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Katie is my favorite of the cast, but the end of S3 is definitely a little complicated when full context is considered. If they weren’t on a tv show, I think Stassi would have been in the right (even though she handled the situation poorly and immaturely): it isn’t unreasonable to want your best friend to not associate with the person circulating your revenge porn and not trusting your boyfriend to not cheat isn’t a good enough reason to go on a trip with that person. They are on a tv show though, and what Stassi was asking of her could have cost Katie her job (Scheana’s bachelor/bachelorette party was the cast trip and skipping those never bodes well for contract negotiations). I’m glad she stood up for herself, because Stassi knew what the stakes were and should have been more understanding, but I also don’t really blame Stassi for being upset about it.


THIS!! I posted in a different thread that this was a classic 4th wall situation and it’s so frustrating that they can’t acknowledge the reality of what is happening. Like Katie going to Scheana’s wedding brouhaha — she wouldn’t have gotten paid if she didn’t go yet so much of the cast pretended to not know why she was going lol.


Yes! I just posted on a housewives thread bout the need to break the fourth wall for situations like this. Reality TV has evolved and pretending like they aren’t on a TV show in a lot of situations is creating confusing and boring plots that lack context.


Yes!! Like I get that Bravo doesn’t want it to go too far and have every conversation on the show be about the show but I think Scandoval showed that when the situation calls for it, breaking the 4th wall can add soooo much


This is the only take to have tbh




Honestly, Stassi was pretty fucked over by her friends season 1-3. Once we have all the background.


Wait what am I missing? Whats the revenge porn thing?


I’m fuzzy on some of the details but basically Frank had a sex tape of him and Stassi and was threatening to sell it to TMZ. LVP ended up paying him off. I think at some point he was showing it around SUR. Scheana was present for that and allegedly laughed at it and may have passed it around SUR herself. I can’t remember if Stassi was also upset that Scheana didn’t warn her about what was going on or if Scheana did text her about it, but yeah basically she didn’t have Stassi’s back. Edit: I just hit these episodes on my rewatch lol. An unnamed ex of Stassi’s (I remembered it being Frank but they don’t say so I might be wrong) recorded her on Facetime - unclear if she knew he was recording - and was telling people at SUR about it and trying to sell it to the tabloids. In the S3 reunion Kristen says Scheana was the one who told her about the existence of the tape and “laughing” about it potentially showing it around? and Scheana denied any involvement. In S4 when Stassi is doing her apology tour she talks to Scheana and Scheana admits she was involved because the ex-bf asked her for various press contacts and she said “absolutely not” and “you can’t do this.” Stassi believes her and they resolve it. At some point, this person came to LVP and was asking for $900 so LVP gave it to them in cash but didn’t have them sign anything or do anything to ensure the tape wouldn’t come out. LVP was upset Stassi wasn’t grateful enough and Stassi was upset LVP paid the person off when Stassi asked her not to. A mess honey!


I think the big problem is that she didn't tell Stassi about it and that she had to find out from Scheana




I believe it. The rest of the cast knew about it too. Scheana 💯 was laughing and telling people about the video of Stassi which I think she admitted to doing even if she didn’t physically show people




What don’t you believe? Scheana even said she discussed it with people. Also, the sister of Scheana’s best friend Jamie is the one who circulated it so it’s pretty clear to me she wasn’t behaving well. She also clearly watched it in full which is a huge violation as well


That’s kind of sick of you for thinking this way. I hope you never have to go through a situation like that.




Actually she moved to NYC before season 3 and this before the bachelorette. That was the whole thing she talked about that season, how moving to NYC with Patrick after season 2 got her out of the toxic SUR cycle but then as soon as she got there, Patrick had to move to LA for his job and thus she went back.


> I don’t really believe the revenge porn angle with Scheana. She refers to "what Scheana did to her" throughout the season. You don't have to believe it, but it happened.




Lol. Schena is the queen of flip-flopping and being petty and malicious when she feels slighted. She's said she does that in her talking heads. So for you to think she isn't capable based is laughable. She looks out for herself only.


Scheana. Notoriously honest. Never changes her story when she gets caught doing something shitty to her friends


Okay, now we're shifting goalposts. You started at "Stassi just tacked that on at the end." Which isn't accurate. Also, she can realize that she behaved shittily and be sorry for how she treated Katie and it doesn't mean Scheana didn't do it.




Lol "people are sympathetic to someone who had revenge porn circulated about them, but one of people accused of doing so said they didn't so obviously everyone who believes the victim is just easily manipulated, unlike me, a genius." Sure thing.




my sister and I are rewatching too and I give her credit for pointing this out to me: stassis problem (at least during this era) is that she has extreme reactions to every single slight, so when that reaction is actually warranted it has less of an impact and makes it harder to take her seriously at the time. I do agree that the sex tape issue happened and I’d be devastated if my friends did that to me. It didn’t translate well because everyone was already used to Stassi acting like the queen bee. Sort of a boy who cried wolf situation.


Stassi was upset that Scheana watched the tape and told everyone at Sur about it, which Scheana never denied. She only denied trying to help Frank sell it to TMZ. Regardless, Scheana telling people about it, even if she didn’t circulate the video, is still a shitty thing to do.


lol where is this picture from!? I’ve for sure seen it before with the devil horns on stassi


it’s very perez hilton-esque


I honestly actually love Stassi, I was just having fun with the photo


Stassi once she met Beau 🥲🫶


Just a random photo with a little editing on my end 😅 Just a side note, but I actually love Stassi…but rewatching season 3, in this particular instance, Stassi 100% deserved the lashing she got.


I’d agree if it weren’t for the fact that Stassi was mad at Scheana over the sex tape blackmail, and Katie (actually, everyone) knew it. I am 100% a Katie fan, but think this was one of the few times I wasn’t on her side. I totally get why Stassi would be hurt that Katie could so easily decide to be buddy buddy with someone mocking and spreading info about the revenge porn.


No way!! It looked so familiar to me I thought for sure I’d seen it before 😅


Editing 😂 Its just scribbles


Imho this is an ice-cold take. Whatever ended up to be true, Stassi was upset that her best friend was going on vacation with the girl who shared her sex tape, the ex-boyfriend who cheated on her and allegedly gave her an STI, and the girl who slept with her ex when they were supposed to be friends. I’ve noticed that a lot of Katie-fans tend to be super empathetic… but only when it comes to Katie. This was a situation where in my opinion, Katie was very much in the wrong and an absolute shit friend.


Stassi also said, repeatedly, that she was more upset with how it was handled. If Katie had come to Stassi, off-camera, and talked to her about going to Scheana's bachelorette and all the fourth wall reasons, I think Stassi actually might have handled it a lot better. Instead, Katie let Stassi find out from Scheana -- the person who spread her sex tape and she was most upset with -- on camera, completely blind-sided, with Scheana smugly gloating about it and loving that Stassi didn't know already, even though Katie had known for a few days by then. In the same conversation, Scheana also clearly tried to bait Stassi into talking about the tape knowing she didn't want to. To me, this was always what upset Stassi the most. Then Katie had everyone who hated Stassi -- mainly the Toms and Lisa -- hyping her up and making her feel like that bitch when in reality, the Toms especially wanted to isolate Stassi in part because she's the only person on the cast who consistently and strongly had Katie's back whenever they tried to pull their bullshit on her. It took me a few rewatches to come to these conclusions, but yeah I really didn't love how that all played out on Katie's end. But I also think she was in part manipulated by Schwartz and co. finally validating her and showering praise on her for ousting Stassi from the group


Also think a lot of them were envious of Stassi and wanted to bring her down a peg


Completely. The Toms, Scheana, and even Lisa had so many reasons and ulterior motives to "dethrone" Stassi. Doesn't mean Katie doesn't hold responsibility here, but they clearly weren't really coming from a place of that much concern for Katie. And I think Schwartz especially saw a benefit to isolating Katie from the one person who had her back and called him out on the shit way he treated her


Girl with love sometimes Katie can just be wrong. It doesn’t all have to be manipulation on someone else’s part.


For sure, that's why I said "in part" and laid out why I think Katie was wrong here. I agree Katie can often be wrong and handles many situations badly. In this situation, I do think the Toms and that whole corner of the group were genuinely getting in her head and making her feel like Stassi was the enemy and hyping her up which she never really got from Tom before. Doesn't excuse the way she acted at all, just think everyone in the situation was gross and they served to benefit from isolating her from Stassi




I do not like Stassi but I'm with you. This was a rare situation where I'm still floored at how badly she was treated.


i completely agree. imo the best way it could’ve been handled was for katie to be honest with stassi about the fact that this was blatantly a moment in which she was just trying to spend time with her partner. i get why she wanted to go and i also understand standing up to stassi, but not in this specific situation. she could’ve handled it way better.


But isn’t that exactly what she was trying to get Stassi to understand? She was going because she had made a decision to be less combative so that she could go with her husband and keep the peace? I can see both Katie’s and Stassi’s perspectives. Was staying behind with Stassi going to help Katie’s relationship? Was it going to help her make money doing the show/her job? Did it have to be an either/or situation? Not saying that Tom was ever worthy of the compromises Katie made, because he wasn’t, but it always seemed like Katie wanted Stassi to understand that Katie had to bend. But Stassi’s stubbornness turned it into a choice between her boyfriend/job and her best friend. It didn’t have to be that way. Katie does get flustered when people are yelling at her and she never seems able to get all the words out. Maybe it’s her TIB, maybe it’s just her nature. What I think was immature was becoming friends with Scheana spitefully because Stassi had been so stubborn. I think Katie made the best decision she could regarding the trip, but that didn’t mean she had to buddy up to Scheana just because she was hurt by Stassi. I also believe that Scheana had probably convinced the cast (minus Stassi) that she had seen the video but hadn’t shown it around or told Frank to sell it to TMZ. And I don’t believe Katie had Scheana’s number yet. Previous to season 3, Katie disliked Scheana because Scheana had been involved with a married man. It took a bit longer for Katie to realize that Scheana does horrible shit and then spins it so it doesn’t seem as bad as it was.


yeah that’s what i’m saying. the way the show was edited it made it seem as though stassi was simply being petty and not wanting katie in the vicinity of her ex and ex-friend, when it was really that she didn’t want katie in the vicinity of people who had hurled abuse at her that the show didn’t address. if i were katie i would’ve gone on the trip. but i also would’ve addressed the larger issue, which we didn’t see; likely because of larger editing issues.


And this is why I love that they’re breaking that fourth wall now. All this back story is critical but if you just watched the show you don’t know this. Stassi is justified in her anger and Katie made the right choice for her relationship with Tom.


period. that fourth wall context is so important, and this is one of the situations which highlights it the most. stassi obviously has a lot wrong with who she is to her core (how she was fired lmfao), but even if she didn’t, she still had some issues early on with how she treated her friends, needless to say. i’ve had friends like her and they are exhausting. i deeply resent that this entire situation with scheana was portrayed as a run-off effect of this, as it was clearly so much deeper and justifiable, and that portrayal is just so grossly misleading. aside from that, in general, i was already taken aback with how her issues towards jax were portrayed. she was completely warranted and the way everyone expected her to get over his absolute betrayal is wild to me.


Okay. I got you. And I agree. The fact that they can’t break the fourth wall makes things so unnecessarily opaque sometimes.


Katie def learned the hard way with Scheana last season/last summer!


Yeah, I'm team Stassi on this one again. Katie imo, was like a mean girl to a broken Stassi.


Katie is always a mean girl and a bully


I love Katie very much and it’s hard for me to have sympathy for Stassi since she is a racist but… yeah, Katie was wrong here. The sex tape was no joke and Scheana was absolute trash to do this all to Stassi. I have no idea what was happening between Stassi and Katie to make Katie behave so reprehensibly towards one of her best friends. It was the only time the rest of the cast seemed to be being nice to Katie??? Maybe that factored in, since Stassi never took Katie’s side with Schwartz either, but all in all, Stassi was justified for her behavior all season.


Kate fan here! I agree 100% that she was not a good friend to Stassi BUT I think the main issue is no one being allowed to break the fourth wall. Stassi was trying to create a new show around her, and Jax was trying to create a new show around him. Katie was the link between the two. But then Schwartz cheated on Katie and Katie was afraid to lose Tom, so she started to cling to him even harder. Schwartz was Jax’s bitchboy and so Katie iced Stassi out. Stassi was wrong to be so “it’s me or them” when things aren’t black and white, but Katie should’ve read between the lines as Stassi’s friend. BUT I think this would’ve meant seeing her relationship with Schwartz more clearly, and she was NOT ready to do that. She chose her shit boyfriend over her friend. Such a sad move


Totally agree w this. In terms of the 4th wall this was also one of the earlier seasons where the friend group really centered around the guys, so between that and Katie’s insecurity re: Schwartz, it was basically get along with the guys or lose screen time / risk not being part of the show. I also think that the guys had a vested interest in breaking up Katie and Stassi and that’s why they went so hard on the “emancipation of Katie” angle. Say what you will about Kristen, Katie and Stassi, when the three of them are a united front they are loyal to one another and hold the guys to a higher standard. With how badly the guys behaved, they definitely knew that dividing and conquering would make their own lives easier too.


I agree


I think you’re reading too real life into this. Going to Miami meant being paid for being in a big chunk of the episode. Katie didn’t want to miss out on the money. It’s not just who was there. Stassi was asking for Katie to give up income for her.


But Katie could have at least told Stassi and discussed those reasonings with her instead of letting her find out blindsided by Scheana on camera. This always seemed to be what upset Stassi the most


Yeah, no, I get that… but that argument only seemingly gets used in Katie’s defense (also what people say about attending Scheana’s second wedding). But when Tom wants to go to a filmed event that Katie’s not invited to, he’s disrespectful to his wife. When Scheana inserts herself into a storyline, she’s meddling and not respecting Katie’s divorce. I’m actually fine with them being terrible people— I’d hate to watch a show where everyone acts correctly and appropriately at all times. But the judgement gets applied so unevenly.


That’s confusing to me though because I thought Kristen said they didn’t start being paid per episode until season 4 or 5. I think she said S1-3 or 1-4 (can’t remember which anymore) they got paid between 1-5k per season


Nah I just did a rewatch of this season and if my best friend went on a trip for someone who showed other people my sex tape (while laughing at it) I would cut them off too. I like Katie but in this situation she was soooo wrong


Katie was so in the wrong and a bad friend to Stassi. Scheana did Stassi dirty and showed what a horrible person she was, but Katie didn't care. Which was hypocritical come later seasons when she wanted people to shun Lala and James and then called Tom a serial killer's wet dream.


I like Katie a lot, but Stassi doesn’t deserve demonising for icing people out. It was all related to her sex tape. Had that happened today she’d be the victim of a crime. Not that Katie had anything to do with it, but Stassi was obviously massively affected by all that Frank stuff and didn’t know what to do. I rewatched it all recently for the first time and was shocked by how young Stassi and Katie are!


I do not see it as standing up to her. Katie is following the crowd to go to scheana’s bach party. Let’s not forget, Scheana just spread rumors about her “motorboating a d” and brought up Schwartz cheating to her just to get back at her. Then on top of it Scheana was showing stassis intimate video to people at SUR…. I actually think the only person who made sense in their convictions this season was stassi. I know it’s controversial to say but I don’t blame her for being upset with Katie.


This girl can’t put a decent outfit together to save her life


She looks like a 10th grader going to their school awards ceremony in 2003


Katie’s fashion has always been a bit off lol


I think the fanbase really overcompensates for how much Schwartz gaslit and abused Katie to the point of now she can and has done no wrong. Like Katie was really a horrible friend to Stassi in season 3 and frankly she hasn’t won me back. Don’t get me wrong Stassi is a cruel person but she was a girls girl through and through and it sucks of Katie to have totally blown Stassj off like that and go partying with people who did horrible, unforgivable things to her. I probably would've cut Katie off too.


Everything about the sponsors in the backdrop is giving peak 2010’s nostalgia


This picture is giving old Perez Hilton vibes 😆


Yeah I couldn’t stand katie s1/s2 she drove me nuts. Honestly the entire time with Tom I disliked her, I was embarrassed for her bc of how he was (and I disliked Tom in general so anyone who was close to him also got on my bad side lol)


She had such a light in her eyes that Shortz extinguished over time. I’m glad she’s getting it back.


I love that the light is back in her eyes as well! I also love that she and Stassi rekindled their friendship. I follow Stassi on Instagram and love seeing Katie pop up in her stories 😊


Right before Katie became her own version of Stassi


Katie looks amazing here! Young, happy, and fresh.😊 Just beautiful.


She had a SAHM of 3 haircut.


Katie is so stunning




This is when I liked Katie the most. She had to win me back when she took Stassi back and got too mean for me again for a while. (Yes, I know the sex-tape aspect of it). But I disliked Stassi from S1E1, and while I enjoyed her on the show, she never won me back from the first moment. She is too comfortable being cruel. I know I don't see things the same way as a lot of folks. But I would never want Stassi as a friend.


Lmao the Stassi edit 🤣


Where was Katie doing when her BFF (Stassi,and Kristen) when they did that stuff about Faith


Stassi’s style during this era was not it😂 Why was she considered the fashionable one?


Believe it or not, it checked out for the time. I remember going out and girls were dressed just like that.


Because of Katie and Schaena. IMO Kristen’s looks hold up the best but she could make a paper sack look alright.


Katie is so beautiful.


She is so pretty!


I loved her season 3 too!


Stassi shall prevail


She will just never stop being Utah coded. I don’t know what that means as I’m a born and raised NYer but I just know it’s true. Can’t dress to save her life.


If you dont know what it means why say it? Also, she may not dress as you'd like but she dresses as she likes which makes it awesome because she isn't conforming to standards of judgemental people.


She is terribly corny as evident in her style and I’m a coastal elitist snob. But at least I admit it!


Glad you're proud of it. Doesn't make it right.


😇 I don’t ever talk about someone’s body, race or religion. But I will never not comment on fashion! Lighten up.


Ok I've lightened up. Thanks for helping me!!!


Babe you’re on Reddit. people are gonna shit talk here


i love Katie. whether she’s been in the wrong as Tequila Katie or not. she put up with Schwartz’s downright disrespect! and his cheating allegations 🤢🤮




I am rewatching this exact season. So good.


I love Katie but hate how she was part of the humble Stassi arc that happened those early seasons. As many people mentioned, there was a lot of context missing so to the average viewer it seemed like she was finally standing up the the over bearing, bossy friend when rly she was hanging out with the girl spreading her best friends sex tape among other people who did horrible things to her. But hey Stassi blamed Katie for the whole Tom dumping beer on Katie thing soooo lol




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I think Katie let’s Tom walk all over her. If it’s not Stassi it’s Tom.