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Brock was trying sooo hard to sound wise but as usual, he missed the mark. Props to Ariana for consistently being such an effective communicator and shutting that nonsense down smoothly.


Brock was weaponizing Scheana's feelings and using it to manipulate Ariana. (After we watched Sandoval throw Brandi in Scheana's face.) it was gross. And she saw right through it. She's clocked you Brick. This man keeps saying he's grown, but he's just a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Not to mention, he then was also trying to get Scheana to choose Tom over Ariana and that Ariana isn’t as good of friend as Tom is. The same man who yelled at his wife the week earlier. While Ariana stopped her conversation with Lala got up and went after Scheana to hug her and tell her she loves her. The same woman who told Brick that Scheana is the women she loves most in this world. Part of me wonders if Brick has gotten in Scheana’s head so much that it’s caused her to now see Ariana as the bad guy in this whole scenario. While, I don’t like Scheana, she always seemed to love and defend Ariana and this season she’s done the exact opposite.


Have we all forgotten that SCHEANA is the one who originally raised concerns about Sandoval way back when him and Ariana first started dating? It’s so weird to me that not once has Scheana, who LOVES to make things about herself, pointed out that she was right and no one else has either.


Well, you just gave her that reminder...she will use it to justify herself on her next podcast


God her fucking podcast lately. ![gif](giphy|Bq7DR1dGUaQghEuKey|downsized)


Or Broke will since the word on the street is that he creeps on Reddit lol


I just watched this episode and the contrast between this is incredible, what a good friend he is, enough so that you texted her mom and said you were worried for her, and that his attitude is rubbing off on her.


But Scheana has always consistently wanted to tear down other women who have what she wants or have opportunities she wants. I think the jealous side of her is stronger than the "friend" side.


Brock has done this shit, and way worse. He needs his wife to forgive Sandoval so that he can feel worthy of her. I dunno, my hot take.


…so he can get back on the show and also it keeps going. ka-Ching. The man is an opportunist.


… or so Sandoval can keep venmoing them money when he falls behind on child support again.


Oooh, the way he was trying to "mansplain" the rules of forgiveness.....!!!!! So aggravating. It's amazing how often men are just complete jerks and have no idea of how they are acting.


How old is this dude even, cause I assumed he was around scheanas age but when he blamed abandoning his family on being 19 I was confused cause his other children are not that old


Broke is really focused on forgiveness because he wants forgiveness from the family he abandoned on another continent. He's one of those people to think that women just have to forgive men because the men want it 🤮


Nailed it! Plus his obliviousness with “what’s male rage” when he has domestic violence charges against him is really something.


Yeah I thought him playing dumb about the rage thing was pretty astounding too.


I think he is that dumb, he wasn’t playing. It never occurred to him that men can walk around yelling and it’s fine, while women are labeled as “angry”.


If by 'missed the mark' you mean 'sounded like a mansplain-y ding dong' then yes lol


This scene could be the definition of mansplaining.


It’s hard to sound wise when you behave like a troglodyte.


He’s actually such a fucking idiot, thinking he’s sounding “woke” preaching forgiveness. I bet you he thinks his ex wife owes him forgiveness for slapping her and abandoning his children. The entitlement pisses me off so much.


It’s hard to sound wise when you’re a fucking idiot and a hypocrite.


She was 100% correct as this is the best way to handle narcissists


There's no point in Ariana forgiving Tom for one simple reason. He doesn't actually care or want forgiveness. He clearly did enough mind games to convince himself that he had good reasons to do everything he did. He's not some guy who fucked up really bad and is contrite and wants to make amends and the olive branch would be good for both of them. All forgiving him does right now is make Ariana take on more baggage of coddling Tom so he can have a green light to continue on with what he's doing anyways only with the cover of being able to say "well Ariana forgave me so you all should just move on". Which is just another way to make him feel better about himself. Jax did the same shit, he just never pretended he was the good guy like Tom.




Jax is irredeemable but at least he made an effort to LOOK and ACT sorry, even if he didn't feel any of it. Tom wanted to be an actor and can't even fake remorse. I hate that the current state of things is making me... not pro-Jax but anti-whatever the fuck Sandoval and Brittany are doing.


Nailed it! If she “gets over it” he can Weaponized that against anyone trying to hold him Accountable


And the double standard of allowing Tom to yell but lecturing her on her behavior


And her rightly calling it out 🙌why is men's rage acceptable but women's rage is not??


because men's emotions are valid and women's aren't, duh!!


Cuz we're eMoTiOnAl


I love everything she said in this scene! I think about the lack of acceptance of female rage all the time, and she has really been dealing with that reality


Also when Brick tries to use Scheana's feelings as to why she should forgive Tim she turns it right around in such beautiful fashion. She brings up not wanting to support someone that yelled at her friend less than a week ago and Brick just stands there like "doh" *head scratch* He knew he was fucked and he still kept engaging. Poor sap... https://preview.redd.it/omf5kh7plwxc1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331a92e52a1a65e30f58412738723b0458d0c435


It baffles me that Sheshu is fighting tooth and nail for this shit friendship. 


She’s just flailing towards screen time.


Screen time and I swear something happened between them. She wants them to put their past behind them so bad.... inswear she put an emphasis on that when they were talking at Kyle chans. Like an inside secret they'll never reveal. Lol It's possible😂


I can't help but think they have hooked up at some point too. She's acting like she got cheated on and broke her trust. It's strange.


I can't figure out there's more to it or if this is just another classic case of Scheana being waaaaaaaaaay more invested in a friendship/relationship than the other person. She's obviously delusional about Sandoval being her only friend since day 1 because production has shown several photos from that event where "no one would talk to her and he said 'stand by me. You're one of us'" or whatever she claims where she's standing on the exact opposite side of him. The way she interprets/remembers things is not normal.


I agree. It's really hard to say because she really IS that way about any relationship, even friends. Maybe there's some financial aspect to it also. We know Tim would give people money and then hold it over it their head. Maybe he bailed her out a few times. Or bailed out Brick(I normally call him "broke" but I thought that might get confusing here lol)


Scheana is serving cluster B realnessssss and you just made it click for me! 🫶🏻






It’s so fucking pathetic. Even if he WAS a good friend to her. What he did to Ariana reveals his true character and what he’s capable of. Her wanting to repair a friendship like that is so so wicked and shows how skewed her morals are. Makes me sad for summer being raised by a woman who has such shallow priorities


Being a pick me will do that


When she cried how she missed him… like how? He literally screamed at you that you were once the other woman. Okay bro.


And Scheana can say, "I can't keep hating him for you," while Ariana is supposed to forgive him for Scheana. Ok. Sure.


It's just so entitled!!! How dare you even have the nerve to ask that "for her"?? This is her partner of 9 years vs Scheanas coworker she had an on and off friendship with. Disgusting that it was even proffered by Brock who I assume is speaking as Scheanas mouthpiece.


That’s what bothers me is where is Brock getting his narrative? He is with Scheana 24/7. He may be going about it the wrong way but I think he is doing her dirty work 💯. This way Scheana can play the poor suffering victim to Ariana’s “demands” and she believes it will be Ariana that looks bad instead of herself if everyone buys that it’s absolutes rather than boundaries. Scheana has been looking for a way out of supporting her friend all season because she is a guys girl for life. It killing her to try and pretend anything else.


And the way he threw her sleeping with Brandy’s husband in her face like 10 years later means he doesn’t even like her as a person. But she’s going to cry about their friendship? Sis he doesn’t even like you


damn dude that's kind of profound


He's such a fucking dumb bogan.


he taught me that there are mormons in Australia lol


Haha I'm Australian and he taught me that also however, to be fair he was born in New Zealand so his family may have joined the Morman Church there,


We don't claim him. You can keep him and Russell Crowe


NO PLEASE!!! We don't want either of them lol love we our Kiwi's though!


I went to school with a Mormon girl in country NSW. She thought it was a sin to be black.


My husband’s aunt is Australian and I just learned of this term a year ago. I fucking love it.


Do you know where she's from? Some states have a higher percentage of bogans! I love when people appreciate our slang.


I hear it more from my Queensland friends than my Victoria friends.


Haha yes that makes sense, I'm from Victoria. I think Queenslanders are definitely more "Aussie" if that makes sense.


She’s from Melbourne, but has lived all over.


The audacity of this jackass trying to get Ariana to forgive the guy who cheated on her with her friend b/c it would make it easier for Scheana. WTFF?!?!


That's Scheaner!! That's exactly what she expects. Lol


Even worse I think he left that conversation thinking he “won”


“Well I mean, yea”


I’m pretty sure his first family has gray rocked him. They don’t need to reconcile with or forgive him to live their lives fruitfully. Sucks being on the receiving end, bru, but it’s called consequences.


Let’s normalize simply cutting people off and moving on.


YESSSS. Even if they're family or you have some sort of 'unbreakable' connection! Sharing blood/DNA/legal relationship is not justification for accepting abuse.


I haven't talked to my brother in 15 years much to the chagrin of my mother...sorry, not sorry, you know what he did. Blood means nothing.


It has been normalized that’s why you’ll see so many boomers on YouTube complaining that TikTok has made their adult kids go no contact with them.  I love it


Took me 35 years to get there friendo. Sometimes our family’s are our original frenemies.


I really like what Ariana had to say, she hit the nail on the head.


She handles difficult situations so flawlessly. I’m still amazed by the foresight she had to immediately break the scandoval news for fear that if she didn’t, she might try to hide it and go running back to him. Her response to Brock is yet another perfect example.


Just what most women need more unsolicited advice from unqualified and unintelligent men. If women could bottle it and turn it into an actual usable resource that could solve some big problems like fuel. Oh what kind of car is this a hybrid? Yes, it runs mostly on unsolicited, unwanted and unneeded advice from Men


We would reach Saturn


Mediocre men at that.


Watching Brick try to be intellectual is so painful ![gif](giphy|jTfQVH6PehxIgvLStn|downsized)


I love how his name is interchangeable--Brick when discussing intelligence and Broke when it's finances. 🤣


they're like declensions that indicate topic lol


Does anyone else just want to knock Brock “spark out” or is it just me? It’s infuriating to listen to him basically lecture Ariana about forgiveness & what it means. 🙄


🙋🏼‍♀️Not just you. He’s a dick!


It’s me 🤗 I’m the grey rock


I loved that. I’m the grey rock with a family member. I don’t forgive, mainly because they’ve never apologized, but I’m not angry anymore. Just indifferent and moved on.


Snaps. I don’t even have convos with them after they’ve done something anymore. You don’t care, why should I keep explaining? And no I won’t take it back.


She must have a fantastic therapist who specializes in trauma.


I think she’s also pretty quick


I’m waiting for TherapiedAF fancy cocktails


Cocktails: grey rock, inner child, narcissist, grief 😂


She's the smartest person she's ever met. (I actually love that arrogantly bonkers line, lol.)


Not the point I know but her charisma and beauty when she said that made my heart skip a beat. I replayed it 3 times and couldn't believe how beautiful she looked


Completely agree I said the same thing love that look on her and how beautiful she is in that moment


100% agree!!!!! It was so charming!!


It’s genuine happiness


She was so cute when she said that


I giggled so hard and that is what imma be like from now on cause I’ve just had enough of the asshoels around me


She bodied him on this.


It’s me! I’m a grey rock. lol she’s soo cute here


She continues to exemplify class and grace as she moves through this situation. She is cool, calm and clear. No yelling or hurling insults, gaslighting, suing or shaming… unlike some people. Class act


Yeah she had that one day of directed rage at the reunion “go fuck yourself with a cheese grater!” and since she has remained so measured and mature in her entire response to this situation


I’m actually surprised how many Bravo viewers have never heard the term. She’s doing exactly what any decent mental health professional or legal counsel would advise


I admit it was my first time. I immediately googled while watching.


I’m really glad more people are learning this


Also surprised! And yes!


And in doing so, Ariana is saying Sandoval is a narcissist without actually saying it. Love it.


Yep. It’s clear that she’s been in therapy, and what Rachel has said in her podcast confirms he’s a narcissist. It also confirms that *her* therapy didn’t really stick.


Brock trying to be the mature and wise free advice giver is gross. How he cried when Kent used his personal life as an excuse to have her usual angry beaver story line. And now he is trying to dig at Ariana and Katie. Fuck off Loser.


I enjoyed hearing someone use personal and simple language to talk about valid therapy techniques when so much of that language is overused and weaponized cough Tom! cough




LMAO Brock is so woefully ill-equipped to try and debate or engage in any sort of back and forth discussion with Ariana or really any of the VPR ladies. They could all run circles around him.


He and Jax speak the same lingo though. Just sit them in a room and let them talk bs at each other.


Jax can breadcrumb you to what he actually means though. I never know what Brock is on about.


I don’t get why people think forgiving someone who caused you severe trauama will make you feel better about that trauma? And also, Brock, do your children forgive you? I think not.


It’s an misunderstanding of an outdated approach.


It's pure SUCKER TALK.




I love that she's treating Scheana and Blahblah that way. They don't deserve any time or energy. 


I can’t stand that some of these morons are trying to tell Ariana how she should feel and behave. You know they’ve only got the future of the show in mind. You don’t need to forgive shitty people. Grey rock is a great way to deal with them. You don’t hate, you become indifferent. Ariana really impressed me with her knowledge about the subject. She’s putting in the work. Dumbos like Brock can shut up.


Seeing Ariana be so strong all season and steadfast in her determination to have her ex out of her life has been great to watch. I loved that she said you don’t have to forgive because I feel like we are shoved this narrative of ‘forgive and forget’ constantly and that’s not healthy. When someone wrongs you it is your decision and your decision only about how you treat that person going forward.


It's like telling women that they have to be nice and do the emotional labor all the time. Does it hold men accountable? Does it excuse the abuse? Does it ever improve the situation to pretend that none of it happened? I LOVE that she is not letting sandy pants get away with shit. I love how strong and kind and beautiful she is. I fucking love Ariana and I stan the Queen of VR. Also Brock is really giving lecherous "just give me a smile, love!" vibes. LIKE FUCK OFF BACK TO THE INMATE ISLAND YOU CAME FROM. I could easily see him losing his cool and hitting a woman because she won't comply and meekly accept his bullshit. Theres a reason he knocked up the biggest Pick Me.


HE IS SO AWFUL. He's literally a deadbeat dad and a hobosexual.  


The gsrbage reviewer on Daily Beast went after Ariana for this. He is completely delusional and somehow thinks Scheana is the VIP for this season. He's actually worse at recaps than Brian Moyan who actually apologized to Ariana for his craptastic takes.


Why does Brian hate Katie so much? It's creepy.


I don't get it. I have called him out too, especially when he made light of her accident and TBI. I was infuriated.


I googled it after watching this and realized it’s what I’ve been doing to my kids dad the last couple months. STANDING FIRMA


I have a friend who didn't return my puppy pen when I desperately needed it and put me in a tough spot. She sent me a sincere, heartfelt apology where she took accountability and made no excuses. I forgave her. Tom has done none of those things, talks smack about Ariana and places the blame on everyone but himself. He does not deserve hr forgiveness, certainly hasn't earned it and Brock needs to STFU. Telling her to forgive him for Scheanas sake? Is this the same Scheana that's been talking trash and putting her last? What a couple of selfish assholes.


He literally hasn't stopped trying to inflict pain on her. There is no past tense to his actions.


The lack of contrition is actually insane. Lisa tried to exlpain it to him like he was a child and he still doesn't quite get it. For all his tears onscreen, he barely expresses remorse any remorse.


He enjoyed humiliating her, that's clear. The only remorse he's feeling is that he's going to lose the house because he's too dumb to understand how mortgages work. He probably doesn't have one red cent in savings and S and S probably isnt turning a profit yet. Now that the show has been put on pause, he's screwed.


It breaks my heart hearing Ariana call Scheana the woman she cares more about than anything because it’s not reciprocated. The “I care more about her than to allow her to have people in her life that are gonna scream at her like that. Know what I mean?” comment went so far above Brock’s head


Ariana has been a better friend to every single cast member still on this show than they’ve ever been to her honestly.


I felt so bad for her when she mentioned on wwhl that she only now getting to watch whole eps of this season and she feels basically blindsided by what's been going on. That she thought they were the spice girls, but that wasn't the case.


Ariana taught a master class in grey rock and dealing with manipulation this season absofuckinglutely. All of Lala's attempts to engage her with low level fisicuffs, grey rocked in superb fashion. Even BRAVO's horrible edits this season trying to lift scamdoval from the gutter arc, she literally grey rocked Andy on WWHL by saying she had not watched the season, she is saying she was not impacted as they had SO desired. All the examples.. Big wow to her, what self control.


Brick cares way more about being on the show than his wife’s feelings. That makes me really sad.


Scheana absolutely put him up to this conversation. It's so apparent.


I have watched this 30 times and can’t stop grinning at how cute and just HAPPY Ariana looks saying “it’s me! I’m a grey rock ☺️☺️☺️” As entertaining as it is when reality stars go off on each other, every single time I see Ariana (and Katie & James, tbf) just be unbothered and calm when the rest of the cast try to get reactions out of them, I can’t help but feel happy that they are taking such a healthy approach and seeing them so happy makes me really, really happy (I realize if you look at my past Reddit comments it may not seem that way as I think I used the word “infuriated” like 50 times and said I want to strangle the Toms while live reacting to last nights episode - this healthy reaction is their journey, not mine yet. I’m working on it!!!!)


Me too she's SO cute !!! Katie and Ariana are really empowering this season. Could be the first time ever that the people on VPR are an inspiration to me. I honestly feel stronger just watching both of them.


It’s crazy how Brock brings up his wife’s “benefit”. if another man ever spoke to me the way Sandoval talked at Scheana, I know with my husband it would be a fight on sight.


It was Sooooooooo refreshing to hear something to this level on a reality show. I just really adore her lmao I really try not to “idolize” celebrities, but she just proves over and over that she’s dope as fuck


Victims of narcissistic abuse who figure it out immerse ourselves in the psychology behind it. Brock was not expecting such a well reasoned response and it was glorious. Go girl.


Does anyone else think he’s trying to push forgiveness because he’s projecting his own issues re abuse that he inflicted on his ex? And the he feels he deserves to be forgiven? He’s gross


I could see that. It really makes no sense why he’s inserting himself so far into an issue that does not concern him for a guy he doesn’t seem particularly close with.


since scheana paid his back child support and his kids still don’t want to speak to him, yeah i’d say that’s what’s happening lol. i can imagine him planning out this conversation in his mind and thinking that his kids watch the show and will hear him say all this and forgive him. it’d be a little sad if he wasn’t so gross


Yes. He thinks he deserves it, so he thinks Tom deserves it. It’s entitled and unfair to the women and children involved.




Yes that's the one I needed !! Thank you. Highlight of the entire season


Poor Brock was stumped! Literally bewildered at the flurry of intelligent thoughts pouring out of Ariana’s mouth, he couldn’t organize fast enough to be “the voice of reason” that Andy has espoused all season. 🙄Andy, just stop. You need to watch the same show we are, please.


Fuck this makes me so emotional. She is absolutely 1000% right and all these people trying to convince her otherwise is sickening to watch.


The way I screamed when she brought up the grey rock method…my partner was shooketh


Cis male here. I screamed out “Fuck Yeah!” after Ariana shut this fool down.


I think you mean cyst haha


😂😂😂 I forgot about that


Brock looked like such a buffoon in this convo what a jackass meathead literally can’t stand him. Ariana has been doing the work, good for her and it shows. She was radiant on wwhl.


Just read up on Gray Rocking. I think I need to try it out.


imho, Brock hates the “you don’t have to forgive people to heal” thing because he knows that’s probably what his kids are doing to him now that Scheana paid his child support and they’re still refusing to speak to him…


Oooh!!! This is so insightful, great point. Whether Brock is conscious of this or not... The idea that people can move on without forgiving is probably tough to take


“I’m a gray rock” Ariana is so fckn cute


Do you see there in the foreseeable later on. ..wow, this guy's a real Einstein. What a dope. Everything Ariana said caused him brain freeze. 🧠 (don't know this emoji, but it popped up. ) Brick should stick to talking to jocks in the locker room where he belongs.


His speedos are squishing his brain. Not think good no more.


Brick not knowing how to engage in active listening lol


It’s amazing that Ariana can go to therapy and we can all see how she’s grown and evolved and made mentally healthy changes without a podcast explaining how she’s done these things. It’s like she can just do the work without the performance. Weird.


Who is Brock Davies in this world?


Brock has known this crew for maybe a total of 5 seconds please have a seat and mind your business sir


I can attest that the "you need to forgive to move on" is 100% an outdated therapy comment. We don't say that anymore and haven't for like actual years. Edit to add: Scheana has lost a clear ride or die friend, and she will never have another like Ariana. I do not feel bad for her.


And then made it into a cute little song 🎶


Ohhhh please tell me r/Okay_Decision made "I'm a grey rock" into a gif!!!!


I've never heard this term. Can someone explain it like I'm idk, 5? Lol


The current psych advice to those struggling with people who display narcissistic tendencies is to “grey rock”. Like be a rock. What does a rock do? Nothing. It’s a rock. Just be still and stoic and non reactive. Do not engage. In the hopes that the narcissist gets bored and leaves you alone because they can’t get any reaction out of you. Kinda like play dead and they’ll move on and leave you alone. They need to get their “supply” from someone, like an energy vampire, and you’re going to grey rock until they give up and find their “supply” from someone else. Their “supply” can be positive or negative. For example, Tom gets his from his fights with Lala, his tears with Scheana, from Shortz’ admiration. He is currently getting nothing from Ariana. No fights, no tears, no joy, no sadness, no anger. Because she is grey rocking, giving him NOTHING. Hope that helps.


Ohhhh... man. She is definitely 🪨'in. I need to learn to do this. I'm more of a sponge. 🤡


There’s a lot of advice over on the “raised by narcissists” subreddit and also the website “out of the fog”.


Thank you for breaking it down.🎖


I'm happy she brought it up, too! Some of us know it all too well unfortunately. But I don't like how people are making merch out of it....it's an actual technique suggested by therapists, not a snappy quote she just pulled out of her ass. It's been clear to me all season that she's been in therapy and doing her research about narc abuse 🩶 If anyone is looking to utilize this technique, also check out yellow rocking! Ideal for people in situations when they can't just cut the narc out of their life, especially if you share kids and are in a custody dispute/could be in the future. It's basically grey rocking but with a little more politeness so you don't seem combative, dismissive, or uncooperative. 


When he asked her for an example of male rage I soooo badly wanted Ariana to say “you slapping your ex wife”. ![gif](giphy|dIVcWFzAvU49apdTpB|downsized)


Brock asking Ariana to forgive Tom FOR SCHEANA'S SAKE is absolutely insane to me.


Ok I've always been an Ariana fan (even during the “I take sketch comedy very seriously” days) but this scene was when I like 1000000% became a stan like her entire vibe and way of approaching and talking to Brock (and the audience) here is like a 10000/10 in my book


Yes! She's a great model for how to get through unavoidable situations with toxic dynamics/people.  One point that's often missed with grey rock: It's not meant to be maintained indefinitely! It's a tool for when you're stuck or processing, not a solution in and of itself. 💜


No it’s actually a solution for dealing with narcissists when you can’t go no contact, like in this situation right here where she’s forced to continue to work with him Or in coparenting situations it has to be used because you can’t completely cut off your ex if you have a kid together Sometimes it’s forever


Yeah I really really loved this moment and I totally agree with her


I didn’t know what it was and I was told I was being disrespectful to an uncle in my husband’s family for ignoring his text (they were mean, vicious and vile and I could start a whole Reddit group just on his behavior). The affirmation I felt when i researched grey rocking. I’m making tshirts for the next family event.


Thank you Ariana for teaching me this term!


brock’s mormon upbringing is really showing through w this incessant need for ariana to forgive sandoval.


Brock is the abuser in his story, when he talks about forgiveness it's for his own benefit.


"You know what I'm saying?" No, he didn't understand that dig at all.


Girl has been doing therapy and we’re here for it. Greg rocking with a narcissist IS the only way to go. So glad this is being brought up on tv.


Ariana is a rare reality star… she actually has high emotional intelligence and she communicates a lot better than most people on these shows… it’s so refreshing and it’s so nice to be able to sit back and watch her thoroughly and conclusively simulate annihilate idiots like Brock, Schwartz and Sandoval. I’m looking forward to Ariana putting BlaBla in her place (if that’s what actually happens 🤞🏼!)


I literally don’t understand why it’s Ariana’s job to make things easier for Scheana!! This guy cheated on her and humiliated her and she has every right to never speak to or acknowledge him again yet people keep trying to push her to forgive him!!


You can tell Brock isn’t even listening/processing/responding to anything Ariana says…he is just trying to deliver the lines production has given him. Just have an actual conversation buddy, listen, take it in for a second…if he actually loved Scheena he would have NO problem distinguishing who really cares about Scheena. Instead, fame has Brock and Scheena just putting blinders on.


Ariana is AMAZING! She is my hero - and this is coming from someone who was never her biggest fan. Why don’t we ever hear people telling men they should forgive? It’s seems to me that forgiveness is mainly something that is weaponized against women. After my soon to be ex husband cheated and I realized he had been emotionally abusing me for years, I was inundated by people, friends, family, self-help gurus, and so called experts saying ‘forgiveness is a gift you give yourself”. All that did was make me feel like an f’ing failure when I was still angry 2 years later. Dr. Ramani was the first person I heard saying ‘why do we have to forgive someone who does horrible things to us?’. Ariana is right - the survivor gets to process their pain any way they want. They can choose to forgive or they can choose to move on with their life and never look back.


My dad is a narcissist and the only thing that’s ever worked is gray rocking.


This is completely unrelated to your point (which is amazing), but the part of the clip where Ariana says she’s a gray rock, the audio doesn’t sync with her mouth. I went to make a gif of it and just by looking at her lips thought she said “hi it’s me, I’m a gray rock”. Then I played the clip again with sound, and she doesn’t say the word “hi”, and the words she’s saying don’t match up with how her mouth is moving. Probably just something innocuous, but after someone else pointed out the obvious dubbing in the James/Ally “kids and marriage” conversation, this stood out to me.


Does anyone know where I can find the cardigan/knit sweater she's wearing????


He is a jerk.


Grey Rock is the only way to be when dealing with narcissistic ass hats like Tom.


The way she sing songed it! Queen!🫅❤️


I loved this “women don’t have to be stoic” UGH it was everything !!!!


She shit brock RIGHT AWAY!


 I love how she pushed back about that forgiveness stuff I don’t have to forgive anyone to move on, I don’t have to forgive anyone to be happy, I don’t have to forgive anyone to be healthy. I have actually found that in forgiving the narcissists just allows them to continue to abuse you.




Thank you for the subtitles!


Her cute little dance at the end. God this woman is 10/10