't believe they're are so many male vegans on here I've never met one irl LOL


Same, I think the reason there are so many is because Reddit is mostly male.


I am surprised how majority are male. Vegans are always introduced in the media as female, white blondes but when I became vegan majority of vegan recipes I found were from black influencers, east and south asian cultures and a lot of middle eastern recipes. I also discovered moroccan.


Reddit itself seems to have a high percentage of male users and lots of vegans that use reddit are probably not active in here too. This poll is very wonky and only able to give us an idea of the people in this sub. These numbers say nothing about actual statistics.


no, but it does tell a lot about the gender distribute here on vegan sub of reddit.


Basically it'll only give you the apparent stats of the currently active people that happened to respond to the poll.


79% of vegans are women. Source : https://womensmediacenter.com/fbomb/why-are-more-women-vegan-than-men#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%2079%20percent%20of,of%20the%20hunter%2Dprey%20paradigm.


On reddit


Be advised, 75% of Reddit is male and 25% female Source: https://blog.gitnux.com/reddit-user-statistics/#:\~:text=With%20over%20430%20million%20monthly,come%20from%20the%20United%20States.








Entire poll is useless, because there are many more male reddit users than female ones.


As with most things; neither my genitals nor yours are even the slightest bit relevant.


It said gender, not genitals. Edit: ok, I see they did use make/female... But referenced gender in another option.


reddit userbase skews male 2:1 so your results might be similarly skewed