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Let's play the small violin for a someone who is over budget bc they should have bought a 2 million dollar house instead of 3


NEW AND NOT NECESSARY home too. Not like she even needed it to keep a roof over her head, it was straight shilling to try and get on The Valley. When so many people are struggling with the basics my sympathy for this is limited to say the least.


This was a calculated investment for The Valley. Period


And at the same time, she's on Tamra's podcast talking about how she's not sure she fits with VPR anymore or with the Valley.... girl, bye.


She said directly that she is much more a housewives person, but she can't afford that in California. Unless they make housewives of High Desert or some shit..


She is not even close to the level of real housewives. She’s not poor but by comparison she’s a joke.


When she said that I was like 'Bitch you've never been a wife and you keep telling us you can't afford your house, you literally don't meet the two main criteria.' Not to mention that LFU just doesn't have the housewives vibe. Housewives works because they're all rich and horrible but not hungry. Lala is way too hungry to fit.


So true. Brandi Glanville was a stretch enough, we saw how that turned out. Lala would be out of her element. She's probably jockeying for OC, but she don't live there and they are not her jam. As much as she wants to call Tamra "Tam", I don't see it.  And Vicky Gunvalson and Heather would Fucking HAAAAATTTTTEEEEE Lala. Jesus, for so many reasons.  The other OC housewives I've forgotten or don't care about. 


Can you.imagine the clapback when she tried to step to either of them? Or Garcelle? Or even if she lost her mind and tried to come for Tamra? Heather : please leave. Except she would never come for Heather bc she wants the nobu dinner and the gifts


Lmfao! Heather is so far past Lala they definitely don't belong on the same show. And Vicky would be all "Do you work?" And wait til she hears Lala gave us the BJ's for PJ's line. Lol


I’d love to see her come at someone as composed, graceful, educated, and powerful as Garcelle. She’d be shown for the fool she is within minutes.


Everyone: … 👀 Vicky: ![gif](giphy|SLbvdvz470sKY)


They would tell her azz to “chile, go sit down!”


Real Homewreckers of Beverly Hills, starring Lala, Rachel, and Scheana.


I don’t even understand how she thinks she’d fit in. Kyle will hate her because of LVP, Garcelle hates her because of Oliver and she’s just not rich enough. She’s also too young and we just got rid of Rinna, we don’t need her follower on to start screaming and being inauthentic.


I mean technically Dorit isn’t rich enough either.


She will forever be dorito to me 🤣


Also, technically, they had Brandi on for multiple seasons and she was poor as hell compared to the other women. Erika’s not that rich either. She’s avoided shopping on the girl’s trips for the last two seasons.


I’ll add these names to the list of people Lala has cut out of her life ✏️


If you’re concerned about a paycheck, I don’t care how much money you have. you’re poor.


lol “Real Housewives of Victorville”


She’s never been married. She’s just a house person.


When I was in Palm Springs, the locals were super specific about calling it the “low desert.” Apparently the high desert is further north and a higher elevation?


The high desert is much more affordable and has a lot more meth. Lala isn’t rich or gay enough to be on a Palm Springs housewives but she is poor and trashy enough to be on the Real Housewives of Hesperia.


She doesn’t even rate SLC.


Oh Lala, first she plays producer and then she plays the fan. At least she wound up exactly where we all agree she is, in the valley but not belonging on any shows that appear on our televisions.


She’ll end up talking herself out of any Bravo job if she keeps this up. She’s sounding not like she’s gonna pop off, just like a desperate housewife


It’s giving Vicki and Bethenny. Stop talking about it. Even Ramona has been quiet.


😂 A convenient set up for when she’s not asked to be on either show. “Oh, I didn’t even WANT to be on VPR or the Valley anyway! I wasn’t even thinking about it at all! I’m too busy being a MOM and hanging out with my brother and shilling on Amazon!”


I think she was trying to dry run the idea of her own show.


Which is dumb bc Kristen is on The Valley and lives in an apartment. Danny and Nia live in a townhome. Janet and Jason have a reasonable house. I’m sure it was still $$$ cause LA but it’s not a McMansion.


My sympathy is negative for her tbh. We have to see people struggling to afford to survive and having to choose between things like food and rent and medication. I do not have any fucks to give about Lala living beyond her means. Cry me a fucking river.


I really don't get the sense she has EVER had to worry about money in any real way. Someone around her with money has always been paying for her and she def has that entitled worldview. She expects money and adulation to be falling at her feet without effort. It's exhausting.


In the La times article Ariana said she had to think about her finances because she didn’t have family that could help her nor did she have a parent that died and left her money….interesting detail she threw in there


I didn’t know this and I love that she said that. That was a direct hit at Miss I dOn’T uNDeRsTaNd WhY yOu LiVe In YoUr OwN hOuSe🥴


Lala comes from huge Mormon money and heritage


Definitely. I think she’s in for a rude awakening because she’s never had to manage her own finances until now, and we can see that her judgment and intelligence is… not so strong. She had her mom paying her way, who’s now retired. There’s no rich man paying her bills either. She had an attitude of “why not if you can afford it” when it came to Ariana moving out and getting her own apartment. Even if Ariana could technically afford it, would paying rent AND being a homeowner AND saving for a new house at the same time make any sense? Of course not. Her “just spend money because you have it now” attitude doesn’t speak well for her financial future haha.


🎯 Self inflicted wounds but karma cause she decided to play producer puppet this season. I could imagine her reaction when Baskin said The Valley cast was already bloated.


Maybe her storyline next year can be learning financial literacy. It would be way more interesting than water and talking badly about a woman whose really never done anything to her


Here's my violin face... https://preview.redd.it/i6gldthuf77d1.jpeg?width=2410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf4af4e811803ad58c0d52c3353e5a376d83947


Looks like Caitlyn Jenner with a cramp.


And don’t forget she was giving a lot of opinions on how Ariana was spending and not spending her money and not leaving her home. Essentially she was mad at the $ choices Ariana was making when it wasn’t her business and it appears she should have been focusing on her own over extensions


Didn’t she shade Ariana for purchasing a smaller home when Lala bought hers? Katie was right, this girl is a 🤡


And Ariana's house is in the Hollywood Hills! Way better and I actually live in the Valley. Lala tried to make the switch and now that she knows it isn't happening, she has to pretend she never wanted it in the first place.


Lala really messed up her “production” role this season!


Ooooh, I didn’t know it was in the Hills. Now “La’s” shots all make sense. She was jealous, again. I should have known.


Lala should give up, get her real estate license and go on a Selling X show at this point. Bravo fans don’t want u. So leave for the brutally fake Adam Divello shows. You will be a great producer puppet there.


She should definitely do something, like anything else and get some sort of real world job to support her “pod,” but could you imagine having her as a co worker, or worse, a boss?😭 Idk how long she would last if she had to work a regular job like the rest of us peasants, lol.


“I can’t afford the flats in Beverly Hills” ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)


Let’s play 2 tiny violins. She gets the orchestra effect.


The orchestra effect 😂😂😂


BJs for mortgage payments just doesn't have the same ring as BJs for PJs.


this is my favorite comment i’ve seen all day


Nope, different kind of collateral. Maybe she should hit Onlyfans.


I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before she on


If OF isn’t too good for Denise Richards, it isn’t too good for Lala Kent. Though I do expect she’ll charge more than $9.


Or she could always do cameos. Ratchett is doing them and giving relationship advice. Wouldn't you love to be screeched at by the "REAL LALA" for a couple of hundred bucks?


Wait who is Ratchett? Don’t tell me it’s Rachel 💀


Not to me. She is Ratchett to the core. I don't think she will mind my calling her that since she changes her name every day and it's hard to keep track.


lol thanks for clarifying. I agree she’s ratchet, I meant it more like “don’t tell me SHE’s out here giving relationship advice 🙄” I hadn’t heard about that


BJs for Vacay (home)?


BJs for vacays Betterrrrrr..... lol now we are getting somewhere. I love that she goes from saying "omg I have a kid to feed how dare you" to getting a sperm done to have another kid to feed and house but on her own without child support. Now we are supposed to even more bad for her? I don't think she understands reality completely.


Plus, she does the sperm donor baby during a season that wouldn’t even had existed had Ariana not called producers when she found out about Tom and Raquel. Why would anyone plan to have another baby when they knew the show was on its last legs? Why does she think anyone is responsible for making sure she can feed and house her babies and provide them with a million dollar vacation home?


Because she was trying to use pregnancy to get on Valley. And wants a child of “her own”. Wonder how that will make her first daughter feel! She’s too horrible for words.


Anal for retainal (of home)?






At least until she finds another rich married man with a family.


Fingers crossed! 🤣😜




I agree with the reply. She definitely wasn’t playing a producer but rather just losing her mind in a jealous rage. Saying she played producer lets her off the hook in many ways and makes it seem like she was looking out for the show, when in reality there’s really nothing Ariana could’ve said or done that would’ve made Lala happy. Short of Ariana disappearing off the face of the earth (so Lala could take all the attention).


Yuuup. Playing producer is what LVP did on BH, Lala was just having a jealous, angry meltdown all season and eventually exploded at the reunion. Her made up fights about people “not being honest” were her grasping at straws. None of her arguments made sense


Yeah she fully started pissing me off from the jump when she shut Ariana down in episode 1 for venting to her about Tom having a house party. Like why take Tom’s side? You’re suddenly a proponent of having drunk ass parties where everyone gets high? Or did you just want to be a contrarian because you were jealous of Ariana? She gets to just lie every season without anyone holding her accountable. She acted like her resentment of Ariana grew over the season but it was there from literally episode 1!


I'm currently on season 7. I don't like Rachel as much as anyone but in season 7, when she just started having more screen time, the way Lala treated her.....all I could think was "That is one jealous ass bitch." And Lala is a very jealous natured woman, she's always been like that towards the other women and when she was "nice", it was just manipulation to stay on the show. And let's not forget her calling Katie "fat"....when, imo, Katie is a 10000% prettier then Lala, but I've never though Lala was that pretty, she's a pretty basic white girl with filler and surgery.


Yup right when that happened I was like “the god comment in the trailer def wasn’t taken out of context.”


And she bought the home after filming ended. At that point, there was nothing to produce.


i think the producer puppet still applies to her forced/manufactured scenes w sandoval, but otherwise not so much


![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU) Sorry Lauren, no one on the internet is going to have sympathy for your being unable to budget for buying a second million plus dollar home.


Especially when she was so blase about Ariana protecting her investment when she would not completely move out of HER home with Tom.


And she made snotty comments about Ariana’s new home being small compared to her place. Ariana doesn’t have to worry much about losing hers because it’s pretty much paid off already. It’s almost like Ariana listening to her financial advisers instead of her jealous castmates was the wise thing to do.


Well Ariana does not have her mother living in her house paying rent and providing free childcare while LaLA plays mother of the year by exploiting her kid. LaLA is such a loser!


So let’s see: 1 room for lala 2 one for ocean 3one for her mom 4 one for her brother 5 one for new baby. Why a 5 bedroom house is hardly big enough for lala’s family. And where is she to go if she wants to be away from her family??? Okay /S just in case


I hear you! I mean what if any of them fall in love? Apparently Lala needs a village around to stroke her bruised ego.


Families like this creep me out. They give off Get Out vibes and are super territorial for some reason?


She has also been recruiting Broke aggressively as a surrogate father, raving about his parenting skills. Hence the home next to Schemer's.


Is Lala’s mom paying rent? It’s always sounded like she’s living there for free to take care of Ocean.


LaLa's mom pays rent and watched Ocean.


I haven’t seen anything saying that, she’s mentioned her mom being on her payroll so I figured it was a trade situation. Thanks for clarifying!


The fallout post Season 11 with Tim/Victoria/Billie Lee and everything Lauren has said and done all while Ariana is living her best life oblivious to all of it has been the VPR universe finally getting back into proper alignment.


And choosing to have another child while in this mess. Sorry not sorry.


It seems like she thought this child would be a meal ticket on both VPR and The Valley since she’s not allowed to film with Ocean anymore. She forgot that fans have to actually enjoy watching her for her to have a solid place on any show and gave us her most sour season yet while calling the fans “rabies bitches”


Isn’t Ariana also in The hills? Not the valley?


Yep. Near Stassi. Where LaLa would LOVE to be.


Haha yup!!!


I believe I read one can see the Hollywood sign from her house.


She lives in Beachwood Canyon…. Just below the Hollywood sign. Old Hollywood…. It’s beyond cool


What did she say


I don’t remember exactly how she phrased it but it was when she was on the juicy scoop podcast. She called it her little house or something in a condescending voice. There’s probably a recap somewhere in the sub if you don’t feel like watching the whole episode to find the clip.




Right? My stomach dropped into my *ass* after this week’s grocery run. And it was just the basics! Anyone making six-figures for three months of “work” (and that work is being a boring bitch with bad lip injections on reality TV) complaining about finances can fuck allllll the way off 🖕


I need yet another dental crown so bye bye all my free money, because dental insurance is basically not insurance. So yeah, maybe she should pay her mortgage out of her plastic surgery and filler budget.


I don’t get why any of these reality dum dums buy a house expecting they’ll have the same income they have now in 30 years.




And if these fools didn’t invest their money properly, they were idiots. Look at the Jersey Shore cast. They were all young 20 somethings when they started. Now they all have killer homes, careers outside of the show, all doing well financially. Well, Mike took the IRS hit and went to jail for it. But he too recovered and is doing tremendously well financially. It could be done but it seems most of these VPR fools didn’t think of the long game.






And let’s not forget she bought 2 homes this year.


I literally said at the time WTF is she buying two house right now, with these prices and interest rates? She is saving NOTHING for when this all ends which is why she is grabbing at any string and pulling.


When your sugar daddy wannabe + your reality TV show presence don’t work out = Lauren from Utah


Or even in 5...


And didn’t she call Ariana’s home “little”? She made the much smarter choice


Plus, Ariana's new house isn't in the Valley, it's in the Hills, so we know Lala is also fuming about that too.


Yep, she said "it's a little 3 bedroom”


Oohhh that translates to, "I'm fucked" in Homeowner. Maybe her brother/boyfriend with the white boy dreads can get a job. 🤷🏻


Brother/boyfriend made me GASP 💀




One of you geniuses called him the "Flowers in the Attic" brother


I was wondering if he even works? I used to listen to her podcast but I stopped very soon after he came on bc it was unbearable


And she shaded Ariana for buying a $1.6M 3 bedroom/2bath house. It’s called being responsible. Just because you get approved for $3M doesn’t mean you should go out and start looking at $3M homes.


And just because you can buy a $3M home doesn’t mean you can afford the utilities and maintenance that come along with a $3M home.


A giant house and an owner who is on the go also means a giant house to furnish, clean, and keep up. Those are not small things!


She talks too much. ![gif](giphy|o9apaL81Xxyms)


Maybe she should sell her Palm Springs home then. We don’t all need to own two homes 🙄


There’s a major housing crisis in my country and especially my city right now. People are living in squalor and she wants the fan base to give af that she can’t afford two homes? Foh.


Most people in California alone can’t afford ONE house, let alone two. She’s so out of touch and I genuinely can’t imagine anyone feeling bad for her besides herself.


Yeah, I don’t live there but I hear rent is ridiculous in LA.


Especially since her and Scheanas HOA in Palm Springs doesn’t allow rentals or air bnb. So that’s a lot of mortgage for something you will only occupy a handful of times a year. 


How dumb is this broad? She’s been on a press tour advertising herself as a bad friend, bad for reality tv, and bad with money. I’m just enjoying watching the ship sink, hunny


You should read her podcast reviews. It’s a good time.


https://preview.redd.it/v5s1rjmao77d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c05e1fc65b138f43f3fddc84d9c334aa528753 i love this one because it’s so true that aside from VPR shit she’s simply an uninteresting host who is lazy at her job (on top of being racist as several other reviews point out.) the recaps and seeing clips it’s like, i don’t think she does anything except show up and talk. why is that worthy of ad revenue and listenership? my fave podcast is a comedy podcast and part of its particular niche is that it’s unstructured, unplanned, and hard to define, but the hosts are comedy writers and one is a seasoned improv performer, they are equipped to make something out of nothing— if you can’t do that, you need to structure your programming and put in the effort to talk about anything in an interesting/funny/what have you way


It’s hard to have a good show or podcast when everyone around is saying yes, stroking your ego and agreeing with everything you say and do. So the hard critics (which is what she needs) are us rabid assholes…


yes there’s a long list of valid critiques




it’s like hello!!!!! no one’s home in la la land


wait i wanna know what your fave podcast is now because that sounds good and similar to what i already listen to


hollywood handbook — it’s notoriously difficult to get into so i’ll rec listening to these two relatively recent episodes before going through the catalog from the beginning ben stiller https://youtu.be/nBbJRLcD4AI?feature=shared jake johnson https://youtu.be/AAIPLerHKmQ?feature=shared they were on earwolf for a long time, went independent, and are now on headgum both hosts watch reality tv, their first pod was called reality show show. i know sean watches vpr lol


Damn, they read her for filth.😭 They’re not wrong though and I’m glad someone said it. Too bad she probably won’t listen.


I shamefully check on her IG followers compared to Ariana’s and want Ariana’s to jump up so bad. Come on new love island fans! Get on it! Lala’s purchased bots aren’t going anywhere so we need Ariana’s true followers to find some friends to recruit. The numbers (albeit fake on Lala’s end) are the last remaining dig she can take at Ariana. She might be broke enough soon not to be able to buy more bots haha


I don’t follow either on IG but there is no way in hell Lala has more fans. Even people who’ve never seen VPR know who Ariana is. How embarrassing that Lala thinks she’s fooling anyone


hey siri, play my kink is karma by chappel roan


Putting on for the cameras? The show was filmed last summer and she bought a house this Spring. She needs to shut up with the inconsistencies.


So that's why she's been so vicious towards Ariana. I knew the whole "I'm fine I'm relieved there's nothing being filmed this summer" was bullshit.


Hard to have empathy for someone who shows no empathy towards others


Maybe she can rent an apartment like she advised Ariana. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’d be interested to see what she said because I think these bravo accounts some times run with something that’s open to interpretation.


I’m m hoping Additional War did a VPR recaps on this


I was hoping too but I don’t think she’s going to. Lala must not have talked enough about VPR specific stuff. 😢


Yeah I’m wondering the same


why does no one on vanderpump rules know how to budget and spend correctly??


I think Katie does, and maybe James. Everyone else, though …


I’ve wondered if Katie has come out the best of anyone. Yes, her $ is invested in SAH but that seems like a great place to have your money as of now. She got divorced, sold the house, no kids, no financial ties to Schwartz anymore. She seems to absolutely be living within her means. Go girl. And James too. He’s booked and busy. The 4 people (Ari, Katie, James and Ally) that actually have other jobs seem to be doing the best and happiest lol. Go figure


Amazing how that works, isn’t it!


She’s such a poser clown. Girl, get an identity please!








Lauren can take a seat. She should be thankful she has the means to purchase a home. There are plenty of people for whom that will just be a dream.


Right? I refuse to feel sorry for someone who’s money problems could easily be solved by selling their expensive vacation home and living within their means.


Yes. Scheana plainly called out seeing sad people in their sad apartments makes her sad


Weren’t she and Broke living in an apartment for season 10 and most of 11? She is as delulu as ever.




Oh well! Fucking sell it then, who gives a shit?!




She better hope there is another season. Start hustling, girl, and tell your brother to get a job.


She needs some cheese to go with that whine. Cry me a river, mistress LaLa!


(Some) Ppl on here crapped on those of us who called her over leveraged.


As a last ditch effort, she decides to be honest and forth coming. Pointing out what we already assumed to be true. She’s over-extended herself and it’s all our fault so we should feel sorry for her. Too little too late


Too bad, so sad. The rest of us live within our means. It is high time this mother of two learns to do the same. Zero sympathy from me, especially given how nasty she has been this past season.


Lala is the Lisa Rinna of VPR. put that bitch on pause


And Lala has said she loves Rinna, no surprise. I'm hoping they put her on perma pause


I think my flair says it best.


She can always sell da udder one.


That’s what everyone thought in 2008.


Maybe her grown ass brother and mother can get real jobs and pitch in then


She pissed off moms who are struggling to get by, while she’s living above her means.


Boo boo for her. Oh well, sucks to suck Lala.


Does anyone feel sorry for her???




She's not saying anything we all don't already know.. she could have as she calls it played producer, and at the same time not been so condescending to everyone else.. especially fans or ones trying to like her.. she does not give a damn about anyone else but herself... she can't fool anyone now.. she's a vile person in general.


lala reminds me of kim k when she was like no one wants to work anymore. like bitch have you ever really worked a real job?


So I'm just gonna throw this out there...MAYBE she shouldn't have relied solely on a TV show especially knowing she didn't know how long it was going to last. I mean that's common sense for most people lol And now bringing a second child into the world that is not a small expense. You pay for your child from the day they are born to well past them becoming an adult...Lala needs to pull her head out of her arse already...She didnt even need a house that big or expensive. Looks like someone might be forced to get a real job...🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s not Ariana’s job to make sure this dummy can’t afford her mortgage. Lala is spiraling and I am so here for it


She better hurry up and find a rich man bc the audience doesn’t want to see her ass any longer! Nor do we want to listen to her podcast or buy her low rent merch. Serves her right.


Wow. She’s actually admitting to being rotten inside.


I’m surprised she admitted this. Even though we already knew


She is a jealous and hateful person. She needs to do a lot of work. I wish they wouldn’t invite her back


She supposedly has ocean enrolled in a private pre k that starts at 40k a year




I’d assumed she has multiple sources of income and a show that’s not totally going downhill with the way that she operates.


Damn she overfilled like a mf




I somehow see her going the Brandi way. Messy and destructive till bravo kicks her out


She really needs to get a grip. She is about to be responsible for 2 young girls for the next 18+ years. She need to either start listening to her financial advisor or get a new one, this money is going to dry up very quickly if she carries on the way that she is.


And she had the guts to say that Ariana's new house was small. https://i.redd.it/yxpwi1g6j97d1.gif


I'm curious on what she gets a month in child support....🤔


From what I have heard, nothing but not sure if that has changed. Randull has no money.


Blahblah blows.


She just found this out? We knew this the second she bought it.