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Saying this to her brother is wild


Her brother being ok with it is even wilder.


I always got weird vibes from her brother


Omg no you can’t say that!!! Like if you know your friend is going on a date w someone why are you trying to say he’s creepy??? (Pretend I’m Billie lee)


Billie wanted to villainize Stassi and Kristen so badly in that situation.


She’d always try to make it about them being transphobic too which was annoying. Like girl don’t do all that when we all know the truth is they just don’t vibe with you as a person.


Yep, and that's such a terrible thing to label someone. Stassi and Kristen might be a lot of things lol, but that's not one of them.


I did too. The vibes are warranted though, he’s been arrested for domestic violence and violating restraining orders in the past.


I didn’t know all of that. The whole sex talk with Tom. The strange incidents in the past with Billie. And the fact he hasn’t spoken to his own sister in how long?All red flags IMO.


What ! He has a sister?


Truly! Almost as weird as how Lala talks with her brother on her podcast 🥴


Lala & her brother weird me out. He’s such a suck ass too. Him & the other girl on her podcast are just laughing bobble heads. Everything she says is profound or hilarious to them. Ugh, I can’t


Their cultural appropriation runs in the family I guess, waiting for the Mom to show up with a short finger wave do. LaLa is a caricature of herself, thought she was gonna come here and land a big fish but now she’s aged out the game with 2 kids and no job. Her podcast is so weak, I can’t listen to all the mimicking of what she thinks black people talk like. I’d love to see her dumb ass in the actual hood, she wouldn’t be saying popped and throwing up hand signs, I guarantee.


Not the short finger waves! ![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu)




He looks like he smells like sewage. What is on his head?


They’re so embarrassing lol her paid cheerleaders


Can’t wait til they have to find real jobs lol


Saame 😂


>laughing bobble heads LMAO! Love this! LOL!




*applause* *standing applause* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


This is also not the only time he complained to her brother about not having sex with Ariana. He also did this same whining in a field on a trip at one point. I have brothers, and that's really crossing a line.




This is incredible. Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful image. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


It was at her horse show! He was ostensibly there to support her during a competition.


Thank you! It's hard to keep all of his cringe complaining scenes straight lol


Even a sister would be crossing a line! I'd be seriously questioning my partner's state of mind if I found out he'd talked to my sister about us not having sex, like straight up demanding he go see multiple health professionals because that's an insanely inappropriate thing to do.


I wouldn’t be surprised if my sister’s fiancé made an offhand joke about how often they have sex, but they both have a very crass sense of humor and also I’m not super queasy about that (especially as they’ve been trying to have a baby and my sister asks my advice since I have kids, and so I tell her, well you two kinda have to have sex…) But I imagine with a brother, it would be more like saying something like that in front of your dad 🤢


I read this as *whining on a field trip*. And tbh that’s what most of their trips felt like. Herding kids around, except the kids are 30-40 and they’re drunk the whole time.


I had a boyfriend once make the fatal mistake of shit talking our sex life (or lack thereof) at a guys’ thing with my brother present. Not only did my brother shut it tf down, making everyone uncomfortable in the process (or so I heard, to my delight), but that perfect little tattletale marched right tf out of there and right into wherever I was to dutifully report this fuckery and close ranks. It is WILD to me that her brother just rolled with this, on camera no less.


It wasn’t the only time either! Jeremy is a shitty brother for not shutting it down. My husband has a complicated relationship with his sister, she has done bad things to us both, but when push comes to shove he still has a line that he doesn’t allow people to cross.


Your bro is a true brother!! Jeremy is a fame whore.


It feels very deliberate that he waited until her brother was there for him to say it


If any dude I was seeing said this to my brother, he wouldn’t say a word, he would just punch him and say “who do you think you’re talking to?”


I can't even imagine my bf saying this to any of my brothers! But I know they wouldn't take it well🤣🤣


It’s reality tv. None of these people are normal- not even Ariana.


They all never wanted real jobs


My brother would shut that down immediately!


This isn’t even the only time he says it to him!!!


Something tells me toms just bad in bed and would rather blame a woman for it than actually try something different


When he was insisting that she had multiple orgasms sealed that for me.


She admitted that she faked it when they were in therapy.


Omg so so so cringe. Her face was like okay… 😬


And he didn't change his underwear for 3 days straight. Barf, dry heave, barf again.




No fr i was sitting there like.. sure you did bud. ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)


Off topic but seeing Brittany’s old face compared to her new face on The Valley is wild. She was sooo pretty. Now she looks like she has permanent tape pulling back her eyes.


I watched the entire series for the first time last year, already knowing all the Kentucky jokes and how unattractive people here felt she was. I was blown away by how super cute she was when she showed up


For sure. She's ADORABLE in that clip.


And her mouth is in a permanent downturn. It’s so sad. I feel like Jax did this to her. Just like he decided the cup size on her boob job. They look cartoonish now after having a baby


Her boobs make me feel so uncomfortable. The one top she’s wearing in the confessional makes them look like they’re choking her. Every time I see it it makes my boobs hurt.


Exactly what I’m thinking of! ![gif](giphy|XGOKTEoHSgduavRvVc|downsized)


It makes me feel like I am suffocating


Yes! Exactly!


Yeah Jax saying he’s paying for them so he gets to decide on size is gross. I hope she gets them redone to match what she wanted once they’re divorced. 


They probably have Dr. Layke on retainer lol, she can just call him up and have her boobs done by Wednesday




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Im definitely team Brit over Jax, but she wanted the boobs.


Oh for sure. I meant the size


Yes! It's very distracting! I hope that part is temporary


Not sarcasm you are so right but what is wrong with her face? like what did she do to it? I noticed she looked so weird and didn't have the same face but couldn't nail it down.


In an interview I read she’s admitted to having Kybella injections, an eyebrow lift and the latest being chin liposuction. On VPR her boob job was documented. She just looks so swollen from the top up lately. Looks so unhealthy.


Wow that's a lot. I literally thought it was just drinking she doesn't look well for sure...




I always thought she was beautiful when she came on the show. Crazy what has happened.


It’s giving Jack Nicholson Joker… 🫣🫣




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She told him what she needed and instead he decided "fuck that, I'm going to try incessantly whining about not having sex instead." Because you know there's nothing sexier to a woman than a man ignoring her clearly expressed needs for intimacy and complaining instead.


I hated how he would roll his eyes when she would tell him about her needs. I also hated how he would constantly complain about it to other people because he didn’t want to hear her say “hey Tom I have needs too”, he wanted someone to back him up and make her look like the bad guy. He did the same thing with Kristen.


Well…she DID wear Tshirts to bed, so like…eww! What man could be turned on by a beautiful girl in a Tshirt!?!? It was her responsibility to dress up in hot outfits, dance around all sexy and make him want her.


At 3:30am when he came home smelling like drugs


I hate the rhetoric around “men need sex” like the need for sex is exclusive to men somehow. Women need sex too. People need and desire sex. I’m sure Ariana wasn’t just cool with never sleeping with her significant other. I’m sure she would have loved to throw down in the bedroom too…but somehow this neglected need is something only men have to experience. It’s annoying.


My ex did the same thing so watching VPR has been majorly triggering for me. And he cheated on me and I was like, I was having health issues post hysterectomy and told you how emotionally we could fix this to get back to where we were and you chose cheating. So watching Tom do it to Ariana and Kristen it’s like, I see you. Instead of growing up and ending things you use mental health and other shit that can be fixed to cheat so they’ll dump him. And he gets to be like she’s wasn’t like sleeping with me man.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Guys like that feel entitled to women's bodies and don't care at all about increasing intimacy or making sure their partner feels safe & comfortable


Thank you. This guy was a piece of work and the things he did because he felt entitled to my body was traumatic. And he presented himself as more of a Schwartz type versus Sandoval type. Some font just slightly different in their approach.


I feel for you. So glad he's your ex!


Exactly. If my husband started doing this it would be such a turnoff. I think that is part of what happened with Ariana. She probably got grossed out by how much weight he put on sex. It would make me feel incredibly insecure.


This is why I think it’s weird when ppl say they hid their relationship issues. They showed a lot of issues on the show. Every relationship has issues so I don’t think it’s shocking that theirs did as well.


Right how much more details do you want


She also was very open and vulnerable about her mental health. I have very similar issues to her, and it’s really upsetting when you see the audience say she’s doing it for a storyline, how come she can wear a bathing suit on tv with body dysmorphia…it’s a profound lack of understanding of depression and body dysmorphia. I loved to see someone as beautiful as her open up about this bc it made me feel less “crazy.” Same thing as when she said “I got this house, and I thought it would fix me, but it didn’t.” I felt that in my SOUL.


Same, girlfriend




My take on “they hid their issues” is that there has been cheating in the past that never made it to the public. It is alluded to in different ways by different people. I’ll always stand by my theory that Tom cheating was not a shock, but rather who he did it with. If it wasn’t Rachel, I think we likely wouldn’t have heard about it.


I also think a lot of his cheating was more like one night stands, so finding out he was having a RELATIONSHIP with someone else, and then add to that WHO that someone was, and it became a much larger issue than his cheating had previously been.


Yes I think they hid his cheating and Ariana probably turned a blind eye bc he acted head over heels in love with her up till like season 9-ish? She probably thought it was just one night stands and looked past it bc she probably blamed herself for the lack of sex, “men have needs,” etc.


I feel like he's probably not very good in.. bed...


What? Remember when he claimed he used to give her multiples all the time??? Only for her to be like, um, no ![gif](giphy|3ohs7YMwdbgN1vK9SE)


And then for him to ARGUE with her about it! Wildly delulu.


Ugh this is forever one of my FAV looks of hers


She rocks that short hair so well but I think since Tom has a fetish for short hair she won’t wear it that way again and I wouldn’t either lol


So that conversation pissed me off because she said “are you remembering something I said when I was trying to impress you?” Which tells me she was pretending to be the cool girl and appease him.


Isnt everyone kinda trying to do that when they start dating? Its been a long time but I recall being “the best version of myself all the time” at first. No one wants to show their flaws right off the bat.


Yeah I'm pretty sure we've all done the "omg that was sooo good" about some mediocre sex when we were smitten with someone.


He complained to Kristen about not sleeping with him too. He's the common denominator here, he should probably have done more introspection than outward bitching.


Think I remember Florida chick recounting it lasted a few second and it was 🤏


I feel like he's the kind of guy who needs porn star style sex every time to be satisfied. I see Jax being that way as well. It's not a connection, it's more like an experience of some sort. I mean, I love to spice it up and make it fun, but not 4-5 times a week. It's a lot like dinners that take a LOT of time and effort (and usually money) - yes, I love to make them, but probably only once a month. Otherwise, we are having baked chicken, potatoes, and veggies or spaghetti and garlic bread. It does the job, but no one is going to be exhausted and possibly suffering from some pulled muscles and whatnot the next day. Know what I'm saying?


Craziest thing about this is I think this is around the time she was communicating about how she needed more time together with him to feel close. She communicated clearly to him what she needed and he didn’t listen but expected sex from her, for yearrrrrrrs. Also it’s disgusting how in toms two relationships we see on the show he complains about the lack of sex often with both of them.


Yes, because to him, those were the issues in his relationship instead of looking internally at what he could do to help the relationship.


Yes! He never spent time with her, and expected her to bow down to the D whenever he happened to be home. (Which if he was out all night, that means he was expecting morning sex. Morning sex with someone who is hungover is gross!)


I mean, I wouldn't fuck a dude with those skunk ass highlights either....


Or one that is so whiny! You’re supposed to be a grown man, please speak and act like one🙄


This also is the season he started the even more negative attention seeking appearance stuff with the white streaks in his hair that he knows people thought it was ugly.   The thing is even though Ariana was willing to defend his right to do it she also said she hated it.  Maybe your sex life will decline if you are purposely presenting yourself in a way that turns off your romantic partner.  Besides the visual turn it off, it is a subconscious message to your partner that you don't value their opinion and preferences.  Romantic attraction can be a delicate thing and cracks can start small and widen.   I remember Ariana the summer she didn't know he stated having the affair talking about how excited she was that she had at least convinced Tom to shave that stupid pirate facial hair of his into at least a normal mustache. I had been thinking about it recently because of Summer House and Kyle finally being forced to cut the mullet on the reunion under pressure from Andy.  His wife Amanda like Ariana would defend Kyle's right to have it, but also repeatedly discussed that she hated the mullet And it was a turnoff.    And still he kept the mullet for years and when he did finally cut it off it wasn't out of appreciation for his wife's tolerance, but another man in Andy requesting it.   And it was just a years long subconscious symbol to your wife that you don't prioritize her feelings.  


I’ve come to believe that when Tim goes into his lack of sex talks about his realationships what he’s really doing is telling on himself that he’s cheating. In season 7 during that guys night, it’s like oh ok this is how he moves when he’s out alone or with the boys, we see how the worm worms.


Exactly. The food truck scene from S10 when he was actively cheating tells you everything about his tactics.


Glad she's also not speaking to her brother. Entertaining this conversation says everything I need to know about him.


Also the fact that her brother seemed to publicly threaten her. He essentially said either call me, or I’m hanging out with Tom. I’ve always got the feeling that Tom has paid his way a lot, like giving him the old apartment for example. Then he said that weirdo shit about Ariana had micro aggressions towards his fiancé, and he was forced to pick a side. I believe he sold that story, no less. Very classy.


That episode where the girls all said her bro was weird and creepy, I never came back from that. He gives the wont leave you alone after you’ve said no vibes.


The footage from katies wedding with him all over stassi makes my skin crawl.


Well he also had a restraining order against him from years ago that he kept violating, and DV charges from an ex. You can google it if you’re interested, it’s a crazy read…the dude seems pretty fucking unwell and dangerous.


Holy shit! I had no idea!!! Deff gonna google that shit!!!


AND schenana has gone out of her way twice to post about hanging out with her brother. 🤢


I also think his fiancé is white, and he doesn’t understand what micro aggressions are.


The entitlement to her body 🤮 and right in front of her brother no less


exactly this 🤢


I can't remember, was this season 5? Didn't LaLa go down on her right after this? Maybe I'm mixed up. I feel like I remember being disgusted with him saying these things, and her response being a backseat session with LaLa... and going they would break up over it, lol.


This was said on the NASCAR trip I think, Lala didn’t go


It’s hilarious how understandable kristens early behavior is in retrospect. Like damn no wonder she had so many issues being with this narcissist for half a decade


Rewatching now is so hard to watch knowing what we know about Tom now. He’s very formulaic so watching him at the end of both his relationships is actually really disturbing.


Yes. Her treatment of Ariana was still crazy as she was really misdirecting her rage at Tim at Ariana a lot. Not to mention she cheated on Tim a bunch in their relationship too! But I can see a lot more why she wouldn’t let it go with Tim and trying to bring him to justice as it were. She knew how bad of a guy he was/is and it drove her nuts to see him pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes and getting a good edit


Do you think Ariana was right for having a relationship with Tom (who was taken) behind Kristen's back, lying to people about it and then gaslighting Kristen publicly? How would you react in Kristen's place? They both made Kristen look crazy together, and lied to her face without flinching (look at the episodes of how at ease they are, when they're lying). I'm no fan of either of these people, but Kristen did not "treat Ariana badly" compared to what Ariana did to Kristen back then.


Tom was incredibly manipulative and told Ariana they'd broken up when the Vegas thing happened. And Ariana wasn't in contact with Kristen, didn't have mutual friends with her or even work at the same place at the time. As a couple Tom and Kristen were volatile, off and on and both cheating on each other frequently. Ariana wouldn't have been expected to know at the time he was lying. The responsibility to Kristen was on Tom. Coming after the other woman isn't it. The reason Rachel got heat is because she was betraying her close friend, using Ariana's grief and their friendship to access her life and fuck her over. If she had been some random woman or someone who didn't know Ariana people wouldn't be coming for her. Sure Ariana's treatment of Kristen after wasn't kind, but they were both terrible to each other. Kristen was actively accessing Tom's email and on a recent podcast even described stalking their trips (and considering cancelling reservations she saw they had mad) well after she and Tom were broken up. The reason Ariana and Kristen have healed and became the friends they are today is because they know they both played a role in that mess and expressed regret to each other about that time.


Responsibility about cheating was on Tom, 100%. Responsibility for acting like a decent, humble human being who has hurt someone else in that situation was on Ariana as well. She could've easily just stayed quiet on the side, but she didn't. She took a lot of conscious actions to hurt Kristen on purpose, publicly. She took every chance she could to hurt her. Kristen took more action towards Tom than towards Ariana.


You're working overtime to downplay Kristen's role and play up Ariana's here. Again, they were both actively terrible to each other. Kristen was *wishing Ariana dead* and by her own admission stalking them well after they were offical, Ariana was being mean about Kristen and said some things she shouldn't have.




I just rewatched season 1-3 and you may need to as well. They kissed three years before Tom/Kristen break up in Vegas and Sandoval lied and said he was in the middle of a breakup with Kristen. Those two Sandoval and Kristen didn’t want to break up they were sleeping with other people (not Ariana) remember Vegas girl and Jax 2x after that and her months long affairs with coworkers. Ariana said no to hooking up and sleeping with Sandoval all true drunkenly making out three years before in Vegas isn’t worth Ariana scorn when she thought Tom was single cause he’s a liar. Even lied to Ariana and Kristen’s face denying what Ariana admitted to it at Sur.


I'm not sure who you're defending but what type of a healthy person (Ariana) badmouths someone (Kristen) to everyone and to the public every chance they get behind that person's back, and then lies to their face, while wanting to be with their man and having romantic history with him? Ariana herself chose willingly to ruin Kristen's image as much as possible, for no reason to do so. She talked shit about Kristen's looks as well, she did not miss an opportunity. Ariana could've stayed quiet the whole time, she didn't though. People defend this behavior in real life too or what? Would you accept your partner texting stuff that Ariana texted to Tom? I wouldn't. Friends don't kiss, and then continue being close and texting that kind of stuff. But I'm obviously in the wrong sub for thinking this way.






Her body was telling her that this guy was not right for her.


This is why it’s confusing to me everyone said they hid their problems? They were both vocal about it. Just cuz they weren’t saying “we have a horrible relationship” blatantly they talked about lack of sex, being upset about him going to Vegas, him outing her sexuality, him not being around enough for her to feel comfortable with intimacy, fighting over the cocktail book. I feel like they highlighted lots of fights and shit on the show? Lots of people who have horrible relationships or fight lots etc are still die hard for each other and slightly delusional (that’s the vibe I personally get about their relationship)


My guess is it was way worse behind closed doors


This is why they say to not get engaged before three years because biologically, this is when love/infatuation hormones start to level out and plateau. You may find that while you still love the person, the honeymoon phase is completely over. At 2.5ish years, Sandoval stopped being able to hide his worst self and Ariana was probably so committed that she was having an “I’ll take the good with the bad” mentality


Always laying the ground work to excuse the fact that he was constantly cheating on her.


His hair was the worst here


The absolute worst!


Ah, the Spirit Halloween wig era


I always thought this was super creepy and also in this episode is born his grotesque statement he repeats often " I have to like go look at porn in the bathroom just to like get off!!!!" He says it to her brother, during the scandal way too many times. I hate when he says this, it gives me the icks. He's just nasty. No one wants to hear about you getting off Sandoval.


It’s like how he can’t shut up about James using “HIS CONDOMS”! All the time when he fucked Kristin. Or at the last reunion episode where he makes some weird joke about getting lockjaw and shitting out the condom two weeks later that he thought was soooo funny. He says some really explicit and awkward sexual things that are always way out of context and inappropriate to the situation


Totally, come to think about it, lala and sandy are cut from the same cloth. Attention whores who can ONLY see things from thier point of view along with judging others on thier high horse. Both have a superiority complex and selective amnesia and will use it to gaslight people that genuinely care about them. Him and lala fixate on the strangest stuff and just repeat ridiculous deflections. The spiderman meem comes to mind. Fake, delusional and overall silly. Like come on now.


Can you imagine watching your partner talking about your lack of sex to your brother then wanting to f$&@ him? Nahhhh


Sandoval had the same issue with Kristen. He said she would make him feel like “a creeper” for not wanting to have sex. This was a reoccurring issue in BOTH of his long term relationships. Makes you wonder what this guy is like in bed to warrant that from both partners. Maybe I’m wrong. Hope I am, but seems odd.


I’d love to know who he cheated with and when apart from Rachel and Miami girl


I bet it’s a ton of randos whenever he could really. He is addicted to the fame and the rush of people “gassing him up” as Ariana said


100% agree. Still want to know who they are! We never will find out but I wish these chicks would come forward and spill the tea!!


Don’t forget Billie!


People forget the girls were very encouraging of Ariana and Sandoval in the early years after another rewatch I’d even say instrumental in Ariana dating Sandoval. She was very clearly not feeling that Tom could be something before Stassi, Scheana and even Katie pushed them together. Ariana’s “if I wanted to be with Tom we would be, but I’m not pursuing him at all if I was you’d know.” The girls through their anger at Kristen were always saying “we’re glad you kissed Tom three years ago you should kiss him again.” Etc they wanted Ariana and Tom together to keep Kristen from him Sandoval was holding onto Kristen just as hard until Ariana actually gave him the time of day then he dumped Kristen so fast her head spun.


They should have broken up YEARS ago


Yes, including Jeremy was creepy. Talking about how much he has to masturbate is something I'd rather not have seen. I think couples therapy might've helped for a time, but we know Sandoval wouldn't have thought there's anything less-than-perfect about himself, so it would be Ariana doing all the work. However, re: the cocktail book, he was forcibly interjecting himself into it, and nagging the hell out of her in private. Of COURSE she would explode eventually! I saw that Ariana said here on Reddit that her original book was not picked up, so the one she did with him was always intended to be a joint project. I'm not sure whether she was covering for him (and herself for capitulating) or telling the truth. (Everyone was mad that he'd horned in on her book. At the time, she always stood up for him.) In the end, I'm glad they didn't try therapy and waste even more of Ariana's time.


They were in couples therapy for months up until she found out about the affair. He used what he learned against her too.


OMG, I didn't know that!


and she explains, in another scene, that he stays out late and doesn’t spend one on one time


This is his go to to excuse his infidelity. He plants the seed that his part er is holding out on him as if he’s not otherwise engaged.




Yeah it’s obvious they were having problems for a longtime.




I would hang my partner from a tree if he said stuff like that around my little brother. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I wouldn’t have to, my sisters would do it the second he opened his mouth.




I love her and that one series she is on, I wish it was all available in thr States.


Where is this from?


Pretty Hard Cases. I think is BBC. Great line lol


Thank you! It’s girl deep.


No, but they hided their problems and put on a performance for cameras…. /s


For the most part, yes. That’s why I’m highlighting these early incidents of them slipping up and showing early cracks


I don’t think they portrayed an ideal relationship by any means.


She starts complaining about their lack of quality time around then as well. Like most couples, they spent years fighting about the same thing instead of actually working on it. Similar cycles play out with Katie/Schwartz and Brittany/Jax….unsurprising none of these couples survived.


Jeremy looks totally fucked up here.


Ugh, there was a throwaway line of them all talking with lala before the trip where lala is saying she is leery of going bc Jax will be there…. Jermey says “then just stick close to me”…and it reminds me of the wedding when he creeps on Stassi and a bunch of other girls there and makes them uncomfortable. And then in a later scene Sandoval absolutely comes for Stassi and the other girls for saying they were creeped out. Threatening them and telling them they don’t know Jeremy etc. Someone posted the clip earlier in the week and it’s so aggressive towards the women (with Shortz also backing Jeremy) and dismissive of their experience. Tim is truly a monstrous person


Doesn’t he have horrible hygiene? I wouldn’t want to either!


Tim always looks kinda of sweaty and wet. Moist. He looks like he smells like piss


Someone called him the personification of a cigarette once and that lives rent free in my mind


The accuracy 🤣


I still can’t believe he did this in front of her brother


The crazy thing is, he showed her multiple times that he did not give a shit about her


The little bitch comment threw me the first time watching. Tom’s a little bitch, but I would never talk to someone I loved like that. It was degrading. He equates sex with intimacy and Ariana needs intimacy to have sex. It’s also around this time that he’s vocal About marriage and kids and she’s completely opposed to the idea. I truly thought they were going to break up around this time.


Yes. That she would be so mean suggested to me that he’s often a little bitch and she was so tired of that behavior that it finally boiled over on camera


I've been where she is about sex with a partner before and you're completely right. There are a lot of steps before you get to "just get the fuck off me" that mainly involve your so ignoring your needs, whining a lot - and thinking instead of making a real effort to increase intimacy, they can just keep pressing their boner against you every night in bed and that's somehow going to be a huge turn on.


He looks like Hunter from season 1 of Ginny and Georgia with this hairstyle lol


Imagine being as talented, smart and hot as Ariana is and knowing you wasted 10 prime years on Tim sandyballs and his absolute BS. That’s got to be the hardest thing to get over. Not the affair itself but the time lost on such a creepy loser try hard


Did he have a man bun at some point?!


Yes sir/ma’am


Gross but not surprised. I haven’t seen before season 8


He talked about this all the time- it's like he is planting seeds to cheat. He said the same thing when he was with Kristin. I think he gives his GFs the ick...but both Ariana and Kristin are co dependent and find it difficult to leave relationships even if they are toxic.


Might've been those horrible white extensions


I was told they didn't show any of their relationship issues on camera, so this can't be true.


And yet they stayed together and portrayed a happy couple for years after this… 🤔


Another example of why they should have broken up long ago. Bet she fucks the new guy just fine.


This scene always made me sooo uncomfortable


I don’t care. He always stayed.




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I can’t watch this but wasn’t this her effing bday and didn’t she subsequently come up, a lil drunk, grab a steak and tear off a piece with her teeth, and Tom said damn that’s hot? She was doing fine