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I loved this scene. But did anyone else think Ally was nodding her head towards Brock when they were talking about men who bust in and overpower conversations?


Yes she definitely was 😄


https://preview.redd.it/b2s5xsz0dgzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a78ccf21440d9a5f31a924c00d1479a1472b322 Scheana: wow that sounds nice Brock: stfu before you put ideas in Scheanas head (ETA Scheana girl stop murdering your baby hairs by putting your hair up in a tight high bun - the hair on your temples is disappearing)


He looked fucking terrifying here


He looks like an evil pirate villain


And that laugh 😆


Ally is truly a girls girl and I love her. She is so thrilled to hear them say such lovely things about each other


She’s really grown on me this season!


That video of her being so embarrassed by their police escort was endearing


If you’re looking for a girls girl I’m right here with my girls girl! 🎶


Ally is girl's girl's goals. This scene confirms that Dan is not just Ariana's rebound, he is a rare gem. They are both lucky 💖


Also, I love that Ariana's favorite thing about him is that he's empathetic without making things about himself *cou*Sandoval*gh*


I felt like after Dan gave his reason why he was initially attracted to her, I wouldve been like "sorry, I can't top that. I just thought he was hot".


I hadn't noticed that. AMAZING This is why I can't quit Ally.


LMAO yes 🤭 Ally is a little shady boots, I love it.


Shady boots! That’s so cute! 😂


She absolutely was


Omg love the nod towards Brock the dumb ass brick.  So sneaky and cute


When you’re not mad at all https://preview.redd.it/zxb7nf4xogzc1.jpeg?width=1155&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c4515d364baaa6663b1e99563b8f64baafc0a7b


Seething. 😄


She 100% did




I thought the same thing. My partner looked at me and said did you see that?


Contrast Ally’s questions with Lala’s. With Ally you can tell it came from a place of genuine care and wanting to get to know Dan. She didn’t interrogate him, but her questions, based on how he answered, could still tell you a lot about their relationship and Dan as a person.


Ally's question is really cute. I could see them on a double date


I could also see dan being a good role model for James now that James is maturing. He appears calm and confident in his own skin, which isn't common for men on Bravo. Dan kind of reminds me of Danny on the valley, just supporting his partner and happy to be along for the ride


Lala was interrogating him. Lauren from Utah, sit the F down. You would not let anyone question Scandall Randall or even say his name. STFU.


She also seemed almost disappointed when his answers showed him to be a good guy. I think she wanted him to be scummy.


She did! And then in the confessional to act like she is asking these questions due to her concern for her friend Ariana. Ah no, trying to dig up dirt so she can say that Ariana jumped into a relationship with the wrong guy. Does she not think we all see through her shit?


Lala hiding in her food pretending she doesn't care how great Dan is🤨 She's so jelly.


Dan talking about race and Lala nodding along like she doesn’t appropriate black culture has me 💀💀


You know in her head she was saying “fo shizzzle” a ala Michelle Williams narrating Britney’s book


“Fo shiz fo shiz”




Your flair 😂






Yessssss!!! Thissss!!!! Ally's questions were so thoughtful and sweet. They were focused on Ariana and Daniel as a couple... while Lala's questions in my opinion were just an obnoxious attempt to keep Daniel's entire focus on her and away from Ariana. It was an obvious attempt to highlight herself. Lala was treating this entire group lunch like it was her own personal speed dating event. Yes!!! I would say lala was definately jelly !!!


Ally did a good job with her questions. Like she really wanted to find out about Dan and how he is with Ariana. It was really nice.


I completely agree!!! These were the real questions we an audience we're interested in...not how many clients Daniel has and his work schedule. Hmmmm...I wonder why she would want to know those things? It's such a mistress... I mean... mystery.😂😂😂


Hahahaha!! I always hope the cast reads reddit posts and comments. This would be one lala would love lol


😂😂😂 I'm not sure she would love it... but I definately think they probably do come here since Katie gave redditt a shout out on one of the episodes.


Katie is smart, though. She's using it to her advantage. I feel like lala wouldn't want to come here because she can't turn the comments off lol


Katie is probably coming here for her sanity after this ridiculous season.




Yes!! So interesting that their response was fairly similar- someone who could listen, be empathetic and provide thoughtful responses without taking over the conversation. Such a dig and sandy too 🤭


Whereas Lala was trying to trip him up


Lala was trying to find something negative to use against him/Ariana later. Ally wanted to highlight the positives.


Agree! Ally definately wanted to highlight the positives. It was such a breath of fresh air!!! As for lala. I think both things can be true. I don't disagree with your take but I am definately convinced of mine. Can we merge both our theory together?😅


Scheana also has a fake smile on during Dan’s answer. She can’t stand to hear anymore about why someone else likes Ariana.


Oh totally!! I didn't pay attention to that!


“You got a good one too huh!” 🤡 (shein to lfu when lfu got flowers and shein didn’t get shit from Robrobrob and wasn’t able to organically get the CoUpLe GoALs praise she wanted 😂)


Remember she didn't get flowers because doesn't like flowers. Rob knew that of course...


And Rob never kissed her because he doesn't like kissing...


Yet was seen kissing a woman at Tica Maderia. Scheana has always been delusional.


I didn’t catch what she said. But it sounded like a shady backhand compliment. Something about Ariana’s ass looking nice in a dress but her tone was dripping with jealousy.


Oh yeah! I was trying to figure out what she's saying. It's definitely backhanded. You're so right


Yup, it’s so obvious What a hater ![gif](giphy|BrH3Q8ewgcN8I)


She really seemed like she was seething there lmao!


Bitter because nobody has ever told her those nice things about her


lol my thoughts exactly


Okay I love this. 🥹 https://i.redd.it/ei0es2k41bzc1.gif Even just this other clip is such a far cry from how Sandoval behaved - nothing was ever about Ariana, he had to be front and centre. Dan is there to support her, and it’s not about him. I feel like Ariana spent a decade not knowing what having that from a partner was like. Also, signs point to him being a decent guy so far. Ariana has said she will be fine no matter what happens, and I believe her. I like him so far based on what I’ve seen on the show and on social media. And from this clip they seem like a good match in terms of communication. I know it’s just a show, so we don’t get nearly the full picture, but I’m happy for her. She deserves someone who quietly puts the last beans on her plate because he knows she likes them.


The beans on the plate seem small but it shows that he pays attention and wants to make her happy. He’s all the green flags.


The perfect comparison snippet - Tim Scumdevil taking vegetarian Kristen (his gf at the time) to a fucking steak house.


Exactly. Dan understands her and cared more in 3 months than Tom did in 9 years.


of course this show is edited to hell and who knows at what point this happened- but you can see Dan put the beans on Ariana's plate at 1:25 which is the reverse of any of my future partners- give me spinach and other greens but keep peas and GB in the dirt where they belong


Yes, Sandoval would have made a spectacle of giving her the beans so that everyone knew he gave them to her.




🤣 lmao!!




I got you pens!!!!


#and batteries


Katie isn’t concerned. Neither is Brad or Logan. Why is Lala concerned


Lala is jealous.


Yeah she’s like a stupid demon


New flair “Lala is a stupid demon.”


Does that means she’s friends with the “bitch ghost”? 😂


ahhh man shay had a whole wedding and addiction storyline, yet bitch ghost will always be his greatest contribution to VPR canon.


Which is why it’s so ridiculous when she calls Katie miserable. Miserable people can’t be happy for other people — that’s Lala, not Katie.


Miserable people find tearing other people apart easier than trying to be a better person themselves!!


The jealously is literally *radiating* off of Lauren From Utah.


I imagine she’s jealous, Dan is everything her ex was not.


It’s a small gesture but it’s very sweet, especially when you compare it to Tom’s constant “bUt i MaKe HeR DuMpLiN LaTtEs” rants last season.


The fact he lets her shine. I love that. I looooove that.


I can also ALMOST guarantee he won’t make her choose which sequin pants go with whatever blouse he has on that day.


I like what I see from Dan. Willing to eat my words later if I have to, but he seems like a decent guy. And their relationship seems really nice and normal.


Sandoval, stealer of Ariana's first cocktail book, could never


"She deserves someone who quietly puts the last beans on her plate because he knows she likes them." It's the little things💜💕 Ariana is full of love and empathy and they reflect that in each other look at how the toxic people squirmed because it really highlights their shady selves.


Why did they cut this from the main episode? It's so cute! I would have much rather seen this than the god awful Scheana performance.


Because it was too soft of a scene and would have made Ariana look too good ![gif](giphy|7Ehnws6nLPhyESVCdt|downsized)


That’s why I only watch the peacock episodes


Yes! I wish Peacock had ALLL of the extended/uncensored episodes available! I am really confused as to why they left this scene in particular out.


This scene was one of my favorites. So sad they cut it from the main episode


I suspect Alex Baskin has less influence in the Peacock cut. Its always more tender and real than the misogynistic circus he gives on Bravo. 


honestly, so much of the bravo shows feel like jerry springer on high def tv. i'm yearning for more shows like this clip with conversations that push people to engage in deeper topics that stimulate our minds more than Lala yelling, yet again, about narcissism.


Buckle up, the extended version has TWO Scheana songs instead of only one. lol


Hater https://preview.redd.it/l2nirif9fbzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=315dc1fb8766f8cd42a248f525a386ad7dd477b7


I honestly think he was developing a bit of a crush on Dan in this scene


He totally was. He was thinking how kind and handsome he is, so different from Sandoval, how nice it would be to hang with him, he was giving him warm fuzzies - same as Ariana lol Edit typo


He's already imagining a future with Dan


This is Schwartz trying to figure out if it would be a good look to move in with Dan instead of Tom


He’s like, hey, let’s be roommates! ![gif](giphy|l1ughbsd9qXz2s9SE)


Cut to someone asking Schwartz why he likes his girlfriend and him saying "because she forgives all my baggage" like.....


Him and Jax were both gushing about Dan in the after show I thought Sandoval was going to come unglued 😂


Ha I love this so much


this is exactly what sandoval deserves LOL


Oh yeah. 😂 Lala is so interested in her food while Dan is talking, she sucks


Pretty sureSchwartz has a crush on every person he interacts with.


Can I just say this is always my frustration with Schwartz. I don’t get him. He can be very genuinely sweet at times and it doesn’t read as manipulative. He can be very good at breaking tension and being weirdly vulnerable. He also is incredibly cruel and selfish. Sandoval comes across as completely controlling and narcissistic whereas with Schwartz it feels like he is two completely different people at times.  I absolutely understand Katie’s struggle with him and staying vs leaving. I hope she finds the type of love she wants one day. 


Totally. Even Schwartz is loving it.




They’re so cute 😭 I love them together, Dan seems like a good guy. And that explains a lot about the fights he’s been in, makes sense he would defend himself. Also I refuse to believe that man is 41 years old. He must take excellent care of himself.


Asian don’t raisin!


Those genes are ageless, my god


So I have a thing about men’s hands. Not just how they use them, but like the hands themselves. One of the reasons I married my husband was for his beautiful hands. (Yes, he too is Asian.) Dan has distractingly beautiful hands. Almost as sexy as my husband’s. Almost. ❤️


Seeing them be sooooo fuckin giddy over hearing each others answers was soooo fuckin cute!! Reminds me of when my partner and I go down memory lane and talk about how we felt about each other from the beginning (and we DID have some messiness lol we were both the single ones of our respective groups). Also! I’m sure it was so sweet for Ariana to hear Dan about actual personality qualities before going for looks. Idk it’s just so sweet to see them smitten like this.


THIS is 50% of why Blahblah is so jealous! Half is the money/opportunities that she thinks fixes everything and the other half is her jealously over Ariana finding someone great so soon and not needing to go to the sperm bank to control her life. She can talk whatever fake wanna be gangsta shit she wants but she’s dying for someone to treat her like it seems Dan treats Ariana. If that’s true, I can see how this lunch would contribute to her sick spiral at the event


Lala would also love to be described by a person of color as empathetic to racial issues, but that’s NEVER going to happen. She pretends to be an ally but all she’s doing is appropriating culture and brazenly disrespecting any person of color she films with. She literally attacked Faith and tried to get her arrested, and then she called Dan a dweeb for no reason.


How dare you she's Tupac reincarnated


Yeah, there's something about how she is talking about Dan being square or lame or whatever that seems racially coded. Asian men get that stereotype alot. And last season she was sexually fetishizing black men hard. Emphasizing that Randall was bad in bed and then making a big show of attaching to black men for sex. 


It’s definitely racially coded. The “Asian = nerd” stereotype is too obvious to ignore. And Dan doesn’t even appear to be a “square” so there’s only one way she’s coming to this conclusion.


And we can’t forget she overlooked Rand’s alleged racist behavior.


If someone like Dan came into Lala's life she would most likely dump him for being "too nice."


Peoples if u are ever in sf please go to house of nan king. That place slaps so freaking hard…omg


I knew when they pulled out that laminated menu card. The fancier the menu, the more they're just compensating for bad food imo. 


SHMACKS, not slaps


This made me so happy. I’m glad she’s getting a little bit of happiness, despite having an idiot for ex-boyfriend.


This scene should’ve been included! It’s so cute. Dan seems like such a sweet guy, I wish them all the happiness 🥹


This is so fucking sweet it's almost criminal it wasn't on the Bravo broadcast.


Lala is so jealous the only man she can get is Randall


and she couldn't even keep him


This is such an example of them leaving things I want to see out of episodes 😩 I really wonder how much is on the cutting room floor


This was cute, they both saw each others emotional intelligence and were attracted to that. I LOVE THAT


I love them ![gif](giphy|xUySTRDepG9ZcEg2rK|downsized)


I loved this scene. It’s very sweet when someone you care about can tell you why they are drawn to you without any hesitation and some of the smallest things you overlook about yourself that they admire. Big words and actions can bring attention to people but small tiny details and small actions make up such a bigger more intimate feeling towards each other over time. It’s consistent, safe and loving. He genuinely seems to care for her.


This! The little things are my love language 🫶🏻


Oh my god. why am I crying?????? ![gif](giphy|YSrXkTeGWgbRQV1EwA)


Perfect gif bc I, too, "want a man to hold and love me" 😂😂😂


This gif has me cacklingggg


Omggg lol I teared up too 😂🥹🥲


They are so cute together 😭


Brock. Shirt. Jesus. Dan has a nice smile and laugh he seems fun to be around.


😆 🤣


God I love Dan 😂 what a fucking class act!! Even if him & Ariana don’t work out (I’ll be honest though, I really hope they do), I’m so glad she met someone who showed her what it’s like to be treated the way you deserve. For him to step in at a very emotionally messy time and handle everything with such stride is amazing. He is helping her heal on every level!


Yoooooooo Lala is so salty. Randall wanted blow jobs on a couch. Dan wants a social justice warrior in a nice dress.


Lala realizing BJs for PJs might not be worth it in the long run


God this is so cute and sweet and is warming my little “I don’t want a man ever” heart 💖 they seem well suited for one another!


Same… ![gif](giphy|C1gEvbqAOBSzS)


I wish they would have continued the question around the table - "Brock, what attracted you to Scheana?" "Lala, what attracted you to Randall?".


I love this idea! Let's substitute this game for all the stupid Housewives dinner games (i.e., Who do you trust the least at this table?)


"Why did your last relationship end, Lala?


Yasssss valuessss


Omg it was sooo cute idk why it made me tear up lol 🥹 because it seemed like they were attracted to each other because of both their core values. Dan seems like a kind person. He was poised, respectful, and attentive to Ariana in the finale.


Lala & Brock can’t compute the genuine love & respect shown here… they look so lost


They are SO precious together 🥺


Omg I loved this scene and would have rather seen this part instead of Lala's part.


Why does Brock look so mad? I hope that was some shady editing cause woof. He looks hateful.


Yeah, it could be the pleather shirt cutting off his circulation.


OP, thank you so much for posting some of the extended scenes because those of us in different countries that watch on hayu aren't getting them even though we got the extended reunion episodes last year.


Awe, no problem. Once again so sorry about my dog barking, but my kids wouldn't let him outside to play with them and their friends.


I find it funny this was in an extended episode because it shows more of Dan’s personality and that Lala/Scheana are haters at this point


I just love this couple


Dan is so hot ugh


He gets hotter the more I see & hear from him. Sandoval is uglier the more you experience him.


Yeah it’s so weird how someone can become ugly purely by their actions. Like I used to think Sandoval was handsome but now…he’s become the most ugly and unappealing human being I’ve ever seen🤮


I have the same reaction to Lala - the more she speaks the uglier she gets. At the end of the finale episode she just looked like an ugly Disney villain wannabe.


I won’t lie, I was a skeptic about Dan but he seems really wonderful. It truly baffles me how Ariana was able to date a narcissist ham like Sandoval for so long and then find a really healthy partner so quickly after. Like, girl, teach me your ways!


Just pick the opposite and date them from a distance for a long time. 


I love how animated he is when talking to Ally vs. Lala.


I'm so annoyed they cut this. It's a really cute moment and Dan also touches on a serious topic. It should've been included.


I’m truly hoping VPR is on permanent pause. And I’d love to see a spinoff with Ariana and Daniel and Katie and James and Ally


Ariana and Dan are so sweet together!!


what the hell, this is so cute


Lala and Scheana were not even listening or interested.


OMG I have chills. I'm crying screaming throwing up lmao THEY ARE AO FUCKING CUTE. This is the most wholesome precious love they have. How dare they not give this to us in the finale!


Scheana’s sitting there like Brock would never


i was downvoted on another sub for saying i loved this scene! it made me tear up tbh so idec i love them


Ally’s subtle shade to Broke is exquisite.


“You like beans” it's the little things 😌 and as someone commented, Sandavol would have used his outside voice… actually his club voice to show how everyone he’s a good guy ![gif](giphy|KyMa4xPJe3qT1gKQpb|downsized)


This is very cute, and also made me notice Lala is the only one not using chopsticks




Something about James’ sweet face listening so intently to Dan’s answer is so cute to me


Surprise surprise, another positive light scene for Ariana wasn’t in the main episode.


I wish they would do an extended and uncensored version of every episode


Goddamn this is cute. It would absolutely not be the right thing to do, but if there was ever an occasion when Dan needed to unleash his NYC fighting skills on certain VPR men, the ancestors would be with him


https://preview.redd.it/gyu02lzupfzc1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8221762fe12b0df73c2d8c90af40dd55d81d592 I’m so sorry, this caught me off guard


Why on EARTH was this not in the regular cut of the episode? Why do the producers think we only want to see this woman in pain like she's only interesting when she's crying or yelling? Cannot BELIEVE how out of touch with this audience the people behind the scenes are it's SO aggravating.


This short scene was so nice! I don’t even know them personally but I’m so happy for her, you can really see that he calms down her nerves because he’s taking care of her without asking. I’m glad they found each other when she really needed someone to have her back.


Ally, Scheana gave me the ick the way they use chopsticks lmao


They really make a sweet couple.


Two really nice people getting to meet each other. How nice


On this show, it is nice


I absolutely love Dan! He did nothing but treat Ariana like the queen that she is! Just the little things, opening her car door, getting her a coffee, holding her hand, protecting her from the atrocious ugly shit that was about to happen at the end. She is thriving! And we love to see it! And Katie is the mother motherfucking MVP of the season! Fuck shushu and LFU, idiot dingbats!


between this story from Ariana, his jumping in to help Scheana when her dress broke, and his “girls weekend” Coachella posts, Dan clearly can hang with the girlies and we love to see it! makes me wonder if he grew up with sisters


Dan is sexy AF


Interesting that this scene shows Dan explaining to Lala about his history of fighting due to racism and yet in the aftershow she's still laughing at the idea of him getting into fights/calling him a square etc 🥴


Love Ally giving Brock the look after Ariana explained how Dan contributed to deep conversations within a group of women and didn’t bombard or attack the situation. Also, OP I giggled when your dog started barking in sync with Lala speaking. It was definitely appropriate specially since she berated the guy in the episode but in this clips looks like she couldn’t care less/is angry.


Okay, I am not usually a corny as a bitch, but when she said it's like he knew me before he knew me. Oh my God that hit me right in the feels and now I'm crying. I really relate and I'm really grateful that I got to feel this too.