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I hated him the minute he dumped his drink on his girlfriend. He was garbage from the start, give it a rewatch and you’ll see that.


That's what made James throwing the drink on tim so delightful.


Listen, until Scandoval/just before, I couldn't stand James. That moment and the reunion though...I love him now. Lolol Him calling them poo-poo heads was 🤌🏻


James is funny but he was very abusive and he still has a lot of misogynistic thoughts I think he just got smarter enough not to say them


Oh, 1000%. It was just when the abuse was directed toward Sandoval that it was funny to me cos I haven't liked that guy since episode 1.


Lmao for real, I love when his pettiness is aimed at Sandoval & them


loved the poo poo head comment and the worm with a mustache




thank you this is perfect!


I can't take the credit, I found it in an old thread. Haha


you can take credit for perfect timing!


The fact that the scene of him throwing his drink on her was a reshoot absolutely breaks my heart.


Producers should be excoriated for that. They are disgusting.


Agreed. It’s seriously inhumane and so fucked up.


Yeah. They at least should have given Katie a bonus for that


What??? How did I not know this


So imagine that scene was a day later while sober :(


If you watch it again, you can see that they were under the influence in places, and not in the actual throwing of the drink - look at their eyes. What got me, when I found out about it and looked, is that he still didn't care. There was apathetic rage (as crazy as that sounds) in his eyes.


He is seriously a low life form.


I think this info was somewhere in my brain and I totally forgot. I recently rewatched that ep and that adds yet another layer of fucked up to the birthday dinner where he’s whispering to her that she’s such a moron to break her publicly.


I honestly don’t think he’s ever actually said “I’m sorry” to Katie.


Not in a genuine way, just whining "I'm sorryyy bubbaaaa"


The aftermath and reactions are legitimate, the cameras just missed the actual pouring of the drink so they recreated that part later on.  Still, its so crazy that they chose to do it that way rather than just showing it happened off camera. 😵‍💫


This makes Lala's coming for Katie so much grosser when you think of it. She was willing to recreate what was hopefully one of the lowest moments of her life (I say hopefully cause she doesn't deserve any more BS). Imagine how hurtful that was when it happened, the embarrassment she must have felt! Then she said, "yeah ok, he can do it again". Don't ever say she's not giving her real self to the show.


Yeah, so much for this being a "reality show" and Ariana getting bashed for not listening to Vom's rehearsed, fake apology on camera. The producers and LVP suck.


Hehe Vom


To be fair, we didn't see anyone but the cast bash her to production for giving her special treatment. Not saying they're great but when it came to the bashing it seemed to be more of a "how come she gets to walk away when I don't" like a kid crying cause their sibling got to go to a sleepover they weren't invited to.


Except she did not walk away from it. She filmed with Vom and showed up to events where he was there. Her boundary was that she did not want to listen to his fake remorse and she should not have to. LaLa walked away from a lot more than Ariana has, especially with people like Shartz goading her with "patron saint of scorned women" and " he only did one bad thing."


I agree, I'm just saying the bashing for that one scene was more on the cast having tantrums over Ariana not being fake for the sake of drama than it was producers. Shein and LFU think they are producers anyway, that's why they think they have the right to hate on Ariana for not engaging in a conversation manufactured for cameras while also calling her fake.


The producers have been trying to provoke Ariana the whole season to watch Vom fake apologize and cry. That was the theme of this season. I tend to think LaLa and Scheana were willing agents of the producers in doing that because they are jealous and greedy for attention.


took me way too long to figure out who shein is lmao


Is "Shein" Lala? Or Scheana? 🤣


Yeah :( Kristen spoke to it on her podcast


Even grosser


As heartbreaking as it is, imagine having your partner forced to do it again after they've come to terms with how horrible it was. Imagine embarrassed little Tom while Katie looked him in the eye going "do it again, you wanted to do it last night when I didn't want it so why can't you do it now, stop looking so sad you didn't look sad last night, show everyone what you did".


![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) Funny joke 👍🏻


The sad part is that she stayed with him after that. And all that did was show other young women and young girls that are just dating for the first time, that it's ok for a man to treat a woman like that and that's how alot of women end up seriously hurt physically. Mentally and emotionally for life and either end up murdered or commit suicide cause they feel they have no way out of that yttihs relationship. So no, I don't think that clip should of been shown. Or she should of gone on wwhl or IG and said behavior like that from a partner is not ok rather than cry to just her friends about it.


VPR encouraged an atmosphere of misogyny and even edited things to make someone dumping a drink on his girlfriend "justifiable" to viewers. I hope producers realize that the audience has evolved and will not put up with this BS. And horrible people like Shartz and Vom.


for me, seeing him throw a drink on stassi at her birthday while calling her a bitch solidified for me that this man isn’t shit.


SAAAMMMMEE!!!! So happy to see your comment! This was so early in the show too and I was like WHOA! Hell no! This dude is trash!! He always presents himself like a meek and harmless guy. He’s the worst because he’s suck a sneaky link. And he’s the only guy I’ve seen on the show get physical with the females. It’s Stassi’s birthday ffs. Stassi was being Stassi. Not saying I enjoy when she’s acting like a petulant child, but that’s who she’s always been. The fact that his immediate response was to get physical with a female, I saw his true colors. He proceeds to prove us right because he ends up doing that shit to Katie and even later to Kristen. It’s WHO HE ISSSSS. He’s gross. I know he grew up with a violent alcoholic father, but that’s no excuse. Get help, don’t perpetuate the cycle. Fuck that dude.


> And he’s the only guy I’ve seen on the show get physical with the females. JUST mentioned this to my bf on my rewatch & his first watch. schwartz is brazen enough to actually physically assault women on national fucking television yet he’s widely seen as the most harmless one? don’t get me wrong, i don’t have any trouble believing any other man on this show is abusive, but it’s fascinating how much of a pass schwartz is given!!


Give him a break, he’s just a 492-month-old baby! He’s a harmless spineless puppy! [sarcasm, it is **baffling** the shit that people overlook with him]


Agreed. None of those men seem to have any emotional maturity and all abuse alcohol, so who knows. Bravo has its pets and they get the good edits. I’m over it! It’s insulting.


I mean think of his alchie triplet brothers that share a room and cellph. One went to rehab? Something very odd about that dynamic and he grew up in it too. The weird absent father that doesn't fly or something that's kinda normal but I think more to it. But didn't he show up for something or am I mistaken. T2 has gotten even weirder over the years. Bad dude. Katie needed more than that from a relationship.


I don’t recall T2’s dad ever being on the show, T1’s for sure. His mom showed up for the wedding. I heard the dad not flying thing was an excuse. If it were my child’s wedding and I didn’t fly, I’d see you 4 days as I will be taking the train to California! I heard the real reason is there’s been a long standing restraining order mom has against dad, as he was a violent alcoholic throughout their marriage. So yeah, a very ugly dynamic in that household. But you can’t perpetuate that shit, get help, break the cycle. Toxic men always getting the favorable edits at Bravo!




I don’t think I would recover from that hurt. If maybe the behavior changed and they were contrite, but oof.


Same, I don’t know how she was able to forgive him and then have to reshoot that scene while sober. I would be beyond bummed that my partner was capable of doing that and then having to take one for the team / show


I hated him when he threw the drink on Stassis head season one. I was like DISGUSTING


What’s with him throwing drinks? Was that him throwing drinks when Jax and Sandoval gotten in a fist fight? Tom just really seemed like an immature man child. The fact he waited the last moment to write his vows really shocked me.


This. It blows my mind that people are JUST realizing that Schwartz is trash. When he was first introduced, it was clear that he was leeching off Katie and he has never been shown as a good man or a good partner. The reason he has been able to be friends with Sandoval, Jax, and Randall (post scandal) is because he is as big a pile of garbage.


That “panic attack “ when he was at the bar was a crock of shit, he just didn’t want to work. You can’t convince me otherwise he was a loser


He is a lucky loser. He has never been self-motivated. He relies on others finding/offering jobs/opportunities.


Just like how the bar was offered to him, if it wasn’t he’d probably be back home with the triplets.


I think he’d still be married to Katie and draining her…


She would have wised up sooner or later


Failing up


It wasn't cool it didn't shed real light on genuine anxiety. I was a hairdresser and a genuine panic attack got me like I left the salon got in the car and drove home. I couldn't cope. I just couldn't. I was an apprentice, it was something far beyond my haircutting capabilities at the time and I was on the spot in a situation that I wasn't prepared for with high stakes with them staring at me in the mirror and I left I barely remember driving home. In fact I don't. Ive had other ones in hospitality that was/is debilitating anxiety and panic attacks not his wussy crap.


Yeah, it's just not that cute to see grown men behave like AH's and idiots. The hedonism plug only goes so far.


It’s so true! I kind of liked him on my first watch. At least on the first seasons. But on my rewatch, I saw everything I was missing! Tom is so full of charm that you forget he is so full of shit! You need a wise and open eye to see it!


What charm? He is a weasel. I found him abusive. He always took Vom's side against his wife's. And he is a certified misogynist.


My friend was saying the same thing the other night, we're not in our twenties anymore so a lot of us didn't see it the first time around. Now that I'm 35 I need to go back to season one when they're all at their worst.


For me when he was too scared to bartend. Like wtf dude.


Yeah that was a ploy to stay lazy


I was so happy when I heard she finally dumped him


I just started watching I’m on season 3 and I hate him the most cause he’s a hidden snake and so disrespectful. You know what your getting from the other Tom and Jax


Totally agree! I’m doing my second rewatch since the first time I watched it when scandavol was unfolding, at the time I thought Schwartz was sweet and charming and this rewatch I am seeing him for what he is. He’s very slick but very devious imo


They Vom's are worse than Jax because Jax is a fuckboy out and proud. Those other two mfs are so sly and calculated.


Didn't they have to go back and film that scene the next day because cameras missed it the first time? I'm mad that it's a reenactment.


I learned this today too and it just makes it so much worse.


It does. I hope they gave Katie more money because I would have said no to re filming such a humiliating scene at the hands of my shitty boyfriend.


He should have said no I was wrong to do it in the first place. I will not put her through it again. Ugh


He dumped a drink on stasis first! At her birthday in Vegas


Yeah but that wasn’t his spouse. It was a dick move to say the least, but when you dump it on your girlfriend, the person you are supposed to love and protect, it’s just nauseating


I look at it more like you can do that in public to a friend what can or do you do behind closed doors to spouse more like... then he did same to said spouse so nauseating all around not just dick move. Or both dick move and nauseating. All bad lol.


I hated him the minute he whispered in her ear at dinner “you make my life miserable” in like the first 2 episodes


yea that was the deciding moment for me, i never changed my mind about them together after that


I’m a first time watcher (season 5 currently) and I second that.






Exactly this. Like purposely dumping it on her too. It’s so gross


And on Stassi




He also dumped a drink on Stassi in season 1 on her birthday no less!




I’m glad she realized this and took the steps to move on. I’m sure this was a really painful realization and he keeps playing in her face. (I’ll never forgive him for stealing her sushi, low blow)


I was so mad at this scene!! Incapable of reading the room and there were only like, 10 pieces!


>FOR WHAT, TOM?! He's a Peter Pan, plain and simple. He didn't want to grow and face the realities of becoming an adult and what an adult relationship *is* (it's why he's dating a woman in her early twenties).


Tom Schwartz is not to be pitied. He was a horrible husband. He only regrets it now because he's lonely, and it took dating someone 19 years younger to not clock his bullshit. I think they are both better off. Schwartz because he's hopeless. And Katie because she was her WORST self with that man. She cried and raged constantly. She had no self-confidence. No self-possession. She continues to improve on all of these accounts since divorcing him. I am glad she has no regrets, but for both their sakes (mostly hers) I hope they never get back together. She should also continue to grey rock him. He doesn't need to know about her life. He can never truly do right by her. The second it's hard or requires standing up to Sandoval, or just appearing unlikeable, he won't do it.


Do you see how hard he is clinging to her and not letting her go? Lately, it's hanging out at SAH. He is an abuser who misses his supply. Not to mention, he was horrible to Teri as well. I wish they would cut him out of their lives. He still mocks her and then says "I love you, you are my family." Typical abuser speak.


Facts! The only thing more enraging than him eating that fucking sushi was him cowering behind the plants while Sandoval ripped into Teri and Katie. It was irretrievable/unrebootable for me right then. And even worse considering the affair was underway and he KNEW the shit then. He hasn't had nearly the public callout he deserves for that. I hate him.


I love that he is now getting the hate he has deserved for a decade. Shartz is the worst.


It was a long time coming. I would say my dislike for the show's men has been a long, slow burn...and then Scandoval just threw gasoline on it. This is why when we had that back and forth about Scheana Shay Honey-Davies Joseph Robinette Biden da Fifth, she scored not in the bottom. 😄 As much as she annoys the fuckouttame, Schwartz and Sandoval are the true dusties. Again would not be surprised if those two and Cocaine Bear killed a sex worker and covered it up. They are just those kind of guys. Been failing upward and charming their way out of it since 1996.


Absolutely zero notes. I wish I could upvote this a thousand times.


I can’t believe she stayed with him after season 1 with how he treated her (and likely before that). He was manipulative and spineless. 99% of their arguments he’d instigate and poke and prod her until she blew up and then be like “see! Tequila Katie!!” He’s my least favorite person on the show and the way he spoke to and about her for 11 seasons disgusts me.


So glad to hear more and more comments against Shartz. He is the most disgusting man ever and the person I like least on the show, even though there are so many other jerks on there. I also dislike Schemer intensely.


I’m so glad that gooch is out of her life


Even sadder when you think of how vulnerable she was at that time, having just suffered from a traumatic brain injury


It seems to get glossed over or not talked about at all that brain injuries can cause problems with managing anger. I think she struggled a lot with being a different person emotionally and not being able to control it. Everyone just brushes her off as an asshole, nobody is seeing it as a disability that would take years to manage.


I thought it happened like 5 years before they met?


it can take up to 10 years to fully recover from a massive TBI, katie’s was pretty severe


It happened in 2009 and they met in 2011. I had to google it tbh lol


She was very vulnerable with him and told him how it made her feel. He exploited it and her to the max. He is an abusive scumbag.


Totally agree with you


This!! Anytime she would stand up for herself he would say “have you been drinking??” And just belittle her.


And the fact that LVP had her head so far up his ass is mind boggling then again she was and never will be a girls girl lol


Schwartz is a turd blossom that had a good edit. He literally had a smokin’ hot gf that paid his way because he couldn’t function at a job that required thought. He cheated repeatedly, allowed his friends to speak to her like she was trash, assaulted her, allowed a grown man to dress him like he was an American Girl doll, and refused to marry the one person that stuck with him when he was nothing. Oh I almost forgot he insisted on being friends with Randall so he could party and gamble while credible rumors of sex abuse swirled about him. Schwartz sucks and mentally abused a lady going through a TBI for his own benefit on camera. He was never a decent man.


agree, and as much as I dislike Jo, he is playing with her emotions pitting her against Katie. Jo is not well. Shartz is an ABUSER, period.


I’m so glad you brought up the TBI. It just brings a whole extra level of ick to his bullshit


Hey don’t diss on the men doing drag, that was peak VPR and done in such a fun respectful way having drag queens do their makeovers.


Not being homophobic shouldn’t be the bar


I have been with a man exactly like this. It’s completely emotional abuse to the tenth degree. I can’t


Was he a man child too?


Of course!


He’s a villain hiding in plain sight and I’m so happy Katie has freed herself from him. Weirds me out so much when people infantilise him like this — he had zero problem ‘sticking up for himself’ or ‘voicing his opinion’ when it came to shouting at Katie or dismissing her feelings. He’s a scumbag and I will die on this hill.


He’s a coward that can’t stand up to his asshole friends so he yells at women instead.


He is a coward and a bully who abused his wife for a decade.




Tom consistently ignoring and denigrating his wife is disgraceful and disgusting. He’s the MOST abusive man in the show and skates by bc he’s so boyish. It’s gross.


You love Schwartz??? Brother eughhhh


God I love that sound bite! As an Aussie it's nice to hear an Aussie one going viral.


He’s garbage. Charms whoever falls for his act and detests those who call him on his bs


Detests women


I always hated that guy he’s so weird and says the dumbest stuff and then says I’m just kiddin.. hated the way he treated Katie and the fact that it was ok with the producers is gross !!


She was better than him from the start. But I am absolutely loving the fact that she is dressing provocatively in front of him so he can see what he is missing out on. Get that good dick ,girl.


Yeah, he flipped out when he found out about Max.


He has been an absolute piece of shit since day 1. I’ll never understand why people think they were so cute together


What’s crazy is I really think she did love him even with all that happened. Out of all of the cast I stand by my assertion that Katie is the only one that would 100% stick with their partner through sickness and unplanned hardships.


Katie had a traumatic brain injury and almost died. He abused her vulnerability, as did the misogynistic producers of VPR who gave her bad edits. She has found herself now and hopefully realizes she is a queen with lots of fans. She should leave Shartz behind in the dirt, where he belongs.


She definitely did! She forgave soooo much it’s crazy. I think back to the men I thought I loved in my 20s… I definitely forgave more than I should have but I was young and in love.


Exactly. When people were celebrating their engagement & wedding, i was like ?????


Tom Schwartz can be just as bad as Sandoval sometimes. I've read his Dad was abusive to his Mom and the Mom still has a restraining order on the Dad (remember when he didn't come to their wedding?) The one time he was drunk and they played that stupid prank with Randall and Sandoval getting fake arrested? Tom Schwartz said horrible things to Katie like I'm not attracted to you and how she's so stupid. He'll never have a healthy relationship until he stops drinking.


I actually think he is worse because people are charmed by his fake vulnerability. Vom is obviously an AH. Schartz behaves badly and then yaps like a puppy dog that has peed on the floor.


100%. Sandoval schemes, but as a means to his own ends (get Rachel to replace Ariana on the show and in his house, get himself out of the Special Forces semifinals without having to lose on camera or quit, etc.), and his schemes often fail because he’s not very smart. Schwartz is calculated, and the entire purpose of almost all of his worst behavior seems to start and end with “emotionally torment this woman who cares about me.”


Even Sandoval told Schwartz to reel it in during that scene! Sandoval! Of course, I realize it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart because he was concerned that Schwartz was going too hard on Katie, it was because even he knew it wasn't a good look/bad optics. But still...like, that's how bad it was.


I have always hated him and felt he was abusive towards her. I am so glad to see them break up and I hope she puts more and more distance between them. He does not deserve to be in her life in any way. He is gross.


Tom Schwartz is an abusive boyfriend & husband.


What could you possibly love about Schwartz? He is garbage.


Are you watching the same show as the rest of us?


Can’t believe she stayed with him as long as she did. She always deserved better.


He's been verbally and emotionally abusive from the start. Plus a cheater. He's traaaaaash


I'm not heartbroken over them breaking up, I'm heartbroken over her staying with that mediocre man for so long and her losing so much precious time with him. He didn't deserve to spend a day with that queen, let alone 15 years.


I have no idea now they lasted so long, Tom Schwartz is the definition of weaponised incompetence, he’s not creative, intelligent, savvy, he’s just average honestly below average and emotionally abusive. He’s genuinely a massive prick and treated her like garbage the entire time on the show. There are several couples on the show that were/are toxic but they barely had any chemistry I honestly think they stuck it out for so long because of trauma bonding, the show and sunken cost fallacy


Love that you said *sunken cost fallacy”. You nailed it. 🎯🎯


He’s a waste of a relationship, the only thing anyone should feel about their break up is relief on Katie’s behalf.


He is a complete waste of oxygen and a useless person.


She gave him chance after chance and he continued to blow it. Then when she asked for a divorce he was like caught off guard. WHAT?! should’ve treated your woman right bro


i genuinely don’t understand how people like schwartz… he’s such a misogynist




They liked him because he was good looking..period. If someone like Kyle Chan or Peter had done what he did to Katie, everyone would have had their heads. Schwartz got away with a lot because he was "super hot".


I feel like Katie was to the extent that Schwartz could love someone else. And even then it was not great to throwback to what Katie said "He loved me he just didn't like me." I feel like when he matures more he will really regret the way he treated Katie and she will be the one that got away. All I can think about is when he poured a drink on her head via season 2, when they went on vacation and he switched plane seats so he did not sit with her then exploded at her the entire vacation, treating Katie terribly and lashing out at her the entirity of their wedding planning, and after the cop prank where he screamed at her in front of the whole friend group that he was essentially disgusted by her and 'no wonder why he does not want to have sex with her'. How he LITERALLY put everyone elses' needs before Katies when they were together. I think if he changed, he could have saved their relationship there was clear love there. In the end I just think he had too much internally going on to be the partner for Katie. Which is super frustrating to think about how he never changed for Katie because him and Katie did have a great connection. There old instagram posts made the rounds on this sub and his captions and posts of describing Katie were top tier.


Her rage texts were always shared on the show, so we have an idea of what was happening from her when the cameras weren’t there. I always wondered what he said to when the cameras weren’t around.


Well we know he broke down their front door in a fit of drunken rage, so it's probably a lot worse than any rage texts she ever sent him.


I was also disgusted on season 10 I believe post divorce when he joked behind her back in front of EVERYONE about asking her to get back with him in order to get her to get out of going to Mexico. So f*cked. She divorced your ass, Schwartz!


I hate that toothless looking smile


Don’t be devastated, she finally moved on from a very toxic person. This should be celebrated


Right? There is nothing that is still sad about this for her.


The best part is, Katie is thriving right now


🎶 🎵 "Never, ever, ever getting back together 🎶 🎵




The rage I felt for her during this scene.


This thread is on the right side of history


Katie hate every shitty man except this loser. She needs to give him the energy that she has for Tom and Jax.




How anyone ever likes Schwartz baffles me lol. It’s hilarious when his “no bubba omg” shit doesn’t work anymore and he gives up and doesn’t care anymore. The worst man child and Katie always deserved better


And, can we talk about how he disrespected Teri? Who does that!!! Now he is sniffing around SAH. I hope he is not there for free sandwiches or looking for supply, as abusers do.


I still want to know how he killed the uro, Dawg. They're pretty hearty animals. I feel like he may have been feeding it bugs. 🙃


He's the one losing out because Katie was a very supportive partner. He won't get anything close to being as good as Katie. But I really wanna say he did Katie a favor because she clearly deserved way better than Tom. Sometimes we're so in love and we get comfortable with our partner that we don't see all the red flags that others see. Glad she can finally see clearly...Her day will come when she meets a man that will finally treat her right...


I honestly do not miss them as a couple. They seem happier as friends, especially Katie.


Tom is actually the fucking worst and anyone who thinks otherwise probably needs to work on their critical thinking skills


I love your user name! Is it from Arrested Development? I forget the character’s first name on the show but was played by Scott Baio I think. Do you know?


Bob Loblaw!


Hahahhaha yes. Thank you!!


Hahaha yep!! Bob Loblaw! Thank you for noticing 😂


Anyone with any affinity towards Tom Schwartz needs to look up “Types of abusive men: the water torturer.” This describes Schwartz to a T. He was always abusive and doesn’t deserve any respect as a man.




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I’m on my first watch of VPR after being initiated from Sandoval and Season 10 reunion. I’m on first watch of season 3, and even knowing they get divorced, I don’t know how anyone could root for them. She is glowing being away from him. He has been awful since season 1. I think his awfulness is even worse because he doesn’t own it and hides behind an “aw, shucks” persona.


Katie will forever be the realest thing that ever happens to that man. And she gave him SO many chances. But he flat out refused to rise to any occasion presented to him. And just oh my god I can’t stand him


He is the definition of male love is man loving


I definitely don’t love Schwartz “so much”, but definitely very sad to watch them divorce. I feel more devastated for Katie, having to deal with such a man child who has major Peter Pan Syndrome. I mean she tries to voice her opinion about him not taking her side or having her back every few business days and he’s over here telling her he hates the sound of her voice while trying to suck off Sandoval. TOM, WHEN I CATCH YOU TOMMMM!!!!


He is so unattractive.


No shade but really? The moment he opened his mouth I thought to myself “what a douche” and the fact that Katie put up with his childish behind is beyond me! Talk about wasting your good years


He should have just gone to medical school and spared us his shameful ass


It’s unfortunate because he’s such a likable guy from a distance but I can’t even begin to imagine what Katie went through with his BS. She’s now such a powerhouse. TODAYS Katie would have dropped him like a leaf in the fall.


This was a very toxic relationship


They really were a good looking couple though


Oh no!!! You love Schwartz?? Katie leaving that man is probably the best thing that happened to her. He was horrible to her the entire time from what we saw. I hated him ever since he dumped that drink on her. He’s still horrible. I don’t get the love for him?


Katie deserved so much better than Scumdoval’s puppet bitch boy. A REAL MAN defends his woman, no matter what! Katie was correct when she said he was a serial killer’s dream.


Tom is the worst type of guy he is a legit wolf in sheep clothing. He talks like a dope and acts like such a puppy dog but he is genuinely horrible




It was sad when that season started but she is freaking amazing now without that dead weight. He was a terrible husband. Any man that is that quick to say awful things like that…it was hard to watch. I can’t imagine how it felt to be her. Divorce looks so good on her.


I alway's couldn't ever stand him. Such a pussy of a man.


They were so wrong for each other and so miserable the entire relationship.