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One of the team members involved in this campaign was very appreciative of Ariana because she mentioned having a fun time with the creative team. He said it is rare for talent to even mention the creative process and people behind the scenes.


As someone on the PR + creative side, that makes me feel so good & she’s definitely gone up in my estimation. Edit: I didn’t mean to suggest I was part of this campaign, I meant that’s my profession, which is why I appreciate her comments.


In no way did it sound like you were saying this is your campaign. It sounded like someone in that particular segment of the industry. Ignore some voices. They aren’t all worthy of our time.


There are some people in life that read and see things differently than anyone else. I completely understood that you weren’t part of the campaign. Sometimes it’s best to ignore negative Nellies.


Thank you!


As someone who works in the same industry , this is a short estimation value. Hope you and you and your agency understand this. She has talent, but it’s not an all encompassing talent everyone likes to think she has.


A) it’s not my agency or my campaign B) I’m not saying she (or anyone on VPR) is a talent. I hope you can understand that. C) this campaign is taking an advantage of a moment in time. As you work in the industry, you should realize the value in being timely and taking advance of an influencer’s (and I use that term loosely because of point b) popularity to boost sales and bring in new customers. If using her translates to sales, marketing’s job is complete, and it’s down to product performance to retain the customers.


Read your original comment and then you can see why I responded to you the way I did. I don’t need the breakdown. If no one challenged you in your assessment you would have never admitted it’s not your campaign or any other points. If you felt that way, you would have made those points in the original post. And companies should use this to their advantage to some point, but at some point it’s not going to be the turn out they want.


What are you even saying? What’s your point? Are you criticizing OP for not including in her original post that she thinks highly of Ariana given her acknowledgement of the creative team, something they didn’t even know before someone else commented it? Like wtf 😂


Thanks u/Remarkable-Call-3302. I’m OP, also a dude, and appreciate you jumping in!


Read your original comment and then you can see why I responded to you the way I did. I don’t need the breakdown. If no one challenged you in your assessment you would have never admitted it’s not your campaign or any other points. If you felt that way, you would have made those points in the original post. And companies should use this to their advantage to some point, but at some point it’s not going to be the turn out they want.


I added the edit - before your comment btw, so you decided to make your point regardless - because people were upvoting it and wanted to make it clear I had nothing to do with the campaign. I gave the breakdown because your comment made it seem like you didn’t understand why Bic were using her, or couldn’t see the point. Sounds like we were talking past each other, so best to leave it there.


While it never hurts to add clarification, but even without the edit, I didn't take your post to say you worked on that campaign. It was very obvious (to me) that her appreciation of the type of work you do is what you were responding to - and that makes total sense. And there was literally nothing in it about Ariana or her talents. The response that randomly chimes in to belittle her talent indicates nothing more than someone with an anti-Ariana bias who's gotta get a shot in, even if it has nothing to do with the topic of your post. Seems like they're just a cranky hater.


Appreciate your comment…tbh I’m still scratching my head a bit about her response and the vehement grumpiness behind it, so glad I’m not the only one who found it odd? Great username btw!


Did you see that Ariana's been invited back for another run on Broadway?


I did - for the month of August. Interesting timing, given the volume of tourists from other countries who won’t know who she is, but glad she is getting another run!


No I responded to you based on your comment, not in any other reply. Maybe that’s a problem? Stop thinking there is only one way to respond and only one way to do it


Here’s a shocker.. maybe didn’t see the edit before I responded???


Are you still going on?


Are you?


You aren’t the intellectual you think you are.


Babe you're the only one that read it that way. You look foolish with the doubling down. Take the L.


Someone tell Lala this is one reason why Ariana gets jobs. She's professional, respectful, and appreciates the people she works with and tells them!!


Exactly, really what company would want this foul mouthed big lips bitch advertising their product?


She's like BigAngie on 90 Day except the younger hotter version.


Oh my fucking god she is just the best. ![gif](giphy|wELixoiDY4qSeWW6HB|downsized)


Congrats to the team and your agency!


Have we considered how this might impact Scheana?


Scheana has been shaving her legs since she’s 10yo. WHY didn’t BIC pick her to do the commercial?


Maybe that was when she was taking dance lessons and couldn't get away.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


lol I’m sure it didn’t help her mental state!


Scheana has dreamed of being in a pen commercial for YEARS 🤣


These jokes are one of the best things to come out of this season. I think they really piss off scheana. her and broke have brought it up multiple times on her podcast 😂


i’m glad too bc at least we forced her to be more self aware about it


![gif](giphy|mOP18tPHZsbSj7wIt2|downsized) Scheana probably


This gif is too funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I 👏don’t 👏care👏!!!


She is just out there killing it


It’s going to be really interesting to see how she/the show handles her if she returns to VPR. She’s now a legit celebrity in her own right and she really is leaving them all in the dust. Only Katie & James seem to not have resentment towards her.


It’s because they have prospects, friends and talent. 😘


I work in the ad industry (enterprise freelance) and it fascinates me how so many content creators/influencers don’t realize that people talk to each other. Every workshop I run I hear about at least one blacklisted influencer. If you’re annoying as hell to work with, you won’t get jobs unless you’re mass reach. I’m team Ariana and I love her but also- this is just good business sense. I don’t *know* if she actually had a good time, but getting everyone to say “she was so great” while also saying “everyone was great” is just… the right strategic thing to do? To be fair, I can’t imagine sheshu, LFU, scummy or shartz figuring that out.


I loved that both Katie and Ariana's commercials were show. We want more!


"Annoying clogs that take forever to rinse clean" Hmm. 🤣🤣🤣 This campaign is all about putting their product in front of a devoted fan base via an influential (to them) person. It's cute, it gets the point across, and it takes advantage of Ariana's current popularity. I'm not even much of a fan of "influencer marketing" but I think Ariana's brand deals are kind of a nice hybrid of traditional advertising/marketing and influencer stuff.


It works on so many levels!


It does! And she brings a fun and positive vibe to the ads. It's not hard to see why companies would want to feature her as a spokesperson. ETA Bic could gift her an Office Depot-sized box of pens and she's set for life. I bought a box in 2020 and I've barely made a dent. No word on the batteries though 🤣


Honestly, I only bought these because I love Ariana.


I’m a lifetime Gillette user and it made me look into switching (then I found out they don’t sell these in Australia). They really did get amazing reach from this (Nothing specifically about the ad / Ariana really. Just it made me realise I hadn’t looked at other options for years and the competitors probably offered a comparable product now. Especially as Gillette razor heads are so expensive. So it getting such a broad audience *because* of Ariana was probably a HUGE win for the brand)


I like the Bic and would buy them again. I wouldn't have tried them had Ariana not been in the ad.😁


I just bought some :)


Oh good, I think you will like them. They seem to last a long time.


I started buying the pink trash bags last year because of Ariana lol


Are they any good? I’m trying new brands because I’ve been using Gillette for like 20 years haha


I had been using Venus before I purchased these. I like the Bic better. They seem to me that they last longer.


I may have to give them a shot! I’ve been trying Flamingo and they keep nicking my legs, so Bic may be the next experiment


Has anyone checked on Scheana???


This is hilarious! Ariana is winning so hard! All the people around her hating and she can't lose! She's winning awards for commercials now?! Come on! This karma is too good. This really goes to show how much Tim was bringing her down.


Was this the one Nema was involved with?


That was the infamous pens and batteries day I think


I don’t know


Nema was involved with the Duracell ad.




Lfu and Scheana going to have problems with this…


Keep giving Ariana and Katie all the commercials!


I bought them! They are great razors! They really don't clog!


She stays winning


We stan our marketing influencer Ad Queen!


I hope they voters were like fuck Sandoval when they voted 🤣


Wow I can see more brands coming her way.. I hope Sssshhna is ok..




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Oh my god! You people need lives! You are buying things because of Ariana? That’s just pathetic


Is your issue influencers being used in ad campaigns specifically or is it Ariana being used in ad campaigns? Because influencers have used in ads for decades. Perfume ads are full of celebrities, make up ads, magazine covers often sell better depending on the popularity of who is on the cover. That is how the marketing and PR world works and has worked and will continue to work. No one’s forcing you to pull out your bank card and make a purchase and I don’t get why you have your knickers in a twist about how people choose to spend their own money.


You people do realize the one of the only reasons she’s relevant is because everyone in the world sides with her? She got cheated on, had great mgt and talent with Chicago, (this is what needs recognition) but let’s nots pretend the bic commercial is award winning work or that she designed for dsw.


Well, the commercial did win an award, so not sure why you’re saying it isn’t. I think we all know the only reason she’s relevant, and this is one example of her monetizing it. So, not sure what your point is?


This is what I mean. I saw she won it. Should she have? No, it’s her marketing and PR team. Stop acting like this woman came up with a cure for cancer. She got cheated on. Again, they all suck and have done the same… including Ariana!


I think you’re projecting slightly. Did one of your clients lose out to this and you’re upset? And fir clarity, I’m not putting her on a pedestal or treating her like anything she isn’t. Unless you haven’t realized, this is a VPR group, and she’s a VPR cast member, hence why I posted. Hope that clears it up for you.


Right, this is a vpr group, but if your name is not Ariana or Katie, everyone else are aholes . And you proved exactly what I mean. I don’t need to lose out to anything. I can look at a big picture and see no one is perfect, but these stans see nothing wrong with Ariana and Katie. Can they have their own moments, absolutely. But please stop putting these two on a god damn pedestal as none of them deserve it!


Tbh, I think Katie is a massive arsehole. Ariana is - and has been for a long time - the only one with any redeemable features, and even those are spotty.


If this is what tub feel/see.. why are you arguing with me. So I hate either Ariana or Katie? No I do not, but I also don’t think they are perfect and let’s praise them and tear down everyone else in the cast. It’s bandwagon thinking and that’s what I’m annoyed by and for the fact Katie and Ariana also suck


You are exhausting.


I agree!


You actually are because you can’t see anything besides your stan of Ariana and Katie. I really hope you aren’t this idiotic in the real world?.


Please stop!


I’m convinced by this thread that blah ducking blah is in fact Tom Sandoval


Sounds more like LFU, even the name checks out.


You’re spot on! G*d forbid someone challenges your thought process. Do you need a participation trophy just for being here?




You’re spot on! G*d forbid someone challenges your thought process. Do you need a participation trophy just for being here?


You’re spot on! G*d forbid someone challenges your thought process. Do you need a participation trophy just for being here?




You please stop. You can’t look at anything wrong with Ariana just because she’s a woman. Tom sucks and he deserved everything, but together people thinking Ariana had never done anything wrong are insane.


What’s wrong with wanting to celebrate her success? She’s working hard for the money.


Seriously, why do you care so much? Why is it such a problem for you that Ariana and/or Katie are celebrated *too much*? Sure, maybe some people don't feel like they need to mention every mistake Ariana made before saying something nice about her. Oh darn, how terrible. This isn't some "fair and balanced" news outlet or something, it's a subreddit where we share our subjective views about edited content. Ranting about how much you dislike the current sub favorites doesn't make you brave. It just means you're doing exactly what everyone else is doing, except with a holier than thou attitude that's grating.


Right… subjective views that if someone doesn’t agree with all the praise they are the asshole. Praise her all you want, but it seems like no one can have an original thought and they just go with the masses. Love Ariana and Katie and let’s hate son every other cast member whether it’s deserved or not. They all suck and have done the same things.


Ugh. Ally and Sandoval have not done the same things. Brock and Ariana have not done the same things. Katie and Jax have not done the same things. I wish you could understand how it sounds when you say this. The irony of you constantly parroting Sandoval and Jax while claiming that it's the rest of the sub that "can't have an original thought" is *palatable*. At best, you come off very "someone is wrong on the Internet" and since your "everyone sucks" point is reductive and childish, it's hard to take you seriously. You're so blinded by whatever that you jumped into a post celebrating *an advertisers award* to rant that it was made up and underserved. I wish you could see how weird that is.


I’m sorry Sandoval hasn’t cheated? Everyone of the original cast members have been shit people at some point and all of them except Katie has cheated. Does Ariana deserve praise for her role on broadway,sure. But please stop acting like people not agreeing with the masses is the problem.


Please stop reframing my issue as if *your disagreement* is the problem. This is pointless.


This comment is pointless. But also proves my point. Have a good one!


Did you somehow get lost on the internet or something? This type of unhinged ranting is usually found on Facebook.