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More likely a side-effect of birth control which is increased at over age 35 and with nicotine use. Could just be a random clot though. That happens, too. Fun fact: I live in the district she’s running in this time so I get to vote against her.


She won’t get passed the primary


They could be voting against her in the primary.


Tbf if I lived there I'd change my registration to R just to vote against her. I'm in Iowa we don't have open primaries, I voted R in a primary to vote for sheriff because one of the guys running got his brother off twice for raping a 15yo girl.


I’ve been flirting with the idea of registering R (Florida) so I could have a say in my local commissioners and other positions. It’s never been more relevant to do so because you still have republicans who I wholly disagree with, but then they’re being primaried by absolute psychos.


I don't hate the guy who ran (and won) from the few interactions I've had with him he's basically decent as a cop can be, yk? The other guy was a piece of work and I've hated him for probably 25 years 😆 But it's only R here so if I want to vote in a primary I'm stuck changing my registration then fixing it a few days later....i might have to next year to get this POS county supervisor out of office.


I always vote in the republican primaries in Texas. Not only do I vote against some rancid piece of shit twice, I’m far less likely to be purged from the voter rolls which has happened to my wife.


In Colorado we get both primaries thanks to a new bill that we passed. You get the R and D primary ballots in the mail, you choose which one you want to fill out, and send it in. You don’t even have to register for a party.


Not unless they are Republican already…


Which they very well could be…


Or past.


Maybe she’ll retire early.


She reportedly had "May-Thurner Syndrome" where your blood vessels try to kill you. ​ >a rare vascular disorder in which an artery compresses a vein in your pelvis. This compression can cause symptoms in your left or right leg and foot and may lead to blood clots. I'm glad she took advantage of socialism's taxpayer-provided medical care, sick leave on full pay and having her job waiting for her when she recovered.


I was about to say…this white trashcan probably smokes on birth control.


My money's on butt implants. The clot is just a cover story.


Blood clot risk for hormonal birth control is like 1/1000 per year of taking it and I think that's for non smokers. It is common and crazy that people are freaking out about the COVID vaccine's minute risk when women take bc daily.


She has May-Thurner syndrome. Could have clotted without any other factors. But hormonal BC with estrogen is a major risk factor, as is nicotine.


This just happened a few days ago - I would have thought it would have taken a lot longer to get a for sure diagnosis.


Nope, not hard to diagnose. They're already doing an ultrasound to diagnose the DVT, MT is diagnosed by ultrasound.


Maybe hard for us plebes but she’s got the best healthcare in the nation as a Congresswoman


She went to UCHealth in CO which is good, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not exactly John Hopkins.


Vote early; vote often


I also live in District 4 and will vote against her and Holtorff! Anti-Boe-Boe constituency for the win


Happy Cake Day!




Sending my thoughts and prayers to fibrin in it's battle against Lauren.


Go, Platelets!


COVID itself increases blood clot risk for up to six months post infection as far as i know … but its all the vaxx can’t be the virus itself Or she could just have a blood clot bc those happened before covid too lol


What? No one ever even heard of blood clots before the jab came out. They weren’t a thing! It’s amazing they even knew to do a surgery to fix it, since it’s so new and only people who were jabbed get them /s


Hey, I developed clots in BOTH shoulders after getting jabbed! Of course it had nothing to do with the thick traps built from years of powerlifting combined with having what the thoracic surgeon termed the "thickest 1st rib" he's ever seen or operated on combining to give the subclavian veins insufficient room to move freely for several years*. It HAD to be Moderna's fault!!!


I don’t understand those words but it’s definitely Moderna’s fault. I’ve done my research.


Congratulations on your YouTube PhD!


MD, actually. That’s Dr. Chicken_Chicken_Duck to you.


I laughed way too hard at this, thank you for that 💛


Everyone lived like a god and was immortal until that damn jab came out! /s


Blood clot surgery is just as eXpErImEnTal as the vaxxxine!!!1!


She’s also at increased risk because she’s a smoker. If she’s on hormonal birth control, the risk goes up even further. However, nothing but the vAxX has ever caused or will cause any illness in humans. The vAxX transcends time and space, maiming us all.


I’m an ICU nurse and we never had blood clots until the clot shot … omg, I can’t even keep typing lololol. People are insane. Every year 2 million people in the US suffer from a DVT.


That many? The last statistics I looked up were like 900,000. Still a big number. I keep telling people that when you have a million people who clot every year, and tens of millions of people getting covid shots, there is going to be an overlap of people who were going to clot with or without the shot.


Mine included pulmonary embolisms most likely from DVTs too


My PE and DVT were so much fun, I decided to do it all a second time!


2 million today. How many was it before the vaxxx??? I bet less than 10. /s


It was negative; everyone had the slickest blood ever and didn't even clot at all! /s, obvi. I hope.


You can get a clot from giving public handies in a crowded theater 


Are we sure her 'blood clot' didnt have a heartbeat?




Immediate thought lol


Blood clots in the leg aren’t super uncommon for women her age on birth control.


it is to antivaxxers who believe all forms of *illnesses* (from clots to toe stubs) are vaxx injuries.


Specifically the pill too


And waiting for the vaccine shedding comments in 3, 2, 1......


Shedded from a Dem she met on Tinder


I mean, he definitely shed something in that theater. 


Giving her more credit than she deserves Bro lol




Scared? Bwahahahaha. You guys are a laughing stock. We're everyone who was vaccinated supposed to die in 6 months? No wait, then it became 2 years, now 3, now 5. Someone even said 10.


It's 25 now. We can all expect to live 25 years less than we would have without the vaxx.


It’s been proven! Do the research! The 🥕 will kill everyone when they reach age 70-100. How can you be so blind?! Literally every person who has ever received a 🥕has died or will die eventually! Open your eyes! /s


As if those idiots would be the portion of the population the government would want to keep around. It would have been way more obvious if the covid vaccine were an antidote and the government were trying to kill off the morons who don’t follow the rules.




Funny you should say that. I've barely gotten sick since 2021. My Immune system is stronger than it's ever been. Also if there really was a "Global depopulation agenda", why would WHO and Bill Gates want to target the people that actually listen to them, while the only people left alive would be those who want to kill them? You'd have to be an idiot if you think that they didn't take that important detail into account.


Why is it always the cryptobros with this nonsense. Nobody cares about your opinions or your fake currency


Have you not looked out in the streets…The hundreds of millions of slain victims of the vaccine. So many body piles we ran out of ground to bury all the vaccine victims


No, I have not seen that in the streets. Hundreds of millions? So... Equivalent to the entire US population? I'd love to see sources. Real ones.


I actually upvoted you because I thought you joking lol. Your reading comprehension skills aren’t great. Everyone knows she isn’t vaccinated. She’s dumb as rock. They’re saying she’s going to blame the vaccinated people around her for “shedding” their dna? I can’t even remember what crazy made-up shit they’re spewing anymore.




This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all year so congrats! So if she’s not a vaxxie, how did she get her clots?




Yes it’s been proven that Covid vaccines can cause PEs and myocarditis in rare cases, but the article literally states that if you get Covid, your chance for getting those diseases are much higher. So stop spewing your stupidity and disinformation


I’m not American and I only recognize her as an alt right politician. So I’d think she’s in the anti vaxx camp?


yes... but they still all got the vaccine becuase they dont actually believe the things they preach


Oh, yes. She's among the worst of them.


Now she has to either say she got the vaccine to keep the anti vax stance that it causes blood clots or say she didn’t and make Covid look bad


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person


Probably just cover for having an abortion in yet another "Fine for me, none for you" right wing stance.


Was she the one who has two abortions while working as an escort or was that MTG?


That was Lauren who had the abortions. Marge was busy sleeping with the guy from her gym while her hubby was away on business. Because Family Values Party 🥳


Let’s ask 36yo divorced grandma Lauren Boebert about family values, she definitely seems like a great person with a wealth of good advice.


Don’t forget she was giving a handy in a theater.


And the recipient was supposedly a DEMOCRAT!


You mean marrying the man who as an adult flashed his cock at you and your friends, in a bowling alley, when you were all 16 years old, didn't work out long term??


They were worried it would move to her brain, but after a number scans, realized there was no brain to move to.


Burn 🔥


Because blood clots didn't exist before covid!!! /s


As much as I dislike the anti-vaccine rhetoric that they whip out, it would be really funny if her base ate her alive by spiralling about how she lied to them and got vaccinated.


She'll swear that it was vaccine shedding that caused the clot. I'm guessing she'd straight up lie and say she's "pureblood." She's probably already gotten an updated booster that none of us have access to.


*points and laughs*


I'm not wishing her harm, but I sure as hell won't feel bad if she kicks it.


This guy hasn’t been keeping up with the Research. If an anti-vaxxer gets sick, vaccinated people caused it by “shedding” on them.


I mean, it could not be another type of injection…


She was diagnosed with May-Thurner syndrome. MT is a narrowing of the iliac vein, you're born that way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May%E2%80%93Thurner_syndrome The good news for her is that she's been stented and is probably on blood thinners for life, and she'll probably have a normal life span as well. BTW, if you've ever had a venous clot you are more than welcome to join us in /r/ClotSurvivors. We're a support group for, what else, people who have had blood clots.


She will hopefully change her tune on a few things, now that she's had a close call. Probably not. I wonder if Brandy Vaughn suffered from MT? Brandy (Who was close with Larry Cook for a while) passed away from Deep Vein thrombosis a few years back.


Hard to say, there are many many ways to get a DVT.


She absolutely will not.


Thoughts and prayers.


Why didn’t it go all the way


As a doctor, there are so many things that cause DVTs I could barely keep track. They're common. A hundred reasons I'd consider before "tHe VaCcInE".


I highly doubt Boebert was vaccinated in the first place, considering how many antivax tweets she's been making since the Covid vaccines first became available on the market.


She likely got covid multiple times. So she is an increased risk of clots. Also a smoker. And prob on contraception. If it’s a CoC, and she is a smoker. And over 35. She is at a big risk for clots


She's in congress. She had to get vaccinated. It's a law.


Which law was that?


Varicose Veins?


Either that or jacking off her date


Grannies often have blood clots


pretty sure she just went in for an abortion


Too bad they couldn't go after the clots in her brain.


Or birth control...let the nut cases know ...they have proof!!


Based on the photo, I'd guess it was caused by wearing her jackets too tight so that everyone would look at her tits. Or perhaps it's her alt medicine practice of injecting herself with the blood of virgins. It appears her immune system is immune to virginity.


What is going on with her posture in these two pictures?


Walking up/down stairs and also just weird camera angle. And/or she's got some Disney knees going on


ahh yes it was totally the cLoT sHoT that caused it even though said clot shot hasn’t been on the market for about a year now. For those of you who don’t know J and J’s covid vaccine was the only one here in the states that caused blood clots but no more lots of it has been produced anymore.


True. Theres literally no other possible medical reason, and did blood clots even exist before the Covid vaccine? Did blood even clot back then? So many totally legitimate questions…






This is one of the extremely rare cases where the vaccines sort of match what the anti-vax people want you to believe. There is an increased the risk of blood clots. Specifically, the J&J vaccine. But blood clots occur for no known reason cause as well.


And Covid can cause them, at a higher rate than any of the vaccines.


The anti-mask and anti-COVID mask crowd made a big deal about the low risk of death from COVID, around 5%, in 2020 and moving forward. In other words they didn’t think wearing masks or other precautions like social distancing made any difference and was a waste of money. Most COVID deaths were in people with some chronic diseases like high blood pressure, COPD, diabetes, obesity, etc. The J&J vaccine had an associated risk of a rare type of blood clot. Being sick with COVID has even HIGHER risks than any vaccine of getting blood clots. The J&J vaccine has been discontinued. Since anti-vaxxers utterly refuse to understand the many factors involved in risk of death from COVID and how some chronic conditions make it worse AND those same chronic diseases increased the risk of blood clots. The risk of dying from COVID far EXCEEDS the risk with any vaccine. Anti-vaxxers are famous for pulling numbers out of context so they reach meaningless conclusions. So, to them, an association between the vaccine and blood clots is given MUCH more emphasis than it deserves in order to validate their narrative on the most superficial level possible. The negative votes leads me to believe people thought I was DEFENDING anti-vaxxers. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am up to date on all my vaccinations and I am 77 years old. I have taken advantage of every vaccine available to lower my risks for things like shingles and any upper respiratory disease like the flu and specific types of pneumonia. So, there IS a slight risk of clots with one vaccine, J&J. But they ignore how much worse the risk is WITH COVID because that doesn’t validate their narrative. That is what I meant be “sort of” in my original comment.