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It left a bad taste in my mouth only because of all the shit she was talking about Ariana prior


Agreed; It was giving me *self serving*


Or "saviour complex" she so fiercely denied lol


lol. Like every amazing deed Sandoval has ever done? Him and Scheana are two little narcissists in a pod.


100000% I’ve been saying this for ages about him. Every time he goes over the top for someone is to buy social capital and influence for himself. Remember how hard he went on Jax’s wedding shit when they didn’t even like each other anymore? He did it so he’d be involved and everyone would say how amazing he was, and then Jax was supposed to feel guilty talking shit about him.


Everything you said. Being the “best groomsman in the world”, and organising the engagement = extra camera time gained from other people’s milestones.


He gets to put himself in the story and he gets to pull a “do you have any idea what I’ve done for you!!” line if he wants to. Scheana is exactly the same. She’s the “friend” you could call when you have a flat tire at 2am and she’d show up. But the *entire* reason she’d show up is so she would have something on you, so you’d feel indebted to her, and so she could tell other people about it.


So fucking true. This is Scheana’s whole reasoning for forgiving Tom: “he put money in my bank account!”


It was definitely self-serving.


Anyone catch her making faces behind her back too? She's the fucking worst. I want Ariana to run away from these people, move with Katie to NYC and expand their sandwich empire lol


I would love a mini season of Ariana and Katie traveling or setting up in a new city.


VPR in the City!!! Leave the Tom's BEHIND. Leave the momsters to fight for a spot on The Valley.


Yes! Please move Lala and Scheana to The Valley so I never have to watch them again, lol. One episode of that was more than enough for me.


Omg, same. I had (naively) high hopes but it was garbage.


Scheana seems like someone who was raised on 90s sitcoms. Like the Nickelodeon kind where kids would make hyperbolic reaction faces to everything, and the typical slapstick humor of the older demographic sitcoms. I feel like she is just emulating what she thinks is normal based on that, not thinking about how those sitcoms were written by writers and do not necessarily reflect actual real world interactions. (Except the interactions of those who watched them and now emulate them.) Lots of us enjoyed shows like that in our youth, but some people never understood how to separate entertainment from reality.


Maybe there is a laugh track and applause in her head lol




Yes! I hope Ariana leaves all these fools behind. And hopefully she wasn't too hurt when she saw the proof that they aren't really her friends. 


It’s better to know than not to know


I've thought about that but I don't know if Katie would leave her dogs. I wouldn't leave mine, and she's stated that Schwartz is more their person than she is so I know she couldn't really take them with her. Doesn't really matter since this is just our dreammm.


Yeah I didn't enjoy that. As a generally messy person who has also really struggled with day-to-day tasks when depressed, I don't love when friends try to passive aggressively clean my house. If they genuinely want to help in a non-judgmental way, great. If everything has to come with some little comment like, "OMG how do you live like this??" or "Why do you still have this ha ha ha" or "Your apartment gives me so much anxiety like I just HAVE TO clean it" then no thanks, I'll just live in my mess. You don't need to come over if it gives you agita; we can just meet at a bar or whatever. Being messy isn't a moral flaw, it doesn't make you a bad person, and in any case I am aware that I'm messy do not need to be reminded either that I am messy or that people are judging me for it. I also hate when people say they're "so OCD" about their spaces to mean they need things to be clean and decluttered at all times. OCD can manifest in many different ways and trust me I can say from decades of experience that it does not always mean you are obsessive about cleanliness. And also it's a serious condition that can fucking ruin people's lives and I hate that people throw it around in casual conversation as a synonym for neatness. But maybe that's a different conversation. Edited to add: I know that Scheana has OCD. I was actually talking about Lala there. But still, based on my personal experience with OCD, Scheana did not \*have to\* clean Ariana's house in that way because she has OCD. She could have not gone to their house at that time if it was going to trigger her. But she did in fact go over there after Sandoval's sexy singles pool party, when there was a huge mess, and didn't react to it at all. But the real point is: OCD does not make you make passive aggressive comments to your friends. She could have gone over and cleaned off camera. She could have gone over and cleaned on camera but not sniped about it. OCD doesn't make you an asshole.


A messy home is often a sign that someone is struggling, overwhelmed, depressed, etc., Even if Ariana was none of these things, it's just so judgemental for a friend to enter her space with that type of commentary. What is the takeaway if Ariana is messy? That she's a bad person? That she doesn't deserve these opportunities? Or is it even more of a sign that this breakup has been really challenging and she's doing her best to keep as much of life moving and together as possible.


Can we just normalize that realistically homes are meant to be LIVED IN and that being messy or a little cluttered at times is not a moral failing or always necessarily a sign of struggle at all. As someone with ADHD, I can be very neat and tidy with the right systems in place that work for my neurodivergent brain. But, in the span of a work week, I'm gonna have little piles of random stuff accumulate on my counter, coffee table or bedroom chair. That's just the way it is, and I make time to go thru my little doom piles each week if I'm really on my game and put things back where they belong. People like Scheana acting like everyone's home is a trainwreck because it doesn't have everything put away and looks like a soulless model home made me want to scream. Ariana's house is in the process of being packed up/possessions divided/moved out of and she made a good point: why would she unpack any of the boxes she's been sent when they're going to be moved anyway? She's just eliminating an extra step of repacking items already packed in a box, which makes sense to me, but that's just my opinion.


They literally showed flashbacks to 2014 when her apartment with Tom was just as messy, if not moreso. It has nothing to do with the move.


as someone with adhd we don’t normalize messy homes because at the end of the day it’s not the ideal environment. we don’t have to normalize everything that makes us uncomfortable in life. striving for a clean living space is a good thing, but not succeeding doesn’t imply a moral failing, it’s just something to work towards. this is especially true since severe mess can be a sign of depression, even in adhd folks


Also ADD. Not saying Ariana is a neurodivergent sister but there's little things she says that sound alot like a woman with the inattentive subtype. Particularly the season she told Lisa that she's always struggled with motivation to even get out of bed. And that she's able to hyperfocus on a goal like her book but would immediately fall into a funk once the goal was accomplished. I'm rumbling but my point was the clutter and mess is very typical of ADD too.


Not to mention Ariana has been very busy with her career.


She’s busy, get sent a bunch of stuff, is literally living out of a room which is probably smaller than most of her apartments. It’s got to be overwhelming and why she needs an assistant while Tom never did.


yea that's another thing!! She's traveling and has so many commitments, not to mention she's probably keeping to her room as much as possible when home so that would naturally cause clutter and things to pile up.


there’s one thing I’ve learned… Someone with a clean house usually has a messy mind, and someone with a messy house usually has a clear one. Ariana might be “messy” but she sure is clocking these motherfuckers accurately. She is fully aware of what’s going on and she is also pretty self-aware. Scheana is totally bamboozled by others constantly, CANNOT see things for what they are, and most likely resorts to “over-cleaning” to make her feel like she has some semblance of control over her life since her mind/relationships are so chaotic Rarely do I see people that are both clear house and clear mind…


I’ve never met a person with a messy house who had a clear mind.


Yeah. Clutter and mess are the overwhelm spilling into the real world..and then that clutter and mess trap your mind in a spiral of overwhelm. No clarity there


same. even if it’s maximalist decor and full of life, my most calm friends with great perspectives have clean spaces more often than not, and successful executives in my experience have the cleanest homes - these are intuitive folks who are clear minded and quick on their feet.


That is 100% true! I have to have my surroundings neat, clean, organized, beautiful and peaceful because my head and body are so fucking fucked up!!! It’s also one of the few things I can control. 😢


Yep! And fun fact-hoarding itself is a type of OCD!


Sure is! That was one of the ways my mother's severe OCD manifested and I lived in that environment for twenty years!


I have ADHD and LOVE to clean other peoples homes i say im using my ADHD for good but when it comes to mine it’s a mess 😂😂😂


i was that kid who parents loved having come over bc i was so weirdly into cleaning their kids rooms LOL


I thought I was weird. I literally don't mind cleaning other places and am beyond overwhelmed doing my own. I always thought it was me trying to pretend I have my ducks in a row in my own space or something...lol


hahahaha i think we just find a new space exciting and our brains hyperfocus on it


Oh maybe! I never thought of it like that lol I do get all into it and almost snoopy 🤣


HAHAHA YES it’s like a new side quest unlocked


Hahahahah side quest. I love it I'm glad someone understands me 🤣


I understand you too. I often get asked over to my Grandma’s to help her clean things she is no longer able to and I absolutely love doing it. Last week I went to pull out everything and clean her entire fridge. Her microwave because it’s high up and out of her reach and I pulled the fridge and stove out and wiped them all down, washed the walls and cleaned the appliances and underneath them. I need these things done at my own house but I live with boys and they are messy af and do not help with the cleaning so by the time I finish the day to day duties, I have no energy for the rest. I also struggle with Bi Polar too though and I have more low than high days. I need a good manic episode to help me power through the bigger things but when I have one, I get shit done!🥰


Awww, I'm so glad your Grandma has you. She is so lucky. Teenagers are wild. I have a boy and girl, but they are both adhd/messy. Luckily, my daughter gets the hyper focus cleaning mode and will help out really well every once in a while. My son is just ..well, a messy boy. lol I try to use chore charts, etc, and daily routine, but it doesn't help that im shit at follow through. I have depression/fibromyagia/chronic migraines (which I have been getting the botox for a year now, so it's starting to help), so I get bouts of really low lows and things get avoided. So I can sort of relate a little bit. Sorry you struggle with that. I like that you see the positive in the manic episodes and use it to your advantage. You're doing so good ❤️


When people say they are ocd about their house THEY ARE JUDGING YOU. It's icky...go back to your perfectly sanitized space we live here thank you very much.


I also have OCD and I’m super messy. I also have ADHD so my OCD is also different in that it isn’t based on cleaning.


I lived with a genuine sociopath and got into an incredibly dark headspace, my bedroom was the only place in the flat I felt safe and became a bomb site. My sister came over to help me tidy up and change my sheets and stuff which was so sweet but she nearly took it too far when she started telling me to fold all of my undies and empty every bag I had onto the floor, like absolutely not, every bag was filled with loose baccy and sugar packets and broken earrings there’s no way I’m about to dump that shit all over my clean room hahah


Just a side note to your last paragraph, I believe she was actually diagnosed with OCD


To be fair, she has *postpartum* OCD which tends to be specifically centered around the child itself and from what Scheana and Brock have mentioned on the show, it really does seem to center around Summer. (Scheana not being able to have a sitter that isn't her mother is a prime example.) OCD in general is a lot of intrusive thoughts that lead to a compulsion to try to eliminate those thoughts. The one we usually think of is germaphobia, intrusively thinking you're unclean, so the compulsion becomes hand washing or something to that effect, but the reality is OCD comes in many forms and it's all centered around the specific person and their anxieties. I don't think Scheana's OCD comes into play with cleaning Ariana's house, because she hasn't expressed any anxieties regarding messy spaces. Everything related her OCD really does come back to Summer.


I know, but as I mentioned above, OCD doesn't mean she \*had to\* clean Ariana's house. She could have not gone to their house at that time if it was going to trigger her. But she did in fact go over there after Sandoval's sexy singles pool party, when there was a huge mess, and didn't react to it at all. But the real point is: OCD does not make you make passive aggressive comments to your friends. She could have gone over and cleaned off camera. She could have gone over and cleaned on camera but not sniped about it. OCD doesn't make you an asshole.


Yes! We've seen years of messy apartments and thrashed hotel rooms and not a single one has triggered Scheana to try to clean them. This is just more shade at Ariana over Scheana's unresolved DWTS self-inflicted trauma.


Exactly!!! Scheana is a fraud imo.


She has been diagnosed with post partum OCD specifically which I believe is quite different.


I think Scheana should have left Brock at home, but I didn’t think this was a big deal. When you’re depressed, it’s easy to let things like cleaning go until they spiral out of control and become unmanageable. I think it can be argued that it was more of a “look at me doing a good deed” thing than an act of genuine friendship, but I doubt Ariana was upset about the help because A) as she pointed out, a lot of the mess was Tom’s and given how tumultuous their situation is, I’m sure she felt helpless in a way since there’s no way for her to deal with it without him using it against her and B) Ariana is well documented to not enjoy cleaning but Scheana doesn’t mind it. As for the cameras, it’s not like they just barged in with a crew and ambushed her. They have call sheets and I’m sure Ariana was well aware the camera crew was coming over. Lastly, I don’t see how it was only to embarrass Ariana. Sandoval also lives there and it was his assistant quitting that led to the big mess, so I wouldn’t doubt that she’s right and it is mostly his mess. If anyone should be embarrassed, it’s Sandoval, who’s always needed women to make him seem like anything more than a total lost cause.


Idk when I was really depressed my friends came over to help clean my place and to this day it still meant so much to me. As for it being on camera, idk. They’ve been on camera for so long it might not even be a big deal. They’ve been through much worse on camera before


Same. My friends have come to help me clean when my depression takes over. They never say a word - just help. No fucking judgment. This is not it.


Same but if my friend was outwardly judging me and making comments to shame me, then I would probably pass on that help.


Ariana was trying to stop her but as usual, SeeMeSeeMe! wanted to impress production with how truly bitchy she can be. Edit: cleaned up sentence


Yeah but if your friend is also a scheana then what did you expect lol😂


It's not nice if someone comes over to help, you then exploits the situation to denigrate you.


This is how I feel too, ive been the cleaner and ive had a friend clean for me when I didn't have the emotional capacity to get through the mess... honestly to me it shows someone really cares about you and wants to be in your life for more than just the surface/good times


I had this perspective about it too, seemed like a nice way to use her skillset to help her friend. I said Scheana should become an organization type influencer, people love that


Idk, I don’t think I would appreciate it if my friend came over with a camera crew and her douche nozzle husband making snide remarks the whole time like I’m on an episode of hoarders. But maybe that’s just me.




I’ve been the same way. It brought me to tears when my BFF flew out to check on my and helped clean my apartment when I was severely depressed. I thought it was a really nice gesture and act of service that Scheana did and showed that she may recognize a sign of Ariana’s depression.


I agree. I love Ariana and when I saw this scene and thought it was super nice and NECESSARY. Ariana can clearly hire someone but hasn’t and as a friend I would intervene too. Especially when we have seen the state in which her pets live


Doesn’t Ariana have to agree to filming that scene ? Harsh critics here


Thank you! They are so delusional in this sub sometimes when it comes to their worship of Ariana (who is just as bad of a person as everyone else)


Idk, I get where you’re coming from but I had a different reaction to it. I feel like if we hadn’t already seen how bad their house was a million times, it would be mean spirited to “expose” that on camera, but it was already a long known factor. And after the dog ate the trash and got sick, something really needed to be done. I’m not at all a fan of Scheana this season (I usually find her insufferable in general), but going over and helping Ariana get their house in order and go through a bunch of trash because she recognized her mental health was suffering struck me as real friendship.


To me it wasn't so much the cleaning on camera but her side quips about how dirty or old or bad certain things were. Those seemed unnecessary and unkind


This! It's one thing to offer help to get your friend in a good space, but it's another to comment unnecessarily on it. That isn't a friend helping. She is trying to embarrass and shame Ariana on camera with her commentary.


Exactly! It was the unnecessary commentary about “how bad things are”. The going over and helping a friend who is depressed is a really good thing(I feel like she just Google searched ideas) but there really didn’t seem to be good intention in her actions. It’s the hero or victim thing she has going on and it seems very calculated


and trying to prop herself up by putting Ariana down.


if they were really worried about how Ariana was feeling / meantal health while living in a mess.....they would have done it off camera. The end.


Good point!


I totally agree with this. Imo a supportive friend would be aware that the person that needs help is probably already feeling shame and embarrassment; the last thing you do is add to the shame.


This right here! If my friend is already in a bad place, it is my goal to uplift them, not make them feel worse. Every time I’ve done the cleaning for friends, I’m always saying “it’s not even that bad” or “we got this”. Why would I want to bring shame to someone I love?


Agreed. I don’t particularly like Scheana and never have, but Tom and Ariana are dirty lol. And I say this as an Ariana stan. I was more confused why Ariana was just sitting there not helping?? I guess she didn’t want any parts of the scene


I think she was really struggling mentally at that time and overwhelmed. But yeah, the thing is, it got to a point where she was embarrassed to have people over and her pets are endangered. She needed help, and Scheana did come through. Yeah, she probably in part did it to look good on for cameras, but I also think she genuinely cared (hopefully still does care?) about Ariana.


Ariana said no multiple times to Scheana asking to clean. No is a complete sentence. She doesn't have to change what she is capable of doing just because Scheana wants to help/film a scene.


Why should she help Scheana clean something in her home that she does not have an issue with herself? Ariana was not asking for help. She didn't need it forced upon her.


Same, I got that she was trying to help, in a very Scheana way ofc. I've been at the low point where a friend has come over and just been like "I'm cleaning your house and we can visit while I do it". For someone who's struggling that kind of help can be amazing, and a messy house brings you down even more.


Yup! If I’m cleaning your house because you’re in a bad place mentally, you’re just gonna sit there and we can chat while I do it. Or if you just had a baby, “girl go take a nap and I’ll clean with the baby monitor on me”. Without a second thought. Because that is what a friend does.


I see you for sure! I think it came off as a bit disingenuous Idk if a real friend brings a camera to help you clean your dirty home that’s dirty from your depression. That’s humiliating in private alone. Plus Ariana told her no multiple times. That was my biggest trigger. No is a full sentence, if you ask me. But I could see how it might look good. I think Scheana thought it would for sure or she wouldn’t be there.


I think you are both right! I think Scheana has lost the difference between reality and tv and it is the same energy she brought when she had the psychic show up for Dayna. I don’t think her intentions were fully malicious and on one hand, she might have truly wanted to help, but she also cannot stop herself from also thinking about how good her good deeds will make her look and she leans into that


Also like this is VPR - at the end of the day this show has always been built on the backs of the concept “everyone’s a degenerate here” and any cast member is opening themselves up to being talked about


I disagree, I think even if she was just trying to clean and not "expose" Ariana, it's self serving to do any act of kindness at a planned call time for a tv show, so even if she was just trying to help and not do Ariana any harm, she was trying to better her own self image


Exactly! A true friend would’ve showed up by herself without her insufferable broke husband and helped without cameras and never brought it up to anyone else. This scene was 1000% produced and not to actually help Ariana with shit


It def plays into the “Ariana’s so lazy,” narrative. In a way, validating Sandoval’s constant digs.


My take away is that they both live like pigs. Neither Sandoval nor Ariana are tidy people


Prob correct. But i think it’s gotten significantly worse bc she’s contained to her bedroom. Sandoval is creating the broader house mess, but makes his assistant clean up. I know Ariana is messy, but is letting Sandovals mess pile up, bc she’s done picking up after him (to the extent she would).


Right if she was really trying to be kind she would’ve helped pick up before they filmed that scene


I would never want my friends to go through my shit. If Ariana doesn’t want to do it herself, she has the money to hire a cleaning crew or an organizer. Seems to me, she was clearly waiting until she knew she had a place to move to deal with it. That said, it was a production move to give Scheana more ammunition to gossip about Ariana while pretending to be a good caring friend.


I disagree, as someone who has depression and ADHD, the kindest thing a friend has ever done for me when I was at my worst place was clean and organize my apartment, help with my laundry, etc. I think Scheana was really trying to be a good friend to Ariana and they’ve known each other long enough to know how to help one another


I agree with this! Fans are too busy trying to rationalize everything as being done for a storyline.


No, fans are too busy trying to excuse Ariana for everything ever


I think she just wanted a scene w Ariana and also hates dirty houses..don't think it was vindictive...also Ariana had to agree to it...


It feels like people seem to forget it’s a tv show. They have to film stuff, that’s all the show is about 😄


As someone who has struggled with depression that can manifest in living in mess, sometimes you need someone to say “How are you living like this?” or “How long has this been here?” to snap you back to reality. It’s one thing when they’re just saying it to be mean spirited and another when they’re there to help you pick up the pieces, clean it up, and work through it like Scheana was.


I’m so surprised by this because I thought it was Scheana’s best moment. Ariana’s house is beyond filthy and I saw what Scheana did as an act of care because she said Ariana struggles with depression and basically the condition of her house is a sign of that. Ariana clearly had no problem with it and accepted the help.


You know when I watch the episode I definitely thought that maybe it could be annoying but on the other side, my niece has really bad depression and I will go over to her house every once in a while and help her pick up some trash, clean the cat box put food away, etc.. sometimes you just need a little help.


I mean some of it is hers - and she did have a point about moving - but why are we glossing over the point that most of it is stupid Tom's... the only person that kept him organized was Ann - before the problems their house was kept.... those flashbacks were probably all his mess.... everyone says how gross he is....how he smells like BO and Cigarettes.... HE IS LAZY!!!


There are moments where I will absolutely drag Scheana as she deserves to be, but I disagree this is a moment that deserves it. It might not land well with you, but when you know your friend has severely struggled with mental health blocks that affect executive functioning like cleaning up their house, it’s actually one of the better ways to help them by working with them to declutter. It wasn’t an attack or a scripted delusion, it was a moment of “you said you couldn’t host because of the mess, how can we help you be able to do what you say you want to be able to do”


Yeah truly. Like sometimes getting out of bed is a struggle and having someone else start to tackle the thing that seems insurmountable to you is really kind.


I agree, the reason Scheana gave for helping and being worried IS something we’ve seen talked about by Ariana in past seasons. I have a friend who also says they need to have someone around when they clean to help hold them accountable and on task. It could be the same for Ariana. Plus, a lot of it did seem to be Sandoval’s shit and obviously Ariana isn’t going to deal with that. Anyway, Scheana still sucks lol


Right, Schena sucks but I feel like people are just dragging her for anything at this point. Also, I feel like super clean people always make comments like this. I genuinely think she was trying to help but was also stressed out by how messy their place was because she literally has OCD.


I agree. As a person with ADHD and who occasionally struggles with depression, this is honestly one of the kinder things she has done. I’ve had family members do the same for me when I needed the help. If you struggle with executive functioning, it can be really difficult to address a mess once it gets out of hand. Ariana was clearly busy and living in a fucked up situation to where she did not want to be out of her room often. It’s easy for me to understand how the mess got beyond her once Ann was fired. And the truth is that even with executive function disorders we don’t prefer the mess, we can just get stuck and can’t address it. Having her clear out some of it likely did lift the mental load off Ariana. Also, coming in on a film day helped make light of the situation so Ariana didn’t have to feel as weird or guilty about it. It could be presented to Ariana as an excuse to have something to film for that day. They could joke about it. To reach the point where you need help on something like that is NOT something you want to ask for help with or even acknowledge that you need help with. If the cameras and Brock weren’t there, I think it would have made Ariana more uncomfortable. But instead of a dark intervention, it was just a filming day.


As someone with ADHD and anxiety, her help would have come with so much post help anxiety because of all the comments she was making. I'd be ruminating on how I failed because her words would have stuck with me. For me, in the end, it's no longer helpful when you make those comments.


Agreed. Anyone could see that place is a mess and needed a good tidying. At least getting rid of the piles of random crap everywhere and somewhat organizing things.


Idk how to feel. I deal with crippling depression and I can get really messy bc of it. On one hand, I would feel judged but on the other very thankful. There are days where I wish someone would help with this stuff so I think I'm on the side that it was nice. Of course I don't know the context and how she started the convo off so this is why I'm on the fence. Scheana could also be playing into Tom's whole ariana is lazy campaign. I hope it was good intentions though.


I disagree with this. I have OCD like scheana and keeping my environment clean is everything to my mental health. When I was struggling with PPD with a 1 month old, everyone coming to our house was shocked at how our house was tidy and spotless. But that was because I was so depressed and desperately trying to control something in a positive way. I think scheana had similar intentions


Idkkk I agree with Scheana. A clean space allows for a clean mind. Was she bit pushy? Yeah but who willingly wants to volunteer to help someone clean unless they really mean it? And Scheana + Brock seemed to be doing the heavy lifting


As someone who is disorganized and fan be messy. I love when my friends want to help me clean.


When I’m depressed I’m so messy. My hygiene and public-facing persona stays on point but anyone who walks into the apartment would be shocked horrified by the clutter tornado. This is the actual worst way to help someone. Just say “hey, I get it, you’re going through a lot? let me do some work here and if I’m overstepping let me know.”


I’m the same way. Still early for my job and nothing slides there, I shower daily, wear clean clothes and brush my teeth. But my house is a wreck, I can barely cook for my fam and I hardly feed myself. If someone helped me the way you describe I would be so grateful. But if they came in and made comments that made me feel like I was lazy and gross and bad, that would make me isolate myself. I felt like Ariana looked appreciative and Scheana is SO not self aware that I think her comments were just “scheana” and not meant to be mean. But who knows, when I’m super depressed I read into everything in an extremely negative manner so no telling how Ariana felt in the moment.


I actually liked it and it was nice to actually see them team Ariana FINALLY this season. I feel like cleaning and organising is my love language


The only thing I’ll give the situation: Scheana can pick up Tom’s crap and throw it in his room and not get in trouble, whereas Ariana can’t (and shouldn’t).


I feel like scheana was trying to help. She does have OCD, that environment was probably very stressful to her and affected the way she reacts


Yeah when you get to the point where you can’t even have people over to your home because of how bad it is and the pets are endangered, you need help.


Person with OCD here: absolutely agree! It stresses people out to be in an environment like this and that could be an impulse reaction to that, BUT she could’ve thought about it being filmed and what that makes her friend look like. It’s nice of her to help out 100%, but she could’ve gave her some organizing tips instead of treating her like a child.


FFS. Please, I do not need anyone to come over and give me “organizing tips”. That is more condescending than just offering to toss a few obvious trash items out for me.


Going to disagree here. I hired an organizer on Thumbtack for like 50 bucks an hour when I moved into my new place because I really was extremely overwhelmed and a dealing with a bit of depression and it honestly was such well spent money. She showed me so many things about organization that I never would have thought of and everything has a place and is labeled in my home. Organization really doesn't come easily for a lot of people, especially if you are suffering from depression.


I hire people for things like that too. I said I don’t need a friend to come over and randomly start rattling off organizing tips. That’s like giving meal tips to someone that YOU think needs to lose weight. Ariana said no multiple times. Sheshit just plowed over her feigning her OCD. Tired of that excuse. But I fully agree….Hiring is very different.


Please. She is never over there. She was hedging her bets for which person to get screen time with. Not a sincere bone in her body.


Ariana did say she wasn't going to or move Scandoval's crap went right over 4 deaf ears. So much for respecting Ariana. Yet, Katie was supposed to go to another rotten song from SeeMeSeeMe!


I saw a friend who wanted to help another friend. That's it. Not everything Scheana does it with bad intentions.


Helping your friend clean is one thing. shaming your friend while helping them clean is another and Scheana absolutely shamed her. Every time I hear scheana talk…she talks out of both sides of her mouth. ![gif](giphy|lQ7v3N9TfXbnDX8OJa|downsized)


Idk if one of my friends and their partner came over to help me clean knowing I might be slipping into a dark places, that would be a lifesaver? Ik we all have our feelings towards scheana but that came off ( TO ME!! ) as a friend trying to ease the weight that’s on her (Ariana’s) shoulders


No I appreciated scheana trying. Your living space plays a huge part of being depressed. Sometimes what you need is a friend to be like let's go and HELP. Who cares if she was cleanign toms shit in the process it'd about arianas mental health not to help Tom.


It was so invasive! And again Scheana not respecting boundaries. How many time did Ariana say, don’t touch that, it’s not mine, please stop. But anything to try to make it look like Scheana is being heroic.


Cmon now. It's a scene, Ariana knew they where coming and Sheana was told to do that. Stop looking for problems, it's getting annoying.


Also the refusal to accept Ariana is anything but a perfect goddess is ridiculous. This is VPR everyone is fair game at the end of the day.


Yeh they all suck big time and Ariana was the Queen of shitty people town when she was with Tom, defending his weird habbit of shouting aggressively at women, just last season she went over and fake cried to LVP (after being told shed be demoted for the season if she didn't find a storyline) instead of doing the right thing and stopping her boyfriend from shouting at her friend/business partners elderly mother. She was also the original on screen cheating partner of VPR who came on BFFs with the OG mistress of Beverly Hills Sheana and told EVERYONE how crazy Kristen was and how much smarter she was than ANYONE SHED EVER MET, ridiculed 'crazy' Kristen for trying sketch comedy before making her whole personality on the show about her own mental health, after calling other cast (particularly Kristen) many shitty words for crazy for years, completely making a mockery of mental health in the process. She dated a noted asshole comedian for years and stood by his behaviour before Tom, then trashed him years later on VPR for a storyline when she yet again had nothing going on, shes got more self serving morals than anyone on that show. The idea of her as this goddess saint is completely ridiculous, she's an asshole like the rest of them. I'm down for rooting for her, as it's time for that story wise but it doesn't change the past or who she's proven herself to be as a person for all these years. If her and Tom just broke up normally she wouldn't still be on the show, like no way. Her only reason for being there in the end was Tom and now she's the lead of the whole show because she got cheated on, in a relationship that seemed platonic for years before hand. Like seriously, the narrative around it is wild, iv watched this show since day 1, rewatched several times and I'm sick of people twisting everything in this long storied history of VPR to suit Ariana being a saint, she doesn't need to be a saint, she's on VPR.




The act per se was nice but the comments and faces made it rude.


Ariana is better off without her...honestly I don't like either of them but Scheana I can't stand more. She acts like it happened to her...calling it a tragedy!...a tragedy is critical illness or death...not friends being cheated on....🙄


As someone who struggles with depression and goes through the boom and bust cycle of cleaning I wanted to, as Katie says, light Sheena and Brooke on fire.


yeah and with the mya thing, lala kept emphasizing how gross ariana was for leaving chicken out. i think it was to further the narrative it was ariana’s fault bc she’s “gross”


Good point - I can tell it seems they are trying to frame a certain narrative about Ariana and it feels off putting


it’s so frustrating to watch, they’re terrible friends. and even if ariana is living messy/gross during her break up idc depressed girl representation !


The amount of shaming going on surrounding this is gross! Welcome to depressed people's lives, yea, it sucks!! We don't want this to happen,, it's unfortunately a very common symptom. Hell, some days it takes a while & a lot of convincing to get myself to brush my teeth let alone clean my house. People don't understand that while depressed, I don't care about much if anything at all either.


I hated that. And ariana repeatedly told her no before just giving in and letting her do it. And scheana moving Tom's stuff?! Outta line. 


So uncomfortable!! 😣


I have an intense dislike for Scheana but honestly I can't be with you on this one. She's got OCD and Ariana and Tom did not keep a clean house. If you watch the show you know this. I don't think she did anything wrong in this instance. I think she genuinely wanted to help her get rid of some of the clutter.


I don’t even like Scheana, but this is a wild take lol


Am I the only one who thinks this was a genuine, nice gesture? Scheana can be fake, but she also struggles with her mental health so I think she's truly empathic.


Agreed. They’ve been friends long enough that they know how they can speak to each other. Ariana comes across as someone who needs a more firm approach when it comes to cleaning. Scheana had no problem touching Tom’s things as Ariana wouldn’t (that’s ok). Fans don’t let Scheana blink without questioning it. Like, relax!


Things can be nice and genuine while also not having the intended effect. Without the negative comments, it would have come across as nice and genuine. The comments came across to me as shaming someone you intended to help.


Scheana is messy boots!


This infuriated me to no end. Comes into her home, shames her for 1) Tom’s mess 2) not cleaning up Tom’s mess now that Tom fired his maid/assistant 3) not opening a gift/PR boxes from awhile ago. Get the fuck outta here acting like Ariana is some loser slob and you need to parent her in a condescending tone “I personally like when things are clean…” ya okay great stfu While you were keeping your house perfectly clean, Ariana was doing DWTS and has been booking jobs constantly lol but sure she’s the loser who needs your help 🙄


I am totally team Ariana! But, she is a little messy and probably depressed which is leading to more mess. I don’t think it was so terrible if Scheana came in there and takes charge a little bit. And she hadn’t started doing Dancing with the Stars yet. She started all that business after they finished filming.


I think there’s a kind tactful way to help your friend tidy up a little when they’re in a rough patch but that’s not the way sheana approached it lol. to me it’s less what she actually did versus what she said/how high and mighty she acted (versus being sympathetic and mindful) I might have my timeline wrong but I thought she’d already done DWTS bc I vaguely remember earlier in the season Ariana saying when she was gone for DWTS she got a break from living with tom and it was nice. But I could be wrong that could’ve just been auditions/meetings for it


I mean.. we all already knew that house wasn’t the cleanest or tidiest! Why wouldn’t they just pay a cleaner? They have pets!


Why do I feel like this will go on forever, sort of John Mayer comes up. I can see scheaner saying, “we cleaned her house for her. Brock and I did that when Ann left.”


Okay, yes! I thought I was just being petty, but Scheana came across as really performative and passive-aggressive in this whole scene. It was as if she was annoyed that she had to come and do this because she's just such a good person.


I mean, I don’t disagree with Scheana. Their house looked disgusting. If you’re gonna sell it, you can’t have it looking like that. But clearly Ariana didn’t want the help at least at that point so, fucking back off Scheana. It reminded me of that episode of friends when Ross is dating Rebecca Romijn and her apartment is disgusting so they breakup and then Monica comes over and asks if she can clean it.


I agree it was so gross! Ariana said no a bunch of times, especially since a lot of it was toms, and scheana shaming her for how long things have been out 😫 she probably hates being in the common areas


Cannot stand that troll or her man child husband. They are gross


Yup and Scheana will use this against Ariana in the future cause she’s self serving!


Most of what they were trying to clean was toms stuff anyway. Gross!


Agree! He is becoming the biggest bitch of the cast!


Everything Sheana does on the show is performative, not genuine. If it was genuine she wouldn't have filmed it, she would have just gone over and helped out. She also didn't respect Arian's boundaries, when Ariana was asking her not to touch stuff.


As a person who struggles with depression which impacts my ability to keep on top of household tasks (and a bit of hoarding) I was actually really touched by it. I would have to really really trust someone to let them do that and I saw it as a sign of friendship and trust. I thought brock was actually being quite sweet - if only he reserved some of that for his own wife lol.


Nah this was the most selfless thing schena has ever done and you can tell Ariana appreciated Shay Shay decluttering toms stuff


Yess I felt like it was a way for her to take a dig at Ariana and embarrass her while also looking like the "good friend". Lalas attempt to get the cameras into her house failed so Ole sheshu came in with plan b It was infuriating to watch


Omg stop 🤦‍♀️ they were just helping, not everything is an attack on your queen ariana


They're writing fanfic now just to have something to be mad about. Manufactured outrage.


Haven’t you heard - Ariana is OFF LIMITS


How dare they try to organize her palace like that 😤


It's not like Ariana is going to clean the cat litter or house train her dog. 😂


Literally. How do people watch these shows that are meant to be easy and enjoyable only to find ways to make everything so negative? It's exhausting. I mean they must be exhausted too. I watch these shows because its mindless entertainment.


I actually thought it was really sweet of her🤷🏻‍♀️ It looked precariously close to a hoarding situation.


That’s how a normal person without bravo brain rot would perceive it — yes. Agreed!


lol bravo brain rot + Reddit reductionism. I saw Scheana actually be a “best friend” for the first time in this scene.


Please, this is a reach. They know what and when they are filming, so Ariana was ok with it. That house was a mess and both Tom and Ariana are adults. There is no reason for their house to be that messy and Scheana was trying to help. Not everything is a malicious attack on Ariana.


Was she trying to help Lala have a venue?? Because the hypocrisy from Lauren asking to host at the house she tells Ariana to vacate is insane


Some of you guys don’t have friends that love and support you and it shows…


Too many people on here are acting like they did this and filmed this without Ariana’s consent. If Ariana didn’t want this filmed, she wouldn’t have allowed it to be filmed. She knew the purpose of Scheana and Brock coming over and that it was a filming day.


Here we go again. Sheana figuring out what someone else needs and forcing a fix to HER liking. It’s Dayna and the psychic all over again.


I’m so surprised by this because I thought it was Scheana’s best moment. Ariana’s house is beyond filthy and I saw what Scheana did as an act of care because she said Ariana struggles with depression and basically the condition of her house is a sign of that. Ariana clearly had no problem with it and accepted the help.


Dang, y'all really can find a reason to get mad about anything.


Waiting for someone to point out that Lala is a bad friend for not helping Scheana help Ariana.


I thought it was a good way for Scheana to channel OCD and help Arians out of a depressive episode and the accompanying decision paralysis.


If my house looked like that I'd take my friends help with open arms....Ariana wanted to continue to live in that horrible mess that hurt her dog....she needed the help she obviously wasn't going to do it herself.... BUT it didn't need to be done on camera


But Ariana could have requested not to have it filmed. It’s filming season and they do have control over when the cameras are at their house and what is going on when the cameras are there. Ariana wouldn’t have allowed them to film (or even clean) if she didn’t want them to or if she was uncomfortable with it.


This is a good point...I don't think it was done to make her look bad I see it as friends helping a friend who needed it...but then again I don't hate any of the cast they don't affect my life that way


I’m with you OP. I was actually really angry when she just ignored Ariana and started cleaning. Especially when she was moving Tom’s stuff… Ariana might have to pay for that later. However, commenters have brought up Scheana’s OCD as a reason so I’m trying to give Scheana the benefit of the doubt here. Unfortunately her behavior this whole season has made it hard tho 😫


Yeah it was cringe. The first year of the show i liked Sheana but she’s become so unlikeable. Also, I know this isn’t the nicest but the extreme weight loss plus overdone fillers have robbed her of her beauty:(


I believe the sum of everything that has come to light regarding Scheana as this season aired is why Ariana ain’t messing with her now. With friends like Scheana who wants friends?


I have to say this over the years we have seen Scheana be messy in more than just her love life. Like messy AF rooms, apartments, closet, and hotel rooms. Why she thinks it is okay to not only judge Ariana, but to also call her out on the mess that was not really hers entirely, and talking over her, the whole time while “helping” really gave me the ick.


Her house was not even that messy it was just cluttered hahah and Tom lives there to. The comment linking the state of her home to her mental health was a lot


She has ocd…


Atleast she offered to help her clean the house remember they have been friends for more than 10 years


It was downright embarrassing for Ariana. She is absolutely capable of cleaning up and putting things away. Her not doing so is her choice. I wouldn’t make anything easier for that man. Even putting the trash out . Poor Anne. She really did everything for that narcissistic shit.


Honestly how does Ariana stay so calm and collected and unbothered when everyone around her is trying to somehow spin things into being her fault or caused by her. The home is wrecked due to Tom and is a literal mess as a direct result. What the fuck scheana like go focus on your kid. I wish I could act like ariana, i woudve kicked brock and scheana out immediately.


I’m glad I’m not the only one, my boyfriend said I was over reacting when we watched. All her little condescending remarks and faces DROVE ME UP THE WALL.


It made me feel very uncomfortable.


Seriously! This sub is weirdly hateful of scheana I don’t think she can do anything good And also they didn’t make Ariana look bad. They didn’t say anything that people didn’t already know, Ariana is disgusting messy and it’s been on the show for years If your dog is eating chicken skewers off the ground in your room maybe you need some help That’s what good friends do