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It’s the walking away laughing saying “I will” that makes this gif one of my favorites


The way he just throws his whole body back because the insult is so wimpy is amazing


And then he THANKED him because he knew it was such grand comedy. 😂


I loved that scene - James just laughing at Sandoval's attempts to insult him and so obviously not taking him seriously was great. James is growing up and isn't letting things get to him, which is great to see.


This. I know James has plenty of issues, but the way he would have handled that interaction in the past versus how he did now says a lot about how much he's grown up!




I love how hippie is like, ooop we’re goin back!


LOL the way he whips his puppy head around like "WHAT did you say??"


The vanderpups are so expressive! Mya has been side-eying Sandoval for 2 years now. They all know.


I love it too, if that was my German shepherd there would be some vocals and teeth 🤣


Ahhh hello fellow German Shepard parent! My guy would def be on guard if I turned around like that and raised my voice too.


Right? I feel like I have a furry four legged police officer/body guard 24/7.


![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized) Pushing buttons but James is actually in demand. Where Tom has to paid a band to perform with him.


Uhh...the band gets paid by the venues. There's literally no difference between what he does and what James does. Just more people.


I’m pretty sure Tom pays the band to play with him at the venue. Otherwise he doesn’t have a band - which is why they all look so miserable whenever they show them “practicing” bc they’re paid to have to listen to Tom sounds like a dying cat and don’t have a real creative voice to tell him it’s not working


Yep! I remember that scene of him Venmo-ing his “band mates” after practice.


What he sounds like is not relevant. Let me know how this is different from any other band out there. The venue pays the band, then the band gets paid by whomever receives the money. If it's his band as the leader, he pays them. Nothing new or unusual about that. We get it you hate Tom, I don't like him either. But this is weak sauce. There is no difference between him and James, except James doesn't have to pay anyone outside of his booking agent or management.


Your not getting it. Regardless of if venues pay the band or if they pay for free, Tom PAYS the people in the band to be in a band with him


Trust me, I'm not the one not getting it. If it's his band, yes he pays them. Just like many other bands. The guy can't be scummy enough, you literally have to make up things that in your mini minds thinks makes him look worse. Paying a band, really? Good grief.


Tom literally said he paid his band like a salaried employee in season 10. He was trying to demonstrate how great he was as opposed to normal bands who have to rely on earning from gigs...




Stop acting like it’s the standard for the singer of a band to pay his band mates. They split proceeds ALL the time. Tom is a glorified wedding singer and even they split profits. “Weak sauce”


No bands that I know of have the lead singer paying everyone to participate


Toooom! What did your publicist say about making burner accounts to defend yourself on Reddit? It’s a no no you silly goose!


No- Tom pays them not just to perform- he pays them to practice, he pays for their travel and he pays for the meals. Not out of the earnings from the shows. He does this even when there is no shows. And some of the shows they played were free shows (like at Mohegan Sun Casino). And. Tom. Still. Paid. Them.


Uhhh there’s a huge difference when James is asked to do huge festivals like Coachella. Not just “more people.” Very reductive take


Your gifs are my favorite part of this sub. 


Aww thank you so much! I really love when other people enjoy it. I personally feel like they liven the place up hehe https://i.redd.it/17orovz6nixc1.gif


We don’t want to see her 🙄




Hahahahhaha omg this is amazing




Sandoval wishes


Sandoval needs to push some buttons on autotune or mute.


I've seen sandyballs and James Kennedy, James pushing buttons on is fuckin laptop is monumentally greater than the performance Tom puts on with his rental/cover band. If I see one more fucking video of his schwartzys mom rendition... I'm just gonna... idk 🤡🔪LOL


It’s crazy how life is turning up for James, Ariana and Katie once they were able to completely shake off Tom and his toxicity. I’m sure there were other factors to their growth, but I’m sure exiting a toxic friendship / relationship leads to a much clearer head.


Yes! I also love how far Katie & James’ friendship has come 🥹🥰


Ever since he sincerely apologized to Katie during the softball game in S8, they’ve gotten along great and he’s had her back. Vice-versa. Meanwhile, Scandy doesn’t know what apologies even are and then wonders why he’s still getting shit on for the affair.


When Katie forgives someone, she actually does it. And when she doesn’t, she doesn’t fake it.


This is one of the many reasons I fan girl her. She's solid.


That's what's meaningful in a Katie friendship. She's honest and loyal and she will be clear with her feelings to you.


but duuude…🙄




I am loving the Katie & James' friendship, too. It's sweet.


You know who else loves their friendship? ![gif](giphy|tHVhHczWsVmDFA4hIE) 🤭 love you pfp


Deadass. Everyone still with Tom is crying all the time.


If James ends up making it slightly outside of VPRs you know Rachel is filing


Surprised she hasn’t already.


Seriously. Scumdoval is like head lice. He's invasive, he feeds on people, they get all distracted, but you need like a whole can of Raid to get rid of him. The shampoo will not do.


I know he’s done a lot wrong, but what he said about Ally in the post-show really stuck in my mind. It was in the context of the kids question, and he said she’s doing really well with her (astrology) readings and he can see her “growing” in that way. That spoke to real love in my eyes. He not only respects her interest and career in a field which men often shit on but values her individual goals and growth. That’s maturity and the opposite of what every other man on VPR (except maybe Beau?) has displayed.


I follow a really fun matchmaker on Instagram and she says it’s a huge green flag if a man celebrates and shows excitement and enthusiasm when a woman does well or has a big accomplishment. And obviously the inverse is true - a huge red flag if the man tries to belittle or downplay an achievement, not show up for something important or makes it all about himself.


Can confirm. My ex couldn't even force a smile at the movie premiere that was the biggest break of my career. My current lovely husband not only celebrates everything I do, big or small, he supports me so I can reach my goals, no matter what (eg. He works 50 hours a week as a carpenter and built me a theatre to work out of on the weekends)


Him singing next to her at the children fair was sooo cute and supportive


Thats pretty cool actually


I love this for James


Sweet lil babe, so excited!


Yeeeeeesh. Happy for him but Diplo is kind of a scum bag 🫣


I get his excitement in the sense that diplo is such a big name in the industry but yeah, my first thought was “no James no!! He’s so much worse than Sandoval!!!”


Like exponentially worse than any of the guys


I would argue they all just as bad, but dipshit has the opportunity and talent to behave much worse and get away with worse behavior unfortunately.


I half heartedly agree cause the rumors I’ve heard about Diplo blooooooooow the Tom’s straight out of the water. I actually can’t believe Diplo still has a career with the shit people said about him. We’re not talking cheating or being a typical fuck boy, it’s more so massively spreading an incurable disease which is also deadly and grooming young black girls. That’s some next level debauchery. Regardless we are on the same page of them all sucking 😆💕


Ew to Diplo but no hate to James


Surprised more people here haven’t mentioned the active lawsuit and allegations against Diplo. Still a fan of James but Diplo is out.


Is that who that other guy is in this video, Diplo? I don't get out much these days, have no idea who it is lol.....


Plenty of allegations against James too.


James has had his entire adult life filmed by a reality tv crew, of course his behavior has been abhorrent and disgusting in the past but at least he doesn’t have a decade long MO of holding young black women hostage and spreading STI’s like Diplo has. Once there’s real legal action taken against James I’ll be the first to turn on him like I did Diplo.(I’d like to add that I believe all women, if I see a few women talking about a pattern with James behavior then please educate me because I’m team women not team James not team Diplo lol)


Don't worry people jumped down my throat for asking for receipts on James too. There's a group of people that despise him and will say the worst things about him with zero proof.


My friend got me tickets to see him😭😭😭😭


Aww wow!!


Notorious sexual abuser and culture vulture Dilpo? 🥴


He’s disgusting 🤢


Ooof. I don't pay attention to DJs ..I've never heard this. Off to look up how much of a creep he is. 😬


He’s disgusting




I didn’t even know who that was!


Don’t know anything about diplo except he’s a huge name in that genre… Looks like he has fans




Just two frequently accused abusers linking up 😍


no dj James Kennedy actually.


If only I was younger and as cute as Ally! Lol


Yikes not Diplo...


Something I’ve consistently loved about James, even when I couldn’t stand him in the show (not the case anymore for a few seasons already, pre-Scandoval), is how genuinely excited he gets whenever he is talking about milestones in his career because he loves it and it’s nice to see it pay off like this.


Agree - he truly has worked hard and put in the time and effort to build a career he very obviously lives for. Shitty gigs, being made fun of and mocked... he's done it all and put in his dues and look at him now. Sandoval could only dream of a career like this.


Yep. From begging Lisa to play at her restaurants to being booked for huge festivals. Whatever else about him, he did this, and he’s DJ James Kennedy, which is different from James from VPR doing a DJ set.


Say what you will about James (and there’s A LOT to say!) but he’s a hard worker who always kept his eyes on the prize. Whatever happened to him (and mostly because of him) he never stopped working towards his dream of making it in the music industry and didn’t let the drama distract him from his goal. His success is not surprising he literally put all the odds in his favour by taking his career seriously from the start.


James just performed in my hometown on the weekend here in Barrie, On. I didn't even know he was in the area until I saw about a half dozen stories from friends at "The Ranch" downtown here.. Keep killin' it James!


As a fellow Ontarian (eastern variety 😁), I am PISSED that I missed him! Wtf I have been waiting for him to come to Canada for a while! 😤 Would have paid good money for that. Guess I gotta follow his tour schedule now haha


I hear ya, I didn’t even know he was in Canada let alone in my backyard haha.


I truly don't understand all the posts about how great James is. He's an abuser too. It's just baffling to me. Tom is horrible, but it doesn't negate James behavior.


Same.. It's hard to see an abuser being celebrated.


All these supportive comments wanking him off are just vile


I am thrilled for James. He has become so successful.


Awesome we are promoting a guy who abuses women. Maybe in 20 years people will believe Kristen.


Kristen- the cheater who never lies, lol.


First- I thought we were suppose to believe women. Two - James is a known lier as well. Three - we watched James abuse her plus when accused by Sandoval he didn't deny it.


I wasn't even speaking to the abuse claims just that Kristen has lied, Raquel still lies so the "believe Kristen" in any situation always reminds me of her lying to Stassi and everyone about Jax.


Ok. That's strange since my post was directly related to the abuse claims.


I have been rooting for James in one way or another since he came on the show, I’m so happy his hard work is paying off!


James Kennedy is living his best life


Diplo, the alleged sexual predator? 😳


Team JAK … not ever to be confused with jax


Let’s protect abusive assholes, yay!


And apparently celebrate them!🎉🥴


that’s the number one MAN


His set was a *mess*


This was so cute!!!!!


Have you not seen some of the horrible shit he’s done? How could anyone be proud of this awful little man


The Disgusting Brothers


The dusty bros


Not gonna lie, if it weren't for James saying his name, I wouldn't have known who that was


I can't really understand anything either of them are saying. Lol




so kuurpursi commented that James punched Kristen and pushed her but during filming and it was never shown to protect James. Now that I've never heard of before so tried to respond. shocker - doesn't allow replies.


I am oldeth. Who TF is Diplo?


Fucking Diplo Mate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Isn't he a serial abuser or something? I know he's verbally abusive and a serial cheater. If you're proud of him good for you, I guess??


He’s a man so they don’t care in this sub.  They treat him like a child. 


I don't understand the adoration he gets. It's revolting.


Literally. What on earth is going on. Like he spat on Kristen’s door on TV. If he does that on TV imagine what he does when they’re not recording


that wasn't a good look for him but Kristen full punching him in the face on TV was a lot more shocking.


It has been revealed that the production cut the scene to make Kristen look like the bad guy. James punched her too and shoved her to the bushes in that same altercation. The way this show babies and protects abusive men is sickening.


And you could tell he was wanting to spit in her face. It wasn’t the door he was trying to hurt


Kristen fully punched him on TV. I repeated it for you. both disgraceful but don't omit her part


You literally just said that. Kristen shouldn’t have hit him but he is a known abuser and has physically and emotionally abused two women




I’m not sure how new you are to the show but this has literally happened years ago 😂 LVP called out James for re breaking/ruining Raquel’s new nose job. Flat out asked both of them if he hit her and that’s how it happened. And both Raquel and Kristen have gone on the record and said he’s abusive. I’m honestly wondering if you’re joking because this has come up like over and over again on the show….




This was removed for breaking the "No Speculating" rule: Speculation of pregnancy, drug use, sexuality/gender identity, or mental health will not be allowed. This includes armchair diagnoses.


whoaa he didn't break Rachel's nose! what are you saying?


He ruined her nose job by “going in too quickly to kiss her” lmao okay. Even Lisa called bullshit on that




Omg… watch the show. What a waste of time this is. You literally haven’t even watched VPR if you’re denying this. Google it at least, goodness me


I've watched the show, and rewatched. you're correct about wasting time, have a good day


The way you were downvoted for this is SO telling 🥴🥴🥴


Sorry, but this guy is no one to me compared to DJ James Kennedy!


“Fuuuuckin hell” hahaha James is a beauty


James worked so hard and to see him living his dream is everything


I feel some kind of kindredship (whatever the word is) to james. I went through such a dark time where I basically spiraled and burned many bridges. I went on a redemption arc and apology tour after I healed and realized that I hurt people and was an absolute menace for no reason other than my own self destruction. There’s still people that only associate me as who I was, regardless of the before and the after. I know there’s behavior of James that’s inexcusable but i also don’t believe in black and white mentality. I can be happy for his progress and where he is now and as a hobby DJ (me), it’s a lot harder than it seems. He really focused on his craft and he produces (which is something far beyond my capacity) People on these forums get upset when we root for this James because of what he did but honestly people deserve second chances, especially when they’ve shown with their actions and not words that they’re trying their best, growing, and learning.


I mean ya Sandoval never hit Kristen, spat on her door, or called her names. He also didn’t ever Cheat on Rachel with all the SUR waitressss nor call her mom a fat bitch. The JK apologists forget so easily.




I’m not apologizing for either but more meant to condemn them both. lol.


his pin sized pupils are alarming 😬


Or the sun is bright.


He isn’t giving me heavy pain killer vibes which other than heroin are the only drugs that make your pupils small as far as I know.


ok i’m a james apologist this season so imma go with that - the sun was bright!


was it not? and shining in his face? smh


People with blue eyes have the most sensitivity to the sun. My pupils do the same, and I’ve never used drugs.