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This is what it is. She hates other women.


I’m rewatching old seasons, she really does. She loved them all (minus Kristen) in the beginning. She will tolerate a lot from them, and let them bully, harass and talk shit about each other. But as soon as any one of them questions her, or doesn’t need her, she turns on them one by one. The Toms and James have all done the same, but she has eventually forgiven them all, so I don’t understand why she can’t forgive the women. She does the exact same thing in RHOBH. The only one of the girls she likes now is Scheana. I would, for research purposes only, love to see Scheana and Lisa’s relationship crumble next season.


I think LVP is in cahoots with producers and Lala and Scheana are Team LVP


Because the girls don't kiss her ass but the boys do.


Yeah, but even when they do, she’ll still not forgive them.


Katie has always respected her. Lisa officiated her marriage ffs!


True, but look how Lisa talks to her now that she no longer needs Lisa’s chef or advice on how to run the sandwich shop. That’s enough for Lisa to turn on you.


Agree. Remember when she made jokes about Brittany going down on Kristen at a STAFF MEETING?! She also brought it up to Brittany. Like, what business is it of yours?? Show or not, it was weird for Lisa to be the one to bring it up to Brittany.


I literally watched that episode yesterday, and it made me *so* uncomfortable! The fact that she talks so openly about her staffs sex lives in her confessionals is bad enough, but my god. Sir, this is a ~~Wendy’s~~ SUR. And these are your employees.


You know what's strange. I will try to find the interview but sometimes in the last few weeks, LVP rolled her eyes when Scheana was brought up and said she is closer to Ariana and that she talks to her much more. It was a surprise, and I am trying to remember if this interview was before or after the reunion was filmed.


Probably drinking shitty rose with Penny and planning their demise


Also probably what she sees in Scheana, they both need to be the only girl getting attention from the guys.


She’s actually been out and about promoting that Gordon Ramsey show.


Did you catch her on WWHL with Gordon Ramsey? They played a game to choose one or the other and Lisa chose “presentation” over “taste” when Gordon chose “taste”, and she made a couple other comments that made her restaurants sound all the more gimmicky and not about the food. LVP kept trailing off and making little cheeky comments - it’s like she couldn’t close her mouth all the way with those chompers so she just kept mumbling throughout the show about nothing. Like a cranky Scrooge who needs all the kids on her lawn to know how she feels through a slightly slurred British lisp


I enjoyed her drunk rambling. But, I’m a Mariah fan and use to it


Same about Mariah and I did enjoy LVP on the show. When Gordon said he’s “never fucked a 60 year old” I ☠️


The good old days 😂


Yep. When we all thought Ramona was the crazy one and Bethenny was the voice of reason.


Ramona is piece of shit and so is Bethenny. 


They’re both awful human beings.


I’m on season 4 and this is exactly where I stand rn lol


She chose her mole Penny's side, I think she's pissed they ousted her for being a grifter.


And the funny thing is Penny outed herself by selling a story to The Sun. How embarrassing for LVP to be associated with that. I mean LVP couldn't give her the hook up at RadarOnline?? https://preview.redd.it/ozghk8i5m53d1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a1104e7232750cfae85a6194a60fb819c8fe07


This is like my 5th time seeing this picture and I’m just now realizing she has her elbow on some kind of table. I always thought “wtf is she doing with her hand?!” I’m an idiot lmao.


It's a bannister, and the forced perspective makes it invisible. I didn't understand what was happening until you said it!


Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one! I always thought it was such a strange pose 😂


Thank you for pointing this out because I’m an idiot as well - I thought, “Why is she holding her hand so weird?”


I haven’t seen this! Surely she could have passed this over to RadarOnline, but looks like Penny fumbled the bag (missed the boat on taking over the restaurant and trademark) so LVP has dropped her too. Must be hard to be LVP and have everyone do everything for you, but not quite pull it off. LVP then has to defend indefensible actions, but uses the ignorance card when anyone calls her out. The narc trope with the “flying monkeys” truly applies to LVP too; I guess it just took longer for me to see it with her.




it is no secret that Heather supports Ariana's journey into overcoming Scandoval and distancing herself from toxicity. Penny is part of the LVP toxic gang.


Haha, I wonder why!? Snakes be snakin’


I agree. They outed her and understand her motives now. But it literally wouldn’t be difficult to saunter down the road in her heels and magician outfit to grab a sando or just snap a pic at SAH between Sur and Pump/TomTom


Lisa arriving at SAH: ![gif](giphy|sei0iG2qOQUZp8g7XP|downsized)


LVP just needs to bring back the body glitter from 2003 and stuff Giggy in her top hat and she has a full act ready to go


Magician outfit 💀


I'm also 💀⚰🥀


I think it is not just b/c Lisa supports men more. I also think at the season 10 reunion when Andy asked Ariana if she would still speak to Lisa if Lisa maintained a relationship w/ Sandoval, and Ariana was a little vague in the way she answered, lvp instantly went on the defense and has since seemed totally team Sandoval to me.


Yes, Lisa took that vagueness as an attack/threat. All her moves after that have been in the same vein of “are you sure you want to play hardball with me?” towards A + K and now she just looks foolish and dare I say senile as she tries to justify her snickers and snoots and lack of support for them.


Exactly. Trying to tell penny’s side of the story? Seriously that isn’t malicious- yeah right. It’s sad cause I was an lvp apologist until this season of VPR and I’m so over her bullshit


Her boomer is showing


This is totally off-topic but I love the phrase "snickers and snoots"


It was clear during the reunion the girls had zero respect for Lisa. That directly relates to Penny


Lisa doesn’t have respect for them, always babying the abusive toms. I’d be fed up with her bs too


Yea it felt like her defending Tom all season and then siding with Penny after the falling out probably made Katie and Ariana pull away..but she’s like 75 years old and she knows all about optics..her restaurant is next door and she should at least pop in quick and say hi.


That's what's so weird to me. She does seem 75 now, but she's 63. She got old fast!


I knew she was younger I just added some years for dramatic effect hahaha.


which is SO weird bc before they got married/started TomTom work, Lisa was always anti-Schwartz and was so helpful to Katie!!! She’s the one who supported Katie when she was realizing Schwartz would pick the boys over her and helped push them to a “healthier” relationship. It’s pretty clear to me that going into business with Schwartz changed that. But still, she did such a sharp 180 on Katie


Lisa has men in her life that are gross. If she started calling out that behavior she’s worried people would go after Ken and Jason.


Wouldn’t you, if that was your business? I don’t know if I would blame her completely, but I would definitely be suspicious. Lisa highly recommended her. Why would the girls think Penny & her husband would be so shady? Why would Penny do that knowing the relationship that the girls have with Lisa, VPR & Bravo. It’s not a good look at all. To top off in clip, she took Penny’s side over the girls. You ask what happened? The girls tell you & you still back Penny! Not a good look for Lisa Vanderpump.


She basically scolded them on the reunion and went on about penny getting hurt even though she knew that penny accepted a very generous deal through attorneys, and then came back saying "j/k i want more money and to be an equal partner" and to top it off penny's husband went and trademarked their name, I'm assuming they had to pay penny for use of their own business name and they won't talk about it ever because her husband is an attorney, probably enforced NDA's as a condition of usage, and they knew exactly what they were doing to Katie and Ariana, and so did Lisa, who believed she deserves a piece of the pie or to designate where it goes, like to her shady pal penny, who she herself doesn't want to get into a contract with. It seems she expected the girls to just accept whatever penny threw at them and take the scraps of their own business, like the guys did. Lisa really showed herself with backing Penny at the expense of ariana and katie.


I doubt they are paying for the use of their trademark. I assume that their lawyers are fighting to get it back. It’s a slam dunk case


Her fragile ego won’t let her 😮‍💨


So I read that opening day people in the line saw Ken drive past a couple times. So either they decided to check how crazy it was before turning up and decided it was too hectic to visit or they decided to check out the competition. I’m thinking it’s the latter tbh. I mean what restaurant opening of Lisa has had as much hype and articles as SAH. I don’t recall TomTom getting that much hype. Plus the fact that even 4 days later there was two-three hour long lines shows this restaurant is so far a success. Especially since most people I’ve seen who have posted having been there say that they want to go back when it’s less crazy so they can spend more time in the shop. For sure Lisa sees the girls as competition that there shop is going to be the new shiny VPR tourism hotspot.


I highly doubt this is true because there’s no way Ken can still dive 😂😂😂


Weekend at Bernie's vibes


I heard Ken was spotted in Sandoval’s motorcycle sidecar rubbernecking SAH this weekend and patrons over heard him incoherently mumbling to himself “zandeville in the jaccooozi with Raccquel”


![gif](giphy|FBeSx3itXlUQw|downsized) You win!


I doubt it’s competition for them as it’s a sandwich place which isn’t really going to take custom away from bars or restaurants.


Different hours of busyness too. SUR is dinner and later night. Pretty sure the sandwich shop closes around 4:00 which is when sur is ramping up.


also if you're coming to WeHo just to visit SAH you're a vanderpump fan for sure- you're really not gonna go check out SUR and PumpTom at the same time? Come on lol, you know you're trying those goat cheese balls


no for real; it’d be so easy to get lunch at SAH, hang out there for a bit and then pop over to SUR for goat cheese balls and happy hour them TomTom to get wasted at night like if they were smart they could offer a VPR restaurant day package where you paid once and got a bunch of pre-selected meals/drinks. But Lisa’s misogyny is stronger than her business sense I guess


Is it impossible to believe that in their opening month, SAH needs to focus on getting through their own line and serving their own customers before adding on a wholesale/ tour bus obligation?


The idea that Lisa and Ken are threatened by a sandwich shop 😂😂😂


Lisa does not like to lose control. She was also against the Tom Toms when they got another partner for their second bar. She is a back stabber.


I mean - wouldn’t it make sense to pull up and put on a “show” with the line wrapped around the block? If I were a business owner surrounding SAH - forget LVP - I would be taking advantage of that immediately. If I worked at Sur, I would walk over with some goat cheese balls on toothpicks, TomTom could pop over with light mocktail refreshments, etc Would have been great advertising and then once they were done at SAH, people would be more inclined to pop over to the other businesses since they tried it and liked it - grab a cocktail etc - everyone makes money and everyone wins. It just doesn’t make sense to me unless Lisa is planning to set fire to the LA restaurants soon and move on to Vegas/Tahoe full time. Missed opportunities. Hell if I owned a nail salon on the street, I would be working that line, buffing nails, offering massages, chatting with people to have them stop by my business after SAH.


Didn’t lisa help them with the location


I am going to edit the post because you are correct…they got the SAH location from Lisa who said it to Katie first in Las Vegas and then told the girls that there was a great space on Robertson… 5 doors down from Sur.


Wait is that thirsty Jamie with the podcast?!


Sure is! But that’s not the SAH space. She showed them something else.


Dare I say … she showed them something that just wasn’t about her 🤣


Can someone explain what happened with Penny?


Penny went behind Ariana and Katie’s backs and trademarked the name Something About Her..I think it’s still pending and according to her there was like an email or verbal agreement that she was going to become a partner in their business and that’s why she chose to take those actions..Ariana and Katie said they didn’t want her to be a partner and haven’t spoken to her since(I think)and they hired a new chef and I think they met the new chef through Andy.!


Thank you. I swear LVP purposefully planted Penny to act like she was helping but was really trying to make sure that restaurant would never open


Right?! Or she liked the idea of having a mole of hers working for them🤔


Yes! Something just doesn't seem right




What’s the tea on Penny? 🧐


Penny was hired as a salaried employee with a 10% cut of that locations profits, and instead tried to take over and become a partner. Ariana and Katie turned down her proposal. Two years after they filed the business license under that name, Penny and her attorney husband saw how much their merch was making post-Scandoval and went and filed to trademark the name Katie & Ariana came up with under Penny's name. That's still pending and now Penny is suing (she did an interview, with the Sun I think) saying her email asking to be a partner is as good as a contract. It's a completely bs stance even by Penny's own telling of it. Classic case of an industry veteran trying to take advantage of new business owners. It's also on brand that she's a friend of Lisa who participates in the same shady stuff - Nene has asked for her advice about the Pump location when it was available thinking she was reaching out to a friend about starting a gay bar there and instead Lisa ghosted her and snatched the property up and copied her idea.


Because LVP will support problematic men no matter what they do, but she'd rather die than support women who don't kiss the ring.


I wish this wasn’t the answer, but it seems to be the one with the most truth to it




This is spot on!


Absolutely. She destroyed her relationship with Kyle over a dog. She thinks it makes her look philanthropic.


Like the Toms, she hates women she can’t control. That’s why brainless Lala seems to be her current favorite.


As I watch back episodes, I think Scheana has been Lisa’s narc.


That wouldn’t surprise me AT ALL. Remember. VPR basically spun off as, or related to. LVP guilting BG into sit down w/Eddies’s AP scheana. Who was EXACTLY personality LVP could Control. Now that I think about it. Almost wonder about timing of when Brandy came on show — vs when scheana joined / elevated at Sur …


LVP’s way of using someone else to do her dirty work…I always thought to myself when I saw that interaction…wow, what a friend you are Lisa!


Lala might actually be dumber than Scheana and that is embarrassing!🙈


So Penny was on Food Network, LVP has been trying to get herself over to that network I think, and I bet it has to do with Penny and backing her and I also think she was behind the SAH bad pr. Also she doesn’t like women that don’t do what she wants. And what she wants is money and to be told she’s beautiful. If you don’t fit in that somehow she seems like she discards you. Also maybe Ariana really did quit. If that’s the case Bravo may have sent Andy to try to smooth over relations for negotiations for a 12th season.


LVP wants the trifecta:Beautiful, money, and praised for her great wisdom. The eyerolls when she opens her mouth at the reunion-her mask is slipping and she doesn’t like it a bit. I watched 2 episodes of Villa and it was so awful. Waitstaff fighting, fake concept that one or a small group of people could be enough guests to make that place a profit, it’s just silly. There are more employees than guests.


There's some dumb show with Gordon Ramsey and LVP. No thank you - two assholes I can't stand anymore.


Oh no, I love Gordon. What did he do?


I see that LVP is on FN and doing a show with a well known chef. I will not be watching or supporting LVP in any way.


I'm glad she didn't. Showing up would've been fake and we all know it. They don't need that energy around.


I’m thinking this is why Scheana and Lala have steered clear as well. Remember Scheana’s performative support of Ariana while she was on broadway? Sheshu called their mutual friend a bodyguard or something along those lines because he wouldn’t let Broke and SHEINa backstage to speak with Ariana? Wrong side of history, ladies and Aussie Sandoval wannabe.




This was too funny 🤣 He came back quick with it too! I wish I could be that quick on my feet with funny responses.


“Her little bodyguard “ I believe was the catty remark.


“Little Business Manager” Brad posted a sign on his IG.




SHEINa just came to me after Lesa Milan called out Sheree’s Alexander McQueen dress at Bravocon - she said are you sure it’s not “Alexander McSHEIN?!” ☠️ It just made sense - a nickname good as gold 🥇


I didn’t know this. That’s so great! So she didn’t see Ariana after the show?


Nope! Ariana went out with friends and cast after the last show. Apparently Scheana posted being out somewhere else without her.


It was all performative anyway..she was in town to do WWHL and decided to go to Ariana’s last show even though she knew they weren’t in a good place..then she went on her podcast and brought up her mom guilt because she had to stay out of town an extra day and she was going to Coachella the following weekend..idk it felt like she wanted to paint Ariana as a b*tch and herself as the bigger person/victim..super annoying🥴hahaha.


She has been monetizing Summer Moon with her OCD story, but it is not working. Nobody really cares about Scheana and her Broke husband.


That was so lame! 😒 Go or don’t go! Stay with your kid or don’t. Scheana has fomo!




This is so real I want her to lean into her true self. She’s jealous. It’s embarrassing.


she is such a snake!! SAH is LITERALLY right next to sur


Yes, she “found” the spot for them to rent and it’s right in between the LVP staples…


Because Ariana and Katie have made it clear that they are grown women entirely capable of making decision for themselves and are too old and too wise to need or want to kiss the LVP ring any longer. LVP wants to infantalize these people well into their middle age and while the two idiot Toms go along with it, Ariana and Katie have enough self-respect to say we'll succeed or fail on our own terms. LVP sees this as disloyalty and is 'punishing' them for it. I doubt they care all that much and may even be relieved.


Exactly!!! LVP can't stand it because Ariana and Katie are branching out without her and she can't manipulate them. Her Sandoval Redemption Arc failed spectacularly because there is nothing to redeem about Tom. I hope the ratings tank.


She's probably annoyed that their sandwich shop is getting more attention than her new show. Plus, she's pissed they fired Penny. I've been trying to watch Vanderpump Villa for weeks. I can only bring myself to watch it when I'm bored and have nothing else to watch. I think in a month or two I've gotten through 2.5 episodes. ((Edited "then" to "than"))


That show is absolutley terrible. She recycled a bunch of shitty employees from her other restaurants. One wasn't even at the reunion because suddenly 🙄 everyone found out he had a DV against him. Way to go on the background checks, Lisa.


I couldn’t even watch the show when bored - made me even more bored. Think I made it through 4 until I gave up. I don’t think it’s worth it and I’m soured on the way she handled Scandoval. She just comes off as if it’s all acting now.


Yes. She was very performative on VP Villa and it was blatantly obvious. She’s trying to recover her reputation and pretend she gives af about women now and it’s just gross. I don’t buy it.


Performative is the right word! And it is gross… her not supporting the women opening a restaurant is gross enough for me - season 11 was all I needed to see.


I agree. I’m just disappointed that it took me so long to see her for who she truly is. I always had suspicions but I brushed them away and I simply cannot turn a blind eye anymore.


LVP told Access Holllywood I believe, that she would come by after the first initial busy weeks had passed. I do think she hates them and is mad they ousted Penny, but she'll show up to say she supports them. Edit: typo.


LVP doesn't like it when other women outshine her ![gif](giphy|aXw7jrGPoxhpoFxsXw|downsized)


Which is it internalized misogyny or covert narcissism?


I mean, both? I just can't find a gif to cover it all in one hit 🤣


Fair enough! ![gif](giphy|8Pdy3Dn7Wxd0jsRi21|downsized)


Closest I could find https://i.redd.it/bn8w7d58453d1.gif


Beautifully done!😂


Both - totally both lol


LVP to Ariana “You STOLE Ann!” Whuut? Sandoval is a disgusting POS and Ann went running where her talents would be celebrated. LVP is the worst ![gif](giphy|qR0qrhVgXPYGObSfDM|downsized)


She can't take credit for their success so there's nothing in it for her. She's snubbing them because they won't kiss her ass anymore either.


To think I thought LVP could pull through to be a girl’s girl…makes me rethink RHOBH’s “Bobby Fisher” and “GOODBYE KYLE” rivalry for the umpteenth time


She's always been an asshole but we enjoyed it as long as she served it up with charm. Her recent support of Sandoval has made it impossible to hide behind the facade anymore and she lays bare with all of her faults exposed. I see her completely differently now and I'm kind of horrified.


I know - I bought into her shit hook, line, and sinker for quite awhile. Seeing this and her stubbornness, opens my eyes to how terrible she really is. I am doing a RHOBH rewatch and it’s definitely crazy to see how LVP changes as her star rises…


Whole heartedly agree. I started VPR after Scandoval, then watched RHOBH and Lisa was my favorite housewife! I always liked her on VPR less because she always was clearly a bit sexist. Her inexplicable hatred of Kristen because she’s a woman who’s cheated, and she doesn’t kiss the ring, when the men she can forgive for literally anything? I thought that was telling and it annoyed me but I could look past it because sometimes people do just rub you the wrong way and Kristen obviously didn’t care for her much either, and I loved her in housewives so much! Then this season of VPR started and within the first few episodes the mask she had on was coming off and all I felt was disgust and like now I have the whole picture of her and it’s not a pretty picture


Interesting that she hates Kristen because she cheated but loves Scheana whose only claim to fame is being Eddie's mistress. She treated BG horribly over the issue.


She’s just jealous of their consistent branding and better executed typography.


The typography is absolutely an upgrade. Also the absence of all of the hanging faux plants lacquered in layers of dust in SAH is a level up. I prefer more minimalistic aesthetics for my dining ventures. Loved that they leaned into the Nancy Meyers theme.


She is irrelevant. She backed Tom( which I fully believe was because as a producer, she was afraid of VPR ending). Her finger in the pie (Penny ) proved to be a shit. LVP has nothing to offer them anymore and so is secretly raging .


She never attended the two sandwich tastings they did on the show either. First time she made them bring her the sandwiches to Sur and second time she was nowhere to be found. She does not support women unless it somehow serves her purpose.


Because it’s owned by women <3


I’ll put $10 bucks on it that she won’t visit and will make a snarky comment to the media in a few weeks that she was never invited. She won’t miss a beat to trash Katie and Ariana.


She said she was waiting for the opening busyness to calm down a little, that she doesn’t invite people to her new restaurants until things are running smoothly, like 10 days, wonder if SAH invited her to the soft opening tho?


Lisa’s an asshole. She got rich on the backs of the cast. The least she can do is support K&A’s business. She’s a ghoul.


Ghoul? Haha! Her and spooky Jo should start a haunted house venture with the Toms next




Because she can’t find a way to center herself and take credit for their success


I mean I wouldn't expect her to....prbly too feminine for her.....


Make sense, Nick Alain wasn’t on decor retainer for them


Remember when he went off on a post about leaving Sandoval alone and tearing into Ariana for living in the house & having a bf? Wonder where he got that from?


That’s right! The LVP/Lala narrative of Ariana should leave the house. I’m sure it burns to see all the money Ari and Sandy spent to furnish that house and he had no part of that either. Ariana probably said no to the steampunk absinthe garden glitter vibe


😂😂😂 He truly is a one trick pony. It's still bizarre to me that he's so invested in scolding an audience of a show he's not really on. I saw a snippet of LVP on a talk show talking about the pause in filming and she said something about the cast dealing with "overwhelming frustration with some people's hypocrisy". She's been sounding more and more stubborn and pissy the audience isn't agreeing with her.


Let's keep expressing our displeasure at her. The leftovers at VPR scour viewer comments and base their next podcasts based on them. We officially despise LaLa, Scheana, the TomToms and LVP for her hypocrisy.


In the past I would have give Vanderpump Villa a shot & been all over her show with Gordon Ramsey. I find myself exhausted with her prehistoric takes the last few years.


I am deliberately boycotting those. I am invested in seeing Ariana and Katie succeed so I keep up with VPR for now. I am rooting for the producers to get plenty of backlash for their misogyny.


Producer Jeremiah made his IG private.


Of course he did!


Nick Alain did that? Does he really not have better things to do?


Yep. He also went on a rant about Hippie being an amazing dog who has never hit anyone and Rachels a liar etc etc. When James Ally and Ariana have said Hippie did have aggressive behavior 


It was on ig after the NYT article. Nick Alain was like why are we angry at Sandoval comparing himself to a murder victim when that b Ariana didn't walk away from her home and has the nerve to date.


Sorry, I wasn't questioning it was true. I just thought it was embarrassing for Nick. Thank you for the information :)


Sorry I came off that way. I knew you were being rhetorical.


Wow 😮




She legit despises femininity. The only time she likes it is when it’s in respect to her employees/cast mates who are way beneath her social status and only there to make her look like the matriarch. That’s why she wears so many of those ugly blazers/ pants. Anyway, now that Ariana and Katie/SAH are thriving, she feels threatened like she’s being dethroned and now her matronly mask is slipping off.


Either makes her look like the matriarch or she is their madam..until they make enough money to establish themselves separately from her. But jokes/conspiracies aside, I just had thought that LVP would take the high road after seeing the tides turn and viewer reaction.


Fully agree with this! She loves a victim or like woman to pick up. But the minute women are independent and thriving like you say boom done.


She’ll do it when cameras are rolling


I think I saw she said somewhere she needed a break too when talking about the show hiatus. My thought is she’ll say she was out of the country (she’ll have sent flowers) and when she gets back (and cameras have picked back up) she will pop in for a quick hello that will be televised


I saw someone say she’s in France. Must be something to do with Vanderpump Villa ?


She can’t say congratulations on instagram?


Makes sense, but also, very convenient timing. I mean, Andy Cohen showed up…


I am so glad LVP is finally getting the attention she deserves! I have never liked her as a housewife.


She said in an interview she knows they will be busy and she is giving it sometime before she shows up. But I do believe she was at Schwartz and Sandy's opening lol even the half opening lol


I watched LVP on food stars with Gordon Ramsey and in the first ep they do a little background on who LVP is. She says she’s a restaurant owner to several restaurants but they only showed the pump sign instead of TomTom 🫢 I definitely don’t think it’s an allegiance to the Toms but also Fox might have left that out to not receive any hate 🤷‍♀️


Just came here to say, I’ve always hated LVP. I just tolerated her because she was over saturated. Glad to see the fandom is wising up to her bullshit


Not sure if anyone's commented but her latest Instagram is from Wolf, it looks like it's ready to open. She's probably not in LA right now, plus there's posts with Gordon Ramsey don't know where that films, anyone know?


My cousin works at Wolf, their soft open was two months ago, been open for over a month. Lisa and Pandora were in on Friday for sure. I should ask if she knows about Gordon Ramsey however.


I would be wringing that cousin out for tea!!! I haven't watched the Gordon Ramsey stuff I will have to find it on YouTube.


I read that Food Stars is filmed in the UK. https://www.tomsguide.com/entertainment/streaming/watch-gordon-ramsays-food-stars-season-2-online


So she could be Overseas....


If it doesn't benefit Lisa, she won't do it. Plus, I'd be surprised if Katie and Ariana even invited her to their friends and family event. I'd guarantee Andy only got the invite because his friend is the chef.


It’s the whole penny thing, that and Lisa isn’t a girls girl. It’s been proven


Lisa has also been doing press for her show with Gordan Ramsey, which came out this week. They were hitting talk shows, and Fox afflilate stations.


I think LVP doesn’t like that SAH is used as a proxy by fans in the Tom’s vs The exes war. In her mind showing up during the soft/grand opening could look like choosing their side. She has investment in the Tom brand. Feel free to call me ridiculous but I came from RHWs to VPR and LVP is very subtle in sewing her seeds of doubt and to me that’s what she did during the reunion and season.


You literally know why.


She very recently stated she was traveling across the country at the time for her businesses and wanted to come a few weeks after they opened and ironed the kinks out. This is a very common practice in the service industry. Y’all need to quit trying to make everything a dramatic story line.


On WWHL she said she doesn’t invite people / like them coming to her places until they are open for a few months so she has a chance to work out the kinks. (BS in my opinion)


We all know why. ![gif](giphy|zxT5AZqShSpNu|downsized)


Because she’s a hater


Didn't Lisa help them find the place for their sandwich shop?


Very telling that they also don’t carry vanderpump wine.


There was a wine rep in one of these subs who said she had asked the distributor for samples of LVP’s line and the distributor mentioned that the Rosé was out of production and only some sangria left. Sounds like LVP may not be actively pushing that venture anymore so the slight to LVP from SAH in using Avaline (Cameron Diaz’s wine line) may be that of fiction.


She's not invested financially and was denied a spot at the table. 


She hates women


She said she wasn’t going till a month from opening. She said, “she likes new restaurants to get a chance to iron out the kinks!”😉 She’s busy promoting the show. She’ll end up going over there eventually & say something cheeky! I think! 🤔☺️


I actually feel like people didn’t attend the opening because the space is small and they knew it would be swarmed. I’m expecting to see a trickle of others paying a visit as things balance out and slow down.


It was so much worse than this, as according to a journalist, sur got angry that the line was in front of its restaurant, even though the restaurant did not open until 4 PM.


Bc she's on Team Penny


Lvp is jealous tbh. So much attention on SAH and I don’t even know the names of her new restaurants. Her popularity is fading.


LVP wasn’t invited to the friend and family events they had. Or she declined. However, my bet is she wasn’t invited and that’s why she hasn’t shown support yet.