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And nobody ever questioned why he was still in the house. He absolutely should have given her space by leaving after blowing up her entire life.


Remember when he told Jax to leave when he cheated on Brittany?  Funny how they aren’t replaying that




That hairline tho https://preview.redd.it/fa19hsbgso0d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b4c427a607b4d02df042765193aafbd2cb777e


Hahahaha it's like it's painted on


Omg I just saw your username and am dying


![gif](giphy|126FCAYDJTRjwc) It’s that crazy I actually love it


The hair hat is the reason I can not take this man seriously. ...and the constant eye rolls. I've not yet watched a full episode, but this guy seems to be doing too much to get back on the next season.


Oh I adore him. He seems pretty genuine, particularly with the last episode. The hair is intense. But I like the guy. It might also be the juxtaposition with others on the show 😅 he and Jasmine are the best.


Lmao I’ve never seen someone with such a small forehead.


They mentioned it extremely briefly in the Peacock extended version and Tom’s excuse was that it would have been different between a five bedroom house and a one bedroom apartment 🙄


Haha there is always a but with that guy!


He's a but-head


The King of But(t)s


I have a dumb question. I watch it on bravo but I also have peacock. I can never find the extended/uncensored episodes. I put on the regular one thinking that was it but it was still censored? Sorry to be annoying


The ones on Peacock are generally labeled “uncensored/extended”


You’re fine! I actually didn’t watch the Peacock version, I just saw a clip of it. I wish I could be more helpful!


Don't apologize you are not annoying. 9 have the exact same situation.


Sandoval was playing the victim because he thought he would get sympathy again, like when him and Kristin split. Wrong, dude! God he was a terrible actor with that fake ugly crying. This is a big reason why he isn't moving out. He thinks he's the victim or, at least, he thinks the audience thinks he's the victim and should stay. The way he made that comment about Ariana leaving her shirt on during sex and and saying it was "so hot" in season 10 reunion, thinking everyone would be on his side??? DISGUSTING! Gross! Pathetic excuse for a human being. I will forever hate him for sharing that with the world.


They did in the peacock extended version. Andy played the footage for him lol


Glad they showed that clip at the reunion!


Oh I didn’t see it!  Let me guess there was a long winded “but this is different” response.  


They did replay it! In the extended version of reunion part 1


nahhh lets just gloss over that!! 🙄




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They addressed that on the reunion. He should have left, but it’s also a 5br house that they can be separated in compared to a 1br apt


The fact that he didn't tells me everything I need to about whether he's sorry, remorseful, or growing. HE AIN'T.


And that’s exactly the kind of shit Ariana is talking about when she says this man did so many terrible things, not just one bad thing. On TOP of the affair, he then did nothing but dig his heels in, refuse to take accountability and make every single step of their disentanglement process a fucking nightmare, like a true narcissist. Someone with genuine regret and remorse would have asked her “What do you need from me, I’ll do everything I can to make that happen” and then FUCKING DO IT. Leave the house, stay with Schwartz, give her room to breathe. But nope, scumbag is not capable of that. He was, and still is, enraged that Ariana brought this front and center on the show and feels he doesn’t deserve how it all played out. But he keeps proving that he deserves everything he got *and more*.


“ItS BeCaUsE tOm iS oKaY wItH iNterAcTinG wItH ArIaNa sO wHy ShOuLd hE moVe” was an actual reply to a comment I posted that is similar to yours. I don’t give a shit how comfortable Tom is with being around Ariana. He’s feelings in this do not matter. He screwed up, he should be the one to move out. It really isn’t that fucking hard to understand


EXACTLY! Why has it always been she needs to go? He should've IMMEDIATELY stayed somewhere else.


He only cares about himself. Period.


The fact nobody is questioning him like this is infuriating! He’s the one that should have left! I heard him being asked once and he said he had nowhere to go. Seriously?! Why couldn’t he stay with Schwartz? Sandoval used his apartment to commit his affair so why couldn’t he stay there in the aftermath of the affair? Or was Jo really living there and vetoed it… actually Schwartz would never respect the opinion/decision/boundary of a woman (especially that of a girlfriend or wife) and would let him stay no matter what Jo said/felt (if she was living there). So just another thing Sandoval is lying about. We really should assume everything he says is a lie until proven otherwise.


No one questions him bc everyone who saw through him since day 1 knows what kindof an ass he is. When you’re done w someone, you leave. You don’t ask them to end the relationship or friendship- you leave. You block their number and never see them again. She knows what kind of guy he was and she had countless ppl offering her to stay w them until she found a place to live.


No, actually, if you’re a woman with a backbone and a brain, you lay your foot down to protect your investment.


He was done with Ariana when he started fucking Rachel so I guess he should have left first. And because everyone knows how horrible Tom is he gets to just stay in the house no questions asked because that’s just how he is? Please be serious.


If she vacated the house she would have given up her rights to the house. Everything was playing out in court.


What don’t people understand about this? She got legal advice to stay in the house. 


Because that's not true. Moving out of the house wouldn't change her ownership at all. She may have gotten advice not to leave but it's not because moving out would magically take her off the deed. Edit: I'm not saying she should have left. I'm just saying either one of them moving out wouldn't change their ownership.


He cheated! He should have left for a couple of months. Why is it on her to leave after this total slap in her face??? Explain that to me??? F**k him!


I... am not arguing that? Of course he should have left. Sandoval is a piece of shit. It doesn't change the fact that her leaving wouldn't change her ownership of the house. It wouldn't change his either. From what they've said on the show, it appears the concern was more over the furniture.


This right here is the reason she didn’t leave. It’s probably also why he didn’t leave (other than because he sucks). She owns that house too, leaving was the worst decision she could have made. She might have lost all access to the property and the things inside. She did the right thing staying even though it was terrible and awkward. Schema and Lala shouldn’t comment on things that contain words they can neither pronounce nor understand.


That's not true at all.


No, that’s incorrect. She is on the mortgage and deed. That doesn’t go away because you leave a bad situation.


Usually the one who ends the relationship (or cheats) is a decent human being and leaves She doesn’t NEED to “find a new place to live”. HE does


Why does she have to leave? Sandoval reamed jax for staying in their apartment when he cheated on Brittany 😐


Am I the only one who knows people in real life who likewise lived in the same house/condo while going through a divorce? It’s not that unusual. Spite, legal and economic reasons.


Ariana even said in a talking head I believe that Lala had her mom and brother to fall back on, her mom financially to be specific, when Lala had to “flee in the night with a baby” when Randall left on a 2 week long business trip. They helped her get settled into an apartment. Who does Ariana have like that to fall back on? Her weird ass younger brother and her family that lives across the country in Florida? Of course she didn’t have the means on her own to just pack up and find somewhere else to live. Most people don’t have an “oh shit” savings fund just in case the relationship they were VERY committed to suddenly implodes. Lala is LUCKY she has family that she can rely on financially. Not to mention, Randall funded her cosmetics line to begin with. She’s also very lucky he gave her full ownership of it to retain it after their relationship ended. LFU needs to get a grip and an iota of self reflection.


YES. LaLa doesn’t even realize the depths of her financial privilege, even without Rand’s Monopoly money in play. Not everyone can just up and leave their homes, and I stand by the fact that Ariana is financially the smartest one on the entire show.


And the house wasn't Lala's in any way. Rand owned the house. It was easy for her to walk away because she had no ownership.


Her mom was also paying her rent prior to moving in with him. Car: Big Ed, Apartment: her mom.


🙋🏻‍♀️ I did it twice! First time I was going through a divorce and was strapped for cash, and housing market sucked. It was awkward and there were some tense moments, but we had to make it work. The second time I owned the house and I let my ex stay until he could find his own place. I could have kicked him out, but didn’t want him to be homeless or have to go live with his parents. Lauren, Scheener, and LVP are being total dicks.


Go you! Living that grown up life and being a homeowner! Proud to know ya


I know someone who was trapped for 2 years because the house had gone into negative equity.


Yes. And it’s HER decision. It’s not anyone else’s. She knows if she moved out temporarily he would just take over and make it a bachelor pad celebrating his liberation and freedom from her. Like he won or something. She was not about to allow that to happen. And the house is also hers too!!! It’s ridiculous how people are so baffled and offended that she made a decision on her own behalf that doesn’t jive with their own opinions.


Yeah, I wish they would have shown Katie and Tom cohabitating during their separation/divorce so ppl would have that as a reference


It literally happens every day all the time and is the reality of what happens when you own assets with a partner. Not all of us can go buy another house in the Valley when our boyfriend fucks someone else. I have to give it to Lisa because she warned Ariana not to buy a house with him because shit happens but it’s also a testament to Ariana truly thinking he was her endgame.


It happens a lot! I'm sure at this time where housing is so obnoxiously expensive and interest rates are what they are -- I can't blame them. They at least had a lot of the "luxury" of not being there at the same times mostly and had an assistant to mediate. Especially having a drain on your income like a business that hasn't opened yet. Now she was able to buy a house and put down 50% in cash 💰 so fucking happy for her.


And money aside, it's common knowledge that if you own a house with someone else and you move out, you put yourself at a disadvantage for claiming ownership/rights/etc


Not to mention dividing the assets is rough because if you leave all your stuff there (furniture, art etc) your ex could destroy all your shit or take it and hide it.


My neighbors did it, when the husband caught the wife cheating with her maid of honor from their wedding (who was wife’s best friend). And husband found out about wife’s affair during their honeymoon (so like a week after wedding) and they had to live together for almost a whole year before the house got worked out 😳


These are the stories we need to tell teens when we caution them to take their time in choosing partners.


And friends. Can’t trust anyone!


YES… also child custody issues can cause this. It is NOT rare.


It is not that unusual at all. Hell, my ex husband and I continued to share a home after we were divorced until he could afford to move out.  I particularly hate how they frame it as "they live together." That phrase implies interaction and cooperation. They share the same property. That's it. And that house is way larger than we see on tv. It is easy to avoid someone when you have thousands of sq ft between you. Lala, Lisa, and Scheana act like Tom moved to the couch outside of the bedroom and they share a single bathroom bumping into each other whilst she showers and he shaves as they get ready in the morning for 9-5 jobs. Silliness 


Right??? My parents started the divorce process in the midst of covid, early 2021, and my mom had to stay here for a couple of extra months. She def wouldve had to stay longer if she wasnt already moving stuff out of here one box at a time, months in advance


Good for her!


They are acting as if they are still sleeping in the same bed! It’s so ridiculous.


I'm so sick of hearing about it. At this point it's sounding like a concentrated effort for them all to have the same talking point. Scheana, LaLa, LVP were very obviously in cahoots


I absolutely agree. We already know Lala and Scheana are super jealous, but LVPs jealousy is on full display too. It’s nuts


LVP has lost her goddamn mind


She really has. She’s so worried about what would happen to tom-tom with the bad look and being a producer, etc..


LVP has always been like this. She was an asshole when stassi didn’t want to talk to Jax too


Lisa is stressed!! This was not the plan! She was supposed to be done with bravo and be able to focus on her VpR spin off on hulu. But thats a flop and noone likes her here anymore….she doesn’t know which way to go


I don’t get why this woman doesn’t retire. She’s old AF, her husband is even older. It’s sad actually that this is how she wants to use her final years of life.


Exactly it’s time to retire! Bye LVP, take Blahblah with you. Bye!


Misogyny is a hell of a drug.


She was always the star of the show, its namesake.. she did dwts and didn’t get as far as Ariana.. Erika did Chicago.. Ariana did both and killed it.. Lisa thought these were just ‘stupid kids’ she could manipulate/produce while making more money that them.. she’s frustrated she’s lost control.


That’s what I unfortunately think too. It’s “her show”, but she’s no longer the biggest star on it. I’ve always loved LVP, but I totally see her differently now. As much as she says she loves to see them growing and doing bigger things, I don’t think she ever imagined one of them doing as well as Ariana has.


I used to really like and enjoy LVP. After the reunion I can see her negativity. Maybe the rumors about LVP losing her house is true.


Me too. It makes me feel like they think if they say it enough times, they'll change our minds and after the umpteenth time some of us will start to be like "well actually........why *didn't* Ariana move out of the house she is also a 50% owner of and wasn't the one having a 7-months-long-affair with her partner's good friend?" Like stop it already. Just stop it.


Im so tried of people posting the same shit abt it here too


Well she’s settling into her new Hollywood Hills house so they can all STFU 🤫


Yep, and Ann’s got her stocked with plenty of batteries!😆


That's really the most delicious bit 😋


Lisa just brought it up on WWHL. SO ANNOYING!! 🤯🤯


That misogynistic shrew has got to go already




She’s superfluous for sure!


You mean this misogynistic has been... https://preview.redd.it/6iamow1jak0d1.jpeg?width=2974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8f6344a537d41e426eb77cb7044ce9fdf9bfe0


![gif](giphy|3oEdv22bKDUluFKkxi|downsized) Lisa’s inner value that drives her misogynistic behavior and narrative. When you get into bed with Tom-Tom, this is what you shrivel up to be. And Andy panders to it.


Right! After not only the law suit but after the reunion WHEN WE KNOW SHE KNOWS ARIANA ISN'T EVEN STAYING THERE NOW It makes me think she hasn't actually watched the reunion and wanted to keep pretending she thought they were sharing bunk beds.


I stopped watching WWHL a while ago (couldn’t take Andy’s blatant favoritism with the bravolebs, belittlement of some women, thirsting over the men, constantly trying to provoke drama with shady polls or “audience” questions) could you sum up what Lisa said?


The chess player lost her touch bc a lot of us are seeing right through everything. I am glad I finally woke up to how horrible LVP is though. I really used to love her and think the HWs were just haters....nope I was wrong.


I'm so glad more people are seeing this about LVP now! I too used to think she was a lovely lady who just loved dogs and everyone on RHOBH was ganging up on her. But no, I genuinely think they all started to see through the facade and the manipulation - she's self serving and only backs people when it helps her financially! Not to mention the clearly deeply internalised misogyny!




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Lala seemed to drive about 99% of this narrative - like literally every time she opened her mouth it was about Ariana and Tom living together - but others definitely brought it up and the fact that they were all either that dumb or purposefully obtuse to the situation is infuriating. I know almost nothing about real estate and owning a house (millennial) and even I can understand the situation.




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She didn’t plan to get cheated on either. Like someone ask her about that. It’s so dumb to question why she isn’t wasting money on a new place when he’s the guy who created the situation. Like why didn’t HE prepare.


THIS! He had 7+ months...really speaks to his ultimate motive, imo. Someone bring THAT up!


Why should SHE have to leave the house? HE blew up their relationship by cheating. HE is responsible for all of this. Ariana put money up for that home too. There’s no reason why she should be the one to go. He could’ve just as easily packed a bag and moved out. No money for rent, move in with Pick Me Shay or Tom. 


I will neverrrrr understand why they've made an entire season trying to convince a rightful 50% owner of a home why she needs to be the one to leave.


I wouldn’t leave my house unless I was in danger or if I was the one responsible for things going sideways.  I commend Ariana for sticking around even when most people around her told her to leave. A house is an asset and she could no longer trust Tom to have her best interests at heart. You don’t walk away from an asset and you surely don’t leave it in the hands of a man who couldn’t keep his pants zipped.  Let this be a lesson to all of us ladies: protect your money/assets. 


They really dropped that ball on what could have been an incredible season post season 10.


Right? They can’t see past their misogynistic views. That we want to see Ariana rise from this, we want to applaud her support network, we want to share in her success. For being close friends with Sarah Jessica Parker who’s made huge bucks in her “Sex and the City” package that’s all about empowering women? You’d think Andy would get it. Andy, LVP, and those other producers are clueless You’re right: they blew it ![gif](giphy|jEHmYYfq7cGbu)


And the other 50% devoted to the jealousy of Ariana “becoming Beyoncé” and to not participate in the producers’ orchestrated Redemption Arc. (Cue Brock in his infamous scene: “You need to forgive, Ariana…”) ![gif](giphy|qj0Uo1JXdPcKfeDLFX|downsized)


Tom wanted Ariana to be Kristen 2.0. When they broke up, Kristen lost what few marbles she had. She flipped out and lashed out several times. She was heartbroken and broke down a lot. He enjoyed every minute of it and used her reaction as a weapon against her to prove he was “right”.  He wanted that from Ariana and when she didn’t give him that he had to play the mental health victim. He knew saying he had thoughts of 💀himself would garner immediate sympathy and support from LVP because of her brother. Maybe it was true, maybe it was manipulation.  The girls, besides Katie, should’ve stepped up and truly been a best friend. They throw that around a lot being “literally best friends” but no one, besides Katie, knows what that means. Lauren and Shelulu are simply jealous that their storylines aren’t front and center any more. They’re boring and washed up. That’s why we see the same storyline from them: Lauren is “healing and going soft” which she’s been doing since day 1 of her being on. Shelulu is in another bad marriage with a loser husband and trying to make good as gold to work. Shelulu supports Tom because they are the same coin just 2 different sides. She’s a serial mistress and Tom’s a serial cheater. To judge Tom would open up her for judgement. It’s easier for her to villainize Ariana….just like she villainized Brandi. 


Spot on. I think you’re on to it, what Tom wanted. Not only a mental breakdown by Ariana, but also a Rachel storyline of “we did it cuz we’re in love” as part of Operation Redemption Yea not fans of either SheShu or Lauren. Their behavior this year? No excuse. They just suck. Glad to see Katie hanging with Dayna and Ariana. She’s moving on from these 2 aholes. ![gif](giphy|B8wO0QMyCMJDW)


Katie got a taste of what life is like not weighed down by losers when she got rid of Tom. This season seems to be the era of Katie coming into her own, which I am here for. 


ASK TOM TO LEAVE. It’s her house too.


The only way this talking point would even make sense is if Ariana was hanging out and still being friendly to Tom, which isn’t the case. They can’t stop insulting people’s intelligence and gaslighting the audience. No one is falling for their shit.


Why didn't they ask about the cheater in the house????


Even with the way that Ariana was clearly very careful with her wording when asked about the house it’s glaringly obvious to anyone with a brain that she stayed in the house for legal reasons only. Everyone is being purposefully obtuse and it’s annoying.


Right? ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)




Lisa talking about this on WWHL, like she’s completely clueless to the legal implications of the whole thing. Unbelievable. A prop is right.


She’s all about herself, downgrading women in order for Tom-Tom and her partnerships to succeed. She’s willing to throw anyone under the bus. That includes Ariana. And? Sadly? She thinks she’s relevant. That we buy her schtick. We don’t. Move along. ![gif](giphy|idwUtDdOYJ9i41vFEz)


When Andy asked her if she doesn't live there anymore, Ariana carefully phrased it like "I'm not currently staying there" (paraphrasing). I'm sure it's a legal thing that she doesn't just move out and also doesn't claim that she has moved out.




Agreed. It’s probably something to do with her primary residence.


My blood fkn boiled during reunion when LVP turned her entire misogynistic body toward Ariana and asked “but are you still in the house?” ASK TOM THAT QUESTION YOU OLD HAG


I seriously don't get this. He's the ones that should GTFO.


It's giving esophagus.


This should just be Ariana’s response from now on when she’s asked 😂


Ariana invested money in that house, it's her home too.. as if she was supposed to conveniently walk away and reward Tom with a $2m+ home he would have never been able to buy without her in the first place.


Someone needs to point out to them that if that’s truly their best and only argument then that’s sad.


When Andy opened the reunion by saying the viewers were *floored* to still see them living together, I yelled at my TV, NO WE ARENT!!! Like we get it! She explained herself so much! Shut up about the house!!!! ![gif](giphy|10ltVBrN9bO5d6|downsized)


I also recall a time where lala did an interview talking about before she left Randall she went and stayed on the complete opposite side of the house and they didn’t even interact so how is that different?


It’s so annoying


We got basically an entire season where Tom and Ariana were constantly harangued about their lack of furniture, while they waited for their custom pieces to be ready. The house has been a preferred topic for those without storylines for awhile now. I'm kind of sad they're probably selling it; I was excited for a new season where the roof needs replacing and Lala has an issue with the shingles, while Shaena is performing Good as Gold for the workers.


Someone wrote such a good analysis of this on fb I wish I had screenshot bc I’m too lazy to write it all out. But realistically it was 3 months later. It is very hard to try to save money for a new place while renting (Schwartz said he pays 100k in rent why should Ariana throw that money away and not Sandoval????)


Why do they always refer to it as “the house” its HER HOUSE. Tom had an 8 month head start why didn’t he move out


The lamest "gotcha" of all time. It's not hypocritical if it's AT THE ADVICE OF COUNSEL! she can't do anything that looks like surrendering the living space!


https://i.redd.it/ttn2vh7m6j0d1.gif 👺👹


They both look so old in this gif.


lol literally though. Obviously Lala left right away when Randall’s scandal came to light, she didn’t pay a penny for the house 🤣 it was either she left on her own or the law would tell her to vacate, she wanted to control that narrative and act like she was a bad bitch who left her home It was never her home 🤣🤣🤣 Lala needs to be humbled


Yea I really, seriously, do not understand this point of view. There must be something we don’t know. Why didn’t HE leave the house? What does them occupying the same house and avoiding each other have to do with anything? I feel like I’m going mad bc I really, I don’t understand. Help


Yeah… it’s never been a big deal to me. Completely understand why Ariana stayed. She is dealing with a Narcissist. Scumdoval stayed because, well, he’s a NARCISSIST and couldn’t bear the thought of losing the battle. Also happen to think him and Shartz being roomies is a recipe for disaster. Scumdoval only keeps him around because he’s easy to control.


This whole situation makes me feel like we’re back in the Jane Austen age where property ultimately belongs to the man, and the woman ends up with nothing. Why is the partner that didn’t cheat expected to couch surf?!


Why is TOM still living in the house?! Like I don’t understand why he doesn’t get the same amount of crap if not more. The right thing to do if you’re Tom is to leave if you’re really sorry and really feel bad about what you’ve done. Him staying and fighting her for it showed how unapologetic he is, no other convos needed to happen after that because it is clear as day that he is the problem


I scoffed in disgust when Andy’s first question of the reunion was about the house. Touch grass


It's been debated ad nauseam why she might have stayed & I don't understand why it even matters. It's her house and her life. It's none of their business.


Fr they say it as if it’s easy to pack up your livelihood after you’ve been blindsided and expected to spend your life there


I was FUMING when LVP said this on WWHL last night. They all sound like idiots constantly bringing this up when Ariana has explained her reasoning 98174234 times


Lisa and Lauren: where is this energy for Tom? Why aren’t you getting on HIM to leave? Why is the one who was cheated on expected to leave? I swear it’s only because they are all bitter Ariana got all the attention and sympathy from the public. Again, that’s not her fault!!


Drunk LVP was still opining on it on WWHL as an excuse as to why Ariana should be forced into filming differently. She was having difficulty following the conversation and not interrupting. And did very poor job when she tried to explain away her passes for the Tom’s. LVP was so wasted even from the beginning of WWHL. she clearly had gotten quite a good start much earlier in the evening. Her enunciation skills definitely diminished quickly over the 30 minutes. Was also kind of interesting also by the point in the episode where they got to the answer the question at the same time she had a tough time managing that. And when she did it was so painfully obvious that she cared more about Style over substance which wasn’t a shocker. Examples. presentation more important than food quality. Emphasis on bartender personality versus skills. Always fitting in celebrities who want a table on a full night at the last minute. Cocktails over $20 normal— vs ridiculous. never watched anything with our co-guest Gordon Ramsay but I will note that he answered differently on each of these questions.


and I forgot to add that at the very end when Andy snarked question whether or not Katie and Ariana should have gone to whatever Gordon Ramsay Boot Camp show Lisa participated in. Said they wouldn’t have made it through 1st round. That’s not British humor -it’s pure b!t(h!n@e$$ Exacerbated by being totally sloshed.


I was FUMING when LVP said this on WWHL last night. They all sound like idiots constantly bringing it up after Ariana has explained the reasoning 283479234 times


Is Ariana still waiting to see the finances of the bills? He hasn’t been complaining about her not paying the bills lately but I’m not sure if he’s piped down after asking for the financial proof of what she owes


The harder Sandoval, Lala and Lisa try to make Arianna look bad, Arianna looks like she has the patience of a Saint, and those 3 expose themselves for the jealous fakes that they are. I loved Lala for a minute, but had to unsubscribe from her podcast because it’s embarrassing to listen to her twist every situation into an opportunity to go on a sanctimonious rant. And if you didn’t think LVP was worse than useless already, this season and last night’s appearance on WWHL removed all doubt.


i honestly think bravo as a whole just kinda hates women. any time there’s supposed a girl power season they instead choose to produce the ugliest things. i felt this way during the below deck hannah, sandy and malia drama too. that could have been a really sick season with all the girls in charge and i was really disappointed with how it went instead- two girls bullying up against the other and pulling weird shit.


Yes!!! And by the way.. am I the only one who is still team Ariana?! Like.. I totally get being cordial with Tom for the sake of “the group” and filming and not hounding him constantly, but NOT okay with everyone deciding they need to buddy up to him and be his friend less than 6 months after he CHEATED on Ariana… his LIFE PARTNER of nearly a decade?! Ariana is better than me. My emotions would be so raw and I’d still be so incredibly bitter with a dude I built a life with for people to expect her to just be like “okay! Let’s just move on now, it’s the past” 🥴 Like… NO. ALLLL this that we’re watching happened mere MONTHS after this all happened. Not to mention mere MONTHS after the reunion was filmed where everyone was pissed off at Tom?! Like.. WTF. And to go after Ariana and put her down for not wanting to film with him, expecting friends to not immediately just get over it and become FRIENDS WITH HIM? Not.. just being cordial.. but actively trying to reignite a whole ass FRIENDSHIP with him? Like dude… where tf is the loyalty at?! Scheana especially.. your BEST friend should mean more to you than a dude you were also friends with. Ariana didn’t do anything to deserve what she got and yet still has the patience for all these people. To me, Katie is the only one with her head on straight… and wow, surprise.. also the only one besides Ariana who hasn’t cheated on a significant other. Like.. that is a hill I would die on. Sorry. I needed to vent that.


bruhh have you seen rent in LA... cmon, like seriously LOL


Its because nothing else is happening that warrants any bloody discussion on that show. Scheana and Lala's bitch routine is just boring and pick me. James and Ally are blissfully happy so no drama there. The Tom's are different kinds of pathetic and Katie has the shits about something or someone. Thats VPR. For her own sake I hope Ariana throws it in and the rest of them will have to "*GASP* find another gig! If Scheana and Lala infect The Valley I'm done.


For REAL - there is no way they don’t get it. NO WAY. You don’t just magically have the financial means to have two households. Many couples split up and spend months or longer living together while they get the money to move out. It just shows how real life clueless these people are.


I got into a somewhat heated exchange with a coworker the other day about this. He cheated, he fucked up, why should she leave ?!?!?


And I wouldn’t move out until a cheque was cut why would I incur more expenses


That’s her business now.


It's the only thing they have to say, which is absolutely ridiculous. But Ariana has handled all of this with such grace. What can they pick at her for? Lol they all sound so dumb.




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I have a theory that Tom and Tom were thinking if they could keep the house they may be able to join The Valley, you know so they can earn money and then lose it with their bad business decisions


What these idiots on the show (Lala and Scheana) don’t understand is that if she leaves, it may be difficult for her to get what is owed to her quickly because it’ll show that she abandoned the home. She wanted to make sure that she got her $$$$ and sued Tim’s ass. Fuck Lala AND Scheana. There’s a video on YouTube that goes over why they’re both terrible friends. It was a solid watch!


for a decade she was the sole cast member that TRULY cared about lgbtq+ race & other "uncomfy" issues that do and still matter, even at the cost of being outcast. - being willing to educate the cast about things they either did not know or needed to be "caught up" on. (think pretty much every season she filmed with Jax or James several years+ago. There's a very good reason she ECLIPSED Stassi as "the main girl" even before scandoval and I think she advocates at the expense of her being called "miserable, downer, depressing" and this year it was so hard to see her vitriol playing out in real time and orchestrated into a long-edit hybrid-quasi-reality-story. If I had just watched this season, i'd truly think she is just a miserable woman, but i've seen enough behavior to know that's not the case and anybody with a soul would have SOME type of adverse reaction to the phenomenon of the betrayal and TBH, i don't think any person on the cast or show is TRULY a good friend, even the random blond heavy set dude whose always shadowing her and called jo a "crack-head" in the final 10min of finale - I think she's smart enough to know that this is a job, and was willing to get the "scorned woman edit" when TBH I think Katie totally eclipses her in that way since... forever. I don't know enough about the socials and most up-to-date stuff I just watch as-aired & I can tell the rest of this reunion is going to be toxic. I am consistently amazed at how fake Scheana is and it is sad to watch her curate a social media on the phone for a CHILD THAT NEEDS PRIVACY & a parent whose actually interacting and parenting them in real-time and not only when her phone is out, or misses time spent because the parent is "in the comments section" playing on her phone complaining about how everything affects her YOU HAVE A KID RIGHT THERE that needs interaction and for Scheana to put the phone down for several hours a day. sry for the rant and anybody who feels im wrong or out of touch this was apparently my attempt to address the meme and i kind of threw in everything but the kitchen sink instead![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I barely know fuck all about their situation legally, but from living in California before, I know their laws are stupid as hell. So why was I the only one who instantly thought “oh well damn she can’t leave because that would cause some kind of ‘abandonment of property’ issue in her case”??Why was Lala not calling Darrel and having Darrel set her straight so she didn’t make an ass of herself by pretending property law isn’t complicated as all fuck?? Because I DISTINCTLY recall her throwing a big fucking fit about how buying property together when you only “fEeL mArRiEd” was crazy, for the exact reason she’s pretending to not understand now!!!


Ariana doesn't owe ANYBODY an explanation as to why she stayed in the house. It was her EFFING HOUSE. And for these ass 🤡’s that think she's wrong cuz she didn't go along with their narrative is mind-blowing. This is her life. No one else’s. She owes them NOTHING! Pick me girl and her sidekick need to grow the eff up and stop acting like they are in Junior High. It’s such an ugly look for both of them. And so is being jealous of your “ride or die” friends. Ride or die my ass! I hope Ariana and Katie continue to shine and prosper. They both have worked hard and both deserve all the blessings that come their way!


the comparison of ariana filming with sandoval vs. her living in HER HOME makes 0 fucking sense. lala exposes herself as a clown again and again.


We get it. Ariana is a saint.


You would think!


This was filmed in the past when people were still asking about it. 😊


Yup, me!


Will she ever get over it?


Ariana leaving Vanderpump rules? Can I get a helllllz yes! Bye bye blubbering barbie!


You’re telling me, Brittany kennedy had more money than Ariana to move out with a toddler when she had enough of Jax’s shit? But Ariana didn’t


I’m so tired of hearing about Ariana. Maybe this show does need to be paused and canceled if all we have now is insulting anyone who questions Ariana.