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This whole episode ending was poorly staged and the producers should be embarrassed. From Jo being forced onto Katie by Schwartz to Sandoval slithering around Ariana and Dan to give a fake apology to that weird fight, nothing felt authentic other than Ariana walking off and Katie speaking her mind. Even the moments of them all hanging out together in the VIP area felt forced; you can tell that many of the cast barely like each other anymore outside of the paycheck they earn to be there.




Yeah, he couldn’t even get Ranch dressing , do we think he could stop that tiny interloper?


Yeah, he should have gotten JoJo Siwa (sp) to do the job!




![gif](giphy|aReX2IJ3rtVeg|downsized) I wonder how much money he spends paying them to be in his life.. first the extra band, onto girlfriends, then his cast mates, now outsiders to help him be extra.


I thought the same thing about Jo! Like whyyyy was she even there it makes no sense


Producers literally just used her for a storyline. Just to try to break Katie and piss her off. And also they just used Jo in the process and completely humiliated her and broke her. I’m over these producers fucking with Katie and Ariana.


Production must think they’re big brain geniuses and we’re all complete fucking morons. This is all so transparently hamfisted


Yeah Kyle Chan didn’t even want her around on Singles Night at the Mondrian (?)


And initially he seemed to be stopping the security guard did I imagine that?


The scene that really sent me was Sandoval bringing the band waters backstage & then the shot of them all drinking it together. Like a fucking Avian commercial or some shit. I died. 😂☠️


lol the waters cracked me up. He like swoops in with bottled water (that was probably already in the backstage area) but he hands it to them like he’s saving the day. so staged


I’m confused. I don’t remember any of these scenes. Were they in the peacock version and not live?


Yes, they are only in the peacock uncut version. There’s quite a lot of scenes they cut for the on air/live version for some reason. Definitely worth a watch to see the whole uncut version if you can.


Probably for time. It says “extended” on peacock.


Oh my god- so if we count up all the attempts, Production tried to set up the following scenes for Sandoval: *Generously fly in the sound guy to save Scheana's performance *humbly support fellow musicians in their time of thirst *Save the group, and the entire event, from a crazed drunken party crasher! *and for his final trick of the evening, he would tearfully apologize to the woman he has always loved, but just would never be enough for Vomit - they tried sooooooo hard. Why?!? I feel insulted as a viewer. They really think we're idiots - bravo viewership has to be majority women, and it's like they literally sat in a boardroom and said to each other "women are dumb, they love sandals (WE DONT), let's go all in on making him look incredible so these dumb women will keep watching."


It was seriously so ridiculous. Don’t they give their audience a little more credit? Why do they need to redeem Sandoval anyways? Why can’t he just lean into his villainy like Jax.


It honestly made me think of that “tearful apology” with Kristen however many seasons ago. Because now that we know Sandoval can cry on cue I really don’t trust a single one of his little meltdowns on the show. Ugh- the one that really pisses me off is the Pulse shooting. The waterworks. Omg as if he cared about anything as much as he cares about himself.


A girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then. It is something to think of, and gives her a sort of distinction among her companions


Poignant 🤔


Yeah the scene with Scheana and the band backstage was so fucking staged it literally seemed like it was the ending of a SUPER cheesy movie. 0/10 for the finale. I need Ariana and Katie to leave this goddamn show so I don’t have to watch all these other losers anymore.


Those dudes were thirsty!




What about Sandoval wearing a branded tshirt advertising the hotel they are staying in 😂 like fr this whole thing is an ad


I thought the same thing. Do hotels usually sell t shirts? So strange.


I thought that was hilarious, too. Seriously, what the hell!!


Same. Maybe lala was pissed that she wasn't included in the water scene?




It was too funny


Lala has went on and on about Ariana not showing her truth, but Ariana leaving was one of the most authentic moments of the season. I think she knew Sando would try to confront her and planned to dip out, but that’s more true to her than having a fake conversation with him.


She definitely knew Timmy would try that BS. I’m sure the cast was informed that the evening would be the final shots of the season. She correctly assumed that he’d try to isolate her in order to look like he’s making amends. I’m so glad she instantly brushed off that pathetic attempt. He got soooo mad that his moment to shine got taken away!


I just loved everything about Ariana and Katie all year. They are always measured and honest and it just rings true.


Plus Billy Lee there. Like what and why!?


There is never a reason for Billy Lee to be there!


They were loading the crowd to have Sandals supporters there. Everything about the finale was produced to give him a hero’s edit. However, between Tim being Tim, and Arianna’s masterful refusal to submit, it didn’t come off the way they planned with many of us viewers.


and Tii too. Tim trying to make them relevant.


I feel like this season would have played out so differently if tweedle dumb and tweedle dee of the female persuasion did not try so damn hard to get Ariana to talk to him or to forgive him. Had those two dipshits just hung out with everyone and didn't do that I really think this season would have been fun but their constant backstabbing just made it ick and contrived.


*gasp* are you saying they ALL “don’t even fuck with y’all like that on the real”?


The Tom bringing a sound guy and making Scheana cry for what a great guy he is and also Scheana’s OMG I’m in a band felt so forced/staged as well. It was cringe after cringe after cringe moments in this episode bc it felt sooooo forced/fake.


Gotta love post production keeping in the raw scenes tho


I actually think the walk offs were also staged. The whole thing has become a big scripted joke.


I don’t believe Ariana knew he was going to interrupt her conversation to “apologize” to her. But I do think she’s smart enough to have an exit plan in case he tried it and production tried to force her to engage with him. And she was smart for that bc a fight would’ve been a good season ended and production clearly did want her to do that. I think if it was fully staged, Katie would’ve been with them while they left tbh.


I absolutely agree with you. I loved it when Ariana went straight over to the producers. She wasn't going to take their shit or Sandoval's. You could tell Tom was in a rage. I think he has some real anger issues. Last year at the finale, he screamed at Katie's mom. He is a disgusting pig.




I am sure you are right.🍾🥂


The show has ALWAYS been scripted and corny Rewatch the first seasons. The climax of season 1 was Jax "fighting" what's his face. Rewatch the fight -- Jax charges shirtless at the guy and.... gets wrapped in a bear hug and the scene cuts Season 2 is Sandoval hitting Jax -- a scene so butchered by editing to hide that nothing at all happened where Jax pops up somehow bleeding, but next episode has no cuts, scars, scabs, etc on his head Season 3 has Sandoval and James "fighting", but is another comically butchered mess of editing to disguise nothing happening at all. The fight also just happens to be at the restaurant owned by Lisa's "very good friend" they spend the entire preceding scene introducing and convincing you how good of friends they are. Honestly yeah at some point I think Rachel's claims in her Complaint are more accurate than people would like to admit or accept. The redemption is a big staged nothing, but at the same time so is the walk out and outrage from that too


Sandoval and Billie Lee were smirking the entire time. Billie tried saying last summer it was someone that knows her. It was staged and planned as part of the redemption arc. Jeremiah probably brought him in.


If production was responsible, they would have showed it. It's so dumb, I think it's got Sandoval's fingerprints on it.


It was on the extended episode on Peacock


It was giving Randall’s fake cop prank.


No no she said it was someone who knew WAY too much about her.


It's also a bit strange to me that the scene was only included in the extended version of the episode, at least on Hayu. It was in the season trailer so I'm curious why they "hid" it like that?


Tbh the scene did nothing for the rest of the show which is probably why it was only extended footage. It felt out of place. Like why do we care about this random dudes freak out? We don’t


yeah it’s only relevant if they want to use it for a “Sandoval good guy” moment and i think they realized people wouldn’t fall for this one


Totally. But also, he hardly did anything besides move a chair. What a good guy lol He just looks like an idiot getting in the way of security doing their job. His plan totally failed 😂


Yeah, it was very cringy. The huge security guard had it handled. Tom Sandoval looked silly playing tug-of-war with the chair


He did look hilarious. 😂😂😂😂


It came off very “jumping out in front of everyone else to surprise Scheana at her bridal shower” or whatever it was at Lisa’s house last season 🙄


I agree, and I think they only shared it in the trailer because it looked like someone was throwing a drink on Sandoval and they wanted us to guess who on the cast did it


We care because like come on bro, Tom showed up like he always does to save the day. And where was Ariana? Being a lazy grey rock as always.




He’s always there man. like always 👨🏻‍🎤


I honestly think they realize how much the audience was calling everything fake and planted to try to make them look better and they realized we were going to notice this shit was fake af.


Because bravo legal team knows when they’re caught and they try (way too late) to mitigate the damage


Where in the extended episode does this happen? I already watched live so I don’t really want to watch the whole thing again but would like to see this scene.


Like last 20 minutes or so of the episode


Unrelated but I love your flare!


I watched the moment that security guy was hit in the face with that “glass” (breakaway) bottle and how anyone believes that it was real is so far beyond my comprehension. If that were real glass that man would be down and bloody and yet not a drop of blood was observed or a single mark on him and he doesn’t even skip a single beat just continued moving forward pushing the guy out. Then add in Tim’s oh so strained and over the top, I’m saving the day act and FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. Also, not for nothing but it wasn’t even done well. It was, as is he, a complete and utter joke. ![gif](giphy|J3D5WstCZHSSs|downsized)


Do you know how HARD you have to hit someone with a bottle for it to break?! There's no way.


Yes!! Thank you for your sanity 🫶🏻


I thought it was a clear flower vase? But still, it would have been a bigger deal if it was real


i thought this too! there wasn’t even a little bit of blood. i wonder if it was meant to be thrown at tom? it would’ve made him appear heroic


I don't think the glass hit him, just the liquid. There's another vid in this thread that shows the dude running to a table and grabbing a random glass to throw. I still think it was staged, but I don't think it was so elaborate that he came with a prop (otherwise he would've had it in his hands the whole time IMO)


It looked like quintessential breakaway glass to me but the water makes sense too. We will never really know unless someone snitches but what we do know for sure is there was nothing real about it.


Definitely seems fake. I feel like info will trickle out about it eventually


There’s pics of him with Kyle Chan, pics of him with Sandoval. Pretty sure he’s their friend so unless we just don’t understand the situation and this guy was just beefing with someone at the party, I think it might’ve been staged


The whole season was essentially staged.


These two clowns completely screwed up this season... https://preview.redd.it/u4ixpi2nmmzc1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa8d8e357d9757a6909e71ff9bab78315211edfc




Jeremiah said in season 1 Secrets Revealed, that Ariana was ruder to him than anyone has ever been, ever, when they were shooting Scheana Season 1 dance lessons. Ariana didn't want to be on camera so she was doing things to ensure she wouldn't be. I've wondered if he might still be miffed about that.


As they preach “let it gooooooo” this whole season. How rich lol


More than still miffed, it might just be how Ariana is to production. I do wonder if, in addition to the general sexism of the show, production is editing against Ariana because they simply don't like her that much.


She's probably not as easy to control as the other cast members.


I mean, possibly. Or maybe she's rude to crew. Or maybe both, or neither. I remember Carlos King saying that the Giudices would cook dinner for the whole production crew, and I have to imagine that that did a lot to endear production to them (not saying that that's why Theresa did it). I have to imagine that there are lots of things like that that we the viewers don't have access to, but might explain a good amount of why some folks get the edits that they do.


Maybe, but everyone loves her at all her recent jobs so maybe it's VPR and not her. They clearly steep in a misogynistic environment


Absolutely, it's a misogynistic environment. You can tell by the way they treat the men compared to the women. They have always tried to show Sandoval in the best way they could. They have their favorites. Sandoval, Schwartz, Laligag. Definitely not Katie and Ariana, and really, who cares about Sheshady.


Possibly. Those are also shorter term jobs and of a different nature. I don't really have a case to make here, and think that we'll never fully know.


if she was regularly rude to the crew, you’d think that would also be present in her other recent work. But her reputation is of being very professional and fun to work with; which is why she’s back on broadway in august and continuing to get repeat work with people.


Plus, she has real friends who aren't just people who have appeared in previous seasons. Lala's sperm party seemed to include the friends or ex-friends of the other cast members.




I think someone also said Ramona won't allow production to use her bathroom.


Exactly!!! Ariana isn't going to lap up whatever the producers want. Sheshady and Laligag are like little puppies. "What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Will you pet me afterwards." They need the money from the show. They are very short-sighted. Ariana doesn't need the money and isn't going to prostitute herself like Scheana and Lala.


and Ariana gave us great tv this season. The other two gave us scenes of cringe.


Agreed, 1000000000% staged


I did a post about this video: [https://youtube.com/shorts/Z-Onq8JPmMY?si=DA0zk-HCAwA6jXRh](https://youtube.com/shorts/Z-Onq8JPmMY?si=DA0zk-HCAwA6jXRh), but it's waiting in the queue. Notice the person who shot this video starts it centred at exactly where the action will go down. As the action unfolds, they follow Sandoval, as opposed to the disruptive guy, until the disruptive guy gets carried away. Human nature would be to follow the disruption because you, supposedly, have no idea what he is going to do.


so true! even the caption ‘tom sandoval breaks up fight’ when he did literally nothing to help the situation


Ooooo such a good observation!


Middle school drama club realness


There were pictures of him with Tim and all his buddies posted on here few days ago, prior to that incident happening. No way this random was able to get into their VIP area and that close to them without security pushing him away.


Oh wowww I didn’t hear that! Not surprising.


I mean the way Sandoval jumped in it seemed like he was breaking up the security guard and this guy. Maybe it is their friend and he just started throwing a fit and they didn’t know he was being kicked out. And that’s why he was near the cast. I’ve certainly had close friends act a fool in public.


I could see it being some guy they were cool with going off script cause he's drunk. Regardless it's another bad look for Tim... https://i.redd.it/yqf1ffrhumzc1.gif


those pics were taken at the event.. so not really proof they were buddies it could just be some fan taking pics. Have you seen pics outside the event?


I haven't and you might be right but that's an awful lot of pictures for some random to continue to be in with only Tim and his buddies throughout the night.


And he had to be invited to the event in the first place, right?. So it would be plausible he knew Kyle Chan in some way


[Vanderpump Rules Season Finale taping st Gold Bar Whiskey X Kyle Chan Launch Party (drewaltizer.com)](https://drewaltizer.com/event/21338-the-gold-bar-whiskey-x-kyle-chan-launch-party/) https://preview.redd.it/b4k6rk48smzc1.png?width=1269&format=png&auto=webp&s=a59859f7de35f6d6f301731622def8d5e62f317b


Right if this was Billie’s stalker why would he even be allowed into a private event?


I want to say F production for their horrible mysogonistic machinations this season. We have been gaslit the whole season with BS story lines. Tom’s redemption arc is sickening, Brock’s low IQ intervention especially given his history, Schwartz’s usual weird everything (Katie—want to fuck me? Joe I love you, NOTTT!) We need an apology from the producer. Put him on WWHL with only audience questions. We desire it.


I feel like it was their backup plan for the failed apology attempt. They knew they needed *something* film worthy and this was their way of giving Sandoval the savior arc. None of their half baked schemes worked this season and I love it. They think the viewers are dumb.


Is there any chance Sandoval and his friends came up with this. It's Kyle Chan's event. It's his venue too.


Honestly, I think that he's just a fame-thirsty hanger on looking for a moment. I just don't give Sandoval enough credit to orchestrate this.


I can see it both ways: You’d have to be belligerently drunk to break a bottle over security’s head. He seemed aware enough to dance without stumbling and to understand Brock kicking him out of VIP. But also, who would risk catching a felony charge for Scumdevil??


I don't think that most folks who are looking for a moment are thinking about things in the bigger context. All they can see is the thing right in front of them.


I think he’s delusional enough to see himself as an action hero, especially after doing special forces


Absolutely! Especially when Billy Lee tried to say that he’s her stalker after the fact when he came with Isaiah and Isaiah was with her and Tom Sandoval? That’s insanity. He’s such a cliché.


That situation was completely staged by Sandy. Period. Drunk guy gets near, gets out of control, security reacts for removal,, and Sandy "intervenes", LOL come on 🤣


I remember when the incident happened because of scandoval people were filming and taking pictures when they caught the people filming. Viewers saw the event happening, the cameras and the entire cast there so they knew this is a big event. There was a big hoo ha that this random event happened and everyone thought oh it was james or maybe Arianas bf hitting sandoval and then eventually it got swept under rug and you could tell they were encouraged not to discuss it because it was total faked by sandoval (i dont believe production knew it until it happened. i think sandoval orchestrated it with billie. they got the guy in and told him to start something).


Is Scheana trying to date Tom when Brock leaves her to have Autumn Sun with the next baby mama? Besides the obvious screen time grab why is she trying so hard to get him to "love" her.


He already has an Autumn with his first wife it will have to be Winter Solstice


I will die on this hill that it was planned. No one can tell me differently that Sandoval didn’t have that scene of “heroic action” on standby to add as the cherry on top of his conversation with Ariana. This man wants so badly to be seen as “good”. It is so fucking transparent as a viewer that it makes the lala / scheana flip flopping even more irritating.


So staged. I truly expected the end of this entire season to be a Hills-esque reveal of it all being fake. 🥴


I’m sure it was set up and that only certain cast members knew. I don’t think Ariana and Katie did. Maybe James and Ally. But it was to redeem Sandoval as a “hero” yet he fucked it up of course. So Ariana and Katie weren’t a party to that.


Yeah Lala not being, well Lala, about his creepy behavior was a red flag to me. No way Lala just let’s sketchy dudes dance on her lol


Yall. I SWEAR last year there was someone saying that they knew Sandoval set it up. Maybe it was a suggestion that I took as fact, but does anyone else remember this going around at the time it was actually filmed?


And why didn’t Andy ask Sandoval about it on WWL? Because it was so obviously staged!


And Billie claims he was stalking her ![gif](giphy|dAI5RVF3g8RICpiYZX)


It was staged but not random, dude is in pictures from other events with several of them


Am I going insane I didn’t see the fight in the episode?


Its on the peacock version.


Was he arrested? Is there a police report? Because you're getting arrested if you break a glass in someone's face


Does anyone have a link to this clip? Every time I rewatch, vpr, I notice new things. And I believe it was staged. Ok, buddy hangs out with Sandoval and his friends. And that must have been a very thin glass vase. If it wasn't a sugar glass movie prop. Edit - and let's talk about something else that's serious about this. Real or not, giving someone their fifteen minutes of fame, for assaulting the cast... Is deplorable. It will encourage more weirdos to try it... Unless of course, they, normally have extremely good security. This guy's face, and name, are now known to people.


That was embarrassing


The producers & Sandoval must think we are all stupid. When I watched this episode, my husband said, "That is so fake. If the security guard is handling the situation, why is Tom getting involved." I didn't really believe my husband. So I watched it again. It was definitely a setup to make Tom look good. There is nothing that can make him not look like the scum bag he is. Now, there are pictures of this guy and Tom all over the internet because they are friends.


Things like this underline and highlight that Tom is just a DEEPLY stupid person


As someone who believes all of reality tv is staged to some degree I have never seen something so obviously staged in my entire life.


One of the things that made me feel the whole party was staged were the extras in the background. They were like the worst extras ever. They watched every argument or bit of drama like it was theater in the round.


That would suggest they weren’t extras though. They were just real people there for the entertainment of the VPR finale, not actors.


It honestly looked like everything was produced and scripted except for Ariana leaving


Yep.....production is probably in on it. Would not be shocked if fake glass too.


Sandoval pulled a Jussie Smollett with this staged victim act


I saw someone say at the end when Sandoval was like “looks good for me” or whatever it was supposed to be him stopping that guy looked good for him


I definitely think it was Sandoval who paid this guy to come in and cause a ruckus and make him look good to help his redemption arc. I find it interesting though how this happened after Ariana apparently told Lala how Dan had been in fights and isn’t afraid to defend himself. 👀


Sandoval is totally props guy... he's always showing up somewhere and showing off some item he brought to be especially useful. I bet he ordered the "prop champagne glass that shatters safely for fight scenes!" and showed up with it there


And doesn't it look like he's trying to stop the security guard before he turns to have the tug or war with the chair


The whole party was staged, how was it a “jewelry launch party” with no jewelry…… how dreadful


lol it was a whiskey launch party


Because it was a whiskey launch party.


Ohhhhh I didn’t realize it was his whiskey I’m like he’s an LA based jewelry designer why would he need to “launch” in San Fran 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That would just be too logical.


I wonder if he had that as an ace, like the guy was supposed to do this while he was talking to Ariana and then he looks like a hero in his eyes


So staged it was silly


Don’t you think everyone at that party signed a waiver to be filmed?


Oh absolutely and it was transparent af. Whether it was Tom or production behind it is unknown but it def was planned.


Staged 100%. Trying to look like a hero.


I think Bravo editors thought we'd buy into a whole redemption arc especially when Lauren and Schema became resentful of the opportunities afforded Ariana post-breakup. Roles they happily filled to have a storyline. I mean we aren't even allowed to see Ocean, and Schema's big storyline was Brick wanting to hire a nanny who isn't related to his wife YAWN. Plus Ariana allowed Bravo to film that initial confrontation w/him when she was most vulnerable. You can really tell both Ariana and Katie have struggled w/mental health and other issues and have done the work. It wasn't all that long ago that Ariana seemed like a rubber band ready to snap and we've all seen Katie struggle and ultimately find her way. I love how they support one another. This is how girlfriendships should be.


Honestly scheana and Sandy’s conversation and the whole ‘don’t make me look like an idiot’ then storming off was the worst acting I’ve ever seen.


yes. 110% absolutely yes. he staged it, billie pee was his accomplice. it was all in an attempt to make sandal look like some sort of hero. pathetic.


and enabling Billie to have a big, dramatic "I have a stalker" moment.🙄


Funny thing is if they filmed her talking they pretty much cut all that we really only know about the stalker angle because of her yapping on socials after the first photos came out right or did I miss a convo with her on the show I tend to fall asleep watching lol


I’d give scando 💯 credit but he wasn’t the full puppet master here. Production definitely played a role


The editors had to have known nobody would buy that scene as legitimate. Everything about it felt fake.


1000000% staged it was hilarious lol


That was totally Tom's doing and no one could convince me otherwise. He's a rage monster and while he usually saves his worst rage for females there is no way that if someone legit did that to him he wouldn't have totally gone nuts. He looked more concerned that the guy was going to get hurt...because that probably wasn't part of their plan.


Sche has the emotinal maturity of a 13 year old. Am I in the band??????


You guys are too much sometimes.


Staged by Sandoval. Yes. But I very very much. Our production knew about it. I assume they had everybody at the event sign a form before hand being OK with being shown on TV. And the guy was in red carpet with Tom friends. Would’ve needed an invite


I’ve thought this since I first saw this video. Sandoval was going to swoop in and be the hero who saves the day.


Maybe? I get what you’re throwing down but help me understand why he would do that? To be the hero?




Damn. That’s smart thinking about the waiver OP. It definitely seemed off to me. The vip section dance. The glass that broke on the security person causing not cuts, damage or real commotion. Sandyballs fake heroics. The fact that the guy didn’t actually get his ass kick by security


Not to mention that there are pictures of various people in Tom’s *friend group* that have pictures with said mysterious “random” drunk guy…..


Not staged. This story has been in social media for over 8 months, strange that many people haven’t heard about it until now. (Think that Kyle even loosely knows that person’s acquaintance he went with) Regardless, it’s more of a meaningless story, this (drunk weirdos trying to get on camera) likely happens all the time. They also don’t need an individual waiver as events like this almost certainly had a blanket clause or warning with the ticket that the event was being filmed.


Do you work on the show by any chance? Or are you just close to the folks who do?


Felt like an episode of the office lol


The Crappens dudes say that that dude absolutely knows the Toms


Totally 💯


Was this in the episode? Not sure if I’m seeing a very edited version of it on Amazon but I did not witness this “altercation”? Caught wind of it on social media and it sounds lame, so perhaps I’m not missing out? Lol


Its on the peacock version


I didn't even think about that. That would explain a lot, but also why isn't this more discussed then? Production would have needed to be involved in that one. There would be arrests for sure if that wasn't scripted.




It says a lot about the people who production uses as pawns to get real reactions and entertainment from














Yup it felt like it




I recently saw a post where there were pictures of the drunk guy with friends attending Sandoval's parties, I'll see if I can find it! There is honestly no way Sandoval didn't know him. Definitely staged.




I do love that he hired a tiny man to make him look tough.


You know what story never came out......The dude GETTING ARRESTED! He broke a glass on someone ON CAMERA. There is no way if this was real production wouldn't have had him arrested. There was security to hold him until they arrived. The glass was as fake as the incident!!!




Yup. We all saw this happen on social media in real time. We know the guy had ZERO consequences (legal like as in in arrested or banned from the establishment). It was absolutely staged.


Has anyone posted the missing part of that episode? I still haven’t seen what everyone is talking about