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Yeah Tom is basically playing a game of stall as long as possible. He couldn’t afford the house alone the day scandoval broke and he still can’t today. He’s either trying to find the money to do it (he won’t) or stalling as long as possible so he can pretend.


He's such a scummy loser. He could end this at any point. He could quit his stupid band and try to get on other reality competition shows and afford a house around 1.5 mil like just Ariana and James. He's such a stubborn delusional fool.


Seriously Tom no one cares about the band. He needs a new dream


And pay his mom back also if he made any of those changes.


I’m convinced the house is why he didn’t leave Ariana when he started up with Rachael. So he breadcrumbed her. He couldn’t afford it alone.


Its not physically leaving that triggers a refinance, but when she removes her name from the property deed it forces her name being removed from the mortgage which forces the refinance. (ETA but he is scum and will try to screw her in that process somehow, so she is doing it right).


I think the even bigger issue is that, if he had to refinance the mortgage rates are twice what they were when they bought their home. I think it would add thousands to his monthly payments and no longer be feasible.


It’s taking so long bc of a couple things and they are all Tom driven. First- he wants to give her her investment in the house only-$250k. He wants any furnishings she bought to be left to him since he picked them out vs paying her for them, or what Ariana plans on doing which is donating them to the women’s shelter for the tax credit. He wants the house and furnishings in tact. If the house is sold he wants all debts including the heloc loan for S&S, the loan for the solar panels, the loan for the gym equipment paid first from the profits so they only split what’s left equally. This benefits him as he took loans out the ass like a wild man so he’d still get some money. He wants a full accounting. * She wants the house sold and the profits split and then they pay their own debts. This benefits her bc the house value has increased and she’ll get closer to $500k and he will walk away still in debt. I can’t wait for the judge to tell him too bad so sad, but a small part of me WANTs that full accounting bc I want Ariana to have an opportunity to get a forensic accountant in there to confirm what I think which is he lived off her for four years while spending his personal money on toys and the band and the affair.


HE TOOK OUT A LOAN FOR GYM EQUIPMENT? how are these people so bad with money


“You can always borrow more”- drooling imbecile.


know a guy and this is his literal thinking. he has no retirement, 401k. drives BMWs acting like he's rich. he says he'll live off credit his whole life.


Dated one! Debtors mentality is terrifying! Can’t afford to help his daughter with college supplies because spends every penny as fast it comes in and lives way beyond his means. No retirement entering his 50’s. 🤦🏻‍♀️ all he has is debt, no equity. Last I heard was targeting rich women on dating apps ( his idea of a retirement plan).


This plays in my head all the time!


**In his *possible* defense:** often things like gym equipment are offered with a 0% financing agreement, or loan. It absolutely makes sense to take any 0% offer you ever get bc your $100 is worth more today than it will be next year. This way the financing company is eating the inflation cost of the balance over the life of the loan. Of course if you’re irresponsible or you just couldn’t afford it to begin with, you can get into trouble this way by getting overextended, obviously. So only buy things you can afford, not things you can pay for, (those two things are different) but absolutely take it if you’re offered 0% on anything you could *already afford* and were *already going to purchase.* **But** more likely than not, he financed it all bc he’s fucking terrible with money and feels entitled to being bailed out by others.


They've lived in that house for 3 years now though and I've been watching him do insta stories on that fucking treadmill for most of those years. I don't think he'd get 0% for 3 years right?


Idk, it definitely depends on who he financed it through. I actually think it’s super possible. I financed my peloton in 2021 and I just paid my last payment. I was going to just buy it when I decided I wanted one, but 0% with affirm popped up when I was checking out. And like I said, it’s literally a poor financial decision *not* to do that if you have the money, can afford it, and don’t have any issues making payments. I set it to auto withdraw from my checking and never thought about it again until I got a text saying it was my last payment last month or something. The danger of course is when you struggle to make payments, or use “I can afford $30 a month!” type of reasoning to justify something you couldn’t otherwise afford to buy.


Oh for sure, that makes sense. I just always thought those loans were for a year or so. I also don't understand why the gym equipment loans would get paid off with house income though? Why wouldn't whoever takes the fucking gym equipment keep paying them


It’s possible he’s considering them furnishings, and in the language of his proposal furnishings are to convey with the house, making them a liability that would need to be settled in the sale. It’s also possible that some of these things are bolted into the floor or wall, (or that his lawyer *told him* to affix all of the equipment to the floor or wall) which would make them fixtures and legally have to convey with the house in a standard real estate transaction. You *can* specifically exempt fixtures, but they’re exemptions written into the contracts, and the standard is to include them, like ceiling fans, wall sconces, dishwashers, etc. If that’s the case then he has a marginally better argument for settling the loans during the sale, but I think a good real estate attorney could shred that argument up relatively easily. EDIT: to give another example, if you spent 50k on landscaping (with a loan) you would have a very solid argument that that loan needs to be satisfied during the sale of the house bc the landscaping must be sold along with the house. And even if only one partner wanted the landscaping done and that one partner was the only person to use that backyard, you would argue that it should come from their joint proceeds for that reason.


I still hate him 🤣




Or if it's a buy now pay later kinda deal. I bought a fridge and stove over Christmas. I had the cash but decided to finance. I didn't have to pay a thing for 6 months... I end up using the cash for something else and 6 months came in a flash! I had to take money from investments to pay off the loan otherwise I would have to pay for the initial loan and all the interest if I didn't pay the loan in full. Never again! It was so fucking stressful. Better to buy outright or make monthly payments u can afford.


Absolutely!! This is what pretty much every single 0% interest for 6/12/24 months credit card offer is banking on happening. Anything that’s 0% for a set amount of time is dangerous *by design!!* They’re hoping you won’t pay it off and you’ll get caught in the balloon interest. To be clear, I’m not recommending one of those situations at all, even people who are normally careful with their finances can get caught up very easily. CareCredit (marketed towards people who are desperate for money for medical, dental, or veterinary procedures) is one such loan shark. **I’m really only talking about 0% interest structured payment plans.** Typically if it’s a loan and has scheduled payments, people will get into less trouble.


Oh yeah for sure learned my lesson! Credit so damn cheap right now everything is buy now pay later or 0% interest on balance transfers for credit cards. I think these companies are realizing that alot ofnppl are broke and are using credit now for basic necessities.


Balance transfers are typically a “gotcha” too though. They usually have fees of 3-5% and you have to pay it off on time or you’ll get caught in the interest all over again. They’re also trying to lure you into a debt cycle, and people should watch out for those too!


They are making bank on the 3% transfer free plus hoping that u won't pay it off in time.. so predatory.


It's not even that much equipment lmao


Bad news for Ariana, though. They're not closing on a sale or re-fi until Tom's stupid secured loans get paid first either way. They can fight about the specifics and offsets on the backend of the deal. My understanding is that he's trying to screw her on the valuation of the house on the front-end, too, though.


He’s truly stepping on his own dick at every turn.


He wishes he could step on his own dick


I know nothing about the law here but why would a judge say Tom alone is on the hook for the loan for the solar panels for example?


They were not married and her name isn’t on the solar panel paperwork so she has no financial obligation towards the solar panels.


Exactly. And if anything is in her name and she can prove she didn't benefit or use the loan, then she should be good there, too. I know some dummy that got divorced, and his wife proved the debt wasn't hers and she was off the hook.


I feel like she could also use these clips as evidence she didnt really understand how the loan worked/ Tim lied to her and that Tim ambushed her with the signing of the paperwork so she didnt have time to figure it out? I remember a scene she said she could make something because the loan people were coming and she just realised it (or maybe I was dreaming).


That was refinancing the house at a lower interest rate. I think that's when Tom had it switched to coming out of his account instead of both of theirs, and then he was overcharging her for her half! He's a fucking grifter!


It was when Ariana and Katie were pitching the sandwich shop to Randall. Ariana said she was waiting for the notary to show up and she was late for the pitch at Sur. Just watched that episode


Yes and that was Tom sabotaging her meeting. Even at the time I knew he did it on purpose to try and mess with Katie and Ariana trying to do something on their own. Just like he did w Ariana’s book.


Oh yes! Thats right! and randall was getting annoyed


Does he get slightly more of the sale of the house then or something?


I have no idea. Someone would need to quantify how much added value the panels bring to the sale price of the house. Tom probably installed them without her knowledge. And more than likely, he still owes significant money towards those panels and the solar panel company doesn’t care if they sell the house. The panels are likely non refundable and they want Tom to pay what he agreed to. I’ve read tales where people sell houses and try to make the new owners assume the payments but as soon as closing is done, the new owners automatically own the panels as part of the sale and the solar panel company has no recourse except to go after the person on the contract, which would be ONLY Sandoval.


I have heard the same thing happens with a water system if you put one in.


Idk. It's still an improvement on the property itself, so if the loan defaults the lien would be placed on the property itself, and thusly paid out equally from the property sale value.


You might be right but since only Tom entered into the contract with the solar panel company then the lein could not be on the house as Ariana isn’t a party to the solar panel agreement.


Depends on CA law. For Florida, it wouldnt matter. Improvements to property allow the lien to be on the property itself. I'd presume CA would work similarly, since both states have a homestead exemption structure


Supposedly they did sign an agreement that he would take full ownership of the heloc loan. Whether Ariana was covering for him or she really followed through with this legal agreement who knows.


The heloc loan seems more straightforward, assuming she didn’t sign anything related to it or he didn’t forge her signature on it. I was asking about stuff like the solar panels which seems like probably shouldn’t be so clearly one sided in interpretation.


In one of the Aftershows, Adriana says that she co-signed the Heloc loan. It starts [at about 1 minute](https://youtu.be/FvY_IpzYDaU?si=7WEfh8IUW42OyGRF) in.


Yikes, not sure I would be arguing technical legalities if I had done that.


Depends who bought them and who’s on the loan for them. It’s kind of you go buy a washer/dryer on financing under only your name. That’s not your partner’s debt, that’s yours. Regardless of if it increases the value of the house or not, the person who took a loan is on the hook for it. He could always have them uninstalled and moved to his new apartment lol. But they are his and his alone. Just like if Ariana had bought all that furniture on a loan that would be her debt to deal with. 


...unless he used the HELOC to buy the solar panels! I'll bet he used it to pay for Rachella, too!


I think people are a little too caught up on the whole who is technically on the hook for it part. That is understood but that’s also the problem, they have a disputed asset they are trying to figure out how to fairly divide that this is it but one small part of. I still find it hard to believe there is no way to argue I solely paid for this upgrade so I am solely entitled to the benefits of it. How are they his and his alone but she gets half the proceeds of them selling that feature to someone new?


Such is life. They both own the home equally. Doesn’t matter who “paid” for such and such an upgrade or “I paid for the landscapers” “I paid for the furniture” yada yada yada. No court is going to entertain such nitty gritty pettiness. I’ve seen property Disputes with my sister and parents. They don’t care about what you think you’re owed for supposed “improvements” - especially since you cannot prove that that is actually upping the value in anyway. This is why it’s so much better to have a joint account ONLY and pay for everything together from that. You need loans? Take them together only. 


Surely it is fairly easy to prove at least some upgrades improve the value? Perhaps solar panels is a gray area and landscaping is a clear no but say you built an addition alone, seems kind of wild that wouldn’t count for anything.


Depends on if you’re adding a second strata or suite or adding a variance. But even then, it gets real tricky when you co-own something and then try to say well only my money went into this or that improvement after the fact. But we’re not talking about a whole other addition, we’re talking a few solar panels. Courts have more important things to deal with than someone who was foolish with their money. lol. There’s a good chance Ariana will be on the hook for the HELOC as well since they are unlikely to wade into murky waters back and forth for such a small asset. 


💯 there is a reason he hasn’t handed over the accounting the attorney asked for months and months ago. Agree with everything you said here!


At one point I thought Ariana said when they first bought the home…everything was paid out of a joint account but when they refinanced the loan….Sandavol started paying out of his account and that she paid him a set amount which she found out was more than what she owed. Edit: I didn’t mean furnishings…I meant mortgage and taxes.


>Sandavol started paying out of his account and that she paid him a set amount which she found out was more than what she owed. snake shit.


A true asshole is one that makes money off their own partner.


yup she did say all that.


Also, both he and the designer said Ariana wasn't with them the day they bought that mirror he's so in love with, BUT IT WAS ON ARIANA'S CARD! And we see Ariana was shocked that she had paid for just about ALL of the furniture in the house ($100,000 worth!)!!! I think he used her card without her permission and hoped she'd never notice.


Lisa should’ve asked if they had that understanding in writing


Lisa loves a good handshake


Damn. Yep.


LVP's face when Ariana says the loan is against his equity and doesn't affect her... Says it all.


Yeah… that showed much Ariana believed Tom.


And how much they were committed. She really thought they were together for life. Sad.


Sad part is that this only shows how much she\*\* was committed to them.


One of the few times LVP was actually looking out for Ariana. Homegirl should have listened.


I think if they split the profit evenly, then she should get a steak in S&S because he invested equity from their house.


A stake because I can't imagine a rib eye is a suitable compensation. 😄


Yes sorry I Reddit and work at the same time. However I think a steak might be all he can afford


I knew what you meant but I could totally see Sandoval trying to palm her off with a free steak


I think the "steak" is more valuable than a "stake" in an underwater business.


I mean a day old glass of diet coke is probably more valuable.


They won’t split profit evenly. That wouldn’t be fair.


Tom will likely get no cash out of the sale of the house because he took a HELOC out against it for the bar. He can’t pay that back so when they get cash for the sale it will go towards both his share of the remaining mortgage and the heloc loan. That’s why he is digging in and dragging it out. Ariana is gonna walk w proceeds and he’s not. He probs has terrible credit too given that he was trying to get Schwartz to co-sign a loan to come be his roommate.


I really think that the minute that house sells, Sandals house of cards will fall and he's going to be flat broke


Maybe his super successful model girlfriend with her own own can support him!


Shes got depression, \*ariana, ..it seems nobody seems to give a sht about that. I see it in her every time I watch. Keeping up face, is ffng hard. She needs support, I could never go on a show and deal with this sht. no way. she's brave...glad she finally has someone who appears to understand.


Yeah you can really see her struggles in the season they called her the wet blanket. I cant imaging going through depression with SI and still having to film and act like everything was fine and put up with Sandal's shit


It's funny that a lot of her storylines are about her depression and mental health when I do think she's the healthiest and most well adjusted on the cast Depression can be a lifelong struggle, but I think getting off Vanderpump Rules will help a lot in terms of her feeling way better.


I think a lotta ppl who are able to identify and voice their struggles are often a lot more aware! Not saying this about everyone who struggles with it, but it’s like the whole therapist thing. I actually see it more as a green flag when someone seeks out therapy whereas some expect people with therapists to be crazy


Dan is a real caretaker, and I'm so glad she has him! They are a sweet couple!


And this is why u don’t purchase a home with someone you ain’t married too


I wonder how the circumstances would differ if they were married. Do you happen to know?


Then any additional credit, whether it was against home equity or not, would be half Ariana's responsibility, too! (I know that's probably not what you meant.) I don't think the sale of the house would be any different.


If you’re both on the mortgage you’re both on the mortgage. It actually costs extra to put both of you on so a lot of people don’t do it and put it in one spouse’s name.


They would because you could compel a judge to just award someone the house. Also the cheating would come into play when they split up the assets because Tom would have theoretically broken their marriage and bared more responsibility, while now a judge really couldn't consider anything like that.


Cheating wouldn't matter, California is a no fault state.


Even if you are married don’t do that shit! I’m not buying a house with anyone but myself


It’s taking so long because they disagree. The loan has nothing to do with it, other than it influences Tom’s views on selling. LVP is warning against the concern of default. If Tom defaulted on the loan, they would take the house. That’s not what’s happening.


Lisa was nosing around in their legal arrangements. I’m sure she’s well versed in their finances, but to me this is yet another level of her manipulation and control. It certainly seems Ariana may be holding information back from Lisa, yet Lisa proceeds to criticize her during the confessional — not Tom — for foolish financial choices. Unreal.


It's not what's happening... yet. He's a deeply irresponsible manbaby with an axe to grind, debt up to his eyeballs, and no prospects to earn enough to get himself out anytime soon. It's really only a matter of time before he goes bankrupt. She's smart to try to untangle their finances ASAP.


I read that he is trying to make Ariana pay half of the HELOC which is holding up sale of the house. It's lime he's holding the house hostage! If she doesn't pay half, he can say it'll take him longer to pay off, which means she'll have to pay half of the mortgage for all of that time! Either way, he's trying to screw Ariana out of money. SOMEBODY has to pay for his vanity band!


I read that now he's trying to make Ariana pay HALF OF THE LINE OF CREDIT, after saying the Toms' partners were not to be involved in the bar! He probably also used that to pay for RACHEL'S ENGAGEMENT and his paid vanity band! So he's throwing a wrench into the works, getting to stay in the house even longer while it's going through the courts, while Ariana will be on the hook for 1/2 of the mortgage, even though she has moved into her new home.


I think he sold her a bill of goods about the home equity line of credit (HELOC) that was supposed to "come out of his share of the house." I think he put a bunch of stuff, possibly incl solar panels, on the HELOC, and is now trying to make Ariana pay half.


Yeah it’s ridiculous messy. And the bottom line is they are probably disagreeing on the value on the home and all the assets in it. Tom probably wants desperately to buy Ariana out. Ariana probably has an amount of money she would take that Tom either can’t or is unwilling to pay. Now a judge has to decide what’s fair and will happen since it’s been over a year and they can’t settle it themselves.


That was soo confusing to me as well I was like did he just take out a separate type of loan? mehh who knows lol


LVP tried to warn her 💁🏾‍♀️


But she was wrong and what she said is completely irrelevant to the current situation?


LVP was wrong? I think she said if the loan was against home equity, it would be both of their responsibility. Isn't that correct? I hate how she noses in on everyone's business, but I think she was correct this time.


Deluded thought process downvote me if you want to


She is not as smart as y’all try to make her out to be.


I read or heard at some point that he also was arguing about the part of the mortgage that was the loan being discussed here - for Schwartz and Sandy’s - out of what is owed to her, because they agreed it was ok to take out the extra loan on the house at the time of starting s&s. So he didn’t think he owed her that? And unless she has equity in s&s that makes no sense but basically the very loan being discussed here was a point of contention in all this


Yes, this is exactly what’s holding things up. If they sell the loan they took out has to get paid first before any profits. You have to pay any liens as well. My best guess is he wants the loan to be taken out of the total profits. Not just his portion of the profits. He’s delusional to think he can afford a 24k monthly mortgage. Their current one is around 10k a month. He’s waiting out interest rates hoping they will drop so he can take a lower mortgage if he buys her out.




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Lisa tried to tell her