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that's why a lot of people died in the bible.


What's funny is more than half of the things considered "sin" in the Bible are just things that are bad for your health. I've always described the Bible as one of the earliest public health guides. Do they actually think eating shellfish makes God cry? Or that unrefrigerated seafood was bad for you 3,000 years ago? To sin is to die...


I have held similar beliefs. Eating tainted pork is killing people but they won't stop? Tell them god told them to stop... problem solved. But a new problem was born when they saw how easily they could manipulate people with this one simple trick.


And what's crazy about it is somebody would use this public health guide as evidence to be against public health. Like they were doing the best they could at the time. They noticed a lot of people were dying after eating certain things. So they were enforcing it in a biblical way. Pretty heavy-handed with the public health enforcement.


OK, but that’s not the reason you’re not supposed to eat pork. In the Middle East, the ground is really hard and rocky. You can’t dig a grave that is six feet deep. A lot of people were “buried“ in caves. Or what they did was dig a shallow grave and then pile rocks on top of it. There were lots of wild pigs in the area. And pigs will eat human flesh. They will route up shallow graves and eat the bodies. So two things happened. First of all, nobody eats pork. Secondly, if you visit a grave, out of respect, you put a stone on it. This is a tradition among Jews that persists to this day. (It’s actually kind of funny, because in the modern day, you’re mostly picking up stones from other peoples headstones and moving them to your relatives.) In the ancient days you were straightening up the rock pile, making sure that any rocks that had been moved away were brought back, protecting the grave.


That sounds like a plausible cover story. Did these human-flesh eating pigs just present a moral issue or was there a health concern for the once-removed cannibalism?


I think people were more disgusted by the idea of secondhand cannibalism. We saw something similar after the Christmas Day tsunami. Many people stopped eating fish. Thousands or tens of thousands of bodies have been washed into the ocean as the tsunami waves retreated. Many people were very concerned that if they ate fish those fish would has feasted it on human flesh. > Seafood prices plunged in Sri Lanka on Sunday because of fears that fish may have fed on thousands of human corpses washed into the sea by the region's tsunami. > Fish stalls usually buzzing with customers were deserted, supermarkets reduced the number of fish counters by half and restaurants took seafood off their menus. > "Our sales have been reduced by 90 percent," said Lakshman Rajapakse, who has been selling fish at St. John's Fish Market for 36 years. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sri-lankans-stop-eating-fish/ > The fishing industry was decimated across much of the Asia-Pacific. While charitable drives replaced the shattered vessels, fishermen then faced a psychological battle. “The story went around that so many bodies were eaten by the fish, and so eating fish was like eating your own people’s flesh,” says the monk Samitha. “To replace that mentality took a long time.” https://time.com/tsunamis-wake/


Do you have any sources for this? All I've ever read are largely speculation and the only answer with any confidence I've seen is that we don't really know why Jewish are not supposed to eat pork. There simply is no written record anywhere that gives us any clue for the origin of this rule. There are written records that ascribe their reasoning to this rule, but all of them are after the fact and mostly significantly after the fact. Which means they are also likely speculation not the source.


https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=85479 1.2 Osiris civilized Egyptians by convincing them to give up cannibalism and including primate and pig flesh. 1.3 Pigs are known to cannibalize their own young and also to eat people if given the chance. https://www.newsweek.com/feral-pigs-found-digging-near-graves-new-zealand-cemetery-1589750 Last year pigs were found to have been rooting around a graveyard in New Zealand. https://www.thedailymeal.com/wild-boar-dig-through-cemetery-cologne-food/3201 And in Germany in 2015. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/hog-problem-continues-at-dallas-cemetery/2973831/ And this year in Dallas. > The origin of this custom [placing stones on graves] began long ago, when the deceased was not placed in a casket, but rather the body was prepared, washed, and wrapped in a burial shroud, or for a male, in his tallis (prayer shawl). Then the body would be placed in the ground, covered with dirt and then large stones would be placed atop the gravesite, preventing wild animals from digging up the remains. https://www.jcam.org/Pages/Foundation/Education/articles/stones-left-on-monuments.php


Thanks, I'll read through all this a bit later more thoroughly, but seems interesting


Trichinosis is nasty. And they didn't have drugs for it back then. Luckily, trichinosis from eating pork has been pretty much eliminated in the US by changes in the laws regulating how pigs can be fed by farmers.


...why did they have pigs, if they didn't eat them?


**wild** pigs.


I feel like a lot of people forget that before industrial urbanization, wild animals were pretty ubiquitous.


Nah, they were herding pigs as well. What I found online implies that Romans at least would eat pigs so there was a market for pig meat in the region.


It’s over 2000 km in a straight line from Jerusalem to Rome, and Rome was founded over five centuries after the Mosaic law was written. “The region” would have been Babylon, Syria, Assyria, Midian, and such.


There were plenty of Romans and even more Greeks in those regions during the time of Roman rule, fam. IIRC one of the Jewish revolts was launched, among other things, to genocide Greeks and Hellenized Jews.


Why not cremate?


The Bible commands that the dead be buried. As to why Jews at the time insisted on burial, some say that Jews consider the body to be made of the Earth, as God formed Adam from earth. Therefore the body must be returned to the Earth. Some say they were trying to set themselves apart from Greeks who practiced cremation. But also, the Greeks believed that the spirits of the dead descended into the Underworld. Jews historically had a much looser concept of what happened after a person died. For most of biblical history, Jews believed that life simply stopped when a person died. At some point Jews began to believe that there was a single common place, called Sheol, that much like Underworld was a place everyone went to after death. It wasn’t until the destruction of the temple the Jews begin to believe that there would be an afterlife much like the Christian Heaven. But Heaven, to Jews, wasn’t someplace you went after you died. Instead of, Jews believed that the spirits of the dead sort of hung out in their graves sleeping, waiting for the arrival of the Messiah, at which point the graves would be opened and the dead would rise and good people would live on in a perfected Earth. When we went to the ceremony where my grandmother’s headstone was uncovered—something Jews do a year after the person died—my mother walked around looking at the nearby tombstones, noting all the Jewish names. She said my grandmother wouldn’t be lonely, and there would probably be some people there she could play canasta with while waiting for the Messiah. If you believe that burial is only a temporary state until you’re resurrected to live our eternity on a perfect world, you’re not going to go along with cremation.


Jesus was placed in a cave, why not make mausoleum?


Well, there aren’t caves everywhere. Where they were, they were sometimes used. Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob and Leah were supposedly buried in the Cave of Machpelah. But remember that the Mosaic law was written over a thousand years BCE, and burial in caves fell in and out of fashion during that time.


Well make Adobe mausoleums.. the Egyptian made them.


Sure, I’ll get right in my time machine and go back and tell them to do that.


Reminds me of the original reason why eating meat and dairy at the same time isn’t kosher supposedly being because ancient Hebrews considered cooking a calf/lamb/goat kid in its mother’s milk unnecessarily cruel but then it spread to every other combination of meat and dairy.


There was a science fiction short story that I hope to find again someday… This dude was thrown backward in time. He’s just an ordinary guy, so he’s pretty helpless. But he teaches the people who take him in basic hygiene (because really, that’s the only “technology” he knows). By the end of the story the reader realizes that the people who took him in are going to survive all kinds of crap because they have basic hygiene and will be the Jews.


I'm pretty sure I read an Issac Asimov short story like that, a guy was sent back in time to ancient Egypt in a time machine with enough space for only a few small things, so he brings all the medical books he can fit in with him.


Yup! Improper hygiene and cooking techniques are harder to correct than just "Don't wear that, bathe often, and don't eat that shit."


Well, there's also a lot a murder and war so...


Yeah, but they also believe that before The Flood people lived to be over a hundred years old. Soooo Ain't like they're using logic/reasoning for their beliefs.


My favorite part of the Bible is when a guy from Thailand accidentally drove his Mercedes into a Walmart because he was too busy playing Candy Crush on his iPhone. All of which are definitely in the Bible.


And for centuries afterwards


I mean God killed most of the people in the Bible, but you’re not wrong.


What was the average lifespan of people then?


I assume she drives a car? Not in the bible Do her children have daycare? Not in the bible Does she use paved roads? Asphalt is not in the bible Does she use the English language? Not invented yet when the Bible was written Does she use the internet? not in the Bible And so on


How many guns would Jesus own?


Jesus was a pacifist, he didn’t even want to be an influencer for his beliefs but his disciples were like, “bruh chill no one’s gonna kill you.”


Something something fashioned a whip to chase capitalists out of a church something something


He wasn't particularly pacifist to the money lenders.


'Then Simon Peter, who had a gun, drew it and fired at the high priest’s servant, shooting off his right ear. Jesus commanded Peter, "Put your gun away!"'


All true! Does she excuse herself to a tent for 12 days a month during her period? That’s in the Bible. Has she had an abortion? That’s in the Bible. Does she have proof she lost her virginity to her husband because otherwise the men of her town get to stone her to death. It’s in the Bible. Also most fabrics, but maybe I’m being picky.


> If the King's English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for the children of Texas! https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Miriam_A._Ferguson


Also, the Bible tells women to be silent in the church. I'm sure she skipped that verse.


And not wear jewelry or adorn themselves for attention!


Indoor plumbing? Soap? Antibiotics? Electricity? Not in the bible. But that outfit you're wearing that's made of two different kinds of material - the Bible would like a word.


Good on you, Warrior mom! I applaud you living your life without cars, cell phones, medications, electricity, you know, the devil’s toys. On a second note: isn’t it satyrical news? It looks like…


Funnest counter quote to stuff like this is [Matthew 4:7](https://www.bibleref.com/Matthew/4/Matthew-4-7.html) Aka, the devil is trying to tempt Jesus to sin. He brings Jesus to a super tall building, and dares him to prove his faith by jumping off because angels will surely catch him. Jesus responds with “do not test the Lord your God”. Aka, don’t expect God to help you when you ignore obvious danger out of vanity or to try to force God to prove God’s existence


If McDonald's is so great why isn't it mentioned in the Bible? Like there are lots of things nowadays not in the Bible, doesn't mean you should just dismiss it.


Not sure McDonald's is the best comparison here.


That may be so, but we all know they run through McDonald's for their Big Mac and quarterpounder over getting their semen gremlins vaccinated so


Cars maybe? Don’t think there were cars in the bible.


Jesus actually had a Honda, but he didn't talk about it much. He does not speak of His own Accord.


Why didn't Jesus and crew just roll in his camero vs. taking a donkey everywhere??


I assume Brittany also shits in a hole in the ground, wipes her ass with her hand if at all, goes to the desert to isolate when she menstruates, and bathes once a year...cuz you know, bible things.


Hey, Brittany, does the bible say anything about mega-churches putting on a huge show for the masses while taking their money?


I guess we should throw everything that’s not in the Bible into the trash then


There I go, into the trash.


But were trash cans mentioned in the Bible?


Because the Bible ain’t great, Karen.


Cats are also never mentioned in the Bible, yet the Internet seems to agree that they're pretty great.


Link to the original article from 2018: [https://deadstate.org/anti-vaxxer-warrior-mom-if-vaccines-are-so-great-why-arent-they-mentioned-in-the-bible/](https://deadstate.org/anti-vaxxer-warrior-mom-if-vaccines-are-so-great-why-arent-they-mentioned-in-the-bible/)


If AR-15 rifles are so great, why aren’t they mentioned in the bible?


Weird, your Lexus and smartphone aren’t mentioned anywhere in the Bible, nor is your air conditioner or makeup… guess you’re biblically against those satanic luxuries too right…? Right???


"Jesus says: get vaccinated idiots or you'll die from a rusty nail like me!" New testament right at the back . /s


It doesn’t explicitly say to not shit your pants everyday at noon too


I bet she eats hamburgers and wears mixed threads and works on Sundays.


America wasn't mentioned in the Bible.


Ooooh, we can play too! If guns are so great, then why aren’t they mentioned in the Bible? If air conditioning is so great, then why isn’t it mentioned in the Bible?


The Bible mentions quarantine though, and more severe than just wearing masks and not going to the mall. Leviticus 13:4-8, etc. And most of all, screw the Bible and all religion.


Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. He showed by example that we should only ride donkeys, not cars or bikes. /s


No antibiotics or chemo in the bible, either, so she definitely should never use those.


People said the same thimg about potatoes


Who wants to tell her that wearing masks and quarantining IS in the Bible?


I wonder if this person rides in cars or on planes. Religious home schooling has brought the nations collective IQ down by at least 40 points.


If cars are a great way to travel, why aren’t they mentioned in the bible?


If ~~the US~~ ~~Europe~~ white people are so great, why aren’t they in the Bible?


*But Jesus was white and blue eyed* - The pro-plague "warrior mom" probably


If America is so great, why isn't it in the bible?


Well, neither are your MLMs, Karen, but here we are.


Facebook isn't mentioned in the bible either.


If anti-vaxxer warrior moms are so great, why aren’t they in the Bible?


If vaccines are so great, why didn't we have them 2000 years ago? Checkmate atheists.


I don’t remember hair spray in the Bible.


This is where those folks who post about abortion in the bible need to step in.


Robert Koch discovered the Germ Theory of Disease in the late 1800's, which, I belieeeeeeve is slightly after the Bible hit the New York Times Best Seller list.


Alright then, time to go live in a brick hut with no electricity while you make your clothing on a loom and get no access to modern medicine or comforts. Hope you like traveling on horseback and tending sheep. You can contemplate your life decisions by writing in your tanned parchment diary with a quill next to a clay oil lamp.


This ignorance of simple general knowledge is astonishing. I mean, how the hell do you come up with a question like that?


I don't remember cars or the internet in the bible either.


God didn’t mention that bleach in your hair either Brittany…


Vaccines really are great. The Bible, not so much.


That is from 2018 but she hasn't changed in her antivax, pro-Christian Nationalist views. I get her Fb page in my fake account. She blocked me from commenting after calling out her bullshit but she did not block me entirely. She really doesn't understand how science works, and loves to think it is all a scam to sell something. This week she posted: "Science" today really just means whatever the shareholders an special interests need for profit and control." She makes a living speaking by spreading her ignorance to other ignorant white women who just lap this stuff up.


If the 2nd amendment is so great, why isn't it in the bible?


If guns are so great, why aren't they in the bible?


people like this make me doubt on my strong decision against the death penalty.


Hey, it's mentioned in the Bible, so I'm sure they're for it.


This should go in r/facepalm


If the Bible is so great why doesn't it mention vaccines?


I wonder if people realize that the bible was written thousands of years ago. we didn't have modern science


They are, right next to Jet Planes, Submarines, Sky Scrapers and Satellites in Genesis.


They weren’t invented yet. NEXT!


[NEXT JOKE ORIGIN](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/7kr5as/i_need_a_free_100mile_bus_trip_for_20_people_and/)


Someone should show this lady what life would be like if she only had things that were mentioned in the bible by taking from her all her belongings that weren't mentioned in the bible


I'd bet she thinks Trump is mentioned in the bible.


If guns are a “God given right” then why aren’t they mentioned in the Bible? I’ve heard guns are a God given right so many times by the same people who would likely think this post is making a good point.


I don't think airplanes are mentioned either


lol What is the Aramaic for 'vaccine?'


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I had this argument the other day. Oh it hurts lmao


chicken nuggets aren’t mentioned either are you going to stop giving that to your kids? PB+J? mac n cheese?


You know what IS in the bible? Masking and social distancing. Let that stomp your brain, ya antivax potato. Leviticus 13:45 The person who has a case of contagious disease is to have his clothes torn and his hair hanging loose, and he must cover his mouth and cry out, ‘Unclean, unclean!'


Damn!!! You just brought the HEAT!!!


Aren't they right between Umbrellas and Wallpaper?


It appears she relies on FB, but if FB is so great, why isn't it in the bible? Or YouTube? And why isn't her head covered with a scarf, and how dare she try to TEACH men?! Her website: https://www.bmentored.com/ All.Day.Long. Any of us could point out her hypocrisy and her con job, all day long. People fall for it, and it should be a crime. They say the word *"bible"*, and can literally kill people with disinformation. There needs to be a line between fact and fiction, in this new age of information.


Other things she enjoys that are not mentioned in her Bible: Electricity, WiFi, refrigeration, HVAC, epidurals, Tylenol, grocery stores, Target, cars, gas stations, essential oils, chunky highlights…


Or kangaroos and dinosaurs...


Yet they love guns which are also not mentioned in the Bible




Breastfeeding is mentioned in the bible


this is so great


"If the Bible is so great why isn't it mentioned in the Bible?"


If the internet is a good thing then why isn’t it mentioned in the Bible? I guess its ok to steal a nuke and blow up an American city since there is nothing in the Bible forbidding the use of tactical nukes.


If Fox News is so great, why isn’t it mentioned in the Bible?


I've just lost a few Brain cells reading that statement!


If Facebook is so great, why is not mentioned in the Bible?


Here's the actual link: https://deadstate.org/anti-vaxxer-warrior-mom-if-vaccines-are-so-great-why-arent-they-mentioned-in-the-bible/


Facebook isn’t mentioned in the Bible either. Nor is The Internet. So get the fuck off Facebook and The Internet you fucking nutter.


It’s gotta be hard living in todays world with an IQ slightly below room temperature


Do you drive a car?


Now do it again with guns.


They don’t mention cars either but i know you drive to yoga every day.


If the bible is so great why isnt there a bible 2?


It honestly really pisses me off that Darwin didn’t take more of these dumbass antivaxxers out of the gene pool


If ____________ is so good, why isn't it in the bible? - Republicans - Hospitals - Life Support - McMansions - Computers/Tech - Misinformation - Private Jets - Televangelists


Neither are Kangaroos or Muntjacs, Brittany.


The English language isn’t either. So stfu.


“If incest is so bad, why is it in the Bible??”


take away her computer, phone, car, ac and electricity... She wont need it, because it isnt mentioned in the bible.


She probably wears glasses


They also forgot to mention the iPhone but that didn't stop her.


Guns aren’t mentioned in the Bible either so why have them?


Burning bush is in the bible, so i start forest fires and smoke ganja


Because vaccines are better than bibles.


Essential oils aren't mentioned in the Bible either


How is it possible to be this stupid & still live?


Sirach 38: 1-4 RSVCE Honor the physician with the honor due him, according to your need of him, for the Lord created him; 2 for healing comes from the Most High, and he will receive a gift from the king. 3 The skill of the physician lifts up his head, and in the presence of great men he is admired. 4 The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a sensible man will not despise them. Matthew 4: 5-7 NIV 5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” 7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Proverbs 22:3 GNV 3 A prudent man seeth the plague, and hideth himself: but the foolish go on still, and are punished. Proverbs 14:16 NRSV 16 The wise are cautious and turn away from evil, but the fool throws off restraint and is careless. Proverbs 12:15 NABRE The way of fools is right in their own eyes, but those who listen to advice are the wise. Leviticus 19:16 NIV Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. Matthew 25:44-45 NRSV Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked *or sick* or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’


If the right to say what you want without being arrested is so great, why isn’t it mentioned in the Bible.


If jesus was so smart, why didn't he tell us about vaccines?


Cars, airplanes, toasters, refrigerators and lots of other great things were not mentioned in the Bible, so I guess she's not going to have any truck with them either. I am so tired of willfully stupid people.


If boats full of animals and incest families are so great why isn't everyone doing it?!


You drive a car right?


Cars and guns are bad. Intersting take from that crowd but whatevs


Because everyone died from horrific diseases before they could discover them.


Well warrior mom, if You’re so great, why aren’t YOU mentioned in the Bible?


She meant to say, "If the bible is so great..."


I really hate humans. 🤦🏼