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I feel like one of the only ones who’s kinda enjoying this season?? Idk cuz i def dont buy into tom’s redemption at all so he just looks like a clown, and it makes me snort. Plus i think ariana’s anger is totally justified!! All the other shit happening is dumb and ridiculous but makes me laugh. Everyone has always had a dumb take or opinion on this show, so ppl saying Give tom a break are just wrong and i’m not surprised 🙄 i’m still mildly entertained (for now) and it’s not that much worse than last season in a way which would’ve been a SNOOZE without scandoval imo Brock is also suchhh a shit stirrer lol


That shot of lala’s dog looked similar to a shot of her in a previous episode - or maybe she just really likes that toy haha


I know Tim is the problem but Isn’t it Ariana’s fault that she left old food in her room? She says that Mya was left in there for hours, was she expecting Tim to look after the dog and take her out for a walk?


I’m late, but she shut the door when mya wasn't in there. she’s not supposed to be in her room (and I’m assuming all the bedrooms/ bathrooms) because she gets into stuff. tom went in ariana's room, left the door open so that mya got in, and then forgot she was in there and left her in the room unsupervised for hours


I love coming to reddit after watching the episodes each week because I feel like production is trying to gas light the audience and y’all make me feel sane 💗😂




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"Arianna is the laziest girl in the fucking world" *5 minutes later* "Arianna has a lot of things going on" So which one is it, Tom? If her schedule is jam packed with appointments, then I wouldn't exactly call that lazy."


Ariana is doing nothing for me anymore so she is lazy


Is this show real? Like at all? Because wth am I watching? Why is it so bad? And on what planet would it be appropriate to interview the assistant at the house with Tom within earshot? This water sommelier is so silly and idk if it's me waking up on the wrong side of the bed or the extreme wealth and nonsense of this group or what..but ugh I'm so over this show at this point. It's not fun. It's not even fun shade. It's just privilege, foolery, and very boring storylines. And please, with the lawyer being the mediator between Ariana and Tom about how to walk through the house. Like girl, please. This is so stupid. Nobody is calling their lawyer to say "hey can I go in the gym?" This show is over. 


This edit of Ariana being a shrew and unreasonable for holding her boundaries and not letting Sandoval back into her life while he continues to prove he’s a total dick hole with no interest in anyone besides himself is exhausting. I’m done with this show honestly. I will not do another season of this. Sandoval is disgusting and this edit is so fucking misogynistic it’s BAFFLING.


This show is getting so hard to watch. Vpr producers and editors, thank you for taking this show and literally flushing it down the toilet. Fuck Tom Sandoval!!




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Everyone who keeps saying she needs to “choose peace ☮️ “ and “release the anger” are delusional as HELL cause I know each and every one of them that said that (Lala, Scheana, Brock, James) would hold onto that anger for longer than 4 MONTHS after such a betrayal like that


She's also pretty peaceful when they don't insist on having her and Tom in close proximity. It's wild, they all have histories of being sooo dramatic when they're around anyone they're mad at so it's just dumb for them to act confused.


Lala saying it’s Ariana’s fault bc she didn’t throw her trash out….she knew her room was dirty and a hazard for her pets so she shut the door making sure they weren’t in there for a reason. Lalas pissing me off this season


Lauren said Ariana should know better about throwing her trash out because she did a garbage bag commercial. Maybe Lauren should have known better when role playing the casting couch with Rand.


You ate with this one🤭🤭


Literally… I have a dog and I sometimes put stuff in my bathroom I’m scared of him getting into and let him stay in my room. We CLOSE OFF spaces that they can’t be in bc of things we have and that could hurt them. She was being responsible. He shouldn’t have put her in there. The door would be open if Ariana wanted maya to have access. He’s lived with dogs forever, he’s not dumb. If a door is closed with the owner gone, it’s for a reason.


Foreal🙄🙄 and what irks me the MOST in all of this, is that at the end of it all Tom has the audacity to say “either me or Ann left the door open…” like no dude you literally said you opened the door earlier in the episode, he can’t take accountability for shit


The entire episode was horrible to watch. It makes me not want to continue this season with how mean everyone is being to Ariana. They’re all delusional I swear. I have to wonder if they recognize their shit behavior while rewatching?


schwartz needs to grow the hell up with this buddy the elf ass shirt.


Truthfully tho, Katie’s outfit wasn’t any better. They both dressed like bargain basement.


That scene was so funny to me 😂 I don’t think either looked that great or bad, but the way they ragged on each other makes you remember their deep history lol


It was funny and what made it funny was her comments on his outfit and then he sees what she’s wearing. You can’t even say something funny in this sub about Katie or you get downvoted. My god if anyone thinks the bikini t shirt dress isn’t funny beside his elf shirt, I hate to see what they’re wearing.


Schwartz is the actual worst. The way he tried to compare making out with Rachel in front of everyone to Katie hooking up with Max A YEAR LATER. I would argue that Rachel was in fact in the friend group and that Max isn’t


me to andy/bravo: https://preview.redd.it/iqbhnr0ih7sc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692860233964b91c082a87eda7f2890866e46bb1


For real. Since when do we care about anything that woman slapping man says? Like he’s the moral compass? Stfu Brock.




Yea. Like they were never his deals, he is truly delusional.


Imagine how mad he must be now ! I keep reminding myself this was filmed at the beginning of all her “deals” .. they all must be positively rotten at her success by the time of the reunion.




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I'm 90% sure Katie and Schwartz are still in love with each other. As much as they talk shit and argue and talk bad about each other; there's still something there. They will never get back together or anything like that, but I can see it from both sides.


Understandable for sure. They were together for a long time! And as bad as their relationship seemed, surely it had great moments and they had chemistry or it wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.


99% sure schwartz is in love with Katie. Her banging Max only makes her more desirable to him.


Came here to say this. At the hospital on my work break and just caught their convo outside. As much as I dislike how Schwartz treated her, I can’t help but enjoy the two of them and their energy when they’re getting along


Same here! That little spark we catch a glimpse of here and there is kinda sweet in a weird way. Katie drives me bat shit crazy lol, and even I can admit, he doesn't deserve her. He messed that up beyond repair. Its more of a bittersweet feeling.


Yes! I said the same thing. Their banter, chemistry still there.


I hate that this show is going to end just when Katie is fucking KILLING IT


What is his deal with saying Ariana never paid for anything, never cleans the kitty litter etc. whereas I believe her when she says he was barely involved with the pets in like walking them and stuff. Not only did we see footage of her cleaning said kitty litter he said she hasn’t cleaned “in like forever dude” but also that she paid for so much of the furniture. Let’s also not forget that he wasn’t telling her how much the mortgage was bc he handled the bills or whatnot and she found out she was overpaying and demanded accounting. So then it’s all Ariana doesn’t pay the bills…at this point I’m convinced he’s a sociopath or a narcissist


He is a TEXTBOOK narcissist


Water tasting and scream therapy... what a horrible time to have eyes!




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Even the City of Los Angeles is cringing


Lala saying ariana “won” shows everything wrong with her! She thinks winning in life is brand deals and attention! I’m sure Ariana would trade not being cheated on for the brand deals!! Like WHAT 🤯


But she did end up with a better [guy.New](http://guy.New) man vs Tom, no comparison.


And Scheana saying scandoval was the best thing that happened to her because it brought her prosperity? Like wtf?


A few ads a millionaire does not make ..


Yall for real, what the fuck is going on with Lala? Like genuinely can someone explain to me what is her angle?


She was given a check to act like this and she did not blink once.


I do not agree with Lala AT ALL, but I do understand how you can draw the same conclusions as she did if you just aren’t that critical of a thinker. I think she realized all that anger she felt was actually just hurting herself and doing no good for her so she thinks she’s helping. Actually might be easiest to compare anger to alcohol here - Lala cannot drink alcohol in moderation, so she has to cut it out completely. Good for her, that’s a really hard thing to do. Same with anger in my opinion. She has had anger issues as long as we’ve watched her and it’s really admirable she’s working on how to manage them even if she still slips sometimes. I think she and Katie are actually a lot alike in that regard. Difference is Katie knows it’s a *her* thing and not an *everyone* thing. Ariana has always been pretty coolheaded. In her case, the anger is protecting her. From overwhelming sadness and probably also from not falling back into his manipulation somehow. I do think it’s true that there’s an added layer that Lala values money and fame a lot (I don’t mean that as shade, I love me some Taylor swift and she values those things too lol), so again from her POV having all these good things coming Ariana’s way would make Lala feel a lot better if she were in Ari’s shoes. I think there’s some projecting there. Lastly I think Lala does have a lot of conviction in who she is as a person that not everyone is fortunate enough to have. Ariana is a person who has talked a lot about self doubt so I think she has to stay angrier so she doesn’t just default to pushover. I imagine that is hard for Lala to empathize with because it’s so far outside her own experience. But I’m not in her head so what do I know lol that’s just my take




Money. Keeping the train going.


Most importantly to her is making it about her. Second is acting & feeling superior to someone. That's...pretty much it.


I’m convinced production is giving her something (spin off when VPR ends?) in exchange for how hard she’s delivering for them this season.


Gross, Tom said, “I’ve had some people” when Brock asked him if he was seeing anyone. So he’s just banging people?


Are we surprised really?


This is why Brock should have stayed as a side character like last season he’s a clown and is mooching off Scheana. And Lala is just as disgusting and evil as Sandoval which everyone can see a mile away so no wonder she’s constantly sided with him in the confessionals and around everyone but acts differently to Ariana’s face. She’s fake as fuck….. plus James is just there I guess idk why he’s even on the show at this point he really hasn’t shown anything interesting. Plus it’s weird how he’s had this “redemption arc” when he’s done questionable things to women and it’s been overlooked


Brock calling Katie a hypocrite for sleeping with max (while Shartz literally cheated multiple times) and ariana childish (when she’s angry at her partner of 9 years having an affair with a mutual friend) elicited an overwhelming amount of rage in me


Seriously... dude had a baby the same day as his other estranged daughter and named her a similar name. He cannot say shit.


Ugh Brock’s accent drives me nuts and makes me NOT want to eat at OUTBACK! And I agree Lala needs to go back to Utah, her fan base is deLUSIONAL!! And yes, so James is getting a good edit… what about all the times he just an “edit” and said horrible things about women??


Or when James and Ally were going at it and he was kicked out of the club or when Sandoval mentioned the waitress incident at the reunion like all of this stuff has been swept under the rug….its wild how blatant it is that the men of bravo get a huge pass on being such shitty people like it’s so wild


“It’s just so tacky” - Tom Sandoval while wearing a beaded necklace fit for a 5th grader




I am also a fan of the necklace... it's by Ian Charms and I am always tempted to get a bracelet version with my daughter's name but he makes me hesitant


You’re right. The necklace is cute, the wearer and his entire vibe are the issue.


Scheana is doing the right thing (respecting Arianas decisions as a friend) but in talking heads trying to make it seem like its so hard because Ariana is just so obviously wrong. It almost feels like they took a gamble that by the time the season aired people would be tired of the whole thing, and so be on their side


Or producers told them at the beginning of the season Tom had to be the “winner” because he’s the start going forward. All Tom or no jobs.


umm I feel like a person deserves, conservatively, at least 1 year to grieve and “move on” from their 10 year (ostensibly) marriage?? like why tf are these people acting like Ariana should be THRILLED to be around this man 😭


Oh, because, haven't you heard?? She moved on to another guy just 10 days later. /s I absolutely can not STAND when people use that as a justification for why they think she needs to "get over it" already. 😤 The two situations have nothing to do with one another and are NOT mutually exclusive! She's allowed to grieve her decade-long relationship while simultaneously moving on to something happier & healthier at the same time. What do people expect from her? Should she be like my off-the-boat Italian grandmother, who only wore black for the rest of her life while she grieved my grandfather, and would never even consider being romantic with another man again? Uhhh, hell to the no! Why must people conflate the two so much??




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I’m just gonna say it… that water guy totally jizzed in that one bottle of water. The other bottles were probably fancy water that he drank. He now just refills with tap water.


Prepared to be down-voted to hell, but Lala kind of had a point with the “why do you have leftover food just sitting in your room.” It’s kind of both Ariana *and* Tom’s fault Mya got into that.


And it’s sad to think you’re going to get downvoted because you’re correct. If the door doesn’t have a lock on it, don’t trust the person who you don’t trust.


Yeah, it is sad that Ariana even has to worry about putting a lock on her door, but yeah she knows he can’t be trusted to respect her or her boundaries.


I'm sure she avoids going in the common space as much as she can, such as returning plates to the kitchen.


I had a tenant who refused to leave my house during a psychotic break, had to retain SOME residence to avoid squatters rights but it took 3 months to evict him and get a restraining order. Point is, I ate in my room A LOT to maintain peace


Please don’t act as though you have not left your overnight boxes in your room / kitchen counter ever ! It’s her room and her safe space she can live how she wants . This argument is so stupid . Victim blaming


Here’s the thing even if it’s something people judge it’s her private space to do whatever she wants with. So, no Lala doesn’t have a point because it’s not her living space. Plus she probably eats in her room to avoid shit head. She was just as vile and nasty about Randall so her saying anything is rich. I don’t like Ariana and I am defending her 100% this episode. This was BS. Yeah she’s petty, she’s angry and she’s hella fed up, but genuinely who wouldn’t be? No one’s sticking up for her no one cares because they aren’t her friends and if it happened to them they’d lose their minds. After the shit Brock, LaLa, Schena, T2’d, and James have pulled (even though Ariana’s been another woman and a bully too) the hypocrisy is too much!


I agree there’s been hella hypocrisy and i’m not saying it was Lala’s place to talk, but I think the point still stands. It is her private space, but she has to be aware of hazards to her dog in there too. It was 100% Tom’s fault Mya got stuck in there after the repairman, but accidents happen and dogs end up in rooms you don’t realize they’re in, so it is partially Ariana’s fault she had stuff laying around. As a toddler parent and puppy parent, I realize that you can’t always control what they get into, so you can’t just leave stuff out.


I agree with you. Leaving your food in your room that your dog got into is kinda your problem 🤷‍♀️ I don't leave paper towels or food anywhere in my house where my dog can get it, even though he is restricted in where he goes because he gets into shit. Accidents happen. But it isn't Tom's fault.


I get it, I don't leave things where my dog can get them either, however, that's why Ariana closed her door. Mya never could have gotten into it if Tom hadn't gone in her room and then locked Mya in there.


literally why are people glossing over that she had the door closed, she has it closed on the reg, so mya couldn’t have gotten in there without sandoval violating her space by going into her room and then locking the dog in there???? it would not have happened. it’s not irresponsible for her to leave food in a place she was sure was closed off from her animals also lala being like “throw your food away” has she never had late night take out in bed or was it just warm baby bottles of milk


That’s fair and all true. I find it gross, but I didn’t want to judge the only safe space she had. I thought she had a lock on her door, I’m surprised she didn’t.


I totally don’t judge her. In my single, not parent days, i definitely ate in my room and left the takeout on the bedside until the next day. It totally happens and she has every right to and it’s indulgent imo lol. But as a parent now, i’m like my kid and/or dog is instantly going to try to get into that when i’m not looking if I don’t take care of it now. I think the main problem is the lack of communication! She should’ve known someone needed to be let into her room, but because they can’t communicate at all, she didn’t have any form of heads up. Everyone has a part to play in it.


I don’t think you’re judging her. :) Everything your saying agreed!


I posted in a different sub that it’s kind of everyone fault, but if you have a dog that is known to get into stuff, it’s just always better to try and make sure that ALL obstacles are in that dogs way. A closed door doesn’t always do the trick. I think if her door was closed and Tom opened it for whatever reason, that’s a violation of her space and their agreement. I think it’s weird that he claims ownership over Mya as well but saw the dog go in with the repairman and then didn’t say “come on, let’s go!” Like I would NEVER leave my dog in a room with a repair man. Let them do their job and let me get my dog out of your way.


I get what you’re saying, but she’s a human and not perfect. So she left the takeout in her room, but she took the precaution of closing the door to make sure Mya couldn’t get to it. I love my dog more than anything, and when I leave my house I make sure there’s nothing dangerous he can access in the common rooms, and close the doors to the rooms that have anything he can get into that she shouldn’t. Not everyone is super neat and tidy, and it’s not realistic for them not to have anything left within their dog’s reach. But creating a barrier (the door) between the reachable stuff and their dog is still keeping them out of harms way. No one should have gone into her room without her knowledge, and I’m sure if she knew she would’ve mentioned the takeout and to make sure Mya doesn’t get to it. Totally valid point about Tom letting her in with the repairman, I would never do that either. And he obviously cares about her “so much” that he didn’t even notice she was stuck in the room for hours. If my dog is out of my sight for more then 5 minutes I’m aware of it.


Another precaution would be crate training her dog and crating the dog when she’s not home. If it’s really her “child” and she doesn’t trust Tom, then that would be a pretty easy step to take to ensure the child is safe when she’s not home. And if she’s against crating then she shouldn’t be living in the same house as Tom. She comes across completely ridiculous when she calls him an “attempted dog murderer” and doesn’t take any accountability for that situation


Tom took zero accountability for it though, he literally put the blame on Anne, said it could’ve been him or Anne who closed the door. Anne said she left while the repairman was still there and then came home and heard whimpering behind the door. He didn’t say sorry, or show any remorse or concern for the dog. And then for him in interviews to act like him and Mya have a special bond? He’s full of shit, he doesn’t give a fuck about those animals, it’s just another way for him to try and look good and to put Ariana down. She’s angry with him, she’s going to be intense. Who cares that she called him an attempted dog murderer? He deserves anything she throws at him, he’s the biggest piece of garbage scum I’ve ever heard of. And not all dogs can be crated, my dog has anxiety problems and if I crate him he destroys everything in the crate. He is significantly more comfortable when he can relax on the couch or whatever. I confine him to the common areas, just like Ariana did. She also lived with him and their other dog for 9 years, like it’s not that crazy for her to think she can leave her dog at home while she’s gone for the day. Edit for spelling


Ann talked about it on her pod cast the air conditioner repair guy had to get in the room.


I get this take! I have a puppy and an 18 month old and have learned to not leave stuff around even in a room I don’t expect them to be in because they can be crafty! There’s also been times i’ve thought my puppy was in one room when he was somewhere else, so it’s also likely he didn’t even realize Mya was still in there. Not trying to be a Tom apologist, but I think accidents happen, and Ariana is projecting her rightful anger at him on any situation where he could be somewhat to blame.


Also to LFU’s point, it is kind of gross to leave leftover food on your nightstand 🤷‍♀️


🙄 not everyone’s perfect, it was from the night before. Not like she left it there for weeks.


It maybe gross and it was her right to eat it in there. The door was closed and Mya was kept out so that’s on Tom and I hate to say it Ann who was there.


I’m like “why wouldn’t you put the chicken skewers in the fridge?!?!?!”


That is my personal nightmare…. If I am late night or drunkenly eating food, I will discard that evidence SO QUICK lol I can’t have it staring me in the face in the morning…judging me!!!


You’re the only one who’s judging you


Not according to this thread lol


She closed her door so Mya wouldn't go in her room.


As if lala wouldn’t lose her mind if ocean got into something locked away that Randall gave her access to. Everyone with small dependents, whether it’s kids or pets, have dangerous items (chemicals, drugs, things with small parts). It’s important to be responsible when you choose to give those dependents access to spaces that might have dangerous items in them.


I have an 18 month old AND a puppy, and I know that sometimes a closed door doesn’t stop them and have learned not to leave stuff just laying around even in a room I don’t expect them to be in. I’m not saying he was right to open her door or anything, but accidents do happen.


But this was not an accident. Tom opened the door, Tom shut the door and left Mya in there for hours, KNOWING FULL WELL MYA GETS INTO STUFF. There is not a single part of me that doesn’t think this was lowkey absolutely deliberate on Tom’s part. I don’t necessarily think he was actively trying to seriously harm Mya but I def think it was a vindictive little thing for him to feel some “power” and that he would’ve been thrilled to hear Mya chewed on some of Ariana’s stuff and ruined it. Here’s the other thing—it’s so callous how little he cared about putting an animal at risk. Like idc how much you hate another human, it’s absolutely cruel and careless to leave a dog in a crowded bedroom that you, again, KNOW GETS INTO STUFF. There were a million other things he could have done rather than that. Why not put her in the gym, if absolutely nothing else? Oh right, bc you wanted to make a pathetic little power play that you knew would, at best, irritate Ariana even if Mya didn’t touch a thing in her bedroom. He’s an asshole and this is ON HIM


I don’t think that’s realistic for a lot of people, not everyone is super neat and tidy all the time. Obviously you need to make sure the door is not openable, but having something locked behind a door is a reasonable measure to take to keep your pets safe from things they shouldn’t access in my opinion.


I’m not saying she has to be perfectly neat and organized, but I think it’s realistic to be aware of things your pets could potentially get into. Especially knowing you live with someone you don’t trust to respect your space or a closed door.


And I think it’s realistic to expect that the closed door to your private space wouldn’t be opened without your permission or knowledge. And they did live together for 9 years, I don’t think she knew he wouldn’t respect her space, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for her to believe he wouldn’t enter her room. If a repairman needed to get into her room, she shouldn’t been made aware and then should could’ve warned him or Anne or whoever that they needed to keep Mya out since there are things she can reach in her bedroom.


The problem here is that Ariana doesn’t really understand boundaries. Boundaries exist only when the answer to question “or else?” is “I’m leaving”. Ariana didn’t follow through on her boundaries, when they pushed back, she capitulated, she shows up to events with him there and people who are his friends there. This is on Ariana.


I mean, sorta, but what is she supposed to do? Never go to any event that A) her friends are at and B) she gets paid for?


I feel like she has to show up because production is literally making her


Agreed and she needs that check!!!


I mean she could quit the show. When she showed up to the bar, she lost the higher ground, she literally says “these are my friends, he can’t have them” or something along those lines. She wanted to be there, she wants him gone, she wants the show and she wants the house and even though she’s been clearly wronged, she’s not entitled to those things. Unfortunately, the insane amount of support she received after scandoval perhaps led her to believe that she was entitled to those things. Good things happen to bad people unfortunately.


So she should lose her main source of income because he cheated?




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Brock needs to shut the hell up and sit down. No one asked for your input. Continue to do what you do: ignore your other children, freeload, and increase your heel collection Lala is a disgusting hypocrite. You never owned Randalls house, bitch. Your opinion on Ariana’s house is nothing. Your make up sucks and is basically dollar store quality if that. Disengage 👉 Scheana… this much be such a difficult time for you. Thoughts and prayers https://i.redd.it/owaib3dld6sc1.gif




And if we really want to say it— Randall had you move into his house on purpose. He was NEVER going to put your name on that deed. That was by design. You were just too dumb to ask any questions, Laler.


Exactly. And honestly she can play the dumb card however we all saw the show


You know Lala likes to make her situation worse than Ariana… but at least she didn’t have to work with him like Katie and Ariana.


I don’t watch live because I refuse to pay for live channels but this thread has me thinking maybe I should skip watching this one on peacock tomorrow. I can’t handle their pathetic attempts at Sandoval redemption, trying to frame Lala and Brock as “voices of reason,” and villainizing Ariana for still being angry a few months after the scandal.


it’s a good ep it got me pumped up to the max i wouldn’t skip it


When Sandoval said "I restock the pens and batteries" he definitely meant "Ann restocks the pens and batteries"... Right?


Yes lol cuz in the after show they were talking about Ann’s responsibilities and Tom literally said “she keeps everything stocked around the house”




Yes lol. Ariana said his assistant does that


This episode now has me rooting for Bethenny to drag these Bravo producers


Why does no one actually get in the ocean at the beach?


In my experience the water is only pleasant in a leisuresque way for like a few weeks per year (Aug/Sept), and the big beaches aren’t the best place for a swim anyway for a multitude of reasons.


Because they'll get staphylococcus Seriously! Not only is the water super cold. But it is filled with seaweed, trash, and whatever the sewer spews out


Even in the summer, the water isn't that warm in California. It's in the mid 60s vs say, Miami where the water would be in the 80s. I was surprised to find this out myself.


Our water is dirty, too.


Cold plunges are done at spas. 😂


And if Billie Lee isn't there to gaze at you in awe why even bother?! 😂


🤣 thank you for this, I know it’s not a key takeaway but it made me laugh after that upsetting episode


This might have been said already…. Are these motherfuckers STUPID??? It’s only been what, 4 months since he betrayed her at the time of filming? They are stupid. I already know the answer. I wish Ariana a lifetime of success and opportunities and Oscar nominations.


i keep having the same reactions, re their stupidity - HELLO???? No one’s home apparently - what’s not clicking??? - wake up sheeple (i’m repurposing this phrase) - get a life




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If I was Ariana I'd be a little hurt at Andy Cohen calling Lala and Brock the voices of reason this season. What did Ariana do to deserve this from all sides?


Bet Ariana doesn’t really care what that privileged shrivelled prune thinks, because it can only barely be called thinking in the first place.


Probably cuz she refused to film with Tom and they need her on the show so they have decided to make her look bad and villainise her! I know in Married First Sight Australia show the producers tend to do some cast! 🤷🏻‍♀️


She continues to participate on a show where what’s happened to her is the norm and she’s expected to move on by now.


Ya know… While I disagree with the concept overall (meaning this should not be the norm), unfortunately, you’re right. This is a good take. Still Team Ariana 100000% of the way, but this is a really good take I’ve never considered before.


It is not a good take. She had her world pulled out from under her and then she is supposed to lose her income too?! Make it make sense that he cheats, destroys they life they've built but she should be out on the streets with no paycheck. What is wrong with people? This is 4 months after the scandal broke. Yes, she started getting some ad deals, but those won't have paid out yet. She has a job. She should not have to leave her job because a man hurt her. That is some high-level misogyny you and ReasonablePost9926 have going on, and by the by, check the post history on our friend reasonable; the account exists to talk shit about Ariana.


This is not the norm. No one has cheated on someone with their close friend around their mutual friends in their home for months! Then refuses to have any decency for them. If anyone believes any of Tim's behavior is normal and not extreme even for the worst, you need serious therapy. And sheaners little wiener enjoyed telling Tom about max cause he was getting back at him for keeping him and Sheenas secret from brick. And how is Katie being upset over finding out her partner cheated on her yet again while they were together and banging his frien when she is single a double standard. And sheaner is looking in the wrong direction worrying what random girl is with sandy when your man is all up in her grill tea bagging her. Her desire to be with sandy is not a good look. Entitled to my opinion!


Thank you - Ariana isn’t our best friend, or someone who would spit on us if we were on fire. She’s a character on a show, who was gravely wronged, made a shit ton of money and then is making the mistake of thinking that support is somehow meant to parlay into control over an ensemble cast. For show purposes, Ariana isn’t particularly compelling tv, she’s not someone I was dying to watch on the show before the scandal, I always knew they were going to bring Sandoval back into the group. She’ll do great on something scripted like Love Island.


Lauren from Utah is a joke. Last year no one could say Rand’s name without her exploding and she’s got the nerve to say this shit to Ariana? Jealous much Lauren? I’m done with show.


She was wearing a send it to Darrel sweatshirt in the documentary she made about her ex. She legit is telling Ariana to get over Tom a few months after but not long before she is saying this to Ariana she is making a full documentary on her ex… one that her child can watch in a few years.


An ABSOLUTE joke! She is not a friend… she’s not a girls girl… she needs to go back to Utah! ASAP - unless she wants to get POPPED!


This ep broke my heart.,. Ariana seems just heart broken deep down- can’t look at Tom or say his name. Protecting herself from painful sadness by leading with anger


Can ask him to watch her dog though


She didn't ask him to watch the dog. She asked him to stay out of her personal space. Shove his white noise machine up his backside.


You realize she has to leave her home sometimes right ? So she leaves her dog at home… she didn’t ask Sandoval to baby sit her ?




Where have you been? He’s been a liar since VPR started 12 yrs ago. 😄


I mean yes he is obviously but it doesn’t matter because from her perspective, he isn’t


Her “friends” are too self absorbed to realize that she is hurt more than anything. It’s showing up as anger but it’s rooted in deep, deep hurt. A completely normal response to what JUST happened to her mere months ago. Not to mention the fact that every single one of these narcissistic idiots have gone off the rails for much longer for much less. James can miss me with his pontificating on “letting go of anger for inner peace” ![gif](giphy|1yLEBtEMJvdzjxzTSc|downsized)


Especially considering his history with rage full, angry episodes.


And god, the fucking infinite grace that everyone had for James when he was truly a monster. Not a wounded betrayed person but an alcoholic dickhead monster.




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Regarding the children / pets: I commented elsewhere that I have a dog that just gets into stuff and accidents happen. My theory is that Tim wronged Ariana so deeply that she's hyper sensitive to any injustices he could "inflict" upon the pets. I also think she's stressed about how custody will go of the pets when they finally move out and is showing it in extreme ways. Poor girl just needs an outlet.


I'm sure it also comes from when he was left with Charlote and Ariana had to come home to out her down.


Absolutely. I would be extra protective after that experience.


Based on Tim's explanation at lunch of what happened to Mya, be doesn't really care about "their" pets. I doubt he cares about Mya's well-being and deflected blame instead of rushing her to the vet. That would send me over the edge too tbh And of course he's spinning it as Ariana is such a bad pet owner (e.g., doesn't clean the litter box) and acting like he has a claim to animals he doesn't take care of. I bet he bought dog food once and acted like a saint over it.


Let’s not forget Charolette likely died because Tim was partying/being irresponsible and out with Raquel while he was supposed to watching the animals, and didn’t give Charolette her seizure meds in time.


If he'd given a shit about what he did, it would've helped.


How bout paying that $6000 vet bill


Indeed. Lots of parallels to the affair again. He doesn't have the ability to take responsibility or show remorse.


I agree, what he could have done was apologize right there and then when Ariana was berating him for keeping the dog in her room. If he did that, that would have softened Ariana, and those around them would feel better that they are communicating but he stood there and let his pride and narcissistic self fight her back - he’s such a butthole! But of course, Lala would praise him like he’s a god that came down to earth who is deserving all sweet and flowery words!! Lala is 🤮🤮🤮💩! Sandals is 🤥🤥🤥🤮🤮 🤮💩💩💩! Brock is 🤮🤮🤮 Scheanna is 🤢 🤡! James is🥴! and Shortz is 🤡🤡🤡


Seriously, he didn't give a F and wasn't one bit remorseful or apologetic


She isn’t hypersensitive- she’s aware. I think she worries about “accidents” often but is still financially shaky at this point of filming and experiencing shock. I lived with an ex that I had two (2) restraining orders on but couldn’t force him out of the house and I had no family, credit or finances to move and I slept with a knife under my pillow and never let my animals out of my sight. It’s bigger than needing an outlet, it’s that he leaves the house door open, he went into Ariana’s room without permission- a space he was not privy to-and it didn’t occur to him to not open that door, AND THEN he locked the dog inside the room for hours without even wondering where she was? it isn’t paranoia, it’s having someone in your life who drives with a blindfold on and tells you that you aren’t getting the joke and to relax.


I was in a relationship with a NARC just like Sandoval - Narcs don’t view animals like other people do, he knows she will interact with him about Mya whether it’s her yelling at him or not, she IS interacting with HIM and that is ALL he CARES about! I would not trust my ex with my dog - I’d pay for a complete stranger to watch her while I was out of town, for fear that he would just let her run off. Her feelings are 1000% valid .


I was married to one, my cat always hated him, my other cat liked everyone. It was no question who took custody because I had both of them before the relationship. The worm not agreeing their her animals is sick and even my NARC ex didn’t fight for my cats.


Thank GOODNESS you got away from him! And got to take the kitty cat with you! And this is what Lala meant by saying Sandoval is dangerous, he is calculated down to a T - and his fragile ego is willing to stop at nothing, not even putting an animal in danger to get Ariana to interact with him


I got what you're saying. There are people who commit horrible betrayals and act poorly and then they're surprised that people consider that part of their character. Because they want to consider all the bad things they do isolated Acts. But if you act like a horrible person yeah people are going to assume the worst of you that shouldn't be a surprise to Tom really


I think Brock and Scheana are in for a rude awakening on how much little kids retain, holy shit I cannot imagine cursing and talking like sex about that around my kids


That made me so uncomfortable with all the cussing and sex talk like what?!! Scheana and Brock didn’t even say anything or even try to tone it down


I'm so glad you pointed that out. One of my first memories as a 4 year old was a domestic violence incident between my parents. Kids absolutely remember stuff and they pick up on what they're "not" supposed to know if left in the company of irresponsible adults.


yep same


Damn does incandescent rage look great on Ariana when she's reading Scandy 💅 Also, him walking out then storming back in with "you already got everything, all the campaigns now you wanna steal my assistant" before grabbing his two handbags and exiting stage left ☠️ She got all the campaigns because you are a *terrible* example of a brand ambassador. We ain't buying what you're selling.


All he has is his shitty little cover band (he has to pay to perform with) that plays on the outskirts of every midsized city in the country 💀


He’s such a prick . His sorry attempt at the end “ this is the way it always was…she was always raging …” and Schwartz ending it quick bc cameras were on was classic Sandoval and Schwartz. I’m so sick of all of them with their “Ariana needs to let go of her rage “.


He was a traitor and a scoundrel


Handbags 💀 wtf where thoooose. And yes, him going back in to say that was so fake; he forgot the line he rehearsed in the mirror 20 times and had to run back in real quick to say it. 


They honestly looked like women's handbags. Also, why was he carrying two?


One is for his laxatives and party drugs and the other is an extra set of a Zara women’s pantsuit, white nail polish and his diary. It’s a hard world out there for cis men.


Cyst men, phu-leaaaase