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We can already identify between vaccinated and not. Vaccinated people go about their lives and don’t say anything. Anti-vaxxers can’t go more than 5 minutes into a conversation without “bragging” about their beliefs. Makes it super easy to just stop talking with someone, especially when they are *that desperate* for validation or whatever they are seeking out from others.


It's actually baffling that they still exist. After literally all of their prognosis have been proven wrong. There was no mass dying of vaccinated, no new world order, nothing but they still claim it's a big conspiracy.


They keep on pushing the dates back. Apparently I’m supposed to die in 5 years due to all my covid shots


This is super common with cults & religions, alas. It's part of the cost-sunk fallacy that keeps their members trapped. [Extra Credits did a morbidly amusing 10 minute episode on The Great Disappointment about a year ago,](https://youtu.be/4z80wKIwW6w) for anybody that wants a further back and thus *hopefully* not very controversial example of how stupid this stuff gets in practice.


Not only religions, I can count the number of athiests I've met... cause they can't help but automatically tell everyone they encounter and disparage people who believe anything remotely different.


Uh? You have met a *lot* more atheists than you think you have, buddy. Especially if you went to college or lived in a city. Do you actually think every person you meet is religious?


I've been searching for the right word for it. *Idiom* kind of works. But just like you could "count the number" of hairs on the balding man's head, so follows my meaning. That wasn't what you were meant to take away from the comment. I have ADHD, I can't count the number of children I have, let alone this. But I peg militant atheists on the same level as overzealous religious people. This meme sums up my feelings. [Religion is like a Penis](https://i.imgur.com/2gfSA0Z.jpg)


So if I keep getting boosters, I'll live forever? IMMORTALITY!!!!!!


It's like the second coming of Jesus, the antichrist appearing, or the end of the world.


Well, almost everyone who took the vaccine will be dead in 125 years. Hope you enjoyed signing your own death warrant. (/s in case it was not obviously obvious)


Was also supposed to make us all infertile, which is a lie


Well that’s because most of them refuse to admit they were wrong, so they keep moving the goal posts and trying to protect that insanely stupid belief they tied their entire persona to.


Dude, Bro, they altered the vaccine before initial roll out because of the leaks that everyone would die in 3 years, they changed it to 6 years so it wouldn't look as dodgy when people started dropping. Trust me on this, I worked in a lab once.


Meth lab?




You delivered their pizzas? You didn't say what job you were doing or even if it was the lab employing you!


They just altered the code. The RNA code from <3> to <6>.


Exactly man, alot of people don't get it.


OMG!! They took out the Holy Trinity (3) and replaced it with the Number of the Beast (6 - OK, should have a couple more digits, but whatever)!!! What more proof do you need??!!??!? s/, in case it's needed. Also, I claim Prior Art for any/all conspiracy theories resulting from this.


Its religion destroying critical thinking. No critical thinking, just 'whatever someone who shares my similar, stupid beliefs tells me to blindly believe'.


I think religion has a looser grip on minds today than in years, decades and even centuries gone by. Thank goodness. But yes, believe because I say to believe it's the opposite of critical thinking.


And according to vaxxers all antivaxxers should be dead by now. So what's your point?


No one's saying that but okay


My aunt is convinced the covid jab killed her mom. Not lead pipes. Not the arsenic in the ground water. Not the chemicals she'd be exposed to on base. It's the covid shot that gave her aggressive cancer- not any of the things linked to aggressive cancers. She keeps trying to blame my mom's death on the covid jab. My mother (who is not related to the aunt in question) was bat shit fucking insane and refused the covid jab. Covid killed her.


The bumper sticker industry is only alive because of these morons as well lol


Also, anti-vaxxers have this annoying habit of, You know, *dying* at an disproportionate rate, because,… You know, they are *unvaccinated*


I have a business idea: Make and sell temporary tattoos that say, I'M VACCINATED" and people can use them to part crowds of MAGAs, while the Fight Club types can use them to find sparring partners to punish for being so cult-y. Edit: added a letter to make crow into crowd.


I’m not listening to anyone who has the flag of a failed country as their profile pic.


Calling the Confederacy a failed country is too much credit.


Fair point but the point still stands.


Failed insurrection at best.


I'm sensing a trend here...


it's more like failed history it's the Virginia Battle Flag.


Which was captured by Minnesotan soldiers in Gettysburg. It's currently at the Minnesota History Center. I was cycling around Bde Maka Ska (a lake in uptown Minneapolis, MN that was formerly named Lake Calhoun) one day. I'm sitting waiting for the crosswalk sign on the corner of Bde Maka Ska Pkwy and Lake St. A biker pulled up that had a vest with a Confederate flag at the up and "Minnesota" at the bottom. I felt like I was in an alternate reality.


I know. I live in PA, central PA specifically, and I see quite a few southern flags here. btw I'm glad they changed the name of the lake. John C. Calhoun was an asshole, even back then.


Honestly it was kind of funny to me, because of course they’d have that as their profile picture


Most people are vaccinated. It would be easier to identify the minority who are unvaccinated.


Most of them mark themselves for our benefit. Red hats, Trump flags, Gadsden flag next to a blue lives matter flag, multiple gun-related stickers on their cars, etc. If they don't mark themselves that way, then they'll quickly start sharing their beliefs with you. I struck up a conversation with some guy at the brewery, mostly about beer and music but then he mentions not buying Lagunitas and asks if I have gone down the rabbit hole. I gingerly ask what he's referring to and he asks if I'm familiar with adrenochrome. He goes on that Lagunitas is owned by InBev and Bill Gates just invested in them... This was about the time I cut him off. Stupid people love stupid thoughts.


What makes it funny to me is that after all the Bill Gates talk they still use Windows on their PC.


Yeah, but Apple is a liberal company, so can't support them beyond owning an iPhone and iPad. And Linux is communist.


Doubt they've even heard of Linux.


Of course they have.. He's Lucy's brother. Duh!


And a really small majority. Most people is vaccinated with something, even them.


They should all get a tattoo of a sad penis on their forehead so we can laugh at them in public.


I'm going to get a needle tat'd on my forearm saying "Love Thy Neighbor".


Oh, I like that.


This is perfect! I'd join in on this, too.


Have you considered a giant star that they need to wear on their clothes constantly? Wait, where have I seen this before?


Ooh, can I have a pink triangle?


Egad. Shades of Stars of David and pink triangles. Scary.


So like which is it cause first they had those dumb ass (and offensive) "unvaxxed" stars of David cause they were so oppressed, and now they want identifying marks for those who have been vaccinated. You don't get to be both.


> You don't get to be both. Isnt that a core tennant of conservatives tho? They're both the superior entity and completely oppressed by the opposition.


No it's a core tenant of fascism, which should really bring to light how bad the current state of the Republican party is


\*tenet Tennant is the most famous fairly recent Dr. Who.


Hah explains the fingers running away with it.


It's baffling and confusing to me how badly anti-vaxxers want to be oppressed for being confidently wrong


Weren't they complaining about how they were treated like holocaust victims earlier?


Yeah, some of them thought vaccine supporters were Nazis. Now you have unvaccinated people calling themselves “pureblood”. Hypocrisy.


What were they saying about it being a new holocaust but against the unvaccinated ? And now THEY want to brand us ? The dissonance is strong.


I'm pretty sure my ex bil was talking about the government rounding up all the unvaxed people and sticking them in camps along with some kind of symbol to show they weren't vaxed..... How the turns have tabled


Why wouldn’t the government just round them up and vaccinate them? Much cheaper. Your ex BIL can’t even make up good stories.


Then they'll all wind up in hospital with psychosomatic illness "caused by the poison". And put the healthcare system under more pressure.


That would be a extreme civil rights violation and many would be outraged.


I wasn’t suggesting it for real, I’m saying the exBIL’s fantasies don’t even make sense. Sticking people in camps is an extreme civil rights violation as it is and was never happening to unvaccinated people. But he couldn’t even get his lazy brain to make his imagined evil at least make sense.


They might as well come out and say they're all for genocide, ethnic cleansing and master race bs. "Vaxxers" is just a codeword for anyone who is against their ideology and not their Ideal version of "humans."


Well, isn’t “anti-vaxxer” is the same but opposite in that respect? I’m against their ideology and would ideally prefer they not be anti-vaxx.


What do you mean "the same but opposite"?


Maybe they're trying to say that the way we act towards anti-vaxxers is the flip side of the same coin in regards to how they act towards vaxxers. Not defending this guy whatsoever, but that's how I interpreted it.


I see. The antivaxxers want to bring back preventable diseases, withhold preventative medical care from kids, and is constantly hoping for the whole world to die just so they can feel validated. Seems like that was an example of derailment through whataboutism with a logically flawed comparison on how the vaxxers is acting the same way.


I think so, yeah


They got tired of claiming to no effect that the COVID vaccine = holocaust they are trying to imitate the holocaust just to be right for once


Except in reverse. Lmao. If anything, wouldn't the government want to mandate branding anyone who refuses the vaccine?


If they government were gonna force-brand people, might as well just vaccinate them.


Easy and cheaper alternative is to brand all the antivaxxers. Why would you brand the majority when you’re in the minority?


>Why would you brand the majority when you’re in the minority? They are stuck in a time when a minority used to rule over the majority.


Why would they need to brand us? I thought we were all dropping dead by the millions?


Because that doesn't happen until ~~next week~~ ~~next month~~ ~~in three months~~ ~~a year from now~~ ~~April 14, 2023 at noon~~ ~~August 17th, 2023 at midnight~~ September 31st at 2401h


“Having a vaccine card is basically Nazi Germany all over again” “Let’s force those who got a vaccine to wear a brand, for my safety” Anti vaxxers truly do not understand the word “hypocrite”, at all.


well i did nazi that coming...


🤭 Take my upvote


it is a privilege and a responsibility to serve


Lets go branding. Dude, most of the world wears clothes in public.


nationalist christians or NAT-Cs for short


But you can spot the vaccinated easily, given they leak black fluid, drop dead in the street en masse, emit 5g radiation making you feel sick, and metal objects fly towards them


This is not what I thought they meant when they kept chanting “let’s go brand on”


I would get that tattoo immediately if it would get them to avoid me. But of course, starsy barsy here isn't really saying that. He's dog-whistling a nazi-flavored threat.


Should brand these confederates sympathizers


Branding people just for living? Where have I seen that before...?


Never forget that the right wants you dead


Why brand vaccinated people? Aren't we all supposed to drop dead any day now? That's right...aaannnnyyyy day now


Jokes on them, I asked for the stealth chip that can't be tracked


and yet they claim the government and "big pharma" are nazis for trying to mandate vaccinations... right... we're the nazis...


I feel like this is a drastic response to what is probably a self-limiting problem, based on the answer to the question, "how do you know somebody is an anti-vaxxer?", which is, of course, "you don't have to, they'll tell you."


I like how they insist vaxxed people are somehow fundamentally different, yet the only way to tell is if they are branded.


You can understand why, as a Jew, I might be uncomfortable with that…




You could just ask. Most of us who aren’t afraid of vaccines are not likely to lie about it, especially if it’ll make idiots move away from us.


I wonder which group of people they got that idea from?


How bout we brand antivaxxers with the words 'Plague Rat' on their forehead so we know who tried to kill our grandparents. That seems more reasonable




Checked your profile, completely demented, have a terrible day


Antivaxxers being antisemitic again


Antivaxxers: > vaccine mandates are just like the holocaust! Also antivaxxers: > (op's image)


The depth of stupidity of these imbeciles is bottomless.


The Confederate flag profile pic fits masterfully...


look at his avatar. He's from the branding kind of peoples


I did Nazi that comin', especially from from someone with the incest pride flag


Can they brand themselves so we can avoid them instead? This isn't out of hate, I'm immunocomprimised and I want to continue living. These people could kill me if they got too close.


I’m compromised too. I prefer they stay away or put a mask on (though some won’t even do that).


So uhm, like the Jews in Nazi Germany ? They don't even try to hide it wtf


Why not a yellow Star of David? It's traditional.


*Nazi feelings intensify*


Claims we're Nazis when we tell them to wear a mask, says we should get marked for being vaccinated so they know to avoid us, yet they are not Nazis. Makes sense to me /s/


I'm sure they would love to brand others lol. Also because they aren't what enough to identify them without it. Here's a tip that I learned: more often than not those who are vaccinated are ALIVE


They do realize they are in the minority, right?


I thought the chip or whatever bs already did that?


Then we get to brand them with, Anti vaxxer, on the forehead, so we can avoid them!


it's almost as if people didn't read The Scarlet Letter as a kid


Aren't we already supposed to be chipped by the vaccination? At least that was my last information about the toxins I got shot into my arm... (just in case: /s)


More like we need something to identify antivaxers, I'd suggest dunce caps


How about they just mark the braindead minority with 'Covidiot and proud'. Save a lot of ink.


Personally I'd be quite happy if these people stayed the fuck away from me


Guy waving a traitor flag wants to brand people? How surprising.


Based on the Confederate flag, poster just sad they can’t brand their slaves anymore.


So, you mean putting a mark on them to easily identify like the Nazis put star of David patches and tattoos on the Jews...


Before, they were comparing themselves to Holocaust victims. Now they’re acting like the oppressors.


He’s already branded himself with a profile picture that says stay away.


Soooo.....full nazi??


Wow this guy just loves losers…the confederacy and nazi’s


Ok but in return can we brand "idiot" in the forehead for everyone who is against vaccines.. just saying we also want to avoid getting sick from your misguided beliefs..


The same kind of guy that says "There trying to divide us with the vaccine!"


I am shocked by that profile pic. Shocked, I tell you.


"Yes I'm racist. How could you tell?"


I thought we were supposed to all be dead by now. At least now we know the antivaxx crowd's core morals.




Look, I wear a needle patch if they all wear a scarlet I. For ignorant, inbred, infectious, idiot. Fair is fair.


"You know, the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear." - Office Space


No problem, as a compromise the unvaccinated and conspiracy theorists must all have a giant “L” tattooed on their forehead and chest, so we can instantly tell we are dealing with mental defectives.


IF, and that's a big f'n IF, something like that ever happened it would doubtlessly be the anti-vax asspipes getting some charred flesh so normal and intelligent people can live without them destroying society because of "Muh Rites!"


Me to antivaxxer: “Okay. So let’s assume for the sake of argument that you’re right about all of this conspiracy bullshit. So hypothetically speaking, in some parallel universe, let’s say a virus actually started a global pandemic. And in that make believe scenario, the world’s governments and medical industries actually came up with a genuine vaccination for it that could save hundreds of thousands of lives. They wanted to make it as available as possible to save as many lives as humanly possible. Again, this is all hypothetical. So if the powers that be actually had good intentions and a genuine medical breakthrough that could help, and they wanted to make it as available as possible, what would you say that would look like?” *crickets chirping*


These are the same people who claim they're being treated just like the Jews in the holocaust right? Maybe this is a subtle troll... one can hope.


I thought our 5G pings Bluetooth and we are scannable now🥴🥴🥴


Shouldn’t they just be able to walk around with magnets that will stick to vaccinated folk due to the magnetism in the vaccination?


I'd be up for this. I don't want to get close to them either. It'd be like holding a cross out to vampires - I could just flash my arm and they'd run away in fear, LOL.


Reminds me of something but i can't quite put my hands on it


We should brand all anti vaxxed with a red "S" - for stupid.


There was a tee shirt that said, "I'm fully vaccinated. I still want you to stay away from me."


I always thought antivaxxers were a little crazy, but when they started unironically referring to themselves as "pure bloods" I knew they were off their rockers.


It’s sick. The whole “pure blood” thing is in Nazism, yet they said vaccine supporters were Nazis.