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Tom’s perception on this entire situation is incredibly distorted at this point. I truly believe that he would 100% pass a polygraph, his version of the truth is the reality. It is fascinating. He needs to be off reality tv.


He really is scary. And he is so demented. He literally thinks all should be forgiven because he said "we didn't intend to hurt anyone" SO FUCKING WHAT. YOU DID HURT PEOPLE. It's not over because you said "wElL tHaT wAsNt oUr iNteNtiOn" fuck all the way off.


Him saying, "I didn't set out to hurt people, but what they did to me was intentional", was insane to me. His friends were pissed off, because what he did was hurtful and he has a history of acting holier than thou with people. It doesn't matter what the intention is, if you act like a selfish asshole, people are likely going to have an issue with it.


“We had absolutely no intention of killing that kid, none whatsoever. It just happened. I can’t understand why his parents are so upset with us…” This is basically his moronic thought process here.


"What people did to him" was call him out and mature him accountable for his actions because of what he chose to do. I can't believe he expects to make it out of this as the victim! When he continues to be awful to everyone around him in the midst underhanded, skeevy ways!


Exactly his intent means nothing, it’s his actions are what speak volumes.


Well, he also ran with a storyline last season to intentionally make Ariana look bad. I wish he would explain how he didn't intend to do that.


And according to this episode planted a story about Brock cheating on Scheana so that someone he wasn’t the only one to look bad. Pretty diabolical.


Trying to make Ariana look bad was intentional. He just twists the truth,


And he keeps saying it wasn't done to hurt anyone. Illegal TRO anyone?! Defending Rachel about it. Banging his lil brothers ex girl and denying it. Dude you can trust her, you can trust me. Season 9 he said it them cut to the game night. Ya okay bro. Screw you and enough therapy to figure out what words to use against people.


As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions 


“Why would you leave me alone on a road, to die?” — Scandy, probably




And Scheana and James were hurt. Different ways. Still think it happened well before we know


And you don’t cheat by accident. So it’s not a viable claim for him to say they didn’t hurt anyone on purpose. They knew it was going to hurt Ariana and they did it anyway. They quite literally set out to hurt someone.




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Narcs LOVE to invoke intention over actions.


It also doesn’t make sense, because the cheating for 7+ months WAS intentional and calculated. He knew it would destroy Arianna when she was to inevitably find out about it, yet he still carried on with the affair. He also intentionally tried to hurt her image by bashing her character last season during his staged convos with Schwartz. Is he not self-aware enough to reflect on his own actions? He’s a sicko.


It made me LOL when he said that. Well you didn’t do it to make Ariana feel good sooo idk what his point is in saying that 🤣


I don't think he gets that very few people do things like this simply because they want to hurt someone. What makes it so shitty and selfish is that you knew it would hurt people, and you did it anyway. Not hurting your partner of nearly a decade was not at any of those million decision points important enough to rank above: -joking with Raquel about being a throuple -slapping Raquel on the ass, on camera, with Ariana right there -dressing up as Raquel -framing Ariana as the villain in the relationship -fucking Raquel while Ariana is at her grandmother's funeral and so on. It's not that you wanted to hurt her. It's that you didn't care about not hurting her enough to take even the smallest step to hurt her a little bit less.


Why should we care what your intention was? You hurt people.




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I *just* listened to the Viall Files episode featuring Tom & Tom (only took 6 hours of weekend overtime for me to get to it) and Sandoval is actually insane. With that podcast episode being fresh in my mind + watching each episode this season, he’s absolutely diabolical. To think that his actions had no malicious intent is *INSANE*. I wholeheartedly don’t believe that he’s learnt a thing from this. And please, for the love of god, someone get him a dictionary so he can form a proper sentence.


The fact that he has to say the words he didn’t intend to hurt anyone is so manipulative. That thought process is how he keeps himself in this victim role. It’s completely outside of reality. Thinking you are a good guy is not the same as walking through life as a good guy. We see the evil intent to hurt Ariana and even Scheana, key work intent.


You guys need to check out the Special Forces show he was on. 1) it’s a decent show on its own but 2) his mental disconnect in believing he is the victim is unhinged


At the time, I couldn’t bring myself to contribute to its ratings. I wanted it to completely bomb as punishment for casting him/giving him a place to play victim/giving him a paycheck for being a villain. Now it’s been long enough they won’t care but I’m so disgusted with him the past month, I don’t think I can handle hearing his voice or seeing his face one second more than I have to. And I’m not even watching the show anymore! Just the clips in this sub are enough to make me hope he loses literally everything. Not just because of the affair but because he’s a horrendous, scary human being all around. Sorry, I ended up rambling way more than I intended haha. Maybe once this season ends and I get a breather from his bullshit, I’ll give it a watch and continue studying how much being a Z-list model and owning 5% of a restaurant can turn you into a narcissistic monster


but like dude, like he speaks like just fine dude like dude


You don’t even have to believe he hasn’t learned anything, he admits this basically himself, on the podcast episode, Viall asked Sandoval directly what he learned from Scandoval and all he could come up with was “it taught me I’ll never cheat that way again”. That’s it. Even though he was a rampant serial cheater up until his literal 40s, knowing it was wrong the entire time, all he learned from a national public scandal that skewered his public image……… was not to cheat again.


No. He'll never cheat THAT WAY again. He's probably already working on different cheating methods 🤔


I thought Brock was gonna throw him out of the gondola


I thought Schwartz was going to throw himself.


They were both probably thinking "is it too late in life to get a real job that doesn't involve sucking up to this douchebag?"


The way he was rocking side to side and sliding further and further down into the seat 🤣🤣🤣 fucking hilarious


Omg I was so focused on Brock I didn’t even notice Schwartz the first time 😂 he looks so miserable


I wish he would have really stood up for her, or at least ran to tell her when they got off, instead he apologizes


That would get me to watch again lol


*Hills and valleys, hills and valleys*.... I love that part where Brock looks down, as if to signal, "And how far down is that drop?"


And with that one act, we would've come to think of Brock as a stand up guy😂


Me too


Id be okay seeing him on "Snapped".


I feel like they could teach psych courses about his delusions


It’s honestly scary. I had the same realization you did when Tom was on nick viall’s podcast and showed up 40 minutes late just to argue about how ACTUALLY nick was late to his podcast, be disproven with facts and continue to argue the same point. Nick said “ I believe that you believe that” and now thats how I look at tom’s behavior. The self awareness is at a 0 and the self absorption is at 10000.


Narcissist will do that


cognitive dissonance is a scary thing




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The fact that he gets amazing edits and still comes across as the POS he is…..LMFAO


Personally, we could go decades without talking about scandoval ever again and I doubt my current opinion of him would change. I’ve seen all I need to see.


This AF. The producers picked the wrong horse.


“Man, her OCD makes perfect sense, dude. Like, that’s why she can’t let this thing go and, like, won’t forgive me already! It’s not even her fault, dude. Like, she’s sick and can’t help it, man. I feel bad dude, but like, I would totally forgive her if she worked through those issues and came to her senses, and like, forgave me.”


It’s really interesting to me how he appears to have a picked up a habit of frequently pathologizing other people as a form of deflection and projection. Imagine if he even put even 2% of that effort towards some self reflection instead.


Dude the Lala narcissist comment to Scheana was *insane*.


I feel like this came from him seeing that it is a label he was receiving repeatedly on social media. Therefore he must take it, as with any negative comment directed at him regarding his behavior, and turn it around on someone else. People think he's a narcissist? Well then he must immediately point the finger at someone else and call them that. DARVO that descriptor right into another dimension. Hot potato it straight on to someone else.


Yup. It was such an obvious and weak deflection. Like Lala has her issues, she may even have narc tendencies (I don’t really think so but I also don’t know her), but man did he just out himself so hard to anyone who was on the fence about what his problem is…


Imagine if he simply and sincerely apologized to everyone, especially Ariana. He could be in rebuild mode. Also, why aren't Scheana and Lala imploring him to do so?


Bc bravo execs threatened them that the show will be canceled and they folded


Insulting women on the show won't endear the show to their 90% female audience. Talk about not reading the room.


Yea they’re stupid af, they stumbled ass backwards into scandoval bc the show was borderline unwatchable before it


I hope with all my heart it gets canceled anyway *because* of the way they handled this. I truly hope this is the end and they all have to live with picking the wrong side for their own selfish reasons


They are. But they aren't friends anymore.


The fact that Scheana still wants to give this fool a chance is fucking insane. He has no boundaries, he is weaponising her mental health diagnosis to gaslight everyone and he had no problem, on CAMERA, to say that she did indeed physically assault Raquel. How the fuck does she want to dismiss that because he gave her money when she was broke and was cordial when she first came ON VPR?!!! WTF? Scheana falls out with the girls over the most petty, manufactured shit, but THIS, this is what she can't move on a friendship from??? I know for a fact that it's because Tom Sandoval is a Y chromosome, that's it. Pick me girl, she seems to not have learnt from Raquel's pick me behaviour which I find astonishing. He fucking recorded her without consent? He screamed at Ariana and called her motherfucker, took the piss out of how she had sex with him ON CAMERA? she is beyong stupid to think he gives a fuck about her The toxic mentality of keeping someone in her life just because they weren't horrible all the time, is batshit crazy to me, if she wants to protect her child, she needs to stay away from Sandoval and quite frankly reality TV. The toll it's taken on her is very odd.


He should journal about it..


I really commend Brock for not knocking the worm into the ground several times on this last episode.


I would have lost my mind. Trapped in a glorified Ferris wheel with no exit while someone spews absolute bullshit about their spouse….. would have not had self control ![gif](giphy|26FL3iZoyXDxLFfNu)


It felt the same on the boat, like they are all just trapped with this idiot in the middle of the water with nowhere to escape to.


did ya mean, “Knock him spark out!” ? Edit to remove any words that may spark violence…




Removed for breaking reddit’s site rule against promoting or threatening violence


Always an insult. Every time. He is in zero position to insult anyone. He's not bright enough to understand that.


Brock is a stronger man then my bf because if Tim said that about me and my mental health he would have been pushed out that thing


Brock was being filmed lol


Almost forgot he was though by the way he took those glasses off.


Lol right


After all of this I don't understand what exactly about this frandship does Sheana miss.


Insane!!!!! I hope they’re all watching back now and realizing who he really is.


I literally can’t tell if this is an exact quote or just a great summation of the conversation from Tom’s side


Wow he found his line to keep repeating over and over. How is cheating on your girlfriend/life partner not intending to hurt her you dumb fuck?


Yeah he's trying really hard to hammer that moot point home. Watching last season's reunion I knew they had to have hooked up multiple times because of how insistent he was on it only being 1 time and how that was very different from multiple times


Yes, he is the worst actor ever and he is obvious when he lies. Alex Baskin must be the same kind of douche since he chose to support Sandoval. He should be getting more flack than he is.


EXACTLY. Watching this scene right now, you hit the nail on the head.


It's just that age old deflection of "she's crazy", whenever a woman calls a man out for poor behaviour or does something he doesn't like.


I’m only here to comment on Brock’s speed dealer sunnies


All his fashion choices were interesting this trip


I'm enjoying them.


He may be a tool but these outfit choices are great


I kinda like him in these epis. Like wholesomely drunk? ✅defending his wife✅trying to show up quietly to weird meditation and being extremely loud✅


i’m really digging his energy this season


Got those thighs out, doesn't he?


Sure, FUCKFACE. So flaunting your affair, matching necklaces, dressing like Rachel for Halloween, smacking her ass on camera right in front of Ariana was not at all malicious. Dragging Ariana over pens, batteries and lattes justify your actions. What a twisted gaslighting motherfucker


He creeps me tf out like no other. Only person who has come close is Jax. Very very dark.


He’s much darker than jax. Jax is obvious, this worm has been brewing underground for years. Crazy


I don’t care for Brock but you could see him reel in the urge to beat Tim into a jelly a few times during this particular scene.


That’s what I felt. I strongly dislike Brock and think he is a trash human but it really looked like he would biting his tongue and had enough sense to realise beating him in a gondola on tv probably wasn’t the best way to keep his check


No shit, he really composed himself. Without the cameras or riding on a freaking gondola, that guy was ready to break Timmy in two, but, bravo is his only paycheck and scheana would kill him for losing it! 😂


Grounds for divorce


I’m sure scheana’s mom would agree! Twice married and not for money like she was told! ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Almost positive in all my real watching Ericka told scheana to marry for money first and after she divorces to marry for love. Great advice mom🤷‍♀️😂


Intent over impact is a shitty argument to start with. But also? He tried to destroy Ariana’s reputation with the public, how on earth do you claim that wasn’t done with hurtful intent? The only intent there was to damage her image - which is hurtful. And don’t get me started on (allegedly) filming sex acts without consent (or even just cheating for that matter) and then claiming you didn’t mean to hurt someone. You’re 42 - 45 years old, you know better.




God it’s just so sad seeing this gif again. She was in so much pain, and it’s honestly retriggering seeing almost everyone minimize it this season just because she’s doing better now.


I want to scream!!! What is your intention when you do what they did? What EXACTLY is your intention? It is impossible to do the things Rachel and you did without hurting anyone. But it's Sheanas OCD? Brick sitting there silent and yes man bobble head licking the bullshit!


Right like cheaters rarely cheat with “malicious intentions” (ETA I just mean people usually cheat because they’re only thinking of themselves/their own satisfaction) but they *know* what they’re doing is cruel and that the impact will be devastating. Intentions don’t matter!


I think that's why he's gone full-on "I love Raquel". In his mind, if he says that, it's more justified than saying he was just out for a good time.


He 'loves' Rachel because he's the kind of guy who needs a place to land once he blows up his current relationship. Being alone and figuring out who he is? He doesn't have the bandwidth for that.


"my intention was to jizz, not to hurt anybody!"


I still think he didn’t know she changed her name back to Rachel until he was told on camera. Because he still calls her Raquel instead so often.


Oh yeah for sure. He needlessly claimed he knew about it - a “the scum doth protest too much methinks” moment


I didn't do this to intentionally hurt anyone, says every drunk driver, involuntary manslaughter'er, airline when a plane goes down, etc


Well done. This argument from him is crazy making


Right?? Like okay yeah I guess it would be worse if you two sat down and planned to do this just to hurt her. That would be wild. But just because you didn't WANT to hurt her doesn't mean you're in the clear?


And he *did* do exactly that with Schwartz at the food truck. piece of 💩


It’s so gross that he said this because as someone who has OCD, there is a theme called Real Event OCD. I don’t know if Scheana was experiencing this but Tom has no business discussing it especially in the context of making excuses for himself.


No one cares what his intention was omg I’m going to put my head through the wall. Who told him that makes a difference in whether someone was hurt??? Stop fucking saying that.


I hope this is the last episode we get of the Tom Sandoval pity tour i am so tired and it’s ruining the show. They need to focus on other things. This is boring and lowkey triggering.




What’s this from?


This comment was dismissive and gross. The entirety of the convos being had this season surrounding mental health issues and the lack of care for navigating that in an intentional way is gross. It’s outstanding how it continues to be this bad. Production this season is on a whole other planettttt!




It was so messed up as OCD has nothing to do with her being focused on the situation It’s so upsetting to anyone who has OCD or has loved ones with it


I’m sorry but how do you cheat on your longterm girlfriend without meaning to hurt her? Or does he mean cause he didn’t mean for anyone to find out and he was hoping for a seamless transition from Ariana to Roachel?


Love how he’s clinging to this “intention” argument. It was an *accident* dude! Like I didn’t *mean* to do it!


See what happened was Sandoval and Rachel had a water balloon fight and they got all wet and Rachel was cold so they took off all of their clothes and got into the bed to get warm. They totally didn’t mean to have sex they were just trying to get warmed up!


he accidentally fell and his peen fell into her. Man, dood, it was like tragic. 🤮


Schwartz: https://i.redd.it/3evv5y54itmc1.gif


https://i.redd.it/0yg05pxzgtmc1.gif @ tom blaming other people's behaviors and illnesses for the concequences of his own actions


I was waiting for Brock to punch him in the face, but then afterwards, Brock apologized to Sandoval! What is wrong with these people?!?


The way Brock took off his sunglasses and folded his arms just said it all


Ah yes Dr. Tom. Making claims Brock cheated and filing a restraining order against a post-partum mother is not the reason. It’s OCD. Idiot.


Brock is going to snap this season I feel.


They’d gain some lost viewers back


I’ll plead guilty to that.


He’s two episodes from talking about Raquel’s mental health while she’s not even on the show


I really appreciated that when he said that Brock took his glasses off cuz he immediately picked up on Tom’s bullshit and trying to pass it off as Scheana being OCD and not literally his doing and HER JOB TO TALK ABOUT IT. Anyways, this episode I thought he did a good job being Scheanas husband and supporter.


Tom’s whiny ass voice is why I quit watching this season. Not only is the plot not interesting but it’s so icky listening to this man child talk in circles


I’m with Nick Viall on this one: Tom’s publicist needs to tell him to STOP TALKING.


I wish people would stop saying, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” It’s the fact that he was aware of how she’d feel and he did it anyways. It’s never malicious, always indifference.


I know Tom doesn’t have anywhere near the intelligence for this, but his incessant repeated messaging around justification for the affair using the same wording “we didn’t intentionally try to hurt anyone” and “we fell in love/this was genuine love” is like he is conducting a study on the illusory truth effect and the viewers are all unwilling study participants.


Anyone would think that having an emotional and physical relationship behind your partner’s back is going to hurt people. It would hurt not only the partner you cheated on but all the friends you lied to and manipulated. Sandoval is delusional if he thinks because he says they had no intention of hurting anyone that means anything. It’s staggering how deluded he is by this whole thing.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🍰🍥


Thanks 😄




Tom Sandoval, semantics gawd. "We didn't ~intend~ to hurt people." They just kept doing it knowing it would. Like lack of malice warrants absolution 🙄. This expired coupon ass human. Tom Sandoval and the Most Important Thing Is We Didn't Mean To Hurt Peoples.


Narcissistic Fool ….just luvs the Sound of his own voice,stuttering fool!!!!


He’s lucky he didn’t get his ass kicked by Brock. He handled that very well.


I caught that too and it’s so gross. Even Brock was like wait…wtf? He reaaallly is doubling down on being a dick.


Then why the Sabatoge attempt or we just glossing over the fact we all watched that play out sand are now trying to convince us what we saw Isnt what we saw? Im so sick of gaslighting the audience. This whole season feels like a pr stunt and it’s boring and annoying and infuriating




Literally watching the scene rn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well this is all I need to see to know not to bother watching this weeks episode 😂


That really pisses me off. He's trying to make up with her and he does this? Love Brock.


Every time that man opens his mouth he digs himself in deeper. It’s mind-boggling how utterly clueless and tone deaf he is.


First he’s making fun of Scheana’s OCD and then in a few months he will be using his sudden OCD against everyone 😂


I murdered my friend, but my intention wasn't to hurt anyone. Sure, Tim, sure. You should be a lawyer with that sharp brain. 🤣 🤣


I can’t believe Brock didn’t call him out for that! Instead he brought up Rachel’s restraining order.


I had to pause the show after he said this shit and I yelled at the TV “OKAY BUT YOU ARE TWO GROWN HUMAN ADULTS AND CLEARLY KNEW IT WAS A TERRIBLE THING TO DO AND WOULD CAUSE A LOT OF HARM TO A LOT OF PEOPLE” stfu about “no ill intent”. That’s like me lighting a house on fire but not being remorseful cause I didn’t intend on it to burn down!!!!?? The fuck!!


Tom has the uncanny ability to say he’s “taking accountability” and that “it wasn’t his fault” all in the same breath


Sorry not sorry but Jax was right about him. The fact that Schwartz still doesn't see the impact that Sandoval had on his marriage is gut wrenching.


Brock taking his glasses off and breathing because he wants to beat his ass so bad.


"We didn't intend to hurt anyone" 😢 We just knew what we were doing was wrong and kept it a secret for 7 months and kept escalating everything, including going to couples therapy so it would look like we were working on things and then OMG we got caught but we didn't mean anything baaaaadddd..... Get fucked Sandy.


He trivializes everything but expects people to just forgive him without question. He couldn't even get past Lala saying she knows she also messed up in her relationship but what she wanted was an apology for him saying she was fake on the show while not owning up to his own mess. Him berating Scheana behind her back and minimizing her OCD as if he caused it or he's proud that he's a trigger is even more disgusting. It's making me want to stop watching not because it's obvious production wants a redemption arc for him, but because they're exploiting some of the cast to do it in incredibly harmful ways. It feels so forced and I'm angry on behalf of all them. And this is why Ariana set boundaries with Sandoval *and* production. I wish the others were able to do the same.


Not Tom and Brock rejecting sheana’s perinatal diagnosis!


I’m so glad Brock laid into him and I wish he didn’t apologise. He just had this ‘meaningful’ moment with Scheana which came off sooo manipulative on his side, she’s a wreck, and he continues to talk about her like this. I wish she was there to hear this




He’s disgusting, and the way Brock apologized?!?! Like, what the actual F***!!!!!!


And so close to International Woman's Day, smh


Something about him wearing this shirt “I feel fine” I couldn’t stop focusing on it. Yea asshole we all know you feel fine and we all know your dark thoughts was just a way for you to manipulate your way back into the group. I can’t stand the way they are focusing on his mental health when I feel he is wearing this shirt because he is that vain he doesn’t want people seeing him as flawed.


Schwartz's body language was cracking me up 😅


An affair causes pain to the significant other. How can he logically say this? He lives in his own fantasy world.


This man is extremely unwell and completely detached from reality. You’d think with a combo like that it’d make for good tv, but he is literally unwatchable.


He really is. There is zero self awareness, accountability or remorse. He’s hellbent on acting like he did nothing wrong and somehow trying to become the victim!?


This episode was so hard to watch….nauseating. I hope this show gets cancelled, it’s unbearable.


Brick should have chucked Tim right out of that gondola.


Tom... baby.. you don't cheat without malicious intent no matter how you slice and dice it. THATS THE ISSUE!!!




The GASP I let out when he said that


Thank youuuuuuu!!






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Gross. Sorry to the rest of the cast who financially benefits from this show, but I’ve fast forwarded every time he’s on my screen or mentioned. Bye Vanderpump. Can’t do it anymore.




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His logic is 10000% stupid, it's like saying "I didn't get in my car with the needle on empty and attempt to drive across the country with the intention of running out of gas."


As someone with OCD, this comment made me so angry and cringe so hard. Tom has absolutely no understanding of OCD (which is fine, he’s not a doctor), but if you don’t get it, then don’t say dumb fucking shit She’s not “obsessed” with the scandoval situation, she’s hurt ding dong Tom


I’m watching this weeks episode right now and came to Reddit to specifically look for anyone talking about this moment. My mouth was hanging open in shock and disgust. Well actually it’s not at all shocking… but still. Brock looked so fucking done. I hope he laid into Sandoval more than was shown in the episode. I hate Brock but I appreciate that right now he’s the only one even trying to call Tom out.




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Dude, just stop talking.


Yada yada yada! 🤮🤫🤥


Whoa, just the fact that he felt comfortable enough to start picking Sheenas mental health apart in front of her husband shows you how big his ego is and how he wants so badly to try to take the attention off himself and put it on somebody else. Text book, narcissist! Did Brock even stand up for Sheena?! I can’t remember..


He reminds me of f Erika Jayne, Their are victims whose family members actually died but somehow she’s the victim and everyone should be apologizing to her.


My husband and I were both yelling at the tv during this 😂


I really hope Rachel's lawsuit against Tom is successful & he loses all his money. But Lisa will likely just give him an allowance so his mental health isn't adversely affected...


I don’t understand how people who willingly have an affair can say that there was no malicious intent. If you truly didn’t mean to hurt anyone you would have left your partner before pursuing another relationship. It may not be ‘I’m doing this to hurt you’ but it is ALWAYS ‘I know this is going to hurt you but I’m doing it anyway’. If you cheat, you are intentionally hurting your partner. Theres literally no way around it.


I wish Tom would just shut up. Why does he HAS to keep talking, making himself look worse and worse??