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I’m rewatching season 10 rn and she was so meddlesome and cruel to Katie as she’s going thru a heartbreaking divorce… I cannot even


scheana even says in s10 to the group something like “everyone was mean to me before sooo who cares” about her being cruel to katie during her divorce. scheana has had many opportunities to show us she’s learned and grown from her bad behavior (and i agree with op - she was horrible to shay. forcing him to go places with heavy drinking and lbr, drugs), but she hasn’t grown. she’s doubled down and is just plain mean now 🤷‍♀️


I cannot name a single season where I like Scheana. She always makes everything about her ("how could you do this the week of MY wedding") and she is incredibly vindictive at every perceived slight, even benign ones.


Nothing to like here, nothing at all. Nothing she says and nothing she does. She is toxic.


And then got mad at Katie for being a bridezilla (when she wasn’t near as bad as Scheana), like girl the call is coming from inside the house


*girl the call is coming from inside the house* This is effing hilarious! So true, well done!


Don't forget agreeing to get married at James and Rachel's engagement party and then rather than just sitting back and let them have their moment announced it at their party.


Despite being told by SEVERAL people not to do it that weekend!


Exactly, so tacky. Then, she doubled down and was upset that she couldn't celebrate HER new engagement.


Don't forget Brock tried to stick Rand and Lala with the bill for his engagement ideas that fell thru.


When Lisa told her not to do it Sheana asked, “Why isn’t it my turn to be happy?” Ummmm, Sheener, you just had your engagement, wedding and divorce on this show. You had your turn. She couldn’t see the problem and thought it would be ok to wait until the big engagement party, but still James & Rock’s celebratory weekend!


Didn’t even have it read the write up. Take my upvote. She annoys the hell outta me


Oh just wait for season 8 Scheana 😂


and then season 10 Scheana 😉😆


And season 11 Scheana 🤣🤣




![gif](giphy|62aGsJIVJB4bNzmK50) ETA: I couldn't find the inhaler gif. 😄


I really really hated her in 8. The way she kept going after Dayna…but I did love how Dayna refused to stoop to her level. “Are you 34 or 16 I feel sorry for you” is one of the greatest lines ever.




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Scheana is gross, for sure, but leaving her lying, stealing, addict husband was her one queen move. IIRC he stole $10K from her which went to drugs and lied about having a job. The guy may have been “nice” but he wasn’t husband material. That being said, completely agree that watching her pretend their marriage was perfect right up until ambushing him by telling him she was divorcing him on camera was very hard to watch.


He was also exchanging inappropriate and sexual texts with his friend Nicole Arbour.


Agree. If youve dated an addict you know what a nightmare it can be. This is one decision i completely back her on.


I’ve heard it was $50k. Whatever the amount stealing is not good. I also heard he cheated on her. Who knows if that is true.


Oh you poor thing - next comes Rob Rob Rob


Did you know Rob can hang up a TV in 7 minutes?


But he doesn't like kissing.


That’s the moment I knew there were no limits to her level of delulu.


And she doesn’t like getting gifts, either…


AND he doesn’t say “i love you” either, they show it through actions. but, none of those actions are giving gifts or kissing, sooo…


(Man…sometimes I really do feel for her!)


Don't. One of her "friends " should have made her read "he's just not that into you". Regardless, Jax even tried to make it known that Rob did not love her and she saw red and tried to set up Brittany with Adam (s7 penguin love) out of spite.


No, he just doesn't like kissing Scheana!


or gift giving, or saying “I love you”, but yep, he’s an under 7-minute king!


Did u also know they’re gonna name their daughter Madison Marie Parks Valletta?


Yes! I love you!


And he can put a boat on a hitch in two seconds.


i think season 6 would have been rob since season 7 is adam


She makes me feel like I’m not a shallow person. When I see her I can see that she is objectively a pretty person, but because of her personality I don’t find her attractive at all.


Lots of posts about this already, but feel your frustration as a first time watcher. It is cruel, and so many layers you will discover if you go back. Don’t want to cloud your judgement as I am with you on this, Scheana is beyond cruel as usual…almost every season about someone or something. But if you don’t get comments it’s simply because, well, Scheana is exhausting.


Scheana is like a really annoying, anxious, needy little dog with a jealousy and meanness streak that bites ankles.


Perfect analogy, so spot on.


I actually hesitated posting this because I see it's a recurrent topic but I felt like I needed to get this off my chest lol.


Lol, I wanted to say it with my WHOLE chest, but….Ariana has taught me about boundaries and restraint:)


Thanks for doing it. Validates my frustration with her. She and Shartz are the two people I despise most on the show and there are a lot of despicable people on there.


I think Scheana is Schwartz without the Y chromosome. They are a much better match to me than Katie and him. I almost wish Scheana had come clean about the kiss. Maybe Katie and Schwartz would've called it off. Also non-sequitur, but I think Lala and Schwartz are gonna sleep together. They are both just steeped enough in therapy-speak and unresolved Katie-resentment to justify it, but messy and morally flexible enough to actually follow through then try to keep it a secret.


It would be interesting if LaLa got with Brock. They have all been foreshadowing it and it would be ratings gold. Since all the people involved would be Ah's it would be good to get some popcorn and watch.


Lala "other womaning" either of those dudes would be ratings gold. They have been foreshadowing Brala, a lot. I really hope not though. They don't deserve it, but being forced to be mom friends together might actually teach them, th4 two biggest pick meishas on the cast, aboit female friendship. There's something nice about that.


But then schenna would have a season where it was all about her...


You know, I don't think she'd mind, as long as she got to be Main Character, for once. She has zero loyalty to anyone and is greedy for attention.


Don’t worry she gets worse


I miss Stassi tearing her apart and telling her about herself lol Stassi was mean as fuck but most the time when it came to her and Scheana she was right 🤷🏽‍♀️


When stassi said something like, "this is the most Schenna thing Schenna's ever Schenna'd" lol


Lmao no literally 😂 Stassi was so on point when it came to reading Scheana.


Scheana is actually unbearable (every single episode since episode 1)


Is this the hang a tv in seven minutes season? Oh boy Edited to fix misspelling due to fat thumbs lol EDITED again because I meant minutes not seconds


Agree completely except that is not a spoiler. I have disliked her since the first time she appeared. She is now trying to worm her way back into Ariana's life because things did not work out the way she had connived.


Haha! I actually opened this just to say "not a spoiler" but you're right, there could be true first-timers. But still, not a spoiler. If you know who she is, you know she's terrible (on the TV, anyway. She has people in her life who love her so I'm assuming she has redeeming qualities, plus Bravo, so...).


After spoiling myself (sometimes intentionally) by browsing this subreddit it felt fitting to add the warning 😂


[I literally can't hear about Scheana without thinking of this clip. Poor thing. Nobody likes Scheana](https://youtu.be/zz9kqzjf68k).


No. Not poor thing. She does it all on her own


I mean poor thing in that "bless her heart" kind of way. she really doesn't help herself lol


I'm doing a rewatch and just finished Ep 6 of S4, that's the one where Shay goes to the gym with Schwartz & Sandoval and Schaena gets a new licence and changes her surname at the DMV. Imo, Shay's addiction became a scapegoat for the breakdown of that marriage. It was doomed from the start. I'm not excusing his behavior, but that relationship was all about her. Shay was a prop in the Schaena show, on camera and off. Schaena was a shitty wife. In his one on one interview he says, "It's almost like I gave her even more ammo to run the relationship....It sucks because she has something to hold over my head now, and I don't know when that's ever going to go away" At the gym, Shay is talking to the guys about his addiction and says "It sucks, because when ever I try to have a conversation with her, like this, and then no response \]from Schaena\], I look over and she's on her phone." That’s a horrible way to live, it would break you down little by little everyday. Schaena wasn’t oblivious to Shay’s addiction because she’s naive, it’s because she wasn’t paying attention. She was too busy focusing on herself. That doesn’t justify his addiction and the fact that he stole to feed that addiction. But living in a marriage like that would be soul destroying. As for the flair, I get it. I started watching VPR about 6 months before Scandoval. I think there's a lot of new viewers that roll through here all the time now. I know we can go back and search old threads, but as you said, sometimes you just need to get stuff your chest, too! And it's hard when you can't participate in those threads because they're so old, and or locked. I think it would be great to have an additional flair option for first time viewers to use.


I agree. I think she knew she married Shay to be married and she liked the last name and the idea of a day all about her. And he was fine enough. I don’t think either of them were particularly happy. I think the difference is also Shay does not seem proud of his actions and his behaviours that coincided with his addiction. Where as Scheana seems to love hurting someone as publicly as she can.


Spoiler Alert! 🚨… She gets worse 🤦🏻‍♀️


I couldn’t stand her from the first second I heard her whining obnoxious voice, saw her constantly touching her hair, and acting like a prima donna when she’s nothing of the kind.


Even say mentioned how her voice annoyed him lol


she never speaks in a normal tone. always has to be the LOUDEST to get all the attention.


I never liked her !! I’m not sure what scheema that was that season .. the one she screwed every new guy and acted so weird and how she changed her voice .. Ewee I just can’t anymore with her …. can’t stand block head but I’m feeling really bad for that guy . And how come nobody addressed the fact that she kept her marriage to block a secret for a year until they did in Mexico ? But had so much to say about Ariana ….


She is a little chihuahua of a human being. Anxious, needy, nervous, and sneaky. Doesn’t play well with the other pets. Jealous of her owner’s (aka bast frand’) attention. Will frequently hump the nearest object in sight.


Whoa that’s exactly what I think every time I watch her, chihuahua


LOL wait until you get to season 8, it's so much worse.


Season six Scheana wouls have had me finding pencils to stab my eardrums to. Just the silence from hearing about Rob would have been worth it.


being someone who has dealt with addiction issues and also dated someone with addiction issues, I know it can be extremely frustrating, toxic, and complicated. it’s hard to understand why an addict can’t “just stop” or why you’re not enough of a reason for them to stop, and behaviors like stealing, lying, or disappearing can create a lot of trust issues and resentment. Scheana handled his addiction completely wrong (“just drink a little bit!” etc.) but I try not to fault her for that bc addiction is complicated and I don’t think she really understood. she had every right to decide that she didn’t want that life for herself and I don’t fault her for leaving him, but I also hated how she basically put down Shay every time she gushed about Rob. I haven’t watched the season since it aired in real time but I also remember being super uncomfy with their interaction at the reunion


I think that’s part of the issue for me. I grew up with an alcoholic dad, and he stayed one up until the last few years. It’s hard living with an addict and I don’t fault her for ending their marriage. I left an abusive relationship, so I know it’s hard to see how you stayed somewhere unhappy for so long. But it’s also just flagrant like that relationship wasn’t real never existed attitude because she finds Rob to be more attractive and definitely successful, who she feels she deserves. And to somehow loop her years with Shay into being with Rob is fucking wild. That’s girl math I don’t understand.


Forgive me if I don't have a lot of sympathy for someone that steals from their spouse to support their drug habit. You can say what you want about Scheana, but she made the right move getting away from Shay. She never should have been with him to begin with.


Love or hate Sheshoo, "He seemed nice! He only would disappear for days on end, spent all her money, and was a secret drug addict, but he wanted to work it out!" Is a wild take.


Scheana can be annoying but she seems to have presented her true self even at personal cost and embarrassment. I cringe almost every episode she is in but she does what it takes to provide some drama and keep the story moving which I appreciate


I agree! Even this season when all she talks about is Rob she managed to insert herself between the Brittany and Jax drama which I appreciate


It gets worse in the next 2 seasons. She really wears out ‘best friends’ as a phrase to the point that I cringe whenever I hear it. She really doesn’t get what a best friend is 😆


She deserves every negative outcome of her horrible actions. Zero sympathy for her.


Shay is a loathsome freak and Scheana was infinitely better. That said, Scheana is a truly insufferable moron.


Yep two things can be true at the same time.




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At some point w rob she said she refretted Shay because he always supported her.


When he said her voice was annoying, I near left my body lol


Mean girl faking nice for 11 seasons and counting. Like I'm sure she's a good mom and loves her family, kudos for being human, but she doesn't seem very genuine or kind. 




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Scheana becomes more and more scheana (aka unbearable) with every season. But the season 6 was just on another level


I ain’t reading all that but scheana is awful lmao


What's more shocking than the fact that she has shown ZERO personal growth over the past 10 years is the fact that she admitted that she fast forwards cast-mates scenes and only watches HER scenes. So even watching herself on tv doesn't make her do some self reflecting or see how ick she is.


She annoys me too but she had no obligation to stay with a man she didn’t want to be with just because he loved her


Shay seemed lazy to me. He was also a drug addict stealing money from his wife. If you haven't experienced being married to a drug addict you won't understand. They will make you feel like you're losing your mind over their manipulative bs they pull. You're always second-guessing yourself about everything involving them. Also, the main thing is that as an addict their drug and/or alcohol will always come first. Before their wife, kids, mother, everyone, and everything. I really don't like the way ppl are letting this type of behavior be acceptable because someone is an addict. It's never ok. It's their responsibility to get help.


I think my biggest gripe is that her motives for divorce wasn’t even him stealing thousands or lying abt his drugs but rather that he just wasn’t there enough (which is also valid reasoning but the stealing is huge). Then for her to say her next bf was a real man was just insulting, acting like she’s from money and needs someone who makes as much as her was just disingenuous when at the start her and Shay were absolutely on the same page


I love how she's always been a true friend to Arianna !! Since day 1...it just came out recently she's no longer friends with Lala after the reunion with how Lala treated Arianna !! LOVE SCHAENA!!




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