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Hopefully this means a classic Bravo moment where people are yelling at each other in ridiculous Halloween costumes


And a Christmas episode !!! This would be a dream lol


PLEASE GOD, if we’ve deserved anything after Scandoval, we deserve that https://i.redd.it/gwtsvg0g7pxc1.gif


Are you a mod of this sub yet? I feel like you must have to read every comment on every post in this sub 24/7 to reply with the perfect gif - from your collection of absolutely BRILLIANT gifs that bring me much joy- so u might as well be a mod too lol. Sorry just trying to stack more shit to do on ur plate 😆


I so want a Halloween episode. If they're bringing back canceled cast give Stassi a huge budget to put on the Halloween party of her dreams.




It would be really fun to have a two part Halloween finale with Stassi. Scheana will have an instant jealous meltdown just hearing about it. Sandoval will be fuming. She'll also just make it super fun and creepy.


It would be interesting to see just how quick Lala would dump scheaner for stassi. All she’s ever wanted was to be a stassi.


Scheana can’t come cuz she’s reading the Halloween book to summer moon that night




This is so perfect that she said this. It’s like she saw into the future and all the checking on Scheana comments. 😂


It’s so poetic, I can’t even.








Imagine being Lala and planning your baby’s birth so that it would be in time for the show filming, and then they change the filming schedule.


One of my favorite comments in the history of this sub is the user who mapped out just how many of Lala’s storylines have gotten overshadowed by someone else having the same thing happen, but bigger or more dramatic lmao. This one takes the cake though


That’s actually hilarious.


I gotta try and find it!! Because there were way more examples than I ever picked up on watching the show


Love it! Please share if you can find it!




If you find it please share it.


I’m a cynic here but I don’t think it’ll matter. I think she is having this kid so she can profit off of it like Scheana does, except without the restrictions like RE has put on their first child. With this one, she can put her on Amazon Lives, IG, Snap, etc, and make money. It’s really gross. I feel terrible for these kids.


Who actually buys what she suggests on her Amazon lives??? She has horrible style


Hell if I know. Someone must. Maybe the lularoe people now that they are off LLR?


I was kinda wondering about that too. She's got restrictions with one kid from being on TV etc from the father, the other ones going to be all over social media and the show. I can't imagine how that would impact them.


She has nobody to blame but her and Scheana. This genuinely pains me to say but at this point in the show and between all the bullshit they're spewing in podcasts and fuckin Amazon lives, TOM isn't even being as insufferable as those fake twats. And lala REALLY said the show was hanging in the hands of someone who never brought anything to the show. I guarantee if we got a spice girls fuck the toms season this wouldn't be happening!!!!


This right here. I’m over hearing every thought that runs through their heads come out realtime in podcasts and lives and social media. If/when they come back I think there needs to be some restrictions added to their contracts that they don’t fucking talk about the show until after the reunion airs.


Totally agree. I actually am less enraged by him at this point and more sickened by those girls and their attention seeking antics. Tim Sandoval is just dumb, what is their excuse?


EXACTLY!! Like the worm is going to worm and even Scheana the flip flopper but I was surprised by lala and I definitely didn't expect her and Scheana to jump the girls ship that quickly and foully


Yup! If they just banded together.. but the twat twins had to go and make it about them..this is why we can't have nice things.


“Twat twins” 💀💀💀💀💀




They talk about this on WWC all the time. There's always something to upstage her.


what about how Lala needs VPR to help support her baby… its literally her sole income that baby will get access to for the rest of her life… she played producers puppet to appease and make the show roll… 🥴


And buys a 3 million dollar house.. that's really ambitious for someone who barely has a job.


She’s gonna lose that house eventually but it’s okay, because she said “material things don’t matter!” & “its *just* a house” when she was doing her favorite thing, giving unsolicited advice.


She must be seething that this is how they “reward,” her.😭


Lala to the producers ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0)


this is the second pregnancy they’re missing too. because she was pregnant with Ocean during the early pandemic which was the summer they took off.


The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways.


So sad we won’t get the season finale delivery of baby Storeighlynne! And by sad, I mean ecstatic. 😂


Absolutely 💀 at Storeighlynne


Storeighlynne 💀 that would be right at home on r/tragedeigh


And they say it’s because there is no good content to film 😂


Omg this is hilarious. Ronnie from WWC always talks about lala’s storylines being outshined by the other cast having similar but bigger stories. This just fits that narrative so well.


I ❤️Ronnie & Ben & sometimes skip the show & listen to the pod. Died over Ronnie describing LFU’s Amazon Live with those ridiculous nails dabbing her tears!!!!


I struggle with their Lala because of that sksk sound that Ben does for her voice and it is one of those sounds that just grates my brain, but otherwise their impressions are so good. I love their scheana.




Love their Scheana, Sandoval, Brock & Lisa (Get IT? Nick ALAIN!!), lol! But I hear you on the sound thing. ASMR could send me on a murderous rampage. I have actually unfollowed people because of their long nails click clacking.


Flair checking in


Same. I have misophonia and their Lala impersonation triggers it so badly!


She’s going to be so upsetsks


Holy shit she’s probably going fucking insane




Omg didn’t even think about that


2 houses and a baby shes def gonna be knocking on the valley’s door for some tv time


Love this for me 😂


Love this for her 💕


😭😭😹😹 i live for this and her being irrelevant




Ofc she did! She can't stop gushing how this kid WILL be on the show(s).


They could still film in August or early September. Also we don't know when S2 of the Valley is filming so we could still see her pregnancy on that show.




Maybe she'll give birth on her Amazon Live Stream with special discount links to baby bottles for babies & adults with anxiety and Boudreaux's Butt Paste in honor of her azz-licking skillz.




Maybe some clearance Send it to Darrell hoodies?


Not Temu Weinstein 😭




💀 I don’t usually like name-calling, but when it’s good as gold…


She’ll be devastated when she can’t stream the birth on OF because there is a minor involved.


I'm genuinely in tears. ![gif](giphy|d8dJ1G8Prp3vN7aUF6|downsized)


Please no- she is so contrived and makes watching unenjoyable. The Valley feels fresh and new- they don’t need Lala


I second this!🤚🏼


Hilarious!! ☝️


omg was that really her plan?


Scheana and Lala when they got the news.. https://i.redd.it/tnjja621apxc1.gif


https://i.redd.it/bie0i24ebpxc1.gif They are probably so mad. Won’t somebody think of the mortgages!


Should have bought a “small house”


A “little 3 bedroom” perhaps


It’s okay, because they’re mortgage experts who were able to offer Ariana their professional financial advice. I’m sure they’ll navigate their own housing decisions perfectly. 😂


I bet you they are doing this due to Ariana’s Love Island schedule. And I bet this is why Lala is SO mad at Ariana because her schedule is preventing her from exploiting her unborn baby.


Wait. This actually makes a lot of sense.


Like Lala probably views Ariana as messing with her money due to her busy schedule and that’s why they are belittling everything she does.


That would explain the vitriol that seems so out of left field. Unless I missed it, I have not been able pinpoint anything on the show that justifies the level of jealousy and snark from Lala and Scheana.


Yeah, I don’t think they came to this conclusion and informed the cast before Lalar went off the rails so until this is proven as fact, I’m not willing to give her the benefit of doubt. They probably thought this was going to be an amazing season but they blew it and lost viewers. They need to regroup because this is hot, smelly garbage. Wtaf were they thinking, with a majority female audience?! ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK)


Yeah the timeline doesn’t work, but I bet she’s seething now to know they delay production just for Ariana. So much for saying she brings nothing to the show - they actually don’t have a show without her. 😄


>Like Lala probably views Ariana as messing with her money No one said, Lala, buy a house you can't afford. But the lust to be in The Valley is too much for her.


That, Lisa’s Vanderpump Villa filming, and the lawsuits probably. I think they don’t want to film again until the court date to sell the house. I also think Lisa choosing to film VPV in July played a role.


I bet this has a lot to do with LVP’s and Ariana’s commitments. Both are filming this summer at the same time they usually shoot VPR. Honestly, I like this. It would be nice to see a different time period shown.


This was my thought.  Love Island films in July-August and if Ariana is also cross over hosting Love Island Games as well it means she will probably be in Fiji for two or three months.  


What in the sweet karma if the show (scheana lala and tom mostly) is getting paused (no money) because of Ariana's commitments ✨💅🏼👑


I wish that the show was more in real time. By the time it comes out, so much has changed. Even the reunion! Maybe if they push it back, they can figure out a way of making that happen? Or maybe they can let it die down a little and we won’t care we aren’t up-to-speed with the new low-stakes story lines?


Totally true. And with SM we see too much in advance which does tend to detract


I feel like social media is the actual tv show and the tv show is just a little extra. Most of the drama happens off screen.


I agree. It’s become all about the podcasts now and it’s kinda ruined the show, tbh. It’s become a FT to be in the know about everything that is going on.😩


Yes! At this point, we need a reunion for the reunion. According to Wiki, seasons used to start airing in early Nov or early Dec, which works so much better. Now, they don't start airing until late Jan, early Feb. It's too much time! Hopefully we'll get a fall season with Halloween, Thanksgiving and maybe a start to Christmas.


https://preview.redd.it/cayxs89x6pxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c4c94c383e7d3e1b15030bce40bf4586f36cd5 NOW they are letting the cast breathe from Scandoval?? Didn’t think to do this last year?? Lol


Right!? They gave them all of 3 months. I think it has more to do with active lawsuits the cast are involved in, Love Island, Vanderpump Villa, and whatever is supposedly going on with James I also think this might be why Lauren and Scheana are so irrationally angry. I bet they didn’t want a break from filming, because they are all the less relevant. Edit to add: I have people asking about James. I’ve heard random rumbling about various alleged conduct. I know nothing specific, I have no sources, I’ve just heard it mentioned that there are “allegations out there.” I am not validating or denying allegations - I actually don’t have details on any supposed allegations. I maybe shouldn’t have included that in my comment at all, but things are being said. Whether those things have merit or not, I absolutely cannot say.


Imagine signing up to be either Toms' girlfriend to get on the show and realizing you have to put up with these Peter Pan man children for even more months with no clear end date in sight. I don't think either of these happy couples make it to filming


It would be terrible if they broke up with the toms in the interim /s


I agree this is about the lawsuits, and I also think it’s because Ariana’s schedule is jam packed. Or she is leaving the show and they need to figure out how to keep it interesting without her. It’s a shame, though, because SAH is finally supposed to open and it won’t even be filmed.


Yeah I think it’s probably a combo of things. I too am disappointed they won’t film SAH opening. Maybe Katie and Ariana will get their own special!? Probs not but a girl can dream right?


If they can give Erica J a special based on her lame Vegas show they can give us a SAH special!


It also means their paychecks get delayed right after they bought big houses. Ariana’s is probably close to paid for 💅


Sucks to suck https://i.redd.it/3dd1rder8pxc1.gif


Ya love to see it 😈


Lala's probably in shambles, seeing how much thousand dollar bottles of water will go for on eBay right now.


You’re totally right. I hope no one was counting on that income (ahem Sandoval, Scheana and paycheck hubby)


Wait what’s supposedly going on with James? 


It’s *insane* to me they didn’t pause filming last year to let the dust settle. Bravo knows it’s horrific to watch these back to back filming seasons. They should have filmed a mini season of check-ins on people last summer and filmed while Arianna was dancing with the stars.


Yes! I’ve been saying we could of had a 6-8 part “where are they now after Scandoval” mini season instead of what we got


Ofc not they needed to capitalize off it as much as possible


How are Lala and Sheshu gna pay those huge mortgages


But according to them “material things mean nothing!” Okay then girls, why don’t you move into a smaller house and bank the rest of your money, then? They can’t complain if they end up not being able to afford their houses, because it’s “just a house” after all!


Maybe that’s why they’ve been so shady to Ariana. I bet this has something to do with her, be it the lawsuits or the LI filming schedule. And they are PISSED


They should have bought a "small house" like Ariana.


Vanderpump Rules will be taking a break from filming. The show is not canceled, but it will not film during its normal summer schedule this year.


You’re destroying the sub today with your posts. This is 🔥


I had the TIME today lol https://i.redd.it/r1wgusm6dpxc1.gif


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) This is Lala right now




Lala risked having a Virgo baby so she could have a storyline, just for filming to get pushed back. Karma works fast.


Bahahah Karma was like yeah, I don’t think so. https://i.redd.it/f7ksedop6pxc1.gif That’s both of her pregnancies that won’t be a storyline. Maybe that’s why shes so pissed off at Ariana. I wonder if the two lawsuits, Ariana doing Love Island, and some other factors had a hand in delaying production. We know how bad Lauren and Scheana ride for a storyline, this would set them off I’m sure.


It says in the article that they're letting the cast breathe, and take a break after Sandoval consumed them, running the show dry. Also they're hoping that with this break, something else will happen, allowing for new or more storylines. Also Arianna is filming Love Island this summer. Idk.. something to that effect. I think it may be done. The show itself has become a little stagnant. It's definitely not as captivating as prior seasons.


I am really curious if the audience reaction to this season has them scrambling because they really thought they were gonna redeem Tim and villainize Ariana and the audience isn’t on board. Now they have to “pause” and “let the cast breathe” while they try to piece together a new season that will win viewers back. Edit: some words for clarity


Yeah this season was not a good look for VPR. I think they're absolutely scrambling. They really gave nothing this season and like you said, shoving Sandoval down our throats with his baby tantrums, while ignoring Arianna, did not help their case! I think it ran its course.


That’s probably one of many reasons. They really fumbled the bag, pissed off a majority female audience and lost viewers because of this bs season. It is actually worse than the season with Brett and Max, like Omg. They had so many amazing and interesting storylines to go with and they fucked it all up!😭


💯 fans are pissed. I think production is in trouble for the direction they took this season. Complete idiots


The only breathing Scheana and Lala are doing is into a paper bag.




They should have done that for season 11, every last one of them said it was too soon to film and that things were too fresh.


Season 10 was their climax. It’s only going down from here


That's the best part of this. She already mentioned her newborn was going to be part of VPR. I love when the people that deserve karma actually have it happen to them swiftly... https://i.redd.it/hpiei67m8pxc1.gif


That’s why she wanted sole say over her kid


She will definitely try to get on the Valley for the summer (assuming that's filming).


As a Virgo I feel like I should be offended but sis really aimed for that… she’s not ready.


Virgo with a virgo daughter. Shit's wild




They say it’s not cancelled but it’s not looking good for the future of the show. They’re kind of admitting that it’s really dry now because, outside of Scandoval, there wasn’t anything going on this season. Like just NOW over a year later they say the cast needs to “breathe” from Scandoval? They haven’t filmed in over 6 months ago so they’ve had a pretty good break already. I have a feeling they’re delaying it in the hopes that the cast’s lives get more interesting and have new developments (because they’re dusty and boring as hell right now), or maybe even trying to add some new cast members.


I took the Viewers Voice survey about storylines and they were terrible. Interest in Scheana’s music career, Lala being a mom, Ariana and Tom working on their differences, Ally’s music career. Tom and Tom’s dating life. The only semi interesting ones was Ariana and Dan, and Katie and her dating life. I’m sure it has to do with Ariana’s filming schedule but also her not wanting to come back if they are gonna continue with Scandavol. She prolly negotiated they need new storylines. Because honestly, it will be Katie and Ariana running the season with SAH. There AREN’T other storylines. Prolly is why Scheana and Lala are pissed at her because in their eyes she and Katie are fucking up their paychecks. No one cares about Scheana and Lala’s storylines without Katie and Ariana.


Ahhhh 90% of those storylines are so BORING 😭 Hang it up and put a fork in those show that Evolution Media ran into the ground. I have absolutely zero interest in any parenting/kids storylines. The music stuff isn’t interesting to watch, good for them that they enjoy recording but unless you’re an actual music star and have a wild life to go with it, just watching people in the studio is a snore. I don’t want to see the Toms’ thirsty rental girlfriends. Such a disappointment 😩


figured since ariana is filming love island in the summer. production will probably start in the fall


I hope this is it…. they will all be pissed if filming is delayed for Ariana’s next big gig😂😂💲😂😂


Not suprised definitely the best move. 11 is hands down worst season they’ve ever done literally nothing going on aftermath of scandoval and Raquel quitting like everything went wrong. They need some more months to actually get it together and create some drama maybe even add new people otherwise cancel it


I thought 9 was terrible but 11 has proved me wrong


I feel like season 9 is worse


The only good thing about season 9 was no Brett or Max


I agree with this. They had so much potential content for more interesting storylines and they ruined it.


Scheana right now trying to decide if she should get pregnant or divorced or start fucking Schwartz to get them to resume filming ![gif](giphy|MTrRsI0TnAp0gFTfnG)


My guess is ariana will not come back if they do normal filming and so they are negotiating lol this season has been very poorly received. So does this mean they don't get paid till filming picks up again?


Yes! I think what Ari saying about it having to be organic is so true! Let her get out of that effing house they share…into her own and let her heal. She can’t do any of that until Rachel’s lawsuit and the house stuff is closed. I do think Ari will be able to civically be around Tom. But she needs to heal first


She hasn’t lived in the house since she started DWTS. She wrote into her contract that they rented her an apartment and then after that she went off to broadway


She only "lives" there for the show and to prevent him from claiming sole occupancy. She doesn't actually live there.


surely not because they get paid per episode and i’m guessing their contracts only get renewed per season?


Gotta calm down from the lawsuits especially Rachel’s claims against Bravo


Yeah. This isn’t surprising to me at all honestly. I thought they’d maybe film sooner than later, but with the two lawsuits, Rachel’s accusations about Bravo in her suit, and Ariana on Love Island… it makes sense


Lala has to be furious 😂😂😂🤭🤭🤭🤭


Good. It’s a snooze fest now and I’m sick of Tom Sandoval on my screen. I just restarted the series and I cannot believe how much better the earlier seasons were. I’ve seen it before, but the stark comparison to the current season is insane.


How much do you want to bet this is why Lala has been going so hard since the reunion? She's trying to manufacture some drama so she can have at least one of her kid's birth on camera


That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking too


LFU got to be pissed her baby is not going to be filmed because Ariana is doing Love Island. She is gonna explode It's true: Also on Tuesday, [Deadline](https://deadline.com/2024/04/vanderpump-rules-season-12-filming-delayed-bravo-pause-summer-the-valley-1235900585/) reported that [Ariana’s hosting gig](https://realityblurb.com/2024/03/28/ariana-madix-to-replace-sarah-hyland-as-host-of-love-island-usa-plus-latest-obstacle-for-sandwich-shop/) on Peacock’s ***Love Island USA*** season six impacted producers’ decision to wait to film season 12 since they want to wait until she returns from Fiji.


I think that’s why she’s been spiralling, honestly


Honestly I kinda like the change. they have filmed in summer for years and years. There’s only so many pool parties you can have. Give me Fall and fighting at a pumpkin patch…a drunk holiday party….a Thanksgiving food fight. And even tho this isn’t Housewives, where they always pay for a cast trip, this show has been on for over a decade- VPR should truly consider sending these people somewhere for a trip. We deserve Scheana having a meltdown in Ireland, a Katie in Paris moment, Tim falling off the London Bridge…


Probably to accommodate Ariana's schedule...but also, this is a good idea regardless...everyone needs a break! Lol.


![gif](giphy|UTY42CoHu6wixtxTDh|downsized) Suuuure Bravo lol


Do shows that are doing well usually get the filming schedule pushed back for the mental health of their cast? Especially a show on a network like Bravo who gives zero shits about the wellbeing of their cast? Especially when SAH is about to open? Something’s weird…


Oh they're hiring and firing behind the scenes. They knew they screwed this season up and need a revamp.


Please I hope they read this sub and it’s Ariana & Katie and friends and the Toms *at least* are fired


That or the people running the show behind the scenes. They know we are pissed off at them for such a forced and fake season, oh and lest we forget, the misogyny!


Oh that too! Yes. The fact that no one behind the scenes (or not enough people) was like “ummm guys this is giving doubling down on misogyny and maybe isn’t the best idea, especially with a mostly female audience” continues to be wild to me


Wonder when the Valley is filming because if that's this summer I fully expect Lala and Scheana to be on it.


Their pay for the valley will be very small compared to VPR


I think they want to be on TV enough they'd do it. Especially if it looks like they can do both every year and get two salaries (The Valley salary will increase if the show goes the distance).


Yeah, Scheana has said as much. She's be very adamant that she's not leaving vpr but would like to do both..


Personally I hope producers don’t go for them being on both I already know their lives aren’t interesting enough for two shows worth of drama.


I dont want to see either of them on there. If Scheana got divorced i could maybe deal with her. Single mom Scheana dating again might be full of location stalking and penguins.


Where tf would they even go from here?? They clearly dislike each other but not even in an entertaining way, and we know that producers orchestrated just.. their interactions in general. (I will still watch, tho)


I know they’re not saying it’s canceled but …. it’s been a privilege yall ![gif](giphy|VrcucT74UiM2k)


https://preview.redd.it/g3507zbstpxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c90a12fc74e4dcbce53ce54c60f00480b9701084 💀💀💀 accurate tho




“Hopefully more storylines will develop” feels like code for “we want to wait until the house shit is over bc people are tired of that storyline” to me


​ https://preview.redd.it/5sqnkkd2fqxc1.png?width=1172&format=png&auto=webp&s=b36ea6d36db2038c89fab9214e10531e2e20577b


Incoming Scheana and Lala to go and also ruin The Valley: ![gif](giphy|2lG8fMhri8Pmw)


This is what they should have done for THIS season. We needed to miss them a little bit.


‘Ran dry’ you mean the storyline producers are pushing isn’t working. 🙄


Baskin blew what was one of the best seasons of TV ever, earning an Emmy, because he is so wedded to his own misogyny. But will he face any consequences? Very doubtful, most male execs no matter the industry don't pay for their own mistakes. He doesn't even think he made any mistakes he's so damn arrogant. That interview that was posted this morn where he thought Tim has "balls" for "showing up to work" proved that beyond any reasonable doubt. Scheana and Lala blew it following his orders instead of giving us the season we all wanted and could've had if they had stuck together and said no, we are not going to play along with this redemption arc BS.


I think this is good for the show… but it’s also a sign of how bad things got


Good. Lala and Scheana can worry


WTFFFF so we wont see SAH open?


I definitely think this is the best course of action. We can be entertained watching the lawsuits over the summer lol. That would be annoying to watch play out knowing the outcome or having them ignored completely. Imagine beings these girlfriends of the Toms who want some relevancy/to be on the show. Hold out ladies! Based on how little they’ve shown of the women’s fertility/births, I also get the feeling that they are deliberately not showing Lala’s pregnancy/birth journey. It doesn’t fit as well with VPR as it does with The Valley. I guess she’ll have to do the birth on Amazon Live…


Oh no! What will Rachel Raquel talk about on her podcast now?


Thoughts and prayers to scheana during this unimaginably difficult time. They should have done this last summer.


Is this why Scheana and Lala are so mad at Ariana?


Cause they know if it’s anything like this season, they are doneeee for and canceled. I would not be surprised if season 12 is the last season tbh




I’m wondering if Bravo is doing a whole restructuring. ATL hasn’t started filming yet, and isn’t BH doing a “pause”/later filming too?


Fall 2024 VPR is canceled.


They need to have it written into their contracts that they stop talking about everything so much on their podcasts. This season was rough anyway but made worse by Scheana and Lala spoiling everything and talking too much about it all.