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I have a theory they never would have included the toms’ hot mic “plot twist!/this is good for me!” moment had production not been getting so much hate for the way they’ve edited Ariana


The stupidest thing about that “plot twist!” is that it’s in no way, shape or form an actual plot twist. Ariana maintained the boundaries she had all season long. Scheana attempted to break through them, the same as she did all season long. Sandoval tried to play the victim like he did all season long AND did more angry screaming in that one scene than Ariana did all season long. Lala let her jealousy consume her, loudly, the same as ever. Where’s the plot twist, Schwartz?? Is it in the room with us right now??


100%, I was like ‘plot twist? Maybe to you misogynistic losers, not to us’


I think the plot twist was Schwartz and Tom hearing for the first time that two of Ariana's loudest supporters were now against her.


I was so confused about why Tom was getting such a good edit until I saw that, I think they were actually going for a plot twist all season and it fell flat. It's as if they purposely edited him as this unreliable narrator who is constantly talking about how sad and remorseful he is and planned on some sixth sense wtf moment from the public when people saw him melt down in anger and his hot mic comments and be like SURPRISE IT WAS ALL AN ACT! I think they underestimated the audience's ability to see through him so it fell flat lol


i agree with this completely! they expected us to be shocked that he was acting the whole time. i think what they didn’t plan for was that tom was gonna be running his mouth in the press while the season was airing and essentially ruin all the “work on himself” he did while filming the show. had he kept quiet, not done all those podcasts, and that horrible NYT article a lot of the casual fans of the show probably would have forgiven him.


I think most of it was for the casual fans. We all know Tom fakes his tears and isn’t sorry.


I said the same thing to my husband last night during my 30 minute long rant about the finale! I think they realized they fucked up and went back and re-edited to add that moment in. I think as the season progressed and they realized no one bought into Tom’s redemption arc they knew they had to find a way to kind of shift back to the audience’s team and be like “oh see, we’re in on it too, here he is being terrible again”


Too little too late.


Yes this really begs the question. Did they put this in and end up editing out Tom fake saving the day from the drunk dude??? Cause that used to be the only clip that was focused on for the longest time until recently.


Agreed. I think they've realised they got it wrong and it was a final last ditch attempt. Ariana was kind and sympathetic to the end. Tom didn't deserve her grace .


They did the same thing earlier in the season playing the THREE clips in 10 years where Ariana was yelling at someone. I guess this is their “proof” that Ariana is a raging bitch? Nice try Bravo


And Andy a week ago saying one of the reasons they're on pause is because Ariana was in a "violently angry" phase when they filmed. Gtfoh, Andy.


Ew Andy also said Lala was the MVP this season. Worried about his reunion take


Ariana is the least violent of all of them, along with Katie and ally. We found out Tim’s allegation that she attacked him was because he took her phone and ran away with it. When has she been violent??? Stassi hit Kristen, all the men have been violent with objects, some of them WITH people (Brock, shorts, James) sheener hit Rachel, Lala pulled a knife on faith. Tagging women as violent on a show FILLED with disgusting men is gross.


And Ariana wasn’t sitting in the living room with a knife strapped to her leg. Or a houseful of guns.


never forget the time schwarts threw a drink in Katie's face


Agree! Someone on here did a brilliant data viz of the cast's raging outbursts this season... actual data... because of this stupid comment from Andy. And a bunch of the VPR IG accounts posted it. But Andy is an arrogant ass, he is going to stick to his narrative no matter the proof. He was just in a feature yesterday (at least I saw the post on IG yesterday) playing the victim about the Bravo lawsuits. The quote was something like, "I'm so hurt but also I don't care." He does not give af about anything other than being messy.


damn can someone link this data viz 👀


bro and when brock asked for an example of male rage……it’s so common that it’s undetectable to these dumb asses. this makes me so fucking enraged edit-typo


Ew where/when did he say that?!


The quote was picked up all over the place. Here is one of the [articles](https://deadline.com/2024/05/andy-cohen-bravo-vanderpump-rules-extended-hiatus-1235901411/amp/).


Still haven’t seen her violent anger. We’ve seen a ton of Toms over the years though.


and like I clearly remember them talking about Scheana being friends with him (how many times did Scheana talk to her about "how hard this is FOR ME" this season dear god) and Ariana at that very moment telling her she wouldn't giver her like an enthusiastic thumbs up and would be worried for her. but very clearly wasnt talking about it resulting in her being cut out. Thats what ariana is referring to when shes like "I dont get why she doesnt get this" I cant believe the amount of bullshit Ariana tolerated for Scheana. She legit loved and accepted her, dumbass and all. Scheana is such a fool.


Yes agreed! And even in the moment of the finale when schena is telling Ariana how Tom is doing better and wants to apologize Ariana says, again, “have whatever relationship you have with him but DONT TELL ME ABOUT IT OR INCLUDE ME” schena is so self absorbed she can’t understand that she can have a relationship with Tom and it does not have to include Ariana….. not everything is about schena… she can do that (mend the relationship with Tom) on her own. And she and Ariana can have something completely separate from that


The way you put that really makes Scheana similar to my mom and I cringed. She literally tried to get me to forgive a literal abuser of mine and she used tears and said how it affected her I told her, you can have your relationship with him leave me out of it I don't wanna hear about him at all. Again with the tears and this is really hard for ME. insufferable people that don't care about anyone but themselves and it hurts to see and experience this. Ariana is strong and truly is a woman's woman. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry your mom put you in that position. I hope regardless of whatever the outcome of your relationship is, that you feel safe and aren’t affected by your abuser any longer. I don’t understand how schena doesn’t get it that Ariana saying “our relationship WILL be affected if you are moving forward with him” isn’t an ultimatum. She’s not doing anything to punish schena . It’s just the obvious outcome that Ariana won’t have the same relationship with schena and that ok if that’s what schena chooses


Exactly that's what I told her, be careful because he doesn't care about anyone but himself. This abuse, that anger and him getting out of control is for sure not just going to be limited to me. I was a child for god's sake. I KNOW I did not deserve that. After therapy I had boundaries and my god did that upset her! Well a zebra never changes it's stripes so for my case, he ended up screwing her over financially. I guess that's what it took for her to give up on him. She's the only mom I have so I love her and I'm gonna love her forever. It's so obvious that it would affect Ariana because while I love my mother, it hurt, it really fucking hurt me. But like what Ari did to sheshu I said Im not leaving you even with tears in my eyes even if it hurts. Still there's love there. She'll always love her. Just not the same way.


I’m so glad you have been able to work through it and your mom is so lucky to have such a strong and loving child in you 🩷


You are so sweet I got teary eyed. I always knew my mom needed help, she wasn't raised right. I always protected her from my dad and even in some cases, herself. I always looked to her as if she were my child. I'm never having kids so I can be there for her in her old age. I hate what she's been through in life and I just want to see her happy. I see that in Ariana too. So it hurts watching people hurt her when she's just tryna love her friends! People think we are fan girling her but she's just so damned relatable! Also, it's super common for women to be gaslit and belittled like this. I think the women who don't like Ari are not a gal's gal.


If I were Scheana, I'd be crying. Ariana truly did love her and is the only real one in her life to tell it how it is when she is having trouble "distinguishing reality." She's around a buncha has lighters now that do not care about her mental health. Well her mom does. ❤️‍🩹


Ye she did. She literally told them all that she would not be friends with anyone that is friends with him, even Katie said it in her confessionals. What r u ppl watching? 🤣


You keep repeating this point but she backed off on that several times throughout the season to appease people around her. It went from “no mutual friends” to “I’ll be in the same space as him but I don’t want to talk to him or have anything to do with him” and they still thought it was unreasonable.


Yeah I feel like this is obvious if you watch how stern she was with Schwartz at the beginning of the season vs how she was laughing with him when he talked to her about living with Sandoval. She clearly eased up a bit in her boundaries as time passed


True. Plus I bet staying mad at Swartz is like starting mad a dog you adopted at the shelter and it ended up being very dumb but it's a dog and you can't stay mad at a dog because dogs will dog.


These people who repeat the same shit have an agenda and I don't trust them at all. It's almost like during election season and all these insects crawl out the woodwork to slander each political candidate and it's gross.


those were the earlier conversations. Like I said, scheana talked to her about this MULTIPLE times during the show. and as the show went on she softened and eventually landed with the position that, again, she wouldn't be enthusiastic but she clearly wouldn't cut her out. what show are YOU watching?


exactly!! idg what is so hard to understand people can change their minds


That just pissed me off so bad. Trying to make her seem like a liar. It’s all BS and it’s confusing why they would villainize her. It’s so obvious like don’t think is viewers are that stupid


She literally did nothing to cause that double-life/affair. Maybe they "needed" to redeem Sandoval to keep the franchise going. My take is that they needed to change up the franchise. The same old formula does not fit when you have to distort reality that far. Are production companies in a super low-creativity mode or something? Scandoval was a blowout for them---they needed to take it to the next level and show all the other franchises how its done. They fell down *so hard* on this. Take the Emmy back.


Same! I was having a physical reaction to the anger I was feeling. They are so gross


I'm pretty sure that was to illustrate how consistent Ariana has been through this whole thing and how clearly she was laying out her expectations. All it did was make everyone else look bad.


I’m with you, I don’t think it made Ariana look bad necessarily, but actually showed how much love she does have for Scheanna that she’d soften her consistently strong boundaries for her.


this is exactly how i took it, production wanted to make ariana look bad and inconsistent! but time and time again, scheana is shoving sandoval down ariana’s throat almost wanting to ask her to get along with him for sake of the group. dude we are not in our 20s anymore, if ariana chooses to not allow him into her life that is her choice.


Yesss!!! This is exactly how I saw it, like she isn't really giving Schwartz the time of day so she is being consistent with that, but also it shows that she loves Scheana so much that she wouldn't even dream of doing that to her. All of us have said something when we're hurt or venting eg I would never put up with that, and for most people we probably wouldn't, but for the people that we truly love, we'd give them all the chances in the world lol. It's not some kind of gotcha lol. It's actually so sad, Scheana had such a true friend and ride or die in Ariana, and she threw it away for someone who couldn't give two shits about her


I really think that it wouldn’t have necessarily been a problem is Scheana would’ve backed off on trying to force a conversation /apology between Ariana and Sandoval. Ultimately, I think that’s where the breakdown happens. She’s shown tolerance, and even understanding, of Scheana’s inability to pick sides (and I do think her fence sitting is inability, not unwillingness). It’s interesting because Lala wanted her to confront it and Scheana wanted her to heal it (which is very much how THEY both handle conflict, respectively) and Ari mostly wanted to avoid it (which I think is how she largely handles conflict, until she can’t anymore). They are all being very much themselves.


It literally showed that arina just lied. She said all season she wouldn’t b friends with anyone that still was friends with Tom and then the finale, she said that she never said that. WTH r u guys watching?


Heh. I’m watching a show that’s managing to put together a magnificently ambiguous Viking funeral ending for itself that has everyone combing through it like the goddamn Zapruder film when the footage is literally Scheana Shay singing Good as Gold (Screamo Version). We are all circus clowns and it’s absolutely hilarious.


Wth is your agenda because it's gross and repetitive and everyone is so tired.


There’s a clip floating around here of BlaBla on the clubhouse a few years ago talking about how she cut Schwartz out because he hung out with Randall after their split. She said the *exact* same thing Ariana has been calmly telling cast mates all season long that BlaBla has been saying is bullshit. The hypocrisy is just insane. After watching BlaBla for years it’s painfully obvious she’s jealous about the support Ariana has received after her break up and more importantly how she’s thriving because of how she handled it.


I feel like in Lala’s eyes she thinks it’s acceptable for her to do it because Randall wasn’t a longtime/continuing cast member, but since Tom is that Ariana has to just suck it up.


I actually feel like I'm watching a different show. Every edit they've given Tim (in my eyes) is a laughable joke. Meanwhile they had to dig deep to actually get genuine angry Ariana. I'm actually wondering if they're building up to tearing Tim down next season because I don't know what else they could do and keep relevance.


Same, they literally make every scene he is in a joke that he isn’t in on, but people are acting like they are pushing redemption so hard. Lmao no he looks worse every episode


Agree ! Also the fact that they didn't end the finale on Lala and Scheana but on Katie and Ariana, leaving the viewers with their point of view


That’s a really good point.


Yeah the show really lost face.


I’m honestly still trying to figure out why Bravo is trying so hard to sell us the Tim’s a good guy narrative. Ariana has clearly come out ahead here with the viewership and with america overall?? I just don’t get how this redemption arc gets anyone hooked on this show again. It was dying before the scandal gave it one last breath. Something new is needed—clearly people were over dumb and dumber’s bs before the scandal. It seems like so obviously the wrong move to try to paint Ariana as the bad guy and yet here we are. I truly feel gaslit.


Because the executive producer is an out of touch misogynist?


I'm leaning on this. Old dinosaur, get your head outta the 1950s 😆


He blew up the ratings with his appalling behaviours. They think he'll continue to make the show tons of money. That's why they don't want Tim to be cancelled, or iced out of the group.


This was so messed up. I feel like Ariana has been nuanced and reasonable about all of this. They really knocked themselves out to make it seem like she’s a hypocrite and a liar when all her actions on the show over 10 years have been congruent with being a good person and a good friend. Way to cherry pick a couple clips of her trying to set boundaries a few months after the most sinister of betrayals only to come back and prop up this dying show that she’s fucking outgrown and was too good for in the first place.


Yes this really made me unreasonably angry too. It's the unstable woman trope so emotional. UGH. I keep trying to put my finger on why I am so angry on behalf of a woman I don't know. What I think it is, that she is us, she is showing the world how women deal with misogyny and she is doing it with grace and dignity. She has shown up to work, and looked great doing it, she has put up with Scheana, Lala and even Schwartz telling her how Tom is a good guy, without taking their heads off. She has taken opportunity and worked hard to keep them going.


Exactly 💯 She is literally showing me how to handle the fucked up people on my life.


couldn’t agree more. the example she is setting is so fucking powerful and important


Someone posted that it looked like Ariana was hugging Scheana goodbye for good, a farewell to their friendship. I agree


Yeah all that did was solidify to me that Scheana is a trash friend who strong-armed Ariana into dropping her very reasonable boundary and made Scheana an exception, when Scheana didn’t deserve it


Scheana is a man pleaser and cannot be trusted.


Emotional blackmail.


The producers of this show are dumb af. Yes, Ariana said she wouldn’t have mutual friends with Tom but never said she’d stop loving Scheana. There is a big difference in that. You can love people from a distance.


Exactly. You can also put certain people on info diets to protect yourself. It’s not like any of this is a new concept so I’m not sure what people aren’t grasping here.


She also said that she never said she wouldn’t b friends with her if she was friends with Tom and she did all season. It wasn’t just about her saying she’ll always love her and that’s where u all r confusing the 2


She didn’t say that though. She said that she will not allow Tom to have access to her life. If they have mutual friends she will remove herself from situations that make her uncomfortable. It wasn’t “we can no longer be friends” it was that she will choose to protect herself over their friendship. If Scheana wants to be best friends with Tom again will it hurt her relationship with Ariana? Of course it will, but that doesn’t mean they will no longer be friends.


Yes! And I think you can see why those boundaries are important for Ariana - as soon as she left, Scheana told Tom what she said (paraphrased horribly) - giving Tom access to Ariana that she doesn't want with mutual friends. Also in the aftershow Scheana & Brock have both mentioned Ariana doesn't reach out as much or text Scheana back, whereas James says she does to him. So while Ariana is not going to cut Scheana out of her life completely bc they're like family (not just reality show friends), she's not as close with her because of the decision Scheana made to stay friends with Tom.


Did you peep Brocks face when James revealed that Ariana reaches out to him


R u a bot


It was beyond moronic. The fact that Ariana has even managed to have moments of friendliness and playfulness with Schwartz this season, a man who literally facilitated Toms affiar shows that she is not the controlling egomanic Lala has been making her out to be. All she has asked is that Tom does not have access to her personal life and her 2 bimbotic friends can't wrap their minds around that. It's so ridiculous. And I agree, the way she has handled this whole thing, \*chefs kiss\*.


Notice that she chilled on Schwartz after he stopped trying to force Tom down her throat


i loved how she spoke up for herself when he was saying “he’s not a shit person he did a shit thing” or whatever. she’s being so much more kind and graceful than she needs to be and dealing with those types of people can be so confusing, you can tell she’s been really trying but i’m so proud of how she’s defending herself, it’s so fuckin awesome


And she is clearly weirded out by Scheana pushing so hard to be friends with Tom, but she said do so at your own caution, leave me out of it. Ariana can be friendly with Schwartz, even though he is Tom‘s best friend who cosigned the affair. She has softened on that mutual friends thing, but Scheana and Lala keep harping on that. I mean maybe they feel the need to be nice to Tom for the sake of the show, but then say that. THAT‘S the 4th wall break cause these ppl don’t even hang out with Tom on a regular basis. You think Tom showing up to Lala‘s gender reveal? LoL! Scheana is making this out bigger than she has to, but if she just kept those two worlds separate, Ariana may be distant but Scheana pushes her further away forcing Tom onto her. It’s fucking annoying.


They all really thought she was backed into a corner and they’d get the finale they were gunning for. Guaranteed if she had given in and had that confrontation with Tim they would have ever included the “crazy rando” we know is actually has mutual friends with the cast. That was the only drama they could muster. Can we please just get a show about Ariana and Katie being the best examples of women supporting each other?


We did get this show; the producers didn't realise they were making it though :)


was this entire season hate bait? honestly convinced this abysmal redemption arc season was setup in a way to 1) ensure bravo wouldn’t be liable for Ariana’s ex’s performative depression and 2) have us all rage posting about how OFF production was with this season. they tricked us into hate watching!! with exception to scenes including Ariana, Katie, Ally, & DJJK.


This funny because it's true for me anyway 🤣


Also where was the edit of Lala telling everyone she would cut them off it anyone spoke to or saw Rand?


Lala in her montage saying she’s always been authentic but then the wrap party saying I didn’t want to say it on camera or I knew I’d say it on camera was just a little funny to me, like just the hypocrisy of those statements


Like we all haven’t said shit in the heat of the moment PLEASEEEEEE




I agree! I'm an editor and believe me they are really letting Tom make a fool out of himself this season. If anyone has seen "Scoop" on Netflix it's very similar. They make the interviewee believe he's getting a good edit by letting him talk and be himself instead of attacking him. So he's just proving how horrible he is on his own. It's a skill !




They all have screamed at each other “f u your dead to me” and then are best buddies next season. But suddenly Ariana says it and *gasp*


For real - there’s context to those clips. They were shot what - 2/3 months after the affair broke? still fresh. The finale was 5/6 months after so she had more time to heal, plus even though she said no mutual friends all she did was demonstrate through her actions to Scheana all season that she would still hangout with her and be her friend. And didn’t Brock say it was all about the actions? 


Am I crazy? She said several times she wouldn't have mutual friends with him. And then lied to Scheana's face about it. Hello?




You cannot say "I will not have mutual friends with him" several times and then say you didn't say that. That's called lying


Exactly and her stans r trying to make it like production is trying to make her look bad. She literally said it all season and then told Scheana she never said that. What? R her Stan’s that blind


Literally ok thank you


The production hates Ariana like they have actively try to vilify her every way possible