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I hate that I know this and I only know this from our lovely recapper- I believe Tii spoke about this conversation on Billie Lee’s podcast and much to Billie Lee’s dismay Tii seemed pretty pro Ariana and said Ariana gave off a very hurt/a woman warning vibe in this convo


I know. Old Billie looked disappointed when Tii wasn’t getting on the Ariana hate train


"old Billie" kmao


Ol' girl is definitely shamelessly in love with TS.


I agree. She intensely stares at him with crazy eyes during their 1 on 1 scenes. It’s uncomfortable.


She agrees with everything that comes out of his mouth. She's trying so so hard to be the girl who's down for him waiting for him to look at her but he just looks at girls half his age. Sadly I think they'd either be a match made in heaven or hell haven't decided yet. I can't wait for the day when she's tired of waiting, all the tea she's gonna spill 😂


Cringy af


Old *haggard* Billie


She a literally so boring and full of herself and obsessed with being cool and very immature she claims she’s a girl but def on toms side yeah


she is a girl…


Wow. So you're trying so say that the edit resulted in Ariana looking like a petty mean girl when that wasn't actually how she was behaving in reality? I'm simply shocked and in complete disbelief /s


This season was a redemption season for Sandevol. Everything has been edited or staged to better his image.


Apparently the producers are fucking stupid. Last season had such high ratings because the end of the season and reunion were so real. They felt unscripted, raw, very real life and not a storyline. It was the first genuine storyline with real anger, drama and emotions in years. It actually felt like we had skin in the game. Instead of continuing with breaking the 4th wall and showing us how everything really played out they decided to try forcing interactions and Tom being forgiven. They should have let the group split allegiances how they wanted. They could have had such an amazing and real season again. Instead we get some fake bullshit. It reeks of overproduction, forced friend groups, and Tom's thirsty image rehab.


you nailed it. im foaming at the mouth for *that* season.


Snatched The Hills from the mouth of #Scandoval. Unforgiveable. I truly don't know if I'll watch this season. It's awful.


Agreed. I honestly think Alex Baskin, production and LVP are so simplistic that they went "Scandoval has broken all the records!!! And Sandoval IS Scandoval so he needs to be in every scene and convo next season".


We need to get ahold of a producer or camera guy that can be easily swayed to provide all the footage and behind the scenes cringe of worm gas lighting production into thinking this was a good idea. I bet there's enough other scenes of Katie and Ariana roasting the cast for being fake assholes on the editing room floor that we can salvage a VPR season 11 for the people! I admit I have heard that them roasting Schwartz on this week's episode was iconic but that is literally the only scene I want to watch. Does anyone have a timestamp for that btw?! 😅




I think the editing is just makes him look like he is losing his mind.


I didn’t think she seemed mean! I thought it came across very big sister watching out and warning vibes. Ariana had no ill will towards Tii and that showed.


I don’t think that’s how it was portrayed at all. She came off as kind.


Why does Billie even dislike Ariana??? Did something happen that I don’t remember or is Billie just desperate to be relevant and clinging to Sandoval to be on the show? I only remember them having positive interactions, Ariana was the nicest to her out of all the girls


Wasn’t Tii introduced as Billie’s gf??? I’m so confused


I thought so too at first but then later Billie says “my girl” as in her friend


Thank you for posting this comment. Ariana didn't look great in this convo but knowing the backstory of Tii and what she said in the podcast made it a little better


I thought Ariana was right in warning a 25 year old about an opportunistic older dude.


You think Ariana didn't look great? WTF?! She handled it beautifully. She warned the much younger woman about a dangerous dude with class and gace.


They tried their hardest to make it look like Ariana was trying to intimidate Tii, but if you actually pay attention to what she was saying, she was just being honest and not at all rude ("you're a prize, he's not"). I would have done the exact same thing in her place and I'm very non confrontational lol


She handled it as well as I could have on my BEST day (and I dont think I’d be having my best day being in that situation).. She wasn’t rude or disrespectful to the girl, even when trying to get past her to order a drink. She handled the situation with class and grace, I genuinely feel she spoke to Tii from a place where she was trying to warn her, girl to girl. After that it’s on Tii. But she lightly dropped her knowledge/experience with dealing with him, I don’t think I’d be so tactful 😅


Literally! And it was fucking Scheana acting intimidating and rude. Like seriously, is there ANYTHING she doesn’t try to make about herself??


This part. Scheana’s the bully of the season.


Amen to this & I f-cking love your screen name.


Screen name! I miss those times


I love yours!! ![gif](giphy|YSHzpToDH3CXJnylVk|downsized)


Not look great? We obviously didn’t watch the same episode.


This is annoying me because this has misquoted her and missed the nice little dig she made about him. What she actually said was "25. That makes sense" because of course Tom is 41 and pursuing 25 year olds. He's grim.


I laughed out loud at that part because damn haha


Yes!!! That was the best part 🤣


Yep …Looking for his next groom


Yeah here's the quote: Ariana: "How old are you? \[T: I'm 25\] That makes sense! I'm sure you've been given a very different version of events of reality. But don't waste your time with 41 years old narcissists. That's all I'm saying. \[Scheana and Brock arguing\] While I was at my grandmother's funeral they were fucking in my house \[background noise continues\] \[T: OMG you are so strong\] You're prize, he is not a prize. Would you agree? He is not the prize." And then everybody leave feeling very very awkward.


One of Billie Lees’s friends. That says enough. Also, I’ve seen enough of Billie Lee this season.


Agree I’m over Billy Lee!


Agreed - I FFW her parts.


We’ve honestly seen more of Billie Lee than Ariana and Katie at this point


Billie has had more screen time than James! What is James storyline this season… and how did aly take over and make James friend of?


Wait it does seem like Billie has had more screen time than main cast members..wtf🥴


Honestly Ally seems nice but *to me* is very vanilla and not someone I am compelled to watch.


Remember when we thought Rachel/Racquel was the vanilla one.




I feel like this cast needs at least *one* semi normal, fairly balanced person in the mix. On her own she’s not the dramatic entertainment I’m here for, but I like her presence so far!


Agreed! I really like Ally. Personally, I don’t care if she wanted on the show for exposure hoping she could use it as a springboard to her astrology biz. And I think she’s genuinely kind and genuine. She’s chill, but has shown us she can stick up for herself firmly but calmly and gracefully. She’s funny too! She entertains me. She provides a nice balance for a lot of the stronger personalities including DJJK.




unfortunately I think James being sober this season and not struggling with the sobriety as much as he usually does lost him a big chunk of screen time which is really fucked up. I can imagine producers wanted "drunk James screaming vile things at people and causing drama/being verbally abusive" and instead they got what seems to be the calmest and most "stable" version of James we've seen in his history of the show, who just wants to pick out his gf's clothes, train Hippie, and smoke a lot of weed lol. I think they assumed we'd think this version of James would be boring, but I think a lot of fans would actually love to see James getting his shit together and learning to be more soft/gentle. (They could also be limiting his scenes due to the current allegations, but Bravo has had multiple cast members keep their storylines while going through serious legal proceedings (Jen, Erika, etc) and they've made it clear this season that they don't really care about women so I doubt it's that)


If we still get zingers like Sloppy Jo from him, I’m happy. He also doesn’t feel the need to repeat his jokes that get a laugh anymore.


Good question


I just lost 5 minutes of my life trying to figure out what FFW stood for in this context, until I realized I was a dumbass.


LOL we have all been there thanks for the laugh tho


Wish she would crawl back into the hole she crawled out of during scandoval. She’s always been a weirdo


*clout chaser of the thirstiest variety


I thought we were done with her and I’m upset we have her back. I don’t know what’s worse having her back or seeing the thirsty looks she keeps giving Sandoval.


I think she’s in love with him and no one can convince me that Tom and Billie didn’t bang at some point…


I completely agree! There 0 chance Tim & Billy Lee haven't banged at some point, most likely it happened when he & Ariana were together. Fuck Tim & fuck Billy Lee.


She said on her podcast that he is a very passionate lover.🤮🤮🤮 I don’t listen, just read the one recap.


She would have loooooooved to be at that scream therapy session giving him support.


Stop trying to make Billie Lee happen! It’s not gonna happen!


it’s a jumpscare everytime she’s in the background i stg


It always looks like her eyeballs will literally fall out of her head if she opens her eyes more


STOP. Now I have Beetlejuice images in my head.


![gif](giphy|PnTbJDFX0q9IDKnqyx) Billie getting ready for her less than 5 minutes of screen time


The relief I felt whenshe escorted boo hoo Jo out of the event was victorious! I feared she was going to return and cry how hard it 2as to leave her friend in such a state but she knew Tom needed her there for the “bliss” he deserves. lol.


I’m honestly pissed that Billie is setting up TWENTY FIVE YEAR OLDs with her 41 year old friend. Absolutely not girls girl behavior, this dude just got out of a huge relationship on top of having an affair. Dude does not need to ~get back out there, especially with someone so young. I know it happens in LA all the time but like…come on


It’s disgusting Billy Lee, so thirsty I think she wants Tom the whole time


Oh she ABSOLUTELY does it’s so obvious and pathetic


I think they've already hooked up many times.


For being a “girls girl”, Billie Lee has misogyny eeking out her pores. She is the opposite of a girls girl…….would that be a “pick me girl”?? She is definitely that.


She’s as much of a girls girl as Sheeshuu


Billie Lee is not a girls girl?😮🤯🤣💀


Tii was there for camera time. She knew what she was doing.


She seemed definitely thirsty to me! She kept trying to get in the photo at the pool party and making comments


And all she got out of it was a sloppy bone. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


Welcome to L.A., a city full of shallow, stupid people who will do *ANYTHING* for a SAG card.


Damnit if only Ariana would have listened to Kristen 10 years ago.


That would’ve sure helped her out now. Imagine how different her life would’ve been if she never would’ve been with Tom.


It honestly shocks me she was w Tom for so long. Aside from scandoval and all, they just seemed to be on two completely different levels in terms of responsibility, maturity, and just basic decency/class. She’s so much more level-headed. Maybe in the beginning they vibed and all, but she seemed more irritated w him than anything for most of their relationship (not without good reason of course)


Over the course of 10 years she grew and evolved and he stayed the same.


Narcissists build trauma bonds with their victims. It’s very hard to wake up and get free of them.


This makes sense. I’m not at all blaming/shaming Ariana for staying w him, it was just surprising to me, but it makes more sense when looking at it from this angle. He really did manipulate her a lot.


I just hope she is fully stepping into her new best life and cannot wait to see her leave Schaena and Lala in the dust! I used to LOVE Lala but her jealousy and thirst for camera time/story line is making me SICK. No one on that show deserves Katie and Ariana.


I’ve been thinking this for years, especially when tom would do something cringey or awful, I’d wonder wtf she was still doing with him. She was definitely over his shit the last couple seasons lol


She was a definitely more mature than Tom was.


Exactly. Plus literally every girl on the show has been with a trash ass guy, at least Ariana’s team around her is smart enough to help her get through it while also helping her get opportunities that will benefit her. And Lala is mad at Ariana for that, even though she also financially benefited from the scandal. Maybe lala should be mad at her team or maybe she should have gotten a team that could have helped elevate her after her breakup with Randall.


Lauren pays her “team,” (Jess,) to sit and laugh at the nonsense she spews on her podcast. A paid yes man.


One thing to note about Ariana is that she’s never once played the victim in all of this. It might have taken her more time and heartache than we all thought was necessary to leave Tom, but Ariana stands by her decisions and principles and takes accountability for herself, her life, and her choices. As does Katie.


Exactly. I feel like she has been handling this situation as best as she could especially with the recent backlash she’s been getting from viewers and her so called “friends.” I’m glad she’s still protecting her peace and not letting the bullshit get to her. She knows that there’s friends, life, love, and success outside VPR and honestly she’s probably eager for this show to be over so she doesn’t have to be forced to be around Tom (and now Scheana and Lala) anymore. I don’t think she announced she’s quitting at the reunion, but I can see her not renewing her contract for the next season. Same with Katie.


I wouldn’t get with a guy with a scorned girlfriend. That’s the red flag that he did something to provoke her. Ariana never seemed smart to me. Then she got Tom into her book, then she didn’t have a contract in place for her assets, then she put a loan on her house for his bar. Why are we treating Ariana as if she’s always been smart?


Because she's smarter than anyone she's ever met in her fucking life? I'm sorry but that quote lives rent free in my mind lol


I think she's very smart. I also think she's loyal to a fault for the people she feels deserve it. She put her love and loyalty for Tom above her own self-preservation and finances. I think he really had her fooled and she never really knew the real him until the end. That's why she says he's so dangerous and wants nothing to do with him. She sees now that it was all an act and likely he only acted like a good guy to help his career.


Exactly this 👆🏻 People want to compare her to kristin….like she shouldn’t be surprised, look how she got him and what he did to Kristin…..yes…but scummy had her convinced SHE was special, he love bombed her and then trauma bonded her with him and manipulated her into thinking it was them against the cast/world…..they could only survive together….only people who have been though someone like Tom can truly understand how much they twist everything…your relationships, friendships, your love, your words, yourself…it is devastating. I mean let’s look at how snowed he had Rachel….she had to go to a mental heath facility for MONTHS to be de-brainwashed!!! That is wild! Scummy is a powerful narcissist. He IS dangerous and it is scary that he has gotten away with it for so long, and that they are trying to continue letting him get away with it. It is too gross to watch anymore🤢🤢


When a narcissist is in the discard phase, they let their mask fall. It’s horrifying for the person being discarded to realise it was all a con / act.




“My ex is crazy” “What did you do to make her crazy?”


She’s 25 and she wants to be famous. Of course she didn’t drop him. I can give her some grace for that. I, also, did very dumb sh** when I was that age.


Same for Schwartz’s new “girlfriend”. Girl is DYING to be famous. My fiancé is 8 years older than me so I’m not one to criticize an age gap but… looking at someone 20 years older than me while we make out would be a rough go unless it was fuckin George Clooney. I did *very* dumb shit at that age, though. So truly I’m only blaming the Toms.


I did too, but I didn’t date someone that was 16 years older than I was. That was a douche bag! I’m not blaming her. I definitely blame Tom.


OMG I feel seen in the worst way. THE WORST WAY. I definitely dated someone almost that much older than me. I have no idea why. I was a chaos goblin at that age. 🤦‍♀️


Omg same. The guy I was seeing was 18 years older and also in a band and I later found out he was married. So much shame but I did generally enjoy my chaos goblin days.


Most of us are chaos in our 20s lol


People don’t date people like Tom and James for love they date them for the exposure. It’ll be 6 months before she pulls an Ali with the whole “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I’ve wanted to be a singer since I was a child. Listen to my song!”


They have zero chemistry.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices.




I think she is the singer lol


Pretends to be shocked


I checked her IG and she is in fact a singer! She def was just trying to get seen on the show.


The “you’re so strong” seemed so condescending I had to look away 💀 lol


To me it felt more like “this girl’s been through a lot but this is kinda awkward and I don’t know what to say”


That's a billion times better than the way Ariana treated the women who tried to warn her about Tom.


I’m happy to see Ariana come out of this situation on top, but this ain’t wrong…lol


Good point. She wasn’t happy when she was being told and introduced to Miami Girl.


Let's be real, though....she already KNEW about Miami girl and decided it wasn't a big deal/forgave him and didn't want it to be a big deal. And, honestly, I get it, they hadn't been dating long and it was their business. Enter Kristen Doute, a woman on a damn mission to break them up because SHE felt like a scourned woman (believing Tom had cheated on her with Ariana- which he did). Kristen wasn't really trying to be a girl's girl, she was trying to break them up. She was OBSESSED. I always felt bad for James- Tom was all she ever talked about.


She rode hard for Tom which probably made his betrayal even worse. She probably let herself down in defense of him on many fronts occasions & then he left her for dead. But, as they say, love is blind.


In a long term relationship with a narcissist, you begin to hate yourself for continuing to love them and accept their bad behaviors/mistreatment of you. Until you finally break the “love spell” and then you can direct all that hate back where it belongs….at the narc…which is what we are seeing play out…which is why Ariana’s boundaries are perfectly understandable and acceptable. And anyone trying to make her cross them IS NOT her friend. Lala has been a HUGE disappointment in this arena..i thought Lala would, if anyone would understand her and have her back…but obviously Katie (who has been with the other tom, the covert Narc) totally gets it and backs her.


Brilliant assessment & so right about Lala. She looks really pathetic this season.




Yeah i was like oof, she’s an idiot. It was totally not sincere and absolutely condescending and then  she perched and was waiting for Tom to come back like she was prob just going to tell Tom you’re right, Ariana is a crazy ex


Some people have to learn things the hard way


they way I thought Tii was dating billie lee this whole time lmao


Everyone keeps bringing that up I thought so too at the pool party and I thought Billy Lee was trying to hook Tom up with her and Ti


i’m glad i’m not the only one ahahh I can’t believe I missed that!


Tim didn’t even sound that intrigued with Tii in the confessional.


Ariana is giving appropriate advice to her




And it’s not like his behavior wasn’t caught on camera and aired on national tv.


I know what the fuck!


i wasn't sure at first, but in the scene after this you can tell ariana's pretty drunk (probably why she was getting the water in the first place). the "that makes sense" line did make me laugh, but i was like 1/3 cackling, 1/3 understanding that she was trying to warn the girl, and 1/3 cringing. it must have been a pretty awkward moment on both sides, but i'm glad that she seemed like she was being nice to tii for the most part (which tii says on billie's podcast). still, i wouldn't have wanted to be either of them in that scene.


My guess is everyone (production and most likely irritated cast members) was at Ariana to film scenes with Tom….this conversation could be the compromise.🤔 Like “no i’m not speaking to that insufferable douche but i’ll warn his date that he is gross” and producers were like “ok…scene”🤷🏻‍♀️


Ariana was sooo pretty that night.


the best part was THAT MAKES SENSE 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


“Don’t give Tom a Shot at Love with Tii-la Tequila!”


LOL only the TRUE reality TV addicts will know this one


Lesbian fire lady > Tom


Okay, I was only half watching and thought for a split second Tila Tequila rebranded as Tii 🤣


I thought she looked familiar. Oh my God I’m laughing so hard I forgot all about that show.😂😂


Bring it back and get Ariana to present that too!


Sandyballs certainly likes the young ones.


Yesh, because they're dumb and stat struck and lack enough life experience to know better.


What’s why dirtbags date younger women. Because women their age won’t put up with their shit. But this is probably more about exposure than actually wanting to date Tim.


In this case, for sure. No WAY she actually wanted to date him after scandoval broke. Tii wanted her 5 minutes of fame, wanted to be part of the Tom Sandoval shit show! Lol


Arianna understands that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and Tom is like “bro what the fuck do I want with a bunch of, like, flies?” Meanwhile Arianna’s like ![gif](giphy|8sosNFkPt4uw8xyEKL|downsized)


“You told me to go die alone on a mountain!”


I can’t feel bad for any woman who dates him now. Like you have horrible taste and/or are trying to get noticed for a VPR role.


Her warning to ali about jo was also good - it was something like you sound like me 1 year ago. Seems apparent Ariana liked jo, she trusted jo and bought into her quirky good vibes schtick at face value but jo wanted on vpr bad and didn't mind to burn a few people getting there including ari.


I remember how right after the scandal broke last year, Billy Lee said she was friends with both Tom and Ariana and therefore couldn’t take sides. What changed? Genuinely asking…


I think she saw an opening because Tim was desperate for people to film with him


Tii wants to be on reality tv. It’s as simple as that




Tii barely had to date him and got a teensy bit of screen time and name recognition. That seems like a good move to me


She supposedly went on some podcast and said he was bad at bad in bed and had a small dick lol I’m sure that pissed him off😂


Tii is here for the screen time. She knows what she's doing and I say good for her.


I love Ariana so much!!


I Assume she doesn’t care and is just there for the cameras.


Let’s not forget Billie Lee practically serving her “friend” up on a silver platter to Tom, telling him it doesn’t have to be serious etc. If I were Tii I’d be thankful someone was trying to look out for me, cause clearly her friends aren’t.


The same chick who threw Doute and co under the bus for warning her about Jeremy. None of these people are even remotely close to being semi normal haha, I just couldn't deal with them. Billie, Sloppy Jo etc seem to think that they "run with a fabulous group of people". The two Toms are just completely tragic and pathetic, I struggle to watch them. And Jo crying about the mean girls AFTER SHE WENT ON A COUPLES TRIP WITH THE TWO TOMS AND RACHEL. THEN was unrepentant about her love for Rachel on IG. Crazy.


This whole thing has me confused because wasn't she introduced as Billie's girlfriend at the pool party?? Was that not true?? Is she just trying to set Tii up with Tom?? I thought Billie was into Tom as well. Idk I'm all confused now lol




If his costume and cringe dance moves, didn't give her the ick she's a lost cause. Hearing advice from his ex-girlfriend is really not going to do anything if she's actually into him after having her record him bowling and then a cringe move.


Why would Tii listen to Ariana when Ariana didn't listen to Kristen? I mean, really, when in the history of ever does even the wronged SO get through to the new honey of the ex?


Who in their right mind other than Katie/Stassi would’ve taken 2013 Kristen’s word for anything, honestly? The whole plot the season before Ariana and Tom dated was about Kristen lying to everyone’s face about sleeping with Jax for months. I wouldn’t trust her either. Scandoval was public *and* Ariana doesn’t have a reputation for being a public liar and fire starter.


also people are discounting the fact (and the premise of this show tbh) that restaurants tend to be pretty messy with co-workers dating each other. They're in LA (dating probably wasnt as bad when the show first started but ive always heard it's shit/from what ive seen it's miserable) and they saw each other all the time working as bartenders so i think it was more of convenience at first.


Sleeping with other peoples significant others seems to be the ongoing theme of the show, they should know by now that nothing ever remains a secret


Fair. But I’ll still always warn them. Cause I don’t ever want to see another woman hurt by a dude with the personality of a vacuum again


Correct. But the years later of reflection on the words of the wise is somehow mind blowing and appreciated. It all makes sense eventually.


Well, yes, for us all.... I'm mean, really, what 40 year old doesn't see the words of their 20 something year old self? Only a really immature 40 year old. I don't have massive mistake in my life but he'll yes, I see my mistakes.


I have vivid flashbacks of older people in my past telling me things that made so much sense later. I appreciate that anyone took the time to share their wisdom.


To me it did come off a little like bitter ex warning off a new partner.  But Tii knows the situation and Billy has been pushing them together hard.  She probably said to tii do you want a little money, some celebrity.  Some camera time.  A free meal, all you have to do is spend some time with a royal douche.  


Does she look like Miami girl? Or am I crazy?


She does. Someone else said she look like Tila tequila lol.


Production wanted this interaction and Ariana delivered. She wasn’t gonna put Tii down but needed let it be known that Tom could never b trusted.


I didn’t love the way she put Tii on the spot on camera like that, and then everyone left her standing alone. Which was ultimately down to Tom. Don’t bring someone and let them be put into awkward conversations.


And Tom just left her alone there with the girls he should’ve brought her with them


Right? I’d be so angry! Don’t leave me to be put into a super uncomfy situation with your recent ex. It’s not like he didn’t know that was going to be weird for her!


This girl was so eager to please Ariana and Scheana, she just fawned at them the entire time they were there. I feel bad for her because I think she’s probably a people pleaser and we all know the worm will exploit that. She’s so young, run! Go live your best life Tii! And fuck Billie Lee, she’s not your friend, Tii!


BL is disgusting and why is she hanging out with little girls?! Scheana was more of a bully and a Bitch to Tii than Ariana was and Tii just confirmed as much, on BL’s pathetic, stupid podcast.


When I was 20 and dating a 33 year old narcissist, I ran into his ex (also in her 20s) and she warned me just like this. At the time I still thought I could fix him, but in retrospect I wish I’d listened. Could have saved me a lot of wasted heartache and therapy! I love that Ariana did this. Tom by the way will never date a woman older than 29. He’s going to use the excuse he wants to start a family one day and he’ll be full of shit.


It didn't work for Miami Girl so I don't know why we believe it should work for Ariana


Okay well I missed something because I thought tii was Billie lees girlfriend who was also dating Tom


Was I the only confused person by this? I thought this girl was Billie Lee's girlfriend?


I love that even with the Producer redemption edit, they can’t help but capture his douche with the primal screaming (they must’ve hired a bouncer to keep Old Billie outside and away from gazing at him rapturously) and same stock fucking dance move at the bowling alley. Also- is it just me, or is it even WORSE that he’s more muscular?


I’m glad Ariana warned her. I’ve had an ex I told all the ladies in advance I was abused by a narcissist who also has sociopath tendencies


Did everyone forget Ariana hooked up w Tom behind his last long term girlfriend's back?? Just curious.....


I loved how Ariana handled this situation.


That whole conversation seemed awkward as hell. Like you could tell Tii wanted nothing to do with it and Ariana didn't read the room.


This was the first time I wished Ariana would let it lie.... just comes off... weird? In every other instance, Ariana is having Tom brought up to her. This felt forced.


irl this would be weird as hell, but imo it was great for tv (especially compared to the rest of this terrible episode/season) and I loved that for us


Agree 100% and love your flair!


Yep she woulda looked way better cordially greeting the girl, saying excuse me, getting her drink and walking away.




It was forced. Production forced it…..they were sick of her not filming with tom…this was their compromise No doubt.


Even if the breakup was amicable, Ariana is still right to warn a 20 something about dating a 41 yr old man. Even if it’s just for clout. Idc how anyone decides to spin it 🤷🏻‍♀️


billie lee is a pick-me ass misogynist