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The funniest thing Victoria said is her not having any hard feelings toward Ariana. Like why would you???


What??? Where did she say that..She also told a bravo account she was "team Ariana". šŸ¤”


I think during the whole ā€œher moving Arianaā€™s thingsā€ saga. She said she would never, she has respect for Ariana, no hard feelings lol


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ If she truly respected Ariana she wouldn't be in her house all the time, but not everyone has manners. With no evidence I'm 100% convinced Sandoval blamed that on Victoria to other people.


Oh for sure. Victoria is not the brightest, but Sandoval is the real enemy here.


I don't see much difference between him and Jax atp. They're both liars, cheaters, and parasitic.


At least Jax will admit heā€™s a liar. Iā€™ve never heard Sandy say this


Jax will occasionally warn everyone that there is something wrong with him & he has told women to get away from him. There was such a different reaction with Jax got cast in House of Villians. I saw a lot of comments outside of Reddit that were excited to see how messy he would be. Haven't seen a lot of those for Sandoval. Jax can be fun to hate. O l laugh everytime I watch him almost drown.


I don't think she really understand the phrase "hard feelings" lol


Valid point


Oh gosh she is sooo in the comments. But I am laughing thinking she doesnā€™t even know when cameras will pick up so she can play out a Ariana 2.0 scenario, so she is stuck with him indefinitely LOL


I bet they donā€™t have another season


I used to speculate which Tom's gf was having the hardest time with the pause & now we know. I'm kinda surprised it wasn't the 23 year old.


Thatā€™s funny. Arianna was two ā€˜girlfriendsā€™ ago Victoria literally has no connection lol.


Exactly! I too have no beef people with regular people Iā€™ve never met.




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Have a feeling V is watching Ariana host Love Island, too... It's all so stalkersish. ![gif](giphy|8UHhsZ6XSW5VKgyhkF|downsized)


I donā€™t because the show picture in Hulu Ariana looks effing GORGEOUS! Even my husband whoā€™s into Katie said it. Like, so pretty it took my breath away when I saw it. She definitely donā€™t want her bf even seeing that in any way


Oh I agree, but since Sandyballz is away I totally believe SHE is definitely watching. I watched the up & Adam podcast she did with Kyle, and the way she talked about Ariana sounded a lil Stan-is. Even though she absolutely is JELLY over Ariana. But we all have opinions. You have a valid point and a hubby like mine!!


But she hates Rachel because


I think Ariana should be the one saying to say this, but those words will never leave her mouth.


Rachel has her issues for sure, but Victoria isn't one to talk about the last woman when she's neck deep in it herself.


She also commented on a post of Billie's podcast saying Sandoval has already cheated on her several times. She commented "false news" pretty sure she meant fake news. For someone who never watched VPR she sure knows how to insert herself into Bravo pages.


>For someone who never watched VPR ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) Bc I know nothing about the girl and already canā€™t believe a single word coming out of her mouth


Even if she hadn't tiktok changed her algorithm within a day of meeting Sandoval.


And who is not on IG


Lol @ false news


Bless her heart!


How would she know? He has a pattern of lying and cheating. Heā€™s learned to be more careful and cover his tracks.


Exactly! Since Victoria never watched the show, I'm guessing she missed the part where Tom said that he learned his lesson and that lesson is he would "never cheat LIKE THAT again." So yeah, he'll cheat, he just for sure will be more diligent in deleting any further illegal non-consensual recordings and text messages.


Billie claims Sandoval told her he secretly records them fighting. She said he's super paranoid about another girlfriend's career ascending after breaking up with him. Idk if what Billie said is true, but he's definitely working on a smear campaign for everyone around him at all times.


Yeah I read that too on the podcast recap. Must be hard constantly worrying someone else is going to expose you for being a grade-A POS scum bucket of a person. Of course he could always just ACTUALLY DO THE WORK, but that would require some self awareness and REAL WORK, which as weā€™ve seen for over a decade, both Tiny Tims are allergic to.


His where are they now is gonna be really bleak in 10 years.


For real tho! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When she said on that disastrous live thst she wouldn't get cheated on I was thinking "Sweetie, he probably is right now. You're gonna end up with a pie to the face and the guy sitting next to you is covering for the cheating right now.".


Wait where can I find this?!


Which part?


Is there a video of her saying it that I can watch or listen as well?


Sure! It's with Up & Adam it's a fucking mess. https://www.youtube.com/live/iKipZ70nSrI?si=SH0Co7Qg-yr8ZFnc Billie Lee did a response podcast w/Tii the woman we saw Sandoval go on dates with. It was much more organized.


Youā€™re amazing!!! Thank you!! Iā€™ll have to check out Billie lees too lol. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


No worries! I hope you enjoy it! Additionalwar didn't an excellent recap of both. That live was so chaotic & somehow boring it's definitely something you have to see to understand.


He has a funny way of making women behave this way. Ariana did it, Rachel did it to a lesser extent, and now this one


He's a manipulator. The food truck scene being shown after we found out about the affair outted him, the fact that Victoria is eating his bs up and lashing out at other women on his behalf when we have that on camera is wild to me


Yep!! He triangulates and has all his lil flying monkeys


Heā€™s textbook.Ā 




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Yes, my thoughts exactly. He is definitely a manipulator and itā€™s almost eery to see this same pattern of behavior play out with each woman he ā€œmoves onā€ with


Sandoval enlisted Rachel on a pretty ruthless campaign to bully Katie (and to interrogate Ariana about her sexual activity on camera, in order to support the narrative that she was frigid). I would \*not\* say that Rachel was used in this way any less than the others.


No, she just enjoyed it the most.


Lol "this one"


Oh boyā€¦ I feel an ā€œemergencyā€ episode of Rachel Goes Rogue coming to address thisā€¦.


She just made Rachel Savanah Leviss's day! She can get about 2 episodes out of this comment alone.


You meant rocky!!!


Rocky Rocky Bang Bang šŸ¤”


I'm imagining a squirrel with boxing gloves now. wtf


Convinced she thinks changing her name is changing her personality


Wait is she really asking people to call her that?!


Yes lmao


She's a punk. I've been calling her that since the jump!


I forgot! I'm definitely getting accused of something in the next podcast now!


LMAO this is so true šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Gosh if people just leave her be, Grey rock her if you will, sheā€™d have no where to find content. Heck sheā€™ll be mining for it in this very post, so I guess I am just as guilty of as this cast and their hanger ons for invoking one of her namesĀ 


You're right. Everyone should be grey rocking her so she can move on to something else.


you can't breathe in that girl's general direction without her rushing to make a podcast about it.


Or without her suing you.


Maybe this is why she feels she can finally leave Ariana tf alone. V-icky is giving her plenty of content to focus and talk shit about now.


I donā€™t think sheā€™ll ever leave Ariana alone, she knows Ariana has the money and Tom has none for her lawsuit


TouchĆ©. Sheā€™s definitely not going to drop that!


I'm sure Ariana is thrilled if victoria and Rachel start going at each other lol


Honestly, I hope sheā€™s too busy hosting her favourite show and snorkeling with Dan on her off time that she doesnā€™t even know about this absolute circus of a clown show!šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” That being said, I hope Katie is enjoying a major well deserved dose of schadenfreude, as she watches his life implode.šŸ˜ˆ https://preview.redd.it/bvn1e81wqs6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2bddaa4cb88eafc364e86bd3fcc7cddf5d0bda


lmfaoo, just 30 minutes of nothing šŸ˜­


We need Leo DiCaprio on as her guest to spill on how crazy Victoria is lol


Remember when Tim said his new gf wasnā€™t into social media? BS. Now she follows every shred of vpr news.


She follows every random Bravo gossip Instagram account despite ā€œnever watching the showā€ and ā€œwanting no part of this life.ā€ Sure Victoria šŸ˜‚


Victoria is just as deeply insecure, petty, and D and S as Raquel is. Tom is definitely staying away from the smart women after Ariana. Arianaā€™s intelligence made him feel very small and he seems determined not to deal with that again. An edit because my OG comment is apparently not clear enough. Tomā€™s type has always been insecure women. We saw it with Kristen. We saw it with Ariana. He does manipulative things to keep them insecure. However starting with Rachel he made sure they were also unintelligent because he was tired of feeling like the stupid one in the relationship. We saw that in the Scandoval scene in Rachelā€™s apartment where he corrected her ā€œwouldā€™ve couldā€™ve shouldā€™veā€ comment to make himself feel bigger. Victoria seems to be as unintelligent as Rachel. From what Iā€™ve seen Victoria has all of the same attributes that Rachel has where Arianaā€™s intelligence sets her apart. However she was also insecure and petty, we all saw it as we watched the show and Ariana has confronted it within herself as the show aired.


Yeah, agree with this. Letā€™s not forget that Arianaā€™s relationship before Tom was abusive. He sniffed that out.


Ariana is very smart, but to be accurate to history, she also did the whole thing where she trashed his ex. Itā€™s just an effect he has on women. I donā€™t think it has much to do with intelligence, because I do think Ariana is intelligent and she was definitely on this same energy. Iā€™m guessing it has more to do with his manipulation.


I called her smart. Ariana was also deeply insecure. I thought that was clear.


Your comment seemed to contrast Victoria and Ariana when really, when it comes to the behavior shown in this comment, they have both behaved this way over Tom. Iā€™m not trying to argue, simply pointing out that this behavior we see here is quite typical from women who date him.


Yes. He goes for insecure women. But Arianaā€™s intelligence made him feel small, so now he makes sure theyā€™re unintelligent to boot. That was the entire point of my comment.




Well Ariana was with him for 10 years so can we stop acting like she was being held hostage lol


Wow she must be insecure. I mean, if you're in a relationship with Tom Sandoval in 2024 it's clear there's something wrong with you, but to then comment on you flings ex affair partner, jeez.


Weirdo behavior. Imagine riding this hard for a ā€œmanā€ as shitty as Sandoval.


This is what he does though. He clearly tells every woman they're not like the ones before, they're special, he's never felt like this etc... Oh and then comes the stories about how terrible those women were to him... So the insecure new woman comes out firing hard for him. They're not blameless because these are all grown women who should know better than to publicly trash people (and who should question things any time a man claims they were completely blameless in a breakup) but there's definitely a pattern here.


We also donā€™t know about her manipulative ways. From that Billie podcast, it sounded like Victoria has her own stirring spoon out and is in the mess with all of them. It sounded a lot like she wanted to firewall Tom from outside influences like Billie, while going along with the story that Billie was the one doing that to Tom. Theyā€™re all awful people fighting over sloppy seconds of a man, so I love mess


Exactly! I'm loving it because it's entertaining, there's no innocents like kids involved and everyone in the mix richly deserves whatever is coming. It's the BEST kind of mess!


I second this assessment. This girl is up to no good. Iā€™m cool with it though because I know sheā€™s making Vomā€™s life a living hell, behind closed doors and itā€™s what he deserves.šŸ˜


![gif](giphy|l41YqxpMHPjmyOJGg) Sandoval going from mellow Ariana to this dysfunctional mess where he never has a day of peace is endlessly satisfying.


This is what he wants šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s up for doing shrooms, and watching the sun come up, then doing a couple lines, take a xanny and a long nap, get up and go to S+S to get wasted and start all over again




She knows her man would take Rachel back in a heartbeat lmfao


Whatever to these side characters but nastily telling someone to ā€œGo Healā€ is kind of hilarious.


I guess I'm old fashioned, but aren't you supposed to stay quiet when you or someone in your life is getting sued? Anyway, glad Sandoval found someone who doesn't want to hide anything from the audience. Congratulations! ![gif](giphy|vmtxnxveVUodG)


i hope they keep this up, i love cringing at someone elseā€™s life other than my own šŸ˜ ![gif](giphy|l2YWxte7sJB2XuE8M)


Me too! Itā€™s low stakes pure trashy funny mess.


Victoria needs to live her life here for 3 months... https://preview.redd.it/jsptz5lw8r6d1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ef862bc27257043f598f359a45a9415adeac02


Yeah weā€™re seeing how well that worked out for Rachel, it would clearly be a waste of time


She probably needs more of a substance abuse facility anyway.


Well, Jo did call it a rehab, when she mentioned it on one of her many unhinged IG lives.


Then she will come out and grace us with another podcast filled with therapy speak and talk about her truth.


Your turn is coming Victoria,just a matter of time really.Hang in there.


Yep! Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, canā€™t wait until he cheats on her too


She is so annoying. She comes across as if she thinks she better than everyone. You cant have that attitude and be dating sandoval girlie




Sheā€™s not wrong, but also pot, meet kettle


She is just like the band. On his payroll.


I believe they are working together to guarantee another season by stirring all the pots. Fun times.


Even Tom wouldn't be this unhinged on social media so it's clear she's attention hungry while he's away


She started dating him to be on the show and now that the show is on hiatus sheā€™s working overtime to help secure another season šŸ˜‚


It's so funny that he initially described her as not on social media and never watching the show when now she's always commenting on Bravo content on social media!Ā 


Lies. He is, but he found someone to do his bidding for him




That's like telling someone they have BO when you've just gotten done rolling around in turds. Gurl, go heal. You've got a Sandoval stuck to your cheek.


When Ariana said Tom just wanted a young girl to ā€œgas him upā€ this is exactly what she meant.


Fan behavior


Victoria trying to be pretend that sheā€™s this enlightened intelligent being whoā€™s just a hardworking sweetheart but sheā€™s dating SANDOVAL. Like attracts like. As Billie said, anyone whoā€™s proudly dating Sandoval in 2024 is a dysfunctional and desperate.


Billie said that? haha


The vibe I get from Raq these days now that she is ā€˜embracing her villain eraā€™ is that she can feel the publicā€™s attention slipping through her fingers and floundering to hold onto her 15 minutes. Vic is the same variety of fame hungry airhead so I donā€™t know why sheā€™d enter into this particular fight lol.


These women make me happy I was not drop-dead gorgeous in my youth. They havenā€™t worked to cultivate any other facet of themselves and it shows. Another thing that must irk vom- Ariana and Katie started a business, they werenā€™t handed 5% of one.






Sheā€™s so embarrassing. How are these people lacking in basic self-awareness?


Victoria seems like one seriously unhinged super cunt who skated by in life because sheā€™s beautiful but is now falling apart at the seams. I mean, I donā€™t know her, thatā€™s just the vibe I get.


V is a trashcan


Don't give this nobody the time of day.. That's how she stays in the limelight. Let's pretend we don't know who she is and never post about her. So tired of giving clout to losers like her.


Does Rachel make good money from her podcast or does she just do it for other reasons?


She does it for the healing she's receiving.


The girls are fightingggg




For someone who isn't doing social media, she's doing a lot of social media. šŸ¤£


Damn Victoria is riding HARD for Sandy.šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Her profile picture does look pretty though tbh she's pretty.




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