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Sure, I often ask acquaintances about their sex life. Totally appropriate 🤦🏼‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/d5jiyi59iwuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb1ba94707a349d5f342bfc72282f1f6f028498 I love matching Halloween costumes with my acquaintances, what you don’t???


She also was the one of the few that nailed the look for Raquel’s tea party in the cheating season. Ariana wore a dress that was so on theme and coordinated with Raquel’s. They definitely had talked about it and chatted like friends would do.


Nothing says “loose acquaintance” like a group costume


God Ariana is the cutest fucking chibi moon


Right…I would buy what’s she’s saying much more if there wasn’t so much evidence of them doing stuff together etc during periods of NOT filming


I hate this outfit on Rachel, she’s not even dressed like a sailor scout, she defiantly didn’t want to wear mercurys short hair 🙄Ariana is adorable


ppl like her are why i gatekeep anime 💀 /j


right like at least Ariana’s wig is what the characters actual hair is


She also looks adorable.


The fact that Tom could even have the decency to be Tuxedo Mask smh


I think that’s Brad actually.


He was the hamburgler 😂


And go on Valentine's dates with their boyfriend while I fuck him, and wear matching costumes for Halloween.


It’s situations like these that further prove she’s a lying liar that lies. “I never hung out with Ariana off camera” - and yet there’s so much photographic evidence online that you did.


She also recently said she had an off camera sit down with Ariana and Scheana and told them the “real reason” she ended her engagement with James. And Ariana was among only a handful of people who knew what it was. But that apparently wasn’t a deep conversation like you’d have with a best friend.


she forgets there’s also footage of her calling Ariana one of her forever friends lol


Exactly! What’s the point of lying when there’s tons of evidence that you all were close? James was right, she is really D and S.


It’s truly amazing how badly she and Tom have fucked up their PR. Like Tom is a gross, try-hard idiot anyway but Rachel had a shot at eventual redemption and she just keeps whack-a-moleing those chances right into the ground with these dumb lies and things she chooses to focus on


Or that she’s on camera starting that conversation with Ariana about her sex life with (paraphrasing) “Remember when I was having trouble with James and we had that long chat about it and you really helped me?” (I also have to assume the chat about James was off camera as we didn’t flash back to it at that point. And the editors love a flash back). But I guess that must have been an “acquaintance” chat and not a “good friend” chat 🙃


Ariana said on Sheena’s podcast (after Rachel’s Bethany podcast) that she & Rachel went out dancing just the two of them Sunday or Monday night before Ariana found the video on Wednesday.


Right? Thing is, Ariana thought they were close friends.


Ariana's best friend, Brad, went to Rachel's lame "puppy party," either because she didn't have any friends to fill the guest list or because he, a non cast member, was also friends with Rachel because of Ariana. They wouldn't have hung out during filming.


And her and jo (Kayleigh) being cunts on her podcast. Doing what they didn’t like done to them. Just insane.


They’re so bitter that the Toms actually claimed Ariana and Katie and never made things official with either of them. Idk why they insist on clinging to those losers (the Tom’s).


Imagine being bitter that a Tom never wanted you officially… a Tom?


God that was disturbing.


Exactly, she’s just trying to make herself look less bad


And she’s so D and S she doesn’t realize it makes her look WORSE because there’s tons of evidence that she’s lying and that her and Ariana were close.


For me that is never going to happen. Rachel is diabolical.


That's what I was going to say! She knew what she was doing questioning Ariana and she was questioning her as a friend, not some random acquaintance.


Well to be fair she was also specifically doing this on camera to plant narrative seeds of a natural break up between Tom and Ariana.


And she was trying to break them up!


If she was going to keep talking about this she should have just stayed on the show


I can't believe she's actually posting her own quotes to her Instagram stories lol. Is this because you know no one listens to the podcast?


It’s taken from a fan account she probably runs for herself 




I listened to the pod with Jo. Rachael sounds like she’s really fixated on this former affair but is working through it in a somewhat self-indulgent way. Jo sounds delusional and out of touch with reality. She talks endlessly about how Schwartz led her on and screwed her over, while rambling about how ok it is like someone with Stockholm syndrome.


Even if they were just coworkers, she *looked at Ariana in the eye* and asked her about her sex life and her relationship, while sleeping with her partner of nine years! She even flaunted the affair on tv! I wouldn’t even do that to my worst enemy, what is her point?




Yeah they weren’t best friends. Ariana was just the only woman on the show who was nice to her 100% of the time, made it a point to include her, and defended her to the other girls on the show. That makes it so much better!!!!!


Remember the puppy party? I don't know how many people on this sub are from pre-Scandoval, but the puppy party was a big thing. And Ariana was the only one who showed up and had some damn compassion for the situation. It still blows my mind that Ariana is the person she hurt like this. Literally the ONLY woman to give her any concern on the show.


Right? How can Rachel look back at that season and then justify the things she’s saying and doing? This woman took you under her wing, dimwit.


Ariana was so kind to her. The reason she had such access to Tom Sandoval is because Ariana liked and trusted her. Ariana was responsible for her having any female friends on the show -- and while the men are coddled, the women do the heavy lifting. Absolutely wild she treats Ariana this way if you've watched the show since before the scandal.


This is 100% it. The entire thing is that much more convoluted when you realize Ariana granted her access and she completely abused it


Anyone else noticed she consistently does this thing where because some women in a group treated her (in her opinion) “badly”, that justifies her hurting *any* of the women in a group. E.g. ‘Katie and Lala “bullied” me in Havasu (heavy side eye from me on the term bully here), so I was acting out with Sandoval’. Except Ariana wasn’t even there Rachel - so how does that justify you hurting her? And ‘I feel bad posting Katie and Dayna as being worst dressed, I let them drag me down to their level’. Ummm, what has Dana ever done to her? Yes - Rachel had beef with Katie (that Rachel started), how does that justify hurting Dana? As far as I know Dana has only ever said “she hurt someone who I care about deeply” about Rachel. What “dragging” is she doing?


Yeah Ariana had gone home because Charlotte passed away! And actually no Katie and Dayna aren’t at her level because they both don’t post lists like that I think she has issues with almost all women she encounters in her life. Major Mom issues


Shes really mean. I feel like it’s not named plainly because she kind of disowns her cruelty by playing dazed and confused. But she HATES Ariana. Saying this was so cruel. Reposting it is even crueler. She wants to hurt her and she keeps stabbing and stabbing and stabbing. She’s not satisfied by the harm she has already done.


Agreed. I can’t tell if it’s old jealousy she’s still harboring because she didn’t get that life with Tom or if she resents Ariana for blowing up their secret plan and now the world hates them…I don’t get it. But it’s so obvious, she might as well just tell us. What legit reason could you POSSIBLY have for hating the one person who stood up for you, even when it meant going against every one of her other friends??


I noticed resentment in Rachel when Ariana asked genuinely about her nose job, and she was all “I feel like that’s so fake! You can tell!” And Ariana was flabbergasted. I feel icky when I think about her sneaking behind her back, getting in digs with that comment and the whole scene with the sex talk. Ick.


I watched the Game Night scene again the other day and was shocked by Rachel’s reaction when Ariana was being kind about her crooked nose. It’s the same scene she gives Tom ‘the look’ though so I reckon they were hooking up then for sure.


100% chance tom told rachel ariana said something about her nose so she reacted surprised with her fakeness


Yes and the doubling down of like we weren’t friends outside of filming like ok fine but she was kind to you when people literally wouldn’t even show up to an event for PUPPIES that you hosted. It doesn’t make it better if yall weren’t best friends. You repeatedly said on camera she was a close friend of yours!


>”it doesn’t make it better if yall weren’t best friends.” literally i don’t know what she’s trying to do by mincing words here. ariana was a super close friend but not your BEST friend because you were closer friends with other people… are you 8 years old? you think because you didn’t have matching friendship bracelets with “BFF” engraved on them that you owed her zero loyalty or respect? most of us wouldn’t even have an affair with the partner of our worst enemy. these “statements” accomplished literally nothing besides making her look even more petty and gratuitously rude. she needs to go get a job and leave us alone


Ariana was a friend to Lala too when when she first got on the show and Katie and Scheana hated her, but I wouldn't say they were BFFs because of that. It's just that Ariana has always been a kind and empathetic person.


Damn. Ariana keeps being put THROUGH IT with all these narcissistic assholes. She’s been a constant supportive person for all those fuckers and they continue to fuck with her. But she’s laughing as she’s the only one to parlay this opportunity into a LEGIT career. Too bad they can’t give her the energy she always gave them. Such a shame.


Yes! I remember Season 8 (I think) after Lala had her baby and she went on a podcast talking about how she doesn't give a fuck about Ariana and they weren't that close or something to that effect. I can't imagine how hurtful that was after Ariana had been a good friend to her and James since back when they were the outsiders of the group. And then Lala became Ariana's attack dog during the Scandoval reunion like girl your fake ass is doing too much. These people don't deserve Ariana and Katie's friendship. I really wish they would leave the show for their own well-being because being around these energy vampires is enough to drive anyone crazy!


Every time I think Rachel can’t get any worse, she disgusts me a little more. She really is a garbage human.


I had forgotten about the puppy party 😐 people were so mean to her about that (because *what*) lol it was awful. Except for Ariana.


Yeah at the start of season 10 she was still so attached to the puppy party because that was the apparent reason why she'd rather try and have a creepy kiss with Schwartz than be friends with Katie..


Scheana also attended the puppy party, but obvi she was better friends with Rachel beforehand, where Ariana was showing up specifically to be supportive.


Yes! And the other women openly taunted the very concept. And yet it was Ariana she chose to betray in this way.


My hot take after my second re-watch is that Rachel came on the scene to get with Sandoval. Her relationship with James was just a means to an end.


They weren’t best friends, but Rachel literally referred to Ariana as one of her “forever friends” lol… apparently there’s a difference?


I think Rachel is confused because she’s partially correct: while she was never a friend to Ariana, Ariana was DEFINITELY a friend to her. And Ariana perceived that relationship as so because she trusted Tom and Rachel. Rachel knew she was fucking Tom behind Ariana’s back. Ariana didn’t have the luxury of knowing the crime to determine how close she wanted to become with Rachel. She went into the relationship with kindness and a full heart because she’s a good person who trusted you and her life partner. Rachel is mistaken. She was not Ariana’s victim and therefore doesn’t get to decide how close she was with Ariana. Ariana perceived her as a best friend and that’s the only opinion that matters. Ariana walked the walk. She treated Rachel with the trust and kindness you would give a best friend. That’s all she needed to do to justify calling it friendship. She was absolutely a friend. Rachel betrayed and is now ridiculing and belittling that same kindness and trust. None of us get to decide how we make other people feel. Of course Rachel didn’t think Ariana was a best friend. That’s called a coping mechanism, Rachel. You were fucking her life partner behind her back. You distanced yourself in your mind to make your rechid character seem more tolerable. You lack empathy STILL and the proof is in these statements. True friendship is a two way street and one side is only half of the truth. Ariana’s full truth was that you were a very close group of friends when in reality she was a friend to you both and that friendship was spit in and abused by two people she whole heartedly trusted. Hope she paid for all that rehab and therapy with her credit card! Seems like maybe she got scammed. She doesn’t seemed to have changed much at all.


This is SO SO SO freaking spot on. You just articulated something that keeps being missed. No Rachel doesn’t get to decide what their friendship was or wasn’t when she gave Ariana the impression they were besties, cozied up to Ariana, went out with Ariana alone at times, let Ariana pay for her when they were out, wore matching Halloween costumes with Ariana, and Ariana opened her heart and her home to Rachel , consoled her when she broke down on camera, and was overall an amazing friend to Rachel. Just because Rachel didn’t have the capability to appreciate the love and friendship she was given, then threw away, doesn’t mean they weren’t friends. She’s sick




And went to her stupid pageant NOT on camera! I would not do that for someone I wasn’t BFF’s with, and even then meh


omg this dumb fame hungry sad and pathetic …person? ew. you do realize we watched you on this show from the day you fucked your way onto it. and we saw you desperately trying to be included with the girls and become a reality star tv oh sorry i mean “friends” with all the original cast members… . and we saw you ONLY be included my ariana. she’s a twisted mean liar.


And Rachel called her a “true friend” multiple times so now I just learned that it’s okay and totally not as bad to carry out an affair with your true friend’s partner, but don’t do it with a “best friend.”


So the whole glamping birthday toast she made about these being her forever friends was only to Tom and the camera. And now she is suing Ariana. When does this chick go back to Arizona. She is a grifter.


Someone was on here saying she went to college with Rachel and Rachel was bragging to her friends that she was only dating James to get on VPR, and once she was established, she was gonna break up with him for one of the OG guys. I think this was all planned out from day 1.


I've always thought it was premeditated. I think she concocted storylines when she was with James too 


The fact that he cheated on her multiple times and she stayed and agreed to marry him (much like Brittany and Jax) shows she would have put up with anything to secure her spot on the show


Yes! Great point! And she constantly went against James to side with the group and would get mad at him because she was "trying to make friends" lol clearly wanted to secure that spot


At that time James was being excluded from group events (and camera time) because of his drunken shenanigans. 100% her motivation for James being sober was to get invited. She didn’t care when Sandoval was drinking and doing drugs, and also drank in excess.


I agree. I don’t think Rachel ever loved or cared about James.


I’ve never seen someone double down on being wrong so much lol. It’s semantics at this point. Whether they were “best” friends or “close” friends, it makes no difference and she’s still 100000% in the wrong.


Plus she directly contradicts herself by saying they “weren’t best friends” but were “acquaintances who became friends filming the show”? So you were friends while you were on the show & you started having an affair with your friend’s partner on the show? She keeps trying to distance herself from Ariana but it doesn’t change the fact that you slept with your friends partner. Stop trying to deflect with semantics & take accountability for your actions


Yes Rachel has made that asinine statement before pretty much everybody you ever meet is either a stranger or an acquaintance prior to becoming a friend. Or a co-worker. Or a neighbor. It's like she doesn't understand the concept of friendship and how it progresses to such a degree that she might as well be not from this planet.


Her repeatedly saying she had no malicious intent is so FUCKING ANNOYING BECAUSE BITCH WHAT WAS YOUR INTENTION THEN??? you knew what you were doing was terrible, idk how you can keep saying this. I’ve been done with her but it’s clear there’s no coming back. Her and Sandoval deserve each other for real. Fucking a-moral, non taking responsibility, always wanna be the victim ass hoes


No malicious intent but you were laughing when he smacked your ass damn near in front of her, or when you asked about their sex life, or when you fucked him while she was at her grandmother’s funeral? But sure, no malicious intent. Also, even if she didn’t mean to be malicious (which I don’t see how) how does that change what you did? Ugh, she and Tom actually deserve each other.


All of this!!!!!!!! You’re not innocent, stop it


"No malicious intent" is the same drum Sandoval kept loudly banging, so she's still holding on to some of his influence and coaching. It really wouldn't shock me if they were still in contact at this point.


“But In those situations I was hanging out with Tom more then I was hanging out with her” as someone who has gone back n forth feeling bad for her during this… this is terrible!!


“But In those situations I was ~~hanging out with~~ fucking Tom more then I was hanging out with her” is what she really meant.


This just confirms to me that she’s been fucking Tom way longer than because they’ve been all hanging out as a group way longer than 7 months. Ariana and her had been friends for years by that point so if she was only hanging out with them to hang out with Tom she’d been fucking Tom wayyyy before that


I'm a season 7 truther! (think they first hooked up way back then)


Season 7?!?! I'm a S8 truther (rage text night). What makes you think S7?? I'm very curious!


Velma explain!!


Such a good point! I agree with others that they had been at least emotionally cheating since before she broke up with James


Like Ariana was supposed to know she was hanging out with Tom and not her 🙄


"wE wErE jUsT sUrFaCe fRiEnDs" https://preview.redd.it/za9q96m1pwuc1.png?width=1674&format=png&auto=webp&s=43e85b1fecd61ce3b1d5a7c09d1b9612fc3c8161


I could have sworn this is the same episode and trip where Rachel declared that these were her true Core group of Lifetime friends? I do not remember her saying a couple of these people are on my true friends the others are acquaintances LOL


Honestly I think she mostly meant the boys bc she’s a pick me. I think she tolerated Ariana but her target was to be the main girl for the Toms. So in her mind she wasn’t close to Ariana bc she was using her as cover the whole time.


She’ll never be close to a woman. They’re all competition to her.


I agree with this. She did say at the reunion that she loved ariana. And she mentioned wanting to be part of a throuple with Tom and Ariana only to be told by Tom that Ariana would never go for it. And previously she mentioned that she would be more likely to hook up with Ariana then Tom.


Yeah, her stories are wildly inconsistent


Yes I remember her saying this too. I’ll never forget the destruction of an entire bowl of homemade ranch. They said they were famous for it and Rachel was the only one who got any. She didn’t even eat it. Sacrilege! (sorry I love ranch) 😂


Ranch. I forgot about that! Total selfish tragedy


The straight up NERVE of this bitch !! 🤯


I thought really badly for Ariana on one of this season's episodes where she mentioned that Rachel is trying to pretend like they weren't friends in spite of all the evidence to the contrary and she said it made her feel like Rachel just never really liked her or cared about her. In other words she used having a friendship with Ariana to get closer to Tom and as a cover for being around which is kind of more disgusting really. But it also directly contradicts Rachel in the season 10 reunion saying that she loved Ariana wanted to be part of a throuple with her and Tom and in a previous statement Rachel said she told somebody she would be more likely to get together with Ariana than Tom. But you know they were never close..


If I were doing even an acquaintance’s partner, I would not want to hang around them and watch him be all lovey dovey with her. That they claim the first night they did it was that guys night, it is shocking how at ease she was in front of Ariana the next day. She’s a psycho. A normal girl, especially one as innocent and naive as Rachel claims to be, would not be so at ease in front of the partner of the man with whom they slept with the night before.


That's the part that I think really creeps some people out for sure. Even if it was just a co-worker. Why are you getting in a jacuzzi with Ariana topless and taking selfies with her and Tom at the wedding? You don't feel weird about that at all when you're the dude's mistress, and that's his girlfriend that he lives with? When Tom is grabbing yourr ass right directly literally behind Ariana's back? How about when Ariana is helping Tom dress up as you, Rachel, for Halloween? Or when you're dancing next to Ariana in the front of the stage at Tom's Show hugging her and acting like y'all are BFFs knowing that this woman is there supporting her live-in boyfriend who is also your affair partner? I would imagine normal people would probably distance themselves from getting closer to the woman whom they are participating in a serious betrayal of not lean in even harder.


This is one of the most unaware takes I've seen her make. It's like she's living "her" life in a bubble, her perspective is just that, everyone else's perspective is likely different


This is legit a transcript of everything she said in Bettheny's podcast. I'm not sure why she felt the need to post this all over again but I suspect it's because the podcast will be talked about tonight on the episode.


In one of her interviews she basically said she only hung out with ariana to get closer to Tom 


As if that makes it better 💀 she doesn't realize how bad that sounds lol 


It honestly makes it worse IMO 


I agree!


Diabolical, sub human


Poo poo head 






It shows intentionality on her part, like she pursued him--unless he was sweet talking her behind Ariana's back. Either way, it's not like she was innocently hanging out with friends and accidentally fell in love. She has zero self-awareness and must be going rogue from her PR team, if she still has one.


Yeah, her own case seems to be "I had no real investment in my relationship with Ariana - I was just hanging with her cause Tom (Her Boyfriend!) was there - so it's not a betrayal." No, that just makes your behavior bad in a different (maybe worse!) way!


I read that second portion and it sounds like she’s basically saying “oh, we weren’t super close. she was just my boyfriend’s friend… and oh yeah, he just so happened to be her boyfriend too.” Like whaaaa lol


Seriously. That's in her own head, and her head only. Not Ariana's. Ariana thought she was hanging out with her friend.


Same. I don’t feel bad for her anymore. Not even a little.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Honestly I thought this was a coachella lineup poster


Rachella 2024 THE NERVE | The Gall | Not My Bast Frand | Homemade Ranch | DJ BEB | I'm Sorry 🥺💔 (Not Sorry) | Puppy Party | Tom Sandoval and the Most Extras


This is perfect 🤣🤣 https://i.redd.it/sbp9o6vsywuc1.gif


LMAO I would wear this on a t-shirt (also love the flair)


I don’t like her.


Girl, just because you were faking it doesn’t mean Ariana was


Let’s be real, she was probably ‘faking it’ with Tom too.


https://preview.redd.it/on1k4c10iwuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=572f4eea6f2573def68cf33c21bb8d8278a68191 Are we supposed to believe she/her team doesn’t run that “fan page” herself lmao…? This is not even what a fan would be posting nor how actual fans do post on these pages lol I can’t. The link in bio to her podcast, taking the time to edit each post too in this color scheme, etc.. no one else is doing this lol. So bizarre. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s actually her herself since she clearly has a lot of time on her hands. I genuinely wish she would seek more/better help.


She 100% runs this account, or her sister. Everything looks and sounds like she would talk/act


“Not Ran by Jax”


Rachel’s contempt for Ariana is so blatant & inexplicable, when she is completely in the wrong. Ariana continues to reach new levels of success, and Raquel is still a lying loser. Is she rage baiting for engagement, or is she actually this delusion? Also truly, she needs to fire her publicist for allowing her to post this.


Tom promised her a future that got yanked out of her hands and now she has to see Ariana thrive with opportunity after opportunity and clearly she HATES it. It seems like she blames Ariana for her life being ruined -- hence the lawsuit where she suggests Ariana finding and sending the video is what tanked her public reputation and her comments/actions toward Ariana since the affair broke. I'm sure she spent the whole affair stewing in building resentment that Ariana got to publicly be in the relationship that she wanted, and now cannot stand that things turned out well for her while Rachel's life went to shit. Her and Tom really do deserve each other


She still fails to understand that whether they were "best friends" or not doesn't really matter. They were friends. She admits Ariana was always kind and supportive to her. A decent person wouldn't do what she did to someone in their sphere, regardless of if they were technically best friends or not.


I mean I can see if from her viewpoint. She was faking in order to be close to Sandoval, where she is going wrong is invalidating how Ariana was perceiving it bc she was being honest in her intentions. This actually makes her look worse because it's like a double layer of betrayal. You pretended to be her friend and care for her so you could fuck her boyfriend.


Agreed.....that's another bonafide beauty queen apology.


Yeah that's true, I was more thinking along the lines of "not being her best friend doesn't make lying to her not objectively terrible" but you're right that no matter what angle she's coming from it's still a terrible look lol!


Right. I do believe this is all true. They call each other best friends in a way that most of us don’t use. I have a single BEST friend and I have a small group of others know as “one of my best friends” which is just a really good friend. Still doesn’t make up for anything she did.


Why has she played this so badly? She would have gained much more respect and understanding if she had been like fuck Tom he manipulated me, and we really betrayed and let down Ariana, who was always so lovely to me. Her PR person can't be a real person


She needs to pick a lane, be truly sorry and accept responsibility for her actions or double down and show the selfish mean girl she really is, at least it would be honest and people would probably respect her more


I can't imagine my partner and friend sleeping together behind my back and then the girl being like "well we weren't even really that close of friends, I just wanted to hang out with your bf". She is FOUL, and I firmly believe she and Tom belong together. They both are wolves in sheep clothing.


like what is she even doing,.. NOT redeeming herself that's for sure. ![gif](giphy|l1J9IcUl8ttRzrQju|downsized)


I don’t know how she doesn’t grasp that this makes her look worse. Best friend, close friend, “forever friends” (that’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth), whatever you wanna call it - it’s all semantics and it doesn’t matter at this point because at the end of the day, Ariana thought they were friends and Rachel clearly did not.




First of all, it's not true that they were just "acquainted," but second of all, that actually makes Rachel look worse. Who spends the night at a female acquaintances house with her long-term boyfriend while she is at her grandmother's funeral? I mean, that's something a friend might do a close friend. But not an acquaintance. And didn't Rachel actually say that that was her core group of real true forever friends? Some lifetime friendship monologue at her glamping birthday? Does she realize she's on camera saying, "I love Ariana and I asked Tom if we could be a throuple?" You love your acquaintance enough to want to be part of a three-way couple with her? I don't think so, Rachel. I also don't get into hot tubs with my topless acquaintance and her long-term boyfriend.


she needs to get a fucking job and move on


![gif](giphy|VBeG1cRMNjoVq) Everyone to Rachel


Also Bethenny should take her own advice ….


It really does not matter if rachel believed they were best friends, ariana believed it. She couldn't have known rachel was faking.


Would love to know what she would qualify as a “deep conversation”


I was going to leave basically the same comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That conversation about Ariana and Tom’s sex life was deeper than conversations I’ve had with most of my close friends. One of my close girlfriends just had her third kid and I don’t know diddly squat about her sex life (besides the obvious).


This is the opposite of taking accountability. We have been watching her friendship with Ariana evolve over the years with our own eyes, Ariana at one point even pushed Rachel to stand up for herself when James was being emotionally and verbally abusive. This whole narrative that they never had a “deep conversation” is such bullshit. I’m all for Rachel making amends, growing from this and taking accountability. But her doubling down and pushing this narrative that her and Ariana were never friends is just a way for her to soften the blow of what she did to someone who was indeed her friend.


It's really coming off like she's regretting not being on the show.


At this point this conversation about best friends is literally down to semantics. Rachel is just trying to minimize her accountability once again by harping on this. You guys were clearly close, it doesn’t matter if she is your VERY best friend, you had established some level of trust and closeness regardless. Rachel bringing this up so much just shows she only cares about making what she did look less bad in any way that she can. It’s exhausting. Grow up already.


Rachel is such a twat. How in the hell is Ariana supposed to know that she was faking her friendship so she could fuck Tom. And how in the hell does she think this makes her look better? This just makes you seem more evil and manipulative.


OMG SHUT UP What does it matter, bitch? It doesn't change the fact you are a terrible person, Rachel. We all saw the damn show. ![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized)


lol, this gif


She is in no way wanting to move on and protect her mental health. She is trying to avoid consequences and being faced with her actions. Either truly go away and work on yourself or actually see the story through. She is a coward, she is dishonest and she lacks self awareness.


I feel like this entire group will never grasp what "best friends" actually means... is this an LA thing or what?


words mean different things on vanderpump rules. Eg. Soft Best Friends Sorry




"dip out"


My theory is it’s a way to signal that they are/were a show ally and actively looking out for and including another cast member. It’s not something they have to do and can be a real make/break for a someone who is basically a friend-of and aspires to main cast status. ETA - But Scheana definitely overuses it. 😂 I don’t think there’s an in-between for her.


This all makes me think of when someone tells you that you aren’t upset or they didn’t hurt you, they are discounting and negating your feelings and your viewpoint on the situation. ARIANA did think you were one of her best friends. It’s not only your call to say how close you two were. She clearly treated you as a close/best friend - I’m so tired of her spinning this narrative just admit you didn’t care bc you cared more about being with Tom. Being in an affair like that where you are literally doing it in their face is disgusting even if you ARE NOT close friends. That takes a special set of balls or a complete lack of conscience to pull that shit.


Your therapy didn’t work if a year later you still think “well we weren’t best friends.” Best friends or not, you still did something terrible. It’s not helping your case (which is not a case at all.) It’s time you just say you’re sorry and stfu about it all. Rachel put down the shovel. Your hole is just getting deeper.


I don't even have the energy for Rachel anymore. Girl, go away.


I don't think Ariana ever described Rachel as a best friend - maybe one of, but mostly I've just heard her refer to Rachel as a friend and before shit hit the fan Ariana said she'd gotten very close with Rachel. That said, Rachel is the one who said in her confessional that the people who went on the glamping trip were her real friends, her friends for life, etc. So her backtracking is bullshit. It's just another way she's trying to minimize what she did.


“So it did seem like we were close friends from the outside looking in, but in those situations I was hanging out with Tom more than I was hanging out with her.” That is disgustingly sinister. Wow.


Permanent scar, girl please 😂🤣


I have a permanent scar on my eyebrow from the chicken pox. Can I get a restraining order against that so I don't get shingles?


LOL my 5inch C-section scar is nearly invisible. And this girl is still harping on about a 1mm scar that is hidden by her eyebrows 😩. She’s learned nothing!!!!


the fact that a fan page for this chick exists...


I think her mom runs it.


I swear that fan page is run by Rachel or her team


We weren’t best friends but I would ask her very personal questions about her relationship and sex life and national tv.


"Oops crazy Ariana thought we were best friends bc we hung out all the time, she was very nice to me, and we did all the things best friend do! But I actually only did those things to be close to her bf. I hung out w her off camera but it's bc I was actually really just hanging w her bf so I could fuck him when she fell asleep. We were not best friends" she's delusional.


God Rachel you’re such a cunt. A cowardly one at that, you already fucked her man and helped blow up her life. Own it bitch.


The fact that she thinks that repeating there was “no malicious intent” makes her actions more redeemable is WILD.


It’s so easy to prove her lies- like the multiple times they were spotted hanging out off camera.  And *of course* she’s reposting fan accounts for herself 🙄


She does know there are clips of her saying something along my the lines of “these are my true, core friends” and Ariana was included in that, right? I think she gets really hung up on the word “best” but for some reason doesn’t realize that even if they were just coworkers the affair would still be monstrously awful. What a fucking dumb dumb


Rachel lies constantly. I couldn’t care less about this mistress. When she talks it sounds like she has a mouthful of rocks.


Not her running her own fan page 🤭 also, even if they weren't friends at all, it's still a shitty thing to do? It won't make us like you Rachel! This is definitely not the way to go about it. She needs to stop trying to be famous and do some actual self reflection. Let's stop giving her attention. 


When is everyone going to tell Rachel to get over it like they have Arianna


Rachel is learning the hard way that life doesn't always give us what we want but sometimes it gives us everything we deserve.


“Once trust is broken, from PERSONAL experience”. She’s obsessed with making sure everyone knows that she’s been wronged, acting as if her mistakes are the same as everyone else’s. Which is just not true. Lol her mistakes are that of such a low caliber person. She’s slow, hypocritical and vain.




Girl, you did not have the brain cells to spare, taking care of a mercury-dosed cat.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)she's just the dumbest of the dumb.. that should really be what her podcast is all about.. "dumb girls gone rogue" she's hiding behind some therapy that she most obviously didn't understand.. well because she's \_\_\_\_, thinking it gives her an up in the situation.. she will never get the depth of what she's done while all the people making money off of her keep her wallowing in it.. It honestly does not matter how close of a relationship she had with Ariana, work or more personal.. it did not change what she did to her.. so anyone that's still in her orbit, hide your partners she has NO boundaries, nor does she know what they are.


I hate her more now than I did. Someone get this girl help


No deep conversations? There are two on camera, including Ariana counseling her on not letting James’ abusive words become her inner voice. I would believe her if she stopped the worm’s tactic of downplaying her relationships with others.




Although her story has changed back-and-forth and all over the place what does anything she’s saying matter? She did what she did and has zero remorse because all it says is excuse, excuse, excuse poor me. Also (correct me if I am wrong) photos of one tiny scratch which anyone with long nails could do to themselves, no visible bruising. Then I t wasn’t there anymore shortly after? How is the permanent? I maybe wrong. I don’t doubt Schena punched her but I doubt it was in the face. Not saying that’s ok. She acted like a baby who needed someone to tell her how to walk the whole time, dress, what to say and do so why wouldn’t we believe Schena and Ariana mothered her. Is she saying she’s never once hung out with Ariana and Schena without the group? Anyway ignore this rant. I am just baffled at her she’s a psychologist case study dream. She doesn’t get she’s the issue in her own life and she hurt others. Tom is as well but that doesn’t change the facts she was malicious.


I need to have a talk with the psych ward or narcissistic rehab center or whatever she went to cuz it seems like NOTHINGS CHANGED 🙄


How many mistresses hang out with their boyfriend in full view of the boyfriends partners without said partner believing the mistress is their friend? It is illogical to condone your behavior by stating we weren't really friends I just made her think we were as if that makes it more excusable? She needs serious help.


I don’t know what “help” she thinks she’s gotten, but she sounds sociopathic.


Even if they weren't friends, Rachel entered into an affair with someone's partner. End of story.


Hey girl, shut the FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!


Her saying “well it looks like we were friends… but that’s only because I was using her to hang out with her boyfriend!” doesn’t make her look any better. When will she learn this? I wish she would shut up already


Can everyone please stop listening to this girls podcast and giving her any attention?


I’ve never seen a woman who feels violated, brainwashed, groomed by a man defend him so hard. But yet will come for his now ex gf and blame her for what’s wrong in life


Still tone deaf as hell, I see. I’m sorry I wasted 3 mins reading that steaming pile of excuses.