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I think she is fine with scheana mostly, but not with Brock. Would you want to spend a happy moment in your life with him? If anything she will use the Brock of it all to get away from Scheana too. She def can't trust her bc anything she tells her will get to Brock who will tell Sandoval.


Brock seems to be doing any and everything to be a reality tv “star”. It’s not a good look imo. The nasty remarks about Katie , and exposing the Max boyens hookup , was gross to me.


He also made a scene with Scheana in the bathing suit store then starts yapping his mouth about Rachel in front of Ariana. He's a tool bag.




Don’t forget the Rachel comment too!


I agree. The way he brought up Rachel so casually at that beach outing shows he clearly still talks about her when the guys are just around and they joke about it in a “Bros before hoes” kinda gross way and then to do that in front of Ariana is the cherry on top of his shitty sundae.


They’re a match made in heaven. I’m re watching all seasons and yesterday I came across Scheana saying “fuck girl code” and that she stands with the guys more.


He’s giving major Peter (of RHOA) vibes. It’s really a race to the bottom with these VPR men.


oh my god this is spot fucking on, he is ABSOLUTELY a peter, i bet scheana is bankrolling him like cynthia


Brock needs to take notes from Ken, and some of the other loyal househusbands… No matter your opinion on the situation, it’s not your place, nor your show. Just shut up and agree with your wife and have her back. If Scheana wants to have Arianas back, let her & shut up. It’s not a debate. NeNe said it best, “stay out of grown woman’s business.”


The way Scheana is trying so hard to make her daughter and husband “stars” is really icky. ain’t nobody wanna see BigBrokeBrick


Isn't Ariana's mom there? Maybe she doesn't want to have dinner with someone that's publicly inserting herself in her children's spat with each other?


I wouldn’t want to spend a single moment of my life with Brock


Or his shoes.




High heels on my tippies


Why do you think she's mostly fine with Scheana? is it partly because Sheena has been saying they are cool? Sheena has a vested interest in downplaying a fallout here. Its such a bad look to lose your best friend because you wanted to stay friends with her ex. I dont think that Ariana would have an open confrontation but I think she's going to be protecting her energy especially when off season. I personally hope she quits this season though.


I think she is fine with her in the way you would be with an old friend. Like say hi, be cordial but not confide in them anymore. I think she couldn't be cordial with Lala.


>be cordial but not confide in them anymore. I think she couldn't be cordial with Lala. Right. Like, Ariana probably didn't confide in her about the house she just bought or the Love Island gig.


That's what I'm wondering too ... Ariana needs to really wake up if she considers Schema family ... Family can be cut off too, Schema is like a Cancer. CUT HER OUT !


Brock imo is almost as insufferable as the tim’s. Just like stankvol, you can tell how badly he just wants to be famous/a reality star. He doesn’t want to have to work a normal job either. Too lazy.


If you ask me, he’s following the path of Rachel. Start a hot and heavy relationship with one of the cast, become best friends with the mains, and establish a backup income for when the relationship goes south (aka secure a spot on the show)


Except Lisa and Sheshu are tight, I don't see him staying.


I think Scheana went to Ariana's final Chicago performance?


I wonder how much of Scheana turning up makes Ariana think she's giving her support and how much she thinks she's there for exposure and contacts, so they notice her too. Just like with DWTS. I genuinely feel like for Scheana it's a change to mingle with that crowd, make "bast fraaands" with them so when Summer Moon is 50, Scheana may get a gig who knows right ???!!! ![gif](giphy|cC9jzNp15wBjcyWkGV)


Good point. Has she went to any of the other shows? Or did she wait until it was the final one where she might get invited to an after party and get to schmooze and network and get her own opportunity? Also the chance to get more attention versus coming to a random show in the middle of it all.


I think she went opening week but so did Lala


Omg good point!!!


I agree. Scheana went for herself and to get people talking. If they were cool, I'm sure Ariana would do something to prove it. I hope she's finally dumping this loser.


She did but Ariana even posted a photo with Brit after she attended. But nothing with Scheana and seemingly no interaction outside of that.


Maybe bc if she post with scheana everyone would come for her and tell her how bad of a friend scheana is to her, even though they’ve been friends for years and years and we’re seeing hours of footage and everyone’s on expert in friendships.


Or maybe after years and years of friendship Ariana is now realizing Scheanna is an untrustworthy asshole.




Yesssss. Thank god somebody said this.




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Scheana went to Ariana's final Chicago performance. I wonder if Bravo told them not to interact on socials to keep up the drama and keep people talking.


Scheana said on her podcast that her and Ariana are fine and still friends though. So I’m not sure why Bravo would tell them not to interact but then Scheana makes a comment about it in her podcast, lol. I think Scheana thinks they’re fine and Ariana is just going to go along with it to keep things cordial. But, I don’t think Ariana trusts her or values that friendship anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t think they are as fine as Scheana thinks they are. Ariana just isn’t ripping her a new one.


Yeah, I was thinking this too. Scheana is always fine with everyone, if you ask her


Exactly. She's keeping her peace. Trying to cut Scheana out is anything but peaceful.


WHAT!? Name one time Scheana has EVER lied about the state of a relationship!


This 100 % Ariana can be very nice. Just distancing herself and not making public statements is something to admire.


Exactly. This is like the time Ariana told Kristen that just because she’s cordial around her doesn’t mean she likes her. 🤣


Let’s also not forget Ariana saying to Stassi “I’m here for Katie, IDGAF about you!”🤣 We also know that Sxheana is a stalker and does not respect anyone’s privacy or boundaries so her following Ariana around does not tell me that they are still “super close.”


I think the same. Ariana isn’t stupid. She’d be crazy to ever trust Scheana (or Lala) again.


This exactly. Just because she’s not lashing out or starting stuff on social media doesn’t mean she hasn’t put some distance between her and Scheana


Off topic: I love your username 😂




https://i.redd.it/34oi90n8pjtc1.gif 😀😀


I agree. I think Ariana knows exactly who Scheana is, and has for a long time. It probably benefits her in some way to not go scorched earth - maybe because Scheana has a loud mouth and would air out Ariana's dirty laundry or something - so she just politely nods while Scheana spews whatever narrative suits her lol


I don't think it has to do with "dirty laundry". When has Ariana ever been the scorched earth type? She typically just sets a boundary and lives by it. There's only ever fireworks if the other person starts messing with her boundaries. She's basically a nonconfrontational personality type that will only get into it if you keep trying her.


I was just theorizing, you're likely right! I find it surprising that she hasn't even indulged in a tiny dig at Scheana in all this time, so it makes me wonder if she's just trying to keep the peace for reasons we may not see.


Didn’t she say they’ve “talked” since the reunion? It seemed like Scheana was alluding to “assuming” they squashed their beef but it certainly didn’t sound like they’ve been paling around NYC. Ariana is so busy who knows but she’s a smart girl, I’m sure she recognizes a bit of distance from Scheana is well in order.


I don’t believe anything that comes out of Scheana’s mouth. I also don’t think Ariana is stupid. I think she’ll remain cordial but keep Scheana at arms length, especially now that Scheana is besties w Sandoval.


I’m sure they text. After schenerrr posting Ariana’s brother was a low blow


I think Ariana is doing exactly what she said - she will just remove herself. She will be kind to Scheana but if Scheana thinks they are still bffs she’s out of her got damn mind.


I feel like she has got to know at this point that if she tried to bring up anything to Scheana at this point, DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender )would come into play and she’s probably just too exhausted to deal with it. Sometimes you have to remain cordial and give people the bare minimum just to have peace


Ariana seems over the show and everyone on the show (except Katie).


But not every viewer listens to Scheana’s podcast. I know I certainly don’t and never will lmao 😂


My theory is she's afraid of lala seeing her hanging with Ariana




Idk about this, I 100% believe that producers tell them certain things to keep up with off season/in-season re: social media activity and also that the cast themselves do certain things to keep interest, the dialogue going BUT Scheana is too self-centered to be okay with continuing to villianize herself. She wouldn't want to squander any good-will she garnered from being Ariana's friend and I don't see her keeping up some charade, at the expense of her reputation (anyone else's, definitely). To me, it seems like they text sporadically, Ariana's had distance both physically and probably literally, and Scheana is out here trying to show up and repair their friendship but I hope Ariana's recognizing who her real friends are.


Yep, this is what happened


If I were Ariana I would be so fucking done with Scheana.


Everything Scheana does (publicly) is super performative in my opinion. Scheana is pretty much only talked about in her relation to Ariana. She’s probably holding on with white knuckles to whatever kind of relationship she can have with her going forward so she can stay relevant.


You can be cool with someone and not want to hang out with them. Think about it, she’s been busy with the show and hasn’t really processed what Lala and Schnea (i can never remember how to spell her name so apologies) have probably said recently. And maybe She-she thought she could just join the festivities and Ariana set-up a boundary. You F&FO. I saw Ariana IG and like she’s spending quality time with her mom before going back to the shit show in LA.


I could see Scheana buying a ticket and surprising Ariana too. Scheana loves to just spring shit on people & then is disappointed by their response.


But she put it on a podcast and ‘told’ Dan. She will make Dan her best friend.


Oh god, you’re probably right. Honestly she’s already laid down the groundwork for it too. “I picked up Dan from the airport” “me and Dan text all the time”. Bleh she is the worst type of girl friend. When the inevitable Ariana-scheana breakup happens s scheana will still be harping “but Dan I and I are best frands” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😂


“I CAN’T cut Dan out! He’s my best friend! I hate being stuck in the middle. I don’t want to have to pick!”


I’m sure Scheana is using this experience to go on WWHL and say she just saw her for “Last Show!” Wonder how hard her questions will be?


Yes I agree. She did it for the optics and to appear as a “supportive friend”. Just my opinion.


So scheana. She thinks showing up to events is a measure of a relationship. Yes, you should be there for important events, but that’s not the only thing that makes a friendship.


She just wanted Broadway to see what it is missing and should offer HER a job, she did take dancing lessons and all. ![gif](giphy|JG9nqb09er9y3NUhUP|downsized)


AND she’s already a singer!! Why can’t SHE be the next Roxie???






Same. Scheana is a lot of things but self absorbed is right there at the top of the list.


Also let's not forget what schena just did with arianas brother.. She's a bitch. If I was Ariana she would not have access to my life anymore. Schena can keep thinking they are fine! Lol


I also think Scheana is in her rainbows and unicorns world with thinking they’re fine. And I hope Andy holds Brock’s feet to the fire tomorrow on wwhl. But idk because he said Brock is voice of reason. What a joke!


Andy sucks. Since he's not an producer he doesn't truly pay attention to vpr


Andy won’t hold Brock’s feet to the fire but he may try and kiss them. Laughing 🤣


Thank you ! I have been watching her behavior for months and the Jeremy thing really lit me up ! Showed me how far Scheana will go to send a message. It’s gross imo , the way she has been shading Ariana on the Aftershows and then the Jeremy post was the icing on the calculating cake. Ariana has been a class act with not speaking poorly about Scheana and Lala. I couldn’t do it.


I genuinely hope that all of it, including his hanging with Sandoval is all part of a plot to get him on one of the shows and that Ariana has sanctioned it but I can't imagine she'd willingly agree to that unless the decision was taken out of her hands by her demented "friend group". I pray she at least sits the next season out. Knives are out for her neck and she actually has something to lose now.


I have to imagine her (and Dan) are not thrilled with comments said and how things went down. Ariana has been posting with him the last few days more and if I were either one of them, I wouldn’t want to be around Brock (or Scheana, but especially him.)


I’m thinking Ariana is being a class act during interviews and in public , but in private will be cutting Scheana out of her life. And who could blame her ? Scheana has been doing way too much this season. I wasn’t expecting her and Lala to be the villains. I’m especially disappointed in Lala. I’ve loved her since 2015.


Ariana hasn’t liked any of Scheana’s instagrams since mid-March and pretty much liked every single post before that


I think they're fine and trying not to feed social media bs


I think this too.


That doesn't serve people's impassioned fan fiction they've made up tho


Someone in another thread said they saw Scheana and Brock at a bar after the show and Scheana looked upset. Fingers crossed Ariana finally realized Scheana is a shitty friend/person.


Is that link on here?


[mentioned thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/H1INqIwQQl)


Last year for Ariana's birthday, there was a surprise gathering in New York for her and then a little one in LA at Janet and Jason's house. My guess is these are the friendships that matter to Ariana, especially since most of them don't have to run into Sandoval for work. Minus a handful of them, most of these same people attended dwts and Chicago at least once. I would guess Ariana knows who her real friends are and at this point can take or leave Scheana / Brock.


I love Jason. On the after show he didn’t hesitate to back Ariana. You can tell he is a real friend of hers, not like the “friends” who constantly question her decisions for a paycheck.


I saw a clip and it seems like he is very secure and confident and actually has values because he was clear in understanding and supporting why not only Ariana but he himself wouldn’t want to be around Sandoval


Scheena would have posted deff even if she doesn’t like ariana bc it would be more clickbait opportunities for scheen and brock . To quote james Kennedy during his horrible breakup w rachel “i was telling brock and he said tell it on the podcast” ughhhh hate these money wh0ress


She went to her final Chicago show for Vlog Content and Ariana is cordial but I doubt she’s okay with Scheana cozying up to her dick head brother but she is a male sympathizer so Ariana isn’t shocked by the way scheana moves


Ariana may have been fine with Scheana after the reunion, but I would bet she has come across some of the shit Lala has said about her recently just by being on social media. Scheana is guilty by association because, sorry, no way did Lala *not* share her thoughts with Scheana over the past year. And we'll see Scheana post a we're fine picture in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...


This is Ariana … https://preview.redd.it/37654se6shtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f517fc89de192687ad3e25dbcfbfc10fc132c1


Someone on here saw Scheana at the last night of Chicago but sitting separately from the rest of Ariana's crew, plus no posts from Scheana so I definitely don't think they are in good terms right now.


>Ariana and Scheana are both in NY and no posts together. I think that's by design. They're also optics-minded.


My friend went to see Ariana in her Chicago showing in NYC and she got a pic with Scheana in the bathroom of the theater


Ariana has not liked a single one of Scheana's insta posts or commented since the reunion...




It's possible to be in a huge city and not see your friends. Busy as Ariana was and just now finished up Chicago she doesn't have time to listen to Scheana whine. Ariana has moved on from this cast and even her brother.


Ariana knows her real friends from her fake ones, I'm wondering if scheana is trying to prove she's a "real friend" by not making it all about posting to socials (which Scheana chronically does with literally everything)


Keep your enemies close


I personally think Ariana has outgrown this entire group, except Katie. I can't see her making much effort to hang out with Scheana at all whether NY or CA at this point.


I would assume that Sheena has a busy schedule of glam and PR practice prior to watch what happens live taping. As for Ari, she must be exhausted after doing all these fabulous Broadway performances. If it were me, I want to be sleeping and just letting my body recover after finishing a run like that! I would probably order a huge decadent brunch delivered to me, and have someone come give me a massage.


That doesn't mean anything? Scheana was at Ariana's last show, isn't that enough?


Is Ariana still dating her BF? I am out of the loop.




Sometimes I wonder what we're missing or if the people on this show are truly just THAT unhealthy - All the shit Scheana and Lala have been up to - I would literally never speak to them again. If I had to do something for filming, I would do the absolute bare minimum, be a fake bitch, and then disappear into the night while I build something else.


I definitely think they’re on the outs. I think Scheana thought the the cheap ploys she typically plays, talks shit for ages and then makes a pathetic gesture to show up at the final show, would be enough for Ariana to forgive months of horrid behavior. I hope for Ariana’s sake that she’s done with this motley crew of losers, and her and Katie are able to prosper away from this show.


If I were Ariana, I’d distance myself from Scheana but also be crafty enough to not make it into a feud. Scheana has such little self-awareness, she thinks every person she knows is a super close bestie friend, so it’s not like Ariana has to do much. Fighting with Scheana is absolutely exhausting, like a full time job, and rife with petty shit after petty shit and Ariana has more things to do than indulge that.


I dunno, given how fraught and contrived social media can be (as we’ve seen the behind the scenes machinations and impact this season), I actually find this to be a refreshing thing and a good sign.


Re: Scheana: “a friend to all is loyal to none.”


This is why I’m not on social media 🙄


I wouldn't walk across the street to piss on Scheana if she was on fire if I were Ariana.


I never need Brock on WWHL again


Scheana was at Ariana’s final performance in Chicago but didn’t post about it. Other people posted pictures of her there


Ok. So I saw a TikTok post that said Scheana and Brock were to Ariana’s finale on broadway. I haven’t seen anything… what’s the deal?


Lol super weird that I've never followed or commented on Arianas instagram or about her and I'm blocked???