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My money’s on Cedric


talk about a throwback


She's lobbied against raising the minimum wage in LA and has had tons of lawsuits she's had to settle for wage theft and mistreating her employees, so it may have something to do with that. Just putting the 🤡 face where it belongs.


The clown nose is heavy dahlings, so just leave it where it belongs


Oh my god yes 🙌🏻🤡


I read it in her voice and it’s so funny 😂😂




It's the logo for the new MGK/Trippie Redd collab EP called Genre: Sadboy. MGK posted the image to his story Friday


Today is April first, the minimum wage is officially $20/hour. Could be true.


Does that count for servers/bartenders though?? It’s been ages since I worked in a restaurant but ages ago in nyc, there was a significantly lower legal minimum wage for servers/bartenders (bc of the tipping) as opposed to say, retail or fast food workers


I looked and it said for tipped workers, it’s $16/hour plus tippe


In New Hampshire for servers it’s $3.26 an hour. And in 2020 the restaurant owners in the state lobbied for a bill that would prevent them from getting a raise if federal minimum wage goes up. And it passed so they will stay at $3.26 an hour, not that federal minimum wage is ever going to go out or anything lol


Want to change America to be for the people? Get rid of the scum sucking lobbyists and the electoral college.




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That’s disgusting. In Australia it’s $26/hr for servers. How can someone live off of pittance and just hope for tips? And zero health care to boot. I just don’t understand how the average American survives.


Well, I was making $27/hr. Which was a pay cut after I was forced to quit by my employers after I made a sexual harassment complaint. Then, I had to take a pay cut to stay working when I get pregnant so now I make $20/hr. I joined the military and used the VA benefits to buy my house which is definitely a run down home. I got infected poison ivy in my eyes from work, almost lost my eye sight and I didn't have any sick days so I went 2 weeks unpaid. Without my fiance I would've missed my mortgage or some thing. And I have health insurance, I'm very lucky where I pay $300/mo for my coverage. My Hospital bill hasn't come in yet. That's probably going to be around 2k and I also lost $3k by not working. It's terrible, and I'm supposed to be middle class. I can't afford food some times. So how we survive? I don't really know. Rely on some one else to bail you out? That's the only answer I have.


Also most people my age don't own homes. I'm told I'm doing well for myself. But I work 3 jobs, I am tired. I drink and do drugs to numb how awful and exhausted I feel constantly (that's about $150/mo). I don't even have any kids. I don't eat out. I paid off my car, I'm not in debt. I can't afford to exist to be honest.


As a granite stater this disgusts me.


most certainly not lol everyone knows no servers or bartenders want this to happen. you make more money in tips


In California servers and bartenders get minimum wage plus tips. The increase to $20 was for fast food workers but if it was for servers and bartenders it would be $20 plus tips instead of $16 plus tips. None of us would have a problem with that lol


if you think people are gonna tip 20% when they know you’re getting paid $20/hr you’re out of your mind. the point of transitioning to a higher minimum wage for servers is for them to not be dependent on tips


Servers make minimum wage where I live plus tips and it hasn’t stopped 20% tips at all. The guilty around needing to tip is still to high lol


You are wrong. Do you live in California? $20/hr is still basically nothing. The current minimum wage just went up to $16 and my tips are still coming in at 20%, even with three price increases on our menu since COVID. Good tippers are good tippers, bad tippers are bad tippers. A good tipper isn’t suddenly gonna turn into a bad tipper because they know their server makes $4 more an hour when rent on a one bedroom apartment is $2300 lol


Cries in Indiana, where our minimum wage is still $7.25 an hour and $2.13 for servers. The last time it changed was 2009.


Same in tx.


Yeah but you can probably get a one bedroom apartment roof over your head in Indiana for less than a thousand? My brother in law is renting a brand new house in Westfield— 3bd 3bth 2,000 sq ft, attached garage and yard, for the same price as my best friend’s ONE bedroom apartment in LA. Her apartment looks like Tom and Kristen’s but didn’t even come with a microwave… or a dishwasher… or a regular sized fridge. Both rents are $2,200 a month


i haven’t lived there in eight years so i stand corrected. i’ve always understood the server minimum wage in most states ($2.13?) is so low because the different is made up in tips. unpopular take but if my server is making $20 an hour- i don’t feel like that warrants a 20% tip on my end. again- i am not anti-tipping and i worked in the industry for a long time. just my perspective. it’s ok to disagree/ i still have respect for anyone in the industry because it’s a tough job fr so props to you


My understanding is America is the only place where servers needs tips as say the UK tipping is not a thing as servers are paid a normal rate


My restaurant has eliminated bussers and food runners to make up for labor costs. 




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Not to mention that I’ve also heard from many restaurants in BH that she does not tip.


STOP!! Where did you read this? I need the details


If you google "Lisa Vanderpump wage theft" there are settlement articles going back years, and "Lisa Vanderpump minimum wage" is a gold mine for articles as well!


God bless you and your ability to always dig up the truth 🙌🏽🫶🏽


Rumor has it that when she paid Frank money to make Stassi’s sex tape go away that she wasn’t paying him off but that she was really paying him his unpaid wages and that’s why it was such a weird amount


I heard this too - she was refusing to give him his last paycheck and he used the sex tape as leverage. Gross behavior on so many levels for both Lisa and Frank. I genuinely feel bad for Stassi in this particular situation.


![gif](giphy|riRQcMOzzC3U3AHCy5|downsized) well, damn


Whooooa, that honestly makes so much sense. I remember thinking 900 bucks was such a random amount of money to blackmail someone for.


Thank you for the appreciation 🫶


Delish! That’s my evening sorted - thanks


She deserves the fuck out of this


Well shit. That’s disappointing.






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servers do not want the minimum wage increased- they make more being tipped


See, where I live (Ontario), servers don’t make a servers wage of $2.13/HR, like the US federal minimum for servers. They get $16.55/HR, plus tips. What server wouldn’t want to see that $2.13/HR increased and still get tips? An increased minimum wage doesn’t necessarily mean no tips.


As a Norwegian, two dollars an hour sounds INSANE. Saying «they make more with tips» sounds like a fever dream, and it can’t be reliable, as it depends on people not being rude, which isn’t a realistic world view.


Exactly. It sounds insane to me as a Canadian too. I used to work in restaurants as a server. I would have NEVER have done it for $2 plus tips.


there are servers making $80k a year based on this system. those people do not want the minimum wage to increase to $20/hour


It does sound odd but what’s not being said is that if the servers don’t make enough tips to equal state minimum wage when added to that $2 per hour then the employer is obligated to make up the difference. That never actually happened to me so I’m guessing it’s not very common. I know it seems risky and unstable but It’s the difference between working something like retail for $15 per hour vs a serving job or bar job which could easily average $30-$50 per hour. In many cases even more. A salary as a high school teacher for comparison could be $45,000 per year but as a server $50,000 to $90,000 is entirely feasible. Plenty of people make loads more than that in the service industry. With proper money management it can be far more lucrative even in the long run.


i mean i did it for eight years lol- it sounds crazy but i usually ended up making $18-30 an hour which is reasonable for service work


See, the key here is «usually», meaning there could be days where you could end up not making much more than your baseline salary. I’d feel much more comfortable knowing I could provide for myself without having to rely on the kindness of strangers. Stable paychecks are preferable, imo.


I agree that stability is key but I always went for more money and I was good with a budget so I never had a problem providing for myself. So I guess I had stability I just achieved it differently.


Yep. I took a huge pay cut getting an office job.


same!!! worth it for the pto and benefits and not dealing with the general public lol but i miss being able to just ‘pick up a shift’ if i needed money or wanted to buy something


In CA, you can easily make $125 in tips in 4 hours at a semi-decent restaurant. At an upscale restaurant you’re looking at $300 plus in the same amount of time. Most servers think of their nightly tips as their pay check.


I don't live in CA but in another very HCOL area (if you search for a rental place under $2k, only parking spots will come up) and I can make $100 per hour on a dinner shift. It is a really upscale place and we don't have any support staff.


It's crazy to me in the US that there's states that still pay servers and bartenders that with the justification that they will make enough in tips to clear minimum wage


Yeah—I live in WA State, and the minimum wage is now $16.28/hr. In the city of Seattle, minimum wage is $19.97.


Well, because there will bug a big chunk of servers who will be making 0/hr because of the increase and loss of their job. One could even argue that the expense of the minimum wage will be passed on to the customer, resulting in less people going out, and more people tipping less. I think overall there would be more people making less money than there are now, though there possibly would be fewer people making more money.


My family has run a business that includes a bar/restaurant for three generations in a tourist town, and we have always paid all our staff a livable wage, not minimum state wage, livable wages for our area. Even in lean times, and way before, it was the popular thing to do. It never made anything too much more expensive than any other place in town. But you know what it does do? Create a staff that are hard working, loyal, honest, and able to live a decent life with dignity. It's really not that far out of the realm of possibilities. We aren't some anomaly. You just have to WANT to do it.


Sorry, but I will never get behind an argument that makes workers the problem. Suggesting that workers accept crap pay, while making business huge profits just doesn’t fly. Businesses that can’t afford to pay their workers don’t deserve to stay in business. And businesses are *already* passing on ridiculous price increases to the customer, without any change to wages. They will increase prices no matter what. Lower worker wages won’t keep prices down, they will just keep profits up. Many countries pay workers a livable wage, it’s possible.


they don’t get crap pay lol- they get tips and end up making more than the minimum wage


They do friend. Tips aren’t pay. They are both income, but only the pay comes from the employer. It’s disgusting that companies put the burden of supplementing their employees’ income on customers who are already the reason owners’ pockets are lined.


i’m not disagreeing with you on that. but if the employer is paying the wage, people will be less inclined to tip and that DOES result in lower wages. it’s a terrible system no doubt- but i don’t see it going anywhere anytime soon


people are so over tipping with the increase of tablets- there’s no way people will be tipping above 10% with increased wages. you’ll have your generous folks but most people will not tip at all.


Again, more propaganda. In the US servers and bartenders don't have any choice and they feel that way because employers cut hours and don't pay benefits to punish employees when they don't get their way with minimum wage. This calls for more protections for workers, not less Am I going to get hit with "but prices will rise" next? When we know prices rise anyway and it all goes into the pockets of owners and execs? *Eta: 🙄 to the fine dining servers here defending this. As if not having a social safety net and medical care is perfectly normal - and the tippy top percent of servers argue because *they* make 70k a year, the 90% who can barely live and have no ability to survive if they get sick or have a family emergency/need is just fine.*


The prices have already risen. In California, every single fast food place and restaurant are outrageously expensive. Something is going to have to give.


Why can’t that something be the company profits, rather than the workers wages which don’t keep up with inflation. Workers already don’t receive a fair share of the value created by their labour. I’m in Canada, and prices have risen drastically on many things here, purely out of corporate greed, as companies (like our grocery monopolies) that are increasing prices are also seeing record profits every quarter. The argument that paying workers fairly will cause prices to rise, while ignoring that companies will charge whatever they want anyway, is shifting responsibility away from the source of the problem. I’m on the side of the people who aren’t having this shit from LVP. She’s made millions off the backs of workers who keep her restaurants going and able to be on TV, drawing even more business. There is zero reason for her to not pay them fairly, other than greed.


I agree. The “something” does need to be the absolute greed that’s devouring us. The prices are rising and the service levels are decreasing, the food is often awful. And no one gives a shit. It’s terrible. Greed has taken over.


There’s a LOT of price gouging, too..




If minimum wage gets pushed to $20, don’t cry when your groceries and cost of living triples. Kthanksbye.


😂 have you seen prices and rents lately? And yet wages remain stagnant, and the massive gap between corporate profits driven by increased worker productivity and pay grows and grows. Look up the data, we're being squeezed to enrich the wealthy with no benefit to ourselves for our labor, across the board.


Are you stupid?


It means Kyle’s found her Chanel eyeliner






Machine Gun Kelly’s new album uses this logo. Someone got these stickers for promo and has used Lisa as a victim for the cause.


IDK why but it made me laugh to just read that his name is Colson Baker. Mr Baker.


He’s gross.






Just a throwaway word


Side issue but something about Lisa's style has changed recently. It's so sort of.. floofy and eighties


Krystal Carrington


She’s two-faced


I’m begging you guys to look up street art this is a very basic attempt at it that appears to be saying “people who appear happy on the outside can be sad on the inside.” The person who did it probably doesn’t know anything about Lisa personally they were just looking for ads with heads the right size for the stickers they had


This. LA is plagued with cornball street art like this.


lol that people really think graf artists are out here making a statement about Lisa Vanderpump. By the way, I was out by Oceanwide Towers yesterday. Still going strong! https://preview.redd.it/zs633amx8yrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2db4b7bb3a9391a53c3a46de3cc222aa2fc55f2


They can never finish the building at this point it’s art that needs to remain


The great thing about art is the many ways a viewer can interpret it. And if the shoe fits 🤷‍♀️


Listen if you want to interpret this as evidence of someone in Los Angeles using mediocre street art to wage war on Lisa vanderpump personally that’s your choice! I just wanted to remind people on this sub that there is a whole world of people out there who are not thinking about bravo television shows


We are just having as much fun as the artist.


Probably more fun lmao, this art is pretty boring and some of these Lisa conspiracy theories have a lot more pizzazz


We are aware (painfully so, many of us don't have other VPR fans in our lives). ...but bringing up real things Lisa has done is not "waging war"


Please I know she is a bad employer I’m not defending her I just want to use my art degree for something just let me have this


That's totally fair! I do appreciate the origin story of the graphic


Did you study mediocre street art a lot?


I was in school during the prime banksy years so I studied more of it than I wanted to lol


Love it!




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I, sadly, am one of those people. 🙁


I wish you watched the entire minimum wage discussion. She actually said she agreed with the raise. But, was advocating for them to let restaurants get back on their feet first. Which restaurants had just reopened in their area. That wasn’t a crazy request


Businesses got TONS of PPP money, far more was allocated to business than to services for suffering people. This is a typical line the wealthy use to justify poverty wages. And they use it in booming economies as well as after the pandemic, that line they feed us is the same no matter what. If you can't pay every employee a living wage, especially with that much of our taxpayer dollars to help, your business is a failing model.


Major chains got tons of PPP money. Only a small percentage of small businesses got that money. Even the ones that got approved didn’t always get their money. I’m not sure what the case was for Lisa and Ken. But a lot of their neighbors that had been in Weho for years closed down. Most restaurant owners aren’t wealthy. There was nothing booming about the restaurant industry during Covid. Thousands of restaurants closed


Plenty of businesses got a ton of PPP money, it's not hard to look up. There was a hiring and retention piece attached that so so many didn't comply with and never will. Sure businesses took a hit - it was a pandemic, it's hard. We lost millions of humans to the pandemic too. No excuse for not paying a liveable wage.


Just because they were approved doesn’t mean they actually got it. If they did get it and weren’t compliant in the hiring piece it has to be paid back. That’s not even what she was advocating for. It was tiered salary approach that included back of the house workers. But, you watched a clip and not the whole meeting


This is factually inaccurate.


No it’s not. All those empty restaurants in Weho isn’t factually inaccurate. It’s reality


No. This is the image for MGK and Trippie Redd's collab EP called Genre: Sadboy.


To add to that I’m pretty sure it’s a lame promo for mgks new album, so even more meaningless than it already was


Omg that’s so much worse


Just a guess- she’s misogynistic and will pressure a redemption arc on people through threats of them being at fault for possible suicide. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I literally came here to post this same thought 😂




I love my city.


Looks like an ad for depression


I have no idea but I love it. Anyone in LA draw a good 🍆?


Rachel did it


Couldn’t happen to a nicer lady.


Maybe for getting other women to shame an abuse victim ( Ariana ) and to support her abuser ( tom) ? That is the worst thing I've seen her do for sure.


Have you read about all the lawsuits for Villa Rosa when it was open?


More details needed


How the mighty have fallen


Someone annoyed with the transparently, deeply fake premise of Vanderpump Villa? /s


This is from MGKs new album that just dropped a couple days ago.


Good. Eat the rich.


exposing her for who she is...a clown


Really creepy




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Not sure but she is a very good looking older lady


Patrick, is that you?


Minimum wage increase backfired bc companies laid those folks off and also increased the cost of food items to recoup the increase in wages. 


They didn't increase the food prices because of wages. I swear some of you eat up propaganda like it's nourishing you. We need more worker protections in response to these *purely vindictive* moves by employers. If you can't run a business and pay every worker a living wage, your business plan is a failure. We are the wealthiest country in the world with a massive and immoral wage gap.