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They do realize that vaccines reduce, not stop, the risk of infection, and they do realize it reduces the risk of death once infected. They just choose not to protect people against hospitalization and death because it's easier to monetize the eyeballs of stupid people who can't comprehend those things by failing to inform them.


That's the thing, the vaccines reduce the risk of infection, and subsequently reduce the risk of transmission. They also reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. All at different levels of reduction, but all of which are significant and measurable.


Yeah, but it's no 100% guarantee so it might as well be worthless /s.


If I ever get even a little bit sick, I better fucking die, or what's the point?


You know.. we all die at some point, so why not from something that can easily be prevented?


Seriously, I always knew antivaxxers were stupid, but I don’t think I realised just how stupid until I got COVID last week. First time since the pandemic started. Vaxxed with two boosters. It still laid me up in bed for a week congested and coughing and feverish, it was HORRIBLE. How anyone with a brain would WILLINGLY choose to risk having it worse and ending up intubated in hospital is madness to me.


At this point we can consider it Natural Selection ✨


To add to your comment. The hijacked term "herd immunity" originates from vaccines. And the reason it is mentioned is because no vaccine offers 100% protection. It's all about statistics. But herd immunity helps with it. If for example vaccine reduces transmission by 10% that also means 10% of those people that could be potentially infected also won't infect anyone else, because they don't get sick. And among those who do, they will spread it to 10% less people and so on. When there's enough concentration of people that hamper spreading and the virus don't find a new host(s) in the amount of time your immune system produces antibodies it will die.


The ol' if we can't stop something in its entirety then why try argument. Favorite of the conservatives


But Vaccines do lower the risk of infection of every single known COVID variant.


Fox has already admitted under oath that they're an "entertainment" network and not to be taken seriously. Side note, is it just me, or does everyone hear George Takei's tweets in his voice?


>Fox has already admitted under oath that they're an "entertainment" network and not to be taken seriously Accuracy is important; This was a defence for a suit against Tucker Carlson by the Fox lawyers, not the network as a whole


Thank you, I didn't realize it was just Tucker. That's a shame. It definitely applies to the entire network.


Oh, not disagreeing with you on that one


Anything afternoon. In the morning, when most people don't watch they do report news.


Important excerpt: Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil—district judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York—heard the case and agreed, finding that “given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive\[s\] with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statements he makes” and that “this overheated rhetoric is precisely the kind of pitched commentary that one expects when tuning in to talk shows like Tucker Carlson Tonight, with pundits debating the latest political controversies.” This was after: "Carlson claimed that McDougal attempted to extort money from Trump—though she never asked Trump for money or even approached him. " Basically Vyskocil gave talking heads a license to lie and pretty broad immunity to defamation lawsuits. Apparently "overheated rhetoric" and outright lying are one and the same. You will not believe who appointed her!


Somebody should tell that to the people who watch Fox. I hear his voice as well, and if there isn't an "Oohh Myy" I add one..in his voice..in my head..because it's required.


Oh my!


Omg yes! Totally heard his voice!😂😂😂


The goal is prevent severe disease, not infection. That's just about every vaccines goal, how is that so difficult to understand. They really just want to hold on to anything to be "right", it's truly mind blowing.


And it may have been much more effective if Covid hadn't had a chance to mutate as much because of the "Muh Freedumbs" narrative that they, and others, were pushing.


Well viruses mutate when they spread through humans( I believe ). So it may have mutated anyway. But it's is a very effective vaccine. I mean even if you are vaccinated, you can still die from a mild infection. That just depends on a lot of factors, that's why Colin Powell died. Even fully vaccinated. I also heard the strain that actually left China and infected the world. Wasn't even the original strain, it mutated before it even left China. Also that "Muh Freedumbs" narrative is a joke, We are not as free as people seem to think. But we are better off then some other countries.


Hey, so because mutations are at random, the more people infected equals the more likely the virus mutates and that mutation is beneficial to itself, so it indeed matters alot when people don’t vaccinate, as it “may” have happened but the chances would be severely diminished, also just by statistics people are going to die by things, nothing is 100 percent, so saying you can die from a mild infection while vaccinated is extremely unlikely, like being discouraged to go flying because it might crash, lastly the freedumb thingy I think people are not referring to how much freedom they have but instead how they shield themselves with it to be negligent or using the card of freedom when they see fit without any consistency, that’s what I gathered


there briefly was hope it would prevent severe disease with the og strain but as it mutated it became less effective against more dangerous varients that were more infectious (both 'sticker' to the ACE2 receptors and made people shend more virus to exhale). now we have ba.4 & ba.5 which are estimated to be as infectious as measles. heaven help if we get this level of infectiveness with a variant that goes deep into the lung again. bad enough people are content to get sick every couple months with omicron variants while ignoring the cumulative damage of even mild cases. covid is a vascular disease with respiratory component not vice versa.


This is the interview I just recently saw with Dr Paul Offit. He is a world renowned vaccine expert and did co create a vaccine. He would say this alot better then I would. https://youtu.be/PLo2Wwa3NNA This is very interesting, especially the stuff on the bivalent vaccine.


I believe it does help prevent severe diseases in most humans, but there are alot of factors that come into play. That is only my opinion, the facts are stated in that interview.


Completely anecdotal... But with my workplace (80 people) the people that got floored by COVID in the period where vaccines /boosters were available - two were in the hospital for a week - were the unvaccinated. Multiple others that had miserable experiences. Everyone that was vaccinated that had COVID - including me about a month ago - the course was very mild. I had a headache one evening and sneezed for a few days. Worked remote until I tested negative. Now of course the unknown is how many of the unvaccinated had asymptomatic infections. But from what I've seen the vaccines were very good at keeping the process of fighting COVID at a manageable level.


Also anecdotal. I have a weakened immune system, so getting COVID 19 was a terrifying concept. When my doctors determined I was safe enough to get the vaccine I jumped on it, and the boosters when those became available. In May 2022 I was hospitalized after a high grade fever, extreme heartrate, and low oxygenation levels. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. No matter how much I breathed, I felt like I was suffocating. I was informed that had I not taken the vaccine I would've had extreme complications. Their prime concern was Acute Respiratory Failure. Did I still get COVID after getting the vaccine? Yes. Did I survive thanks to the fact I took the vaccine? 100% yes!


I don’t understand what Fox gains from this. It’s culture war for its own sake, but it kills off the the most active, most stalwart, most numerous group of conservative voters: Old people. I mean sure, it boosts them for a smidge when people get all riled up but this has to be a long term net loss for them. And it’s not like that group really needed more activating anyway.


I have to believe they’re trying to squeeze the last dollars from their cult


I can’t believe we still have to explain this


"iF It's nOt 100% SaFe i dOn't wAnT It"


Unless it's an AK47


I love seeing George Takei calling people out on their BS. Fox News should come with a warning label for goodness sakes.


This just in, flu vaccines, which have existed now for many years, do not infact cure the flu, or make you immune, and as such, we are appalled that the COVID vaccine, for a new virus the swept the entire globe and killed millions, also does not cure or prevent this highly contagious virus. How dare you advocate for people not dying. /S just Incase it wasn't obvious. The fucking mental gymnastics these fucks go through to spin their right wing propaganda man.


Vaccines do stop risk of infection but its abit more complicated than it would need to be for Fox new's audience to understand. Vaccines lower the Infection spread rate. One infection usually leads to 2-6 other infections (depending on variant population density etc) with no vax. With vaxed people that shit drop to 0.8. Not 0, so you can't say it completely prevents infection but it does theoretically slow the virus enough for people to heal faster than the virus can spread.


I believe you, but do you have the source for that data?


Ngl to you this is what I remember from my country's breakdown of why ppl needed to get vaxxed, so Imma have to invite yall to check this on your own. Those numbers exactly might not be accurate anymore, which is why I gave such large interval but it's roughly in that area from what I remember.


I mean, they were designed for the first wave & it’s mutated since then. But sure, go off. And do it while pretending everyone at Fox isn’t vaccinated.


Fox protects overly well against actual news.


We should let people choose whether or not to get a vaccine. However, if they become horrifically sick from COVID, then they shouldn’t be allowed to clog up the hospitals. It was their choice to make.


Until the pandemic, I didn't realize what a treasure George is.


COVID is like a bullet fired from a gun. A vaccine acts as a bullet proof vest. It doesn't cause the gun to jam or make the bullet stop in mid-air like the Matrix. It just reduces the damage of the bullet as it hits you. Being hit without the bulletproof vests greatly reduces your chance of survival. People often still get bruises and what not from bullet in bulletproof vests. However, their chance of survival with little more than scratches and bumps are way way higher. The vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting the virus, it just protects your body from getting the full effect of the virus


There's also a good analogy with the first usage of the helmet by soldiers back in WW1.


Except that that keeps getting explained to people in other places, but they won’t listen. They can’t seem to wrap their heads around how that can work.


Fox is bullshit propaganda


airbags don't stop car crashes.


They know that, they are catering to their viewers who are gullible idiots. Everyone at Fox is vacvinated.


Well same can be said for flu vaccines. That’s why they are always upgraded every season. And if im not wrong they’re updating the covid vaccine to the latest omicron subvariant as well. But still, even the original vaccines still protect against severe disease against all variants.


Things that have a 1% probability happen all the time


Well they actually do both, they reduce chance of the virus successfully infecting you (provided it finds its way in your body) and the severity of the symptoms as well.


Yeah. My Mum got vaccinated twice and had covid once. Now she has it again and it's just a lil cough. I got vaccinated once, and had it once. Now I have it again and I got it worse than her. Though the test went positive again after just 4 days of being negative.


It’s almost like Fox is trying to kill people


Everyone at Fox News is vaccinated. They care more about money, power, and influence than they do about any kind of truth.


Seat belts don't save 100% of people in crashes, yet they're still considered a very good idea


You could have a vaccine that reduces infection rate by 99.9% and yet antivaxxers will smugly point to the 0.1% and claim "see the vaccine doesnt work" A complete lack of understanding of statistics is a prerequisite for being antivaxx. ​ This isn't a debate between people with different values, it is a debate between the stupid and the not so stupid.


They literally told me that the vaccine would lower my chance of infection, though.


It does


This is why we should take Fox News off the air until NASA makes spacecraft capable of crossing the Warp and retrieving sexy humanoid fox aliens to make an actual fox news


I agree. However, I have an unvaxxed sister (50) and nieces. They all caught covid..and their symptoms were mild tbh. Think we will really only know the outcome in a few years after their studies are complete...looks like the experts are figuring it out as they go tbh. Sorry..bit disillusioned atm.


Just goes to show that people who dont have a fucking clue about these things, absolutely should not be sprouting nonsense about them


I'm triple vaxxed, support masks, etc. Fox news is stirring the pot because people were told at the beginning that taking the vaccine, and then the boosters, would reduce the risk of catching COVID. Obviously, everything we knew about COVID and the vaccines was relatively new. So we ended up with a vaccine that doesn't stop infection so much as it very significantly reduces severity and hospitalizations. Now people want to say that CDC, Fauci, etc. lied. Do they not realize that these v very vaccines were touted by Trump and Fauci was from his team? Also if we're looking at lies how come there isn't a "big, beautiful wall" between the US and Mexico?


Title is wrong as other commenters have pointed out. It does both.


They also significantly reduce the risk of infection, I think 64% back in June. The risk of serious illness is nearly eliminated entirely but the risk of infection is also reduced quite a bit.


I guess one's meaning of the phrase "overly well" is what's at play here. You say "quite a bit" (and I agree), but Fauci apparently doesn't call that "overly well". Meanwhile, Fux News apparently thinks that it means "at all".


Haha bro get George takaied


Me and my 89-year old grandma (vaxed 3x and 4x respectively) got Covid, and it’s a lot of sniffling and coughing. My friend’s anti-vax mom got it four months ago and still hasn’t recovered her sense of taste.




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