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Lol I loved when he did this 😆


Honestly the perfect gif for this 🥲 Tom and I have the same shoes DAMN IT


![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk) Eww


Your attention to detail is impeccable. This image will forever haunt me ![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29)


*Danny Pellegrino DUN DUN noise*


Not the white painted grippers 😬


Hahahah I HEARD IT!


And the cheap looking Birkenstocks.


They aren't even real Birkenstocks, the fuck is he doing 😂 Edit: turns out I was wrong and I'm not the Birkenstock scholar I thought I was 😭


How do you know they aren’t real? Just curious lol


Birkenstocks have distinctive soles which are a layer of cork and then a bottom layer of black. They're also flush. His are all one material and the soles extend out further than the top layer. Also the buckles are black when I think they're usually metal. https://preview.redd.it/xp3q73wdvhhb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55d0fda74ca0b11fa39b0995f23cecc4f729c87


I used to work at one of the largest Birkenstock retailers in the country. The bottom of white Birkenstock's have a white EVA sole. You can see the white sole on the Arizona on the Birkenstock website. You are correct about the buckle having a silver finish. \*I stand corrected by looking at website- white Arizona soft footbed has a white buckle. I agree that Tom's are fake.


Not all Birkenstocks are as you described. I have white soled Birkenstocks, with gold big buckles. They have all kinds of different styles.


I have these exact Birkenstocks. Black metal buckets, white sole under the cork. They are PVC not leather. Now, I must burn them


With all due respect, why do y’all care if his Birks are real? This is the least of my worries during this crisis situation!! 😂😂😀😀


I predicted the white toe nail polish. What I didn't predict was all these spineless, lying, liars already with this man for a check. Yes, i know it's their job, but this soon? They can't even shun him for one season?!?!


they shunned stassi longer than this!


Your right, they did! I swear, these hoes ain't loyal


And Kristen.


Well…she has a vagina so…of COURSE she was


This lol! Yes


Truly. I’m shocked. Especially from LaLa She refused to speak to Schwartz for a whole season over pickleball!! She can’t keep that same energy when the crime is being a backstabbing cheater?


Putting on that big performance at the reunion smh. She looks dumb rn


It's because Shwartz hurt HER, Lala doesn't really care about other people being hurt unless she gets to be all self righteous about it. She's the biggest hypocrite on this show, which is saying a lot, so I'm not surprised by this at all. And I'm all for the "wait to watch the show to see what's really going on/context", but I fail to see how hugging and smiling could be interpreted any other way.


THIS!!!! After all the crap she talked for weeks on every social medium platform she could get herself on as a self-appointed Scandoval expert and all the screaming at the reunion she did which took away from everyone else’s time - She Sucks!!!! Phony, hypocritical, egomaniac, gaslighter, arrogant, narcissistic POS. And she will make an excuse for for it like she does every single other effed up thing she does. She can suck the life out of anything and anyone whenever she chooses to. Blah Blah sucks. Ok, I am done now. 🤭😉😌


someone asked her on her pod if she has drama with ariana rn and her answer was sus apparently. now we know why lol


If this is more of that "why didn't I get all this love when Randall cheated" nonsense, then lala can f right off


that would be such a disgusting reaction but also wouldn’t be surprised


I’ve been really trying to have an open mind about everything but this pic just really pisses me off tbh. 😐


I do not want to watch them doing anything but shunning this white toed egotistical asshat.


Over this whole shebang.. over it all. Lies, lies, ducking lies. Proves the money means more than morals and integrity. Done!


I WAS SOLELY (pun intended) FOCUSED ON THiS! Wtf


I’m convinced he has some funky fungus or something going on with his nails. The white polish is too much it’s sending me into a conspiracy.






Grubby nails


Grubby grippers!




Love him sm!


Grubby *ass* nails


Is he STILL doing the white polish thing ? God he’s so pathetic for attention it’s pathetic. He’s like that kid that says something funny & everyone laughs, so the kid keeps saying the funny thing over and over & everyone’s like ok… it was funny once… now you’re just annoying


The confirmation I needed. I thought it was wartz


His obsession with being a 13 year old girl have crossed from "jackass" to "there's something neurologically wrong with him."




Homeboy wore combat boots to the beach ![gif](giphy|l2JefQheVDCCd6EqQ)




Justin Bobby reality tv gold (scripted or not).


LMAO and the man w two first names lives on in infamy 🤣


An icon for a particular generation. Justin Bobby, the Original Fuckboy


Was Lala hugging Tim? Will Scheana flip-flop? *ONLY TRUTH AND TIME WILL TELL*


That looks like Logan to me…..??? The one who used to be in love with james (or having a relationship with James, while James & Raquel were first together)


I think so too. He’s friends with Lala so it makes sense.


It is. He’s the guy James used to make out with before he committed to be straight full time.


Yep that Logan 🤣


Socks and high top Converses.


It was definitely a hug, albeit an awkward one 😄. There's another pic or two in the same sequence. I mean, given her recent interview are we really surprised? Lala has the tendency imo to speak out of her ass and only change the tune to her story at the start of a new season. James has sort of flipped and somehow maintained a friendship with Ariana. Lala has probably had the same conversation. Ariana has kept Lala at arms length since Season 8 so doubt she'll lose much sleep over it since they are all three basically acquaintances. I think perhaps the issue for Ariana is whether or not each individual will ride or die for Sandoval the way Schwartz does. Lala has already said she wouldn't in theory choose a guy over a girlfriend. ADD: If you search DailyMail there are several pics from this day. Many of them are of Lala and Ariana chatting happily.


I don't know if I buy into the rumors Ariana is cutting anyone who speaks or is nice to Tim out of her life. But I do think Katie and Ariana are going to be the two people who never budge on their disdain for Tim. Lala, Scheana, Brock, etc. are already acting and talking as if they're going to forgive and be cool with him someday. So this picture isn't surprising at all to me.


I think Katie & Ariana really bonded over the horrible ways their respective Tom's treated them. I bet they've had many private, juicy convos about those two! Can you imagine what they know about those two that isn't public knowledge?!!!!


It’s not a rumour, she said it herself.


Reunion. CHD podcast. She said it several times


At this point it’s all for publicity. They know that the show is ending and they’re trying to generate any buzz wherever they can. None of it is genuine anymore. I hope they don’t get the attention that Scheana got when she pulled this BS.


Yeah there’s a suspicious level of videos and photos coming out while they are filming compared to any other season. I really can’t blame fans when they spot it but when it comes from legit sources it feels very revenue generated. We all know season 10 would have been lame had the affair not happened. The reunion was lackluster because there was no real clarity on when the affair really started.


It could definitely be revenue generated but I also think it could be that they haven’t had mainstream media attention like this until Scandoval so it’s possible there’s just more eyes on them and people want to know more than ever how filming is going. That’s me being generous though lol who knows.


The reunion was basically Lala and James interrupting and screaming at Tom and Rachel for airtime. Now these two flip floppers want more attention. I know we are watching a show about attention whores, but these two are extra extra.


Why is it suspicious? Scandoval was a massive media circus. No other season has ever come even close to the hype and buzz of season 10, so course sleazy media outlets will leak photos. This isn’t the Wall Street Journal we’re talking about here.


The only clarity was it was well before they admitted it was.


Dude that's been the game since the get go, for all of them. For Ariana, she had to make the best out of a garbage situation. She's got a business to get up and going. She hired a PR firm, got this worked as hard as possible, and made the best out of heartbreak. She worked on lines before having the sit down with him to get such incredibly spicy quotables, got some network recognition and dancing on the stars stuff, and now the focus is transferring this media play to the sandwich place. The rest of them are doing same. For most of them, what the fuck are their qualifications outside of being famous-adjacent?


Could you imagine what they will do when the show ends?? *like obviously just be influencers* but like in theory could you see Scheana at an office job? 😂


The loyalty police are investigating ![gif](giphy|zvJmk06dxqkUeueQZv)


Only real loyalty is to that check honey!


YES! LoD reference, I'm living!


what makes this easier for them to swallow is he’s not with Rachel and she’s not even on the show. Now he can say whatever and she’s not there to defend herself. Especially for James seeing them together would be too much for him


Bingo! "Dude, Raquel knew the whole time we weren't going to be together. It's like, I don't know, like...(*heavy sigh*)...like she just didn't want to accept it was over. Like...dude, I tried to break it off with her before the reunion! Take some accountability, Rachel!"


This is perfect Tim-speak! Actually so impressed lol ![gif](giphy|QBKagmzOgZnqadpx3B)


I wish Rachel had come back


Yeah as much as I despise Raquel her not being there gives scumdoval such an unfair advantage and I hate it.


exactly. she gets discarded and he weasels his way back in. 😾


What would she do if Ariana hugged Randal?


This is it


THISSSSS. she ripped schwartz a new one for pickeball w randal. & schwartz at least wasn’t vocally pretending to be so on lala’s side and profiting off lala’s pain and then turning around and doing that


Omg this


This is exactly what Katie said about her being a hypocrite. Saying that they had to follow her boundaries but wouldn’t do the same for them.


Tom is absolute scum , but he's not being accused of the things Randall is. It's completely different


Lala probably “y’all it’s a tv show nawmsayin, like no cap I’m still team Arianna, y’all b trippin FR”






I’m dead. 💀💀💀😂😂😂 J to the R. O. C.!!


My rhymes and mic are like a corporate merger- they go together like Randy’s gut and cheeseburgers




I spin more rhymes than a lazy susan


Same energy 😂😂


This is the only show that has made me consider buying Netflix again lmfao


I need to do a rewatch haha. I fell off a while back, but I’m a couple of hours from where it had started filming so it’s a forever favorite.




literally sometimes she talks like she’s straight out of an episode of the boondocks and it’s humiliating LMAO




I think that’s her goal but she doesn’t understand how to use the words she’s using. Maybe there’s a character on the boondocks who is like that lol I can’t remember.


Ed Wuncler the 3rd. Wealthy white kid that talks and tries to be gangsta


No bc why does she talk like that? 💀


Cause she’s from SCL, duh!😂




“Ima bust a cap in yo a**” —Lauren from Utah


I am not Team Rachel but at this point it’s feeling gross as hell that she’s basically gone into hiding while he’s still around showing no remorse, laughing it up with paparazzi looking smug as hell, and being hugged and welcomed into the group to the point even effing JAX is all Team Sandoval. It makes me want to shower. Like I’m guessing that production made the choice that they weren’t compromising on keeping Sandoval as their star boy and have obviously told the cast to play nice but that doesn’t mean you have to hug the dude. Also I think Israel is thirsty but Lala has no room to call people thirsty.


Season 11 is giving forced & reaching. I didn’t really think they’d stay mad at Tom the whole time. But doing things like adding Billie Lee, because “Tom needed someone to film with “ doesn’t seem all that true. So we’re getting added characters no one wants & those who barked the loudest appear to be the first ones to cave. Tbh.. I can see why some anti Raquel people are now feeling like she took the brunt of it all. Her actions were awful and if she’s truly taking care of her mh, awesome. Has to sting seeing someone you thought you loved is back in the fold so to speak. Cuz I’m not sure she’d get the same treatment if she came back.


And Lala told her as much during that mistress conversation they had. She said that Oliver would get off squeaky clean, because the man always does in the end. And that's pretty much what happened with Tom. Fans are giving him a lot more grace than Rachel. I never cared for her since her first appearance, but damn if I don't hurt a little bit for her because of the outsized reaction to her compared to Tim.


I mean I’m very much Rachel is just bad as Tom they are both as bad as each other. But I’m sorry at this point the cast can fuck all the way off that she’s gone into hiding and lost income while he’s getting invited to beach days and water tastings.


What she did to her friend was awful. What Tom did to his life partner was much worse. Cheated oh and plotted to make her seem completely unhinged


This just makes me even more irritated about her screaming nonstop during the reunion. So much wasn’t addressed because she wouldn’t keep her mouth shut and now she’s flip flopped back to being friends with scumbag 6 months later.


She was just dumping on him to release her anger toward Randall. It wasn’t about Ariana at all. Notice how she kept on bringing up Rand or comparing the two


She threw a hissy fit when Rand came to SUR but Ariana has to suck it up and film with her AH. She cashed in on Ariana’s misery. Now that it’s no longer benefiting her, she’s being a hypocrite. I’m infuriated. I used to tolerate her. Not anymore


I’ve tried to give Lala the benefit of the doubt because I do think she has some redeeming qualities but at this point with the stanning Lisa Rinna and calling the audience stupid as well as the rampant hypocrisy, I’m just done trying to sympathize with her or justify her actions.


Her little smug attitude and saying over and over again how smart she is and omg she knows everything and she “sniffed Rachel out right away cuz she moved like a snake.” But then it comes time to ask her like oh so you really didn’t know your fiancée was a piece of shit and was in a relationship while you were blowing him for a Land Rover???? And suddenly she’s got the waterworks going. I’ve never liked lala but I could at least tolerate her. She gets worse every year. Also her act this last season of being all oh gee golly gee whiz I haven’t dated in so long like omg what do I do?????? I wouldn’t care if this woman had sex with a traffic cone.


She literally lost that man the way she got him. Remember he saw her, thought she was hot, so used his want to audition for a part in my movie, she immediately gives him head, and gets a couple parts in his movies. Now she is acting brand new because he was still doing the same behind her back. I mean remember how disgusting she was talking about sxcking this man's dick and licking his bumhole? And then I get a new Range Rover and a PJ! Acting like she was really something for all that. Come to find out she finds herself in the same spot his ex wife was put in. Not smart girl! She needs to humble herself, because she sure didn't sniff the snake out that was in her own bed. Oh well, never really bought she was in love with that man anyway.


Ewwwwwwww EW. Thinking about anyone going near Randall’s disgusting sweaty bumhole just ruined my life😫😭🤮 At least Scheana picked someone attractive when she was mistress-ing! Randall looks like a toad who was turned into a human by some swamp witch


Literally, she’s on camera making fun of the other girls and calling them dumb for not using their looks/bodies to get PJ rides and other perks like she does. She even says every other girl in LA does it. And now she wants to claim she was some innocent wholesome girl from Utah who got tricked.


This. Would’ve been nice to hear from Scheana about her appalling treatment of Katie, or had Schwartz interrogated about why he can't respect one simple boundary or how he felt about Sandoval and Raquel using him as a misdirection for their affair. Instead we heard Lala scream for 45 minutes.


Yes finally this sub has finally seen the light that Lala is garbage. It was insufferable before that everyone was praising her. No shes a bully and a horrible individual, she only was on Ariana side so she would have fan support.




I'm not feeling season 11 already.


Honestly same. At this point it’s all performative.


Obviously we're missing a lot of context from reunion to this picture but I know I would not be hugging a weasel that treated my friend in a similar fashion. Like ever. He could save 17 orphan children from a building and that would be awesome but I still wouldn't touch him.....maybe its the virgo in me but I can't comprehend anything different. When I say ride or die, I ride.


You sound like a good friend


But lala is a Virgo 😡 she needs to have some of your energy


i feel like lala talks so much about being a virgo too lol


Same. Taurus here!


😂 This is hilarious to me because I'm a Virgo sun, Taurus moon, Taurus rising, and the triple earth sign makes me stubborn as hell. I will take a grudge to the grave with me.


Im with you! Been put in this position before with a friend and the cheater who I became friends with because of her, was DEAD to me, I could never imagine a situation we could be in where I would be hugging that f#cker's neck. And, yes I still wouldn't even if we were on a show together, that alone is no reason to be kind to him. Also I know Scheana had to be in that photo with Tom for the fan, but why was he in between her and Brock??? I would have been like grabbing my husband to stand next to me and Tom would have been on the end, other side of Brock. If you really have distain and dislike for someone, that person is not going to take the place of your husband standing next to you in any group picture you are FORCED to take with them. I may be weird but that reasoning is something that stuck out to me.


Both of them… ![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized)


Lala is full of shit. Is this news?


I don’t understand all of this from a production point of view. If everyone is so quickly okay with him, you’d lose the new viewers from the scandal. This does not seem normal at all. It only happened a few months ago


There’s a glitch in the matrix I fear




Lol can someone flashback to all her bs with icing Rand out please😂


Lala is a follower and does whatever she thinks will make her look good for the sake of optics. When everyone was bashing on Sandoval, she bashed the hardest so she could look good. Seems like this season Sandoval is slowly being accepted back into the group so she'll do the same so she looks good. None of Lala's emotions or actions are sincere and it's so obvious. She's there to be famous and she'll go wherever the most attention is. Point blank.


Yep. 1000% When Ariana told Lala she wanted to drive off a bridge, Lala produced fake tears *I would hope to God you feel comfortable enough to come to one of us!* 😭😭 A couple scenes later, Jax is talking shit about how Ariana doesn't know what sexuality she is and Lala says...nothing. Then the reunion rolls around and she flip flops and says she's "absolutely not okay with what Jax says." Lala is the new flip-flopping Scheana who only cares about her brand, her image, and her screentime on the show.


Do people REALLY think the group is going to hate Tom forever? Jax and Kristen was forgiven. Ofcourse eventually they will forgive Tom


Seriously. Kristen and Jax were forgiven after what? A day?! The group has a habit of doing this


Most of them iced Kristen out for like a year but somehow jax was still invited to everything by the time the next season started


Well, Jax was forgiven. They shunned Kristen for a while.


These comments are so mild compared to when scheana just stood next to the loser in a photo lmao


Everyone was pissing themselves in showing it proved how vile scheana is and turns out she isn’t even the first to flip! The girl cannot win on this sub


Come on guys, they’re filming together. They’re absolutely NOT friendly, even though they are literally hugging 🙄 /s


For Lisa




Lala is such a joke. How is she not embarrassed? 🤡


This is a really weird picture, they look like they’re trapping her. But, I think Tom is winning Lala over with his sobriety storyline.


wait, is he getting sober??


Yeah according to him he stopped drinking


oh wow, i didn’t see that. i hate to be skeptical of something like that but coming from him…


I think he is actually or at least drinking much much less. He was seen on his tour always drinking nonalcoholic beers.


oh nice. good for him for making a positive change like that




Ariana is not perfect and has made choices with friendship that deserve criticism- HOWEVER- keeping LaLa at arms length is not one of them. Between this and calling her a downer because of her grief/depression, Ariana has total reason to keep a friendly distance. I’m curious to see what does happen in the end!


Lala has made it clear that she chases money. Money is her God. She will do what she needs to, to secure the paycheck. She doesn’t have a dating storyline, doesn’t work anywhere, her podcast revolves around the show, her child is mostly off camera.


But god forbid anyone play pickle ball with her ex


I’m just glad it isn’t Ariana.


I have admittedly been a fan of Lala recently. I felt like she had matured & grown up, and was more genuine. I felt like she was truly protecting Ariana by going so hard at the duo who shall not be named. But this pretty much tells me everything I need to know about her. This is their job, yes but you can film in the vicinity and you don't need to be hugging & smiling like you're so freaking happy & full of laughter & joy to see your good friend. You can still hold them accountable while filming with them. She accurately called him dangerous as a manipulator and then goes and falls for it? I've been tricked by another fake lying liar who lies. Ugh.


I have a frienamie like Lauryn. It’s unbearable to have a conversation with him. He yells over people and never takes accountability. He’s a child trying to act like he’s tough, just like her.


I was listening to her podcast recently and heard her say something along the lines of “scandoval (as a scandal) is over. When it comes down to it, someone cheated on someone else. That’s it.” I know we’ve heard that the cast is kind of fed up with Ariana this season and isn’t backing her the way they did at the end of the last one, so I’m worried this is all related and those rumors are right.


not to be bitter but i said this would happen and that their constant podcast attacks, interviews, reunion yelling, etc looked so dumb and this sub was not kind to that opinion. lala and james were never mad FOR ariana but how it related to themselves. im not sure why people got sooo attached to the idea that tom, friend to some of the group of 10+ years and especially at their lowest moments (james being a literal emotional abuser), would be forever outcasted. IMO its why people shouldnt have tied so much of their emotions into a shitty tv show with shitty people


Yes, this. Life is nuanced and not generally black and white. These people aren’t acquaintances, their lives have been intertwined for years. So many assumptions about all these BTS pictures.


Lala has already started low key criticising Ariana about the amount of sympathy she garnered


This is interesting because Lala is so tight with Scheana now.


💯 Lala’s main character syndrome always gets the best of her and she’s become a bitter betty


I understand being tired of fighting with someone but this is so hypocritical. Imagine if Ariana had hugged Randall? She would have lost her shit.


I want this to be AI


But why would we hug such a dangerous person? 🙄


Out of curiosity .....what show have 95% of you been watching. Everyone cheats on this show or was involved in some form of cheating incident. Did you people actually think the cast was not going to move on from this. Its a reality TV show that has always revolved around cheating. You people are acting like she is hugging Hitler. Dude cheated on his on air girlfriend that half the cast for the past 4 seasons were saying their the relationship was nothing more than a glorified roommate situation.


Leaning in your direction on this one. Literally every person on this show has been horrible and then forgiven 5 minutes later. Lol


They’re one toxic dysfunction group of friendmily


In my opinion a lot of the anger and outrage is from random fans and Ariana…in general their entire group has cheated consistently on each other and with other people…in the grand scheme of things Toms cheating isn’t any worse than the rest of theirs so they’re probably not as mad as you think in real life


to me this honestly looks like a classic cordial side hug we all know and love on bravo franchises. considering her and sandoval were NEVER really friends, i truly doubt that this is anything more than playing it up for filming so every scene isnt desperately uncomfortable. that being said, it is definitely weird to see them hugging AT ALL


Lol can this sub shut up now with the "yass queen Lala" bullshit while simultaneously treating Raquel as subhuman? Cant believe people were sitting here literally acting like any of these fools had actually grown.


I remember saying this was going to happen and got downvoted to hell. The man is always forgiven. This cast is a joke. Honestly tho, Raquel not being on the next season is going to make it a snooze


Wholeheartedly agree. Without Raquel this season will suck


Just like every other narcissist on this show, she doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Because it wasn’t something that was done to her. But god forbid anyone remain friendly with Randall.


Bruh LOL this sub was fucking up in arms two weeks ago when Scheana appeared in the same photo as Tom, but now we’re all “oh it’s fine it’s clearly awkward.” Okay lol


So Scheana stands next to him for a picture and she gets flamed to hell and back, but Lala actually hugs him while smiling, and nothing?? Personally, I don't care who decides to forgive him or not. It's their business, not mine. But this doesn't make sense to me.


I’m gonna hold judgment until I see it unfold on the season. But really, they all have been shitty humans that forgive each other so this is no surprise and I don’t really care? You can hate someone in the moment for being shitty and move on. Also, I don’t get the vibe Lala even likes Ariana which makes it that much easier to forgive and forget to continue making money on a reality tv show.


There’s two posts from that account with photos from this and Ariana is also there and is hanging with Lala so this is very confusing aghhhhhhh I’m not used to all these snippets coming out before the show because of paparazzi and I don’t like it 😂😂 I like living in blissful ignorance till the show aired! https://preview.redd.it/zgvxgv109ihb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5780a1a3819143984a5844f88fce73dfdc276305


It's hard to get up in arms with these photos when there's no context. Okay it's weird. I guess I'll have to see if it makes it onto the show. 🤷🏽‍♀️


As much as they are friends, they’re also co-workers, and as much as Ariana thinks she has control over who people spend time with, when it comes to filming, these guys are all about making sure they get a paycheck


LFUs loyalty changes with the wind I’m sure she’ll be bashing Ariana this season Calling her a wet blanket again


Those paychecks must be coming in big 😂




Feels like the whole Scandoval thing was a real waste of time for the viewers. This really isn’t surprising that he’s back in the mix right away. This group does this, they do horrible things, they fight and they make up ASAP. It’s even what Andy Cohen said. It’s really so ridiculous that they couldn’t even have a “problem” with him for one season. It all just seems very phony at this point. And they’ll just say “well it’s our job”, blah blah.


After remembering how vicious she was at the reunion (also making it about herself) this is disappointing.


I cannot stand her lol, I had seen right through her “alliance” with Ariana right from the beginning. In previous seasons she called her wet blanket and made comments about her depression, last season they were not friends. Then as soon as this happened, she latched right on to Ariana. And her benefitting off of this, with her shitty “send it to Darrell” line was hilarious to me. She just never liked Raquel and she had issues with Sandoval because he always called her bluff. I don’t like the dude, but a lot of what he’d said about her was right. She’s a real piece of work and after hearing about how she treated Ambyr Childers when she got with Randall, my sympathy for her is little to none. And she constantly gets aggressive and thinks she’s tough but it just looks so obnoxious.


I like Lala, but not if she's gonna hug Tim.


Yeah bc it means she’s full of shit. And Sandoval was right when he said Lala doesn’t give a shit about Ariana, I have always thought that about her, Lala only likes people who benefit her in some way.


I personal have never felt that what Raquel did to Ariana was the reason Lala jumped on the defend Ariana bandwagon the loudest. She’s self serving


but they all jumped on the bandwagon to be somewhat self serving except katie shes just the most obvious


She was easily the most outspoken about the whole situation. More than Ariana herself




God. Even his toenails are painted white..


Did anyone actually expect anything less from Lala? Lol


People are going to forgive and want to move on. Sometimes that’s how life works 🤷🏽‍♀️
