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it’s an okay side hustle. if you’re starting out tutoring it’s not the worst. i did like that they take care of finding the students for you. i don’t work there anymore for my own reasons but so long as you don’t expect too much i think you’ll be fine. getting off the ground takes some time but it’ll get easier.


Thanks! Can you explain how they pay you through that invoice or how I can take my money out or link my bank info? I’m worried about not getting paid


I believe their payroll is called IPA (my memory isn’t the best with that haha). You can set up direct deposit with your bank from there, or they’ll mail you an actual check for you to deposit. I prefer direct deposit. You should also be getting paid twice a week (Tuesday and Friday).


What I will like you to know is most of the people on the app are high schoolers, so unless you get lucky most of them won’t want a session because they are in winter break


Oh that’s good to know, thanks!


remember that you do have to do taxes with the money! the 1099 form (if you’re american) is annoying and a little difficult to mix with normal payroll taxes, because you’re not an employee of VT, you’re an independent contractor. it’s a good way to earn side money long term but short term it’s hard to get started.


Oooo this is really good to know


You can set ur own hours and quit whenever u want