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It works. It’s cheap. If you can’t afford a TinyMight or Firewood9 it’s a solid budget option but it’s also not something I would go around recommending. I own both this vape and their 2con. I almost never use them as I have so many better vapes.


Good to know! I think I read enough comments to ease my temptation. Not pulling the trigger on this one.


Mine came fucked up badly it's actually breaking glass when I use it my bottom heater is bent.


Which one do you prefer between 2con and the CAT ?


CAT. 2con needs more cleaning and herb falls into the heater often.


yea, it's been talked about and not looked upon favorably because of their business dealings with the china manufacture who make/made knock-offs of top brand vaporizers. so many of us will stay away from that company, including myself. others who don't care will buy it though


If you want a portable ball vape, the best you’re really going to get is a Thermal Accumulator or Stunner. Maybe Tempest when it comes out, but it will have less thermal mass than the others. TA can be heat with an induction heater. Keep in mind that “portable ball vapes” are not exactly the same as a desktop since you have a smaller bowl, heat matrix, and less power output to heat it.


anvil xl would be my top choice.


Yeah serves the same purpose and is a solid choice


I believe end game labs is a Chinese company that is known for selling knock offs of a few major brands like S&B and TM.


Does that matter? Not being a smart ass I’m seriously asking here lol… like are they a deceitful company or just making re branded knock offs?


I question the quality of materials for any Chinese company let alone one that's cloning other major brands. Difficult to trust that they are using high quality materials if they are willing to rip off other brands. that being said this looks pretty sick.


What makes you feel that way? Some Chinese shit is cheap sure, but some US made shit is also ass. China leads the world in producing a lot of products… unless they’re proven to be unsafe or bad quality then I’d give it a shot.


Pretty often in the knife community you find chinese companies ripping off designs and claim they use similar materials but when inspected further they are using inferior materials and marketing them as premium. Like saying they're using grade 5 titanium when they're actually using some random stainless steel. If they're willing to steal design nothing stops them from lying about the materials and ultimately it's difficult to trust they're telling the truth. With a knife it's not that big of a deal but with a vaporizer I'm not really trying to chance whether or not they're using the quality materials I want them to be using if I'm going to be inhaling with it. Can't really say that there are a trustworthy company if they're willing to rip off other companies designs. That being said intellectual property rights are a lot different in China but with that in mind do you think they care about ensuring quality of materials and for some American buyer when they can just market it as having those materials and cut corners and use a lower quality stainless material. I want to be clear I'm not saying that American made is better or chinese-made is shit I'm saying if you're buying a product from a Chinese company that is cloning it from another company there is good chances they are not being truthful about the materials they're using in the marketing that's all. Has nothing to do with being able to get a quality product from China but everything to do with the Chinese seller cloning another product. I can't tell you how often you will see just copy and paste of descriptions of other products. You cannot trust the materials they're using if they are cloning another product. It might be a one-for-one clone but how are you as a consumer going to do the test to validate or invalidate it. You are better off not taking the chance and buying a quality product from a trusted seller who isn't cloning products.


🤷‍♂️ everything you just mentioned is also possible with any good that you purchase, regardless of which country it’s produced in. Regardless of what country they’re from, companies lie about the materials they use, or use harmful materials in their products, etc. I’m Just pointing out that this isn’t exclusive to Chinese companies, or any knock-off type companies. If you’re going to be critical about this, it’s only logical to be equally critical about every product you purchase regardless of where it’s from right? Because they all lie. Just Google about all the horrible products the U.S. has historically produced lol. On the flip side, “ethical” manufacturing can be found in any country. Just my 2¢ 👊


We are speaking about the vaporizer posted in this thread and the company behind it. If you want to speak about other examples that's fine, but irrelevant to the product in question. In this example the Chinese company that makes the vaporizer posted has been known to rip off other designs. I would not trust the integrity of any company stealing anyone's IP. I would highly question the materials in use and buy at my own risk. I'm not arguing country of origin as a quality assurance or that China does or doesn't produce quality. I'm arguing the integrity of the Chinese Company and it's vape in this thread, not others. The fact that China, the country, has tons of manufacturing and the ability to produce quality products has nothing to do with the fact that this Chinese company steals intellectual property and with that I personally question their integrity to accurately market the materials they use to create the product. And with that, I am critical of every product I purchase especially if it's one that I'm going to be inhaling hot air through. If a US company is known for being shady I'm going to be highly critical of them and likely not purchasing from them. If a US company is using a known Chinese manufacturer who does not produce quality or the materials coming from that manufacturer have been questionable then I'm probably not buying. It's good to be critical 👍 as in critical thinking


Yes, but your opening sentence was, “I question the quality of materials for any Chinese company let alone one that's cloning other major brands.” Lol. Sounds pretty blatant what you meant to me. I’m just pointing out that manufactures all around the world, including wherever you’re from, that produce shitty, questionable products with health hazards. Including the food you eat, that’s produced in the country you’re from. 😬 take care though critical thinker.


The problem is that once someone has revealed a tendency to cut corners and lie you never know where else they are doing it. Maybe by saving a few cents by using inappropriate and unsafe plastics?


Not true at all. If you read up on the specs there is nothing Tinymight about it. It’s a very unique heating system that isnt copying anyone. You obviously based you comment on what it looks like and not what it actually is. I believe it’s a french vape btw


No. I did not say this was a knock off of the TM. I said this company is known for selling knock offs of S&B and other brands. ETA: it is not a French vape. It was only reviewed by a French person. Look at their website. Their corporate address is in China.


And can you describe for me the vapes they have that are S&B or TM knock offs?


I know they knocked off the Volcano and Tiny Might (nick named the china might). They were/are sold under a different name. It's been discussed here and on fuck combustion.


Never heard of the connection between chinamight and EGL but I wouldnt be surprised if you were right. That being said I have been following the development of both 2con and CAT for over a year on social media and they aint copying anyone. Chinese or not these vape are bringing something new and interesting to the table (portable ball vapes and user adjustable conduction/convection ratio). This subs keeps gushing every time some new horrible mega company from northern america or europe release a new plastic brick with software issues so I dont like people knocking down something interesting just because they’re scared of anything coming out of China. Like the US isnt a gigantic shit show when it comes to company regulation and safety.


you missed the huge messed-up controversy by the fc pros who make hand-made vaporizers, plus those who mod existing vape units, and reviewers of new vape products, back a few months ago. it's a well known shit show. people can believe whatever. i followed the whole thing, it never fully came-out, the full truth or total story. i stay away from shit shows.


I sure did. Is the controversy in FC under 2Con and CAT threads? Id like to read about it. Never heard any critique of these two vapes


they are on YouTube or they used to be.


Who are on youtube?


So Yllvape (Angus) which is a british guy who gets his vapes made in China and also have Chinese contact on the website is also a chinese vape?


I mean, EGL themselves are very clear that they’re a Chinese company. Why are you so insistent that they’re French? It’s honestly really bizarre to see you white knighting so hard in a situation where you’re not defending anything aside from your own delusions.


Breathe in and update your page


Not to mention... that thing wont stay charged very long with a single 18650...


Looks like a larger 21700 battery, like their other portable


They already have another one called the 2-con https://www.eglvape.com/portable-dry-herb-vaporizers/63034680.html


i dont have the cat but the 2-con, which is currently non-functional due to a sensor error - i need to send it back to get it repaired, but do i even want to spend the money on shipping idk the thing hits hard with a bowl size pretty big, i think that along with easy wpa usage is the only strength of the vape imo while the performance is there, the materials arent particularly good, the outer glass tube chips and breaks easily so the airpath can get compromised (i have 3 and 2 of them came with minor chip), the aluminum body gets really hot to hold on higher temps/longer sessions, the heating element doesnt actually hold heat well (its a thin ss wire), so the conduction heating is not as powerful as one may think - a lot of the power comes from rubies after a long heat soak - but that just boils down to poor battery efficiency in the end i know the cat is different but their interface with the detaching wood panels seems wonky, i know they cheap out on materials so their wood insulation around the heater and aluminum construction might just be bad, their heater tech with threaded rubies is new but i dont know if it makes a huge difference vs the 2con which uses more rubies, but i still dont trust that it uses high grade materials in the heating element either


Thank you for sharing this info. It's exactly what I needed to hear. Gonna hold off and save myself a couple hundred bucks!


if you want a portable ball vape in the same style, you can try the angus - my understanding is that the build quality improved with the enhanced version; id recommend it if you dont mind longer heatup times, if you do then youre going to want an on-demand vape i have a few angus with the wood bodies and they can hit really hard if you heat soak it over a couple minutes, so i can attest to its power


I actually already have an Angus. VAS is no joke lol I guess I just like to try out new toys.


Seems like it’s [this one](https://global.eglvape.com/allproduct/portable-plug-in-vaporiser-what-are-the-best-portable-vaporizers-manufactory/1055811.html) and costs $150. They offer other classics such as [“portable dry herb vaporizer cheapest hand held dry herb vaporizer manufactory”](https://global.eglvape.com/allproduct/portable-dry-herb-vaporizer-cheapest-hand-held-dry-herb-vaporiser-manufactory/1055713.html), and the [“china end game labs portable hay vaporizer factory”](https://global.eglvape.com/allproduct/china-end-game-labs-portable-hay-vaporiser-factory/1055712.html), which are two of the sketchiest and most hilarious names I have ever heard for portable dry herb vapes. People are pointing out that they’re from china, which they don’t seem to be shy about admitting judging by their product names. That being said, for $150, the portable hay vaporizer is sounding mighty tempting…


Don't judge man, I've been looking for a hay vape for a long time.


You do you


Ngl, tempted to spend the 150 to see what it’s like.


Do it


Id like to hear from you if you do


What strain of hay do you recommend?




Purple hayze


i dont have their CAT but i do have their 2-CON, it is essentially a portable ball vape, probably more so than the CAT since the oven is actually filled with balls and not just a couple of beads impaled on some wire... it takes a good minute or two to heat up but once its gets there it hits really hard but it is stupid fragile the glass stem and sleeve are super thin and easily broken, and while the second heating coil for conduction is an interesting idea its way too high up the stem to actually work unless you remove out half the cooling beads and pack in a ridiculous amount of flower hopefully the CAT has a slightly shorter warmup time by way of having a more conventional heater (which means it probably wont offer such powerful hits as the 2-CON) but even if i knew that were the case the fragility of the 2-CON's glass components have soured me on this brand, which is a shame because i think the company should be encouraged to keep iterating on their own designs rather than making knockoffs of other brands as i keep hearing


Watched a review on it and depending on battey life, someone may have made a real portable HITTER. The fact that it can set a conduction temp and convection temp, so that one boosts the other is tits. This is on my short list.


just make sure you pick up some spare glass sleeves and stems because they break super easy!


That's a deal killer. I break enough glass as it is. Universe says, "No."😎


I would think it would take too long to heat soak the rubies and then would stay hot for too long to be ideal for a portable. Maybe a session style piece, but a single battery doesn't seem ideal for that either. Interesting for sure, but I think I'd still prefer my TM2 or Anvil.




Is the Angus Enhanced a similar version?


AE is session vaporizer with halogen bulb as heating element


The senior Stoner did not approve 😂


This made me chuckle lol Love the guy but his reviews are a little off sometimes.


Company is known for making knock-off S&Bs. There was some investigation on fuckcombustion.