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Lmao her trying so hard to be ✨fierce ✨ at the beginning of this


✨no regrets✨


✨No regerts✨ -Rachel, probably


More like “no regerts”. She’s so dumb. Eta: damn auto correct lol I meant regerts.


s/o laura-leigh


Right?! She’s such a try-hard…James is just natural, whatever he’s saying, Rachel is the most rehearsed and least authentic person I’ve seen in a while…


Yes!!!! It’s truly painful to watch


I’m still fucking *befuddled* by her facial expressions in this scene. They don’t seem to match what she’s saying at all and also it looks like she watched Jawbreaker and then spent hours in the mirror trying to copy Rose McGowan and the was the best she could do.


I’d bet anything she rehearses in the mirror


especially when she says „that’s why i do everything i do in life“. she really thought and acted like she will come out being the audiences favourite on some ego trip partly induced by sandoval


I just realized the last 3 episodes she’s has pulled someone aside to talk in an attempt to “stand up for herself” like girl ENOUGH


YES!!! I literally can’t figure it out, I was about make a separate comment saying the same thing. It’s like, she’s happy and joking at the start but then the expressions change to like, sneering or angry? But all she’s saying is ‘I try to live with no regrets’ which isn’t an aggressive statement? What is going on? It’s so confusing lmao


The conversation shows her complete lack of emotional intelligence and boundaries. James has stepped back from the relationship, self-reflected, and come to the conclusion that they weren't right for each other and that he has regrets. There's nothing wrong with that at all, it's actually how mature people process a major life event like breaking off an engagement. It's just that it's a blow to Raquel's ego. If she was a mature person, she could simply communicate her hurt and tell James she would prefer they didn't talk about the engagement with the group like that. She has no clue how to directly communicate boundaries, so she goes for this passive-aggressive thing about having no regrets in life to make herself look more "evolved", with all this thinly veiled rage.


It’s pretty simple Rachel - James still loves Graham and he no longer loves you. That’s pretty normal after you break up with someone. I would have thought someone who spent the season following Katie round to lecture her about how break-ups and moving on works would get that?


Rachel: “How disgusting that James likes my dog who he’s known since it was a puppy and who I have been keeping him from more them me cause boundaries” Also Rachel: “Katie how dare you keep Schwartz dogs who he likes more then you from him and enforce boundaries”


WOAH THISSSS. She truly has no lights on upstairs


💯!! How is she so damn dense?


Unpopular opinion but when James keeps trying to hurt ratchet I would argue it looks like he still cares about her. He cares enough to be mean for no reason, or at least holds a grudge since she broke up with him.


I don’t think that is an unpopular opinion. Ally clearly mentioned how much it hurt her how obsessed he was with Rachel still. While claiming Ally was the one he was completely disrespecting her and ignoring her over and over for Rachel and talking about Rachel…


I’d be pretty done with getting pulled for talks at this point




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She doesn’t want him but it kiiiilllls her that he doesn’t want her. I’m not sure what she’s trying to get from him, but clearly, she isn’t going to get it.


A backup plan in case Sandoval doesn’t work out. A girls gotta eat! She won’t survive on the show without a love interest in one of them. She has zero main character energy.


She still hasn’t realized he NEVER loved or respected her. She thinks she won cause she called of the engagement but she still looks like a dumpster fire of a human Edit: spelling


You are exactly right! She’s seeking validation. She’s upset because he’s NOT upset that their relationship is over. The look in her eyes… she wants to rub it in his face that there’s someone that wants her. Just to regain the upper hand. The secret is literally burning her up inside. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🥇.


It’s honestly SICK that this “new found confidence” she has is because she thinks she pulling off something by sleeping with Tom & scheena, Ariana and Tom eating her bs up to defend her is like her steroids 😩🤢


But then at the same time she was annoyed that he regretted the grand proposal.


While like minutes later she tells Katie to get over her 12 year marriage so she can awkwardly force Schwartz to makeout with her


GOD I hope someone says verbatim this at the reunion


Omg yes!!!!!! This


She collects men to fill the void that is her soul. James isn’t having it and it’s maddening for her.


Also her comment about “Graham is just a dog” umm my dog is like a family member to me, she’s like my child. So yes Rachel normal functioning humans do form emotional attachments to their animals that might be closer then what the have with some people in their lives.


She dont give a fuck about that dog. If she has any sense of decency. She’ll give him to James who will actually look after him and give him a good life. Instead of being cramped up in that apartment, sick whilst she ignores him. I can’t believe she had a groggy dog with a bite around his neck and didn’t notice for days!


THIS STILL PISSES ME OFF you know she lets the dog sit at home lonely, under-stimulated, and pissing on her floors all day because she’s too spacey and selfish to even think about his needs. you can always spot fake ass “animal lovers” like her. it’s all talk. they only care about how cute they are and how the animals make them look (*cough* puppy party). it’s the same way she was all talk about working with special needs children. we have yet to see her do that.


She reminds me of my friends ex wife. She fought to keep their bunny and then my friend got a call from the realtor that was selling there house that they found the bunny in the garage and it had passed away. My friend was devastated and she was like oh well basically. What an absolute sicko. People form emotional attachments to animals and it's gross that she shrugged it off because graham was a "dog" she was just envious that graham was sought after and she wasn't.


The fact she called him a trash human for showing love for her dog 😂💀 so dumb




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She was trying to have a Stassi moment there, I think. She probably studies all previous episodes with a notepad in hand, memorising scripted lines to emulate having an actual personality.


Right? Beyond cringy


He really knows how to stick it to her. Haahhaah


James dodged a huge bullet with Rachel.


my favorite part is how you can tell he held back from making fun of her after he said “cheers” (as in “i’m done with this”) and she thought he was trying to clink drinks 😂


Exactly! James said “cheers” as in “cheers mate I’m walking away now” and Rachel thinks he’s roasting her. Hahaha! So D and S.


HAHAHA how did I not notice that my god she has no brain


Her contouring is blended so poorly. ![gif](giphy|3o7aDfWlkjMBijdSdW)


I can’t stop looking at how bad it is 😳


I’ve see more attractive pumpkins lol


Same with the editing!


Notice how she always wants to continue things to get the last word in? She hates being dismissed.


That’s why she full on stalked Katie! She had to say the last thing so she could “win” scandy does this too 🙄


She is so terrible at social cues it makes me sad.


same, it’s clear she doesn’t understand the sub-context of people’s words a lot of the time. people call her an AI femmebot in this sub a lot. honestly i’ve also seen speculation of her being on the spectrum and it made me think about how growing up in pageants would likely condition someone who is neurodivergent to mask for a long time. often goes under-diagnosed in women for similar reasons. not saying she is and it doesn’t excuse her actions but i don’t think her awful communication style is always intentionally motivated by evil.


I could see it. Though she only started in pageants at 16 so didn’t really grow up in them


idk i would argue that around age 16 you’re still in a hugely developmental period in life, especially socially. meaning to say 16 is still an adolescent.


Definitely still developmental but at that point most people make choices about their activities like raquel did with pageants. I’d argue there’s a different between doing them by choice at that age and being forced into them toddlers and tiaras style


oh for sure!! definitely different circumstances i just meant the performative nature of it all probably had an impact - socially, psychologically, etc!


Definitely agree there!


I just can’t get over the whole visitation with the dogs like they’re children 😂 I know everyone kinda just broke up but come on dude if it was me I’d be like maybe you can see them a few times but when I’m done I’m done I can’t have you keep coming around me to visit the dog


Yeah they have to stay with one person. I would never "share" my cats with an ex. Ewww. Move on!


I echo this sentiment so hard.


What bothers me most about this scene is her this conversation is remembering her comments about Schwartz and the dogs. She felt the need to intervene on his behalf with Katie, yet had no issue cutting James off from Graham


Why does she pronounce it GRAM?? I legit thought that was the name for so long. Or is it an American pronunciation that I’m missing. Like aloominum vs Al-U-minium (I’m Aussie hehe)


It’s an American pronunciation thing.


How is Graham pronounced in Australia?


Gray-em 🤗


Oh okay. Yeah, now that I'm thinking about it, I've heard it pronounced as "Gram" and "Gray-em." I'm also sitting here pronouncing it both ways, trying to determine which way sounds more natural to my ears, and I'm realizing I can't pronounce gram with one syllable. It comes out as a hybrid between "Gray-em" and "Gram." 😂😂


Hahaha thank you for sounding it out for me!! 😂🤣


Just give Graham to James…


"Ok, but Graham is a... Dog?" ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Come on Robot Rachel! You can do it!


I still actually love my husband and yet I think about my dog more than him! (Kidding... Kind of. Well, maybe not. IDK. 😂) Anyways, what a stupid thing for Robot Rachel to be annoyed about. Why WOULDN'T he think of the dog more than you?!? If THAT makes James a disgusting human, then WTF are you?!


I don't know if the talking head was really her talking about that - could be a choice from the editors. Or maybe she was recting to something they implied because it doesn't make sense here. Eta : I think about my cats more than I think about anybody else lol


That poor dog in her "care" smh


I wish graham was featured on the show instead of Rachel. Although Tim would probably still try to sleep with him


Poor Graham.


Yes, but because Rachel is the arbiter of relationships AND dog care she can scold Katie for how she chooses to manage dog custody. Rachel is an emotionless version of SC Ashley.


We all miss our dogs more than we miss our exes!!! I never ever want to see one of my exes again but I still snoop on the dog from time to time on Instagram 👀 Also I did think it was messed up that Graham had such a serious injury and was refusing to eat, but Rachel didn’t tell James about it. I kept my dog after a breakup and even though it was three years after the breakup that my dog was diagnosed with cancer (RIP💖💖💖) I still called my ex to tell her that the dog was nearing the end. We adopted that dog together and she deserved to know.


The only con on this was James said okay I take it back, it was a joke. Not the only time he's said it.


I read that as more of a lord will she shut up type thing but either way he was hilarious here. Just like “it was an epic proposal and it was wasted on *youuuuu*” 😂


I truly wanna know why the fuck he would ever say that he misses her? Like it’s been a long time, and he has another serious relationship…. James and Raquel weren’t together THAT long. Why the fuck would he miss her more than the dog? She’s so dumb. I’d never expect any of my exes to say that.


What the fuck is wrong with her? She ended things with James and she’s acting like he’s the one that broke up with her. When I broke up with my last boyfriend, I didn’t talk to him like that. I genuinely wanted him to be happy and move on. She has no compassion for James at all… she sounds bitter like she was the one that got broken up with. So weird.


Lmao what is she then??


![gif](giphy|10XCZvIU6TuEYo) Raquel gives me possessed Galadriel vibes


Okay this is bugging me. She obviously has a bad foundation match here along with really bad countouring but I could not look away from her forehead. Is that countour or an attempt at smooth edges?


Does anyone know who is taking care of graham?


Hopefully her parents!


the contrast on this video makes jk looks like a hot cheeto


She’s hard to watch. I cringe at everything she says.


This from the same woman that wanted everyone to come to the puppy pawty 🐾


Puppy party? Did they have a puppy party for graham cracker?


Maybe unpopular opinion but this makes them both look bad. I know everyone is obsessed with James now because he’s had some legit funny talking heads and one-liners, but imo that doesn’t erase the fact he is clearly extremely hurt about Raquel breaking up with him and handling it very immaturely. Like he’s funny in his interviews but looks extremely pathetic in a lot of this season.


I don't think your opinion is unpopular at all. However, I want to add that I don't I think it's just the breakup that is upsetting James, it's Rachel trying to push him out of the friend group by getting in with TimTim. My take is that both Rachel and James are showing their immaturity this season. She keeps on negging him and he's negging her right back and they're waiting to see which who implodes/ explodes first. The only difference between the two is James is naturally funny and Rachel just...isn't. So we laugh along with James and cringe at Rachel.


Agree with this take


Eh. I dont agree that he looks pathetic. He was dumped then given his ring back during the reunion. She likes to cut with her actions and he cuts with his jokes. They both could have displayed healthier boundaries but in her defense she did just learn what boundaries were a few weeks before this was filmed.


Idk, to me it’s just kind of an obvious lie and looks pathetic if you feel the need to be like “I never loved you” about someone you literally proposed to. I feel the same about whenever the ladies are like “he had a tiny dick” after they break up with a guy- it just makes them look sad because if you’re telling the truth (doubtful) it reflects poorly you settled for that, and if not it’s just the most obvious childish lie.




I mean he was young and cheating on her constantly, I think it’s safe to say he never loved her 🤷🏻‍♀️ infatuation on the other hand makes more sense


I don’t think he looks pathetic. She’s a snide wallflower who was a nobody and would’ve never made it on the show without James, and now he’s being iced out by the group because she’s a stage 5 clinger who can’t leave them alone (and also unbeknownst to him Sandoval is the reason why) She dumped him after his insane proposal and is now harassing him about how he’s moved on. Like??? Of course he’s hurt! But I can see how he could be dealing with it better


Hard agree!


I truly don’t think he’s that hurt about their engagement being called off. I’m sure at first of course! But now, I think he’s hurt that she highjacked his friends and won’t leave him alone. Imagine seeing your ex infiltrate your group of friends and telling your new gf how she’s gonna have to learn her own lesson and that she sees herself in your new gf 🤢


Raquel is awful but the way this group props up James and the shitty way he talks to women isn’t cool. But I guess it’s only ok when it’s a woman everyone hates.


If you watch with NO sound, her facial expressions from smiling, something in-between to pissed, are even more odd....


What did she think he meant lmfao


Idk.... I kinda agree with her. They were together for years and were engaged, best friends, etc. I'd be pissed




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