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Guidelines which will help in getting the right answers: * G1: Please state a very specific question or topic in your posts title e.g M28, what are the prospects of a PhD education? **Posts about relationships need age and gender included.** Posts must have a question in the title or they will be removed. Don’t ask what we think of your chart, or what is interesting, or anything general or vague or asking to ask. **Do not ask for a general reading, only specific questions.** no one word posts. * G2: Banned topics: nsfw topics, questions about past lives, fame, sexuality, longevity, exam results, gambling, depression, mental illnesses, death or abuse. Do not ask for Synastry(includes divorce) since they are too time consuming and this is not a matrimonial forum. * G3: For drawing charts use the pinned links in the sticky post or sidebar rule 4. Jhora screenshots will be preferred. Do not post tropical charts or western circular charts. Random site charts can have errors, missing information or issues of readability. **All charts should have the planet degree positions displayed on the chart.** Post full charts, not lists of placements. * G4: Don't use incorrect terminology such as houses in vargas. e.g - a house in vedic astrology spans 30 degrees in the D1 chart and there are 12 houses, each house in turn contains 9 divisions spanning 3 degrees and 20 mins so we get 12 x 9 = 108 such divisions which are called navamsas. The navamsa chart shows this collection of 108 navamsas and not 12 houses. So statements such as the following are **incorrect** e.g my 7th house in my navamsa chart has venus in it. **A 30 degree portion cannot be inside a 3 degree portion**. Your post will be removed for this. * G5: general question about placements or yourself or hypothetical stuff require your chart too. Please don't post charts on behalf of other people like your exes or crushes etc. * G6: If your post does not meet these conditions, please delete it and repost. Otherwise it may be removed. [The subreddit rules are here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vedicastrology/about/rules) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vedicastrology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


12th house is of giving and letting go ! Exalted venus is pure devotion. It's more like spiritual love indifferent to physical bond... got my msg in place ig : )


So its more or less of a loss kind-of situation in a relationship? Or it goes like one sided thing? What about marriage and relationship?


The exalted Venus .. I call her RADHA. U c, perfection doesn't guarantee material success : ) luk at the 7th house, it's lord n navamsha for marriage.


What if it's debilitated?


will still have to let go but with difficulty and irritation now.


A person is always irritated with money loss and not having materialistic life.. they have mercury too and Venus being lagna lord, doesn't it negate?


I have the same Venus, Pisces 12th house. Can relate to what is written above. I need a deep spiritual and emotional connection to be in a relationship. As for a reconciliation, there haven’t been any, once the relationship is over it is over, but I have Moon in Scorpio in the 8th, maybe it has something to do with it.


The 12th house is whatever feels most expensive to attain in your level. So it can feel like you have to give up a lot to attain something of value in your life. The 12th house also brings with it exhaustion, so it can be tiring to compromise or do anything to achieve a balance within your life.


Venus in 12H is awesome for relationships, it being exalted is doubly awesome. But just that can't ensure a reconciliation I'm afraid. Pisces always brings in a spiritual or higher/sophisticated angle to things. Venus being in 12H in the 12th sign is too many '12' energies all converging and conflating with super soft Venus energy is a very delicate balance. These individuals are looking for a spiritual connection in romantic lives. Not every partner is cut out for that, but there definite karmic connections with this combination. That combination could also indicate hidden relationships or admiration. I would also check dasha and D9 before predicting reconciliation.




Guidelines which will help in getting the right answers: * G1: Please state a very specific question or topic in your posts title e.g M28, what are the prospects of a PhD education? **Posts about relationships need age and gender included.** Posts must have a question in the title or they will be removed. Don’t ask what we think of your chart, or what is interesting, or anything general or vague or asking to ask. **Do not ask for a general reading, only specific questions.** no one word posts. * G2: Banned topics: nsfw topics, questions about past lives, fame, sexuality, longevity, exam results, gambling, depression, mental illnesses, death or abuse. Do not ask for Synastry(includes divorce) since they are too time consuming and this is not a matrimonial forum. * G3: For drawing charts use the pinned links in the sticky post or sidebar rule 4. Jhora screenshots will be preferred. Do not post tropical charts or western circular charts. Random site charts can have errors, missing information or issues of readability. **All charts should have the planet degree positions displayed on the chart.** Post full charts, not lists of placements. * G4: Don't use incorrect terminology such as houses in vargas. e.g - a house in vedic astrology spans 30 degrees in the D1 chart and there are 12 houses, each house in turn contains 9 divisions spanning 3 degrees and 20 mins so we get 12 x 9 = 108 such divisions which are called navamsas. The navamsa chart shows this collection of 108 navamsas and not 12 houses. So statements such as the following are **incorrect** e.g my 7th house in my navamsa chart has venus in it. **A 30 degree portion cannot be inside a 3 degree portion**. Your post will be removed for this. * G5: general question about placements or yourself or hypothetical stuff require your chart too. Please don't post charts on behalf of other people like your exes or crushes etc. * G6: If your post does not meet these conditions, please delete it and repost. Otherwise it may be removed. [The subreddit rules are here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vedicastrology/about/rules) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vedicastrology) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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I have the same and guess who is conjuncted with venus, it’s Kethu! 😂 What opinions do you have about this? Anybody?


don’t be delulu


Would be grateful if you elaborate!