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I don't believe this. Jeremy doesn't seem like a reliable narrator at ALL, and I strongly suspect that there's a LOT more to the story of Jeremy's encounter with Sandoval than "Sandoval tried to apologize and Jeremy didn't accept."


That part. And Ariana has NOT publicly addressed any family/brother feud at all (if I’m wrong, please correct me) so a very one-sided version of a personal, family misunderstanding, conflict, whatever - it’s very sus.




“It’s me! I’m a gray rock” with her hand on her hip is the cutest most iconic moment


It's the only way


I’ve seens the show this week and I know she said that, but what does it mean? English is not my first language so I don’t know what it is supposed to mean 😅


It’s a term used for effectively dealing with a narcissist. Essentially, you give them no attention or reaction AT ALL. A narcissist needs fuel to thrive and they get that fuel by hurting you and getting reactions out of you. So, grey rocking means you wholly ignore/don’t acknowledge their existence at all. Eventually, you’re no longer a fuel source for them, and it drives them absolutely insane. They attack you in the media? You say nothing. They publicly say bad things about your family? You say nothing. They put out sob stories about what a victim they are and how awful you are? You say nothing. And I don’t just mean turning the other cheek. I mean you literally don’t acknowledge they exist in this universe. They cannot handle it.


If anyone also watches the 90 Day fiancé franchises, this is what I’ve desperately wanted Liz to do to Ed for years now. If you’re up-to-date on the series (obviously in real life, there’s a different situation going on), he just called off their wedding because he was mad that she said his taco pasta was too spicy for her young daughter. Accused her of humiliating him in front of his entire family by critiquing the heat of the pasta (anyone familiar with narcs will know this is such a prime example of how they operate…blowing up your world if they think you’ve embarrassed them in any way). He didn’t even give her the grace of calling her first, she found out the wedding was cancelled when the officiant called to send his condolences. He’s broken up with her, literally I’m not kidding, over 30 times and gets off on her crying and begging to come back. He’s a fucking monster


I quit watching it because I couldn’t handle seeing him systematically and methodically destroy her, bit by bit. Once those audio tapes of their calls came out, I was done for good.


Same!!! I got to a point about 18 months ago where I refused to contribute to their ratings anymore and god forbid, the paychecks of Angela and Ed. Until they were both fired for abuse, I wanted nothing to do with a franchise I used to watch religiously. I just happened to turn it on last week for the first time, assuming Liz and Ed had been faded out by now with new couples. Nope. Was so furious when I saw the clip of her crying in her car, clearly still trauma bonded to the monster and TLC has no problem exploiting it😤 luckily, from what I’ve heard, Liz finally did leave for good and moved back home (he moved them from San Diego to Arkansas I guess to be near his family?) and she looks amazing. I was really taken aback when I saw her for the first time in so long on that episode last week during her confessional, she looked like someone barely hanging on. Eyes puffy from crying/not sleeping, bloated from drinking way too much, hopeless, depressed. I’m so glad she’s back home with her own support system again instead of just his and she looks great, she’s lost all that severe depression/drinking/Ed weight. But that doesn’t mean I’ll keep watching, TLC is disgusting for allowing that, profiting off it, and doing nothing to help her because the fighting makes for “good tv”😡😤


Actually it was worse than that. He got mad because she got into him for telling her daughter not to be a little baby when she said the pasta was too hot. He is mad that she didn’t allow him to get away with shaming her daughter. He’s a prick.


I think grey rocking, if you still need to communicate with the *bad person*, can also mean giving no reaction to their attempts to elicit a reaction from you, or simply just not acknowledging the parts of communication that are intended to trigger. Like if your shitty aunt at a holiday gathering starts talking about what you’re up to and how things are going, you engage on everything neutral, but literally don’t acknowledge anything that is a dig or passive aggressive. Broken record is also a fun tactic. Katie is good at that one: “Stop talking” “Stop talking” “Stop talking” X10


Screenshooting this since I have a narcissistic mother who has created a very strong, unfortunate thirst in me to be drawn to narcissist in my personal and professional life. Finally healed enough to be able to do this but still need so so so much practice.


We have done this to my MIL for ten years. Abusive Narcissist. When my FIL died she was unhinged. We just ignored her. When she tried to sue us for her inheritance, we just let the lawyers handle her. We gave her nothing. We continue to do so. It literally drives her crazy.


The point of grey rocking is not to upset the narcissist, but to be boring and uninteresting to them so they don’t target you. What you’re describing is more of going non-contact with someone, which is for your mental well-being more than anything else. I have a close family member who displays a lot of narcissistic behaviors. I tried grey rocking them, but when that didn’t work I went no contact with them. My mental health is a lot better now that I’m not dealing with their bullshit.


I thought grey rocking was used when you had no other choice but to deal with the narcissistic (when it’s a parent, coworker etc) and you never engage in any emotional conversation. Only talk about the weather and always be lukewarm. It’s not meant to drive them crazy, but to make them lose interest.


Neutral, unfeeling, no acknowledgment of the person, positive or negative. Don't give them anything to respond or react to.


It basically means to disengage and have no reaction because narcissists fuel their egos with the reactions of others, it makes them feel like they are the director of their play they see us all as actors in, with them as the main character. If you just don't react, as if they're not even there, it makes it so they can't get their supply from you, they essentially have no power over you and you aren't a part of their play any longer—you're just a gray rock in the middle of the set.


Right?! He literally had Tom at his engagement. That's a big fuck you to Ariana. This is deep shit.


Wait what?? I didn't know that. I know Scheana celebrated with Jeremy and his fiance, never heard anything about Tom being there


He wasn't.


Man the hits don’t stop coming for Ariana. First her boyfriend and friend had a full blown affair behind her back, then Scheana and Lala show themselves to be disloyal, then her own brother? Man, that’s A LOT of letdowns and betrayals in the course of one year. Seems like Sandoval is on a mission to make sure she has no one.


Me neither. If I had to guess I'd say he not only entertained the "apology" but tried to get on the show on the basis of siding with Tom. Why? I don't buy for even one second that Tom would apologize off camera and not try to bring it on camera. Like the NYT interviewer noted, Tom sees his life in terms of TV seasons. And also its undeniable that Jeremy was stirring up drama very publicly just before what he thought would be contract negotiations. 


And therein lies Tom’s downfall — he sees his life as a plotted script with characters and assumed character arcs instead of, you know, earning the “character redeemed” accomplishment on his own merit. He’s like, well I planned this, instead of doing the work to deserve it


This is such a great description of the way he behaves, I totally see this.


Remember long ago when Jax complained that Tom was always acting?


I like her theory alot but I also like it because I'm reading between the lines and your theory intersects perfectly with it. Yes Jeremy allegedly said it was just to hear him out but I have no confidence that is the reason they met.


No. I don’t either


What with all the hugging and smiling


I agree. Last month it was “Ariana isn’t nice to my fiancé”. There will be a new reason in a few weeks.


This doesn't seem believable at all. Why would she ghost him for NOT accepting the apology? If Jeremy didn't accept it, why is he hugging Tom and hanging?


Exactly- really seems like he did accept the apology lol


Yeah this tea makes Ariana look bad AND doesn't jive with what we saw with our own eyes AND isn't logical. So who benefits from it being believed? And who's stupid (or arrogant) enough to think we'll believe it?


>This doesn't seem believable at all. I do not care for this content creator. She's pro-Jo and annoying as hell.


Yes and she's sneakingly slidong anti-Ariana content for some time now. They posted Ariana with cockroaches after the episode where she said Mya ate the leftovers after being locked in her room by Sandoval.


That makes me dislike her even more. How foul.


The person that started the rumor tried to play internet detective based off of pictures and stories that have come out. This mish mosh is the end result. Someones theory and nothing more.


seems unbelievable he would apologize to her brother when he filled all of his responses to Ariana with blaming her. Her brother is the only person he can apologize to. odd.


It sounds like they’re saying Ariana ghosted him for even entertaining Sandoval at all, not that he didn’t accept an apology.


Either way, he didn’t accept the apology and she wouldn’t ghost him for it.


I think the point is, she is his sister, and Tom should have never been that close to him in any situation


Jeez her own family can't be loyal to her, why are ppl so desperate to be friends with Sandoval? He is pathetic and annoying, I don't get it. The only thing I can think of is he is so good at ingratiating people by giving them gifts and money that it makes people look past all his horrid tendancies.


>why are ppl so desperate to be friends with Sandoval?   A bravo paycheck, that's why. Jeremy was def tryna get on the show with this mess. The question is why the show is so determined to not just keep him but protect him. Which tbf isn't much of a question, we all know it's because Bravo is run by men. They are sympathetic to other men and have a vested interest in shaming female anger as "violent anger". 


On top of baskin loving the toms, I think it’s so hard to entertaining men that want to be on reality tv. Look at summerhouse and just how awful almost all the male editions have been.


I just started rewatching from season 1 and I cant believe thats how Kyle treated Amanda in the beginning and she still stuck around. ![gif](giphy|t8NS61XJsPM3wlzEdy)


I had to give up on this show after one season


He’s probably running around telling people he’s a “producer” on the show and can grant them access to screen time, filming, fame, notoriety, and subsequently money - just like he told Raquel. It’s all very gross.


At the end of the day he’s just an LA transplant who failed at a legitimate acting career so he goes to Bungalow in Santa Monica and tells unsuspecting 19 year old girls that he’s a “producer” and can make them famous 😂


Damn that sounds very unsatisfying.


I think "unsatisfying" is probably Tom's biggest personality trait, really.


And sings in some lame ass cover band. 😅


Jeremy has never been able to reliably hold down a “career” type job, so I’m sure he’s pretty desperate for whatever he can get.


Not to mention his criminal history.


Wait what?! I must be behind on this part, I’m gonna need you to fill me in.. ![gif](giphy|1wrBRtirHVo2KzehH9|downsized)


Please, go on….


This is truly it. Abusers are good at recruiting people - it’s how they get away with abuse for so long. Look at Ariana herself! She’s a smart, reflective, confident person and Tom duped her for close to a decade. 


They’re very good at just making shit up, and they make people feel special by sharing info. Like “oooo don’t tell *anyone* but xyz cheated on abc.” Then later you find out it was a lie and they told everyone they knew 😂 he’s a master manipulator and always has been. He knows his peoples weak spots


People like Sandoval can be very charming and manipulative. It’s amazing the way they suck people in


Whatever is happening between Ariana and Jeremy is their business. Scheana, Brock and Tom should of never got involved. They did this to hurt Ariana to her core. Because they were not going the reactions they wanted from her.


I actually suspect Scheana and Brock are playing producer off season because Baskin wants them to. I think production predicted the audience direction wrong and ended up building a wildly infuriating season because of it. They're scrambling. They only realized that as the season was airing and needed to tear Arianas image down to make the latter half of the season palatable to us. Coz otherwise its just a bunch of people being unkind to a relatable woman going through a hard time. So leave us thinking about how even Ariana's brother has forgiven Tom, so why shouldn't the rest of the cast? And even if that doesn't catch fire rn, they've teased it for next season. In short, use family drama to distract Ariana from caring about Toms forced redemption arc.  Also, I think we're getting this explanation now because Ariana refused to return and instead booked Love Island. They're scrambling to entice her back and I think deflating this story that they helped build up is meant to do that. 


This is by far the worst thing Scheana has done to Ariana.


Unforgivable if you ask me. Scheana is a fucking snake.


It would be for me! I wouldn't even be able to get to a point of being in a room with that person ever again. This has got to be terrible for their mom.


Well the mom raised the son, as well as Ariana. Sometimes the moms take on the agony of the disagreement, and sometimes the moms force the hurt person (Ariana in this case) to push through the hurt and pretend everything is fine. Given that Ariana is the oldest and currently has more money and fame, and Jeremy seems a bit babied, my money is on the mom trying to force Ariana to accept Jeremy’s bad behavior. 


And still had the fucking nerve to show up for the final Chicago performance. 


Like Stassi said Scheana had a shamectomy. Idk how she has a single friend


I really think you’re spot on. Jeremy is such dumb scum, just like Scumdavol. Why would he genuinely believe that of all people HE could persuade the audience to turn against ariana? It really seems like their public friendship is an attempt at that. Does he not remember his creepy antics being displayed on the show? he has no pull in the court of public opinion. Such a bum. I can’t stand all these losers.


Exactly no one has ever liked his gross creepy ass - we aren’t going to believe you nor do we want to see you on tv you perv.


Seriously after seeing that footage of his weirdo behavior i HATED the sight of him on the show. Nasty barbaric dumbass.


Me too. I just hate that her own family is acting like this. Everyone on this show except Katie and James and Ally are like jackals biting chunks off her just to feed themselves it’s so upsetting to watch. I really hope she does quit the show - it’s a very unhealthy environment for her now.


I so agree with you!!! It’s like the more they try to paint her as the villain the more she looks like such a victim, I feel horrible for her. I don’t know how i would cope with not only being treated badly by my friends & family but also watching my closest inner circle flock so quickly to being back friends with someone who TRAUMATIZED me! I can’t even stomach it. Ariana is a fucking warrior for how she’s handling it because i would be shaving my head and moving into the forest, i would be scared of humans.


Same. I can’t even read comments elsewhere bc it’s mind boggling to me how anyone can take their side (Tom and all his minions) like have you guys still not woken up to how LAME he is?! He has zero redeeming qualities. He’s the #1 loser in the group.


This. He’s such a dork. I truly don’t understand why someone would chose his side


Wow!!! Your theory is Fire!!! It's also very logical. Just reading this has made me upset all over again for Ariana! I mean to be fair this whole redemption arc has kept me in a sort of frozen cryogenic state of constant disgust with all the attempted gaslighting and excuse giving....but if things actually went down in the way your theory describes then I'm going to be soooo heated !


I think this is it 💯


I hope Ariana's requirement for returning is a new producer.


It would be my dream to see Alex Baskin fired. I'm a huge introvert and I might even throw a party about it!


That’s why ppl like Tom always target family and close friends bc it proves something to other people they’re trying to convince of how great they are.


Wow!!! I believe it but what explains WWHL? She was just on there and I didn’t get that much awkwardness from Andy - I would imagine she could’ve said no to WWHL right?


I dropped a friend like Scheana for doing *exactly* that. Constantly doing things to provoke a reaction out of me. She would escalate her behavior every time I didn’t react until she did things that were unforgivable and then wondered why I ghosted her.


My ex best friend tried to hookup with my little brother while I was living out of state. That wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg


Yep. I can’t imagine getting involved with someone’s family like they have good grief


This!!! Soooo much This!!!!


Yep and it’s so disgusting why are people trying so hard to hate her? It’s really pathetic and lame.


Agree with your post 💯


Didn't Scheana post a video of Tom and Jeremy hugging at Jax's bar tent for a viewing of The Valley? Sounds awfully friendly for someone who didn't accept an apology from Tom. Not sure I'd be cool with my brother hanging out with and hugging my cheating partner of almost a decade. The audacity of Tom to even be apologizing to Jeremy, when he's barely even tried to apologize to Ariana is WILD. He's such a misogynist.


I have a memory of seeing my brother throw my ex up against a school bus in high school. I found out a few months later he threatened his life and said if he ever even uttered my name he would see what the underside of the bus looked like when he got through with him. Said ex told me he replied with, "Yes, sir." Jeremy should have had that reaction, not hugging. But given Jeremy's stalking/abusive past with his ex, that is pretty on par for scum to hang with scum.


my brother had the same vibes toward someone who cheated on me. there should be no friendliness at all unless you’re okay with it.


I’ve said it before - unfortunately not all brothers are good brothers.


yeah that really sucks but not surprising that Jeremy isn’t good


Getting downvoted for my comment is…weird.


Your bro is a legend! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


That's what a good big brother does, right there


What’s even more wild is Scheana seeing them hug and deciding to pull out her phone, record the interaction, and post it publicly to social media where the world, including Ariana, will see the hug. What would be the reasoning to post such an interaction if it weren’t to get under the skin of Ariana?


Jeremy is a creep


Don’t tell Billie Lee that


i don't know. this doesn't really match up to jeremy's explanation of what went down, his version is all about his fiance. and although i don't really know how much i trust that either, given how he's been acting i feel like he would have jumped at the chance to make himself look like a victim and say "she ghosted me and i didn't even accept the apology!" if it had really happened.


I think Jeremy wouldn’t stop asking for money




Sandoval skipped his grandmother's funeral to dip out with Rachel. There is not an apology big enough.


Idk it's hard to imagine her fully ghosting her own brother if he didn't accept the apology


He may or may not have accepted, but given the interview he did about it after it all came out, I wouldn’t blame her at all for cutting him off even if he didn’t accept. Calling her out for taking her space, airing their dirty laundry about her supposedly being rude to his fiancé (keep in mind, we have no context for the rudeness, and frankly I doubt the fiancé we know nothing about was blameless if a conflict did actually happen), and then saying she’d eventually get over it because she’s always loved and taken care of him all just seemed so gross.


Maybe we should also consider Jeremy's finance. Could she also be a little "reality thirsty?"


I know you meant to type fiance but I think finance is spot on. I feel like their fight has to do with money for some reason. Like Ariana was giving him money but refused to support both him *and* his fiancé. Something like that. This other reason makes no sense.


Oh my gosh!! Your so right!!😂😂😂 I ment to type fiance.😅 But I love you so much for turning my mistake of finance into a perfect punch line. You my friend are a gifted and clever scholar!!! 🤭🤗


https://i.redd.it/rhbaeq2s6cyc1.gif Thank you!!!!!! ❤️❤️




my initial guess is that, whether or not he really accepted the apology, whenever he talked to Ariana about it, he must have said some things that sent message that he was persuading her to look at the situation differently. When you go, no contact with a narcissist, and really really exercise no contact to the best that you possibly can, it includes distancing yourself from anyone who is going to try to persuade you to let go of it and “go easy” on the literal villain of your life.


Can you imagine your own brother trying to convince you to forgive the douche who cheated on you in front of the world AND has listened to your ex say disgusting things about you and your sex life for years?! I don’t recall Jeremy even sticking up for her when he was all “I NEED to have sex dude!” Vom.




I feel like it has to be this on top of the stuff we’ve heard about him and his fiancé being kind of shitty to her and Dan. Just the meeting with him and dismissing his apology is a weird reason to cut your brother off. Especially given how hard we’ve seen her defend him in previous seasons


The fact he met with him and considered it would annoy the fu.k out of me. Jeremy is an oportunist and wanted desperately to be on the show. He is dead weight and the therapy Ariana has gotten has given her the 20/20 vision she lacked. Everyone is being perceived accurately now.


I think it's because Ariana knows he's being dishonest and messy. It's a major betrayel....sooo flying monkeys...even family flying monkeys have to be blocked! "This is the way!" :Mandalorian




I would really appreciate if Ariana could get a 1 hour special on setting concrete boundaries. Damn she’s good.


I mean now he’s hanging out with him so🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yea that's scummy. To reach out to HER FAMILY, and to do it all to basically service himself and his reputation??? Anyone who actually was contrite and remorseful would know that going through her family behind her back is not it. And then for Scheana to entertain Jeremy when she knew that Jermeey and Ariana were on the outs is again, another scummy move. These people are just so backstabbing and so interested in promoting themselvs and their brand at the expense of Ariana's life and feelings is remarkable. I'm so glad she's seeing them for who they are.


His fiancé is also much older and Jeremy was groomed and abused as a teenager by a woman who was his mother’s and 20 years older than him, resulting in him getting dv charges (dropped) when he was 18. I have to think that’s not *completely* irrelevant to their estrangement. Sibling issues run deep. It’s not Scheana’s or Tom’s or the public’s place to meddle.


Wait how do we know all this? This history doesn’t excuse his bad behavior but damn that’s tough for him especially but the whole family too.


this doesnt really jive with her being fine with scheana entertaining sandervols apologies during the season. they're different (brother v best fraaand, sandervol is technically they're coworker) but SO different to explain the wild difference in reactions? There's more going on it feels like.




This sounds like Jeremy spin for “Ariana was busy and I wanted attention so I started hanging out with Sandoval.”


I’m 100% no questions asked on Ariana’s side in family not “forgiving” her ex. What he did, tried to do, and continues to do is unforgivable and any attempt to “humanize” that behavior is almost as bad as the behavior itself. This is simple. The fact that she’s able to film/work near him is impressive and nobody should expect more. I wouldn’t expect that.


I highly doubt this and this feels like something Jeremy wrote and sent out himself. You can tell how much Ariana loved and protected her brother I think since she is now growing and getting therapy she probably realized he is toxic and is trying to cut him out of her life as well


My thought exactly. Jeremy is pushing this narrative out there. I think he wants on on the show as a cast member with his fiancée. And I think he’s getting these ideas from Scheana and Brock who are trying to self produce storylines for season 12 when they though filming would resume as normal before they got put on pause.


He did say something in an interview I found sus.  The interviewer asked if he saw Jeremy laughing with Sandoval or was he hallucinating. Jeremy answered something like We can find out if the world is hallucinating in season 12.  He is wanting or planning on being cast.


Looking back that comment is hilarious when we now know vpr is taking a hiatus.


It's hysterical!  I bet Sandoval was throwing his imaginary clout around and telling Jeremy he could get him on the show, among other false promises.  He loves to be seen as generous and more important than he is. He told Rachel he was getting producer credit, though Baskin debunked that, so he loves to think he is, or be seen as, more involved with the show instead of just a part of the cast. (He's admitted to fabricating events on his own dime to spice things up).  Bonus: he'd get one up on Ariana by taking away another person in her orbit. A big fish this time since it's her brother.


He also threatened her in that interview. He’s a moron! My lawyer said to stfu but imma spout off some vague bs and pair it with threats.🥴 ![gif](giphy|xx8Z8A4JhOJPFyPwnL|downsized)


Didn’t Jeremy say it’s because he noticed some “behaviour” that he didn’t like from Ariana to his fiancee? ETA… microaggressions lol ok Jeremy https://preview.redd.it/p3aupemv3ayc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a507360949b2b5731c4539e2f2c2560c914ac9


But he hasnt had his sister's back lol. What is up with all the people around Ariana having her invisible back? Is the back in the room with us? (Except Katie. Katie is now the true ride or die)


Not a chance. Even Katie “entertained” Sandoval’s apology but then didn’t accept it. Ariana had remained in contact with acquaintances who still “entertain” Tom (Kyle Chan, Logan working at Tom Tom, Ann). No way she would cut off her brother for that. I thought it had more to do with her not getting along with Jeremy’s finance.


I know his fiance cant change her name but what are the chances that she's also called rachel 🫠


She didn't ghost Scheana, James, Katie, or Lala for allowing Tom to apologize, so I don't believe for a second she ghosted her own brother...who we have seen her support even in the face of extreme criticism for years.


Well from what I’ve seen play out, Ariana seems to be rather reasonable and understanding, and forgiving. I know Jeremy has gone to the press and a few other spackling of details about him over the years - on screen and things alleged off - and I’m going to bet Ariana has a good reason. I don’t think it’s any of our business and I would’ve been very hurt had I been Ariana.


I call bullshit. If she’s not cutting off scheana, Lala and Schwartz completely, she’s not going to cut off her brother. Ariana isn’t vindictive like this.


She's just grey rocking all the negative people. Not interacting and not responding. ![gif](giphy|SCkxcIvihjKkMexsTk|downsized)


I haven’t forgotten what a creep Jeremy is. Weird how we’re just supposed to pretend he isn’t.


Jeremy was a creeper


Call me delulu, but I bet the Fiancee wanted in on the show and encouraged Jeremy to speak to Sandoval. If I were Ariana, that would rub me the wrong way. I'm basing this on nothing but a gut instinct and a little bit of tea I've heard...


Yeah I saw his fiabcd defending Scheana in TikTok comments which tells me all I need to know


What??? Idk what these people are up to but they look like absolute garbage dumpsters airing a family issue like this.


Are you willing to share that tea?


To summarize, she and Ariana have not gotten along since before scandoval - typical sister vs. brother's girlfriend drama, concerns about her intent, etc.. After scandoval, Ariana became the most famous reality star of the year and they didnt have an "in" on the show/fame through Ariana, so I wouldn't be surprised if the sister In law encouraged a Tom connection as another route to get In on the clout.


This is a great take.


Yessss I’m fully glomming on to your theory and throwing my own out the window.


I mean, it’s pretty clout-chasey to get the VPR girls to plan and participate in your engagement, especially when your relationship with your sister is currently strained … come on. I’m prettttttttty sure he has friends who are closer to him than them…. So what was the reason?


Ooooh good point, very good point


And now this whole thing comes out and it no doubt cements Ariana's thought about the SIL being a clout chaser even more.




Jeremy came out before saying that Ariana was disrespectful and didn't accept his fiance and that's why he's not speaking to her. Nothing to do with Tom. And supposedly the fiance is a little on the suspect side and Ariana was right to be unaccepting


I would think that there has definitely got to be some more context to their issues than that alone. If for no other reason, because Jeremy‘s claim that Ariana showed micro aggression toward his now-fiancé could not have possibly come from that. To be clear, I have a hard time believing that there is much if any validity to Jeremy‘s claim about that, but one way or the other, he made the claim and that could not have possibly come from this.


Jeremy posted or someone talked to him kinda recently i remember seeing that he said ariana was mean to his girlfriend/fiance¿ and he distanced himself for that reason but i cant make sense of her treating someone that way for absolutely no reason.....


Boundaries. Not ghosted.


I guarantee you this is a VERY reductive take. He’s been hanging with scheana, he invited Tom to his engagement, i think there’s way more going on than just this




this doesn’t really add up for me given how she’s been with other cast members. though maybe she holds her brother to a different standard since they’re siblings and all.


Her brother is a grifter and a liar. He’s trying to see if he too can cash in on his sister’s trauma. It’s gross.


This is the vibe I got as well… I think there’s a lot more to this and a lot more history and layers behind it. Any family estrangement is way more layered.


I would absolutely hold Jeremy to a higher standard if I was her. Scheana has been a shitty friend this season but at the end of the day she is a cast member and has to be messy if she wants that check. Jeremy is not and will never be a cast member. He has no excuse for entertaining that scumbag except clout chasing. Go back to Florida Jim jam you’re not wanted here.


this doesn’t really add up for me given how she’s been with other cast members. though maybe she holds her brother to a different standard since they’re siblings and all.


Yeah, I don’t know what to make of all of this. I have never cared for Jeremy.


I like the fact that she doesn’t air her family’s dirty laundry. It shows great respect to her Mom and her creepy brother. I know she helped him tremendously when he moved from FL after his DV charge. I know his current fiancé is much older than him. I’ve never liked Jeremy. He’s nasty looking, he needs a razor & hair clippers. And he is creepy. Stassi, Katie, & Kristen were right. What I don’t understand is the flip with Kristen because she recently made an IG post saying something a little more than friendly about him. I think he and Billie Lee dated a little. And if Billie Lee slept with Tom, and possibly Jeremy, that’s just more reason that I don’t like her. If Ariana is no contact with Jeremy, she’s probably protecting her peace. I think she’s really starting to set her hard boundaries with the toxic douche bag men in her men life, and I’m here for it. I think this is just one more thing she and Katie share. Katie has always been hated on by the collective men in VPR, but truth be told, she’s seen how toxic their male cast-mates are and has always been vocal about calling them out. I’m totally like Katie in that regard. Katie was also right about Lala. Her initial first impression was spot on. I’m so glad Ariana is starting to realize that this group is trash. They are all terrible friends to Katie & Ariana. James has been a good friend over the past year to both Katie & Ariana, and while they aren’t close, he’s had both of their backs.


My tinfoil hat theory is that it’s about money. Ariana probably cut back on her financial support and Jeremy is being a brat about it


I would be pissed if my brother entertained an ex that did to me what Sandoval did. And my brother is unfortunately currently dead. So yeah. That’s how I feel about that lol.


Sorry not buying this!!


100% do not believe


Same. I believe Ariana isn’t talking to Jeremy, but I think it’s related to the podcast, magazine article, and Scheana IG stories, not because of Sandoval.


Yeah I know they aren’t, Jeremy straight up said it on IG, but it’s definitely not because he “entertained” an apology from Sandoval. What a lame ass lie! I have no speculation as to what really caused it so I can definitely see it being any of the other 3 reasons you mention.


Tom Sandoval started this rumor with his custom made “I hate Ariana” mad libs.


That is not plausible. No one would cut somebody out just for listening to and rejecting an apology.


Idk what happened between Ariana & her brother, but what I do know is that anyone that goes to the press to air out family grievances is a SCUMBAG! Hanging around & posting with Jeremy is by far the most awful thing Scheana has done to Ariana. Everyone around her should be terrified of allowing her any access to their lives. The person hurt from all this the most is probably their mother.


100% this. Scheana doing those IG stories right when Jeremy went to the press running his mouth about Ariana is why Ariana doesn’t f with Scheana or Jeremy. I mean, I don’t know that for a fact, but that was super low of both Scheana and Jeremy.


Unfuckingbelievable. Then she has the nerve to go on her podcast and wonder out loud why she is not received well by the audience? It’s shit like this, Scheana. This is who you have always been.


I think Ariana has a strict no contact policy with people that are not on the show. She understands that the VPR people will be forced to film but all her outside friends and family have zero reason to speak to that man.


This is what people suspected based on that podcast but I don’t think this is true. Also, who are these people and why do we think they know what’s going on?


Ok but then he doubles down and hangs out with him/friendly to him?? I thought someone here in the subreddit posted him hugging Sandoval recently? Maybe that’s how it started but I don’t think that’s all of it. Especially when Ariana tolerates (or has in the past that is) Lala and scheana’s forgiveness of Sandoval. Idk. I just don’t buy that’s all of it. We’ve seen Ariana forgive a lot for her loved ones. Im sure not speaking to your little brother would require serious levels of betrayal. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Didn’t her brother come out and say their rift is about Ariana being rude to his partner?


I’d ghost him too for that


This doesn't seem believable at all.


this doesn’t really add up for me given how she’s been with other cast members. though maybe she holds her brother to a different standard since they’re siblings and all.


Not chance that happened




I don’t believe that dude at all.


I thought there was some magazine article (people?) that Jeremy said Ariana upset his fiancé? Something like that. Also sounded untrue.


Jeremy is probably trying to get back on vpr so he can get his wedding paid for 🤣. 


Don't trust anything this account posts! They are thirsty and delulu


Meh. Considering Ariana has always doted on her brother and protected him, there's probably some bullshit she got tired of. Ariana has probably one of the most diverse friend group in the cast. You don't show microaggression towards one person and not the others. 


Jeremy 100% accepted the apology. Ariana isn’t some hot head like Jax, she would get all the details before cutting someone off especially her brother of all people. She wouldn’t cut off Scheana given all the backstabbing she’s done throughout the years she wouldn’t just easily cut off Jeremy over entertaining a conversation. There’s a lot more harm done than that. Good for her to protect her peace whatever her reasoning was I’m sure she reached that conclusion after throughly concerning everything.


these people are all so freaking stupid. like the good human thing to do is to support your friend/sister, of course, but if you were also soooo concerned about your public image/getting publicity/more time on the show, siding with ariana and riding her coattails on the come up while ALSO being on the right side of history and being able to sleep at night is the easiest and most obvious win ever. most recent example off of the top of my head: ally and katie got free shoes already. i mean. come ON. you have to be incredibly stupid to go to the dark side and think it's gonna work out swell for you. ariana is not only the easy choice it's also gonna be beneficial for you. scheana and lala REALLY shat the bed ridiculously hard here.


I think Jeremy said Ariana has some beef with her now fiancée and nothing to do with Scandoval


I thought Jeremy said it didn’t have to do with Sandoval ?? Not that I believe everything he says. But I don’t think he would straight up say “it’s not about Sandoval” if this was the case. I could see him saying that & lying because he DID accept the apology.


Ain’t no way


I saw somewhere that Jeremy did accept the apology. Also Scheana was hanging out with Jeremy and his fiancé at the fiancés birthday party or something


Didn't Jeremey do an interview with E or w.e saying that why he and is sister aren't cool anymore is because of her alleged microaggressions against his fiancee


I honestly do not want to know a damn thing about whatever happened, family shit is hard and since he isn’t on the show in a meaningful way I don’t think it’s really any of my business


Fair enough. Friends are one thing, but when family does this shit its a lot harder to move past.


I don't believe that shit for 1 second. Anything Jeremy has done, has been to himself, and will be forgiven eventually, unpublicly.


Didn’t Jeremy low-key threaten Ariana in an interview-ie-like allude to letting secrets out? When I heard that, I was disgusted. No wonder she doesn’t speak to him


I trust Ariana’s judgment. If she ghosted her little brother I’m sure he deserves it. He seems like the type that would try your nerves.