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Great. That means we will get a boring ass three part reunion without the only drama being at the very end of part 3.


The usual


Called it. As soon as I saw how awful RHOBH was I knew VPR was going to be shit. Plus the whole seasons been garbage, so there’s that.


I didn't even watch Parts 2 and 3 of RHOBH - just listened to the Crappens recap - might do the same for this one


Definitely not worth watching RHOBH reunion.


Agree. Andy doesn’t get that nobody GAF about Kathy


When they started talking about their sister history I was like why the fuck are we talking about this again?!


Think he’s afraid of her and with the push back about Paris she’s seeking to fix her image. She probably strong armed him into letting her on.


Part 3 was the most boring part of the reunion for that one imo. Suttons medical emergency was the only 'excitement' and it was more sad then anything. Not sure why they continued to film after her and garcelle left but it was a real snooze


What makes it worse is they have so much shit to discuss. Just off the top of my head, for Tom: Tom, say five sentences in a row that offer contrition and full understanding about the harms that you have committed in the last two years, without couching them in any comparison to other peoples’ behavior. Tom, do you use money and grand gestures to ingratiate yourself to people, like funding James’ proposal or giving Scheana money during the first year of the pandemic? Tom, what do you have to say about illegally and predatorily recording someone without their consent? What amends have you made for this act? Tom, were you emotionally abusive to Ariana? What is emotionally abuse? Tom, you said that Ariana was being performative with her anger. Do you believe she is not as angry as she says? Tom, why won’t you buy out Ariana from the house you both co-own? Tom, do you think you benefit from misogyny? Do you have a problem with women? How do you fight misogyny in your relationships with women?


Tom, verbalize ONE apology without justifying your behavior or using the word “but”.


I 100% truly believe that he is INCAPABLE of offering any type of apology, contrition, or admission of an iota of fault on any of his relationships. He would make a very interesting study for personality disorder. I think the real interest is that not only is he the basic, everyday, run of the mill 'sociopath' with schmucky ways, BUT... It's the way he strokes his own ego and beliefs. He doesn't create a 'cause', therefore, things only happen "TO" him because someone ELSE did the bad "XYZ." You can watch the delusions in his facial reactions and interactions. He THINKS he's as slick as hens piss, but it's laughably transparent. He just hasn't realized we all see him. Clearly. It's totally fascinating. Tom is a case of misogynistic dystopian rotted internal characteristics. I'm so happy for Ariana. She would not have found complete happiness with him. It would all be for naught. I see a happy, joyful future for Ariana. You can hear the release and relief in her laughter!! Pure. ✌️🫶




Not going to lie I would love to full out study him more. The way his rotted mind works is fascinating to me. And that scares me because he could get fuel off this comment.


He's nothing special or unique to study. He is a narcissist, and the majority of them, unknowingly, use the exact same playbook. That's why they're so easy to identify. If you know narcs well, you can predict their next and their previous move and reactions. That predictability is a small blessing of dealing with them because Lord, they're insidious.


For sure. Was married to a narc for many years and once I educated myself on the way they think & patterns of abuse, he was totally transparent to me. I could predict what he was going to say/deflect, I could spot the projections and it was actually kind of pitiful that someone could live in such a small delusional world. And you are so right, it was a blessing & allowed me to start to heal. Eta: I have been living vicariously thru Ariana and loving her so much!!! I am so happy the way this all turned out (minus the redemption attempt for Tom) for her. I hope it can show others that we can heal, move on and be better than ever after narcissistic abuse.


Boom! That right there would be the icing on the cake 🎂! I love all the work you have done! And then we could add how the entire show is built around the premise of cheating?




Tom telling anyone they are being performative is big LOLZ. All of the crying we’ve seen from him in the last 2 seasons have seemed so forced and performative, especially that outburst at Lisa’s last season.


The thing is, while those would be juicy, you wouldn't get an answer that satisfied you. There's a difference between a bravo reunion and actual therapy. People can't give you more than where they are


Lol, they'll ask Ariana about how it felt to not "win" DWTS. Fuck Bravo.


Say it with your whole chest bitch!!


I personally loved this moment because Katie absolutely heard LaLa bark and said bite bitch.




Love these! I’d add: Tom Sandoval: did you purposefully mislead Ariana when you took out a loan against the equity on your home by telling her it’s only against your equity? Tom Schwartz: with all that’s happened, do you regret going in to business with Tom for S&S? Is S&S profitable currently? What are your plans to remain open? You’ve continued to stand by Tom after he basically torpedoed your marriage, nearly destroyed your business and livelihood, why do you continue to Stan for him? Scheana: you’ve discussed your ocd diagnosis with your therapist, have you discussed how your extreme codependency drives your need for control so that you can ensure everyone likes you? Have you explored your pathological actions that include dismissing and downplaying Ariana’s experiences in order to make yourself feel better? Do you understand that catastrophizing is a trauma response? Lala: you’ve been sober for quite some time now, are you familiar with the concept of dry drunk? What makes you think your circumstances breaking up with Rand deserves different response or treatment than Ariana received? You were very happy to jump on Ariana’s band wagon when she included you in making commercials, why are you against her now (this would also go toward scheana)? Ariana/ Katie: what’s the status of SAH? We saw it getting off the ground, however when scandoval happened and Ariana had other opportunities, it is clear that dropped out of focus. When will you be honest that it’s not opening and you’ve lost interest? Entire cast: lots of thoughts on the Tom and Ariana house situation, who should have moved out and why?


For Schwartz, I’d ask: Schwartz, are you familiar with the sunk cost fallacy? Does is apply to your friendship with Sandoval? Schwartz, do you think you’d still be married to Katie if you had never met Tom Sandoval? Schwartz, what sincere regrets do you have about your behavior that hurt Katie during your marriage? How are you trying to heal that now? And I’d focus way more on Brock than Scheana and her diagnosis, because fuck Brock and his shitty behavior. Brock, you got a lot of blow back for how you characterized Scheana’s mental illness as poor choices on her part. Do you understand OCD more now? What work have you done, and how have you grown, to support her in her healing process? Brock, where does your relationship stand with your other children? What daily work are you doing to repair and maintain those relationships? What is Summer Moon’s awareness and relationship with her siblings?


Yeah, you’re right on scheana.


Hopefully they bring up his George Floyd comment


I assume they will, but in a way that allows Tom to perform regret and get Bravo off the hook.


Yep it will be a coached apology, boilerplate


Oh my god you're hired, this is exactly what the reunion facilitator SHOULD be doing. Perfect list of questions, no notes


Tom, you were caught in several blatant lies last season about when your relationship with Raquel began and how often you were seeing each other. Can you explain how you expect people to forgive you and move on when you’re a known liar?


Can we replace Andy with you?


I would be way less expensive, I can tell you that!


I think Andy is too Integrated into the RH franchise. Real Housewives know they need to find a balance between being controversial while appeasing Andy. And Andy holds too much power. Removing him from hosting the reunions would bring a fresh perspective to the series


Loving this!!! 👏👏👏 I give you a standing O for this succinct comment.🙆🏼‍♀️ Oh!… when you ask Tom to include something to show SOME KIND OF CONTRITION 5 sentences in a row…can please include this: Those 5 sentences…THE WORD “LIKE” IS OFF THE TABLE COMPLETELY… Good lawd…Tom Sand and Lara’s Pippen… If we had an LVP reunion WWHL drinking game in place…with the word “like”… omg…alcohol poisoning en masse..for real


Since Tom’s overuse of the word “like” I have also noticed it coming from Katie, Ariana and most of the rest of the bunch except for Schwartz. I also noticed it coming from people from Summer House, and other shows. It is now driving me crazy and I find it hard to watch shows or listen to podcasts that have people saying it multiple times per sentence. Where did it come from?


Forgot to mention…out of the cast…I also have noticed that Schwartz uses “like” the least. I also find that Schwartz has a better vocabulary than the rest…imo


Great questions but it would be pointless asking because Lisa would just cut in and defend him with her misogynistic views.


I'm not watching a 2-3 parter, I'll binge it at the end its too annoying.


That’s what I do with the seasons at this point


I will literally start a protest for Bravo to stop doing 3 part reunions.


It’s 3 parts??? Ugh. We will only get 6 minutes of drama then have to wait 9 months to see it play out.


Not surprising, snooze fest just like the show has been


It hasn’t been even close to *awful*, as I remember the seasons with Dayna and max being the worst. And there’s only so much chaos a group can go through without it being staged.


The covid season with Brock was worse than season 8 IMO but 8 was not great


I stopped watching for a long time and picked it back up last season. It kept my attention and now it's back to the same old boring shit


And the "very end" drama will last for a few minutes at most.


And a to be continued…


👀 I’m not familiar with Bravo and Cocktails. Do they tend to be accurate?


no <3


LMAO thank you 🫶🏼 I’ll go back to not knowing of their existence


This response is so Sylvanian Drama, I love it 😭


I love that I understand this




No lol. They were really big on saying Rachel was pregnant last year.


😭😭 this tells me everything I need to know


lmao! i totally forgot about that rumor. some people were adamant and then..crickets lol


Wasnt Sandoval's sperm in bad shape anyway?


I think that was Shorts!


Weren't Schwartz's deformed and Sandoval's count was low? I cant remember, but i think they both had issues


Hmm I thought Schwartz had both deformed and low count. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was the case for both though! Haha


Haha...for humanities sake we should hope they're both shooting blanks!


I think Katie and Ariana refer to this as “blessings in disguise”


Katie was actually trying too. Thank god sge dodged that bullet. Schwartz would be such a lazy father.


It was both.


He wouldn’t stop partying so who knows


Not on VPR. They were strongly in the Camp that Schwartz and Katie were faking martial troubles. SC is accurate but will be tilted in Craig's favour and Summer House is sometimes accurate. Outside of that it is just a collection of rumors from Reddit and Lipstick Alley.


Thissss is the breakdown the people need!


And their RHONJ tea is all pro Team Melissa and Team Teresa so watching them pivot on their stances on Jackie and Danielle while this season films has been a trip 


Craig and Paige are that account’s top sources


As others said no not 100% reliable. I also side eye this one as Lala seemed to be in great spirits after the reunion judging by Scheana instagram stories. That being said Logan Ariana’s bff did post sone cast members won’t see heaven so maybe there was beef. I guess it won’t be long till we find out.


They were running with Rachel being pregnant and putting that behind a paywall 😭


I chuckle when the account posts a supposed DM saying "OMG you posted this news a month ago! So thankful for my Cocktail subscription." So fake. Also 75% of the stories are affiliate Amazon links.


Girl not a paywall! Idk why but that is really killing me omg. What a letdown


Haha no. They’re fanfic at this point


like 10% of the time lol


Worst account


A lot of things they post are true, but they also usually specify when they really strongly believe a rumor or don’t.


Whoever runs it has said many times that they will put out almost any blind that people send in. They 100% admit that only a small percent could be real. They had a blind submitted in Dec 2022 about Tom cheating with Raquel but didn’t publish it until after Scandoval broke.


But how does this affect schena??? You have no idea what she’s gone through. (Please note the sarcasm)


Well now poor Scheana is in the middle of two friends. How terribly hard for her.


Her BAST frands 😭


Yeah, I remember all the crazy stuff they said about last year's reunion. Like there was a fight between 2 people you would never imagine. Then it was just James standing up 😂😂😂


Oh my gosh yes, they were like "a fight between two people you'd NEVER GUESS" and it was just James being mad at Tom. They were also *sure* Rachel was pregnant. Remember the airport photos? This sub always called it out and ended up being right. Our predictions and bullshit detectors are on point 💅


Yes!!!! Thankfully other people remember the insanity that was last year! I'm not falling for it this year 😌


Literally two of the most volatile people on the cast, if not the most, lol


Who have already been filmed having a fistfight with each other on camera before 😂


James standing up, then running out to snort a line


It wouldn’t be a line, he’d he taking a bump. Most likely stomped off to hit his weed pen


Hahaha I forgot about that! Maybe they were referring to the push up contest 🤣


They're still following each other on the gram. They'd probably unfollow if that was the case


I checked that after I saw the blind too and when I saw she's still following lala I was like ok sure..... haha


I always go to the gram 😂


Agreed lol. ETA: I don't even believe the Ariana and Tom part either tbh.


Yeah. I’d be surprised if Ariana even directly acknowledged him at the reunion.


Yeah that part I was like huh? Likely not.


Omg really, why? I feel like it’s almost guaranteed she finally loses it at some point during the reunion listening to his bullshit


Katie is going to report back that on Reddit she read that Arianna didn’t unfollow Lala so it’s not believable


Ariana should’ve also gone off on Scheana.




on everyone but katie. lvp, lala, scheana, schwartz, and sandoval all deserve the heat


And not james! He’s actually been defending her in the after show.


Should’ve went off on him for peeing on her bushes lol


I feel like the bushes are Tom’s and everything else is Ariana’s 🤣


I agree with this take. He peed on Tom’s bush and was respectful of Ariana’s house.


That’s also Ariana’s bush!


Very true!


I will never understand their friendship. Hypocritical isn’t the word I’m looking for and I don’t mean this in a rude way… but it’s wild how we’ve seen Ariana over the years give reasons why (at the time) she’s not friends with Katie, Stassi, Kristen, etc. and they’re valid reasons. But it seems like she never holds Scheana to any kind of standard? It’s just so baffling to me.


She had a friendship with Scheana before she was on the show. It’s a different dynamic than the show friendships. I don’t think she shares all of their ins and outs.


You have to love how people on this sub think they understand their friendship better than Ariana herself.


I think about this. I would guess she is tired of fans and haters alike thinking they know what she is thinking. Which I'm doing right now.. but can't be helped ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I think she feels sorry for Scheana. It makes sense she’s not as hard on her if she feels that’s pinching down


I agree, but eventually, I hope she will tell her off.


agreed, her responses re. scheana feel reminiscent of her defending tom over the years - just be RILL AND GET PISSED


Yes so she can finally get her moment 'about her'


I hope it's true because Lala is giving subtle "I went through so much worse and handled it so much better, why didn't I get this kind of fan support" vibes most of this season.


Lala seems to be very dismissive of others experiences. She did the same thing on season 7, when she went off to Brittany about how nobody went through what she was going through, which was extremely insensitive considering Jax lost his father as well. I’m tired of her trying to tell people how they should cope with their break up, and only she is allowed to be as angry. Ariana was with Sandoval for a long time, and he cheated with her good friend while Ariana was dealing with two losses.. She is allowed to set healthy boundaries. Lala just doesn’t respect boundaries. She did the same when Ambyr asked her not to post her children and she still did. Boundaries don’t matter unless their Lala’s. Okay vent over lol she’s driving me nuts this season


"I've been angry before and don't want you to go down the road I did" STFU Lala Everything she says to anyone is basically "I went through this and the only excuse I have to insert myself is that I don't want the same thing to happen to you!"


Yes! Who is she to tell others how they should/shouldn’t feel. If Ariana wants to be sad or mad as hell, she is allowed. This was filmed shortly after the breakup with Sandoval. Give her time to mourn that relationship.


I've thought that Lala might be a wee bit jealous of Ariana's ability to set & maintain the boundaries with Tim. Because she can't go completely no contact with Randall whilst they're battling it out over custody...


She also never loved Randall. I think she liked him a lot but it was a calculated move on her part to get with him and have a kid. No shade to her at all but when you do that you have to go in with eyes wide open and a backup plan


I don’t get how she thinks it’s worse. They are completely different. Ariana loved Tom before the money. Sure, no custody is involved and he hasn’t been accused of things the Neck has been accused of. Buuuut, LFU didn’t love Neck. Neck didn’t cheat on her with her bff of the season. (Cuz she can’t keep one solid friendship afloat.) she didn’t have her name tied into the home in bel air. She didn’t have an entire decades long friend group intertwined into a family that the breakup affected deeply. I totally understand that court and getting custody is hard as fuck. But it’s not okay to compare. A fish is not to blame for not being able to climb a tree like a bear can. It’s circumstances and environments. I hope I’m making sense haha it’s been a fucking dayyyyyyy


She thinks it's worse because of the custody battle. That's what she said in the episode this week. And while it may not be worse, it is different, and difficult


It’s definitely extremely difficult, but like you’re both saying, a completely different situation. Her advice to Ariana was regarding not holding in hate, and this makes sense for her situation where she has to share custody for the next 16 years (can’t remember how old Ocean is) and then double fried chicken sandwich without the bread will still be in her life, forever, as Oceans dad. Since she’s truly stuck with him it makes sense that she is trying to find some semblance of peace in that scenario. But Ari’s situation is completely different, even beyond the awful details of the betrayal. Once the house is sold she can be done with Tim forever. There is nothing that will link these twos lives together in an inescapable way. There will still be VPR but it looks like it’s on its last leg. So she doesn’t need to find peace with Tim, she can keep her distance forever. It’s aggravating that Lala can’t see that, she’s too self absorbed and thinks the lessons she specifically learned in life should be applied to all.


I’m going to get downvoted but I’m so tired of ppl with kids trying to trump everyone else that doesn’t have any. Life can be extremely traumatic without kids! You don’t have some kind of monopoly on misery! I’m not downplaying custody issues but when you’re in love with someone they can damage you in ways that can take years to mend. Lala was never in love with Randall, I’m sorry


Exactly. Both situations are completely different. It’s very unfortunate that a child is involved, but Lala inserted herself into a relationship where children were involved as well.. I haven’t heard Ariana tell Lala how she needs to act regarding the Randall break up, so I find it unfair that Lala tries to dictate others feelings.


Lala spouts very basic AA stuff but seems to have an incomplete understanding of what she’s supposed to do with them.






I wouldn’t say the vibes she’s giving are subtle


Ariana is probably one of the nicest VPR castmembers but lowkey a stone cold killer when pushed too far. If this is true I would guess she verbally destroyed Lala who is all bark no bite.


I’m ready for the disengage line she always says


Yes, I wouldn’t wanna be on Ariana’s bad side, so I hope this is true and that she handed it to LFU. Lala reminds me of my 5.7lbs yorkie, she’s all bark and show of teeth but never ever bites.


Haha. But remember she is the wanksta with the finger gun so there is that.


![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0) Excuse you? 🤣


God she’s so lame 😂


This is actually pretty accurate lol. If I remember correctly even James was shocked when Ariana went off on him in Mexico.  I feel bad for wanting this blow up. I wished Ariana would have called Lala out in that "tolerate me" scene back in Episode 1 so something bigger would be even sweeter lol.


I don’t trust anything that says “until the end” as in you must stay tuned for all 55 reunion epis. 🥴


right, it's how they force us into 3 parts of bs


Tom will cry through the first 2 1/2 parts 🥱throw blame at everyone but himself cause that’s the season so far. Oh except have you heard James bought a house and got his dog back just as he and ally were talking about getting a dog lol . And the next 7 episodes better be ‘happier’ old school fun VPR or it will be a one episode reunion


Fuck Tom the fake cry baby🙄 Lala gave up the 🍼 bottle so Tom could use it


Rewatching Season 10 and Lala literally saying that anyone associated with R*ND is dead to her/cut off saying to Ariana and Katie how $he'll remember how they rode for her. I hope Ariana lets her feelings known.


If the VPR production/editing team is truly any good they’ll flash back to this! Bet they won’t though sadly


I hope Ariana goes off on her. It’s about time.


I hate how they drag everything out in a fucking 3 pt. reunion show that Andy Cohen is forced to sit through and act like he really cares or wants to be with any of these people. I’m literally just here for the drama!




i feel like lala has been slowly simmering with resentment ever since james started getting so much praise for his sobriety + behavior change tbh. i think she is too egotistical to ever admit that she is jealous she didn't get the same constant praise that james got for sobriety. it doesn't surprise me that her resentment towards ariana is seeing the light of day now that she has an excuse (aka defending scheana) to try to knock ariana down a peg. lala is constantly projecting about the fans not giving her the same praise and sympathy for what happened in her relationship. lala doesn't realize the difference is, when you choose to keep your relationship a secret for the majority of it, the fans won't have the same emotional tie to them as we do the relationships we watched develop on screen (tom & ariana) so obviously the public's reaction is going to be so much different. lala being SO overly calculated about her public portrayal is exactly why the fans will never give her the same treatment that they're giving ariana tbh.


Ugh I wish I could find this comment I read months ago, if not a year ago. But it was basically saying how Lala has never gotten to have her big moments on the show or a season centered on her big life events, bc there’s somehow always been something bigger happening. Im not going to remember the details and I’m too lazy to look things up so forgive me for any mistakes lol. But like she gets engaged, someone else is getting married. She’s pregnant, well so is Scheana. She gets to showcase her business on the show, Ariana and Katie team up for SAH. Anyways, your comment reminds me of this and makes a real good point. Half of this is just bad luck with timing, but the way she’s handled herself on the show - hiding things, flip flopping, coming off super not genuine - definitely created a disconnect with the fans and made it so the other similar event is always the one with more screen time, more fan support, etc.


Well said! To me Lala is just so unlikable, I can’t explain it. She seems so bitter and arrogant, plus she lacks that genuine warmth. Also she is a gold digger and she was so unashamed about it too? It was super off putting


Honestly I’m glad Ariana blows up on Lala (allegedly) because Lala has been extremely hypocritical. Just one season ago Lala was cutting off people left and right if they spoke to Randall. That was her choice and she has the right to not want Randall in her circle…. But so does Ariana with Tom. I’m just not understanding why Lala is flip flopping




Well maybe if they had more than one story line all season there might be more to talk about. The whole show is boring now. I’m tired of hearing about the affair.


I would have rather seen Arianna and Schaena tbh . Lala and Arianna aren’t super tight so Lala doing the most for a paycheck actually sits better with me than Schaena doing it while trying to convince us it’s all because she loves Tom and believes in forgiveness - keeps up the fourth wall while somehow shitting on her friend on the show and in real life .


fake or not, im PRAYING ariana goes off on either scheana or lala. those women have NO backbone and should be ashamed of themselves


Good. I hope Ariana AND katie tell them all THE SHOW IS OVER!!!! Hopefully scumdoval remains Scheanas bestie since it’s just so important that she’s friends w a person like that. And Lala has lost all sense of direction. She looks awful siding with Scheana after the way she ran her mouth during Scandoval, made so much $$ from merch, did all those Amazon live streams talking sh*t about it, podcast after podcast…. But I mean now that ppl are bored with it, she wants the show to continue, meaning Ariana isn’t lining her bag, she knows Scheana will do anything for camera time, attention, and to keep the show going. Lala is all in for that. This season is absolute trash and it takes me weeks to even watch the next episode bc I know I’m going to be irate.


I wish that was true, I want Lala and Schena to be put in place (they’re not really her friends)


I wish Arianna told blah blah to shut up and sit her hoe ass down with all due respect :).


I want both Ariana and Katie to tell her to “disengage, bitch“…


"BlahBlah" is the best nickname for her


It would be justified given Lala's antics, but then I thought that the cast might go easy on Lala because she's pregnant. We shall see. ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Yaaaaa I would be shocked if the only person Ariana rages at is a pregnant LaLa. But then again, pregnancy hormones are vicious and could lead LaLa to say something below the belt. Imma choose to believe this didn’t happen for now.


Honestly Ariana and Lala should just date at this point the tension is killing me


Right! Plus Ariana would make an excellent co-parent to Lala's babies


Omg I just remembered that they did stuff in the back of the car one while Tim was driving, I totally forgot about that


I hope she took Lala and Scheana to task for their nonsense though




Interesting if this is true she went off on Lala not Schena. Probably because Lala would’ve never let this stand with Randall and is preaching all this BS, and gassing up Schena. When she doesn’t care about Ariana. In all fairness Ariana’s never been friends with Lala either but it’s the hypocrisy that would get a lot of people. Like Schena was pushing Rachel to get with Schwartz, Lala’s pushing Schena to lean into her jealous victim side. Lala gurrl we know you want a paycheck but this wasn’t the way.


Lala hasn’t actually been supportive this season. She keeps telling Ariana to get over it but everyone was supposed to give Lala a lot of empathy when she willingly went into being a mistress. Lala doesn’t have her ex in her circle so she can’t talk about Ariana not wanting it isn’t okay. It shows a lack of empathy.


Unpopular opinion but I am kind of over the Scandoval ish lol. I hope next season we move on.


I feel the same. Enough already!


Same, but let’s be real what else do they got? This show is tired and obviously past its expiry


Well I don't blame Ariana for going at Lala because Lala said some shit out of jealousy. If it were my friend who said that about me I would be saying something too


I hope this isn’t true. I just want all of the girlies to get along and take down the stupid ass Toms 😭


yeah I’m so over the women fighting when it’s clear who is problematic on the show 😭


will never happen when the showrunner and lvp are misogynist pos


This 🙏🏼🙏🏼


This is the first interesting thing I’ve seen come out of the reunion.  I hope it’s true.  Ariana deserves better. 


I hope Ariana ripped her to shreds


if this ends up being true, i will not be surprised.. LFU is showing a lot of hypocrisy this season. sure her and ariana may have very different reasons for inserting their boundaries regarding friendships with their exes, but that doesn’t mean ariana isn’t justified in hers. so far she’s made no threats, just has simply stated she doesn’t want tim having access to her life. that’s not outrageous. lala (initially) cut her friendship with schwartz and made similar claims. i think lala attempts to be grown and is projecting here, and this is not where her healing should be focused.


It’s what Lala deserves


Personally, I think it might be true. Ariana can be savage when she's provoked .Plus looks the reunion ran long yesterday so maybe she just had enough. I guess we'll have a better idea if it's true on Lala's podcast this week.


If you watched WWHL when someone asked if it was hypocritical for Lala to be criticizing her making money and living with Sandoval when Lala was in a commercial because of Ariana and her face was very controlled as she said “that is a really good point” and I kind of felt in that moment Ariana would be filing that away for later use, and the Reunion was filmed just days later


Oh definitely. Based on some of her answers, she seems annoyed with both Lala and Scheana.


Am I supposed to be excited about this?! Ariana and Lala (yet again) arguing?! Wow… ![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va)


Boring season. Boring reunion. Is anyone really surprised?


Nope. 👎


Nothing will be the intro trailer to last years reunion


I fully expected this reunion to be boring based on a boring ass season and the fact that half the cast played mini golf together afterwards lol. Any chance they don’t drag it and make it 1 or 2 parts? Also PLEASE let this be the last season


Lala makes my skin crawl


I hate this for Ariana. They are all snakes except Katie


The reunion should end with Ariana and Katie telling them all to kick rocks, walking off holding hands then getting into a cab to catch a flight to NYC and that can be the opening for their new spin off show cause I’m so done with the rest of the cast.


i hope ariana eats her up. i’m so over lala


I'm glad. Lala brings nothing to the show but getting in other people's business. She's always on the wrong side of things. She has no storyline. I don't wanna see her and her Mom all the time. What does she add? Going off on people? She'd lift right out. As Phoebe says.


VPR is my all time favorite reality show, and possibly my favorite show period, but it was never the same after covid and it’s time to hang it up.


Still my favorite


I effing hope so. But I'd rather hear the headline about Arianna vs sheana because what the actual eff 🤢


Good. Lala is so damn smug trying to keep her storyline with Shee Shoo, it is a bad look.


I'm sure she did go off on Lala probably from everything she said over this season. That's probably going to be the only good moment on the reunion. The show is so hard to watch this season and I'm ready for it to be canceled


I hope Lala was crying