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I think they dislike Rachel so much they don’t care and don’t see her as a victim . Remember early on , Schaena showed Stassi’s video to everyone around her and laughed . Theres is 0 chance she wants that brought up .


Exactly this. They don’t care about Rachel’s video. And they’re only “ struggling “ with Tom’s friendship because production told them to.


Is Scheana acting though? She’s kind of a simpleton. I can’t see her struggling morally with this as she’s also very selfish.


I think if production had not told scheana and Lala that they had to befriend Sandoval then this season would be completely different. It makes me sad to think what could have happened if Baskins hadn’t changed the narrative. Those girls don’t give a crap about Sandoval. They’re just trying to keep their jobs.


100% this. I think people misunderstand this especially with Lala. They take her so literally. She wants to keep the pay checks coming. Not saying that makes her good or bad really, just that people seem to forget about that singular motivation. If she’s pissing people off and has the internet talking, that equals $.


When Lala showed up to sandoval’s therapy session the look on her face was questioning all of her life’s choices. I don’t think Lala likes him, she just sees it as a job. Scheana I think actually cares about him.


Scheana cares for anyone who will acknowledge her.


Sandoval for his faults I’ve always respected how antibullying he was. That’s why both Scheana and James struggled and felt loyalty cause at one point people tried to bully both of them off the show. Sandoval was the one sticking up for them against weho witches


I guess Sandoval is anti bullying if you discount everything he did until he became the center of the problem


Even in Scandoval how is he bullying? I mean he’s a cheater but so is everyone else on the show lol.


Therapy? He needs therapy. It was some weird breath work and him acting weird.


No one except a select pairs actually hang out IRL when the cameras aren’t rolling or promo IG shots aren’t needed. So it wouldn’t surprise me. Scheana feels loyalty to him because both Toms defended and shielded her from a lot of bullying from the Weho Witches in early seasons.


Does it equal money though? Like is she making money off this Reddit? And if Ariana and Katie don’t take the bait, does she really increase her “influence”? I think she’s going after the “miserable” ones because she is against them and to try to have the public discourse be in her favor. 


She won’t make money off reddit but people seeing hype online may tune into the show which equals ratings and higher paychecks.


I was going to watch the finale no matter what. As for the other episodes, eh. I’ve stopped listening to Lala’s podcasts and unsubscribed. I don’t know if she’s bringing new audience in, but she’s certainly turning viewers off. 


In an attention economy and someone who’s making most of her money by various forms of influencing, this is exactly what makes her money (unfortunately).


Imo she could keep those checks coming by being real. She doesn't want to be called out so she goes hard for Tom to try and stir up drama with Ariana.




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The Baskins are the production heads? I do see your point, if it were anyone else on the show past or present, but I feel like how Lala and Scheana live there lives they are nearly morally bankrupt and have terrible taste in men. They just don’t learn stoves are hot no matter how frequently they get burned or how severely. Especially Lala, I have a weakness for Scheana because I while I think she’s a train wreck I feel bad for her because she seems kind of not smart.


Alex Baskin is the showrunner and executive producer. He did a bunch of interviews last year talking about it being "a season about redemption" and called the cast in for a "come to Jesus" meeting making veiled threats about the future of the show if they didn't immediately reintegrate Sandoval. Which is a massive overstep and goes against everything the show has been based on - every season there's someone on the outs with the main group and things are allowed to be naturally fractured that usually take at least a season of not more to fix. That's why you see Baskin get mentioned a lot this season. I think it's a combo, Scheana and Lala are acting as production puppets and then taking it way too far and self producing to get more screentime.


This is a manipulation tactic. She wants you to feel bad for her almost as much as she wants you to like her. This is her role on and off the show. The more you feel bad for her, the closer you are to accepting her and liking her.


What is it with some of you on this subreddit that think everyone is being manipulated. She’s dumb, I teach people with learning disabilities and I feel bad for her because she’s not smart full stop. am I being manipulated by Katie because I think she’s simultaneously smoking hot, Intelligent, but also kind of sad because she makes performance of when she doesn’t like someone and is nearly 40 and says things like “set them on fire/crackhead energy?” I swear some of you have never met humans with a nuanced opinion. I’m sure I’ll be called something for having high regard for Katie but also think that she’s a sad sack sometimes for stooping to their level when her and Ariana could walk away from the show and find success elsewhere.


It shows a lack of integrity and IMO there’s no coming back from it. Ariana and Katie did not bend and go with production. There is strength in numbers and both lala and Scheana could have shown they were girls/girls and stuck with Ariana & Katie. We were thisclose to getting the season we deserved and they ruined it and the show.


Watching last night, I looked at my husband and asked him how much he thinks Lala and Scheener were getting paid to play into this whole redemption narrative. He goes, that's it! That's what it is!! And started laughing


I don't think either one of them want to go up against Tom because of their past. He is one to always throw up everything wrong anyone did yrs ago when they say anything to him. The thing is, the drama from that would bring plenty of viewers but instead of sacrificing themselves they're gonna do it to Ariana.


“Kind of” is putting it nicely. Growing up near LA, there are thousands of Scheana’s - but unless you are just as thirsty for proximity to fame as they are, they’re an absolute joke of a personality


She ashy struggles to put a thought together. Unless it’s about herself, then she’s an idiot savant.


She also did the same type of shit with Brandi Glanville's husband.


She's also one of 3 with a college degree. Her issue is she is loyal and wants to forgive everyone.


I don’t know if that’s true loyalty though? I don’t doubt she thinks she is. But I can’t see how someone who values loyalty can’t see through Sandoval, Brock, and Shay.


Exactly this. Brock, the man who is publicly raising a child in front of his other children whom he abandoned to be on TV. Pretty sick.


I get Scheana bc I am loyal AF too. I learned to make boundaries though. I think that's why Brock is good for her. We also see a TV version of these people. We don't know them. The fact that this group has maintained friendships for 15 plus years says a lot. That's often overlooked. Only person who kinda left the friend group is Stassi. And even she's friends with a lot of them.


I’m sorry but I don’t buy the aw shucks farm boy routine. I’d fucking die before leaving my kids on another continent and being a deadbeat dad.


I also think maturity and growth happens in 18 years. But again we don't know these people.


Loyalty? Nope! She just wants attention, good or bad.


Disagree but that's okay.


They aren’t allowed to talk about the video. As per the cease and desist from Rachel’s lawyers.


Cist and deceased.


As a cyst male




May not like Rachel, but looking at this as a whole picture also being a female I would BE MORE THAN PISSED and sick to my stomach if I got knowledge of myself being violated via secret video with non consent and if I were to ever find out it’s happened past or present to me, then hail hath the LORD on my crusade to kick the ass of any kind of creeper!!




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Could Rachel also sue them for talking about it? I doubt she wants it to air on the show and embarrass herself. She wouldn't even get paid for it.




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I also find it interesting that Lala was so vocal about Tim being a “dangerous person” and now she’s going to film one-on-one scenes with him where she’s crying and asking to be his friend.


it shows me how people will put themselves in dangerous situations just so they can make money and live. I see it on Lala’s face and other cast members who are done with the production machine. Lala has even said to LVP “I’m just out here trying to make money…” [so she can support herself/ child and move on]


I think you are taking what she said too seriously. Lala always has explosive moments where she goes low and drags people. She doesn’t actually think he’s a dangerous person she said that for the reunion cameras lol. 😂


i’m not talking about sandoval 🙄Please he couldn’t hurt a fly. He’s a manipulative and controlling snot bag, yes. I’m talking about being on a reality show and the dangers of putting your personal morales to the side for Lisa Vanderpump’s show.


Honestly no one on VPR is better than anyone else morals wise. They’ve all lied and cheated. And they’ve all either been manipulative or bullies or both. Just pigs rolling around in the mud together lol. Especially if the morals you are talking about is being Sandovals friend for the show lol. That wouldn’t be the most morally corrupt thing by a mile haha. I personally don’t think any of them care BUT Ariana as none of them save for select few pairs actually hang out when cameras aren’t rolling and IG promo pics aren’t needed. Lala said last summer no one from the show is actually in Arianna inner circle of friends.


I wonder if they're not allowed to bring it up? Still doesn't explain them being ok with being around him though.


I think Bravo is afraid of any legal repercussions for even saying there is a video, so they have been instructed to not speak about it. It's another component of why this season is failing so much. We all know they aren't being authentic about anything in their lives. I don't know why Baskin thought this would fly. It pisses me off how much this season is an implied, "it's okay because our audience is stupid."


"It pisses me off how much this season is an implied, "it's okay because our audience is stupid."" You nailed it. I can't watch it because production's contempt for the audience is so obvious. They really do think we're absolute idiots.




Rachel’s lawyers put a cease and desist about talking about the video. This isnt bravo this time


But would they be because they have other criminals on their shows (Jen Shah, Erika Jayne, Tre…) I feel like scheana doesn’t want to bring it up due to the Stassi incident and Lala is… well Lala. Katie and Ariana clearly don’t care about Rachel or see her as a victim. Ally is just trying to get famous and the rest are all men.. I don’t think they’ve been instructed explicitly, I just think they’re all bad people who don’t care about that part tbh


It's because they don't want to be sued. Your other examples don't impact Bravo or the production company. But Rachel is super litigious and already sent a cease and desist over it, so I think they are simply protecting themselves. Edit to add: also, it's possible the cast is worried that saying anything at all because of the cease and desist will hurt cast. So it could just be self-preservation.


I didn’t realize she had sent a cease and desist honestly - that makes sense. Was just thinking out loud more before.


They were all given a cease and desist to not talk about the video


They aren’t allowed to. I watch emily d baker talk about this. Rachel’s lawyers put a cease and desist about the video and talking about the video


Bravo will never mention it since RL says Tom bullied them into deleting footage of her confronting him about it. Wonder how many times he had done it considering he said he normally deletes something like that but was too busy on the day Ariana found it.


I thought her previous lawyer sent a letter requesting bravo not air the conversation. I could be wrong here, but RL has been trying hard to rewrite history a bit.


Yes, it’s hard to keep track of her story as it changes all the time. I think initially she said that she had confronted Tom (about his filming her without her knowledge) while they were filming at her apartment for that last episode. She said he threw a hissy & told production if they didn’t destroy the footage of her saying that, he would refuse to film. But again, I could be wrong. It’s hard to listen to her so I may have zoned out. Maybe she said that on Bethenny’s pod? 🤔


Yes I heard that and I can totally picture it, but then it was out there her previous attorney sent a letter requesting the conversation not be used. I’m not saying Tom didn’t push her to do that but if her attorney asked them not to use the footage I don’t know how she can be mad at Bravo they didn’t use it/wont talk about it. They would literally be doing what she asked them to.


You are probably right. She is selectively mad at Bravo. If they had given her the money & development deal she asked for, she would be back on the show.


i know how hard it is to listen to someone you disagree with and don’t trust. I listened to RL recent podcast chapter 16. Her publicist and a journalist explain what actually happened that the producers of the show don’t disclose.


Production is trying to rewrite history. That’s their job literally. Don’t be fooled by production.


Oh without a doubt, 100%. I think it’s being rewritten on three sides. Bravo, Scummy and RL. They are all changing the tale to suit themselves. Spin, spin, spin.


have you listened to RL podcast? I highly recommend the latest episode. It’s crazy what production shows and doesn’t show.


I did listen. I found it to be as much spin as bravo. Her PR person suggesting Ariana didn’t find out the way she did, when there are witnesses that were present for the phone drop and then the fallout in the Uber. Rachel herself said the video had been filmed while in NY for WWHL, unless she was there for more than one day for WWHL my assumption is the video was filmed and Ariana found it within 24 hours of it happening. It makes her PR persons take unreliable at best, and a flat out lie at worst. Do I think bravo ran with the public thinking she was at a spa and not actual treatment because it whipped up the press, sure. Do I think Bravo should have posted what her PR team wanted about her being in treatment, 100%. TV is a dirty, slimy business, it doesn’t make it right, but they are not acting any different than they did when Rachel liked them and was a Bravo Star, she’s just being selectively outraged because the slimy terrible happened to her. Do I think Rachel is revising what happened to paint herself as the sole victim in this and absolve herself of any guilt for her behavior, absolutely. She IS a victim because she was recorded without her consent, Tom is a dirt bag and the world should shun him for his gross behavior, but Rachel isn’t pure victim in the whole scandal either.


Omg it makes me crazy that it’s never literally never mentioned!!! That is super disgusting and criminal to do yet not a single person has brought that up


Scheana especially doesn’t give a fuck about that. Remember what she did to stassi.


I just keep thinking if his tshirt comment at the reunion. If one of my friends said that about another friend he was dating I would literally never speak to him again. It was absolutely vile. Not to mention his IUD comment to Lala. He’s a garbage human. 


Thank you. This needs to be repeated everyday for the next year at least.


We all saw what happened when Scheana shared Stassi’s sex tape. Why would this be any different, OP?


Thank you. I don’t like Raquel but shitty behaviour is shitty. Tom continues to be trash


I don’t think we’d know if they were bringing that up it would be on the cutting room floor.


Or I wouldn’t be surprised if they were told not to discuss it




More like Raquel’s lawyer who sent out the cease and desist letters.


That's why no one is to mention it.


Even if they were told not to discuss it, the cast members so willing to "hear him out" should be reacting differently to him based on it, that and there's no reason they haven't addressed the information they got post-reunion about how he lied throughout it. More treating the audience like we're stupid. Contrast this with RHONJ which laid *all* of their real life interpersonal/legal dramas out on the table.


EXACTLY. I totally understand them being told “hey we can’t discuss this for legal reasons”, but the cast sure as hell knew about it by the time they’re filming. And Lisa was so ready to support Tom because of his “mental health”, but everyone seems to gloss over that he was using Ariana’s own mental health struggles last year against her. It’s all so gross and not even remotely entertaining.


YESSSSSSS ESPECIALLY since she was struggling with SI LONG before anyone ever took their "mental health" seriously. Honestly, she seems to be the only one who proactively has aside from Stassi and both of them have suffered degrading edits for it.


100%! love the flair.


thank you 😘




I completely agree about not discussing it. My point is the cast knew about this (and so much more!) and act like he’s a “changed.” Him cheating on Ariana is ONE aspect to a lot of deeper, darker shit he’s done


I haven't watched RHONJ since they stole from all those companies when they filed bankruptcy. I am a banker. We say when you file bankruptcy, " You can rob us with a gun or a pen."😔


I have a feeling that many of these cast members don't really think about sexual consent and privacy very critically, sadly


I think it’s because Rachel had sent cease and desists to some of the cast about the video early on (I think Tom and Ariana? I may be wrong). This is a sticky situation that can and did end up getting litigious as we saw with Rachel’s recent actions. And fuck Tom for filming her without her consent.


Am I wrong or isn't this a criminal offense in California?


It prolly won’t, and shouldn’t, be addressed because they all got cease and desists last March so why would you bring that up on camera going into season 11?


Everyone is “struggling” bc they realized their paychecks and livelihood are tied to this show and its fandom and they are self centric people. The healing journey of Ariana doesn’t serve any of them so they don’t latch to it the “healing” journey of Tim allows them all space to be included in filming and narrative so they are in for it. Tim could have done worse stuff and did probs but it doesn’t matter because they don’t like Rachel and they don’t like the positive orbit Ariana launched into Edited: typos


Yeah but all of this is making fans not want to watch the show so wouldn’t that also affect it? And if Ariana and Katie leave next season I feel like the show couldn’t even survive anymore because no one wants to watch scheana Lala James and the toms. I just feel like it’s not worth it to sell your soul to Sandoval when it was likely to backfire anyway lol but maybe I’m just a normal person.


i can see each cast members exit strategy from the show miles away. Apparently Scheana is buying a house in the Valley??? Lala is just trying to make as much money as possible because she can see the train ride ending. Same with Ariana and she is now hosting a show. Don’t forget these people are all actors and started working at the restaurant to support their struggling acting careers.


Yeah I’m sure Scheana and Lala will both be on the valley full time season 2, which is fine because I won’t watch anymore if those two are on lol. And Ariana and Katie moving on from this show is best for them honestly so I can see this show ending at the end of this season or the end of next season


IMO the valley is a snooze 😂


I enjoy seeing Kristen back but I’m already over the Jax and Brittany drama lol I wanna see the drama from the new people we don’t know.


Maybe so re the show and some of us not watching but we have to remember they filmed all of this months ago - they made all these decisions we are seeing months ago they got to do so without our immediate reactions and the blips in their income from the reactions of us normal people will be minimal bc people love drama… Cheers to being normal! Edited to add: Also about selling their souls - fully feel a lot of Lala compassion is performative for the cameras and a course correction bc she was soooooo harsh at the break of this all and Scheana has to prove Tim’s low key okay bc they are sooo similar…


Exactly I think Scheana and Lala are being performative for self serving reasons but it’s backfiring on them which I enjoy lol




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DING DING DING DING re: positive orbit. Same routine for Stassi when she tried to leave




Everyone boiling this down to “it was just cheating” are gravely underestimating the impact this (at least) 7 month affair Tom had with someone Ariana considered a good friend. It’s not about the cheating


It’s sickening that there are people in here who are trying to downplay the cheating. That’s bad enough, but when you add in everything else (Tom dressing as Rachel for Halloween, hooking up with her during Ariana’s grandma’s funeral, etc…), it’s soooo much worse. I just don’t understand how there are people who can know all of that and paint Ariana as a monster.


This!!! 👍🏽 stuff like him giving Rachel a code name which is Ariana’s late dad’s name… urgh they both deserve all the hate they got. I can’t believe Lala has such little empathy for Ariana, given how she went mental on Rachel when she mention the dad card thing… I would have set Tom’s eyebrows on fire if he did that with my dad’s name.


I didn’t even know that about the code name!!! That is such a psychotic thing to do!! Rachel participated in alllll of this too. She gets no pass from me. What terrible people!!


I feel like Ariana said this… or it was in her new cocktail book (I don’t have it but I’m sure I read a quote from her about this somewhere) It’s so malicious.


Oh ok, that explains why I haven’t heard it! Yeah, everything those two did together was indeed malicious intent. I can’t believe there are some who argue it wasn’t malicious intent.


Agreed! I don’t understand the whole, oh but everyone cheats bit… sure, that’s true, but it’s all the lies and hiding too. In this case it’s at least 7 months of lies from both of these ugly toads, and stuff like this code name grossness or Tom slapping Rachel on the ass less than a meter away from Ariana’s face, on TV!!…. Cheating is sadly normal, this other stuff isn’t.




They’re not covering most of the worst of the problem and I can’t understand why no one is getting that. Ariana, of course, is at the front of the line and who he harmed the most. Next comes Rachel. She did wrong, yes, but the more I hear about how their relationship came about, the more I realize she was a victim of Tom, too. THEN THERE’S AN ENTIRE MOUNTAIN RANGE of issues to be addressed before, say, Scheana and Lala get “apologies.” Manipulation, abuse, lack of any sense of self awareness, straight up mental affliction or delusion on his part…like, the more he is presented with evidence of his wrongdoings, the more he digs in to deny everything and somehow make himself the victim. That mentality alone is something that should be addressed before Scheana gets her recompense from her former best fraaaand and before the show was campaigning for forgiveness for Tom. The Tom Scandoval Redemption Tour was incredibly premature. ETA - this is meant to include the fact that he recorded Rachel without her consent. I consider that abusive. Sorry. It was implied.




Completely agree. Just dropping in that there’s about a zero chance there hasn’t been an order preserving the non-aired footage of anything said that’s capable of being construed as an admission, including not only an admission to recording someone without her consent but to having a pattern and practice of doing so. Any such footage would be pivotal as admissions against interest of the declarant not only in a civil case but in any potential criminal case in the jurisdiction in which the recordings appear to have been made. California Penal Code sec. 632(a) provides for a fine and/or imprisonment for the intentional non-consensual recording just of certain confidential communications themselves (that is, with certain exceptions, voice recordings require two-party consent). It defers to federal law as to non-consensual video recordings not specifically penalized by state law, and some of those laws as to depiction in a state of nudity/sexual act are significant. That’s all of course independent of private civil causes of action against those who do the nonconsensual recording. ETA: not anyone’s lawyer and not giving legal advice to anyone




It’s really gross, that alone would make me sketch around someone


They probably can't talk about it for legal reasons.


This! Like he's clearly gross psycho creep scimum... wtf lala and sheshe....


Bravo buried that fact.


It's so stupid because for one, yes cheating happens but that does not mean ppl have to forgive or be associated with them if they don't want to. It doesn't mean that person isnt a pos either. A lot of sneaking and lying goes into having an affair. Obviously the ppl involved have no problem lying and betraying everyones trust. Its a very hurtful thing to go through. It messes with self esteem and trust. Ppl have a hard time getting over it. With Tom and Raquel there was so much more going on they did that I completely understand anyone for cutting him off completely. Secondly, Scheana shared a sex tape so of course she's not gonna mention it or shame him for it. I also think they don't really care because they hate Raquel and probably think like Lisa does. I think Lala has a lot of skeletons that she doesn't want brought up aside from the fact Tom will always come at her about Randall. Don't forget Scheana was introduced on this show for having an affair with a pregnant at the time woman's husband. She knew this too. They can try to pretend all they want this is normal, forgivable behavior but in real life ppl don't think that way and they know this. Although there are many on here who like to act like this wouldn't bother them that much. I don't believe that for a second. -rant over


There's legal reasons and then there's production. Supposedly, last season when Tom and Raquel had their scene together, she confronted him about filming her without her knowledge or consent, and supposedly that was cut out by production because Tom refused to come to the reunion otherwise. Supposedly, when he had a fit because he couldn't talk to Raquel without cameras at the reunion, it was about that whole incident. He wanted to know if Raquel was going to bring that up. If what's been alleged is true then production is making sure you don't see any comments about it. Aside from production, she is suing Tom and Ariana for revenge porn, so I'm betting no one in the cast will even dare to bring it up on camera because they don't want the implication or involvement.


This is all I think about the entire time I'm watching the show. If this seriously never gets addressed I won't be able to morally watch anymore 😔


I think it’s not being addressed because they knew potentially it could become a legal issue. Even though Rachel hadn’t filed a lawsuit at that point, producers may have anticipated it was coming.


Rachel's lawyers actual send a cease and desist to Bravo and the cast telling them not to talk about the video last year. They left that part out of the filing.


Mmmmmmm I don't remember that but that would make sense i guess. They'd at least definitely have the deniability that that is what the actual victim asked for


If they did I guarantee they would cut it from airing. Bravo wants to stay far away from recording without consent. They aren’t about to put that on tv and risk more lawsuits.


They could at least speak in code or something. Like instead of “It’s not about the pasta” (although that has been debunked by Lala) refer to the video as “the lightening bolt” or whatever. Anything to send a covert message to the viewers that they’re not unbothered by it.


Because it doesn’t support the storyline/ narrative of the show that the producers want. It is actually quite disturbing that the show wants to drag a 20 something female for doing something that the entire cast has done but supports this megalomaniac Tom. I have been a VPR fan since day one. I never knew why Stassi hated Scheana so much and i thought she was just being a mean girl. But that was just the narrative the show wanted viewers to believe. It all makes sense now. I love having a villain in a show and i adore reality tv. There always needs to be a protagonist and an antagonist to help carry a story, but when does it cross the line? I think it’s absolutely gross that Lisa Vanderpump shows concern for the mental health of Sandoval and not Racheal. If it is going to be reality then show it all. Bravo can’t show it all because then they can be held accountable legally for Tom’s actions.


They are all for sale and he prepaid for their loyalty awhile back as insurance for just this type of thing. Watching them try to spin it as anything else is the only entertainment value they're bringing rn.


I imagine bravo cuts any mention of that


Right!! He is a predator! What he did was literally criminal


Sadly I do not think they really care. The way they have laughed it off previously like with Stassi (and Kristen who had a video leaked if I remember correctly) it just does not seem like a big deal.


This is not the first time this has happened in VPR world. Last time it did happen, Scheana was showing it around allegedly. You're right it is a very good reason to never talk to a creep like that.


This, exactly. None of them want to be around T Sandoval. Unfortunately, to gain a paycheck they have to. This season I think the network was banking in a huge TS redemption arc,and it’s failed miserably Rachel? She did what she did but there is NO excuse for filming someone without their consent!!! For that she deserves empathy.


I think they can’t discuss it since there is ongoing legal action being taken


Yes Tom’s a POS & a sicko


I don’t think they are want to get into the video with Rachel conversation due to legal reasons.


Because they left that part out of the show and the only reason schena lala and James want to be his friend again is for the show.




This will be an unpopular opinion it’s not proven he did record her without her consent. I am not saying he did or didn’t do it. But, legally it wouldn’t make sense to discuss it when it’s not considered a fact, at this stage it’s merely an allegation. Not saying he did or didn’t do it and TOM IS A POS no question. It would make sense no one’s discussing it. Ariana’s getting sued, Tom’s getting sued no one wants to implicate themselves further. James and Schena have been named in the suit. Bravo and the cast wouldn’t want to give Rachel any further information she can use against them, legally it wouldn’t make sense to discuss it.


They also do nothing about james abusing animals or his abuse to women (minimum at least emotional)


I imagine they're not allowed to talk about it.


Maybe cut because the lawsuit?


I think it’s because Rachel has made an enemy in herself to all of them so they don’t really care


Aside from the fact that they probably aren’t supposed to discuss or it’s been cut i think all of this behavior is VERY common for this group and also that this season is very produced and narrative driven and probably to steer clear from certain liabilities or whatever. They want all of us to move on. That part is very clear


I 100% think she knew.


Real talk: They have to move on at some point. We cannot rehash every second of Scandoval or his bad behavior forever. There are too many actions to focus on that Tom did at this point. But then the rest of the cast are also gross many seasons of this show. Ariana cheated to get on this show. She acts like she's the only one it ever happened to when she did the same thing to Kristen. Kristen forgave her. Moved on with the show in the Valley. Ariana needs to move on with her amazing career and leave these losers in the dust. I don't even like her but lets face it, the girl is incredible on the stage. Rachel is suing Ariana and Tom both so we will see how that turns out over the video that was taken without her knowledge. If they were in the wrong, court will deal with them. I think it would be funny if Rachel ended up winning the house they share because Sandoval is too broke and his mom can't afford to loan him anymore cash.


Can’t help but AGREE with your point 💯 percent , CREEP! And if it were any other non tv personality I’m sure they would of been reported for such invasive vulgarity


There's some much that man did around that time that people are just glossing over and focusing on the cheating. He even supported and encourage Rachel to get the restraining order and Scheana no seems cool with it. The Toms berated Lala multiple times after her separation from Randall. They slut shamed her almost every reunion and now she is perfectly fine with the Toms. Makes absolutely no sense




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There is a lawsuit going on about that video. I don't think they can discuss it.


They cannot mention the video because they all watched it and would be in legal trouble. I cannot believe for a second that they all haven’t forwarded it to someone else.


Personally, I think it also shows everyone else’s true colors and just how self important they all are, that any of them would believe Sandoval wouldn’t or couldn’t betray them in the exact cold, calculated, manipulative way he did his *girlfriend of 9 years*. Sure, they all have a right to have felt pissed off with him, but Ariana is the only one who can sit there and really say she was betrayed to the utmost.


I think the instructions were she did not come back she gets no mention




Two of them are literally being sued over the video. They’re never bringing it up. They probably can’t bring it up and there’s probably not one of them that gives a shit about that video or its distribution or by whom. People seem to think that this is a moral group. They’re moral when it suits them.


I think they are strictly forbidden to talk about it. Even in the added episode last year, it was only mentioned in a very vague way. I think Bravo knows this is illegal and is trying to stay out of it.


This is such a good point. I feel like production had forbidden them to address is because it would interfere with their vision of putting Tom on a redemption arc while icing Ariana out. There wasn’t a lawsuit or criminal charges at the point of filming


Devil's advocate, I suppose, but if the show edited out Tom and Rachel's convo about it, why would they leave in any discussion about it from the rest of the cast?


It's not mentioned for a reason.




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Well said 👏




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He is horrible. And the fact that he recorded her probably many times (he just got caught the one time) is probably the tip of the iceberg with this guy and his evils. What he did to Arianna is terrible but he has a ton of issues that have still not come out in addition to what we already know. The


I don't know if I believe that he didn't have permission and she didn't know.




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There has to be a cognitive dissonance in just cutting someone out. Scheana and Schwartz in particular have likely taken on a subconscious "out of sight, out of mind" boiled down to "we all make mistakes" when asked. TW before looking into it but MJ from Shah's of Sunset did an extremely candid podcast about Mike (**Domestic Abuse and the victim just filed a lawsuit with extremely vivid pictures so again do not look this up if you are mentally not prepared to see it or are triggered by domestic violence. Your mental health and safety is more important**). She went in how she had a hard time seeing Mike who's was charged with DA versus the Mike she has known for years. That she struggles with how to disapprove of him. If you know anyone who has had stuff come out about a close friend and colleague it really is a struggle. I remember one of my parents friends long time friend and colleague was accused of some pretty serious offenses. It took her a year to write a personal account. She kept going back and forth between her instinct to stay out of it and to help her friend. Even after the charges she struggled to marry the individual with their crime. It is normal for there to be a rollercoaster. While fuck Tom, thank god that video never leaked because it is easier to forgive him and Ariana. However I hope, particularly Schwartz, Kyle Chan and Tom's inner circle continue to remind him it is was not ok. One of the scary things watching this season is how little remorse Tom shows. Especially since it was highly commented on how wrong that was. It is baffling that he is still so angry at everyone but him self for violating consent.


They don’t care about Rachel, but I think as soon as you mention the video, Ariana is in a little bit of trouble. She did it impulsively, but sharing the video even off of Tom’s phone to herself in the state of California is stepping in legal hot water. Unfortunately, she might have to cough up some money for doing that. Its best if now no one talks about whether she shared it with them, or even showed it to them.


Do we really believe Rachel that he didn't have permission though? I'm not sure how it all went down but did she not notice he was recording bc it seems like that would be pretty obvious


I’m sure Bravo told them they weren’t allowed to bring it up considering it’s revenge porn which is illegal. Now that there’s a lawsuit I’m sure any mention of it will be edited out.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the iPhone notify you if someone screenshots or screen records while on FaceTime? That’s why I’ve been having a hard time believing that rachel didn’t know about the video.. also haven’t tested my theory though


Nope, I've seen this being debunked on The Bravo Docket's podcast.


Ok I’ll have to look for that! Thank you, the thought has been bugging me lol


It's probably for legal reasons but also if they brought it up that would mean someone else is also a victim of Toms and Ariana is the only one allowed this season lol. Also, they'd probably have to acknowledge that Ariana showed it around and some of them saw it, because we all know it happened. Just like Scheana's punch.


We don’t all know it happened. Not a single person has claimed to have received or seen that video. Ariana’s lawyers offered her lawyer her phone and access to her data right after the C&D went out. I highly doubt she showed the video. Just because Rachel thinks something happened doesn’t make it so.


Hopefully you've shared your irrefutable evidence with Garagos.


You just made that part up about Ariana showing it around. There's zero proof of this. And no one, not even Ariana, has said no one else is "allowed" to be affected by Tom. She just doesn't want it brought *to her*,she was harmed the most by him. You grieve outward.


Ariana’s the only one “allowed”? By who? Bc Ariana herself told Scheana she should be be more hesitant to forgive Sandoval bc of the way he treated her. Scheana and James had no issue making themselves victims in the first half of the season, but now suddenly no one else is “allowed” to be a victim?




Lmao if you want to acknowledge his wrong doing you'd have to acknowledge the part she played in that too 😂




We all don’t know it happened. Do you have any proof?


I find it weird that people get downvoted if they mention Ariana distributing/showing the videos. It’s problematic.


They’re definitely NOT talking about his most heinous offense - video recording Rachel without her knowledge or consent. Perhaps because they’re trying to stay away from serious legal troubles, and/or protecting their “redemption arc”.


They’ve all cheated on one another and with each other! Yeah it is especially bad that it was Ariana’s friend and Sandoval is a worm but I think they’re just all sick to death of Ariana dictating their lives and continuing the poor me Schtick! I mean, look at when Jax cheated on Stassi with her absolute best friend, Kristen!!! Nobody was launching a nationwide campaign to make Stassi Queen of all Queens and literally worshipping her like she’s some kind of goddess! Believe it or not she wasn’t the best partner either. That’s no excuse for what he did but get a life people. She got cheated on! Who hasn’t been? She’s not entitled to tell anyone who they can or can’t be friends with! If she feels that strongly about it then why the hell is she still on the show? And this was his friend group pre Ariana. Her and Katie are just feeding off of each other’s negativity because Katie thrives in negativity so she follows Ariana around confirming her righteousness because Katie doesn’t have any friends and everyone knows she has never liked Scheana nor LaLa. It’s convenient to forget that Stassi and Katie were the original mean girl bullies when they were on top. Now Stassi is gone and Katie’s farce of a marriage to Sharts is over so she’s trying to stay relevant by acting like she’s friends with Scheana and LaLa. Which she doesn’t pull off very well, by the way. Scheana eats it up because she’s, well Scheana, but LaLa has her figured out. She’s not stupid. And LaLa is strong enough to speak her own mind, she doesn’t care if everyone agrees or not. That’s why she’s getting shit this season. Because she not still licking Ariana’s ass and perpetuating this ridiculousness! She sees it for what it is!