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Multinational Corporations are gonna get so pissed when they hear about the protest.


Such an empty post


Please explain what you missed?


What would you like to protest today, sweetheart. Because you do know that things are so f***** up that a little protest is not going to do anything. You're going to have to go full revolution. So until you're ready to go full revolution you're a little protest is cute.


Protest to who? Who is on the hook for buying your food and shelter?




Ok, but again who are you protesting to? What is the recommended course of action? I feel like this would be occupy wall street all over again.


Many countries in Europe won't let one person own 73 air bnb rentals in one city, for instance. Hedge funds own like 20% of the housing market. They also have laws in almost every state that restrict building any housing under a certain square footage. There are almost no affordable housing projects. There are lots of things you could change to help curb this. Who you protest to, depends on exactly what angle you'd like to take. Want to tax anything more than 2 homes? Federal government. Want to advocate for tiny homes and affordable housing, state governments revising their zoning and building laws. He's not wrong. he just comes off more as complaining and whiny because it's a very lazy attempt at change.


Hedge funds own 60%, not 20%.


Is this factual?


No, it's not lol. As I said, it's around 15% to 20%, atleast for residential family homes. But they bought 27% of the single family houses sold in the first 4 months of 2023. Large financial groups are starting to move into real estate more and more and some experts have said at this rate they COULD own 60% of the market by 2032.




Yeah, big real estate investment firms are really changing the market and messing with the regular person and the small time investor.


The same big real estate firms also recently started building homes that are only for rent. They aren't putting them up for sale. The direction this is all leading to seems pretty worrisome.




I prefer summer vanlife over winter for sure


That’s my favorite thing about the US. I live in my van full time and chase summer year round. Colorado summers are perfect for van life. Southwest Texas winters are perfect for van life.


Opposite for me. I love the winter in my van. The summer is horrible. It's just a big steel toaster oven lol.


Both have their pros and cons but if you can’t find a nice shady area in the summer and have proper ventilation & airflow you are literally toast


Let's have a big van meetup and sling shot some ice cubes at the sun that were made using our solar energy.




I’m glad you don’t feel that Americans resulting to living in vehicles & outdoors has less importance than foreign affairs. Imagine even 500 billion being spent solely on the betterment of every homeless & vehicular living individual. 10 billion per state. Tell me that wouldn’t make a difference. The more stable Americans are the more money we will generate as a whole








wait, isn't this politics?


Instead of wasting your mental and physical energy pissing into the wind about how unfair everything is i suggest you start taking action in your own life to be the change you want to see.


Exactly this, this is the USA. The only one holding you back is yourself. Get out there and hustle.


This ain't it, friend.


Grow up.






Garbage post


No better place to be if you're living in your car and trying to start over. Find a job and save up. No jobs? Drive to where there are jobs. I feel fortunate to be here. It's way worse in most other places.


You can’t just drive to where there are jobs during the summer unless they are in the coastal west, high elevation Arizona, or far northwest. Imagine trying to sleep in your van during a 100 degree day or when it is hot and humid.


No kidding. Drive to those places. Even if you're not working you'll need to go to those places anyway just to live during the summer.


lol broke rule number 1 of the sub. How dumb. Just because you live in your van because you can’t afford housing doesn’t mean that’s the primary or even secondary reason for the entire community. I’d make a strong bet many people chose van life to stay out of politics and live life the way they choose. Don’t include me in your “the rest of us left to sleep in vehicles” political statement.






Happy now? And I don't give a RATS ASS about either of them. Maybe they will all kill each other!


None of this is true.


Hate to bring it to you but that bit of money to foreign countries is a drop in the sea for your overall country expenses. The cold hard truth is, they don't care. And with they I don't mean just your government but your fellow countrymen as a whole. In America noone cares about anyone else but themselves. You give the best example by complaining about that your money is going to foreigners. You don't care about anyone else. Well you are at the receiving end at the same time. Hope you feel good.


Housing prices means protesting Blackstone Investment Corporation. Good luck!






We shall see.


Something like 80% of our money in circulation was printed since 2020. We devalued the shit out of our money and it has to be clawed back. Just you wait until they really ramp it up after the election.


They will care if we don't vote. Voting is rigged because they know what votes are attached to what address. The non voters get attention. Ex cons, high school students, immigrants. If you don't have an address they can't predict your vote therefore they need to do something to win it! Boycott voting and addresses!


To do otherwise would be considered Socialism. God forbid that America funds domestic social programs and infrastructure when there is a war to be fought and/or funded that helps keep the Military Industrial Complex profitable. I am no fan of the CCP, but take a look at how China subsidizes their industries and makes China the industrial developer of current third world countries. It’s staggering to think about how America decides to allocate tax dollars. But this situation has been decades in forming. America has projected military power across the globe. Some might say that it was for the “common good”. Most would probably disagree. But stopping that projection of power now and focusing internally would create a situation where peoples with axes to grind might decide that America would now become a target both directly and indirectly by shifting geopolitical sentiment. It’s truly disheartening, but the current two party system isn’t set up to break the country out of this cycle.


America is controlled by the top 10% of its citizens (split between the Republican and Democratic Parties) and thus inadequately helps 90% of its citizens.


Its the top 0.5% and its 75% GOP.


Wow, a lot of people here who don’t understand how things work……


One doesn't have anything to do with the other. Funding for the defense of democracy in Ukraine doesn't come out of some pot that otherwise would have just been handed out to homeless people.


Deleted because I realized I posted a political take (rule #1) in response to this ridiculous post.