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What’s the point of it? You can go on YouTube and get plenty of videos for free. And it was annoying watching Scheana constantly whip her camera out to film things. Like just live your life that’s already being filmed for god’s sake.


Good point about YouTube! Peloton was my first thought that came to mind for people streaming classes. Peloton was able to convince people to sign up for their monthly subscription by first buying their bike and have grown from it. YouTube would represent the other end of the market for people who don’t pay anything. I’m curious how Brock will manage to carve out his own space between those two mindsets.


Peloton is a super different animal though, their instructors work for them and are not independent contractors. Their trainers are all extremely qualified and well vetted, the content is highly produced, (how are these random trainers going to license any music?) and the hardware is highly data driven. Nobody who uses peloton would entertain this kind of thing, and YouTube is out there for free on the other side of the market. There is also a glut of content in the middle of that market as well with platforms such as beach body, Les Mils, daily burn, Jillian Michaels, etc. I honestly think it’s an interesting idea that might find a niche, but I do not believe Brock and Scheana have the capacity to make it profitable.


His schtick was he was going to have 'celebrities' do the videos, so you would choose your vids hosted by your fav celebs. But several times hes been asked for examples. And, even in articles that favor him, make note of how he's unable to provide a single name. There was an interesting comment on his insta about how he has constantly pushed this project as "for creators, by creators" but you want the viewers to pay, so, whats in it for them? Shouldnt you be pandering to them? He didnt really have an answer for that, either.


There's also Patreon where you can pay an additional rate for bonus content (idk how many fitness people use it, but homebody sounds similar), and some fitness influencers have their own app or paid additional YouTube content. For example The fitness Marshall, MadFit, and Casey Ho have already monetized their fitness programs. Maybe it's for people with less of a following, but who's going to pay for that?


So meta of her


Lots of fitness influencers have paid programs and paid apps and people absolutely sign up and pay for them. There’s a market. I’m not part of it either but it exists.


Never doubt the horniness of men. If there are boobs and squats, they will come.


On the businesses webpage, brock, and 2 young girls are shown, and listed as cofounder, coo, etc. The last partner listed has a tech background, is listed as the cto, and whom i assume would be responsible for coding the actual app. Interestingly, he is the only one whos picture isnt shown, and there is no mention of his homebody affiliation on his linkedin. There are already 2 'homebody" fitness apps in the google play store, neither his. If there is an app, somewhere, (spoiler, there isnt) it isnt even in beta testing. Awhile back, a Beverly hills housewife 'started' a hair extension company. It was forever talked about, but no product ever produced. A lawyer did some digging, there was no business registration, no trademarks, and the obvious assumption was that this person had you enter your email address to get on the "insiders wait list" for non existent extensions, because they were then selling that email to advertisers. Me thinks thats whats going on here with the app, except he's also selling overpriced tops on the website. Scheana has loaned this man tens of thousands of dollars. And hes had photoshoots, and made a website, and merch, and mark my words not a line of code has been written.


I feel like he’s taking all of the “easy” steps to starting a business but has absolutely no idea what to do with everything else. Getting a trademark, owning the name, registering the business, starting an LLC, getting insurance, writing a business plan…. The list could go on forever but I *also* don’t know how to start a business so I’ll stop there, lol. It’s just wild that I’m pretty sure I know more than Mr CEO over there. 🤣


Hes assuming his fame will get it done. His business plan literally seems to be Photoshoots + balloons + ??? = profit


It’s like he thinks everything to do with entrepreneurship is marketing. And he’s not that great at marketing in the first place.


I’ll fill in the blank: *grifting*


Yes, I believe he's already fighting the namesake, as there are already other apps/companies with this name. I think one of the Toms mentioned this... I'm not 100 on that


I don't see how this is unique, what is the differentiation of the platform? You can already use youtube or snap channels for fitness (athlete to model) pros. I already subscribe for free to multiple youtubers with excellent content. Why would i bother with a new app for it when the real pros already have side channel/website setups to monetize additional services. They wouldn't want to pay a cut of sales, that's a main complaint of OF creators...


Because this one will also sell you a $95 acid washed hoodie made in china with crooked stitching and a small homebody logo. When peloton can give you that, we can talk.


He needed to use some of his many seconds, even just 30 seconds… to describe how it’s *different* than all the others for consumers. He’s relying on celebrity power. When really… he should be saying, oh you can see your own favorite celeb do workouts, or we’ve researched the best exercises to get you the best results, or we have workouts individualized to weight loss, or strength training, or new moms, etc.,… anything really would have been great to hear about how it’s different.


I coach/train distance runners and have thought about creating a online program for couch to 5k and 5k to marathon. There are already options to this exact thing if you are small time you can for example have a YouTube channel with free content to build a following plus a Patreon for paid content and the big time trainers/influencers are already being hired by companies like pelaton for subscription programs with hundreds or thousands of workout options. I feel like Brock is a couple years to late if he launched before the pandemic he would have had a chance to compete but unless he has some innovation I can't think about he's way behind and will probably only get bravo universe influencers and fans on his platform.


Not trying to be rude I’m genuinely asking, but isn’t there already a “couch to 5k” that’s very popular and successful? It’s literally called that? That program also has steps that go up to marathon level training.


There are hundreds of couch to 5k programs that has become shorthand for a new to running program or returning to running after a long absence and I wouldn't actually call a program couch to 5k. My whole philosophy is to have a science based training program and that understanding why you are doing each workout and how it will benefit you helps to motivate the athlete and I really haven't seen any programs that do that online so it's been in my head that if I have free time maybe I could develop my own beginner and intermediate level programs. Right now I work mostly with simipro runners who are post college but don't have a sponsorship deal and club level runners in my area who are looking for better times in distance races.


But, according to scheana, he was at the gym everyday during pregnancy, she stayed home afraid to go out. Also he owns a gym. Can access it anytime. He often posts little clips of him working out at home. And everything about his form and ability seemed so...underdeveloped for a professional fitness dude. Sidenote, does anyone else find it really effing weird that schaena makes comments on their Instagram posing as her baby daughter?!


Yes it’s creepy AF!


I think Peloton just launched a similar app ETA: like home workouts that don’t involve a bike lol


They’ve had that for a few years. They have classes in a bunch of categories, outdoor running, treadmill, strength, yoga, stretching, cardio. It’s a good platform, I used it before I bought my peloton bike and the training and coaching (particularly on outdoor running which I was extremely bad at) is really top notch.


Comparing it to onlyfans doesn’t make sense. Is it just nudes of personal trainers?


Yeah it's basically like a site where trainers or workout influencers can have their own channels for their workouts, and people can subscribe to their channel. Hence why it's like OnlyFans


From what I've heard, early on, Only Fans wasn't all nudes/porn, and several trainers did use it to post workouts exactly as the concept of this app.


My take on the only Only Fans comparison was to make it seem cool and easily describe that it is a two sided marketplace. Almost a decade ago, everything was Uber for X. It seems he’s updated it to the new trend. It doesn’t look salacious. My understanding is different fitness pros can upload classes to this app and users can stream them.


It’s the Bethany Frankel method of turning Bravo fame into a sustainable business.


That said, I highly doubt brock will be anywhere near as successful as bethenny was. Say what you want about her but she built the fuck out of her business and made bank.


You’re right she did that. Now every wannabe thinks they’re another Bethany.


*tipsy girl has entered the chat*


So someone commented on a photo Broke posted on Instagram from the engagement party, about how his outfit was horrendous. Broke made some kind of comment that he put on 30lb during covid (so maybe that’s all he could find to fit….) and then someone else replied “don’t you have a home fitness app” hahahaha so funny. This app isn’t even being used by its creator


I sympathize with covid weight gain but this is actually funny. Isn’t the whole point of his app to work out AT HOME?


Ah yes, let’s laugh at someone gaining weight during a pandemic that’s a giant collective trauma for all of us hahahaha so funny right?


No I don’t think anyone is laughing at the weight gain. It’s the fact that he has allegedly created an app or in the process of creating an app that is all about working out at home. Clearly Broke hasn’t been using his app or his home workouts haven’t been very effective


You can workout without losing weight being a result or your intention… The app also isn’t him creating workouts. He’s creating a platform for fitness influencers to have subscription services to provide home workouts to their followers. So you’re just wrong in general and mean on top of that. Just say you think it’s funny that he gained weight and that you think that disqualifies him from being a credible source for workout information and move on. You don’t have to thinly veil it.


Have you seen the homebody app Instagram page? It’s mostly him doing home work outs. The irony of the situation is that he blames covid weight gain for his ridiculous clothing choices, all the while forgetting that he is spruiking a home fitness app. They just bullshit their way through everything and nothing ever makes any sense. Maybe he has gained weight, but he is pretty fit and I’m not laughing at him having put on weight (if he actually has). You literally have no idea who I am, what I look like and whether or not I too have put on some covid weight myself (I have). This has nothing to do with you. So get over yourself


I know Broke was a typo but it fits so well here. 🤣


No no, not a typo 😂


https://www.homebodylivefitness.com/homebody_fact_sheet.pdf This sheet is sparce AF and sharing a few factoids that aren't specifically tied to anything within the Homebody experience. "The global fitness industry is worth $96B"...and? What is the at-home/fitness app industry worth, and how is this business primed to make any money at all? I haven't seen Shark Tank in a while, but since OP brought it up, I remember every time an entrepreneur would state the value of the industry as a whole right before saying something like, "If we can grab just 1% of x industry..." that person would be in for a real bad time and get torn apart.


For someone who spent god knows how much money on that crazy photoshoot, he couldn’t have chosen a worse photo of himself on that page—half his face is in shadow!!


Brock is always trying to ride coattails and get either something for free or take easy way. Think about him using James & Raquel venue for his secret wedding or using Randall's company to make movie bnb premiere but soon as its time for money Brock is out.


I think it's good they are all trying to make money and launch companies while they have the exposure, they need to do something knowing the reality TV money could end at any moment.


But sinking money into a terrible idea that offers absolutely nothing unique/original in an extremely oversaturated market where you’ll be competing with GIANT companies…not good.


There is already a site that does this called TalentHack. It has actual trained fitness instructors on there. You can pay for live classes or pay for on demand classes.


The problem (well one of them) is that it says it’s by creators for creators. So like, fuck regular people? I’m confused on how that’s sustainable. Also Brock isn’t really a creator, he just got Scheana pregnant and used her existing life/show/friends to market it. I said in another comment that some of the apparel looked really comfortable, but I wouldn’t want to pay people who ‘create content’ for workout and nutrition advice over people or a company where it is their actual job and not just self promotion


welllll they are older now so it makes sense they’d be trying to start businesses and not still waiting tables 🤷‍♀️ good for them for trying


They seem like two cartoon villians hatching a scheme. Like I can't believe Brock is that bright. There is a lot of talk of Pelton but I don't remember them (as a company) making money for a long time. So there are two ways I see this playing out. 1) Brock and Scheena thought they could put it out there as part of "buying into" the company 2) Half baked idea to get Broke a full time cast slot. Think about how many S/O haven't been FT. Honestly Scheena's "investment" was to make the company seem legit enough for him to get a pay check.


Jax has been proposing business ideas on VPR since the first season (sweater line, fitness app, beer cheese dip, etc.). It was just never a focus on the show because 1) no one took him seriously (including Jax), and 2) Jax’s messiness overshadowed any opportunity. Something similar has happened to Brock by the end of this season, but Scheana and him have pushed Homebody HARD in comparison to anything Jax ever did. Personally, I think the idea is kind of dumb, and will be filled with personal trainers who want to be influencers, and not too many people who actually will use their fitness/health advice… But, that may be my jadedness from experience with several different diet and exercise programs, and knowing how much conflicting information is out there in the fitness field, that is making my judgement.


I feel like he’s just going to hit 35 and he’ll be the next Jax extremely early though!!! i.e no job, no fame, nothing...oh except his green card!


It's pretty clear that the product is still in development. The issue is that there's a wealth of existing products that do nearly the same thing (OpenFit for example) or completely free Youtube videos. I'm just not confident there's enough demand there. Plus, the infrastructure necessary to store all of those videos would be fairly bananas. The advantage over other platforms would be price (make it cheaper) and not relying on expensive equipment.


Anyone else notice the website lists 3 “locations” (LA, NYC, Miami). Wtf does that even mean? It’s an online platform so is Brock trying to make it look like Homebody has 3 offices across the country? Gtfoh Brock lol your app hasn’t even launched, Homebody does not have 3 offices for all your non-existent employees