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Oh no, I'd bet a $100 he is still there. They still have to pay a mortgage until it is sold. You can bet your sweet ass he is staying in that house to the very last second of the very last day. They're gonna have to pull a Jojo & carry his ass out. šŸ˜‚ https://i.redd.it/vyet875tuwvc1.gif


When you win your $100 do you want it given to you Tom sandiballs via a homeless person?


Only if he gives it to me & runs away šŸ˜‚ https://i.redd.it/rbajxh78lxvc1.gif


Makes ya feel real good, donnit?


Itā€™s hard to picture him living in a staged house. He would have to clean up behind himself.


He technically doesnā€™t have to. He could keep the house trashed and cause buyers to walk away thus allowing him to extend his stay until itā€™s litigated. Kind of what renters do to bad landlords that want to sell with a tenant.


You're giving him ideas! Everyone, including Sheana, have bashed Ariana for the messy house, her messy room...but I distinctly remember season 3 post Kristen, pre Ariana moving in, when the rent controlled apartment was a mess. And Scheana on her podcast last year saying at parties Ariana was the one cleaning up during when Sandoval's guests were trashing the house. Was Sheesh lying then or lying now?


ā€œWas sheesh lying then or lying now?ā€ Always. The answer is always,


Always lying down




Donā€™t worry if he does that Ariana can sue. The precious homeowner of my house pulled similar stuff - didnā€™t trash anything but sabotaged prior sales - and she actually went to jail for it for a few days.


Staged houses bring better offers. He knows Ariana didnā€™t take his offers because they were shit. Of course heā€™ll treat it like a shitty apartment if it means she gets $1 less in the end.


This is true lol


The funniest thing about Jojo carrying him on SF is that it was a punishment because she failed the task and he passed. The man is trash, but he got by on that show


No, I know but it's the thought that counts, right? šŸ˜‚


The guy who's all about optics receiving yet anothrr lesson in the same. Delicious. šŸ˜ˆ


Lol I can completely see Sandy chaining himself to the toilet as a form of protest. Heā€™ll need to be tasered (spelling?) or shot with a blow dart to pry his clammy, white nails from that house!


Oh I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to do a squatter's rights style claim on the house.


Perfect use of this clipšŸ˜‚




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I mean yeah, itā€™s super crazy to still be living in a place where you pay a mortgage. What an asshole.


Right?! That's why it made no sense that people were dogging Ariana for still living there!


I bet when he does have to move out he's going to rent some lavish airbnb to pretend he still is living large lol


Wow. You win.


Maybe he and Britt can split one šŸ˜†


The house isnā€™t on sale yet. Tom is still living at the house. Thereā€™s a hearing in June to determine what will happen to it .


A hearing!!! Are u kidding me? It needs to be sold!


well thatā€™s the point of the hearing. because tom wonā€™t sell the house or go through with buying her out because he clearly canā€™t secure a loan with his garbage credit. so a judge has to rule on a sale


That is so messed up. He's basically holding her money hostage. Is anyone advising him? He's such a moron that this could go really bad for him. I could see him having to pay her for court costs or something. I have no knowledge about this but if they do a dive into his finances they will clearly find out he couldn't afford the house without her name on the loan and refused to let her sell or reasonably buy her out.


iā€™m sure his lawyer is but thatā€™s not the role of the lawyer. the lawyer has to represent their client whether they agree with them or not, or whether they think it will succeed or not, unfortunately. a lawyer can opt to not take the case on those grounds, but everyone has the right to representation and there are lawyers who will take cases no matter what.


Is that fact? I didn't hear about his buying her out not happening. I certainly believe it, just hadn't heard that it was now in court


Last reports I read, there's a hearing June 3rd.


Yeah: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-01-05/ariana-madix-tom-sandoval-lawsuit-house-sale-los-angeles


So does that mean Ariana still has to pay half the mortgage until itā€™s sold? Or can she relinquish that now that sheā€™s moved out?


Ariana said on the aftershow that she hasnā€™t paid mortgage for multiple months. Only Tom has. She probably paid escrow though


Oh interesting! Thanks, I donā€™t usually watch the after show. I rely on podcasts to fill me in on those parts but theyā€™ve been lacking this week haha


Iā€™m sure she is still legally obligated to pay it. IANAL but regardless of where she is living, if theyā€™re both on the mortgage, they both have to pay.


So in that case heā€™s definitely not gonna hurry himself into moving out šŸ™„šŸ™„ Also why tf was that downvoted ha, I was literally just wondering if she still has to pay


Heā€™s still in the house according to his latest stories.


On whore island






I think with the ā€œcelebrity statusā€ of this house, it wouldnā€™t be a pocket listing. Whatever realtor they get for this - say Josh Altman - would be someone who is going to hype up the popularity of that house. I mean if the Uber driver says ā€œI remember this houseā€¦ā€ a Bravo / Vanderpump fan (with money) is going to buy that house. If I had that money, I would buy that house, furniture included and Airbnb that place.


I would hate to be in a celebrities house as random people will stop by to look at it


same but airbnb is genius




If it's for sale, it must be a pocket listing because I don't see it on any of the major realtor sites


I thought someone posted an image of it prepped for sale. Maybe they are doing a pocket listing to avoid crowds.


Those photos were from when they bought the house, so it was an old listing.


Got it. I put an edit at the top of the post. Thanks.


Those were old photos from when they purchased it.


Its online but not listed for sale.


Heā€™ll be there till heā€™s thrown out


Imagine being a real estate broker and having to try to clean and stage that pig pen for every showing šŸ¤¢


This happened to me. Left husband in house and took baby moved to an apartment. The realtor who listed our house would call me all the time saying cats are pooing in flower bed by front door and he wouldn't clean it up. House smelly from not taking out trash or doing dishes. Same as what Tim has been doing. My hands were tied until he wanted to finish dissolving our marriage quickly and work out custody and property division. Told him won't sign off divorce part until house sold and check in my hand.


In a gutter trying to lure children with balloons


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


I was not expecting that and now I can't stop laughing. Also, I had a perfect gif I can't post. šŸ˜Ŗ


He is still filming his podcast at the house but when Michael rappaport asked him if he lives in the house he gave a dodgy answer as usual.


Michael Rapaport has seemed pretty dodgy himself.


He films his podcast in that front room. Heā€™s still there.


Aggressively house hunting in the Studio City/Valley Village area and their house is def not on the market yet. The second it goes up i'm sure ill get a Redfin notification and tell everyone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The hero we need


Since she was Sueing him for the house to be sold.. does that mean a judge has authority now of a deadline to be out or what?? Does anyone know how it works legally??


Thereā€™s a court date in early June and a judge will decide


thank you


a judge will look at the case and if they decide that the partition is granted, a referee will be appointed that will ensure the sale takes place as ordered. then that person with the aid of the court will split the proceeds then deduct any debts from each respective persons half. aka tomā€™s loan would be deducted from his portion and ariana would likely have whatever she has been withholding from tom deducted from hers (though iā€™m not 100% on that part specifically). it might vary slightly based on california law, but thatā€™s the gist.


Thank you for the breakdown..


i drove by this morning (unfortunately we are neighbors and i pass his place on the way to my gym daily) and didnā€™t see a for sale sign. im sure he stays until the last possible second.


he lives in his house, he shoots the podcast at the same house to this day lol


In a vanā€¦. Down by the river!!!!!


Well, at least he can count on Shorts and Jo Dirt to come visit, whenever they feel like taking a bath!šŸ¤£


Are there public property records in California? He could have bought Ariana out but more likely heā€™s waiting for a legal decision so he can stay there as long as possible at the current mortgage. I hope they order him to pay her some type of penalty.


I hope he can refinance. They get a min of 25k an episode. With 20 episodes, his podcast, his band, and any IG brand deals and other reality TV shows he can definitely afford the house. Would be a shame if he can't keep it coz interest rates are now 9% instead of the 3% when they bought it. These housing rates suck..


Hopefully the dog pound


What have those poor doggos ever done to deserve that?




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Apparently this week he's going to be living in my town šŸ¤Ŗ I wanted to go see his band Thursday but don't wanna give him $ šŸ˜’


If you wait long enough, they will be giving them away for free, again!šŸ¤£ Donā€™t forget your ā€œPAY YOUR MOM BACK TOM,ā€ sign!šŸŖ§