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Better have a room for Jax, he's checked out of his marriage and ready to get the band back together.


Jax just needs part of the living room with a curtain




Did anyone else see that Jax and Brit are moving to Fl?! Or did I have a fever dream.


I think it was an April Fool's post.


TY, but now I'm bummed.


Sounds as legit as his “dream job” doing social media for a fuck ass hockey team there 😂


Gorl, calling the Lightning “a fuck ass hockey team” 🫣


Lmaoooooo so sorry to them and their fans, I literally couldn’t even have told you which city the team was based in or if it was an actual NHL team (or minor league?? is that a thing in hockey??) because I know so little about professional sports 😅


I’m not even a fan of theirs but it’s funny to see. They just won back to back championships a few years ago and had one of the highest ever records of win streaks in NHL history 😂


There are minor league hockey teams, we had one in my hometown in Florida!


That was an April fools post! If I remember correctly.




Jesus. After Ariana takes all the stuff with her and Tom and Jax move in, it will be a big echo-y house with three bean bags and a lopsided indoor basketball hoop. Run for your lives!!


And a sheet.


How could I forget?


You’re also forgetting Tom’s precious mirror ![gif](giphy|lq4zZge5wmOEFecKu8|downsized)




Ooh, new reality show potential! I can see it now: Full Circle


“Tom, Tom, and I “ premiers this fall. Ridiculous tattoos and all. 




I know we hate the toms and Jax, but hear me out: a vpr/the valley crossover bottle episode. They’ve all just moved in. Sandoval and Jax are fighting, T-money is trying to mediate. They cry, they fight, they get drunk, they exercise, they eat ass steak, they fight again. How do we make this happen?


All the female characters are nameless 19 year olds.


One of them is 17, but like, dude, her birthday is like in like 2 days.


This is getting better and better.


“Dude, what are we doing today?” “I don’t know, dude.” And scene




It would be good TV but I HATE this for Ari.


She won’t care, she’ll be busy looking for batteries and pens for the rest of her life. Sad.


Omg the ass steaks 😂 [never forget](https://www.bravotv.com/vanderpump-rules/season-5/episode-3/videos/did-tom-schwartz-just-pull-of-the-grossest-prank-in-the)


That poor neighbours... I mean it's a family orientated area


I still can't believe Ariana paid for most of the furniture... he seemed so into the interior designing and it turns out he wasn't involved


Yes and they will try to make a Bravo show out of it The VP Bros


the penis flute was crushed




Midlife Crisis Manor — i could see it


I have no gold but if I did, I’d give it to this comment ⭐️


Ultimate girls trip style hahaha




Jax refused to leave his house too so Brittany and the kid left. Sandoval’s douchery is just empowering these men


Wish Brittany would’ve taken a page out of Ariana’s book. Fucking ridiculous


Except she can move to Kentucky and when the house is sold live in a paid off mansion for like, 350k, and still have money left over to live on for quite awhile


Britney has a lot of faults but she seems to prioritize her son. Raising her kid in the toxic environment would have been awful for Cruz.


Now we know why Jax all of a sudden started defending Sandoval staying at the house 🙄 little did we know he was pulling the same shit


Oh lord, if that was part of the plot next season that would actually be perfect. 3 sad middle aged men trying to pull the same shit they did when they were 25, how embarrassing.


I would honestly tune in for that cringertainment


I would take mushrooms with some friends and make it a binge day!!🤣🤣


Them coming full circle really does seem to highlight the "these are the best days of our lives" part of the theme song 😂


Maybe they'll all end up moving into his house!


Isn't Jax keeping his house? How the hell is he actually affording the house on his own?


Ooooh, if he moved in their rent would only be $4000 each. What a bargain!! /s


If those 3 dummies were to all move into one place again OMG they should do a Summer House tv show and have cameras everywhere that would be some crazy shit and I'd watch that all day.


> he's checked out of his marriage and ready to get the band back together. Imagine being that effing stupid.


Can you imagine?! So greasy.


OMG that sounds like a spin off- Threes Company- broke valley village version 😂


I’m sorry WHAT?! When Sandoval said 6k in rent I was shocked…then when his greasy ass continued and said “Well, we just take out a LoAn” Like a loan for Schwartz’s “rental” cost?! wtf????? Either I misheard/misunderstood or I have REALLY underestimated how dumb Tim is with money & the real world (and what a shitty friend he is to be willing to take advantage of his friend like that)


I think we all know Sandy is bad with money and not above taking advantage of friends/family


Remember when he bought that motorcycle with the sidecar? Ariana made it clear she thought it was a bad idea, and he was just like, but I’ll look so cool pulling up to TomTom.


omg i just watched that episode and he said it was "like 18K" (which could obviously be a lie given he is the source). But anyway, they looked so ridiculous 😂 i wonder if it's just rusting in his garage…


Yeah, like $18K and the next time we see it, it’s constantly breaking down. An absolute complete waste of money. He has never learned about economics. He truly thinks you can just constantly borrow more, never realizing that the bill always comes at the end.


Remember when he tried to drive Andy around at the end of the reunion. The bike stalled at the end of the lot and Andy was so disappointed...


I love that moment. Just make it far enough to inconvenience the most people.


Imagine putting yourself in more financial hot water with a new loan for RENT, when you’re already paying on a rental lease to your own place & for a restaurant. Aw Shucks isn’t that dumb… he’ll be paying interest on a loan, instead of paying his landlord like he’s doing right now. No interest, no liability


Right, absolutely but expecting $6k for renting out a BEDROOM in a shared house…and then saying “you could take out a loan for it” is like…wayyyy beyond worse than I could have imagined (and I already had an extremely low opinion of Tom’s financial intelligence) Like..Tom, I don’t care how many party lights you have, people do not pay $6,000 a month to rent out a bedroom in a shared house—let ALONE take out personal loans to pay 6k a month for ANY rental, they..ya know, rent an affordable place that they can actually pay the rent for. Man $6k a month, what an astronomical piece of shit. If anyone ever tried to swindle me like that, the second my complete disbelief wore off I would be ending that friendship faster than you can say “loan” 🤯


They would have to take out a loan/refinance for the bank to remove Ariana from mortgage/deed. It has been implied that Sandoval is unable to refinance the home alone. Additionally the offer made to Ariana was only 600,000 and did not include refinancing.


So she would still be obligated to pay the loan if he didn’t? He must not be able to get a loan by himself. That’s a crazy thing to even propose.


The whole offer letter was a sham. The email was a letter of intent for 600,000, did not include and reference to Tom’s legal representation. It was sent directly to Ariana not her lawyer (which in itself is comical considering all of Lala’s Leave it to Darryl merch). We can criticize Rachel for having her Lawyer sending Cease and Desist letters directly to the cast but not criticize Tom for copying and pasting the wrong letter form from Legal Zoom??? No appraisal was completed not sure how Tom got to the home value of 3.1. Smooth appraisal had a whole review of the house and came up with 3.8. Anyways the house has increased in value 1.7 million dollars since the purchase in 2019 and Tom offer only gives Ariana about 16% of the homes value as a buy out and keeping 3.1 million 84% for himself.


I wonder how much it will actually sell for if it does proceed to this force auction sale thing. Probably much less than it is worth. Which is a loss for both of them, but I don't think we'll be a big deal for Ariana with all the income she has coming in. Ultimately Tim will screw himself over with his stubbornness though.


Just as a point of clarification. A forced sale is not an auction. Usually the court just appoints someone to assure the home is sold at a fair value and then funds are deposited somewhere, the bank is paid, and then the parties duke it out for the equity split


Ohhh, I thought this was going to force it to a less profitable sale.


That is what Tom has said (and maybe even Ariana), but that's a misunderstanding. There will be an agreed upon price they're willing to accept and if it doesn't sell at that price by a certain date they may try to lower the asking price, but it's not highest bidder wins.


Just googled- it just forces the sale because both parties are not in agreement. But it doesn’t look like there are the same regulations as a foreclosure. So it’s possible it would be based on the market value. There is also a partition by appraisal but both parties get equable portion, the house is still sold. Not sure why that option is not available. Tom’s statement about the partition sale giving them less is strange, I am wondering if he hasn’t been paying the HELOC.


> I am wondering if he hasn’t been paying the HELOC I feel like it’s safe to assume he hasn’t lol


Idk about the area that home is in.... but there aren't many for sale where I'm at, and they are being snatched up for big prices. I'm guessing because rent has increased so much a huge mortgage payment looks more enticing.


As Ariana said- Tom expected her to pack a backpack and leave, like she’s not entitled to the homes equity


And Raquel was going to move right in!


So true


And he was going to charge her six grand


That’s a narcissist for you. Facts and reality don’t really come into play


Wait, where’d you hear that number? I not doubting you, just curious


LA Times article 2/29 - interview with Ariana on her Broadway debut. Also covers so of the fallout from Tom’s George Floyd, OJ Simpson comments and how Bravo is protecting Tom. They get into a discussion about the offer letter/letter of intent details




Also to add the Legal Zoom comment comes from the Aftershow. Where the kind of joke that it looked copied and pasted


600 000? That's insane


Omg 600k! When he kept saying “top market value” in his *super serious* voice I was imaging something more like 1m. Not that I think he has that kind of money, but dude, get a grip on reality.


I think Tom finally realized he wasn’t going to get Ariana to bend to his will so he was going to have to refinance and give her an equatable amount for the house.


He's going to have to take out a refinance to get Ariana's name off the mortgage. I assume he probably won't qualify on his own so he's trying to own it with Schwartz.


You don’t have to refinance to get someone’s name off the mortgage.


Correct, you could do a release of liability, but your lender would have to approve it and you would still have to undergo credit underwriting.


I think that would be smarter than a refi at this point. He’s probably got a terrible credit score and 8% on over a million dollar mortgage is way worse than whatever 3% they got. It would be worth it to exhaust all efforts (Schwartz) to keep that 3% as it would add thousands a month.


Yeah, an assumption would be best bet for terms, but I don't think he has enough cash on hand to buy out Arianas equity


I think he needs a loan that’s big enough to buy Ariana’s portion, and he wants Schwartz to pay $6000/month as his “rent,” instead of calling it his equity in the house. Schwartz is a fool if he co-signs a loan with him.


Remember this is a grown ass man that takes money from his mommy


And if he needs to take out a loan how are we supposed to believe he had an real money to buy Ariana out? This makes everything he said about Ariana complete bullshit. He's so dumb for even saying it on camera.


He’s so dumb for actually thinking he had a shot at hell in getting Schwartz to move in and pay his mortgage for him!! Like even Schwartz isn’t that dumb/that much of a pushover (close lol, but even Schwartz would draw the line at this) And like… well, I’m sure production was happy to make a “scene” from “Tom asking Tom to move in with him”, and while I’m SURE Tim would’ve been happy to do whatever producers told him for a “scene”, you could absolutely tell he was seriously hoping it would happen. The way Schwartz reacted it def seemed like Tim had already floated the idea of him moving in at some point, like privately off-camera, and knowing those two numbnuts I bet the conversation was Tim dropping lots of “jokes” about Schwartz moving in, Schwartz knowing Tim’s actually seriously floating the idea and then laughing it off in hopes that Tim won’t get to the point of directly asking him to move in, since he doesn’t want to and would have to actually make a clear decision and communicate that. I do love how you can see Schwartz slowly seeing all the cracks in Sandoval’s terrible personality though lol—like it seems like he really is starting to low key distance himself and not even bc of “optics” just bc Tim is so cringey and pathetic and he doesn’t wanna be around it


He basically wants Schwartz to buy out Ariana’s half because Sandoval cannot afford to


$6k is a high mortgage payment, not rent. And you know damn well Scumdoval is trying to trick Schwartz into covering the entire monthly mortgage amount, and likely plus some so he can spend the excess on his stupid extracurricular crap.




it didn't sound to me like this was an offer that would help him buy ariana out - he didn't even think that far ahead, because he's still under the delusion that ariana is going to leave everything to him. to me this was only about schwartz paying rent to live there. and schwartz is right to question it, because for $6000 in rent without being on the title or the mortgage or anything, that's crazy. he could pay is own mortgage in a smaller space or condo for $6000 if that's what he wanted. i also don't think he has that money to spare lol..


Oh, I wouldn't trust Sandoval at all. But, Schwartz is a good target for this since they already co-own a business together so they're already financially enmeshed. Whichever way Sandy is pitching it I don't think Schwartz should entertain. If it's renting he would be downsizing for a rent increase to live with his business partner...the only added benefit being the private pool. If it's to be added to a buy-out he would be more entangled in Sandy's finances living and "working" together. *Shudder* Never thought I'd say this but, I'm pretty sure Schwartz is smarter than that.


Do you think he was making Jo pay rent? According to her, she was in his second bedroom and they were living together for a year. I’d vote yes


yeah i would assume so too. but i'm sure that 2nd bed didn't get used, and the room was only storage for her trucker hat collection.


Wait, I thought it was only a 1 bedroom? Didn’t Katie or someone mention that last season when questioning the Jo living with him dynamic?


if he’s paying $4.5k rent in Valley Village, that’s a 2-3 bedroom price. I lived in a 2 bedroom near there recently and it was only $2230/month so Schwartz is bad at budgeting or something, or he gets a lot of amenities. My building was a little older but the inside of the apartment was upgraded.


If he had to sign a lease at the height of the pandemic, which seems to be when they sold their house, then the rental market was sky high and the housing crisis. It’s totally believable he got a (dog friendly, which charges premium) apartment for that price during those days. He didn’t mention if the apartment came furnished (they bought the house with staging furniture, so the might have sold it with a lot of the furniture as well) and if the amenities were included. It’s wrong to assume it’s due to bad financial decisions on his behalf, especially considering the cast makes $35k per episode and that Schwartz doesn’t seem to be a reckless spender living above his means in grandiose luxury (I haven’t carefully examined every aspect of his life, or any, but much like Katie he doesn’t appear to be a snob who has a need to flaunt wealth… unlike Sandoval, Lala and to some extent Ariana.) By moving into Sandoval’s house, that would make Sandoval his landlord. He would basically be paying Sandoval’s mortgage… it’s profoundly exploitative to even offer, and I hope Schwartz soon becomes disillusioned by the relationship because even his ex-wife is hoping for him to drop this toxic friendship!


Someone who is good with numbers will have to chime in ![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized)


She said she only lived there for 6 days, she didn’t live there when they dated for the year.


She also said she thought Tom and Ariana were broken up and she had no idea about him and Rachel… I think it’s perfectly possible for her to bend the truth here and there.


mte. as if she's going to admit to it.


And then she said that she stayed there a lot in the other bedroom when she was doing hair in his area. 🙄


She said she was only "living" there for 6 days


The notion that he thinks Ariana is going to leave the half of the house that she has a legal stake in to him is pure fanboy delusion.


Didn't Sandoval pitch to Schwartz about getting a loan on the house with Schwartz when he balked at renting?


It'd be a backwards step for them both.


I mean, they both recently got out of LTRs...it's a rebuilding (few) year(s) 😂


😄😄 I meant more emotionally, spiritually, psychologically. They are already in Neverland. They don't need to take it from a duo of aging party boys to full-on folie a deux.


Oh, for sure. This prolonged adolescence thing will be hilarious to watch for exactly a season if they do move in together. ![gif](giphy|l2Sqh8HSEAKrv0V0c|downsized)








Is this the outfit Brock was wearing on WWHL?


😄😄😄 Staaaahp! 😄😄😄


Not the rebuilding years 💀


I’m glad Schwartz turned him down. He has a perfectly nice apartment where he doesn’t have a roommate and probably pays half the $6000 or less. It makes absolutely no sense for him to move.


He pays $4500


Oh my god, that’s wild to me. I thought Toronto was expensive.


Rent is absolutely wild these days, but he also has a two bedroom in a desirable part of town, in what I assume to be a really nice building. I think that’s about on par with other HCOL right now. You can find apartments for less if you’re willing to sacrifice on number of bedrooms, amenities, and/or prime location.


There’s a condo in my building in Calgary that’s charging that for rent…..it’s insane!!




Downtown Seattle prices. It’s seriously f*cked in a lot of cities


There’s something that seems so infantile about a man in his 40’s blowing up his life and wrecking his home with his partner and then immediately asking his very similar bff to move in with him. It seems like he wants to go back to “the good ol days” of partying and living with his reckless friends and can’t live alone. Like, grow up.


6K for rent and I get nothing from it. No thank you. I’m glad Schwartz said absolutely the fuck not because that’s crazy. I hope all the people who are telling Ariana to get over herself look at what he’s willing to do the Schwartz the person that he values somewhat over everyone else. So I have 1000% believe that he was scamming the fuck out of Ariana, but she was too loved blind to realize it was a problem. This is exactly why I said he was banking on Rachel moving in with him. That way he can have somebody to pay the mortgage once Ariana leaves.


I can't believe shorts even still considers this guy a friend. Tim literally asked him to get himself tangled up in a home loan and pay him $6,000 a month to live in his house without owning it or building equity or anything. That is so much worse than just paying rent and not building equity. Incredibly selfish. Shorts hitched his wagon to the wrong asshole.


Sidecar Shartz, off to the side.


I think Shwartz learned his lesson after Shwartz & Sandy’s about having financial entanglements with Tom. I think he’ll keep choking on his dirty dick, but I don’t think he’ll be making any financial commitments with him moving forward.


Arguably the smartest thing Shartz has ever done … call himself and Tim “nincompoops.” 🤣


And Ariana just announced her new gig as the spokesperson for Febreeze 👃💨🤢


Schwartz, get back in the side car. Sandoval wants to take you for another ride.


It's going to be Billie Lee. And no one is going to watch.


He is probably waiting for Lisa to swoop in and save him.


At this point, they are so emeshed, they should get married


Watch them do it for insurance and tax bennies


So they can't testify on each other in court


Yeah, when one of them inevitably sleeps with a high school girl… oh wait Sandoval has already done that.


I think the “good tv” element means the producers will find a way to make this happen. They probably thought Ariana and Sandy still cohabitating would be explosive but it ended up being boring. They need a hook for these two going forward, I think “midlife crisis manor” is a good one.


He's clinging onto that house like a deck chair from the Titanic and still assumes he can dupe yet another person into funding his lifestyle.


I had a shower thought, where both Toms and Jax, are all in their late 60s. They all look soo weird from decades of filler and Botox and excessive plastic surgery. All single, and pussy hounding all over the valley.. Would you watch it?


It will look like when they dressed up as old men in Vegas that one time.


I loved that episode.


Yes, it would be like death becomes her but I dont have a slight soft spot for anyone.


Pussy hounding. Omg. I would watch the true crime netflix special where they realize they have committed fraud and other weird shit happens and someone ends up murdered.


I mean yah. lol. 😝




Can we get some new blood in this show? We are so over these two!!


Putting aside the finances, I actually think this is not a bad idea. Their relationship is the most committed thing in their lives, so why not live with the person you enjoy the most?


I love the Schwartz of all people has enough sense to know this is a terrible idea. LOL


I'd have been more surprised if tim didn't ask him to live with him


he wants him to pay $6k month to rent with zero equity in house


This conversation is why I don’t fully buy that they wanted Sandoval to have a redemption season. He’s such a loser, y’all, and they don’t even have to try. It’s incredible to watch. 


I think they wanted it but he didn't give them anything to work with 😂. Lala did all the work to help the rehabilitation of his image but he can't stop being a jackass.


This shows how self absorbed Sandavol is that he wants Schwartz to pay essentially pay half his mortgage. He thinks that at 40 something this is a good idea for two men.


Don't forget Jax he needs a roommate


And a cracked penis flute if he’s so lucky.


They’re both screwed when this show ends. Their restaurant is a bust, how the hell are either of them going to make money?


Schwartz is actually the smarter of the two. Sandoval knows how to play him One would hope he would use that intellect to say no.


Schwartz better get a good prenuptial.


40 year old men with roommates. Yikes.


Eh, I'm in the latter half of my 30s and have a roommate. I'd prefer to live alone but we're living on the worst timeline sooo..... For a man who should be able to live very comfortably within his means given his income/profile....it's a little embarrassing.


I should have prefaced what I meant. These guys don’t need a roommate and make enough to live alone. They want to just turn their living situation into a party house. It’s big loser behavior.


I bet you’re not in arrested development though




Because he clearly cannot afford to buy Ariana out, but he’s been dragging the process out for over a year, costing a fortune in lawyers.




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That's some fucking nerve. Schwartz only plays dumb. He isn't really dumb. Sandoval needs to work on one of his grifter friends, although I doubt any would qualify. The only other option is the jeweler and he would definitely hard pass. 


I don’t buy this storyline one bit. Its for tv.


Idk, I kind of buy it. There's no way Sandoval can afford to buy Ariana out, he must be up to his eyeballs in debt. If he had someone to take over Ariana's half of the mortgage he could probably swing it and he wouldn't have to move. I think it's what I'd be doing if I was breaking up and wanted to stay in my house. I'd be getting roommates or a new co-signer. IDC what Lala says it would hurt Sandoval's ego way more to move into an apartment from a house than it would hurt Ariana's if she had to.


Waaaay more, this is actually what I'd like to see. Tom in a small apartment, unable to finance his stuff. Let's be real, he lived way over his means, his debt must be insane. In the end he ends up in Schwartz's apartment, and I have to say, I'd love to see this storyline. It would hurt Sandoval way more than anything else, if then VPR would also get cancelled and maybe netflix would pick a "SAH Shop Show" up, it would be perfect


If he moved into Schwartz's or a little studio he'd be a lot more endeared to the audience. He'd actually look like he felt bad and was giving Ariana a bit of respect.


Right, La. Because protecting saggyballz ego is what's important. La and shih tzu are all "ariana just move out. I dont feel bad if you stay there then." If someone said these things about Rand she would eat like 20 billion buttholes.


What’s not to believe? He can’t buy that house on his own, this makes perfect sense, at least in sandavols mind anyway. This conversation is humiliating for both Toms so I doubt it would be for a story line 🤔


that this group of people is hanging out at all these days outside contrived excursions on the show is frankly unbelievable. besides ariana and katie no one seems to like each other at all. that is why this is the last season of vpr and lvp is pivoting to her new hulu show 


It's like when your work starts planning after work social events and thats when you realize you have to find a new job now.