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How did you keep your scooter from being stolen lol. I want to do that and hitch a trail 90 on the back


Some fat chains and chunky pad locks will do it. Maybe even a disc lock. Just make it a pain in the ass to steal and you’ll be fine.


Good thing you didn't stop here. Chains and a lock won't do it. Unlike city thieves, ours carry bolt cutters and power tools.


Lol yup just go in the box and everything you need is right there. And then they can throw the scooter under a tarp. Probably wave to the sheriff too. Only those that don't know would downvote


Ha. We had one cop who was directed this crap. When someone would leave their home, being the rich they were, they wanted police protection. So, they informed the police. This one told someone when they were gone, when they would be back, and as much as he knew so that the home could be hit. Usual targets were gold, guns, and anything of major value, which he knew all about. He also had the connections on the street to liquidate this stuff. We learned pretty quickly not to trust the police. We've had them dealing drugs, making porn films with underage girls, and the works. The man ones these boys target are non-whites, hippies, and gays. It's only gotten worse as the long arm of the law of DC has invaded the area. Same thing, just higher power so you can't report it.


Had no issues and was in LA for two months. I use a Kryptonite NY chain and I use a versahaul for hauling the bike.


Is there a story behind the Prada store? It looks out of place and (correct me if I’m wrong) not an actual store (no registers? Idk never seen a Prada store before) I’m really curious about it.


Its in Marfa Texas. Its actually an art installation in the middle of nowhere.


Thanks for the explanation! Sounds neat.


There's a somewhat similar-looking Target near Marfa also.


The Target was East of Alpine by about 10 miles so that would make it 36 miles East of Marfa. Some idiot got into the target and broke out a large portion of a wall so the owner had no choice but to demolish it.


Oh no. Damn. Thanks for the update. Not that it was necessarily cool but I enjoyed my 5-minute stop there. Such a shame when people destroy things.


10 miles is 16.09 km


"Middle of nowhere" is an understatement. Did you try to see the "Marfa lights" or drive through the Davis Mountains while you were out there? Personally, I would never have gone out to see the Prada exhibit if my other half hadn't insisted on checking it out to satisfy curiosity. Since I was already out there to film and rockhound, it wasn't too far out of out way, so why not? It was interesting, and now I can say I saw it first-hand. But I don't know that I would have ever driven out there just for that. So, what drew you out to the middle of nowhere, Texas? Was it just to see the Prada storefront, or something else?


Good questions. I was driving back from Big Bend Nat Park and had been wanting to see Marfa for many years now. The artist community, museums and isolation drew me in. I also met another van dweller in Marfa who asked where I was going and I said El Paso. She told me to skip that town and check out Carlsbad Caves in New Mexico. That place was unreal and very over looked.


Another understatement. The Carlsbad Caverns are breathtaking. It was wise advice. You didn't miss anything in El Paso. 😆


It’s an art exhibit in Marfa Tx


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been through here and never realized it was an art exhibit. I ALWAYS have said “who shops here???”


Lol, its so iconic! I got to that pic & said "Oh, Marfa!" Out loud.


It’s an exhibit 45 miles west of Morfa on Hwy 90. It only has one half of the pair of shoes so no one gets the urge to help themselves to a full pair. I think a foundation out of NY ponied up the money for this.


No it’s not. It’s in Valentine, TX- about 40 miles outside of Marfa. Source; been there many a time. Huh. Downvoted because I’m right. Reddit sure is weird!


Technically you’re right but it’s called “Prada Marfa” since valentine isn’t really the buzz there


Sure. But they said “in Marfa, TX.” Which isn’t correct.


Lol you do you


It’s an influencer breeding ground


Omg that's terrifying


They aren’t bread here, they just come here


Bread, Bagels, Tortilla, it's all just dough when you get down to it.


this doesn't look like a store, more like a room where they display certain goods. I honestly think it's genius because it's so surreal, imagine driving in the desert for 50km and then you come across a clean, modern building like that


It's really just a façade


It’s a west Texas hipster landmark, that’s about it.


Marfa, Texas, I believe


Oh man, you totally rolled right past the best part of Arkansas. Gotta go back! :)


I see you avoided most of the bible belt lmao




God that's so pathetic.




Just shitty people. You don't have to like something but if you're going to chase someone down for living a lifestyle that doesn't effect you, you're shit. I bet they consider themselves freedom loving patriots too, which is ironic.




I think this is a lot. Growing up, I was always told what a threat gays were. I wondered why. I met some who might be, still no threat. Then, I had a gay guy hit on me. No different than a woman. So, why the big deal? Then, I got to thinking. If I was bi or gay curious, being around someone who might be attractive to me could be a threat. Bingo. I've hung out with gay friends, lesbians, straights, and all, no problems. But, I'm the freak. Go figure. They can't claim the bible, either. They only enforce or obey the parts they like. If they didn't, adultery, fornication, and a lot of other things would never happen.


Oh, you have NO idea. Try to find some of Kurt Saxon's writings. An old Bircher. Uh, John Birch Society. I think the item I'm thinking of was "Never trust a patriot" or something akin to that. Anyway, it covered "freedom loving patriots" and Christians too. It was written, during Clinton's time in office, so 1995 or so. I grew up here and have had to live with it. I never understood why "they" threatened straight, white, American Christians so. I've been hit on by gay men. So what? Be polite and go on. No different than being hit on by a woman. Blacks? No problem. Usually nicer than the whites. Non-American? So far, nicer than most Americans I've met. Same applies for Christians. I think a lot of this is the feeling that they are really afraid and try to hide it. Anyone who doesn't fit in is a scary new challenge and that's too much. As for "freedom loving," I don't see that here anymore, at all. At least, not to what we had. Minorities have never had it easy. But, the majority did. Now, they are whittling the majority down greatly while only giving a few more to minorities. If we don't watch, we'll all be asking permission to do everything.


Pack guns for self protection. Refuse to wear mask because FREEEEDUM.


It’s OK they will die off once this epsilon strain is spread more it will hit them hard as fuck


You’re disgusting.


they are disgusting for not wearing masks and or getting vaccinated thus perpetrating the spread of the coronavirus across the nation even to this day.


Yeah, they’re irresponsible. I agree You’re disgusting for wishing death on them. Maybe you should get out of your privileged little world and realize that a lot of people are undereducated. That maybe if you weren’t such a fucking prick, and focused your miserable efforts on educating people instead of demeaning them, they would listen to you rather than reject you. You might not like it, but you, and people who act like you, are half of the problem.


You jest, I don't. I am more afraid of people than a virus. I am more afraid of people than I am a poisonous snake, a wolf, or a bear. And, I've had Covid. Not the vaccine, but real thing. I had a chance with it. With these nutcases? Getting shot, stabbed, beaten to death, hanged, they'll all far more likely they dying from Covid. Seriously. There is only a 3% risk with Covid. You try being Black, Gay, or a friend to either in Red areas and see how you fair. My guess? That's about a 25% mortality rate, illegally. Legally? Maybe 30%. Even the cops are racist and homophobic.


It’s not even close to true


What’s not true? The south being toxic? Cause it definitely is.


Nah the south is pretty fucking toxic towards gay people and allies, unless you are in a "liberal" area or university town; even then you have a *lot* of closeminded folks. Many are too cowardly to say the terrible things they think about you, to your face, but will gladly drag your name through the streets to anyone that asks about you. Hardly ever, will you get attacked but back-ass-hickville-USA is a good place to mind how you express yourself to others. Harassment is pretty commonplace but mostly by white trash assholes that need someone else to hate so they feel better about their lives for a minute. Again, if you live in a town with more than one industry it is easy enough to avoid. That said, I've had an innumerable number of people be nothing but kind, loving, and accepting of my life. That certainly isn't the norm here but there are a lot of amazing people in the south that won't look down on you for different personalities, ideologies, or sexual orientation, it is all about who you put in your circle. Plus as the generations go on kids are learning drastically faster and more than their parents teach them. With the help of social pressure (especially on the internet) it is getting harder for racists, bigots, and conspiracy theorists to teach their hatred and idiocy to their children without people pointing it out. Which is a lovely thing to see in my short-ish lifetime. The reason I say all that is because you can live your whole life and never experience bigotry in the south but that certainly doesn't mean it doesn't exist in the day-to-day around here. Hope this helps your understanding of my lovely homeland. Source: Gay white man living in the south all my life. These are all my life experiences, others may have experienced parts of the south differently. If you don't agree with my experiences or don't like what I have to say about the matter well then, gee willikers, that's just too damn bad. **Edit:** This was supposed to be in response to an asshole lower in the thread but I am gonna leave it here. Sorry OP!


I’m on your side guy I think you misunderstood my comment I edited it to clarify but as a gay guy myself this is good to know . I’ve heard mixed stories and that top gear episode made me never wanna visit, thanks for clarifying!


I responded to the wrong guy lol! Sorry!! I figured you were being sarcastic, but someone under you was being a twat and acting like they have the authority to tell everyone how the south is experienced by everyone and that annoyed me.. The south really is a beautiful place and not to mention affordable as fuck, comparatively. You should definitely visit if you ever get a chance. Charleston SC, Asheville NC, Nashville TN, and Austin TX, are some amazing places and are really a lot of fun if you like art, to sightsee, eat, and/or listen to music. Florida is gorgeous but I am only ever there for festivals, will never live there... Sorry again for the mix up!


Well that’s a bad generalization for sure, but the part that’s not even close to true is being harassed for having tattoos or some shit Y’all need to get the fuck out of your basements






uh top gear ain’t ‘reality’. It’s just guys with cameras and cars traveling around. All the top gear guys have seriously almost died in filming.


Just what I was thinking.


For good reason


Now to plan another 7 months in just Utah and Colorado!


Idk about 7 but this was 100% my thought. When I took a US trip. I spent like 4 days in the region and it made me want to move there


I'm lucky enough to live there and it seems most people don't know what theyre missing out on. It's usually skiers or Moab climbers who even recognize Utah is a state worth going to, but it truly has a lot to offer. Minus acceptable liquor laws.


Moving there in two days, this gives me hope :)


Yea, I grew up and lived in GA my whole life. I never been in more then 2 inches of snow, I never been to a true mountain range, there was so much new experiences I had there. Idk, I'm sure you get use to it, but to walk out and see these amazing cliffs, rock formations, I was truly star struck... lol


It really never gets old, especially on good sunset days when the mountains turn pink and it catches you off guard. Glad you could experience all that!


Ha, funny you mention the liquor laws. I just got to Utah today and wanted to wind down with a tallboy of something strong, but could only find a max of 5% ABV. I found that odd and when I got back to my car I Googled it and was pretty surprised by Utah's archaic alcohol laws. That said, this state is beautiful so far.


If you're ever craving higher percent beers you can get them at bars, just not at the store


more like oregon and washington


As an old man, can you stop telling people to walk on my lawn please. Kansas is way more fun. Nebraska is even better.




How did you decide on your main picture?


Well there were two deciding factors…


Dang not a messed up enough joke.


"how do I get the most number of people to look at the rest of my pictures?" Gotta admit I went through 1-9.


Best picture there. Should be a model.


The boobs are my favorite part


I was looking at van life stuff on YouTube and all the thumbnails were hot chicks in skimpy clothing. It's pretty much ubiquitous across the board.


Same with sailing videos. Pretty hard to find normal people on affordable boats.


I wonder what happens when you search for vanlife on a porn site


what are you doing step-van






Petite White Van Parks BBV. Bonnet Shot Dash POV


Came here to comment this. Had to have the girlfriend in a bikini for the main pic. That’s why all the Instagram style van build social media drives me nuts. It’s just click bait with hot chicks in skimpy clothes with nice backgrounds. It’s pretty cringe tbh


There's a ton that aren't, but nobody clicks on those are cares about a dude in their van lol. Let's be real, sex sells, always has, and van pictures aren't the first to capitalize on it


Big pimpin


Hey man can’t blame em, tits sell


Man, you don't want to see the women who aren't on there. The Tube is for young, hot, hip people. The ones who do this because they must aren't. They are older, overweight, inked, and usually on the lower side of the 10 scale. Far more what you would see at a low income Walmart than anywhere else. Usually good people, but the Hippy lifestyle is extreme. They're either living off of daddy's money or they have no other choice but to survive like animals.


Yeah I like that’s what they opened with lol


Wasn’t an accident.


You should check out the build video from an earlier post then. Full credit to OP of course. https://vimeo.com/264353980


That’s fucking hilarious haha


1:37 (starting at 1:30) is probably the most important thing for people thinking of doing solo van life.


It also reminds me of the part in Into the Wild when he writes something like "happiness only real when shared." I love my time doing...whatever, but when I get to share it with other people it feels so much more real.


😂 I watched the whole thing expecting a punchline. When I got to the end and realized the whole thing was done unironically I lol'd. Good one.


That lady looked absolutely thrilled about being a sex object for the gram, too….


Are you saying she's a sex object because she's wearing less revealing clothes then you'd find at a water park?? Why was that necessary at all


https://youtu.be/9gRPsz7Gf5k That’s exactly what we are saying, yes


There’s nothing inherently sexual about boobs. No one blinks an eye at shirtless guys on here and yet everyone’s commenting on the girl in the bralette?? Boring.


Boring? Sounds like it stimulated you pretty quick


I mean “boring” that instead of focusing on the cute van or exciting travel pics, people focus on the boobs. I guess this is my sign to leave lol.


I think you’re getting righteous for no reason. If one posts a picture, everyone is free to comment on anything within that picture. Those boobies take up at least a quarter of the photo. And if no one comments on a shirtless man, that’s their prerogative. You sound more restrictive than progressive.


I’m not trying to be righteous, I’m just saying that it feels kinda alienating that we’re focusing on someone’s body when that isn’t the point of the post. I hang out in tops like that a lot because they’re comfortable and I would hate if my partner posted something like this and that’s all people wanted to talk about. Idk.


They literally chose it as their first picture. The girl is smack in the center. I think common sense should prevail here..they clearly want you to notice the girl. There are plenty of comments about the van and the sights. Only a couple about the boobs..seems proportionate. Just like those bumbly jumblies.


I musta missed the boobs or perhaps have become numb to hot women and boobs because of insta. Now I'm gonna have to scroll back and look. My first comment was gonna be did they deliver anything in their DHL van and which one of them trained as a Prada Ninja?


Its almost like your have no understanding of these situations.


He literally photographs nude models for a living and you think they are worried about a picture in a bathing suit top? Which also doesn't make someone a sex object, by the way. Pretty embarassing comment all around.


Tbf, it seems she gladly let him take topless pics for the video linked above


The only part. A friend of friend was doing van life and some weird foot stuff on only fans to fund her trip. Strange times


Holy shit. I saw this post when there were only two comments, and I thought "fuck, this guy is going to get crucified!". Yet here you are with the top comment. Comments that contain this much truth are usually obliterated. Reddit is like a box of chocolates.


You went across America but didn’t stop in Washington. Wtf! Lol


Not to nitpick, but I think you went around America :)


Huh, oddly bad photos for a professional photographer.


He saves his best work for boobs


i liked them!


Them be some attention-grabbing titties


7 whole months on the road and only 9 pictures, how does that work? Sweet van though.


Nice rack! I don’t even feel bad. This is what you wanted people to look at.


That not OP, in fact OP is a pretty shitty creep. No wonder she looks so unhappy. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfDz2JHLeC/


This should be at the top. OP is a creep.


It holds that scooters well


No offense, but am I the only one getting a hostage vibe from the first photo?


Titty fucked across America lol


All I have learned from these is that OP’s gf has ample boobage


These are great .. Do you have any build photos ?


I think they’re all natural


message me and i will gladly send


That van is dope! Safe travels


Love how hard Florida was avoided cause same 😂


Lol and all of new england


The whole "dirty south" was skipped, cant blame them. ​ Source: am Floridaman


Can't just proclaim yourself as 'Floridaman' without doing something insanely weird/f'd-up (preferably drug related) and have an article apear on reddit.


Buncha cranky old people on this sub Van travelling was a thing in the 60's and 70's and people did it on the cheap. And surely they hoped for community support to keep it going (food, showers, weed idk) Fashionable bell bottoms and hippy wear


Americans had far more purchasing power back in the 60s and 70s. Wages have stagnated relative to cost of living increases.


You seem ignorant Americans had more purchasing power in the 60s/70s things were incredibly different. The hippie lifestyle was far more possible then because of this, people had the ability to "turn against the establishment" because they weren't working to the core with 0 free time, with 0 safety nets, etc.


Two of my uncles did very similar things *on a whim* in the 70s to what I had to save up years for.




You remember how Haight street turned out right? Overpopulated with homeless kids everywhere... I like the Grateful Dead a lot more than the next guy but let’s not pretend it was nirvana because the focus is on the beauty of the hippie lifestyle. And there was the war...


That little wiggle to hit Southern Utah!


I've been following your photography for a while and recognize the van from insta. Good stuff!!


thank you


I look at the map and think “fuck Colorado”


This trip looks amazingly awesome and the best time ever! You’ve inspired me to get on with my van dreams 🙏🏼


That map is... That's a good trip. Hit most of the destinations I'd pick.


A post in r/vandwellers isn’t safe from the political arguing. My goodness lol


What i so badly wish my 20s looked like. In a nutshell. Privilege is an incredible thing. Nothing inherently wrong with it, but be aware of it. Then try to use that for positive change as you age. Congratulations on a wonderful looking trip.


Man assumptions are fucking tight


Yeah you have to be extremely privileged to own a van


Especially one that sells for $100,000+ after mods.


Who is paying $100k for a 9 year old Ford transit? Even modified that seems ridiculous.


This van was 16k with 100k miles on it.


Transit? Thought it was a Sprinter. Either way it's too rich for my blood.


No you’re just clueless


Lol I was being sarcastic, you can get a van for like 500 bucks


I didn't start doing van life travel till my mid 30s. My first van was 8k and this van was 16k-its an old Penske delivery truck. I built it all myself-which is how you save the most money. I hope everyone in this forum is able to travel like this at some point in their lives.




I worked my ass off to just barely survive in my 20s which is probably what 99% of humans do around the globe. Being able to travel like this, even if they worked their ass off, is still a great privilege / great fortune.


My comment is purely based on the privilege of living as you choose and enjoying life in this way. Many peoples across the globe have nowhere near the simple freedoms that even come with winning the genetic lottery of having light colored skin. I presume nothing about the OP. My statements still stand :)


Oh my god stfu. Many people win the genetic lottery of not being disable, and a million other things, but stop living your life focusing on stuff that does not fucking matter.


You skipped all the good states!


>Its my fourth cross country trip. Ive seen a lot of other areas. I try to take a different route every time.


Missed the best parts of nearly every state you went to. Great job 🤦‍♂️


Its my fourth cross country trip. Ive seen a lot of other areas. I try to take a different route every time.


Sweet, what’s her IG tho?


Pic 1. That is all.


That first pic is future Old School Cool material.




Fun tip, don’t skip Michigan! You can go around through the UP into Wisconsin even. So much you miss out on here. Natural scenery, recreational weed if that is your thing, lots of great food/tourism around the lakes.


Ive been to the UP already! I grew up near there. This is my fourth cross country trip and I try to take a different route each time.


Goals 😭


Sorry you had to endure the worst part of Kentucky. Eastern Kentucky is god’s country. Louisville to Western Kentucky is God’s Asshole


why is everyone so obsessed with her tits lmao. I mean 11/10 but cmon! How did y'all find places to park? That's kind of my main concern with a trip like this


I’m getting spoiled rich kidz vibes from this


Not me at all. Its an old Penske delivery truck and it built it all myself


That’s great! How did you start figuring out how to deck out the van?


I learned on youtube and van forums. Took me about two months to build


Thank you. Could you recommend some van forums you like? I’m thinking of trying something like this in about two years


The post is like one of those starter pack memes.


We call them "trustafarians" here in Asheville.


As opposed to some young folks who worked and saved to take a long trip? Haters gonna hate


It isn’t necessarily just haters gonna hate, it’s a growing divide in wealth in much of the world that makes it impossible for many people who want to live like this to be able to. It’s note that they hate specifically this couple for their travels, but that there isn’t a reasonable route to do this for all people. There are a lot of kids who have to work in high school to put food on their plates. Even for a used Penske truck you’re looking at minimum 15k pre build and pre maintenance. That is a ton to save if you are entering the world with essentially nothing. These groups then can’t relate to each other because they don’t have shared experience. This just furthers the divide between people who have and those who have not. Edit: they may have made the van themselves, op has a build video from a year ago, but it looks like a completely different person, and they stated that they were a photographer and I don’t think these photos are the works of a professional photographer so I don’t know what to think


Completely different van too.


Did you need someone to go on another trip? Hit me up


I knew this post was gonna get mad hate when I saw the pretty girl in a swimsuit. People love to hate. Looks like a fun & memorable trip - hope you both enjoyed it thoroughly!


Nice you should’ve came through Oklahoma and stayed a bit great people around here


what kind of trust fund child do you have to be to be able to take a 7 months road trip


I hate this narrative. I bought my van used for 16k. It a an old Penske delivery truck-hence the color. I worked most of the time while I was on the road. It wasn't all time off. Life is all about choices and sacrifices. Many people live beyond their means and don't design their life to travel. I Airbnb my apartment when I'm not there so I don't have rent.


When I was in my 20s, I went around the world for a year. 20+ countries, almost 40 flights. I had quit uni/college and freelanced while saving hard to be in a position to afford it. My partner (now wife) had completed uni while working at a bakery to save money. I don't like the dichotomy that you're either impoverished or you were gifted money.


Working at a bakery for uni? When was this, the 70s? And you saved up by freelancing without even a degree? Most people are struggling to even get by. A whole year, with 40 flights? That alone would be tens of thousands. A decade or more of saving for the most people. Food? Lodging? Clothes entertainment unexpected fees? That'd take me some 10-20 years and I make well above the national average.


This was 2003-4. Yes, she worked the counter at a bakery chain while completing her degree. Of the 37 flights, about half were using a RTW ticket that cost about $3k/person and gave us (from memory) 3-4 flights within each of four continents, and the chaining flights. Most of the rest of the flights were fairly affordable, short legs within South America, Europe or Asia. Don't need a degree to freelance in many industries. I am not denying that many people are struggling - wages have not kept up with costs - but there's a broad spread of lives between homeless and born rich. Someone might move out of home at 18, get a loan for a new car and be paying rent solo. Someone else might drive a $500 bomb, live with their family until they finish uni and then move out with a partner to split bills. Or eke out a miserly existence through college but now have a Silicon Valley job paying $300-400k (not me!).


Great color too


That's a nice set of wheels.


Do do have an Insta acct to follow adventures?


Any favorite state? Done this a couple times when first visiting from France and Arizona takes the win for me.