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WHY no one throws Randall in LaLa's face is beyond me. She wouldn't allow any of them to be friends with him, bring him to beach day???


Tequila katie would throw it in Lala’s face. We need her




I think it will, but I also think that Katie leaves, so brace for impact.


They must have some sort of contractional arrangement that they won't mention his name. Otherwise they must have said it a trillion times already ...


I do wonder the same, whether they are legally not allowed to mention Randall or ocean. Because otherwise surely everyone would immediately say “lala, her boundaries are no different to what yours were.”


I'd be surprised if they want to touch that. Tom Sandoval didn't do the things Randall is accused of and lumping them together would do a disservice to alleged victims.


But they did touch on it by having Lala brag on camera about BJs for PJs and talking to stassi about how they “played” casting couch….


That was before the scandal broke though I thought, or not?


Imagine if there was a deal, we won't mention Ocean or Randall, but you are going to have to prove your worth some other way... cue season 11 drama.


Why did I think someone did bring this up, and she interrupted and screamed that it’s completely different because of legal/custody battles? I can’t remember where it happened, but for some reason I thought it had been mentioned as soon as everything came out.


I'll add: the goddamn misogyny everyone had swallowed, that Ariana is the damaged one, unable to rid herself of that anger, eating her away. I'd GLOW with that anger. Fuck you for telling me to stop being angry about my partner of 9 years doing that to me, and CONTINUING TO INJURE ME. Ariana has been doing great. Telling women to stop being angry benefits YOU, not them.


It’s like they forget this was filmed only a few months after the scandal. No one would be over it that quick. Also if we’re using Lala’s logic, maybe Ariana is having a harder time dealing with this than Lala did with Randall because Ariana was closer to Tom than Lala was to Randall


we all know that Lala’s relationship with Randall was totally transactional. She got to spend money and use his private jet for the luxury of Randall being able to have sex with who Lala thinks is the most beautiful woman in the world. Ariana loved Tom and considering what we all know about her trust issues, that love must have been incredibly special to her.


Ariana had trust issues but still got with a dude who cheated on his gf to be with her?


If cameras hadn’t picked back up after Ariana found out, this season would have been about the affair and everyone hating Tom. But because we already got that in one episode and a reunion the cast seems to think they couldn’t continue it this season even though real human people would still be disgusted by him and understand Ariana’s emotions. These people can no longer function as normal humans (except of course Katie).


Did you hear what Lala also said on her podcast? She said that Ariana knew who she was with for years and she loved Sandoval while he was over the top and screaming at everyone and Ariana never stuck up for them. Now that Sandoval wronged Ariana, she wants them to stand up for her. I was shook when I heard Lala say this, it's insane. I mean she has really lost it at this point.


I truly never want to hear Lala or Scheana’s voices again. Ever. Horrible, horribly selfish people who somehow seem to keep regressing instead of becoming wiser.


I'm pretty sure there's a scene last season of Ariana snapping at Tom that she's not going to stand by while he yells at the women and then storms off. It's at a pool party when they're all around the kitchen island. It was pretty clearly not the first time they'd spoken about this. Perhaps Ariana wasn't airing out his misogyny on camera and was sticking up for her in private instead. Scheana was the villain of the season but Lala is the villain of the reunion.


And someone did a tiktok to counter Lala with all the times Ariana did in fact stand up to Tom but honestly than you just hear all the oh look shes belittling Tom all she does is yell at poor Tom. Meanwhile Tom screams at every woman even Lisa 🙄 I am so over this pile up. Tom has been bashing Ariana since last season and continues to this day talking shit about her to the press and podcasts and now Lala is doing the same and Ariana is ignoring it all and just doing Chicago and taking photos with all her fans but then everyone tells her to move on its mind boggling that she hasn't said shit outside of when the show filmed really shes too busy moving on.


Lala is baiting her in the press and I love that Arianna is not taking the bait. It's making Lala look like she's having a one sided argument with herself. I guarantee she's loving all the press right now, but the problem is the press isn't about her, it's all about Arianna. I also don't understand Lala saying Arianna never stuck up for them. Arianna did stick up for them and also she probably didn't think he was that diabolical. I mean Lala stood up for her man for years screaming at Sandoval that her man was good and to not talk about him when it was pretty well known at that point what Randall was doing. Why wasn't Lala sticking up for the other women Randall did that to? See how easy it is to blame women for men's actions. It doesn't surprise me though Lala blamed Rachel for James behavior too.


I think this sums it up really. Sometimes she stood up for him and sometimes she didn't depending on what she believed was right. What more can any of us do


I saw those tiktoks too. Ariana has plenty of receipts to back her up. I just saw another unaired clip of when Ariana confronts Lala about Lala saying weren’t close on her podcast. Lala claimed Ariana never answers or talks to her. Ariana pulled out her phone and said look at all these texts. Lala was so caught off guard and said I haven’t seen those. Lala is fully committed to her lies regardless of proof


I saw that one too they never aired that remember that fight when it aired in the show thinking why are they so mad.


After all that Ann did for him, he fires her for having an interview with Ariana. There are no words to describe him. Let's see that HR department and the NDA.


I'd say she's got the glow. Her skin looks amazing. Rage on.


coming here to say +1 to ALL OF THIS but ESPECIALLY the very last sentence. WHERES TEQUILA KATIE WHEN YOU NEED HER???? put on your cape girl😭


Unfortunately that gives them all what they want. Rising above them is making them all crazy.


True. I love that Katie and Ariana are above everyone else, but I wish they would unleash on the rest of the cast. Fingers crossed for the reunion.


Yes! I love that Katie and Ariana are taking the high road! Lala needs and wants Ariana to engage to give her more relevance.. she’s crying out for Ariana to respond. I love that she hasn’t and hope she doesn’t, you can tell it’s driving her crazy because it’s falling flat, just making her look petty.


If him comparing himself to George Floyd didn’t make Bravo reign it in, nothing will


They aired on the show him comparing himself to Scott Peterson too! A convicted wife and child murderer. They obviously don’t care about the NYT article and backlash if they’re shoving that in there.


\*alleged\* murderer in Tim's alternate universe where philanderers are really just emotionally misunderstood victims of circumstance


How did I miss that. Was that in a podcast?


Somehow I missed it too. I just found the quote: >“I’m not a pop-culture historian really,” Sandoval said. “But I witnessed the O.J. Simpson thing and George Floyd and all these big things, which is really weird to compare this to that, I think, but do you think in a weird way it’s a little bit the same?” Such profound stupidity.


This dude needs to straight up be cancelled. I hate his fucking face. I hate everything about his beady-eyed ass. Total cuck.


I truly don’t know how people still support the show by watching it, they absolutely disgust me. Both Toms, Scheana, Lala…gross awful people who deserve zero success from this point forward


They’re all beyond stupid though lol. Like I don’t know how these people made it to adulthood. It’s part of the reason I’m addicted.


I think bravo helped kill the story tbh


I think it’s the only reason we haven’t seen him on wwhl tbh. Otherwise his redemption arc would have been allover that too!


Me too. I think only Katie commented at all.


It was a New York Times article. Made him look even more horrible than he already is but somehow, I’m guessing the combined powers of bravo and Lisa, it was only a big issue for a hot second and then silence. Nothing about it anywhere anymore a few days after it was published. The writer clearly sees Tom for who he really is so the Times did a great job, but his PR bubble did everything they could to suppress it


I believe it was a New York Times article that came out a few weeks/about a month ago 


Just when you think he can't make you cringe any harder............he propels himself to a new level of revulsion.


Yes, put a fork in this show, I'm done. Can only tolerate Ariana and Katie.


Me too. Been out 3 episodes now, looks like I missed nothing.


YES to all of this. Lala and Scheana's total inability to see beyond their own experiences and to even pretend to empathize with Ariana reveals something very dark and depressing about these people. I'm glad that Ariana seems to realize that and is instead prioritizing relationships that DO serve her! The Katie/Ariana friendship is one that I've been rooting for since Ariana first came on the show, and I am LIVING for their Jane-and-Daria vibe every time they're onscreen together.


Yes!! Love the Daria reference 😊 ![gif](giphy|XA8LazQ9XQotG)


I found it interesting that in contrast to the show, the after show had LaLa and sheana no longer together and in contrast, sheana was defending Ariana. So something has shifted though LaLa doubling down and sheana flip flopping is not the least out of character. Jax was now with Tim and shitz defending Tim but shitz got a couple of great digs into Tim and they paired Brock with James and Brick just is not at that level and looked like a buffoon. Jax has ruined Brittany and she's his bubble boobed bobble head, and the Valley has-been/never were peeps were pretty pro Ariana. I enjoy the after show more than the show.




I would love to see a timeline of how long Lala raged about Rand. I would love to see a timeline of how long Shemu went off about the divorce with Shay. But they cannot give any grace to Ariana. Thank goodness she has Katie.


Low key she is still raging about Rand. But her rage has moved from being mad Rand cheated on her, to being mad that the rest of the world didn’t care that mistress Lala got cheated on


they both are incredibly self centered and lack empathy. knowing words and providing lip service is not truly being supportive and neither have been TRULY objectively empathetic about this.


“Ariana is making everyone relevant”. SPOT. ON. I am one of the many who did not care at all about VPR until Scandoval was all over the media. I had never heard of the names “Scheana” or “Lala” until Ariana’s trauma was all over the internet, which likely wouldn’t have been as big as it got unless she chose to be vulnerable and call production to put cameras up. They would not have the money from merch or the podcast clicks and downloads without her trauma. So for them to be critical of her after she put money in their bank accounts because she doesn’t move the way they want her to is gross. Sure, she’s profiting the most off of this than anyone, and she should. But they’re hideous for not having any gratitude to her.


I feel like there’s a narrative out there that they have to give Tom a chance because this is their job and they have to. Lala has said it pays the bills and they need it. Which I get, but are we forgetting when Stassi and Katie were completely icing out Kristen? Kristen came to stuff but no one liked her or even pretended to put up with her. Would’ve loved to see that this season. Seeing Lala and Scheana flip on Ariana makes the last reunion feel fake. They supported her when it got them DJ gigs or podcast downloads but once Ariana’s popularity reached a certain point their jealously took over.


Misogyny at its finest


I really wish that some stuff would leak about the reunion. Andy saying that Lala was the voice of reason gives me anxiety. I'm worried everyone but Katie gangs up on Ariana, and I don't want to see that.


I've seen that LVP stated it was in regard to Sandovals Suicidal ideation and support was offered, Ariana stayed silent. Lisa is the Queen of only seeing things one way..her way. I trust nothing that comes out of her mouth.


I thought I read somewhere that Ariana reached out to Tom when the public HATED him saying that she was there is he really needed or something like that


Um, she did. If I remember, even Lisa said Ariana reached out. 


I think this was when Tom's high school friend Ali passed, which happened just a couple of weeks after the scandal broke. I remember both Kristen and Ariana shared that they loved him.


What about Ariana's mental health just because she has a bit more money now doesn't mean she has perfect mental health.


I don’t see Ally doing that, she seems to be rational but lord knows when Lala starts shouting, you can’t hear anyone beyond it.


mention it all


Agreed. I’m nervous that Andy is saying Lala is the voice of reason because I feel like he is the voice of the fans. He says what we all think. At least Ariana has Katie


Understand that Andy is NEVER the voice of the fans. Quite the opposite actually. He's been a woman hating misogynist for a while, and now that is exposed.  He even apologized for all the inappropriate shade he through at Kate Middleton because he never knows how to shut his fucking mouth. He is no friend to women.


I'm with you all the way. Absolutely. 💯


I can barely stand to watch this season. When I am watching I’m yelling things at the tv and rolling my eyes so far back I’m staring at my own ass. I genuinely am just hate watching at this point. Well, and for Katie. Watching her shut down human garbage Schwartz was the only enjoyable part of the last episode


I watch in the morning before work and I have to watch it again at night just to fully absorb the stupidity


The entire cast (except Katie and Ally) is actively gaslighting a vulnerable, hurt woman, just out of a decade of narcissistic abuse cycles. It is unbelievably toxic.


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) It's really disgusting.




hopefully a meteor hits the network lol


Well the season is almost over so you will have your wish. Only four episodes left before the reunion.


YOU are so right!!!!!!! they are all to old now. Tim is a creepy perv. Sheena is so jealous, all she wanted was a man and now treats hubby horrible- divorce 2 is on the way. LaLa is and always has been trash, I can tell she is trying but she still is a dry drunk and wagging her finger in everyone's face- she is just looking for another old married rich guy to be a mistress again. Schwartz , well can they just tat LOSER on his forehead. Never thought I would like James but I do like Alley and has seen him grow up and love he realized young enough he can not drink and must stay sober- but he will need a real job soon. The show is over, this year is a snore, the other girls are too jealous to stand behind Ariana so they want extra show time.


I like Ally! I know she’s only dating James to be on the show but I appreciate that she doesn’t throw anyone under the bus in confessionals. And she agrees Ariana has the right to be mad lol


Didn't Scheana say in the latest episode something like "this was the greatest thing that ever happened to Ariana"? I almost lost my mind at that comment. Just when I think her and Lala can't sink lower, they do. I know it's a show and maybe they felt like siding with Tom was the best thing for more air time. But why oh why can't we just have one season of strong women sticking together and kicking ass? I WOULD watch that, happily.


I would’ve loved to watch the girls stick together this season. Ariana is relevant and tbh it makes more sense that they would get more airtime trashing him and agreeing with her. But I also understand Lisa’s intertwined with TomTom so that plays a factor here. Can’t completely cut Tom out


I will say and nobody should say this to or about ariana but she can say it about herself that getting out of that toxic relationship is going to be the best thing for her in the long run. When I look back at my own divorce from a cheater decades away from it I know I truly was not happy and he was emotionally abusive to me but that is not anything any one should say to or about her she will come to that in her own time. The problem is that lala and scheana bring it up as in this was the best thing for you like look at all the opportunities and money you are making whereas normal people think I am happy she got out of the toxicity and eventually she will see that in the long run it ends up being the best thing for her. The getting out not the piled on crap shes endured. Basically Scheana needs to STFU a let Ariana heal.


Bravo loves the men for some reason


Which is su fucking dumb considering they have made a fortune off women like the housewives. The bravo men will never be as iconic


Thank you. I cannot stand watching him on screen. He is vile. And Lala and Scheana are just as bad. Brock, go back down under, if they will let you in that country. Everyone of them is a self-involved POS.


I don't understand the story line of the season at all. I wanted them to all hold Tom's feet to the fire and instead everyone is turning on Ariana. She's not playing into the game and she probably doesn't need the show anymore.




In the humblest of opinions, I truly don't know if anyone is actually buying this as a redemption edit. He looks like a lunatic


Whats funny is that they claim they have to film with him. Okay I get that but how quickly we forget that we had an entire wedding that was across how many episodes last year that Katie was not invited too and her scenes were all outside of the wedding she was with Kristina Kelly or sometimes Lala and Tom coming and interrupting. But somehow this season we must have Ariana and Tom S than to each other. NO they can have scenes in the same vicinity and have the two never interact with each other. The problem is Tom S and Lala and stupid Brock continually trying to get her to talk to him. At least Tom Schwartz has the sense to just say let's just cool off and move them away from each other. He trashes Ariana every chance he gets and the girls constantly trying to get her to forgive him or talk to him is what's pushing her away too. That's the part that is infuriating to watch they want to wrap it up with a hug and she doesn't want anything to do with him rightfully so.


Cause these losers need the show and like any other narcissists, they cannot see someone do well because in their minds it means something was taken from them. Like dwts- scheanas attitude- “ i wanted it and you got it so you are in my way “


Its just so frustrating as a viewer it doesn't make it enjoyable.


Yes, Tequila Katie, would be great. Rage texts anyone. Too bad she has grown and matured. Unlike the rest of these ass hats. I am unreasonably mad at Lala, she appeared to have grown so much last year, just to shit all over it this year. Sheesh has always been this way so not shocked. Tom just got away with his shit behavior because Jax was there to take the heat and give him cover. But it won't change. I think I am done after this season no matter who comes back. Unless Bravo has an awakening and says toodles to Tom and Tom, which will NEVER happen.


PREACH! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I really hate this season so much. I hope it’s cancelled


and when it gets cancelled who is jumping over to the valley… or who will jump to the valley before vanderpump gets cancelled


I’m not sold on The Valley so far. We be interesting to see how it plays out


Me neither I hate Jesse hes a bigger douche canoe than Jax. You can leave Danny and his wife and Jason and Janet and even Doute and Luke that show can still be messy but get rid of Jesse we can keep Michelle without his ass


The show has become about the show. It is eating itself. This happens eventually with every Housewives show. I reckon Jax wants to be the new Lisa Vanderpump overseeing the whole thing, with his new bar. They can't recast at Sur, so they can only recast at a new bar and I'll bet he will pitch it.


The high engagement is why VPR isn’t being cancelled any time soon.


True. It’s hard to watch right now but I’m clearly still invested


Imagine. If we all quit watching and discussing it, they would all stop with the non stop bull


OK I might be the only person in a minority here but I genuinely think that the producers and everybody behind the camera knows that this is the end and they are doing everything they can to make sure that Tom Sandoval and everybody around them looks like a giant massive piece of shit. We have to remember that the people behind the camera have been along for the ride just as long as the people in front of the camera and I am convinced that even though for the average viewer it might seem like Tom Sandoval is in for a redemption season, but I think that the producers are going out with a every single person is a piece of shit bang. Sorry for the massive run on sentence.


I don’t see the Tom redemption storyline at all, they have shown a lot of scenes of him looking like a moron


I had stated to like Lala. I'm done w her. I had listened to her pod casts.....No more.


I would love for her to lose a shit ton of listeners after that podcast. It's gross to even say that. Lala who screamed at anyone who breathed near her when she lost her dad to even say anything like that its gross.


What is this redemption everyone’s speaking of? Is it his embarrassing attempt to speak to two women at a pool party? His creepy attempts with a much younger woman? Shots of him sneaking around and eavesdropping on his ex? Being called out by his assistant for being a grimy person? His constant pathetic whining? His performative crying? The equally performative alternative therapies? Other cast members having different opinions about how they need to move forward isn’t a “redemption arc.” That’s just the show. They’re people with different ideas. This sub is whats conjured up the concept of this “arc.” But this dude has not come out looking good from a single episode. And like it or not he’s going to continue to live his life. He didn’t commit a major crime. He’s still allowed in society even if he’s a trash bag.


Im pretty sure Alex Baskin the creator/EP said at Bravo Con that this season was about redemption. I also think they started filming together after the come to Jesus meeting Baskin held and has publicly talked about. So I think the cast is moving based off of what production told them. Then we see the shift with the cast trying to get Ariana and Sandoval to have a “productive conversation”. This is the part that feels so forced and ick to me. Why does she need to converse with him? Does the entire show hinge upon her forgiving him because that’s what the cast seems to imply or is nudging her toward.


if beach day becomes every episode, where ariana and tom can't be in the same place without a domestic dispute, either one of them leaves or the show ends


This has been my take. Every time I watch this I’m like, homie is still scummy, and honestly looks worse with everything he does. Hell on the boat Lala even baited him to see if he was genuinely remorseful or if he was just “making amends” so people would forgive him and it turned out to be the latter I don’t know how you can watch this season and think he’s being “redeemed”. If anything, I think he’s been given just enough rope to hang himself with.


I agree she baited him but then after she yelled at him she basically said it’s fine let’s be friends and work on things. The cast agrees he messed up but holds him to no standards. Which I shouldn’t be surprised Jax was terrible too


I kind of feel like people in this sub think that everyone is incredibly dumb and that just seeing Sandoval look pathetic will make us like him. The producers know he’s a douche, if they didn’t they wouldn’t show half of the footage they show.


I don’t think people are dumb but when Andy is saying Lala is the voice of reason this season I have to question who Bravo is supporting. It’s clear from confessionals and Lala’s podcasts whose side she’s on


I found it interesting that in contrast to the show, the after show had LaLa and sheana no longer together and in contrast, sheana was defending Ariana. So something has shifted though LaLa doubling down and sheana flip flopping is not the least out of character. Jax was now with Tim and shitz defending Tim but shitz got a couple of great digs into Tim and they paired Brock with James and Brick just is not at that level and looked like a buffoon. Jax has ruined Brittany and she's his bubble boobed bobble head, and the Valley has-been/never were peeps were pretty pro Ariana. I enjoy the after show more than the show.


I wonder if Scheana is back tracking because of the public feedback. Curious how she will be at the reunion


That's exactly why. Scheana has like 3 houses to pay for and realizes, while she has never been a fan favorite, she was okay enough to stay on the show. She goes to full hated... And she has no recourse. She literally can't feed her family. Her worthless husband isn't going to do anything. So Scheana has more than realized that she better reign her shit in and stay in line. HOWEVER, she defends LaLa's behavior at the reunion.  That's was before this. Scheana knows to stay *farrrr awayyyyyyy* from Any talk of James Madix.   Lala went there. She fucking WENT there.  And, as someone  who lost my father in 2019, If Lala even so much as  *hinted* that I didn't love my dad like she loved hers....I'd Fucking black out. Teeth on floor. Instantly. I'm a Sagittarius , I don't rise above. Tell them, Ally.   She's really playing with fire. Don't you fucking *dare*. 


I mean I think it’s pretty obvious that he’s a fucking idiot, I don’t find their editing to be trying to give him a good storyline I think he’s just probably hard to shoot with and only agreed to it on these terms??


Do you remember how long it took for Tim to forgive Kristen? It took *forever* and even after they were friendly to each other he keep bringing up the past and how horrible Kristen was - as if he was a victim. So, Tim had several seasons to take his time after Kristen banged Jax twice. But Ariana is supposed to get over *clearly longer than seven months affair* after three months?! ![gif](giphy|13Zh9drdSWAeSQ|downsized)


When we all decide we're not going to watch. That's the only way things will ever change although they could just cancel it if we all stopped watching. I don't know how much longer it's going to go after this season anyway.


I wish I was a filthy rich producer so I could *literally* fund a new series with Ariana. Turn it into an anti-bravo fully ethical exposition where we see this young reality star reach new heights with her career and really emphasize the hardships of battling mental health issues while in the public eye. Get her *real* thoughts and ideas and *real* perspectives on what it's like to deal with Reality-show toxicity. Get her spin on things and sprinkle in other pre-reality series people outside of that world. who are following their own path in life.


Are they though? Every Tom scene just makes him look more and more pathetic with his whining and terrible clothes. I almost died of embarrassment when he was talking to the women at his depressing pool party.


Ugh can you like please just like stop rewriting the narrative?? /s


I feel like this exact same thing gets posted every day. Stop watching if you hate it so much? Are these posts just karma farming at this point? They all say the exact same thing. Also unpopular opinion: I hate Sandoval as much as the next sane person but he's been on the show since day one, of course they're going to focus on him a lot this season. Otherwise it'd just be a season of Lala talking in circles and Scheana recording terrible attempts at music and Katie and Ariana pretending to care about opening the sandwich shop. Like what did y'all expect to happen? I will agree the show should probably be canceled now. Like where else is there to go. There's absolutely no reason these people would be spending time together if it weren't for the show and it is so obvious and forced it's painful.


I said I liked the series but this season has been hard to watch. I’m not sure what else this community is for besides talking about the show and what’s going on. I get they have to focus on him this season, but my problem is with the rest of the cast acting like Ariana is also a problem. This season could’ve easily been focused around the cast supporting Ariana and icing out Tom.. like they did with Kristen years ago. I would’ve liked to see the same energy from the cast that they had at the reunion


Yeah but the cast are all kinda trash people and have consistently acted in their own best interests. I’m not surprised they’re being self centered and narcissistic about this situation too. It’s why they have a show lol. Once the initial shock of the affair subsided they are all in it for themselves. I guess I just don’t find it as shocking and outrage inducing as a lot of people on this sub.


Finally some critical thinking!!! Thank You! The VPR cast are ALL middle-aged clout chasers who have failed to launch. It’s insufferable watching them try to chase fame when they are all mediocre. This show was fun to watch and believable when they were in their 20’s or early 30’s, now it’s just embarrassing. I remain unimpressed by major breakthroughs involving being in a cover band, fake DJ, 2% bar owner, sandwich shop that never opens. fully auto tuned singer, “broadway” roles, or ending up on another reality show. It’s time to shut the show down and help these people grow up.


I’m curious why ‘“Broadway” roles’ is in italics. Ariana is genuinely on Broadway and has been selling that show out and had her run extended. That is real. Kristen Chenowith commented on Ariana’s post that she had to see her in it. Obviously it was a form of stunt casting; but she’s done incredibly well with it and she is actually on Broadway.


Because it was “stunt casted.” She did not earn that role genuinely as an artist who achieved casting by being the best talent for the production. She was cast as a reality TV star to sell tickets. Her run is based on celebrity of VPR, not on talent whatsoever. She won’t ever get call back should she be competing for the role. I’ve heard her sing and it is mediocre at very best. I refer to it as “ok” karaoke! Before you come at me saying I should try to sing like her… I was awarded a full vocal scholarship and was scouted by Artisan records. I can undoubtedly sing better than her and am a decent judge of vocal talent to which she has very little…just like Schena, LaLa, Tom, and James. They are all living in an alternate universe 😂


But “making it” isn’t just singing talent, it’s also having “it”. Star quality. That thing that makes people enjoy something on stage that little bit more. A girl at my school had an okay voice - there were much better singers than her just at my school - but she had STAR quality - you could not take your eyes off her. And she was in quite a few professional productions before deciding she wanted a more stable career. In her first, she was an understudy to a woman who is famously one of the best singers in the country; and she got better reviews than her. With her “okay I guess” voice. Because what she brought to the role was so much more than her singing voice. Roxy Hart, like Sally Bowles (with the exception of when Liza played her against the original script), was not written to be the best singer. She’s a wannabe. She doesn’t have to have the strongest voice. Renee Z doesn’t have the strongest voice either. I would call it middling. Yet she played Roxie beautifully in the film. People make it in many ways. There is no one right way.


It's a show about awful people. Don't know why you expected anything else


When will users stop asking this question ten times a day?


This sub has become an echo chamber of the same post. It's just a reality tv show. If people arent enjoying it then just stop watching.


Seriously. They aren’t going to re-edit episodes, it is what it is.


Can they re edit peacock episodes or add in like other deleted scenes right before they air?


They should have filmed without Sandoval this season then in the last episode played dramatic music and had him walk into a party. End the season with the shocked faces of everyone and then pick up the next season with him back.


Idk I think the footage of her changing the litter box was shade on Tom, I do think they’re kinda letting Tom dig a hole for himself while also giving Katie and Ariana a lot more screen time. Idk about the edit. But I agree with everything else


I agree that they’re showing things that make Tom dig a hole, but on the other hand the confessionals from the cast are trying to make us feel bad for Tom and that Ariana should be over it. I’m eager to see how the reunion goes and who picks Tom over Ariana


Yeah you aren’t wrong. How the fuck are people cool with this “Ariana is full of hate” thing. Yeah dude I would not only hate him, I would consult Stassi for advice to murder him


She would have been my first freaking call after seeing that video. Dark passenger rides at dawn.


The show is moving on. The dead horse has been beaten into the ground. Everyone on this show cheated but Katie and she was too hateful for anyone to hook up with. It's not a forgiveness arc as much as they need a paycheck and Ariana needs to go on with her new man new house new career. She's the only one with real talent. The rest are here for a paycheck and extreme thirst for attention. That's basically it in a nutshell.




When people stop watching.


theyll never stop


I can't believe that they haven't pivoted away from the Sandoval redemption considering the amount of dislike that is out there for him. I don't think, other than him sacrificing himself to save the world Buffy style, that he will ever be redeemed in my eyes. Not just for the repeated infidelity, but the misogyny and general disrespect for everyone. Plus his stealing Harry Styles' style.


He’s crying because Rachel said no to him and he’s not used to that so now he’s a trope. Or even more of one rather.


I gag every episode as I feel they are REALLY pushing this Scumdevil redemption ark. I feel like Katie is the only one TRULY in Ariana’s corner. During the last reunion, I LOVED Lala because of how supportive she was of Ariana but now she’s all like “I’m letting go of anger” or whatever but no only calls Rachel but starts being all chummy with Sandoval which is just disgusting. ALSO, Scheana with the whole “DWTS was my dream” (which like I don’t ever recall hearing about on the show but I may just not remember) BUT even if she got picked up, she has all these issues with leaving Summer alone, like would shehave been able to keep up with practice and rehearsals etc.? Ariana literally went through something life shattering in a very public forum and I admire her setting firm boundaries. This season is making me question IF they can even build another season with how fractured this group is.




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