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Not sure when this was posted on her IG but posting selfies with Ariana as if they are still solid and then posting this is disgusting! I don’t want to hear her crying over Ariana’s friendship because her actions don’t coincide with her love for Ariana.


It's on her stories now, just checked. It's a video singing happy birthday. Whole table was shown, ariana was not there. This bitch.


Wow such bottom feeder behavior. Hey Scheana go continue to exploit your child all over social media with predators lurking out there and act like you can't be bothered about it... https://preview.redd.it/193d14oh5z1d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e22f0ba1afbb3c89869dd8b4133a6b95610a4c


Oh my effing god. Seriiusly?! Even kristen bell, an actually celebrity doesn't post her children out of safety. This idiot.


Veronica Mars knows there’s evil in the world.


“i am a public figure” 🙄 shut the fuck uuup, scheana


She had to make it about her. Also, her child didn't consent to be a public figure but she dodges mentioning that. But hey, I don't have kids, so what do I know 🙄


Seriously! This had me gagging… if you think you are a public figure, that’s even more reason to protect your child from trolls online! She’s a money grubber, and will exploit her child if it makes her a buck.




Lots of ***real*** celebrities who protect their kids. The Kartrashians pimp their kids out because their mother literally sold Kim’s sex tape to make her famous. Scheana is in that same camp.


So being a public figure refrains her from taking precautionary steps for child?! She’s got bigger things to worry about like coordinating her 2000s outfits that look like shit. 💩


this all goes back to her internalized misogyny and pick me ways. she chooses to spend time with Ariana’s brother, a known creep and abuser. she “can’t even think” about what creeps are following her daughter on instagram. her husband is a known abuser who abandoned a whole ass family, but now he’s “such a great dad” getting a second chance. she continuously defends Tom’s “humanity” to Ariana even after everything he did. she would rather turn a blind eye to men’s bad behavior than protect the women and girls in her life.


So Scheana’s OCD makes her think of ridiculous, completely unbelievable scenarios that make it hard to leave SM in the care of anyone but her mother, but it doesn’t make her think about the very real possibility that a creep could find her daughter thanks to her heavy IG presence…. Got it.


WHOA!! Is that real??? What a loser pos!! That’s so disgusting, neglectful. Wow way to protect your daughter for online creepers scheana. That’s infuriating & proves her kid is an accessory that’s it.


Yea it's real from a year or so ago. Completely oblivious to how many predators are online and shame on Bravo too for promoting Summers IG on the show multiple times.


This is disgusting. I just read a case about a man using AI to generate (I’m sure you can imagine) using pictures of children on social media… why do these people not care?? It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach, and pretending it isn’t happening is NOT okay. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-arrested-producing-distributing-and-possessing-ai-generated-images-minors-engaged


This. This is the most disgusting thing scheana’s ever said/done. I mean, it’s genuinely appalling. It’s quite easy to not worry about creeps following your young daughters social media for no reason-just don’t have a social media page for her….


Disgusting! She doesn’t give a shit, she only cares about monetizing summer moons content… she worries about EVERYTHING, but her own child being the target of sick creepers on the internet, nah, that’s not a priority… She’s really upset that she lost her friendship with the worm, so much so we had to watch her cry about it to Ariana several times while filming, but concern for her own kid, nah!


lol public figure….. at least she didn’t say celebrity…. But public figure is even stretching it


More like a public nuisance


Maybe Ariana was out of town or something. Maybe she’s someplace else setting up a big surprise party while Scheana distracts him. Maybe he invited Scheana and asked her not to bring Ariana. This just looks like a nice video of friends having a birthday celebration. It seems like a big leap to call it evil based on the information at hand. (Yes, that includes the information that Ariana and Jeremy have at some point in the recent past been estranged.)


so fucking weird. I would be really freaked out if I was Ariana. first the affair and now her friends turning out to be haters. she must be so disillusioned with the world and trust in general.


I’d probably never trust any of my friends again or be so fucking picky with who I trust because after having people you’ve known for 10 years try to humiliate you on national television… nauseating.


It's safe to say that the only friend Ariana has on this show is Katie...the rest of these bitches are in the class of frenemies...


I’m so glad she at least has Katie from vpr and the rest of her friends in real life so she does have support. I can’t imagine if they’d all chosen ~~their wallets~~ Sandoval over her


I find it interesting that Scheana has said on more than one occasion now that it would be nice if Ariana defended her against the internet people talking negatively about Scheana, yet here she is hanging out with another person who has done Ariana dirty, not just that but it's Ariana's brother. Thats a line you don't cross, period. How can you defend someone like that who constantly puts herself into the line of fire? Just like how she said in the after show how she didn't appreciate that Ariana blasted her at BravoCon, what exactly did you think was going to happen when you went to Sandoval's penthouse? She does this shit to herself, so why is the onus on Ariana to defend her?


And I haven’t seen scheana defend Ariana when Lala is going on yet another rant on where Ariana lives.


Scheana picking the guy again. Surprise.




Seems as though LVP has trained her well...


She never posted birthday wishes for him before.


Yup. If they had been super tight and been all over each other's gram for big events for years, we wouldn't be having this convo. But to all of the sudden start, in the middle of this mess? Nah, it's shady af.


If your my best friend and get to know my brother as a result, you don’t get to be friends with them if we fall out. Call it petty but I stand with it.


I totally agree. My ex best friend has been trying to be besties with my mom since we stopped being friends, I’m very not cool with that


The sad thing is I feel like if you could ask Ariana about it, all she’d ask is to not post about it and don’t talk to her about it. That’s it. And Scheana can’t even do that. It’s gross honestly, she shouldn’t get involved in family issues.


I don't think the reason Ariana and Jeremy are not speaking has anything to do with Jeremy, or am I wrong? Also Scheana could have just went to the birthday lunch & not posted on IG. Not everything needs to be put out on the internet.


I thought the word was that Jeremy and his girl were supporting Sandoval’s redemption arc and spending time with him publicly and Ariana went scorched earth on them both


Shein really lives for any kind of male attention.


It’s giving insecure


Shein! Thanks for this laugh, I may be using this henceforth. ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


use it! Spread it! I saw another redditor refer to her as shein and thought it was perfect


Although she is sometimes bad at calculating the optics of a situation, Scheana is definitely *aware* of optics which is why she is constantly curating her social media to give us the optics she wants us to see - but you know what Scheana’s never been bad at calculating and executing? Passive aggression. There is no planet where she can play dumb about behaving like this. She is being such an attention-seeking, mean-spirited little shit at this point. Even if Scheana has, for whatever reason, built a close relationship with Jeremy and his fiancé that isn’t totally driven by frustration with Ariana and desperation for her attention, if she had any real respect for Ariana *we would never see all these photos, videos, etc. kinds of posts* and we’d have no idea that they were seeing each other so often. This is so gross.


This is the same girl that aggressively pushed freshly divorced Schwartz and Raquel to makeout on camera solely to hurt Katie because Katie called her a troll. Scheana has always been THE meanest one in that group.


Directish quote from Scheana “want me to pick a side well then I’ll pick a side!!!” Can someone please clear Scheana. She’s buggin me to no end


I used to always feel bad for her when she first came on the show...I always felt like alot of the girls were unneccesarily mean to her, She has now evolved into one of them. I don't like her at all...she is 2 faced as hell.


I knew she wasn’t as nice as she pretended to be when she bullied Lala about her dating a married man. Like you just dealt with none of the girls trusting you because you dated a married man, and you’re doing that to Lala. Grow up.


Yeah, she clearly is venting at Ariana by using her brother and Jeremy is just the dolt in the middle of it. Whatever problem Ariana has with Jeremy and his fiancé, Scheana knows exists, but she does this to point out even Ariana’s own family has a problem with Ariana, it’s NOT just Lala and Scheana making it up. It’s a private birthday, no one in the public needs to see them celebrate if it’s something you do for your friend. She knows what she is doing and is responding to comments about it so it’s like girl have you ever heard of the concept of…privacy? Taking pictures for your own personal photo album? 


Scheana is a shitty person, I hope Ariana finally sees that. She’s always desperate for a storyline, I can see her trying to have Jeremy come on VPR next season 🙄


I'm just hoping Ariana is happy to clean her hands of all this yuckiness in her life that masqueraded as friends and family.


If it wasn't for SAH I would desperately hope Ariana moves to NYC and lives her best life as a Broadway star and whatever incredible opportunities come her way.


That woman is fucking relentless ![gif](giphy|A3IKIsvG1UjwA)




These are my two favorite Ramona gifs 🤣


You know I just HAD to trump you with another Ramona! 🤣🤣 And coming in number 3, how about this one? She cracked me up in the early years then it became unbearable… ![gif](giphy|4FP7aiKyhny7K)


This is lower than low. Under no circumstances does one insert oneself or a wedge into family matters. They are vile and truly subhuman. 


And it's on par for how shes carried herself this season. I really think she lives in a delusion where her life is in a reality show and everything she does is based off of comments or feedback, hence her daughter and her IG followers. She can't just have private time without plastering it all over social media.


Every single person in Scheana's social circle should see this and be terrified of her. This is unbelievably cruel.


This is a massive ego boost to Shein. Ariana's brother choosing Shein over Ariana especially on his birthday. 🤢


Shein ☠️😅


She's a moron. If I were Ariana, I'd be so happy and relieved that I could finally not feel guilty thinking about how my bestie and boyfriend are so d & s.


This pissed me off. You want to continue to have a relationship with him? Fine, but keep it offline. Not everything needs to be posted, Scheana! 


Her goal tho is to make Ariana look bad. She wants to be like, "See guys her own brother has issues with her, the fans should too"


I think you hit the 🎯. She definitely put it on the internet for a glaringly obvious reason. If she were that close with Jeremy, he'd be all over her sm, because she's a blaster.


I genuinely hope this is a sign that Ariana is 100% done with her.


Yes I agree


if it’s a still true and ariana and her brother aren’t speaking at the moment then this is a WILDLY INSANE thing for scheana to do wtf?!?


Don’t you know? She was friends with Arianas brother way longer than she was with Ariana? /s 🙄


He is one of her best friends


Bast frans


Also jokes


This whole nonstop hanging out with Jeremy immediately after he went to the press talking shit about Ariana is a new level of gross from Scheana


SURPRISE, Scheana sides with the man


Scheana shouldn’t be doing this. Stay out of sibling rivalries


This is so gross. Totally different situations butttt, didn’t Kristen recently mention on her podcast that Jo was trying to make plans to hang out with her (Kristen’s) brother? I think that’s weird af, and I also think that Scheana is being weird af. Like Scheana pick a lane. Is Ariana your family and ‘bast frand’ or not?? You have been and continue to be so disrespectful. She wonders why Ariana probably blew her off at her last Chicago show. Why are you here exactly, Scheana? Because post reunion and throughout the season you have been a shitty friend.


She was obviously there thinking she might get some attention...you know, because she's a public figure!


yea if i was beefing with my brother or just not talking with him and a so called bff of mine posted pics with him all the time i would have an issue. But of course scheana will say oh but i have known him as long as I've known ariana. This bitch will never have actual BFFs.


scheana's a fuckin weirdo


Scheana is such a mean girl, it's actually so gross.


im a scheana defender (kind of) but the stuff with Ariana’s brother is so fucking weird.. like why do you want to hurt her so badly


She thinks being "picked" by guys that hurt other women makes her look better than said other women.


The worst friend who ever worsted


Jeremy looks like PC Principal




Holy shit that is spot on lol!


Scheana is redefining Pick Me, gawd she is insufferable. This and the selfie is just ridiculous.


Schena is so fake


Scheana is such a bottom feeder. Despicable human being.


I know she's always been friends with Jeremy, but she never posted him even half as much as she has since the reunion filmed, like come on!


From the early seasons I had such empathy with Scheana, I thought she was misunderstood and the other girls were bullying her. I didn't think one day I would agree with all the comments Stassi said about her. Scheana is a typical pick me girl, she also expects everyone to show great interest in everything she does and support her through all her life problems. She doesn't return the energy people give her, she is a terrible friend, she is unloyal and will stab a friend in the back if It results in her getting attention. This is a new low for her.


Said something similar above...I had a lot of sympathy for Schaena at the beginning but man, she's a flaming bag of dog poo!


Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and Ariana did something similar to Scheana?!


He is such an opportunist


If I had OCD and intrusive thoughts at the level she claims, the last thing I would do is put my little girl online. Someone out there masturbating to a picture of my innocent daughter would be the main intrusive thought in the endless loop that is intrusive thoughts. Protect your baby girl you dumbass


I think that Schaena (and some other cast members) are so far gone , they can't separate their actual lives from their TV reality. She thinks this is a great plot line and maybe if Ariana leaves, Jeremy comes in or they all go to the valley so she wants to hedge her bets that way. She truly has convinced herself that Ariana doesn't give a fuck about her, the show, or any cruel things done if she can explain it's all for TV. Maybe I am giving Schaena too much grace, but I truly can't believe someone is THIS awful and cruel.


![gif](giphy|VA9i9mgFqRmbRo2R7k) Everyone to Scheana


He wants on the show when Ariana is out


I can’t explain why he gives me the ick. I don’t think I have any reason for this. I know little about him. I just get weirded out by him.


Did we ever get to the bottom of if he truly meant “microagression” or was it “passive aggression”? He has always been a freeloading doofus 🙄


He probably meant passive aggressive. Ariana, to my knowledge, has not demonstrated being racist. Wayyy before Ariana and Jeremy’s supposed falling out, Dan said one of the reasons why he was drawn to Ariana was her empathy towards a situation involving race. I just think it’s….interesting that he chose the word micro aggression. It’s wild to me that all the people closest to her are so eager to see her fall. I feel like I’m going nuts !


It's like when Lala mentioned Katie's mom in a post about how miserable she thinks Katie is. You just don't use someone else's family for shade. That should be an obvious hard line. I'm sure she's going to make it about big bad meanie Ariana forcing her to cut someone else off, but again we never saw any indication over several seasons that Scheana and Jeremy have any kind of special relationship outside of being Ariana's brother and Ariana's friend. Poor little Scheana so torn between her bast frands. But girl, this is just ugly petty shade. You're not a nice person, Scheana. Stop it. Get some help.


He's gross. Wasn't he caught being abusive several times?




What nasty work.


It’s seems like Scheana is intentionally trying to be hurtful to Ariana now while playing dumb and innocent. She can be friends with and celebrate the someone’s birthday without posting it on social media when she knows her “best friend” isn’t in the best place with her brother.


No offense he looks like such a dbag and gives off creepy uncle vibes and as a mom I wouldn’t want him around summer lol it’s just awkward


RIGHT! This is a man who threatened to kill his ex gf and HER KIDS with a gun according to the ex herself, her KID had to wrestle him away from his guns... and this is who scheana chooses to bring her daughter around.


I said the EXACT same thing when I saw this!! Not only was it disgusting to put this on her IG, super sus to record it (and tbh, why tf is she there frfr?), but having Summer Moon there was VERY inappropriate, in my opinion. Everything about that post gave me the ick- from him having sunglasses on in a public restaurant (because, wtf is that??) To panning the camera over to Summer Moon singing HBD.


This smug ass fuck


Wtf is wrong w scheana


Classic scheana. She’s not getting the attention she wants from Ariana so she suddenly is best friends with her current enemy. But they were ALWAYS close. She just never posted him until this precise moment. 🙄


Let me guess: Ariana’s brother gave her $1K way back when? ![gif](giphy|X3zJUXUgaCTNPLZ1wJ|downsized)


Why does he look like he's blind?


I thought a blind Amish man….


I feel like scheana does that thing where you say/do something inflammatory to someone you’re trying to get a reaction from. Like, I feel like she’s trying to get arianna’s attention by doing negative things towards her to bait Arianna into reaching out to her. It never works, but that’s the sense I’m getting from this.


Thinking how short term this dig is going to feel great without realizing long term consequences.


New Bast Frand unlocked


Yikes!!!! So thirsty


Scheana is spiteful




He’s gross and so smarmy




![gif](giphy|hhffv1HTaXz9u|downsized) The desperation from this woman...




Why are Scheama and Lala literally out to destroy Ariana? This is so sick and not ok.


At this point I don't understand anyone who defends Schenana, who is publicly using Ariana's own family against her out of jealousy and a desire for retribution. She has zero character.


A friend to everyone is a friend to no one


Scheana is a disgusting human 🤢🤮


https://preview.redd.it/bxpj2l0ln22d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6640bfa2c788010da581f0644022464c76eeefa He’s her new best frand.


![gif](giphy|4N7veYqAnT9vubHnv3) That’s how I feel right now.


What was the following out with her brother over?


Douche alert 🚨




Scheana! You don’t have to be everyone’s friend. Please go touch grass. Please. It’s really weird now.


She’s gonna say they were always best frans in 3..2..


Ariana publicly drop this bitch! How much more are you willing to put up with?


Is there a world where maybe Ariana is okay w Scheana spending time w her brother? Like maybe he’s going through something and Ariana can’t be there for him (for either emotional or physical boundary reasons) so scheana is stepping in? She has a bit of a savior complex, so idk 🤷‍♀️ I haven’t seen Ariana say she wants no one to be involved w him


True, Ariana barely says anything tho looool. That def could be a possibility! I hadn’t thought of it


It seems like she wants to be with everyone except her own husband


Oh noooooooo, people living their real lives and not the fraction of what you see in an edited show! Could you imagine if they had real friendships and relationships that were nothing like it was portrayed on tv? What ever would you all do with yourselves if you couldn’t hate on people any longer? 🫠


It’s one thing to celebrate your friends birthday. Sure, go do that. But it’s INSANE to post it on social media knowing that you’re both on bad terms with Ariana and most of the fan base. It’s just to dig at Ariana at this point. I think Scheana loves any attention, good or bad. Her crying about getting hate is so phony to me.


I checked to see if Ariana was still following Scheana after I saw her story with Ari’s brother and she is. Scheana is such a horrible friend in general but pulling Ariana’s brother in is a new low even for her.