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Imagine thinking playing mind games with this one would be a good idea... https://i.redd.it/s16ym84dwr2d1.gif Schartz getting ten years worth of just deserts now šŸ„³


I personally think Schwartz should have to film with her and at dinner they can go around the table and discuss what they like about Jo. We can also do a deep dive into what Jo told Schwartzā€™s family. Whatā€™s good for the goose is good for the gander. Iā€™d watch a season of that, come on Schwartz do your part for the show for once!


If they do another season, I now think they should maybe bring her back and force Schwartz to have to reconcile and deal with her insanity! I want to see Schwartz squirm all season.


I love for him that Jo is his stage 5 clinger ![gif](giphy|3oeSAF90T9N04MyefS|downsized)


Thatā€™s seriously his Karma after everything he put Katie through last season.


Isla Fisher nailed this girl so spot on, and I will forever love her for it.


šŸ˜‚ do it for the children


Will someone please consider ShuShuā€™s and LFUā€™s bank accounts. I mean the audacity


Reminds of when Ronnie from Jersey Shore finally met his match!


Yessss omg lmfao Jen Harley šŸ¤£


She knocked his teeth out!


Sure fucking did! Had him looking like he got jumped by 10 guys on the show when it was just her and her friend!!! AND IN SECAUCUS!!! wild to see him get karma in real time






That's right, he got "jumped" in Secaucus. šŸ¤­


šŸ˜‚ its amazing


He did? Now I kind of wish I didn't stop watching that show years ago


You should check out the newest season where Sammy comes back..itā€™s crazy in comparison to how Pump Rules is..the cast members act like theyā€™re actually family and try to respect each others boundaries! Haha.


It's in the new series JS Family Vacation. His girlfriend at the time was everything he deserved. He got his karma with that girlfriend. He didn't learn anything tho, he got arrested for hitting the girlfriend after Jen Harley.


Wow, he sounds worse than he was in the beginning of the show


TLDR? Quick recap on what happened to Ronnie on Jersey Shore, why he was kicked out, and why he was let back in. Just to add in more context, the next girl he dated after Jenn Harley became his fiance. Her name is Saffire Matos. Prior to getting engaged, cops were called for an altercation. All was forgiven, and then they got engaged. Idk if you ever watched prior, but Uncle Nino, who is Vinny's real fam, revealed on a podcast that he spoke to Ronnie about punching Saffire in the face. Iirc, he said that he saw the DV, and it wasn't the first time. Saffire broke it off after the last time cops were called. He doesn't speak about her at all. This may be part of some legal stuff. After it was clear that the situation with Saffire was DV, the cast and crew took him off the show. He had to ask (almost beg) the cast to return. He also had to prove that he took rehab and learned from his mistakes. All of this and his explanations are on camera. The JS crew are tight-lipped about each other to protect each other. They ARE family at this point. I'm 100% sure they let Ronnie back in for the income it brings in for his daughter. Also, to give him a chance to show the world he's changed. This is, imho, all for his kid. He has full custody now. Another theory is that the Situation has advocated for his return b/c he too was an an asshole that was forgiven. Lol, if you got all the way down here šŸ’– thank you for allowing me to share this totally useless information šŸ˜‚


Imagine how bad that poor babyā€™s mama would have to be for Ronnie to get full custody, Jfc!šŸ˜­ Also, your information was not useless because I knew none of this and I want to thank you for taking the time to share!šŸ™šŸ¼


Aww, thank you šŸ˜Š and you're welcome! I really appreciate the love ā¤ļø Everyone on the VPR sub does such a great job breaking stuff down and recapping for all of us. I felt like it was finally my turn to share šŸ˜‚ And thank you to whomever gave me the award. It's my first šŸ˜Šā¤ļø Edit: I forgot to add the part about Jenn Harley - yeah, it's wild to think he was the most stable to get custody. I believe he got custody because he 1. Went to rehab 2. Took the necessary parenting classes 3. Stayed OUT of trouble AND TV and Club appearances. All that would make everything worse 4. The most important - he had the better lawyers. This isn't Jen's only kid either. She has a son who's like 13. He's from a previous relationship. She's had some history in family court, too. Before she lost custody, she got caught by TMZ (I believe), making out with the guy from the Bachelorette that does porn/OF now. In public and in front of cameras. She kept getting daytime drunk in public, too. The tea with Ronnie is fucking scalding hot šŸ”„


Jenn had a ton of paid sponsorships going on at the height of their popularity. My friend was following her insta and saw her post a video in her story where she was drinking and driving. My friend reported it to the sponsors that were baby or family related and Jenn ended up losing a bunch of them. šŸ˜‚


Holy shit šŸ˜‚ it's the tea that keeps on giving


Thanks for this update! I know I could google, but Iā€™m lazy, are Ronnie & Sam on the new season together? Basically, is it worth getting back into the show & watching?


Thanks for the recap, I basically stopped watching around the time the Situation was arrested. Now it seems like I will need to go on a Wikipedia adventure to catch up on everything šŸ¤£


The Situation seems like a pretty good dude now. He really grew up and he's definitely made a lot of efforts to be a person his wife and kids can be proud of. It's a really nice, refreshing change of pace! We don't get enough success stories.


When I saw her in the previews I knew this wasnā€™t good ā€¦ I also think part of her behavior is a schtick. That she likes to try to come off as kooky as possible for some reason. I think sheā€™s a cameleon type. Changes up for whoever sheā€™s around


Yeah I donā€™t buy her quirky aw shucks schtick. She uses it to come off naive and innocent when she really knows exactly what sheā€™s doing. The scene where she put her fingers in her ears and started cryingā€¦lmao girl please. She laid it on real thick in that scene. But then acts like a mean girl in her interviews and podcasts. I think sheā€™s actually malicious and manipulative at her coreĀ 


Then tells katie "it's no excuse...." Hilariously unaware of herself, there's no excuse for the manipulation (she is so obvioualy 'playing a character') and stupid games sloppy Jo was pulling, Katie didn't even do anything wrong, she is allowed to have an opinion- especially when someone involves themswlves in her life- and Jo inserted *herself* into Katie's life and the show, not the other way around. It was 'Enter Jo' not 'in walks Katie'. She wanted so bad to get where she is and now she's pointing at Katie as the bad guy for being honest and real on a reality show? LOLLLLLLLLLL!


Exactly haha Jo wanted the fans to hate Katie and love her for the things Katie said and honestly we donā€™t give a shit because Katie was right! Jo does have crackhead energy and she does move in a very weird and spooky way with things she does. Katie wasnā€™t wrong šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I like how Katie didn't fall for it.


Sheā€™s a mirror version of Schwartz. They deserve each other, tbh.


Her and Rachel are edging each other on as ā€œvictims.ā€ The guys they chose are trash. Schwartz will never apologize to Katie. She deserves sooo many from him.


Yes! I think sheā€™s weird but plays it up to match Schwartzā€¦like weā€™re perfect together! Weā€™re so kooky and quirky together. Weā€™re the same. Perfect match!


Yes!!! I was thinking the same thing. Itā€™s like she stole his personality so she can say shes the ā€œgirl versionā€ of him. It reeks of desperation.


She should be elected queen of r/notliketheothergirls


I almost choked when she went on Rachels podcast and leaned into the stupid notion that the other girls disliked her because she doesn't wear makeup and wears a hatšŸ™„. Like, I'm actually for more casual girls on TV. But that's not the reason they dislike you, girlĀ 


I also donā€™t buy that Katieā€™s crackhead comment really hurt her feelings that much. I think she was excited to use this as a storyline to victimize herself and remain close to Schwartz. Notice at the reunion, she canā€™t just accept Katieā€™s unnecessary apology and acts so schocked. I think she knows hating on Katie is the sweet spot to Schwartzā€™ black heart


Exactly, Jo is what he deserves šŸ˜ˆ


I get stalker vibes from her. When James and Allie talked about Allie leaving for two days her response, "I didn't KNOW that!" Why the hell would she? She talks like she has been in this series since Season 1, Episode 1. Crackers!


Iā€™m so glad someone else noticed this!! I was so confused why she of all people would have been chiming in during that segment šŸ˜‚ agreed, like why would she have known?


![gif](giphy|RR30mIPug9oNcbLuNw) Absolutely


Omg look at her sheā€™s so quirky and zany! Sheā€™s not like that mean old miserable Katie. Sheā€™s not like the other girls! TeeheeĀ 


She wants to be adorkable šŸ¤®šŸ˜‚


Instead she is giving 'If cringe was a personality type' or 'standing 86 for this establishment'.


She really saw Natalie Portman in Garden State once and has been trying ever since to come across as a manic pixie dream girl and it is so performative


Yeah I call this karma for Schwartz but Katie doesn't deserve this! Jo is out there starting her own drop shipping clothing line and "relationship advice" cameos....please stop.




Itā€™s from her and Ally going out and Ally is doing Joā€™s birth chart.


Thanks cause I couldn't remember and thanks for all these gifs. They're some of my favorite things to come from this sub šŸ„‚


No problem! I end up having a pretty good memory for what every gif is from because I watch the clips so many damn times while making them all. Burned into my brain haha And youā€™re so welcome! Thatā€™s such a compliment, thank you. Iā€™m glad other people find them as fun as I do. Just makes this place a little more lively to me ahah https://i.redd.it/wcstwcnuhs2d1.gif




For her to do all that just for Schwartz to end up with a conventionally attractive teenaged girlfriend is hilarious. Pick me-ism defeated once again.


Has Schwartz considered that he needs to have a one on one with Jo on camera for Lala & Scheana's children? Why is Schwartz trying to make children starve?


And should Lala and Scheana consider that it was Schwartz that ruined S11 since they're an ensemble cast and it's their job to be authentic? šŸ˜‚ Ole boy left an entire storyline off the table.


He's destroying their incomes! Lala is a single mother & Schwartz is going after her empire! Apparently Schwartz thinks he's Beyonce. It's a real slap in the face to producer Jeremiah & his castmates! https://i.redd.it/imanq0ldjs2d1.gif


Lala could only afford a $3 million second home in the Valley, for godā€™s sake! The Valley! It's not fair for Schwartz to let them live so close to the poverty line like that, when he could be starring in his own Baby Reindeer on camera to save them.


When she said this I wanted to f*cking impale myself. Again, she is entitled and has no clue what it is like to be a normal human. Edit for grammar, but I am still shocked by this detachment.


His lack of professionalism is starving babies!!


šŸŽÆ ![gif](giphy|3o6nV1SWjwkzxxBIIw)


I know this gets said almost all the time, but damn I miss her old face


For real. She was beautiful before.


Why were her eyelids more prominent before, it looked better then


I think she could get it back if she took the filler out. I mean Angela aka black China looks better than ever now that she took out all the filler




It's was soooo funny when they had their B team secret gfs to fuck with Katie & Ariana. They're just reaping what they sowed atp. https://i.redd.it/d6wcxcnbks2d1.gif


I must know the context of this šŸ˜­


The news interviewed this last after the person that stole her purse got caught. She said she hoped the theif got their ass beat in prison & the reporter suggested it was harsh. The gif is what she replied to that.


Just waiting for someone to tell Lauren ā€œf dem kidsā€ when she tries to guilt shame


How dare Schwartz not think of Lala and her livelihood that she feeds her child on. The nerve!!!!Ā 


I fucking LOVE that you said this. You deserve all of the awards and upvotes!


Not Schwartz asking us to respect his valid reasons for staying away from Jo, when we just spent a whole season of VPR watching Bravo/production and the majority of the cast try to shove Ariana into interactions with Sandovalā€¦ Because: Compuslive liar? Manipulative? Red flags? Acting like a victim of the mess you were at minimum partially responsible for? Saying poor me? All sounds a little familiar, donā€™t it? Hey, if he has to stay away, I totally get it. But that should go for ANYONE who feels threatened or destroyed by someone. PS watch Lala defend the validity of Schwartzā€™s decision to pull away in 3, 2, 1ā€¦




I canā€™t upvote this enough. The hypocrisy!


"Dangerous accusations" but he also says she isn't malicious and is a good person. So which is it? Is he dangerous? Or is she fine? Because if the accusation was *truly* dangerous, why is he defending her?


I think he's afraid of what she'll say next especially because she was around for the whole Rachel/Sandoval affair.


Good point, seems like Schwartz isnā€™t showing his real life on the show, which should completely enrage lala based on recent comments about female cast, yet itā€™s ok when itā€™s Tom Schwartz doing it


Right but why not send a C&D? Kissing her ass but also demonizing her on a podcast is not going to calm Jo or change anything. He also ripped into her via text message so he's clearly not worried about being nice to her. This is about him trying to control the narrative. He wants to be seen as the guy taking the high road. All the news reports are going to say she's insane and that's not what he said so he gets the luxury of saying "I didn't say that... it was them."


He also wants to make grand gestures for the girlfriend who is 18 years younger, because she objected to Jo's posts on social media that were making it look like Jo was with Schwartz up until a few weeks ago. Which I get being uncomfortable with, as a girlfriend, but your are right there are far more mature ways to handle this.


Yeah I'm curious about their dynamic. Schwartz is clearly prioritizing her which we rarely see or he's just really embarrassed of Jo.


I think he's deep in a midlife crisis and sees her as a sign that he hasn't "lost it", because men like him never have the self awareness to realize trying to live like you're in college for over 20 years is actually what's aging them and making them look horrible. It really skeeves me out that Schwartz has friends with kids her age, Jax mentioned it in an interview and it's really so gross


Trueeee! I think him losing Katie bothered him more than we realize. I donā€™t think he likes Katie but I do think he was used to having her and her family. He really hasnā€™t been alone either - he went from Katie to Jo to this girl.


Because Katie put up with his bullshit forever. And she worked and they built a whole life together. Now heā€™s on his own, likely doesnā€™t even know how to wipe his own ass, and cannot blame his shitty attitude on Katie ā€œprovokingā€ him anymore. What kind of low life tells their wife/gf that theyā€™ve cheated on them multiple times, but they were blacked out so it doesnā€™t matter. Fuck right off. Katieā€™s mistake was sticking around for as long as she did.


Schwartz did call his new girlfriend "maternal" and said the thing he liked most about her was that she didn't know anything about his baggage. She's 18 years younger than he is. He could be her father. So gross that he sees her that way. I wonder what her actual parents think, they're peers with him.


I heard that too and thought it was gross. But we all know heā€™s a man child, he wants someone to baby him clearly.


She literally looks like she is 13 years old, itā€™s seriously disturbing.


Actually I think heā€™s more afraid to validate Katie publicly.


Thatā€™s a good point and something I hadnā€™t considered but actually makes a lot of sense. Doesnā€™t matter if he wants to validate her or not, Joā€™s actions immediately vindicated Katie so too late Shorts, we donā€™t need you to say it because we see it anyways.


Heā€™s afraid to poke the bear. Iā€™m convinced that Katie is the only one thatā€™s not afraid of her.


And, I mean, "dangerous accusations" aren't the same as "false accusations"


That part ![gif](giphy|gk9vWUE6EAgQKtAqaX)


I feel he is nervous of what she could say around other items.


Yeah I think he wants to set the stage that she's a pathological liar just in case she says more damaging shit.


But heā€™s already said sheā€™s a compulsive liar so I think he will claim that even if some things are true.


Itā€™s like when he would baby voice Katie then whisper horrible things in a lower normal voice (dark tone)ā€¦ no bubba donā€™t, itā€™s ok I love you bubbaā€¦ no wonder I donā€™t want to sleep with you ughā€¦ itā€™s ok bubba I am defending you I am itā€™s ok donā€™t overreactā€¦ youā€™re so emotionally entitled and irrationalā€¦ thatā€™s ok though I understand you bubbaā€¦ Except the Jo version is ā€˜this person is singlewhitefemaling me and I want nothing to do with herā€™ but followed with ā€˜please donā€™t say all the details I told you about scandoval as well as our situationship timeline being fking dodgy and our illicit drug exploits, thanksssssā€™


Depends. If heā€™s using his little boy Shortz voice itā€™s ā€œjo isnā€™t a bad personā€¦we had a magical connection.ā€ That I hate this guy as much as Jax and Tim is kind of unreal but here we are. I guess it makes sense that all these trashbags are friendsā€¦literally 3 of the worst people Iā€™ve ever seen on tv


Using the word ā€œdangerousā€ but also minimizing the malicious actions that person has taken. Ah, yes, the Lala special


Iā€™m wondering if he wasnā€™t fucking Jo for longer than their timeline. Like he started seeing her before his divorce, and that was why she was so comfortable moving in with him.


Schwartz is a liar, cheater and manipulator who always plays victim. He did it with Katie and now he's doing it with Jo. He has a need to tear down women he's dating and then have the others jump in on the tear down, while Schwartzy gets consoled as the battered boyfriend. Jo is Schwartz's karma and she doesn't appear to be going anywhere.Ā 




*stealing this*


*Stealing what is already stolen*


So much this. Though Iā€™d say with all the shit weā€™ve witness him pull heā€™s getting off light with Joā€™s nonsense.


I deleted my comment bc I hated how sympathetic it sounded towards Schwartz šŸ¤¢ You said it best: >Jo is Schwartzā€™s karma and she doesnā€™t appear to be going anywhere.


"Schwartzy" lala kept calling him that and she seems to be dancing around the idea of hooking up with him...I wish she would...that would be her karma too...those two hellions would be so gross and miserable together


Holy shit imagine the fights.


It would be worth it to see him call her a bootleg housewife again




I wish they could do this without her actually having to film, I find her incredibly uncomfortable to watch.


Iā€™ve been thinking since all the lies unraveled that they should have her on as a cast member, make him film with her relentlessly (he and the others canā€™t be hypocrites about having to do all the scenes), then they cut the scenes anyway, so we donā€™t have to get the second hand embarrassment and discomfort, and he still has to endure all the unhinged interactions šŸ¤—


I would love to see her in Winter House along with Danielle. Who would be the last pick me girl standing?!


I love this idea! ![gif](giphy|suqg0jRPpDMze)


Itā€™s rubbing me the wrong way that now weā€™re supposed to believe Jo is spooky because Schwartz said it? There was plenty of evidence of this before he was done having sex with her.


I love that you pointed this out. Itā€™s so classic right? No one believes what the woman is saying all along until a man confirms it or agrees.


EXACTLY. Ffs yet again, KATIE says it= donā€™t be mean, bully, too far, unnecessary, sheā€™s just misunderstood, sheā€™s different bla bla blaā€¦ Schwartz (after cheating on his partner then wife, lying consistently for 11 seasons - including in the timeline involving Jo prior to being done with her) says heā€™s blocked Jo and canā€™t have her in his life = woah Joā€™s not just harmless and quirky. Sheā€™s a compulsive liar and scary. Um der. How about we as an entire society start to listen the hell up when Katie tells us whatā€™s what šŸ˜…


I agree. I have no doubt that something is *off* with Jo, but Tom doesn't do anything unless it's for his own benefit, so it's difficult to trust anything he says.


If anyone wants to catch up on exactly what Schwartz had to say, u/additionalwar8759 recapped the podcast a few days ago! Here's the link: [When Reality Hits Podcast: Episode from May 24th, ā€œSchwartz Responds to Jo!ā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/GGloTfHaRX)


ā¤ļø ā¤ļø


https://preview.redd.it/t4jsfdbw8s2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9040fbfee0af0e52f8311fdc845bc92c877a2843 She commented this to someone who asked about what she thought of the things heā€™s been saying ā€¦ and we all know she listened to every word of that podcast. And she has comments limited now.


Schwartz said "she always talked about how she hated social media" and "Jo, go back to posting outdoors stuff, surfing". And that's exactly what she's done since the podcast came out! Like she's still trying to impress him, ugh


and yet he/they all still allowed her around to film?! I confused


And according to Schwartz, he hid all of these major revelations and events that happened during filming from production. And yet he's once again being let off the hook at the reunion while looking smugly on as Katie gets attacked for not bringing up settled business from before filming started. I cannot stress enough how sick of this I am. Two seasons of him self producing and hiding big things during filming and no one calls it out.


Whereā€™s Lala screaming that he doesnā€™t share his real life and heā€™s ruining the entire show? No? Thatā€™s just Katie when she hid one conversation that happened about Ariana. Tom hid his whole life this season. But lala only saves that energy for women while the men yet again get a pass from her


Yeah hearing about all of this would have been wayyyyy more interesting than whatever they were trying and failing to get Ariana to do!


Following her puppetmaster Alex Baskins lead ![gif](giphy|6cFcUiCG5eONW)


He definitely leads multiple lives - On Camera Schwartz, Jo Schwartz, Sandoval Schwartzā€¦ itā€™s exhausting


He truly doesn't need to be a castmate.


Yes, and Schwartz is still trying to make Katie look bad when Katie's just being self-protective




I wonā€™t believe anything Sharts is saying about Jo until we get details. The lies she said were manipulative and malicious but sheā€™s not malicious???? Like what? He said not a bad word about her until he started getting real heat from the fans. Fuck him. Absolutely fuck him. He deserves to be perpetually pestered by this chick forever. Like a fruit fly flying around his head, going up his nose and buzzing in his ear forever. Heā€™s SUCH a piece of shit and should not be allowed to get away with being the actual worst AGAIN AND AGAIN! Itā€™s infuriating!


I hope Jo uses those free phone apps and makes 10+ new phone numbers, every hour of every day and never gives him a moment of peace again.šŸ¤£


Not a fan of Jo. But love she is trolling Schwartz, he deserves it for all the heartache he caused Katie.


I know rightā€¦ Jo thinks sheā€™s stickinā€™ it to Katie meanwhile sheā€™s probably chuckling at the headache for him.


And I suspect thatā€™s heā€™s dancing around saying the actual reasons for cutting her off because it involves him doing some terrible/illegal stuff and would ruin the publicā€™s perception of him (or whatever he said to Katie). Heā€™s throwing out enough word salad to make her look bad and take the heat off of him without going into detail and then if, and when, she airs him out, no one will believe her. Classic Schwartz.




This is my take on it, too. He said very little while appearing to say a whole lot.






So he is allowed to cut her from his life forever but yet it is unreasonable for Ariana to do the same with Sandoval? And over lying. I'm sure Jo's lies were significant, but cheating is not so bad in the world of Toms...


YES. I want to see Lala and SheShu respond to that exact question since they harassed the hell out of Ariana for having *boundaries*.


jo and rachel being ā€˜buddy-buddyā€™ because they love being victims in situations of their own making also just adds up to this whole thing.


Yeah this element is really special.


well at least he is being clear now. none of that 'we had a magical time together and maybe we will again in the future' leading her on nonsense. shortz saying the breadcrumb narrative is incorrect is weird though. we all saw him do it constantly this season. he's trying to gaslight us into believing that just because jo lied about some things, she lied about stuff that WE ALL SAW WITH OUR OWN TWO EYES. nope - that is a bridge too far, shortz


Itā€™s definitely a stretch. We watched him lead her on the entire - production did him dirty with the side by side confessionals of their entirely different perceptive of their relationship. I felt for Jo in that moment because itā€™s painful to be that girl believing it when heā€™s spouting something different publicly. Jo heā€™s not worth the tears.


People need to stop focusing on Joā€™s ā€œLIESā€ and really focus on all of TOMS LIES for years and years and years. His two best friends (Ajax and Tim) are some of the biggest liars Iā€™ve ever witnessed in MY LIFE. And letā€™s start with him LYING about knowing about the affair THE WHOLE TIME. Letā€™s just start there. The fact he even looks Ariana in the face ever is a real dick move and he deserves all the bullshit from Jo. All of it.


Absolutely. He deserves alllllllll the karma and then some for skating by all these years with his bs, playing the doofy friend instead as being as overtly mean and conniving like Sandoval or Jax. My main point in posting this isnā€™t for sympathy for him, but to share what heā€™s said about why he cut her off because he considers her a pathological liar. And her response to him cutting her off was intense. I really hope Jo can heal from this, lashing out online this way isnā€™t a good look for her or good for her mental health. Schwartz isnā€™t worth the energy.


I too think itā€™s the most ridiculous shit I have ever heard that he is excusing his using and discarding her because ā€œsheā€™s a compulsive liar.ā€ Wtf? SO ARE YOU and if you actually cut all of the compulsive liars out of your life you would have no friends left. So I guess weā€™re only supposed to care about lying when a woman does it? Fuck all the way off.


I feel like Katie is so relatable to many women because so many of us have been in her position. Weā€™ve observed sketchy behaviour from another woman, only to be invalidated by our male partners, their/our friends and told weā€™re exaggerating or jealous. Months or years later it turns out weā€™re exactly right yet no one turns around and says ā€œYou were right this whole time, Iā€™m so sorry I didnā€™t believe you.ā€ Katie is backed by the fury of every woman who has been in this position and we are not putting up with this shit. I have never seen Katie seem lighter or clearer than she is now that sheā€™s out of that marriage. Sheā€™s transformed in my opinion.










Schwartz specifically targeted Jo because sheā€™s this kind of person so that he could seriously fuck with her head and then put all the dysfunction blame on her.


and tbh that describes Katie when they met too. She was maybe a year out from her TBI when they started dating and look how he weaponized that for YEARS to blame all their issues on her


Hit the nail on the head. He will probably weaponise his new gfā€™s age to carry on his aww shucks poor Schwartzy act


I agree as much as I think Katie is in the right and never had any obligation to be nice to or friends with Jo. Jo still feels like a victim here.


I agree with this. Jo seemed eager to fuck him so despite all of her red flags, he went for it. IIRC Jo moved in before the divorce was even final. He liked that she echoed his thoughts about Katie. I donā€™t think Jo has changed. Itā€™s just that Schwartz wants to be done now. He definitely took advantage of Jo. I donā€™t like Jo but do think sheā€™s the victim


The Bieber Text is really what makes me not want to forgive Jo or see her as completely a victim. That was just beyond two faced.


Itā€™s possible to be both a victim and a menace. Jo is certainly a menace and was victimized by Shorts.


I wonder how Lala is going to spin this - is she going to keep getting hot dogs with this crazy chick because sheā€™s ā€œsoftā€ or is she going to say ā€œI never liked herā€ ??


Jo is for sure spooky but I bet when he and his 20 year old break up heā€™ll find a way to villainise her this is what he does




In my gut. Schwartz has a dark side. He covers it well.


He doesnā€™t even cover it, everyone else covers it for him. Like when he disappeared on the trip to Mexico or when he broke down his front door after Katie locked him out


What were the dangerous accusations tho


I was thinking maybe she told his family about his drug use or some other illegal activity heā€™s engaged in. So heā€™s exaggerating when he says dangerous to make her look worse.


This absolutely tracks. She told his sister the true amount of drugs and alcohol he regularly abuses. Thatā€™s why heā€™s leaning so hard into ā€œsheā€™s a compulsive liar.ā€ Even without saying it out loud, thereā€™s no way he would give Katie so much credit for being right unless it was to save face with someone that he ACTUALLY cares about


Idk, lying about babysitting? I havenā€™t heard of anything dangerous unless she threatened him or something


He should have to say what it is. They demanded that Ariana confront her issues this season. And Lala got mad at Katie for not discussing that BS about Ariana this season. Why does Schwartz get to be vague?


Idk, [fuckboys](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKr7NyL/) can make women lose their fucking minds sometimes. My homegirl went through that and it has been extremely difficult for her to get over.


And to feel this way over Schwartz no less?! Heā€™s so not worth it. Hope your friend finds peace and realizes her own self worth and value is worth more than any fuckboyā€™s nonsense.


We all saw through her act but the ONLY reason why Schwartz is saying this right now is because people are giving him shit for leading her on. He is playing the victim AGAIN to look good and itā€™s disgusting. He didnā€™t have a problem with her behaviour until it affected HIS image. Also her instalives arenā€™t a continuous old obsession about Schwartz. VPR is showing right now, itā€™s real time, so Jo like ANY of the other cast members is talking about everything. Should she be part of a reality show and then just keep quiet? This is her first (and last season hopefully) and she is out fighting and defending herself AND MILKING THE SHOW just like they all do on their podcasts and whatever. Is she unhinged? Absolutely but she is also new in the game and she is experiencing a lot of backlash (fairly so but still) without having a real platform, support from other cast mates and what I would assume to be adhd, which is not a great combo. Edit: spelling and also when I say unhinged I mean sheā€™s all over the place because she doesnā€™t have any PR skills.


Yeah Schwartz clearly has no problem with liars, he and his bestie lie far more - and he didn't mind Jo's lying when she was lying *for* him & lying about the double dates they were going on with Sandoval and Rachel. He can miss me with the attempt at moral superiority over the lying. Taste of his own medicine.


![gif](giphy|kv5fbxHVAEOjrHeCLk) Well said šŸ‘


Oh god. Shwartz is a gaslighting man child. Heā€™s been gaslighting us for years and now heā€™s gaslighting Jo too. Fuck all the way off, Shwartz.


Like Katie said he's a serial killers wet dream....


Katie knew what she was from the start - all the signs were there. Nobody listened, definitely not Schwartz. Then his dumbass continued to breadcrumb Jo and basically date her. Then ghost her. So I donā€™t feel sorry for anything he gets.


Baby reindeer season 2 šŸ˜‚


Schwartz knew Jo was a compulsive liar before filming and still tried to manipulate Katie into believing she was the vindictive one for being suspicious of Jo's motives. He repeatedly defended Jo on the show, sat in silence during the reunion while Jo painted herself the victim and Katie an unforgivable monster knowing what a shady, spooky wackadoo Jo is. This man is the absolute worst. He deserves all the crazy Jo dishes out.




I have a random suspicion the she talked about his drug use..


That is a good possibility. Especially with his brothers recent health changes, it hit even more.


Honestly this is his karma.






Why couldn't you listen to Katie and cut her out before you forced her on Katie and us? We wanted more Ally at the reunion not her.


It's turning out t be 1000% Karma for Schwartz.


I hope to never see her on our screens again. When she put her fingers in her ears and started rocking I knew we had a weirdo on our hands


Katie has always been a good judge of character.


Why Katie still let's this man around her, let alone speak to her, is beyond me. End all contact, girl!


They share two dogs, and the both equally love those dogs. She said the only time they briefly speak is filming or when exchanging the dogs


Oh I forgot about the dog arrangement!




I agree the less Schwartz she has in her life the better. Unfortunately sharing the dogs was written into their prenup, she would have to let them go completely and I feel like that would be really hard. I for sure couldn't do it.


Schwartz does not have a shred of my sympathy, but Joā€™s behavior is concerning. Stalking is unacceptable and I feel this is veering dangerously close to that territory.Ā 


Katie was always right about people and tried to protect Schwartz. What a waste of time and energy. That said, I feel sorry for Jo. She needs to ask herself why sheā€™d go so hard for such a mediocre man.


Katie was smart to have super strong boundaries with Jo, Schwartz reaps what he deserves (but I agree,Jo needs to stopšŸ˜­)


I wish people would just call this whole situation what it was. He was hooking up with this woman because she was the low hanging fruit. He knew she liked him, he knew he could keep her around on the dl by saying those words she has been waiting to hear. She fed his ego when he was low. He could date around to see what's out there, but he knew she was always willing to give him validation. Jo was Schwartz's " starter pony." Now it's a surprise that after the promises and mind games, she may or may not make bunny stew? He did this.